7. Rowland STEBBINS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born 6 in Oct 1592 in Bocking Parish, Essex, England. He died on 14 Dec 1671 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Rowland joined religion in Puritan.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Father of the Stebbins' in USA
1 _FA2
2 DATE APR 1634
2 PLAC Departed Ipswich, England 1634 "Good Bark Francis" landed at Boston, MA
1 _FA3
2 DATE 1635
2 PLAC Settled at Agawam, MA (Springfield, MA)
1 _FA4
2 DATE 1664
2 PLAC Established as a Freeman
1 _FA5
2 PLAC 1664-69 moved to Northampton, MA
The STEBBINS COAT OF ARMS - The various Coasts of Arms granted to thisfamily7 are described as follows:STEBBING: (of London, Middlesex County and Wisset, Suffolk CountyEngland (ref Burke's General Armory page 967 and states... "Quartery, orand gules, on a bend sable, five bezants. Crest, a lion's head erased,argent." This coat of arms and crest was also used by the STEBBINGS ofWoodrising, Norfolk County, England and their motto being "Quiescam."
STEBBINS: "Ardent, a Griffin segreant azure, langued and memberedgules, between three cross crosslets. It is further alluded toi asfollows: "A Coat of Arms in the Northampton, MA family of STEBBINS isexpressed in these words: "He beareth Argent a Griffin rampant with wingsdisplayed between three cross crosslets azure, by the name of STEBBINGS."(This taken from a Memoir of the Stebbins Family, published 1851 page13). This is given as it was taken by Zebina Stebbins (689) from a bookof Heraldry in Boston, MA between the years 1780 and 1790. Reitstap(Armorial General, Volume 2, page 828), who probably got this informationfrom the "Memoir of the Stebbins Family," expresses it in French asfollows: "STEBBINS ou STEBBING Angl. Etats-Unis. D'arg. a un griffond'azur, acc. de trois croisettes de gu."
STUBBING: (of West Broughton, Derby County, England. MARGARET,eldest sister and co-heir of THOMAS STUBBING of West Derby, 1611; marriedGeorge Buxton, Esq. of Bradborn, England.) Quarterly, azure and argent,five bezants in bend. Crest: A lamb segant proper. Collared gules,reposing the dexter foot on a trefoil slipped vert. (Berry's Dictionaryof Heraldry Volume 2 and Burke's General Armory page 983).
SAINT MARY'S CHURCH, Bocking, Essex County, England (see pictures) waswhere Rowland Stebbins was baptised and then in November 30, 1618 hemarried Sarah Whiting. In about 1634 they imagrated to the colonieslanding in Boston, MA. The first Dean (or Rector) of this church wasPeter de Wakering (1232-1249 AD). The Dean at the time of Rowland'sbaptism was John Mullins (1577-1609). The Dean than probably marriedRowland Stebbins and Sarah Whiting was Dean John Barkham (1616-1643).From the very first Dean in AD 1232 thru AD 1997 there were a total of 63Deans (or Rectors). All told St Mary's Church has been serving theircommunity for about 765 years (1997). The grave yard on the premises hasmany head stones that have long sense lost their inscriptions. (SEE PHOTOALBUM)
STEBBINS EMIGRANTS (Greenlee, Volume I, page 50, published in 1904)...
"Although no one has found any direct evidence as to the birthplace ofROWLAND STEBBINS, the ancester of probably the majority of the UnitedStates Stebbbins descendents, there is a strong probability that he wasborn in or near the parish of Stebbins, Essex County, England. While inEngland he is said to have a friend of William Pynchon, who was born atSpringfield, Essex County, England (which is about 10 miles fromStebbing), in 1590, being only four years older than Rowland. WilliamPynchon came to New England in 1629, and was the principal founder ofRoxbury, MA, where Rowland settle upon his arrival in New England in 1634or 1635. In 1636 William Pynchon purchased Agawam (afterwards namedSpringfield) from the Indians. From 1636 to 1646 the settlers of Agawamwere mostly young unmarried men, yet we find Rowland Stebbins there in1639 with his family. In his will, "my much honored friend Capt. JohnPynchon," who was a son of William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield,MA."SARAH (WHITING) STEBBINS is referred to in the New England Historical andGenealogical Register, Volume 9, page 171 as having been "buried 4 (8)1649" Springfield, MA records at Boston, MA. Sarah Stebbins is recordedto have died at Springfield, MA.
