17. Thomas STEBBINS Lieutenant 1, 2, 3 (Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born in 1619/1620 in Ipswich, Suffolk County, England. He died on 15 Sep 1683 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Sargeant - Turner Falls fight...
1 _FA2
2 PLAC Commissioned a Lieutenant
Text cited from Ralph Greenlee’s Stebbins Genealogy Volume I, pages 60through 63 - quoted verbatim...SECOND GENERATION
2. Lieutenant Thomas Stebbins, son of ROWLAND STEBBINS and Sarah__________, was born 1620, in England; died September 15, 1683, atSpringfield, Massachusetts; married November 1645, at Springfield,Massachusetts, to HANNAH WRIGHT, died October 16, 1660 at Springfield,Massachusetts, who was a daughter of Deacon Samuel Wright and Margaret_________. He married second, December 14, 1676 at Springfield,Massachusetts, ABIGAIL (BURT) MUNN, widow of Francis Ball and BenjaminMunn, born about 1623, in England; died November 23, 1707, atSpringfield, Massachusetts, daughter of Henry Burt and Eulelia _________.Resided at Springfield, Massachusetts.CHILDREN:
Samuel, born September 19, 1646; married first, Joanna Lamb; marriedsecond, Abigail Brooks.
Thomas, born July 31, 1648; married Abigail Munn.
Joseph, born May 18, 1650; died November 9, 1651.
Joseph, born October 24, 1652; married Sarah Dorchester.
Sarah, born August 8, 1654; married Samuel Bliss.
Edward, born April 14, 1656; married Sarah (Graves) Ball.
Benjamin, born 4/11/1658; married First, Abigail Denton; married second,Mary (Graves) Ball.
Hannah, born October 1, 1660; died aged 17 years.
Rowland, born October 2, 1660; died April 24, 1661.NOTE: The intermarriages in the Stebbins, Burt and Ball families havebeen of such a complex nature as to puzzle most writers, in fact socomplex that scarcely any two have given the data alike, and none havegiven it correctly. We have given the subject special study, and withthe assistance of Rev. Horace Hayden, M.A. (whose line of descent we givebelow), are enabled to make the following explanations:
ABIGAIL BURT, daughter of Henry Burt and Eulelia ________, born about1623 in England; died November 23, 1707, at Springfield, Massachusetts;married 1644 at Springfield, Massachusetts, to FRANCIS BALL, who wasdrowned October 3, 1048, in the Connecticut river. She was marriedsecond, April 2, 1649, at Springfield to BENJAMIN MUNN (of Hartford,Connecticut, in 1637, and removed to Springfield in 1649), who died inNovember, 1675, at Springfield. She married third December 14, 1676,Lieutenant THOMAS STEBBINS, son of Rowland Stebbins. Her children were:
Johnathan BALL, born October 6, 1645; Married Sarah Miller.
Samuel BALL, born March 16, 1647; married Mary Graves.
Abigail MUNN, born June 28, 1650; married Thomas Stebbins ( 7 ) son ofLieutenant Thomas Stebbins ( 2 ).
John MUNN, born February 8, 1652; married Abigail Parsons, daughter ofDeacon Benjamin Parsons.
Benjamin MUNN, born 1654-5; settled in Brimfield.
James MUNN, born 1655-6; married Mary (Moody) Patton.
Nathaniel MUNN, born 1661, married Sarah Chapin, daughter of JaphetChapin. She had no children by her third marriage.SAMUEL BALL, son of Abigail Burt and Francis Ball, was born March 16,1647, at Springfield, Massachusetts; died September 13, 1689, atSpringfield, Massachusetts; married January 15, 1671, probably atHatfield, Massachusetts to MARY GRAVES, born about 1654, at Wetherfield,Connecticut, died May 21, 1727, at Springfield, Massachusetts, daughterof John Graves, of Hadley, Massachusetts and Mary Smith. MARY GRAVES BALLwas married second, March 11, 1690 (Graves Genealogy says September 10,1690) at Springfield, Massachusetts, to ( 12 ) BENJAMIN STEBBINS, bornApril 11, 1658, at Springfield, Massachusetts, died October 12, 1698, atSpringfield, Massachusetts, son of ( 2 ) Lieutenant Thomas Stebbins andHannah Wright. MARY GRAVES BALL STEBBINS was married third, December 29,1704, to James Warriner.
