If I were president: I would require all persons wishing to drive a car to pass tests, covering their ability to drive, for a driver's license. Pass a marriage law requiring all marrying couples to pass tests for mental and physical defectiveness. Keep and improve the Civilian Conservation Corp for it is a great help to farmers, saves the natural resources, and solves part of the nation's youth problem. Would not advise inflation of money. Would balance the budget as soon as possible. Carry on extensive trade with foreign countries yet would take no part in their disputes for this country does not want another war. Keep friendly relations between the U.S. and England. I would have nothing to do with the war between Italy and Ethiopia. Keep the high standard of the Supreme Court as a steadying power for the numerous acts being passed. Build up a strong air fleet, both for domestic use and for defense. Approve of the Tennessee Valley Authority for it will lower the cost of a public utility. Electricity (production) furnishes good homes for people otherwise unable to own them and reclaims land never used before. Encourage the Department of Investigation to keep up its good work in protecting the citizens against organized crime. Would not tax the common man any further. Would distribute taxes to all according to peoples income and ability to pay. Would be more strict with relief. Too many are on that don't need to be and some would rather starve than work. Would encourage private industries to absorb men now on relief. A great number of the above are state problems but I would see that something was done about them.
NOTE: John says that absolutely no one helped hiin write this essay. Even his English teacher did not correct his English or spelling. The entire essay was 100% his own doing. |