Ketty HARTLE10862 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frederic/Frederick HARTLE-61105 and (Wife of HARTLE, Frederick) -105917.

Spouse: David HOOBER-61107. Ketty HARTLE and David HOOBER were married.

Leila E. HARTLE1917 was born (date unknown). Parents: Webster HARTLE-136721 and Emeline BRUMBAUGH-135990.

Mable Loraine HARTLE1917 was born on 3 May 1903. Parents: Elias Brumbaugh HARTLE-136724 and Nettie KIEFFER-136725.

Margaret HARTLE10862 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frederic/Frederick HARTLE-61105 and (Wife of HARTLE, Frederick) -105917.

Spouse: Daniel SLONAKER-61110. Margaret HARTLE and Daniel SLONAKER were married.

Margaret/Margaretha "Peggy" HARTLE1196,2152,6449,7377,8508 was born on 28 December 1755 or 28 December 1757 in Frederick Co., MD.1196,2152 She died on 30 September 1834 or 30 June 1838 at the age of 78 in Pennsylvania.1196,2152,6943 Another date of death has been given as 3 JUN 1839 and 30 JUN 1839. Parents: Hans George HARTLE/HERTEL-98213 and Anna Margaretha GRAMLICH-98214.

Spouse: Johannes/Johann Conrad NICODEMUS-8324. Margaret/Margaretha "Peggy" HARTLE and Johannes/Johann Conrad NICODEMUS were married on 31 December 1776.6449 Children were: Frederic/Fiedrick NICODEMUS-58012, Elizabeth/Elizabetha Fockner NICODEMUS-58015, John/Johannes NICODEMUS-58013, Esther NICODEMUS-58016, Margaret/Margaretha NICODEMUS-58017, George NICODEMUS-6870, Catherine/Catharine NICODEMUS-58014, Mary/Maria NICODEMUS-58018, Jacob NICODEMUS-98219.

Mary Vivian HARTLE1917 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elias Brumbaugh HARTLE-136724 and Nettie KIEFFER-136725.

N. Grace HARTLE10861 was born on 29 July 1918. She died on 4 March 2000 at the age of 81 in Montgomeryville, Montgomery Co., PA. She was buried at Memorial Park in Bedford Co., PA. Parents: Edgar H. HARTLE-181276 and Hattie MCDONALD-181277.

Spouse: Ronald W. MILLER-181279. N. Grace HARTLE and Ronald W. MILLER were married.

Owen HARTLE10861 was born (date unknown). Parents: Edgar H. HARTLE-181276 and Hattie MCDONALD-181277.

Polly HARTLE10862 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frederic/Frederick HARTLE-61105 and (Wife of HARTLE, Frederick) -105917.

Spouse: Henry SMITH-61114. Polly HARTLE and Henry SMITH were married.

Robert HARTLE10861 was born (date unknown). Parents: Edgar H. HARTLE-181276 and Hattie MCDONALD-181277.

S. Clyde HARTLE1917 was born (date unknown). Parents: Webster HARTLE-136721 and Emeline BRUMBAUGH-135990.

Spouse: Elva PENSINGER-136734. Elva PENSINGER and S. Clyde HARTLE were married.

Salley HARTLE10862 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frederic/Frederick HARTLE-61105 and (Wife of HARTLE, Frederick) -105917.

Spouse: Christian HOOVER-61120. Salley HARTLE and Christian HOOVER were married.

Shimer HARTLE10861 was born (date unknown). Parents: Edgar H. HARTLE-181276 and Hattie MCDONALD-181277.

Stanley W. HARTLE1917 was born (date unknown). Parents: Webster HARTLE-136721 and Emeline BRUMBAUGH-135990.

Spouse: Nellie BARNHART-136736. Nellie BARNHART and Stanley W. HARTLE were married.

Susey HARTLE10862 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frederic/Frederick HARTLE-61105 and (Wife of HARTLE, Frederick) -105917.

Spouse: John SNOWBERGER-61112. Susey HARTLE and John SNOWBERGER were married.

Webster HARTLE170 was born on 20 September 1844. He was a member of the Reformed Church. Parents: John H. HARTLE-136722 and Barbara (WIFE OF HARTLE, JOHN H.)-136723.

Spouse: Emeline BRUMBAUGH-135990. Emeline BRUMBAUGH and Webster HARTLE were married. Children were: Elias Brumbaugh HARTLE-136724, S. Clyde HARTLE-136733, Stanley W. HARTLE-136735, Charles L. HARTLE-136737, Leila E. HARTLE-136738, John W. HARTLE-136739, Gertrude V. HARTLE-136740.

William David HARTLE88 was born on 21 August 1888 in Mansfield, Richland Co., OH. He died on 22 March 1897 at the age of 8 in Mansfield, Richland Co., OH. Parents: John William HARTLE-90433 and Anna Katherine RISSLER-90434.

Hans George HARTLE/HERTEL286,2152,8508 was born on 10 May 1722 in Schweigern, Baden, Germany.6449 He died on 13 September 1776 at the age of 54 in Washington Co., MD.6449 Parents: Hans Sebastin HERTEL-185906 and Anna Margaretta DIETTERICH-185907.

Spouse: Anna Margaretha GRAMLICH-98214. Anna Margaretha GRAMLICH and Hans George HARTLE/HERTEL were married on 13 July 1746 in Adelsheim, Baden, Germany.6449 Children were: Margaret/Margaretha "Peggy" HARTLE-8325.

(Husband of SMALL, Mellie) HARTLEY9744 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Mellie SMALL-111751. Mellie SMALL and (Husband of SMALL, Mellie) HARTLEY were married.

