Carroll County Arkansas Grandview Cemetery Listings
Carroll County Arkansas
Cemetery Listings


Grandview Cemetery

Tombstone inscriptions for Gobbler Cemetery transcribed from Cemetery listings of the Carroll County Historical Society by Tom Sisco. Send all Corrections to Keeper of the Keys.

Grandview Gravestone Photos @ Arkansas Gravestone Project

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U-Z

Aery, Edna F.------1902---1953
Aery, Lloyd B.--W.W.1----1894---1971
Aery, Martha E.------1853---1936
Aery, William A.------1852---1931
Armer, George M.-----1887---1940
Ary, Chas. M.------1877---1939
Ash.Irvin------Dec. 12, 1878--Nov. 10, 1895
Ash, John
Ash, Mary A.------Aug. 8, 1838--Nov. 11, 1914
Ash, Susan------Apr. 26, 1866--Dec. 20, 1886

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Bailey, Baby Newton-----1916 ---1916
Baker, Alcetas E.--bro.of Mrs. Geo. Barrett--1872---1941
Bandy, Baby boy------1923---1923
Bandy, Baby boy------1943---1943
Bandy, Claud------1898---1975
Bandy, Ethel(Nell)-----1902---1989
Bandy, Isaac B.--son (same grave as K.M.)
Bandy, Kate B.--(same stone as Wm. Lloyd)----1897----
Bandy, Katherine Mather (same grave as Issac)
Bandy, Lester--son of W. & T. K. --Aug. 16, 1910--Feb. 10, 1912 (same grave as Ralph)
Bandy, Louis Vaughn-----1934---1980
Bandy, Ralph--son of W. & T. K.--May 22, 1920--Nov. 12, 1922 (same grave as Lester)
Bandy, Wm .Lloyd-W.W.1----1892---1952
Barrett, George H.-----Aug. 5, 1864--Aug. 9, 1917
Barrett, Ida Ruth------1894---1973
Barrett, Myrtie M.-----May 1873--June1960
Barrett, Ruth M.--dau. of Tracy & Ida--1917---1924
Barrett, Tracy H.------1892---1955
Barrett, William--son of G. H .& M. M.--1905---1912
Barton, Lelina------May 20, 1905--Oct. 17, 1907
Bates, Jessie H.------Jan. 1861--Feb. 1946
Bates, Georg eD.--son of W. A. & H.--1899---1918
Bates, William A.--husband of J. H.---1848---1919
? Beulaho, Richard-son of Robert ------July 9, 1940
(from list but not on cemetery map)
Biggerstaff, Della Riddle-----May 14, 1903--July 20, 1921
Biggerstaff, Flora M.-----1910---1981
Biggerstaff, Naoma-----July 12, 1870--Apr. 21, 1938
Biggerstaff, Wesley-----Dec. 12, 1903--Apr. 25, 1953
Bradley, George F.-same stone as Pearl--1879---1959
Bradley, Pearl L.------1887
Brooks, Edward--W.W.1----Feb. 16, 1894--June16, 1966
Brooks, Garland "Shorty"-same stone as Virginia--May 10, 1898--May 20, 1966
Brooks, J .R.------1868---1948
Brooks, Mary E.------1868---1949
Brooks, Oscar "Blackie"
Brooks, Virginia Wright-----July 17, 1905
Brown, Jim------1890---1969
Brown, Edna--same stone as Jim---1901----
Burnett, Charles R.-same stone as Miranda--Feb. 17, 1856--Jan. 2, 1945
Burnett, Miranda I.-----May 8, 1856--Apr. 30, 1926
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Champlin, Bradley� B.-----Oct. 29, 1867--Nov. 21.1959
Champlin, Don E.--baby------1957
Champlin, Edwin Lester-----1913---1969
Champlin, John D.-----March 29, 1871--June 29, 1961
Champlin, Effie B.-----Aug. 4, 1877--Feb. 25, 1963
Clark, William E.--Corp .Co F 9 ILL Inf Spanish American War
Cloud, Burwell--Civil War---Oct. 29, 1839--Oct. 28, 1917
Cloud, D. H.------Oct. 11, 1884--Dec. 18, 1948
Cloud, Sarah--(same stone as Bruwell)----Oct. 18, 1841--Apr. 27, 1919
Cloud, Sarah---------1935
Colvin, Gladys------1910---1935
Crane, Howard F.--W.W.2----July 6, 1917--June 1, 1968
Cunningham, P. H. Dick-----1878---1940
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David, Virgil V.------1906---1982
Davis, Aaron-Co H 16 Mo Cav Civi lWar--May 16, 1846--June12, 1926
Dowdy, F. L.------Apr. 26, 1872--Oct. 24, 1919
Drimlon, Cordelia A.-wife of David---May 10, 1850--Feb. 2, 1923
Drinnon, David M.--Co G Inf Ark CiviL War---July 2, 1846--May 8, 1916
Drinmon, Elbert L.-----Feb. 22, 1875--Nov. 7, 1916