The first authentic records we have of Rowland Stebbins and his familyare in "The Original Lists of Persons of Quality," the title page isshown in Greenlee, Volume I, page 52. This book is commonly known asHotten's List of Emigrants (page 281) and the rocords are as follows :
"IPSWICH. A Note of all the names and ages of all those which did nottake the oath of allegience or supremacy, being under age, shipped in ourport in the Francis, of Ipswich. Mr. JOHN CUTTING bound for New England,the last day of April, 1634" are as follows:WILL WESTWOOD
John Lea, aged 13 years
Grace Newell, aged 13ROBERT ROSE
John Rose, aged 15 years
Robert Rose, aged 15 years
Eliz. Rose, aged 13 years
Mary Rose, aged 11 years
Samuell Rose, aged 9 years
Sarah Rose, aged 7 years
Danyell Rose, aged 3 years
Darcas Rose, aged 2 yearsWILL FREEBOURN
Mary Freebourne, aged 7 years
Sarah Freebourne, aged 2 years
John Aldburgh, aged 14 yearsJNO. BERNARD
Fayth Newell, aged 14 years
Henry Howard, aged 7 yearsABRAHA. NEWELL
Abraham Newell, aged 8 years
John Newell, aged 5 years
Isaac Newell, aged 2 yearsEDWARD BUGBY
Sara Bugbie, aged 4 yearsJOHN PEASE
Faith Clarke, aged 15 years
Robert Pease, aged 3 years
Darcas Greene, aged 15 yearsROWLAND STEBING
Thomas Stebing aged 14 years.
Sarah Stebing aged 11,
Eliz. Stebing aged 6,
John Stebing aged 8 and
Mary Winche aged 15.MARY BLOSSE
Richard Blosse, aged 11 yearsTHOMAS SHERWOOD
Anna Sherwood, aged 14 years
Rose Sherwood, aged 11 years
Thomas Sherwood, aged 10 years
Rebecca Sherwood, aged 9 yearsROBERT COOE
John Cooe, aged 8 years
Robert Cooe, aged 7 years
Benjamin Cooe, aged 5 yearsRICH. PEPPER
Mary Pepy, aged 3 and half
Stephen Beckett, aged 11 yearsELIZ. HAMOND
Eliz. Hamond, aged 15 years
Sarah Hamond, aged 10 years
John Hamond, aged 7 yearsIpswitch Custom House, this XIIth day of November, 1634
Edward Mann, Compt. (Persons of Quality - 1600-1700 Edited by John CamdenHotten 1968, page 280).Nicholas Fennings, aged 22 years;
William Westwood aged 28 and his wife Bridgett aged 32;
Cleare Drap aged 30;
Robert Rose aged 40 and his wife Magery aged 40;
John Bernard aged 36 and his wife Mary aged 38;
William Frebourne aged 40 and his wife Mary aged 33;
Anthony White aged 27;
Edward Bugbye aged 40 and his wife Rebecca aged 32;
Abraham Newell aged 50 and his wife Frances aged 40;
Fust Houlding aged 23;
John Pease aged 27;
Robert Winge aged 60 andhis wife Judith aged 43;
John Greene aged 27;
Robert Pease aged 27;
Hugh Mason aged 28 and his wife Hester aged 22;
Rowland Stebing aged 40 and his wife Sarah aged 43;
Thomas Sherwood aged 48 and his wife Alice aged 47;
Thomas King aged 19;
John Mapes aged 21;
Mary Blosse aged 40;
Robert Cooe aged 38 and his wife Anna aged 43;
Mary Onge aged 27;
Thomas Boyden aged 21;
Richard Wattlin aged 28;
John Lyvermore aged 28;
Richard Pepy aged 27 and his wife Mary aged 30;
Richard Houlding aged 25;
Judith Garnett aged 26;
Eliz. Hamond aged 47;
Thurstan Clearke aged 44.(NOTE: the spelling of the above names is as they were listed in theoriginal documents which we copied exactly as we read them to be.)
These persons above took the oath of allegence and supremacy, at hisMaties Custom House in Ipswich, before His Majesties Officers, accordingto the Order of the Lords and others of his Majesties Most HonorablePruvy Councell, the 12th of November, 1634 (signed) Tho. Aerisir andwitnessed Edw. Mann, Compt. (Persons of Quality - 1600-1700 Edited byJohn Camden Hotten 1968, pages 281).
"ROWLAND STEBBINS died in Northampton, MA December 14, 1671, but no stonewas erected to designate the exact spot of interment. Dr. DanielStebbins, about the year 1806, had the early burial ground atNorthampton, MA examined to discover the precise spot where the remainsof Rowland Stebbins were buried, but, failing in this attempt, in 1840 hecaused a granite cenotaph to be erected to his memory, in the center ofhis family square in the new burying ground, on the east side of which isthe following inscription. ROWLAND STEBBINS - The supposed ancestor ofall of the name in America, came from the west of England to Springfieldwith his sons John and Thomas, about 1668 removed to Northampton andthere died 1671. DANIEL STEBBINS of the 6 generation from Thomas, wasborn Apr 2, 1766." (Greenlee Volume I, page 56)...
LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of Rowland Stebbins,
dated the first day of the first month, 1669
"Know all men by these presents, that I Rowland Stebbins of Northamptonin Hampshire, in the Colony of Massachusetts: having my perfect memory,through the goodness of GOD, though very weak and sick in body, waytingfor my great Change, w'ch I desire the Lord in mercy to fit me for -- doemake and ordayne this to be my last will and testament -- viz In fe Icommitt my soule to God, that made it, and to the Lord Jesus Christ thatredeemed it, by his most precious blood: and doe hope it shall be unitedto him forever, and my body to be in comly and decent manner buryed,hoping at the Great Day of the Resurection, the Lord Jesus will changethe vile body, and fashion it like to his Glorious body and so shall beforever with the Lord.Also I do make my beloved Son John Stebbins to be my full and SoleExecutor which I hope will be faithful in all things committed to histrust -- Also will and desire is that all my Just debts and funeralexpenses be satisfyed & paid, and as concerning my outward and worldlyEstate, that the Lord in his mercy hath given unto me I dispose of inthis manner:
Viz. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Thomas Stebbins he severalchildred twenty Shillings apiece, to be paid within three years after mydecease those that be of age, the Sons to be twenty-one years -- anddaughters Eighteen years. I give and bequeath to my son John's Childrenthat is to say to John Stebbins his first born an Iron pott, my bed andbed clothes and all that belongs to it. My best Jackett & wascotte, myold coate and worst paire of gray stockings. I give and bequeath toBenoni Stebbins my best Breeches and new cotton wescotte & twentyshillings -- I give and bequeath to my son John's son Samuel my oldKersey Sute and twenty shillings. I give and bequeath to my son John'sother six Children to be paid unto them when they come to age twentyShillings apeece. I give and bequeath to my son in Law Merricks threedaughters, twenty Shillings apiece, to Sarah, Mary and Hannah to be paidwithin three years after my decease. I give and bequeath to my belovedDaughter Elizabeth Clarke three pounds to be paid within three years andto her three Children twenty Shillings apeece to be paid within threeyears after my decease, and to Mary the Bell Metal Skillet. I give andbequath to Mary Maunde ten shillings to be paid within a yeere after mydesease. I give and bequeath to my son John Stebbins my Great Brass pottand be best coate, and to my son Johns Wife my best stockings, and as forthe rest of my Estate that remaynes my will is, that it should be equallydivided between my two beloved sons Thomas Stebbins and John Stebbins.
Also my desire is that my much honored friend Cap't John Pynchon and mybeloved brother Robert Bartlett, would be in the overseers of this mylast will and testament. That this is my last will and Testament Ideclare by setting my hand and Seale the first day of the first monthAnno Domini 1669-70. My will is that my son John Stebbins doe keepe thismy last will and testament.
signum ROWLAND STEBBINSSigned and Sealed in ye presence of William James, Thomas Hanchett, sen'r.
THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST Whole Number 124, Volume 31, No. 4; starting atpage 193, dated October 1955 by John Insley Coddington, F.A.S.C., ofWashington DC published the following and we quote its entirety:THE STEBBINS FAMILY OF COUNTY ESSEX, ENGLAND,
"Reference is made to five accounts of the four above-named membersof the Stebbing family of Essex, England, who settled in New England inthe 1630's. These accounts are, first, the large and excellent work byRalph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee, THE STEBBINSGENEALOGY, 2 Vols., Chicago, 1904; secondly, the account of RowlandStebbing (or Stebbins) in Frank Farnsworth Starr, VARIOUS ANCESTRAL LINESOF JAMES GOODWIN AND LUCY (MORGAN) GOODWIN OF HARTFORD, CT, 2 Vols,Hartford, 1915, Vol 2, pp 21-28; thirdly, the (very brief) account ofEditha (Stebbing) (Day) (Maynard) Holyoke in Charles Edwin Booth, ONEBRANCH OF THE BOOTH FAMILY, New York, 1910, p 181; fourthly, the muchbetter and more complete biography of the said Editha and of herhusbands, Robert Day (1), John Maynard (1) and Elizure Holyoke (2) inDonald Lines Jacobus and Edgard Francis Waterman, HALE, HOUSE AND RELATEDFAMILIES, Hartford, 1952, pp 509-511 and 644-645; fifthly, my articles,"The Family of Frances (Tough) (Chester) (Smith) Stebbing, Wife of EdwardStebbing, of Hartford, Connecticut," in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGIST, ante,Vol 30, pp 193-204.
Most of THE STEBBINS GENEALOGY is concerned with the descendents ofRowland Stebbing or Stebbins, who came to America with his wife Sarah onthe ship FRANCIS of Ipswich, county Suffolk, which sailed from Ipswich"the last of April" 1634. Rowland Stebbing settle briefly at Roxbury,MA., then at Springfield, MA., and later removed to Northampton, MA wherehe died 14 Dec 1671, leaving four children, from whom the majority ofthose who bear the name of Stebbins in America are descended. But THESTEBBINS GENEALOGY also contains (Vol2, pp 1117-1119) a section of MartinStebbins, who settled at Roxbury, MA by 1639, later moved to Boston, anddied there about October 1659; and a section (vol 2 pp 1005-1014) onEdward Stebbing, who came to New England before 29 March 1632, settled at"New Town" (later Cambridge), moved in 1636 to Hartford, served as deaconof the church there, and died there, in 1668. THE STEBBINS GENEALOGYalso includes (vol 1, pp 13-50) a section entitled "Stebbins in England,"in which there are many interesting and valuable items, such as anoutline of the history of the parish of Stebbing in Hinkford Hundred,county Essex, from which the family undoubtedly derived its surname;pedigrees of the gentry families that successively held the manor ofStebbing; Stebbing, Stubbing and Stybbing, extracts from the ParishRegisters of several parishes in Essex, Suffolk and London; full copiesof the wills of four Stebbing residents of Essex and abstracts of thewills of thirteen Stebbing residents of Suffolk, and the like. But thecompilers of this fine genealogy were not so fortunate as to discover theparishes in which Rowland, Martin, Edward and Editha Stebbing werebaptised.