Mary Ball, born 6/12/1673; married John Hitchcock. Their son SamuelHitchcock married Ruth Stebbins ( 300 ).
Francis Ball, born 4/4/1675; married Martha Blackman. (See BenjaminStebbins No. 62).
Elizabeth Ball, born January 14, 1677; married Nathaniel Sikes.
Mercy Ball, born December 15, 1679; died September 14, 1683.
Abigail Ball, born 7/18/1682; married Moses Parsons.SAMUEL BALL, when a young man of eighteen, was sentenced to the whippingpost by the same court that fined another for “smoking on the Sabbathday.” His great and unpardonable offence (spelling from text), for whichhe should have been hung according to the idea of justice held by ourungodly-godly forefathers, was abusing his stepfather, Benjamin Munn, bysaying to him “A father indeed, you are no better than and old Indian.”This occurred at the same time that a young girl was hung in London forstealing a yard of silk ribbon. There were then one hundred and sixtyoffences against English law, which were punishable by “death withoutbenefit of clergy.” Samuel Ball had the option of paying fifty shillingsin lieu of the lashes he was to receive, so like a man he went to theoffice and paid his money. This is an object lesson to posterity,showing how men as narrow as our ancestors, could still be honest men,and, as far as they knew, godly men. Genealogy proves the truth of JohnWesley’s statement to his young preachers, that “the Lord can live with agreat many people that we can’t live with.”
ABIGAIL BALL, daughter of Samuel Ball and Mary Graves, was born July 18,1982, at Springfield, Massachusetts, died December 4, 1760, at Durham,Connecticut, married January 20 (or 16th) 1710, probably at Springfield,to MOSES PARSONS, born January 15, 1687, at Northampton, Massachusetts,died September 26, 1754, at Durham, Connecticut, who was a son of JosephParsons and Elizabeth Strong.
Moses Parsons, born October 19, 1710; married Elizabeth Ventres.
John Parsons, baptized July 6, 1712.
Abigail Parsons, born February 10, 1713-14; married Samuel Bates.
Martha Parsons, born October 5, 1716, married Abraham Camp.
Lieutenant Samuel Parsons, born March 1, 1719; married Elizabeth _______.
Elizabeth Parsons, baptized March 17, 1722-23; married Giles Miller.MOSES PARSONS, son of Moses Parsons and Abigail Ball, was born October19, 1710, at Durham, Connecticut; died February 1791, at Windsor,Connecticut; married 1732 to ELIZABETH VENTRES, born 170 at East Haddam,Connecticut, died May 10, 1790, at Windsor, Connecticut, who was thedaughter of John Ventres and Mary __________.
Eunice Parsons, born November 19, 1732.
Mercy Parsons, born April 6, 1735.
Lucy Parsons, born July 3, 1737.
Eliphas or Elihu Parsons, born January 14, 1738-39.
Naomi Parsons, born June 7, 1741.
Elizabeth Parsons, born December 25, 1743.
Abigail Parsons, born April 28, 1747; married Adjutant Thomas Hayden.
Moses Parsons,
John Parsons,
Submit Parsons.
William Parsons.ABIGAIL PARSONS, daughter of Moses Parsons and Elizabeth Ventres, wasborn April 28, 1747, at Durham, Connecticut; died November 7, 1817, atWindsor, Connecticut; married November 19, 1767, at Windsor, Connecticut,to ADJUTANT THOMAS HAYDEN, of “The Continental line,” born June 14, 1745,at Windsor, Connecticut; died November 28, 1817, at Windsor, Connecticut,who was a son of Daniel Hayden and Esther Moore.
