186. Abigail Marguerite STEBBINS 1 (John , Jr , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 4 Jan 1683/1684 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. She died on 15 Nov 1740 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 28 MAY 1708
2 PLAC Changed name to Marguerite at baptism.
1 _FA2
2 DATE 28 MAY 1708
2 PLAC Baptized a Catholic at Notre-Dame Montreal
1 _FA3
2 DATE 15 NOV 1740
2 PLAC Burial Date, Boucherville, Canada
1 _FA4
2 PLAC Known by family and friends as Gabrielle
1 _FA5
2 DATE 1719
2 PLAC Visited family in Deerfield, MA
1 _FA6
2 DATE 1726
2 PLAC Visited family in Deerfield, MA
Abigail married Jacques Rene DE NOYON Sergeant 1 son of Jean , Jr DE NOYON and Marie CHAUVIN on 3 Feb 1703/1704 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. Jacques was born about 1667 in France. He died 2 on 12 May 1745 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. Jacques was born on 12 Feb 1667/1668 in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 12 FEB 1667/68
2 PLAC Baptised at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
In 1688, at the are of twenty, he and three companions travelled to theCanadian West, crossing Lake Superior, reached Grand Portage, entered theKaministikwia River near the present city of Fort Willimas, explored DogLake, Mille Lacs Lake, and by the Rainy River, discovered Lake of theWoods. He spent the winter of 1688-1689 on the Ouchichig River(Winnipeg) at its entrance to Lake of the Woods.At the end of October 1700, de Noyon was in New York where, with LouisGosselin, he petitioned Governor Bellomont. Between then and 1704, it isthought that de Noyon and comrades were in New England despite thebreaking out of Queen Anne’s war (known in France as the War of theSpanish Succession) in 1702. The war lasted until the treaty of Utrechtin 1713.
At the time of the attack on Deerfield in February, 1704, de Noyon andtwo other Frenchmen had been living in Deerfield, long enough for deNoyon to court and marry Abigail Stebbins, age 20 years, and the daughterof John Stebbins and Dorothy Alexander, pioneers of Deerfield. Accordingto a later petition of Marguerite Stebbins, wife of Jacques de Noyon,dated July 9, 1708, he claimed at the time to be well established andquite wealthy in Canada. Jacques de Noyon and Abigail Stebbins weremarried in Deerfield on February 3, 1703-4 by the local minister,Reverend John Williams. (For a very interesting account of the history,customs and life of Deerfield residents during the 17th and 18thcenturies, you should read New England Outpost, by Richard I. Melvoin.)
The French and Indian attack on Deerfield came before daybreak onFebruary 29, 1703/4. De Noyon, his wife, her family and many others weretaken as captives by the raiding party and taken to Canada where theyarrived in Chambly by the end of March. The Stebbins remained in Chamblyunder the protection of the Hertels; de Noyon and his wife came to livewith his widowed mother at Boucherville. It is in that village that theyspent the rest of their lives (Jacques continued to travel) that theirchildren were born (with one exception) and that they died and wereburied.
Their eldest son was born December 26, 1704, and baptized December 28,1704 at Boucherville, Quebec. His godparents were Jean and Marie Boucher,children of Pierre Boucher. Abigail (now Marie Gabrielle after she wasbaptized at Montreal on May 28, 1708) found Jacques de Noyon’s promisesnot true. She was compelled to do manual labor and to accept charity. OnJuly 9, 1708, according to a petition she made to Pierre Raimbault,Esquire, the King’s counselor and attorney in Canada, she prayed that thejoint estate of herself and her husband be dissolved, and that she beauthorized to buy in her own name a certain farm in Boucherville. Sheavers that her husband gives her no support whatsoever; that he isheavily in debt; that she has strong hopes to be able to support herselfand her children from the produce of the farm, and to pay of the purchaseprice by her own efforts, by help she expects to receive from her parentsafter the war, and by the King’s bounty. This petition was approved thesame day. Jacques de Noyon was at that time a sergeant in the marinetroops, in the company of Captain de Tonty. (Ibid, page 37).
Abigail and Jacques de Noyon had 15 children.
