Home Page: None
How did you hear about this site? No. 1 Newsletter 3/99
Comments: I graduated with Course 17 at Terrell as a USAF guest student in Feb 44.
Date/Time - 4/6/99 6:44:57 AM
Name: Ron (W5WWW)
E-mail:[email protected]
Home Page:http://www.qsl.net/w5www/
How did you hear about this site? Via a guestbookentry
Comments: Hi Al--Congratulations on a very nicely designed site.
It is great to meet up with a fellow Lawman/Texan.
You certainly have a very nicely designed site which contains a lot of information and links.
I will forward your website address to some of my fellow DPS Officers here
in the Houston area that also have an interest in flying.
Keep up the great work on your site
and I hope to return later for updates.
Take care and stay safe--Ron
(Texas State Police/DPS Narcotics Service)
Date/Time - 4/1/99 6:21:54 PM
Name: Ed Cahill
E-mail: [email protected]
Home Page: http://members.xoom.com/hosskop/
How did you hear about this site? From my guestbook
Comments: Great site, Al. I can tell right now that I'll have to put aside
some time for viewing all your links.
Thanks for all the hard work you've put into it.
Take care and stay safe, Ed
Date/Time - 4/1/99 5:54:08 PM
Name: Roger Soldan
E-mail: [email protected]
Home Page: http://netspaceonline.com/~rsoldan
How did you hear about this site? Viewing a guestbook from England!
Comments: I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your pages!
I am from Salina Kansas where I work as a Field Sergeant for the Saline County Sheriff's Office.
The only eye in the sky in our area belongs to the Highway Patrol! Take care, Roger.
Date/Time - 3/31/99 12:52:37 AM
Name: Pam
E-mail: [email protected]
Home Page: http://members.tripod.com/~camomilethattimeforg/journal.html
How did you hear about this site? Webring
Comments: Very well done site!! Love the pictures.
It is a fitting memorial
to all the brave men who fought
to give us the freedom that we now enjoy. Thank you.
Date/Time - 3/23/99 2:39:12 AM
Name: Lawrence C. Clark - El-oso
E-mail: [email protected]
Home Page: none
How did you hear about this site? From Al castleman via TCA (VA)
Comments: Great page, love music. I have a few pages for the PBY WWll era,
let me know if you would like, that is you don't have them already.
Oso TCA pilot #2011, Baltimore, md USA
Date/Time - 3/11/99 1:35:13 PM