The renown American genealogist, Frank Farnsworth Starr, whileworking for the late James J Goodwin of Hartford, found the records ofthe baptisms of Rowland and Martin Stebbing in the gragmentary ParishRegisters of St. Mary's Church, Bocking, Essex County. The BockingRegisters also contained references to the Fitch and Goodwin families whesettled in Connecticut, showing that a number of residents of Bockingjoined the Puritan emigration to New England in the 1630's. Mr. Starrsubsequently edited the Parish Registers of Bocking and they were printedin a very small edition at Mr. Goodwin's expense. After pointing outthat the existing Registers are sadly lacking in cointinuity (theBaptisms began in July 1561, with gaps from March 1571 to May 1583, fromApril 1588 to October 1592, from October 1599 to October 1602, and from1639 to 1655; the Burials began in November 1558, with gaps from August1580 to September 1583 and from 1627 to 1655), he lists the followingseven Stebbing records :
1561 Gulielmus Stebinge sepultus est 28 May
1592 Rowlandus Stebing filius Thomae baptizatus 5 November
1594 Marinus Stebing filius Thomae baptizamus 28 April
1603 Johannes Leavens et Elizabetha Stebbin nupti 16 June
1618 Rowlandus Stebbing & Sara Whiting nupti 30 November
1624 Gulielmus Stebbing filius Martini Stebbing
sepultus est 3 September
1625 Elizabetha Stebbing filia Rowlandi Stebbing
sepultus est 15 June
The parish of Bocking is bounded on the south by that of Braintree.In this parish, Mr. Thomas Hooker, the future founder of Hartford,Connecticut, often preached during his ministry in Essex, and among theinhabitants of Braintree were Mr. William Wadsworth, Mr. John Talcott,and the families, who came to New England on the LION in the summer of1632, and accompanied Mr. Thomas Hooker to Hartford in 1636. The parishRegisters of St. Michael's Church at Braintree prior to 1660 haveunfortunately been lost, but, as will be seen below, there were alsomembers of the Stebbing family in Braintree in the 1620's.
Mr. Frank farnsworth Starr also compiled for Mr. James J Goodwin theENGLISH GOODWIN FAMILY PAPERS, 3 vols., Harford, 1921, which consist of amass of English records collected by Mr. Starr in the course of hissearch for the ancestry of William and Osias Goodwin, of Bocking, whoalso came to New England in 1632, and settled at Hartford in 1636. Herewe find the following references:
Vol 2, p 1148 : Braintree Vestry Book Abstracts, 6 Sept 1619 :Notice given to William Stebbing of a wench intertained at John Beckwithsdwelling on Cursing greene that is supposed to have a greate belly whichthe Constables have warning to look after.
Vol 2, p 1166 : Braintree Vestry Book, 18 Apr 1625 : The sidesmenof the parish include Edward Stebbing and William Wadsworth.
Vol 2, p 1169 : Braintree Manor Rolls, Easter Monday 1628 : Homageincludes Ed(wa)r(d)us Stebbing.
Immediately to the south of Braintree is the parish of Black Notley,and adjoining the latter to the southeast is the parish of White Notely.The late C. A. Hoppin once confided to Dr. Arthur Adams that he was surethat Edward Stebbing, the Hartford settler, was born in one of the twoNotleys. Accordingly, I commissioned Miss Helen Thacker of London toexamine the parish Registers of both Notleys and abstract all Stebbingrecords. Miss Thacker found that the Registers of White Notley, whichbegan in 1541, contained no Stebbing entries whatever. But those of SS.Peter and Paul's Church, Black Notley, which commence in 1570 and wereexamined through 1640, contained the following records :BAPTISMS
1593 - Ellin Stebbing the Daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptised theXI day of Nobember 1593.
1594 - Edward Stebbing the sonne of Willm Stebbing was baptised theXXIIII day of February 1594 (1594/5).
1596 - Amy Stebbing the daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptised the 11day of December 1596.
1598 - Elizabeth Stebbing the daughter of Willm Stebbing was baptisedthe VII day of May 1598.
1599 - Thomas Stebbing the sonne of Willm Stebbing was baptised theVII day of Marche 1599 (1599/1600).
1603 - Margret Stebinge the daughter of Willm Stebinge was baptisedthe XVIII day of Marche 1603 (1603/1604).