During Father Rasle’s war (1722 25) Jacques de Noyon was seen atNorthfield, Province of Massachusetts Bay, in the fall of 1723. De Noyonwas apparently well known in New England.
Abigail Stebbins, after apparently learning of the death of her father onDecember 19, 1724, petitioned the Governor General of Canada on July 26,1725 to travel to visit her kinfolk in Deerfield and to bring back hereldest son. She was granted permission by the Governor on July 6, 1725 totravel the two hundred miles to Deerfield by canoe with Nicolas Binet andRene Lebeaux. She stayed in Deerfield for a time, giving birth to adaughter, Marie Anne, on February 27, 1726. Her daughter was baptized atBoucherville only on November 5, 1726, so Abigail and the child must havereturned to Canada in the late summer or fall. Jacques Rene (Aaron)remained in Deerfield.
Abigail was buried in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada on November 5, 1740.Jacques was buried at Boucherville on May 12, 1745. (A very interestingaccount of Jacques de Noyon is contained in the French Canadian andArcadian Genealogical Review, Volume III, No. 1, Spring 1971.)
Voyageur, coureur de bois, sergeant in the colonial troops. >Jacques deNoyon first comes to our attention at age 20. In 1688 he led a tradingparty from Fort Nipigon up the Kaministikwia River and across Dog Lake toRainy Lake where he wintered among the Assiniboins. He had penetratedfarther west than any previous Frenchman. His trip home in 1689 wasmarred by the accidental drowning of a man named Lacroix and two othermen in a lake later called Lac Sainte-Croix.In 1690 Noyon was hired by Francois Charon de La Barre to travel westwith Gilles Papin. Charon's "commis", to collect a debt from NicolasPerrot. Noyon earned 200 livres a year for the duration of thisassignment, and was allowed to trade on his own account. In 1693, withan outstanding bill of 118 livres at Louis Marchand's inn in Quebec and aloan of almost 200 livres from Charles Macard, he left for the Ottawacountry (probably the Michigan peninsula) in a party of voyageurs headedby Pierre-Charles Le
Sueur. Noyon went west again two years later, this time with 150 livrescredit from Charles Aubert de La Chesnaye.On 2 Jan 1698, perhaps still celebrating the arrival of the new year, theslightly drunk Noyon exchanged insults in Boucherville with Gilles Papin,now a merchant. In the ensuing mele, Papin drew his sword. The outcomeof Noyon's complaint to the Montreal tribunal the following day was thatcertain goods belonging to Noyon were removed from Papin's house byCharles de Couagne, probably to settle Noyon's unpaid 1688 account.
Most western traders established a credit rating with one merchant andpatronized him year after year, but Noyon's mismanagement of credit hadbeen such that he was unable to borrow from the same merchant twice. By1700 he appears to have been swamped with debts. In that year, Noyon and
Louis Gosselin offered their services to the governor of New York, LordBellomont, promising that 52 comrades, 10 or 12 Ottawa chiefs and furswould be brought to Albany within one year. All they wished in returnwas permission to live and trade in Albany. Although Noyon did settle inNew England, his evasion did not last long. In 1704, the Reverend JohnWilliams married him to Abigail Stebbins in Deerfield. Two weeks laterWilliams, the entire Stebbins family, and the bride and groom were among
the captives taken by Jean-Baptiste Hertel de Rouville in a raid againstDeerfield.This all-expenses paid honeymoon was an event Noyon would have gladlymissed. He returned to Canada to face unpaid bills with a wife tosupport. Abigail, referred to in Montreal notarial deeds as "MargueriteStebens" had greater cause for disappointment, however; not only was shein a
foreign country with which her people were at war, but her husband haddescribed himself to her family as the owner of substantial property anda man of considerable means.When back in Canada, Noyon may have written a narrative about his 1688westward journey which is mentioned in several documents, for while inNew England he had learned to write. Within a few months of his returnto the Colony he borrowed over 100 livres from a new creditor,Jean-Baptiste Crevier Duvernay, and set out for Fort Pontchartain(Detroit) in a party of 64 engages. Noyon apparently made a sincereeffort to mend his ways, for by 1708 he had found more stableemployment. He had become a sergeant - the highest non-commissioned rankin the colonial regular troops - in the company of Alphonse Tonty - witha net monthly salary of 15 livres, 2 sols 5 deniers. This wasinsufficient, however, to placate his creditors and support a family. His total movable property in 1708 was less than 400
livres, and Marguerite had to rely on charity for assistance in raisingher children. As a result the Noyons were declared separate as toproperty in July, and in August Marguerite bought a modest house andproperty in Boucherville. In 1719 she was able to visit her relatives inEngland.The Noyons had at least 13 children between 1704 and 1726. The Daniofamilies in Massachusetts today may trace their ancestry to Jacques-Renede Noyon (spelt "Danio" in the registration of his parents' marriage),eldest son of Jacques and Marguerite, who was sent to his grandparents in
Deerfield in 1714.On 26 April 1742, 17 months after the death of his wife, Jacques de Noyonbequeathed his few resources to his children since he was no longer ableto work his land. He moved in with his daughter Marie and son-in-lawLouis Renaud, and here he spent his last three years, supported by a 200livre life annuity from his children.