Horace H Hayden, born October 13, 1769; married Maria A Robinson.
Chauncey Hayden, born October 8, 1771; married Anna Dibble.
Chester Hayden, born November 18, 1774; died September 17, 1777.
Chester Hayden, born November 14, 1777.
Esther Hayden, born January 25, 1780; died 1825.
Abigail Hayden, born March 11, 1782; died March 28, 1782.
Lucretia Hayden, born February 5, 1783; died 1856.
Anson Hayden, born October 13, 1785; died 1786.
Abigail Hayden, born March 5, 1789, married first, Augustine Drake;married second, William Howard.
Anson Hayden, born December 4, 1790; married Laura Wilson.HORACE H HAYDEN, son of Abigail Parsons and Adjutant Thomas Hayden, wasborn October 13, 1769, at Windsor, Connecticut; died January 26, 1844, atBaltimore, Maryland; married February 23, 1805 to MARIA ANTOINETTEROBINSON, born July 22, 1778, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died March28, 1860, at Baltimore, Maryland, who was a daughter of LieutenantDaniel Robinson and Rachel Nixon. Profession, physician, dentist,geologist. Religion, Episcopalian. Residence, Baltimore, Maryland.
Eliza Lucretia Hayden, born December 14, 1805; married Archibald ChisholmGibbs.
Handel Mozart Hayden, born December 4, 1807; married Sarah Foard.
Edwin Parsons Hayden, born July 3, 1809; died July 14, 1809.
Edwin Parsons Hayden, born August 7, 1811; married Elizabeth Hause.
Horace William Hayden, born April 8, 1814; married Mary Gillette.
Lewis Sydenham Hayden, born November 7, 1816; died.EDWIN PARSONS HAYDEN, son of Horace H Hayden and Maria AntoinetteRobinson, was born August 7, 1811, at Baltimore, Maryland; died May 10,1850, at Howard County, Maryland; married September 15, 1832, atPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania; to ELIZABETH HAUSE, born August 23, 1810, atPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania; died July 3, 1887, at Baltimore, Maryland,who was a daughter of William Hause and Catherine Hull. Profession,lawyer. Politics, Whig. Religion, Protestant Episcopal. Residence,Ellicott City, Maryland.
Lewis Sydenham Hayden, born September 11, 1833; married Kate Bull.
Charles Leslie Hayden, born July 1, 1835; married Addie Eliza Smith.
Horace Edwin Hayden, born February 18, 1837; married Kate Elizabeth Byers.
Handel Mozart Hayden, born February 18, 1839; died September 11, 1840.
Mary Victoire Evans Hayden, born April 30, 1841; married William ReginaldMackrille.
Kate Hull Hayden, born September 30, 1843; married William Henry Cosby.
Mozart William Hayden, born March 24, 1848; married Mary O Parkhurst.Reverend HORACE EDWIN HAYDEN, son of Edwin Parsons Hayden and ElizabethHause, was born February 18, 1837, at Catonsville, Baltimore County,Maryland; married November 30, 1868, at Pt. Pleasant, Mason County, WestVirginia, to KATE ELIZABETH BYERS, born September 8, 1843, at Hancock,Washington County, Maryland, who was a daughter of John A Byers andCharlotte Mary (Weitzel) Davis. Profession, clergyman. Religion,Episcopalian. Residence, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania.
Mary Elizabeth Hayden, born October 15, 1875; died December 26, 1879.
Horace Edwin Hayden, born January 6, 1884.REVEREND HORACE EDWIN HAYDEN is corresponding secretary of the WyomingHistorical and Geological Society at Wilksbarre, Pennsylvania. He isalso a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, Sons of the Revolution,Society of Colonial Wars, Naval Order, Military Order of Foreign Wars,Society of the War of 1812, and of three Confederate State Societies onhis record as a soldier.