Edmondson, Albert J.-(same stone as Ferby)--1850---1911
Edmondson, Aurie-----1882---1919
(from list but not on cemetery map)
Edmondson, Braxton-(same stone as Susan)--1840---1924
Edmondson, C. C.-----Sept. 15, 1868--July 26, 1956
Edmondson, Charlie-(same stone as Dorothy M.)-1928---1977
Edmondson, Charlie-(same stone as Clara)--1880---1966
Edmondson, Charlie W.-----1922---1933
Edmondson, Clara-----1885---1939
Edmondson, Dalmer--(same as Ica Dola)------1904
Edmondson, Della-----Dec. 18, 1911--Sept. 5, 1913
Edmondson, Dorothy M.-----1926---
Edmondson, Durward R.-(same stone as Goldie)--1902---1967
Edmondson, Ferby Jane-----1851---1922
Edmondson, Goldie--------l908---
Edmondson, Ica Dola-infant (same stone as Thos C.)----1919
Edmondson,-- Inf.dau.
Edmondson,-- Inf .son of D. & C.
Edmondson, -- Inf. sons of J. N.
Edmondson, Lewis C.-----Aug. 29, 1932--Aug. 29, 1932
Edmondson, Susan-----1844---1934
Edmondson, Thos. C.-infant----1911---1911
Elick, Demoin F.------Oct. 29, 1898--March 21, 1964
Elick, Rhoda A.------Apr. 30, 1905---
Ellis, Baby Jason Mitchell--------1978
Ellis, Telitha E. Barton-----1875---1953
Estep, Elizabeth M.-(same stone as John)-----1896
Estep, John W.------1892---1983
Ethridge, Baby---------March 15, 1938
Ethridge, Grace E.-----1888---1941
Ethridge, Nathan R.-----1885---1947
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Ferguson, Elvina--wife (stone gone)
Fergueson, Fay--dau. of W. M.---Apr. 19, 1897--Apr. 16, 1915
Fergueson, Eldorah Maulding----1867---1959
Ferguson, Elec J.--(same stone as Minnie)--1857--
Ferguson, Iris Louise-dau. of O. O. & Ada--March 20, 1923--Jan. 18, 1926
Fergueson, J. L.--(same stone as Zerelda)--Dec. 12, 1812--Apr. 6, 1899
Ferguson, Minne J.-----1859---1929
Ferguson, Telitha E.-(same stone as Wm. M.)--1850---1917
Ferguson, Thomas C.-----Nov. 9, 1850--Nov. 22, 1909
Fergueson, Wm. M.-----1867---1936
Ferguson, William M.-(same stone as Eldorah)--1845---1929
Fergueson, Zerelda-----Dec. 29, 1821--Dec. 10, 1907
Fitts, Z. W.--Co B 97 Ill Inf Civil War--June1, 1837--March 24, 1903
Foreman, C. Erwin-W.W.1----Nov. 12, 1900--Jan. 15, 1965
Foster, Perry J.--(same stone as Patricaia)--Feb. 26, 1936--Dec. 23, 1967
Foster, Patricia A.-----July 10, 1937--