1583 - John Lawson and Elizabeth Stebbing were maried the X day ofSeptember 1583.
1584 - Henry Stebbing and Susan Bacon were maried the XIX day ofOctober 1584.
1587 - Henrie Stebbing and Margett Coppin were married the XXIIII dayof March 1587 (1587/1588).
1585 - Susan the wife of Henrie Stebbing was buried the XV day ofSeptember 1585.
1590 - Dennis the daughter of Thomas Stebbing was buried the XIX dayof November 1590.
1600 - Thomas Stebing was buried the first of September 1600.
1603 - Thomas Stebbyng was buried ye XXI of January 1603 (1603/1604).
1606 - Ellen Stebbinge widdow of Thomas Stebbinge was buried the 26thday of January 1606 (1606/1607).Miss Thacker reported the following lacunnae in the Black NotleyRegisters: in the Marriages, the bottom portion of a page cut out afterAugust 1606; marriages began again in November 1606 at top of next page.Owing to this cut there is also a gap ( on the other side of the page)between August 1608 and March 1608/9. Another cut occurs at top of pageafter Spetember 1632, and entries begin again in May 1633. This cutcauses a gap on the other side of the page from February 1635/6 to April1636. In the Burials, a page covering parts of 1602-3 was defaced andunreadable; there was a part of 1604 that was unreadable and also a partof 1625.
Miss Thacker was further commissioned to search the Feet of Fines inthe Public Record Office in London, to try to find a record of disposalof property in Essex by Rowland, Martin or Edward Stebbing at the time oftheir emigration to New England. Nothing was found. Moreover, no willwas found belonging to Thomas Stebbing of Bocking (the father of Rowlandand Martin) or to William Stebbing of Black Notley and Braintree (thepresumed father of Edward), and there was no record of the Stebbingfamily in the Lay Subsidies of Hinkford Hundred, Essex, in the reigns ofElizabeth I, James I or Charles I.
Bearing in mind the limitations of our genealogical data, we mayventure to set forth tese brief summaries concerning Rowland, Martin,Edward and Editha Stebbing:
1. ROWLAND STEBBING, baptised at Bocking, co. Essex, 5 Nov 1592, sonof Thomas Stebbing of Bocking and older brother Martin Stebbing. Hemarried at Bocking, 30 Nov. 1618, Sarah Whiting, whose baptism does notappear in the existing Register of Bocking. Their five known childrenwere presumably born and baptised at Bocking, but none of the baptismsand only one burial of a child of a Rowland Stebbins appear in thefragmentary Registers of that parish.
Rowland Stebbing and his family sailed from Ipswich, co. Suffolk, onthe Francis, "last of April" 1634. The shipping list gives Rowland's areas 40, wife Sarah, 43, and children Thomas, 14, Sarah, 11, John, 8, andElizabeth, 6. On arrival in New England, they settled first in Roxbury.Rowland Stebbing was one of the early settlers of Springfield, MA., movedthere about 1639, and received land in the second division of that town,24 Dec. 1640. Sarah (Whiting) Stebbing was buried at Springfield 4 Oct.1649. Rowland had a seat in the meeting-house at Springfield in 1663,and some time after Feb. 1664/5 he moved again, to live with his son Johnat Northampton, MA., where he died 14 Dec. 1671, leaving a will dated 1March 1669/70. The inventory of his goods and chattels, taken 2 Jan.1671/2, amounted to Pounds9-5-2; the inventory of his lands, taken 11Jan. amounted to Pounds75-3-2; and debts amounted to Pounds 46-2-0 wereowing to him (Stebbins Genealogy, vol 1, pp 51-59)."Rowland was an intimate friend of William Pynchon, thefounder of Springfield, Ma.,
who also came from Bocking, England. In 1639 after the warbetween the Agawam and Pequot
Indians ended, he moved to Springfield, Ma. and built a homejust north of Union Street.The exact date that Rowland and his son iohn moved toNorthampton, Ma. is not known.