Thomas married (1) Hannah WRIGHT 1 daughter of Samuel WRIGHT Deacon and Margaret STRATTON on 16 Nov 1645 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Hannah was born in Aug 1626 in Wrightsbridge, Essex County, England. She died on 16 Dec 1660 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 34 M i Samuel Wright STEBBINS + 35 M ii Thomas STEBBINS 36 M iii Joseph STEBBINS 1, 2 was born on 18 May 1650 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. He died on 9 Nov 1651 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. + 37 M iv Joseph STEBBINS Lieutenant + 38 F v Sarah STEBBINS + 39 M vi Edward STEBBINS + 40 M vii Benjamin STEBBINS 41 M viii Joseph STEBBINS 1 was born in 1660. 42 F ix Hannah STEBBINS 1 was born on 1 Oct 1660 in Springfield, MA. She died in 1677. 43 M x Rowland STEBBINS 1 was born on 1 Oct 1660 in Springfield, MA. He died on 24 Apr 1661 in Springfield, MA.
Thomas married (2) Abigail BURT 1, 2 daughter of Henry BURT and Eulalia MARCHE on 14 Dec 1676 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Abigail was born in 1623 in Harbeton, Devonshire England. She died on 3 Feb 1691/1692 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 5 FEB 1691/92
2 PLAC Burial
They had the following children:
44 F xi Hannah STEBBINS 1 was born on 17 Apr 1686 in Springfield, MA. She died on 17 Jun 1759. Hannah married David PARSONS.
18. Sarah STEBBINS 1 (Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born about 1623 in Bocking, Essex, England. She died on 15 Sep 1683 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
Sarah married Thomas MERRICK 1, 2 son of John MEYRICK Reverend and Dorothy BISHOP on 14 Sep 1639 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Thomas was born about 1620 in Wales, England. He died on 7 Sep 1704 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 1636
2 PLAC Reached Springfield, MA
Thomas Merrick of Springfield by tradition, is said to have come fromWales through Roxbury, and reach Springfiled in 1636; but there isevidence that he was of Hartford early in 1638. He was very young, if heleft, as is said, his native land in 1630; and no trace is seen atRoxbury of him, pr his family, nor can the name be found there before1649. At Springfield he married July 14, 1639, Sarah, daughter ofRowland Stebbins which was the third marriage in that town, of anyEnglish "GD FSNE Freeman 1665."
They had the following children:
45 M i Thomas MERRICK was born on 12 Feb 1640/1641 in Springfield, MA. + 46 F ii Sarah MERRICK 47 F iii Mary MERRICK was born on 28 Sep 1645. She died on 28 Jul 1646. + 48 F iv Mary MERRICK + 49 F v Hannah MERRICK
19. John STEBBINS Deacon 1, 2, 3, 4 (Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born in 1626 in Bocking, Essex, England. He died 5 on 7 Mar 1678/1679 in Northampton, Hampshire County, MA. John joined religion in Deacon, Deerfield, MA.
1 _FA1
2 PLAC Buried at Bridge Street Cemetary
John Stebbins, Sr died in Northampton in 1678, the manner of his deathwas regarded as "mysterous, in some way connected with witchcraft, butnothing was proved."John came to America with his family on the Francis in 1634and settled with them
in Roxbury, Ma He bought land in Springfield, Ma. in 1646and in 1651 he bought a house
there. In 1656 he settled in Northampton, Ma. where he livedat the lower end of "pudding
Lane" (now Hawley Street). He owned a sawmill in Fasthampton.
He was measurer of lands 1659 and again in 1671; Jan1684 he was chosen bailiff for
the town to clear the meadows of all cattle and swine thatare trespassers and impound
them so that they could preserve the corn and grass; he wasselectman in 1675 and again
He died in an accident at his sawmill and the commonbelief was that he had been
killed by witches. Two examinations of his body were madeand an inquest was held during
which a large number of women were summoned, to examine andtouch him, intending in this
way to discover the witch. However no evidence was foundconcerning witchcraft and no
further action was taken even though 1/2 the jurors believedhis death was due to
His estate was presented in Northampton, Ma. 25 Mar 1679.