Garrett, Etha Jane-----Dec. 21, 1897--Aug. 3, 1976
Garrett, John--(same stone as Etha)--May 15, 1876--June 21, 1956
Gay, Susan--wife of Elies---Feb. 1859--Sept. 1890
Gilbert, Albert--son of Annie---Nov. 18, 1893--Nov. 18, 1893
Gilbert, Carl--Inf son of W. J. & Martha--Apr. 25, 1911--Apr. 25, 1911
Gilbert, George W.-----Jan. 9, 1888--Oct. 28, 1911
Gilbert, Tommie--son of Annie------1900
Gillum, Dora E.--dau. of J. C. & M. E.--Nov. 15, 1881--Aug. 17, 1883
Gillum, James C.------Dec. 15, 1854--Apr. 10, 1888
Godard, Vivian E.-Age72 yrs.------May 14, 1975
Goldsmith, Arthia M.-(same stone as Arthia)--1879---1966
Goldsmith, J. W.------July 21, 1875--Sept. 21, 1921
Goodwin, Gertrude K.-----1894---1972
Goodwin, Ursula E.-wife of G. M.---Aug. 24, 1889--Feb. 2, 1919
Gordon, George P.-(same stone as Mary)--July 29, 1862--Aug. 20, 1938
Gordon, Mary E.------Oct. 17, 1862--Apr. 19, 1913
Griffith, Bessie B.-----1889---1974
Griffith, Earl G.------1900---1978
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Hamilton, Garland-child----Sept.1, 1898--Oct. 17, 1898
Hamilton, Linda--(same stone as Garland)--Nov. 28, 1861--Dec. 28, 1898
Hattenhauer, Anna-(same stone as Minta)--1888---1891
Hattenhauer, Annie Laura-----1881---June 2, 1963
Hattenhauer, Christopher-----1878---1958
Hattenhauer, Gus--40th CB CCM---1898---1983
Hattenhauer, Gustavus F.-Lt. Co B 1st Ark Cav--1837---1901
Hattenhauer, H. J.-(same stone as Gus & Velma)-1947---1973
Hattenhauer, Henry J.-(same stone as Mahala)--1867---1935
Hattenhauer, Jack------1912---1983
Hattenhauer, Mahala A.-----1871---1951
Hattenhauer, Marvin G.-W.W.2----June 28, 1928--Jan. 29, 1952
Hattenhauer, Minta-----1874---1879
Hattenhauer, Monty E. "Slim"----1909---1960
Hattenhauer, Ruben B.-----Apr. 7, 1901--March 7, 1953
Hattenhauer, Sarah C.-----1854---1927
Hattenhauer, Velma R.-(see H. J.)---1908---1980
Hattenhauer, Wilber-----Sept. 17, 1895--March 19, 1918
Hill, Troy Deloss------1903---1968
Hill, William E.--(same stone as Mary)--March 12, 1854--Feb. 22, 1934
Hill, Mary Annie------Apr. 5, 1866--Aug. 9, 1959
Hines, Anna E.------1890---1969
Heaney, Glenn--W.W.1----1892---1980
Heaney, Lyle M.--(same stone as Glenn)--1892
Houston, Joseph A.-son of J. A. & S. E.--Jan. 11, 1904--Sept. 22, 1912
Hubbard, Paul--Age 81/2 months---March 26, 1916--Dec. 13, 1916
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Jackson, A .L.
Jackson, Acileenel I.-----March 22, 1894--Nov. 14, 1961
Jackson, Dr. Alvah-(same stone as Nancy)--July 25, 1806--May 21, 1880
Jackson, Alva W.--son of J. F. & M. E.--Jan. 2, 1880--Sept. 8, 1863
(same stone as Floar V.)
Jackson, Andrew W.-----June 7, 1849--Oct. 8, 1912
Jackson, C. A.------July 22, 1874--Feb. 28, 1913
Jackson, Calvin E.-----Sept. 13, 1854--May 7, 1905
Jackson, Elizabeth-wife of A. W.---Dec. 18, 1848--Sept. 11, 1911
Jackson, Flora V.--dau. of J. F. & M. E.--Feb. 16, 1862--Sept. 12, 1863
Jackson, George O.-----Jan. 18, 1877--Apr. 12, 1914
Jackson, --Inf. son of A. W. & E.-----June 23, 1873
Jackson, Dr. J. F.--(same stone as M.E.)--Jan. 21, 1834--Oct. 21, 1893
Jackson, L. A.------Oct. 25, 1842--Nov. 2, 1863
Jackson, John L. C.-son of J. M. & M. J.--Feb. 23, 1873--Feb. 14, 1880
Jackson, James M.-Age 52 yrs. 10 months 15days-(b.1849)--July 29, 1902
Jackson, M.
Jackson, M. C.------July 26, 1878--Apr. 14, 1958
Jackson, M. E.--wife of J. F.---July 28, 1831--July 12, 1901
Jackson, Mary--wife of W. F.---1826---1880
Jackson, Mary J.--wife of J. M.---Oct. 3, 1841--Dec. 22, 1884
Jackson, Nancy--wife of A. J.---Oct. 2, 1807--Sept. 10, 1875
Jackson, Thomas A.-----Sept .6, 1886--June 23, 1906
Jackson, W. F.------May 22, 1828--Apr. 8, 1892
Janes, Freddie--son of W. R. & E.---Nov. 1, 1900--Oct. 28, 1901
Jobes, George O.--Co D 69 Ind Inf---1832---1915
Johnson, James Arvil-W.W.2----Nov. 18, 1919--July 15, 1955
Johnson, Lizzia--(same stone as William L.)--Aug. 2, 1878--Dec. 29, 1968
Johnson, Wm. Clyde-----1902---1978
Johnson, William L.-----Aug. 2, 1879--Aug. 18, 1949