....condensed from an article by C.J. Russ - Canadian Biographies
They had the following children:
+ 646 M i Jacques Rene DENOYON 647 F ii Marie Gabrielle DE NOYON was born on 10 Mar 1705/1706 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 11 MAR 1705/06
2 PLAC Baptised
Marie married (1) Nicolas BINET son of Antoine BINET and Anne BARDOT on 5 Apr 1723 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. Nicolas was born in 1702 in St. Vivien, Xiantes, France. He died in 1732. Marie married (2) Louis Renaud dit DE LORIER son of Living and Living on 13 Jan 1736/1737 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. 648 M iii Jean Baptiste DE NOYON was born on 11 Aug 1707 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. He died on 11 Aug 1708 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 12 AUG 1707
2 PLAC Baptised
+ 649 M iv Jean Baptiste DE NOYON 650 M v Francois DE NOYON was born on 7 Jul 1710 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Francois married Marie-Joseph ROBERT daughter of Antoine ROBERT and Charlotte BOURDON on 17 Oct 1740 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. Marie-Joseph was born in 1719 in Quebec, Quebec, Canada. 651 F vi Dorothee DE NOYON was born on 2 Oct 1711 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. 652 F vii Marie Josephe DE NOYON was born on 4 Aug 1713 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. She died on 10 Aug 1714 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. 653 F viii Marie Charlotte DE NOYON was born on 14 Jun 1716 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Marie married Jean-Baptiste Masse dit SANSSAIRE son of Jean Masse dit SANSAIRE and Marie BAUDET on 20 Nov 1736 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. Jean-Baptiste was born in 1712 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. 654 F ix Marie Josette DE NOYON was born on 21 Apr 1718 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Marie married Pierre DAUNAIS son of Pierre DAUNAIS and Marguerite ROBERT on 11 May 1739 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. Pierre was born in 1714 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. 655 F x Marie Magdelaine DE NOYON was born on 11 Sep 1720 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Marie married Pierre DAME on 10 Aug 1750 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. 656 M xi Joseph DE NOYON was born on 21 Jun 1724 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Joseph married (1) Josette HUET-DULUDE on 19 Nov 1753 in Boucherville, Canada. Josette was born in 1732 in Boucherville, Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Joseph married (2) Marie-Joseph HUAT daughter of Living and Living on 19 Nov 1753 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada. 657 F xii Marie Anne DE NOYON was born on 27 Feb 1725/1726 in Deerfield, Franklin, MA.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 5 NOV 1726
2 PLAC Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
Marie married (1) Jean-Francois CHRETIEN son of Jacques CHRETIEN and Marie-Joseph BAUDON about 1742. Jean-Francois was born in 1722 in Deerfield, Franklin, MA. Marie married (2) Paul MENARD son of Living and Living on 7 May 1764 in Trois-Rivieres, Canada.
187. John III STEBBINS 1, 2, 3 (John , Jr , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 4 Jan 1685/1686 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. He died on 7 Sep 1760 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA.