After John's death Abigail married 28 Dec 1681 JedediahStrong, son of John Strong.
Abigail fell from her horse while passing South HadleyFalls, and died soon after. She had
started on 10 Oct 1710 from Northampton to visit herchildren by her first husband, who
were living in Coventry, Ct.
John married (1) Mary Anne MUNSON 1, 2 daughter of Thomas MUNSON Captain and SUSAN on 14 May 1646 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Mary was born about 1630 in Probably in England. She died in 1656 in Springfield, Hamden County, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 50 M i John , Jr STEBBINS Captain 51 M ii Thomas STEBBINS 1 was born on 24 Feb 1648/1649 in Springfield, Hamden County, MA. He died on 24 Apr 1650 in Springfield, Hamden County, MA. 52 F iii Anne STEBBINS 1 was born on 10 Apr 1651 in Springfield, Hamden County, MA. She died on 6 May 1652 in Springfield, Hamden County, MA. 53 M iv Edward STEBBINS 1 was born on 12 Jul 1653 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. He died on 14 Oct 1653 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. + 54 M v Benoni STEBBINS
John married 2 (2) Abigail BARTLETT 1 daughter of Robert BARTLETT and Ann WARRINGER on 17 Dec 1657 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Abigail was born 3, 4 on 26 Sep 1636 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. She died on 10 Oct 1710 in South Hadley Falls, Hampshire County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 17 OCT 1710
2 PLAC Died, falling from her horse...
They had the following children:
+ 55 M vi Samuel STEBBINS + 56 F vii Abigail STEBBINS + 57 M viii Thomas STEBBINS + 58 F ix Hannah STEBBINS + 59 F x Mary STEBBINS + 60 F xi Sarah STEBBINS 61 M xii Joseph STEBBINS 1 was born on 17 Jan 1669/1670 in Northampton, MA. He died on 3 Jun 1681. + 62 F xiii Deborah STEBBINS + 63 F xiv Rebeckah STEBBINS 64 M xv Benjamin STEBBINS 1 was born on 3 Mar 1673/1674 in Northampton, MA. He died on 12 Oct 1778.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 3 MAY 1674
2 PLAC Baptisted
Benjamin married Mary ASHLEY 1 daughter of David ASHLEY and Hannah GLOVER on 21 Dec 1699 in Springfield, CT. Mary was born on 3 Mar 1682/1683 in Westfield, MA. She died on 7 Sep 1769 in Westfield, MA. + 65 F xvi Thankful A STEBBINS
20. Elizabeth STEBBINS 1 (Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born about 1628 in Bocking, Essex County, England. She died on 28 Oct 1700 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
Elizabeth married John CLARK on 2 Mar 1646/1647 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. John was born about 1626 in Probably in England. He died in Sep 1684 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
They had the following children:
66 M i John CLARK was born on 6 Sep 1647 in Springfield, MA. He died on 24 Dec 1717 in Springfield, MA. John was born on 6 Sep 1647. He died on 24 Dec 1717. + 67 F ii Sarah CLARK 68 F iii Elizabeth CLARK was born on 26 Feb 1650/1651. + 69 F iv Mary CLARK
24. Mary STEBBINS (Martin , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 1 Feb 1641/1642. She died in Watervale, NY.
Mary married John ELDRIDGE about 1659. John was born about 1638 in Pompey, NY. He died in Watervale, NY.
They had the following children:
70 F i Elizabeth ELDRIDGE was born in 1659. She died in 1665. 71 F ii Carrie A ELDRIDGE was born after 1660. Carrie married Richard A MOSS. 72 M iii Frank F ELDRIDGE was born after 1660. Frank married Julia BRADY. 73 M iv Frederick J ELDRIDGE was born after 1660. Frederick married Ida BELLINGER. + 74 M v William C ELDRIDGE
27. Mary STEBBINS 1 (Edward , William , William , William ) was born in 1629 in Braintree, Essex, England. She died on 29 Jun 1657 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT.