He was in listed as townsman of Springfield in Feb 1664 and hiswill is dated 1 3an 1669
in Northampton.Rowland Stebbin's will was dated 1 Jan 1669 and made his sonJohn Stebbins executor and
friends John Pynchon and Robert Bartlett overseers. Sums ofmoney were given to the seven
children of of his son Thomas and to the nine children of hisson John. The balance of his
estate was divided equally between sons Thomas and John.Dr. Daniel Stebbins erected a granite cenotaph in memory of RowlandStebbins in 18~
in the center of his family square in the new buryingground as he was unable to discover
the exact place where the remains were buried.The inscription is almost illegible, so the year of his removal
positive. The inscription reads as follows -ROWLAND STEBBINS
The supposed ancestor of all the
name in America, came from
the west of England to
Springfield with his sons
John & Thomas about 1668
removed to Northampton
& there died 1671DANIEL STEBBINS
of the 6 generation from
Thomas, was born Apr 2, 1766
to Northampton is notThe exact spot of Rowland1s internment was accidentallydiscovered in 1850, some
fifty rods north of the present cenotaph. A small marbleslab has been placed at the head
of the grave, with no inscription save the name RowlandStebbins.Inscription on a monument erected in 1938 reads asfollows -
son of Thomas Stebbins
Born in Bocking, Essex County, England
In the year 1592
Married Sara Whiting Nov. 30 1618
in England
Came to Roxbury, Mass. in 1634
Settled in Springfield, Mass. in 1639
Died in Northampton, Mass. Dec. 141671A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England,
Before 1692
Volume #4
Stark - SteereBy James Savage
ROWLAND, Springfield, came from Ipswich, Co. Suffk. in the Francis, 1634, aged, as the custom ho. rec. says, 40, with w. Sarah, 43, and four ch. Thomas, 14; Sarah, 11; John, 8; and Elizabeth 6; beside Mary Winch, perhaps a relat. The fam. Memoir says, he first sett. at Roxbury, where however is no ment. of him, but he prob. went with Pyncheon, found. of S. the next yr. aft. land. at Boston in June. At. S. his w. d. 4 Oct. 1649; and he some yrs. later rem. to Northampton, there d. 14 Dec. 1671. In his will of 1 Mar. 1670 he names only the ch. brot. from Eng. Sarah had m. 14 Jan. 1641, Thomas Merrick; and Elizabeth m. 2 Mar. 1647, John Clark, both of Springfield. SAMUEL, Springfield, eldest s. of Thomas, m. 22 July 1679, Joanna, d. of John Lamb, had a s. b. and d. 1680; Thomas, b. 26 Dec. 1681, d. soon; and Samuel, 13 May 1683. His w. d. 8 Aug. foll. and he m. 10 Dec. 1685, Abigail Brooks, had John, 13 Feb. 1687; Ebenezer, 30 Nov. 1688; William, 27 July 1693; Abigail 30 Nov. 1695; Joanna, 4 Mar. 1697; Thomas, again, 10 Aug. 1698; Benjamin, 10 Dec. 1700; and Mercy, 19 June 1705; was adm. freem. 1690, and d. 13 July 1708, leav. wid. and the last nine of the eleven ch.
Rowland married 3 Sarah WHITING 1, 2 daughter of John WHITING and Sarah Isabel SMITH on 30 Nov 1618 in St. Mary's Church, Bocking, Essex, England. Sarah was born 4 on 30 Nov 1591 in Boston, Lincoln, England. She died on 4 Aug 1649 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.
They had the following children:
+ 17 M i Thomas STEBBINS Lieutenant + 18 F ii Sarah STEBBINS + 19 M iii John STEBBINS Deacon + 20 F iv Elizabeth STEBBINS
8. Martin STEBBINS 1 (Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 28 Apr 1594 in Bocking, Essex, England. He died in Nov 1659 in Boston, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 28 APR 1594
2 PLAC Baptised - St Mary's, Bocking, Essex, Egland
Martin married (1) Joan WESBY about 1610 in Bocking, Essex, England. Joan was born in 1594 in England. She died in 1639.
They had the following children:
Martin married (2) Jane GREEN on 25 Dec 1639 in Roxbury, MA. Jane was born about 1612. She died on 24 Jul 1659 in Boston, MA.
They had the following children:
23 F iii Hannah STEBBINS was born on 23 Oct 1640 in Roxbury, MA. + 24 F iv Mary STEBBINS 25 M v Nathaniel STEBBINS was born on 23 Mar 1644/1645.
11. Edward STEBBINS Deacon 1, 2, 3, 4 (William , William , William ) was born before 24 Feb 1594/1595 in Black Notley, Essex, England. He died before 19 Aug 1668 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 24 FEB 1594/95
2 PLAC Baptised Black Notley, Essex, England
1 _FA2
2 DATE 1634
2 PLAC Made a Freeman at Cambridge, MA
"A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records" Volume I
Compiled by Charles William Manwaring,
Member Connecticut Historical Society
Hartford District, 1635 -- 1700
(R S Peck & Co. Printers, 19041663 TO 1677 - PROBATE RECORDS - Page 237
Page 52-3-4.Stebbing, Edward, Hartford. Invt. £639-02-00.
Taken 19 August, 1668, by Eleazer Holyoke, John Allyn, Thomas Bull &James Ensign.
