A little on the Major Families in Our Family Tree

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Some Major Families in Our Family Tree

bullet Gott MA>ME
This line weaves in and out of the Thurston line. Both moved from the Rowley/Gloucester area in the late 1700's to early 1800's and moved to the remote and isolated area of Mt Desert and Gott's Island (yes the name is related to this family *g*). This area is now mostly Arcadia National Park, the first national park EAST of the Mississippi in the country. A member of the Family by the name of Daniel Gott Jr bought land here around 1786 and the family stayed there until the early 1900's when economic conditions caused many families in this area to move to shore and pursue other careers from thier tradional one of Fishing. Daniel and his brother in law Stephen both fought in the American Revolutionary War. As this was an isolated place the familes of Thurston, Gott, and Norwood OFTEN intermarried making this line much like a ball of yarn after the kitten has played with it *g* although the intermarriage started back in Rowley. Gott's Island is named for Daniel Gott who bought the land. This line goes back to Charles Gott Jr who came over from probably england at some point before 1677 when his son Samuel was born in Wrentham Mass.

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