Mary married (1) John GAYLORD. John was born about 1627.
Mary married 3 (2) Walter GAYLORD 1, 2 son of William GAYLORD Deacon and SARA on 29 Apr 1648 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT. Walter was born in 1626 in Somersetshire, England. He died on 9 Aug 1689 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT.
They had the following children:
+ 75 M i Joseph GAYLORD + 76 F ii Mary GAYLORD + 77 F iii Joanna GAYLORD 78 M iv Samuel GAYLORD was born about 1653. 79 M v Benjamin GAYLORD was born on 12 Apr 1655 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT. He died before 5 Feb 1690/1691. Benjamin married (1) Ruth WILLIAMS. Benjamin married (2) Mary STANLEY. 80 M vi Isaac GAYLORD was born on 21 Jun 1657 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT. He died in 1674 in Windsor, Hartford County, CT.
28. Elizabeth STEBBINS 1, 2, 3 (Edward , William , William , William ) was born about 1631 in Braintree, Essex County, England. She died in 1694 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
Elizabeth married (1) John CHESTER in 1646 in Braintree, Essex County, England. John was born about 1628. He died in London, England.
They had the following children:
81 M i John CHESTER was born after 1646. 82 M ii Sampson CHESTER was born after 1646.
Elizabeth married (2) Robert WILSON about 1650 in Braintree, Essex County, England. Robert was born about 1628 in England. He died on 21 Jul 1655 in Farmington, Hartford County, CT.
They had the following children:
+ 83 M iii John WILSON + 84 M iv Samuel WILSON 85 F v Hannah WILSON was born after 1650.
Elizabeth married (3) Thomas CADWELL about 1658 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Thomas was born in 1628/1629 in Scotland. He died on 9 Oct 1694 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
"Thomas is said to have come from Scotland, emigrated to America before1630. There was a Thomas Cadwell who was a resident of Hartford, CT in1632. Perhaps this was Thomas' father. Thomas was an early settle atHartford, located in Front Street in 1652, and a respectable farmer. Hiswill was executed in 1694. He waqs a Constable in Hartford in 1662, andhad a reputable family. He mentions land he had of his father Stebbins.In 1669, he exchanged land with the town of Hartford, for land at thelanding place. "
Source of quotation : A Catalogue of the Names of the Early PuritanSettlers of the Colony of Connecticut," Pages 466 and 467, Royal Hirman.
Thomas and Elizabeth had the following children:
+ 86 F vi Mary CADWELL + 87 M vii Edward , Sr CADWELL + 88 M viii Thomas CADWELL 89 M ix William Edmund CADWELL was born on 14 Jul 1665 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. He died about 1680 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. + 90 M x Matthew CADWELL + 91 F xi Abigail CADWELL 92 F xii Elizabeth CADWELL was born on 1 Dec 1672 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. She died after 1694. 93 M xiii Samuel CADWELL was born on 30 Apr 1675 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. He died on 6 Apr 1725 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Samuel married Mary CLARK on 16 Mar 1706/1707 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Mary was born about 1678. + 94 F xiv Hannah CADWELL 95 F xv Mehitable CADWELL was born on 12 Jan 1678/1679 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. She died on 9 Oct 1694 in Wethersfield, Hartfort County, CT. Mehitable married Samuel BOARDMAN on 5 Nov in Wethersfield, Hartfort County, CT. Samuel was born about 1675 in Wethersfield & Middletown, CT.