Will dated 24 August, 1663.I Edward Stebbing do here make my last Will & Testament: First, I giveto my wife Frances my houseing & Lands in Hartford, except such Lands asare hereafter mentioned to be sold, which she is to enjoy for the termeof her natural life, as also two best Cows & 3 of the Best Swine, as alsoye Use of the Household Stuffe or so much of it as she shall see need tomake Use of. Also in ye End of her natural life she shall have libertyto dispose of £40 as she shall see Fit. I give to our beloved son JohnChester £40. I give & bequeath, after my wives decease, my Houseing &Land, such of my Lands as shall not be sold to pay my Engagements, I givethem to Edward Cadwell, my son Cadwell's Child, and John Wilson, or, ifhe dye before 21 years of age, I give them to Samuel Wilson. And in Casemy gr. child Edward Cadwell dye, then I give the above to the Children ofmy daughter Cadwell. Also, I give to Samuel Wilson £30. I give to my sonGaylord's Children, Joseph, Benjamin and Joanna, £8 apeice, also MaryGaylord, whome I do order to be with her gr. Mother. Also, I give to thefour children of my daughter Holyoke, 40 Shillings apiece, John's part tobe paid at the age Of 21 years. Also, I do appoint that John Wilsonshall be with his Gr. Mother to help her according to his best skill andability during her natural life, during which time I desire my Executorsthat he be instructed in my trade by Caleb Stanly, as it may accord withmy wives comfort. I ordain my wife to be my Executrix. I desire theHon. Mr. Samuel Wyllys, my Brother Eleazer Holyoke, Lieut. Bull andRobert Webster to be Executors. The remainder of my Estate, after thedecease of my wife, to be disposed to my daughter Cadwells Children, toJohn Wilson, and to Mary Gaylord, at the discretion of my Executors. Igive to Richard Weller 20 shillings. I give to my Executors 50 shillingsapiece.
Witness: Eleazer Holyoke. Signed: EDWARD STEBBING.Court Record, Page 79 - 3 Spetember, 1668: Will proven and InventoryExhibited.
Page 162 - 18 April, 1677: Jeremy Diggins, Plntf., Contra Thomas Cadwell,Dfnt., in an Action for illegal Detaining a piece of Land in the HartfordSouth Meadow belonging to the sd. Jeremy Diggins in the Right of Mary hiswife, and appointed to him by the Executors of the last Will of EdwardStebbing Decd.
"Families of Early Guilford, Connecticut"
Compiled by Alvan Talcott
Edited and Prepared for Publication by:
Jacquelyn L Ricker
Genealogical Publising Co., Inc
Baltimore 1984Page 575
Dea. Edward Stebbing/Stebbins died 1663 mar Frances who died 1673. Earlymember 1 Ch. Name on Founders Monument. Frances Stebbing original member2nd Ch.Children:
Dau m John Chester m Eng
Mary m Walter Gaylord Apl 20, 1648 (HTR)
Elizabeth m/1 Robert Wilson; m/2 Thomas Cadwell
Hannah m Oct 29, 1646 (HTR)Cambridge 1633; freeman Mass. May 14, 1634; on Committee to considerEndicott's"defacing the colors" May 1635; an original proprietor ofHartford; his home lot in 1639 ext- ended from the Meeting House Squareto the street now Front St; constable 1638; deputy various times from1639 to 1656; inv. Aug 19, 1668 £669-2. His widow Frances Stebbins willis dated May 20, 1670 and Nov 12, 1673; inv Dec 23, 1673; both wills name"son Mr. John Chester, now living in or near London".
"Edward emigrated previous to 29 March 1632 and settle at New Town(Cambridge), MA. In 1636 he went with Reverend Hooker to Hartford, CT."Jacobus...
Edward married (1) MARY before 1622 in Braintree, Essex County, England. MARY was born about 1598 in Braintree, Essex County, England. She died on 29 Jun 1657 in Windsor, Harford County, CT.
Edward married (2) Frances TOUGH 1, 2, 3 daughter of Ralph TUFF and SUSAN about 1629 in Braintree, Essex County, England. Frances was born in 1595 in Burrough-On-The-Hill, Leicester, England. She died before 23 Dec 1673 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
"A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records" Volume I
Compiled by Charles William Manwaring,
Member Connecticut Historical Society
Hartford District, 1635 -- 1700
(R S Peck & Co. Printers, 19041663 TO 1677 - PROBATE RECORDS - Page 237
Page 52-3-4.Stebbing, Edward, Hartford. Invt. £639-02-00.
Taken 19 August, 1668, by Eleazer Holyoke, John Allyn, Thomas Bull &James Ensign.
Will dated 24 August, 1663.I Edward Stebbing do here make my last Will & Testament: First, I giveto my wife Frances my houseing & Lands in Hartford, except such Lands asare hereafter mentioned to be sold, which she is to enjoy for the termeof her natural life, as also two best Cows & 3 of the Best Swine, as alsoye Use of the Household Stuffe or so much of it as she shall see need tomake Use of. Also in ye End of her natural life she shall have libertyto dispose of £40 as she shall see Fit. I give to our beloved son JohnChester £40. I give & bequeath, after my wives decease, my Houseing &Land, such of my Lands as shall not be sold to pay my Engagements, I givethem to Edward Cadwell, my son Cadwell's Child, and John Wilson, or, ifhe dye before 21 years of age, I give them to Samuel Wilson. And in Casemy gr. child Edward Cadwell dye, then I give the above to the Children ofmy daughter Cadwell. Also, I give to Samuel Wilson £30. I give to my sonGaylord's Children, Joseph, Benjamin and Joanna, £8 apeice, also MaryGaylord, whome I do order to be with her gr. Mother. Also, I give to thefour children of my daughter Holyoke, 40 Shillings apiece, John's part tobe paid at the age Of 21 years. Also, I do appoint that John Wilsonshall be with his Gr. Mother to help her according to his best skill andability during her natural life, during which time I desire my Executorsthat he be instructed in my trade by Caleb Stanly, as it may accord withmy wives comfort. I ordain my wife to be my Executrix. I desire theHon. Mr. Samuel Wyllys, my Brother Eleazer Holyoke, Lieut. Bull andRobert Webster to be Executors. The remainder of my Estate, after thedecease of my wife, to be disposed to my daughter Cadwells Children, toJohn Wilson, and to Mary Gaylord, at the discretion of my Executors. Igive to Richard Weller 20 shillings. I give to my Executors 50 shillingsapiece.