John Stebbins was captured as a hostage at Deerfield in 1704 and carriedoff hostage to Canada. He was later redeemed and moved back to Deerfieldwhere he resided on Lot Number 35.
John married (1) MARY 1 about 1714 in Boston, Suffolk County, MA. MARY was born in 1696 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. She died on 30 Aug 1733 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA.
They had the following children:
658 M i John IV STEBBINS was born on 24 Jun 1715 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. He died in 1755.
1 _MDCL Mentally retarded "Simple Minded"
659 M ii Ebenezer STEBBINS was born on 26 Oct 1716 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. He died on 7 Feb 1745/1746 in Louisburg Expedition. + 660 M iii Joseph STEBBINS + 661 F iv Mary STEBBINS + 662 F v Abigail STEBBINS + 663 M vi Samuel , Sr STEBBINS + 664 F vii Experience STEBBINS + 665 F viii Thankful STEBBINS + 666 M ix Moses STEBBINS
John married (2) Hannah ALLEN 1, 2 daughter of Edward ALLEN and Mercy PAINTER on 25 Aug 1735 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. Hannah was born on 12 Feb 1698/1699 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. She died after 1772.
They had the following children:
+ 667 M x Simeon STEBBINS + 668 F xi Dorothy STEBBINS + 669 M xii David STEBBINS Lieutenant 670 F xiii Hannah STEBBINS 1 was born on 19 Feb 1743/1744 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. She died on 11 Jun 1744 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA.
189. Thankful STEBBINS 1, 2 (John , Jr , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 5 Sep 1691 in Deerfield, MA. She died on 11 Jul 1794 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 23 APR 1707
2 PLAC Baptized at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
1 _FA2
2 DATE 30 OCT 1706
2 PLAC Applied for Canadian citizenship
1 _FA3
2 DATE MAY 1710
2 PLAC Granted Canadian Citizenship
1 _FA4
2 DATE 1719
2 PLAC Visited Deerfield, MA
John Stebbins came to Deerfield and lived on Lot #35, where his housewqas burned and his entire family taken captive on February 29, 1704. Heand his wife and son John are known to have returned from captivity inCanada. In the list of captives made by Stephen Williams in 1731, andpublished in an appendix to the "Redeemed Captives," Samuel, the secondson, is noted as having returned. However, in his father's will made in1723, he is named among those still in Canada.John married Dorothy, (born about 1660), the daughter of John andBeatrice Alexander in 1682/83. They were residents of Newton, in theBoston area.
John : Born about 1685. He was taken prisoner in the DeerfieldMassacre of 1704 but was returned to Deerfield from Canada with hisparents. He married (1) Mary (unknown) in 1714. (2) Hannah Allen,daughter of Edward Allen and Percy Painter.Abigail : Born about 1687 in Deerfield. She was married on February 3,1704 to Jacques de Noyon, one of three Frenchmen (captives) living inDeerfield, by the Rev. John Williams. (Miss C Alice Baker in her reporton the Deerfield captives reported that it was in Boucherville, Quebec,that she discovered records on the De Noyon's ancestors. Abigail wasbaptised in Montreal on May 17/28, 1708 by the name of Marguerite and hesponsors were Mr. Vaudreuil, Governor of Canada and Marguerite BonatPascaud, the wife of one of the Vaudreuil's generals.
Samuel : born December 25, 1688. He was living in Canada in 1723.
Thankful : born September 5, 1691 at Deerfield, MA. She was baptizedon April 23, 1707 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada, and given the name LouiseTherese. The godparents were Squire Rene Hertel de Rouville and Madamede Perigny, wife of the commander of Fort Chambly. She was married onFebruary 4, 1711, at Boucherville, to Adrien Charles LeGrain, dit Lavaleeage 23, a malitia captain, the son of Charles and Louise LafortuneBonnet. Present at the wedding was Jacques de Noyon, herbrother-in-law. The marriage contract was prepared by Notary Tailhandieron February 1, 1711. In attendance were Joseph DeNoyon and MargueriteSteben, brother-in-law and sister of the bride.
Ebenezer : born December 5, 1694, at Deerfield, MA. He was one of theDeerfield Massacre captives. He was baptised in Chambly and received thename Jacques-Charles.