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Keeland, Mary E.--wife of J. H.---Oct. 15, 1848--Nov. 25, 1910
Kendall,Richard--Baby-------July 9, 1940

Lee, Donald J.------1925---1941
Lee, Geo. B.--(same stone as Mary)--Sept. 20, 1864--
Lee, Mary A------May 9, 1866--Apr. 19, 1930
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McCall, Clara--(same stone as Lin)--March 28, 1891--1980
McCall, Lin------Feb. 9, 1886--Jan. 24, 1958
McDonald, Frank H.-(same stone as Mary)--1890---1970
McDonald, Mary Mae-----1897---1972
McElyea, D. G. (Mutt)-(same stone as Gladys C.)--1910---1980
McElyea, Dora E.-(same stone as John D.)--1874---1958
McElyea, Evel------1902---1951
McElyea, Gladys C.-----1914---
McElyea, John D.------1870---1960
Marshall, Ada Bandy-----1895---1924
Marshall, Emma------1899---1937
Martin, Billy------Oct.17, 1939--Oct.17, 1939
Matlock, Mrs. Pully P.-----Sept. 25, 1800--Dec. 5, 1884
Maulding, Adeline-----Sept. 30, 1852--Feb. 21, 1913
Maulding, Ambrose-----Aug. 24, 1829--Feb. 18, 1914
Maulding, Susan Lee-----March 20, 1870--March 4, 1963
Maulding, Wesley-----Feb. 15, 1855--May 4, 1900
Miller, Grace Lee------March 5, 1903--July 21, 1941
Miller, Iva V.--(same stone as John)--1882---1978
Miller, John T.------July 1877--Aug. 7, 1975
Miller, Paul S.------1847---1920
Miller, Ruby Way-2 months------1920
Mitchell, Edwin R.-----1873---1954
Montgomery, John Wm.-(same stone as Nellie)--1884---1960
Montgomery, Nellie Daly-----1892---1980
Motherwell, Genevieve Northup----1879---1977
Motherwell, Thomas Norman----May 26, 1908--Aug. 1992
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Owens, Allie--(same stone as Owen)--March 31, 1866--May 3l, 1938
Owens, Owen R.------Feb. 9, 1865--Oct. 7, 1926
Owens, Roy--Inf .son of O. R. & A. W.--Sept. 29, 1902--Jan. 29, 1904
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Park, Susie H.------Feb. 27, 1893--Jan. 16, 1915
Pearson, M. M.------Dec. 18, 1860--Sept. 18, 1894
Perry, George A.--son of E. J. & E. A.--1868---1872
Peters, Baby girl------1932---1932
Peters, James Oliver-(same stone as Mary)--1892---1955
Peters, Mary Elizabeth-----1888---
Peters, William R.-son of J. O. & Mary--May 8, 1919--Sept. 18, 1920
Porter, ---Inf. son of Troy & Blanche-----Aug. 28, 1932
Puckett, Joseph E.-(same stone as Francis)--1926---1982
Puckett, Francis J.-----1927---1982
Purviance, Eva------1857---1937
Purviance, Harry D.-----1888---1946
Purviance, Sidney-----1862---1932
Pyatt, Baby
Pyatt, Bobbie Hansen-----1917---1977
Pyatt, Billie------1922---1939
Pyatt, Infant---------1937
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Quinn, Dr. A. E.--Age 72 yrs. No stone just a rock----March 21, 1910
Quinn, Ursula T.--no stone or date------1928
Quinn, 2 babies--(Howard is name of one)
Quinn, Carl--baby son of G. & J.--Jan. 29, 1916--Feb. 16, 1916
Quinn, Fredd--------------.Aug. 1938
Quinn, Gertie W.------July 17, 1891--July 3, 1975
Quinn, John C.------Sept. 15, 1888--May 25, 1963