Witness: Eleazer Holyoke. Signed: EDWARD STEBBING.Court Record, Page 79 - 3 Spetember, 1668: Will proven and InventoryExhibited.
Page 162 - 18 April, 1677: Jeremy Diggins, Plntf., Contra Thomas Cadwell,Dfnt., in an Action for illegal Detaining a piece of Land in the HartfordSouth Meadow belonging to the sd. Jeremy Diggins in the Right of Mary hiswife, and appointed to him by the Executors of the last Will of EdwardStebbing Decd.
Volume III -- PROBATE RECORDS -- Page 238Page 119.
Stebbing, Mrs. Frances, Hartford. Invt. 182-11-02. Taken 23 December,1673, by Thomas Bull & Robert Webster.
I ffrances Stebbing, Living in Hartford, in the colony of Conecticot,Widdow, being aged and under many weaknesses of body, but having myperfect memory and Understanding, Doe make and Ordain this my last Willand Testament, wherein I give to my Dear and beloved son Mr. JohnChester, now living in or neer unto London in old England, the ffull andJust some of Twenty and four pounds Starling; or, if deceased, to hiswife and his two Sons John and Sampson Chester, in equal portion, to bepaid in Hartford. I give unto my ffowr grand children, Thomas, William,Matthew and Mary Cadwell, fower pounds a pece, to be paid in CurrantCountry pay into the hands of my Son Thomas Cadwell. I give to mydaughter Cadwell all my wearing apparell, both Woolen and Linen. IConstitute Lt. Thomas Bull and James Ensign Executors. 20th May, 1670.
Signed: ffrancesX STEBBING.Witness: Thomas Bull.
Codicil, wherein is given 7 Acres of Land in the South Meadow not beforedisposed of, it being four score Rod Long and about fourteen Rod and aquarter wide, bequeathed to Thomas, William and Mary Cadwell. And 4acres more I doe give, two acres of ye said fowre to ye now two youngestchildren of my son and daughter Matthew and Abigail Cadwell, and theother two acres I leave to the dispose of my two friends in trust, Lt.Bull and Lt. Robert Webster, whom I ordain Executors.
I ffrances Stebbing doe now Rattify the within specified will, dated 20thMay, 1670; only the Executors, which I now ordain Lt. Bull and Lt. RobertWebster. And also I now doe bequeath to my daughter Cadwell only mywearing goone, and the rest of my apparell to be divided betwixt ye wifeof John Wilson, Mary Day and Mary Cadwell -12 November, 1673. Also Igive to Mr. John Whiting 40s and my husbands cloak to John Wilson.
Witness: Eliazer Way, John Wilson.Signed: FFRANCES X STEBBING.
Court Record, Page 136-20 January, 1673-4: Will exhibited. Proven
They had the following children:
26 F i Hannah STEBBINS 1 was born about 1625. Hannah married UNKNOWN on 29 Oct 1646. + 27 F ii Mary STEBBINS + 28 F iii Elizabeth STEBBINS 29 F iv Lydia STEBBINS was born about 1634 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, MA. She died on 27 Jul 1646. Lydia married (1) John WILSON Deacon. John was born about 1631. Lydia married (2) John CHESTER Engineer. John was born about 1631.
16. Editha STEBBINS 1, 2 (William , William , William ) was born about 1613 in Woodham, Essex, England. She died 3 on 24 Oct 1688 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC aka "Deare Sister Holyoke" - Deacon Edward's will...
Editha married (1) Robert DAY in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Robert was born about 1604 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. He died on 4 Sep 1648 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. He was buried in Cemetary Church Center, Hartford, CT. Robert immigrated in Apr 1634 to Aboard "Elizabeth" from Ipswich, Suffolk, England. He immigrated on 6 May 1665 to Made a "Freeman".
They had the following children:
+ 30 M i Thomas DAY + 31 F ii Sarah DAY + 32 F iii Mary DAY + 33 M iv John DAY
Editha married (2) John MAYNARD Deacon on 16 Oct 1648 in Stanshead Abbott, Hertfordshire, England. John died before 24 Feb 1657/1658 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
Editha married (3) Elizur HOLYOKE about 1658. Elizur was born in 1616 in England. He died on 6 Feb 1675/1676 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.