Joseph : born on April 12, 1699 in Deerfield, MA. It was Joseph whobecame the French Canadian connection of Alice Stebenne Nadeau (Branston,RI)...
References : Memoires de la Societe Genealogique Canadienne Francaise.Volume XXI No. 3, July-September, 1970.
Thankful married Adrian Charles LEGRAIN-LAVALLE 1, 2 son of Louis LEGRAIN-CHALLEGRAIN and Louise BONNET on 4 Feb 1710/1711 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Adrian was born about 1688 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
+ 671 F i Francoise-Therese LEGRAIN 672 M ii Guillaume LEGRAIN was born on 28 Dec 1714 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 20 DEC 1714
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
673 F iii Marie-Jeanne LEGRAIN was born on 30 Aug 1716. She died on 7 Dec 1742.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 31 AUG 1716
2 PLAC Baptisted at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
Marie-Jeanne married Francois BESSETTE son of Jean BESSETTE and Magelaine PREMONDON on 7 Jan 1737/1738. Francois was born about 1713. + 674 F iv Marie-Marguerite LEGRAIN + 675 F v Marie-Charlotte LEGRAIN + 676 F vi Elisabeth-Isabelle LEGRAIN 677 M vii Antoine LEGRAIN was born on 1 Nov 1723.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 1 NOV 1723
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
678 F viii Marie-Therese LEGRAIN was born on 2 Feb 1724/1725.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 2 FEB 1724/25
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
679 M ix Charles-Antoine LEGRAIN was born on 2 Jun 1727 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 2 JUN 1727
2 PLAC Baptised
Charles-Antoine married (1) Francoise BESSET on 30 Aug 1751 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada. Francoise was born about 1729. Charles-Antoine married (2) Marie-Susanne VALLIERE on 3 Nov 1756 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada. 680 F x Veronique LEGRAIN was born on 4 Jul 1729 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 4 JUL 1729
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
+ 681 M xi Pierre Ignace LEGRAIN
192. Joseph STEBBINS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (John , Jr , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 12 Apr 1699 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. He died on 23 Apr 1753 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
Joseph married Marguerite Sanssouci, Marriage Contrant No. 429 of thepractice of Notary Loiseau, now in the archives at Montreal. Robert P.Stebbins has an English translation made by Frenier. One of thewitnesses to the marriage was Sieur de Niverville, then commander of thefort. The marrage contract was drawn up by Father LeVassaeur, curate andalmoner for the King.
Joseph was adopted by the wealthy De Rouville family who had himconverted to the Catholic Faith.
Joseph never returned to the American Colonies, but founded the Stebenne(French spelling for Stebbins) family of Canada.
Joseph married Marie Marguerite SANSSOUCI 1, 2 daughter of Jacques SANSSOUCI and Catherine TOINETTE on 15 Nov 1734 in Fort Chambly, Quebec, Canada. They agreed on marriage contract in No. 429 Notary Loiseau, Montreal Archives.. Marie was born about 1703 in Boucherville, Quebec, Canada.
They had the following children:
+ 682 M i Joseph STEBENNE + 683 F ii Marguerite STEBENNE + 684 M iii Jean-Baptiste STEBENNE 685 M iv Francois STEBENNE 1 was born on 15 Mar 1740/1741 in Chambly, Canada. He died in Jul 1741 in Chambly, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 15 MAR 1740/41
2 PLAC Baptised
Francois Stebbins, Church records show him born in 1741.+ 686 M v Louis STEBENNE + 687 F vi Marie-Suzanne STEBENNE + 688 M vii Pierre STEBENNE 689 M viii Francois STEBENNE 1 was born on 11 Jul 1751 in Chambly, Quebec, Canada.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 11 JUL 1751
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
690 F ix Marie Anne STEBENNE 1 was born on 25 May 1753. She died on 15 Jun 1753.
1 _FA1
2 DATE 25 MAY 1753
2 PLAC Baptised at Chambly, Quebec, Canada
194. Thankful STEBBINS 1 (Benoni , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 11 Mar 1679/1680.
Thankful married John BARTLETT 1 on 27 Mar 1702 in Deerfield, MA. John was born about 1677.