Ray, Carrie B.------Jan. 9, 1889--Oct. 29, 1911
Ray, Chas. M.--(same stone as Mary)--Jan. 14, 1860--March 25, 1936
Ray, Mary------Sept. 25, 1860--March 13, 1927
Ray, D. L .R. Bob
Ray, Jack L.--W.W.2----1925---1981
Ray, John E.--(same stone as Ida)--Sept. 18, 1886--Jan. 25, 1962
Ray, Ida M.------Nov. 29, 1899----
Ray, Lonnie------Jan. 1, 1873--March 11, 1905
Ray, Minnie------July 13, 1879--Jan. 10, 1908
Ray, Susan J.------Dec. 12, 1839--Apr. 29, 1914
Richardson, Sara A.-----1847---1939
Roberson, Mrs N. J.-dau. of A. & N. J.---Apr. 28, 1845--Nov. 27, 1868
Robinson, W. L.------Feb. 14, 1868--June14, 1891
Ross, Baby
Russell, Frances E.-----1858---1947
Russell, John Riley-(same stone as Janie)--1878---1960
Russell, Janie------1889---1970
Russell, Marion J.-----1885---1943
Russell, Roy A.--(same stone as Ruth)--Apr. 25, 1900--Apr. 29, 1969
Russell, Ruth L.---------Feb. 1, 1904---
Russell, W. A.------March 6, 1854--Jan. 6, 1926
Rullman, Louis W.-----Apr. 7, 1856--March 14, 1923

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Savage, Adeline--(no stone known)---1856---1943
(Right back almost to the fence, to left of double oak tree)
Savage, Polly------1819---1903
Schuldt, Eloise O.-(same stone as William)--1912---1958
Schuldt,William M.-----1912---1968
Smith, Bertha Cooper-----1886---1971
Smith, Emma--(same stone as Willie)--1875---1943
Smith, Grace McElyea-(same stone as John)--1896
Smith, John Bennett-----1895---1980
Smith, Nancy Jane-----1898---1984
Smith, Willie------1868---1952
Snellson, G. W.--grandson of G. W. Wright--March 10, 1893--Dec. 1, 1905
South, David--Co F Reg Ind Vol---Apr. 25, 1837--March 13, 1919
Sparks, Lee A.------1906---1979
Sparks, Matilda------March 8, 1858--March 18, 1928
Standlee, Bessie A.-(same stone as Johnny S.)--1892---1978
Standlee, John L.--(same stone as Rebecca)--Feb. 26, 1860--March 20, 1924
Standlee, Johnny� S.-----1892---1920
Standlee, Letha F.-(same stone a Thomas)--1898---1974
Standlee, Rebecca-----Nov. 19, 1859--March 11, 1955
Standlee, Thomas M.-----1898---1974
Stout, Joseph Burton-----June 22, 1875--July 10, 1949
Summers, Fay E.------July 29, 1902--Aug. 14, 1931
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Taggart, Fannie------1847---1928
Taggart, Samuel O.-Co KT Reg Il lVol--March 24, 1845--Aug. 14, 1909
Thompson, B.F.--(same stone as Nancy)--1873---1935
Thompson, Cecil D.-----Dec. 3, 1897--Apr. 19, 1949
Thompson, Frank N.-----1889---1965
Thompson, Nancy E.-----1875---1957
Thrall, Grace A.------1887---1952
Thurman, Ardath May-----1903---1917
Tomlison, Jacob W.-----1908---1982
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Vaughn, Phillip Jason-----May 7, 1971--March 27, 1973