30. Thomas DAY (Editha STEBBINS , William , William , William ) was born in 1636 in Cambridge, Hartford County, CT. He died on 27 Dec 1711 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
Thomas married Sarah COOPER daughter of Thomas COOPER Lieutenant and Sarah SLYE on 27 Oct 1659 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Sarah was born about 1642 in Windsor, Harford County, CT. She died on 21 Nov 1726 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
They had the following children:
96 M i Thomas DAY was born on 23 Mar 1661/1662 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. He died on 28 Jan 1684/1685 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Thomas married Elizabeth MERRICK 1 daughter of Thomas MERRICK and Elizabeth TILLEY. Elizabeth was born in 1661 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Elizabeth was born in 1661. + 97 F ii Sarah DAY + 98 F iii Mary DAY 99 M iv John DAY was born on 20 Feb 1668/1669 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. He died on 6 Aug 1670 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. + 100 M v Samuel DAY + 101 M vi John , Sr DAY 102 M vii Ebenezer DAY was born on 18 Feb 1675/1676 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. He died on 12 Jun 1676 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. + 103 M viii Ebenezer DAY 104 M ix Jonathan DAY was born on 8 Aug 1680 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. He died on 10 Jul 1712 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Jonathan married Mercy BURT on 2 Dec 1709 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Mercy was born about 1683. 105 M x Joseph DAY was born after 1683. 106 F xi Abigail DAY was born in 1683 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. She died on 6 Oct 1747 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Abigail married Samuel WARRINER son of James WARRINER and Elizabeth BALDWIN on 18 Feb 1702/1703 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Samuel was born on 26 Jan 1678/1679 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Samuel was born about 1680.
31. Sarah DAY (Editha STEBBINS , William , William , William ) was born about 1640 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. She died on 19 Sep 1677 in Hatfield, Hampshire County, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 19 SEP 1677
2 PLAC Killed by Indians...
Sarah married (1) Nathaniel GUNN son of Jasper GUNN and CHRISTIAN\MARY on 17 Nov 1658 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. Nathaniel was born about 1637 in Roxbury, Litchfield County, CT. He died after 1667 in Branford, New Haven County, CT.
They had the following children:
107 M i Nathaniel GUNN was born in 1659 in Branford, New Haven County, CT. He died in Branford, New Haven County, CT. 108 M ii Jasper GUNN was born on 19 Apr 1663 in Branford, New Haven County, CT. He died in Branford, New Haven County, CT. + 109 M iii Samuel GUNN 110 M iv Joseph GUNN was born about 1667.
Sarah married (2) Samuel KELLOGG on 24 Nov 1664. Samuel was born in England. He died in 1711.
They had the following children:
+ 111 M v Nathaniel KELLOGG
32. Mary DAY (Editha STEBBINS , William , William , William ) was born on 28 Oct 1641 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. She died on 17 Oct 1725 in Hatfield, Hampshire County, MA.
Mary married (1) Samuel ELY son of Nathaniel ELY and MARTHA on 28 Oct 1659. Samuel was born in 1641 in Springfield, MA. He died on 17 Oct 1725 in Hatfield, MA. Samuel was born about 1638. He died on 19 Mar 1691/1692 in Springfield, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 112 M i Joseph ELY + 113 M ii Samuel ELY
Mary married (2) Thomas STEBBINS 1, 2, 3 son of Thomas STEBBINS Lieutenant and Hannah WRIGHT on 12 Apr 1694 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. Thomas was born on 31 Jul 1648 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA. He died on 7 Dec 1695 in Springfield, Hampden County, MA.
Mary married (3) John COLEMAN on 11 Dec 1696.
33. John DAY (Editha STEBBINS , William , William , William ) was born in 1638 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT. He died before 3 May 1730 in Hartford, Hartford County, CT.
John married (1) Mary GAYLORD daughter of Walter GAYLORD and Mary STEBBINS about 1674. Mary was born on 19 Mar 1649/1650 in Windsor, Hartford, CT.
They had the following children:
114 M i Thomas DAY died in 1724. 115 F ii Mary DAY.
John married (2) Sarah BUTLER in 1675. Sarah was born about 1641.
They had the following children:
116 M iii Maynard DAY died about 1759. 117 M iv Joseph DAY was born about 1675. + 118 M v John II DAY + 119 F vi Sarah DAY 120 M vii William DAY was born before 1692. He died about 1768.