They had the following children:
+ 691 F i Martha BARTLETT
196. Mindwell STEBBINS (Benoni , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 20 Jan 1684/1685 in Northampton, MA. She died in 1755 in New Haven, CT.
Mindwell married John JONES Reverend son of William JONES and Hannah EATON about 1705 in Deerfield, MA. John was born on 4 Oct 1667 in New Haven, CT. He died on 28 Jan 1717/1718 in New Haven, CT.
REVEREND JOHN JONES was a grduate of Harvard College. While attemptingto ride across the harbor on the ice to fulfill an engagement to preachat East Haven, the horse broke through the ice, and he was drowned.(Greenlee, Volume 1, Page 163).
John and Mindwell had the following children:
692 M i Theophilus Eaton JONES was born on 20 Mar 1705/1706. 693 F ii Hannah JONES was born on 15 Jun 1708 in New Haven, CT. She died on 16 Feb 1708/1709 in New Haven, CT. 694 F iii Hannah JONES was born on 29 Jul 1710. 695 F iv Mindwell JONES was born on 22 Oct 1711. + 696 M v John JONES 697 F vi Mindwell JONES was born on 14 Sep 1715. 698 F vii Abigail JONES was born on 25 Jan 1717/1718.
199. Benjamin STEBBINS 1, 2 (Benoni , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 30 Sep 1692 in Deerfield, Franklin County, MA. He died 3 on 6 Sep 1780 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, CT.
Benjamin married Sarah MEAD 1, 2, 3 daughter of Joseph , Jr MEAD and Sarah REYNOLDS on 14 Aug 1718 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, CT. Sarah was born on 3 Nov 1695 in Greenwich, CT. She died on 1 May 1774 in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, CT.
They had the following children:
+ 699 M i Benjamin STEBBINS + 700 M ii Ebenezer STEBBINS + 701 F iii Esther STEBBINS + 702 M iv Theophilus STEBBINS + 703 F v Hannah STEBBINS + 704 M vi Nehemiah STEBBINS Lieutenant + 705 M vii Josiah STEBBINS + 706 M viii Joseph STEBBINS + 707 F ix Sarah STEBBINS
201. John STEBBINS Captain 1 (Samuel , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born after 1679. He died on 18 Aug 1756 in Fort Edward, NY.
CAPTAIN JOHN STEBBINGS and his brother Joseph, in 1714, were assigned thefirst house lot of thirty acres, in Leicester, MA. He and his brotherwere neither of them twenty-one years of age, when they came toLeicester. This house lot was on Strawberry Hill and comprehended aconsiderable part of the village of Leicester. He was the first gtanteenamed in the deed, dated January 8, 1724, giving the easterly half of thetown to the first fifty families.
He was a housewright by trade, but he acquired only a moderate estate;yet he was a man of intellegence and influence, and was often promoted tooffices in civil and military life. He went to Spencer, MA, in 1737 or1738, and took possession of the lot (No 6) lately owned by Major IsaacLamb.
Mr Stebbins was a soldier in the French war in 1746, serving underGovernor Shirley, in Canada and Nova Scotia. Again in 1755 and 1756, hewas captain in the regiment of Colonel Ruggles, stationed at Fort Edward,where he died. He was killed in repelling an attack of French andIndians.
(Greenlee, Volume II, page 1145).
John married (1) Sarah SOUTHGATE in 1732. Sarah died on 16 Nov 1742 in Specer, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 708 F i Sarah STEBBINGS 709 F ii Elizabeth STEBBINGS was born on 2 Sep 1734. Elizabeth married Donald NEWHALL. Donald was born about 1731 in Leicester, MA. 710 M iii John STEBBINGS was born on 21 Jul 1738 in Spencer, MA. He died in Spencer, MA. John married Olive MUZZY daughter of Living on 11 Oct 1764. Olive died on 1 Mar 1840 in Spencer, MA. 711 M iv James STEBBINGS was born on 23 Apr 1740. 712 F v Mary STEBBINGS was born on 2 Oct 1742.
