The California Reader
California's Chaparral One twelfth of the state is given over to this unique wilderness of dwarf oaks, prickly shrubs, wildfires, coyotes, mountain lions, quail, and rattlesnakes. Come see why one author described this former Grizzly habitat as "an exaltation" |
The Arrowhead A collection of words, maps, and images about a notable Southern California natural landmark and the nearby hot springs and resort. |
Before the Bridge:
The Golden Gate Vintage postcards showing the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate before the spanning of the waters. |
Burros Alive! Memoirs and humorous postcards on a thoroughly asinine subject |
The Chinese in California Documentary evidence about the racism practiced against "Celestials" and vintage views of the San Francisco and Los Angeles Chinatowns. |
City of Kooks? An encyclopedia about San Francisco's most interesting eccentrics. |
Emperor Norton Thousands followed the funeral cortege of this San Francisco pauper Find out who he was and why people loved him |
Eyewitness to Disaster: Earthquakes Read about what it feels like to have the earth move beneath your feet through accounts written by those who did. The chapter also includes authentic pictures of the 1906 earthquake, a guide to earthquake country sights, and the stories of readers who have been through recent quakes and survived! |
The Gold Rush A look at the madness that brought the world to California in 1848 which is as irreverent as the times and informative. Learn about the coming of the Forty-Niners in the words of James Marshall, William Tecumseh Sherman, Prentice Mulford, Mark Twain, and many others. | Joaquin Miller: California's Poetaster Laureate Miller was the intimate of Oscar Wilde and Lily Langtry. He excited the European imagination with his "Poems of the Sierras" and other works. He was a fraud, an abusive husband, a bad poet, a respectable prosodist, and a ghost who haunted himself. Here is a collection of some of his work and pictures of his home near Oakland, California. |
Lighthouses of California Twenty-eight light stations once lined the California coast. Here are views and videos of some of them, from the remote St. George's Reef to the famous Point Loma Light on the headlands overlooking the entrance to San Diego Bay. |
The Lost Citrus Groves We no longer smell the fragrance of the blossoms or the oil of the smudge pots A collection of texts and images showing how citrus was grown and celebrated by the people of Southern California |
Names of Fame These articles tell about prominent Californians. David Broderick * George Moscone * Robert Waterman |
Three Cliff Houses Experience the changes wrought by Time at San Francisco's most persistant manmade landmark, the survivor of two fires, many earthquakes, and the battering of the sea. Eyewitness accounts, vintage postcards, photos, and videos show the life of this special place near Land's End. |
Ursus Horribilus True and tall tales about California's colossal, now-extinct Grizzly, emblem of the state and tragic evidence of the brutal taming of the West. Also features a large selection of vintage images and advertisements showing California grizzlies and black bears. |