(Wife of THOMSON) HARTLEY130 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: (Husband of HARTLEY) THOMSON-119750. (Wife of THOMSON) HARTLEY and (Husband of HARTLEY) THOMSON were married.

Alan R. "Chip" HARTLEY10863 was born on 23 April 1951 in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA. He died on 7 December 2013 at the age of 62 in Granville, Granville Twp., Mifflin Co., PA. He was buried on 11 December 2013 at Mount Rock Cem. in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA. Chip was a member of the Maitland Church of the Brethren in Maitland, Derry Twp., Mifflin Co., PA. Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Michelle HARTLEY-195471, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Estella C. HARTLEY288 was born on 27 March 1895 in Van Ormer, Reade Twp., Cambria Co., PA. She died on 2 September 1969 at the age of 74 in Pennsylvania. Parents: James HARTLEY-95351 and Sharon SHANNON-95352.

Spouse: John Christian KRISE-95146. Estella C. HARTLEY and John Christian KRISE were married. Children were: Helen KRISE-95353, Hartly G. KRISE-95354, Hazel Kristiana KRISE-95356, John Edward KRISE-95358, Robert Thurston KRISE-95360, Ann KRISE-95359.

George W. HARTLEY2396 died on 29 September 1972.

Spouse: Mildred Elizabeth SOYSTER-93462. Mildred Elizabeth SOYSTER and George W. HARTLEY were married.

James HARTLEY288 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Sharon SHANNON-95352. Sharon SHANNON and James HARTLEY were married. Children were: Estella C. HARTLEY-95350.

James HARTLEY1055 was born on 26 July 1760. He died on 10 September 1827 at the age of 67. Parents: Roger HARTLEY-124075 and Agnes SEABORN/SEBRING-124076.

Spouse: Mary SMALLEY-124068. Mary SMALLEY and James HARTLEY were married. Children were: Jane HARTLEY-124060.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Jane HARTLEY718 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Albert ROWAN-56418. Jane HARTLEY and Albert ROWAN were married. Children were: Edith Ellen ROWAN-56417.

Jane HARTLEY1055 was born in 1786 in Pennsylvania. She died on 19 April 1876 at the age of 90. Parents: James HARTLEY-124067 and Mary SMALLEY-124068.

Spouse: Benjamin E. PROVANCE-124059. Jane HARTLEY and Benjamin E. PROVANCE were married about 1806. Children were: James S. PROVINCE-124055.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Willard HARTLEY-101701 and Joan MILLER-101702.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.

Louisa HARTLEY870 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Regin M. HILL-39622. Louisa HARTLEY and Regin M. HILL were married. Children were: Stella HILL-39621.

Matilda HARTLEY1754 was born (date unknown). Parents: William HARTLEY-40603 and Catherine (WIFE OF HARTLEY, WILLIAM)-40604.

Spouse: Thomas KING-40601. Matilda HARTLEY and Thomas KING were married in 1840.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Michelle HARTLEY10863 died in 1976. Parents: Alan R. "Chip" HARTLEY-195469 and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Alan R. "Chip" HARTLEY-195469.

Roger HARTLEY1055 was born on 19 March 1734. He died in 1802 at the age of 68 in West Virginia.

Spouse: Agnes SEABORN/SEBRING-124076. Agnes SEABORN/SEBRING and Roger HARTLEY were married. Children were: James HARTLEY-124067.

Living (private). Parents: Alan R. "Chip" HARTLEY-195469 and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Willard HARTLEY3487 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joan MILLER-101702. Joan MILLER and Willard HARTLEY were married. Children were: Living.

William HARTLEY1754 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Catherine (WIFE OF HARTLEY, WILLIAM)-40604. Catherine (WIFE OF HARTLEY, WILLIAM) and William HARTLEY were married. Children were: Matilda HARTLEY-40602.

Living (private). Parents: Earl Raymond HARTLINE-75997 and Doris Alta SNYDER-75958.

Living (private). Parents: Earl Raymond HARTLINE-75997 and Doris Alta SNYDER-75958.

Earl Raymond HARTLINE13 was born on 17 April 1914. He died on 13 April 1999 at the age of 84 at Laurel View Village in Davidsville, Somerset Co., PA.10864 He was buried at Rockwood IOOF Cem. in Rockwood, Somerset Co., PA.10864

Spouse: Doris Alta SNYDER-75958. Doris Alta SNYDER and Earl Raymond HARTLINE were married on 9 December 1947 in Rockwood, Somerset Co., PA. Children were: Living, Living.

Lester E. HARTLINE689 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elaine SCHUE-20483. Elaine SCHUE and Lester E. HARTLINE were married.

(Husband of GEISSINGER, Catherine) HARTMAN918 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Catherine GEISSINGER-68383. Catherine GEISSINGER and (Husband of GEISSINGER, Catherine) HARTMAN were married.

(Husband of GEISSINGER, Susanna) HARTMAN918 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Susanna GEISSINGER-68379. Susanna GEISSINGER and (Husband of GEISSINGER, Susanna) HARTMAN were married.

(Husband of MENSCH) HARTMAN130 was born (date unknown). Parents: (Husband of MERTZ) HARTMAN-119778 and (Wife of HARTMAN) MERTZ-119779.

Spouse: (Wife of HARTMAN) MENSCH-119044. (Wife of HARTMAN) MENSCH and (Husband of MENSCH) HARTMAN were married. Children were: (Wife of DERSHEM) HARTMAN-119780.