John married (2) Mary HINDS in 1743 in Spencer, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 713 M vi Benjamin STEBBINGS 714 M vii Reuben STEBBINGS was born on 18 Apr 1746. 715 F viii Patience STEBBINGS was born on 19 Aug 1747.
202. Mercy STEBBINS 1 (Samuel , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 12 Feb 1682/1683.
Mercy married Thomas NEWHALL. Thomas was born in 1680. He died in 1776.
They had the following children:
716 F i Mary NEWHALL was born in 1704. Mary married Robert EARLE. 717 F ii Hannah NEWHALL was born in 1705/1706. Hannah married Isaac MOORE. Isaac was born in 1700. 718 F iii Abigail NEWHALL was born in 1707. Abigail married Benjamin EARLE. + 719 F iv Lydia NEWHALL 720 M v Jonathan NEWHALL was born in 1711/1712. He died in 1787. Jonathan married Hannah CONVERSE. 721 M vi David NEWHALL was born in 1712/1713. 722 F vii Esther NEWHALL was born in 1714. Esther married David ALLEN. 723 F viii Dorothy NEWHALL was born in 1717/1718. Dorothy married John NEWALL.
207. Abigail PHELPS (Abigail STEBBINS , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 3 Aug 1679 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA.
Abigail married (1) Joseph PARSONS son of Benjamin PARSONS and Sarah VORE on 15 Sep 1697 in Springfield, MA. Joseph was born on 16 Dec 1675 in Springfield, MA. He died on 21 Oct 1733 in Springfield, MA.
They had the following children:
724 F i Sarah PARSONS was born on 16 Feb 1697/1698 in Springfield, MA. She died on 22 Dec 1776. Sarah married John MERRICK son of John MERRICK and Mary DAY on 23 Jan 1715/1716. John was born after 1700. + 725 M ii Joseph PARSONS
Abigail married (2) Petatiah MORGAN on 17 Feb 1736/1737 in Springfield, MA. Petatiah was born about 1678.
208. Elizabeth PHELPS (Abigail STEBBINS , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 4 Feb 1681/1682 in Northampton, MA.
Elizabeth married Benjamin KNOWLTON son of Benjamin KNOWLTON and Hannah MERRICK on 16 Jul 1708 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. Benjamin was born on 9 Dec 1679 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA. He died on 15 Jun 1750 in Springfield, Hampton County, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 726 F i Mary KNOWLTON is printed as #637.
209. William , Jr PHELPS Captain 1 (Abigail STEBBINS , John , Rowland , Thomas Francis , William , William ) was born on 16 Apr 1684 in Northampton, Hampshire County, MA. He died on 20 Jun 1755 in Northampton, Hampshire County, MA.
William married Thankful EDWARDS daughter of Benjamin EDWARDS and Thankful SHELDON in 1706 in Northampton, Hartford County, MA. Thankful was born on 6 Oct 1688 in Springfield, MA. She died on 22 Dec 1766 in Northampton, Hartford County, MA.
They had the following children:
727 F i Thankful PHELPS was born on 17 Dec 1707 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. She died on 26 Feb 1707/1708. 728 M ii Eliakim PHELPS was born on 17 Jan 1708/1709 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. He died in 1777 in Belchertown, MA. Eliakim married Elizabeth DAVIS. 729 F iii Thankful PHELPS was born in 1710. 730 M iv Benjamin PHELPS was born on 10 Mar 1712/1713 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. Benjamin married Rachel BROWN. 731 M v Josiah PHELPS was born on 20 Mar 1715/1716 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. He died on 7 Oct 1793. Josiah married (1) Elizabeth BARTLETT. Elizabeth was born about 1718. Josiah married (2) MARY. + 732 F vi Experience PHELPS 733 F vii Eunice PHELPS was born on 1 Apr 1720 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. Eunice married John WRIGHT. 734 F viii Lois PHELPS was born in 1725 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. She died on 21 Apr 1779. Lois married Joshua POMEROY. Joshua was born about 1722. + 735 M ix Joseph PHELPS 736 M x William PHELPS was born on 12 Sep 1731 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA. William married Abigail PHELPS on 20 Oct 1759. + 737 M xi Elnathan PHELPS