Walker, Albert W.-son of B. M. & M. E. Age 5 months----1913
Walke, Rev. Dan H.-(same stone a Julia)--Oct. 6, 1849--Oct. 28, 1936
Walker, Julia C.------March 16, 1852--March 20, 1886)
Walker, Mildred E.-wife of F. H-.--Oct. 11, 1882--Nov. 23, 1914
Ward, Mary--Age 89 yrs------Dec. 9, 1969
Warren, --Graves, but no individual names.
Warren, --Baby boy of R. B.
Warren, Bissel E.--(same stone as Ida)--1907---1969
Warren, Buford Wane-----Nov. 29, 1941--June 10, 1942
Warren, Claud E.------1887---1952
Warren, Clifford E.-W.W.2----Sept. 8, 1918--March 4, 1972
Warren, Eliza------Apr. 3, 1852--Apr. 5, 1943
Warren, Elizabeth-wife of J. W.---June 28, 1828--Dec. 28, 1898
Warren, Elizabeth-(same stone as Jasper)--1873---1934
Warren Ida E.---------1905
Warren, J. W.------March 4, 1823--Apr. 28, 1903
Warren, James T.------Oct. 14, 1845--Apr. 26, 1920
Warren, Jasper------1870---1934
Warren, Jewel------Dec .21, 1941--March 20, 1942
Warren, Johnny--W.W.2----May 16, 1926--Feb. 11, 1948
Warren, Martha Ann-(same stone as Willie)--1893
Warren, Q. C.------March 6, 1897--Oct. 22, 1905
Warren, R. T.------Jan. 22, 1848--Oct. 8, 1918
Warren, Ray Dean-----June 18.1933--June 19, 1951
Warren, Robert--son of R. T. & D. P.--1888---1889
Warren, Willie Edd-----1891---1986
White, Robert W.--W.W.2----Jan. 1, 1917--Nov. 23, 1973
White, Helen S.--(same stone as Robert)--1917
Whiteley,� John------Jan. 7, 1923--Dec. 29, 1923
Whiteley, Monroe-----March 19, 1877--March 28, 1942
Whiteley, Nora------June 27, 1879--Jan. 26, 1969
Whiteley, Shalbey (Haley?)----1848---1905
Whitney, C. D.--(same stone as Nina)
Whitney, Nina Frances-----1947---
Willoughby, Louisa M.-----1860---1933
Wood, Artie------1886---1949
Wood, Benton------1876---1905
Wood, Billy------May 1, 1921--Sept. 17, 1939
Wood, Harvey------1883---1963
Wood, Louis C.--W.W.2----Apr. 11, 1908--Aug. 13, 1951
Wood, Sam T.------June 6, 1865--Aug. 4.1925
Wood, Alberta------Aug. 6, 1877--May 15, 1957
Wright, Alfred G.--son of J. R. & M. E.--Aug. 25, 1878--Sept. 18, 1888
Wright, Blodwen Owens-(same stone as Clarence)--Feb. 27, 1897--June 20, 1987
Wright, Brentley--(same stone as Elizabeth)--June 30, 1851--June 17, 1901
Wright, C. M.------Apr. 5, 1885--Nov. 10, 1907
Wright, Clarence A.-----Aug. 11, 1898
Wright, Cynthia Henson-(same stone as Ruth)--Sept. 8, 1882--Oct. 3, 1973
Wright, Elizabeth------Nov. 14, 1849--May 18, 1925
Wright, Dr. Ellis------May 27, 1872--Oct. 13, 1903
Wright, Eula M.

Wright, Doue(?)------Jan. 3, 1875--Oct. 13, 1903
Wright, Floyd L.--(same stone as Mary L.)--1897---1982
Wright, Fred D.------1898---1953
Wright, Gary Miller-son of Homer & Amanda--1932---1945
Wright, George W.-----Aug. 22, 1837--Sept. 12, 1907
Wright, Homer Douglas-----Dec. 7, 1903--Dec. 8, 1962
Wright, ---Inf. son of C. A. & B. J.-----July 17, 1917
Wright, James C.------1830---1858
Wright, James G.------Feb. 2, 1830--Jan. 20, 1858
Wright, James T.--(same stone as Matilda)--Feb. 18, 1872--Feb. 26, 1959
Wright, John Dixon-----Oct. 22, 1870--Nov. 6, 1839
Wright, Kemneth--son of L. B. Age 2 months--Apr. 23, 1908--July 14, 1908
Wright, Lena------Oct. 7, 1901--Nov. 27, 1916
Wright, Louise Ann-Dau. of Floyd & Mary-----Aug. 24, 1931
Wright, Louis F.--son of J. B. & M. E.--1876---1877
Wright, Lovie E.------1879---1949
Wright, Mamie L.-----May 10, 1899--March 1920
Wright, Mary L.------1904---1979
Wright, Matilda R.-----March 3, 1872--Aug. 19, 1947
Wright, Nancy D.------Nov. 23, 1825--Dec. 23, 1872
Wright, Ruth Elizabeth-(sister to Cynthia)---Apr. 24, 1884--Apr. 7, 1990
Wright, Wm. R.--son of J. B. & M. E.--1873---1874

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