Living (private).

Spouse: John A. BURGET-9958.

Pearl KAUFFMAN10496 died before 10 April 2012. Parents: Robert KAUFFMAN-168887 and Agnes POWELL-168888.

Spouse: (Husband of KAUFFMAN, Pearl) HENRY-168891. Pearl KAUFFMAN and (Husband of KAUFFMAN, Pearl) HENRY were married.

Pearl H. KAUFFMAN1196,2944 was born on 15 October 1883 in Roaring Spring, Blair Co., PA. She died on 13 June 1960 at the age of 76.

Spouse: Clarence V. SNIVELY-100547. Pearl H. KAUFFMAN and Clarence V. SNIVELY were married in October 1900 in Woodbury, Bedford Co., PA. Children were: George Harold SNIVELY-100549, Mary Viola SNIVELY-100554, Marguerite Pearl "Marge" SNIVELY-100555, Dorothy Evelyn SNIVELY-100556, Helen Isabel SNIVELY-100557, Anna Louise SNIVELY-100558.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Philip KAUFFMAN918 was born (date unknown). Parents: Rudolph KAUFFMAN-68430 and Elizabeth GEISSINGER-68373.

Rebecca KAUFFMAN937,2085 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: William C. BENDER-178931. Rebecca KAUFFMAN and William C. BENDER were married.

Living (private). Parents: William George KAUFFMAN-75402 and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Robert KAUFFMAN-168887 and Agnes POWELL-168888.

Spouse: Living.

Robert KAUFFMAN10496 died before 10 April 2012.

Spouse: Agnes POWELL-168888. Agnes POWELL and Robert KAUFFMAN were married. Children were: Shirley KAUFFMAN-168886, David KAUFFMAN-168889, Pearl KAUFFMAN-168890, Doris KAUFFMAN-168892, James KAUFFMAN-130008, Living, Living, Living, Living, Living, Living.

Rudolph KAUFFMAN918 was born on 3 October 1737 in Montgomery Co., PA. He died on 7 August 1821 at the age of 83. He was buried at Saucon Mennonite Cem. in Coopersburg, Bucks Co., PA. Parents: Christian KAUFFMAN-68431.

Spouse: Elizabeth GEISSINGER-68373. Elizabeth GEISSINGER and Rudolph KAUFFMAN were married. Children were: Christian KAUFFMAN-68432, Susanna KAUFFMAN-68434, Barbara KAUFFMAN-68435, Elizabeth KAUFFMAN-68436, Philip KAUFFMAN-68437.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Samantha Lynn KAUFFMAN1964 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and Living.

Samuel KAUFFMAN918 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Esther MUSSELMAN-68609. Esther MUSSELMAN and Samuel KAUFFMAN were married.

Samuel KAUFFMAN6483 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Barbara BRUMBACH-200388. Barbara BRUMBACH and Samuel KAUFFMAN were married.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Samantha Lynn KAUFFMAN-87653, Living.

Sara KAUFFMAN10090,10091 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John B. FREDERICK-36584. Sara KAUFFMAN and John B. FREDERICK were married. Children were: Adam Kauffman FREDERICK-36550, Homer H. FREDERICK-48178, (Daughter of FREDERICK, John B. and Sara) FREDERICK-59667.

Sarah KAUFFMAN180 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John BLAUCH-190882. Sarah KAUFFMAN and John BLAUCH were married.

Sem KAUFFMAN172,374 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elizabeth (WIFE OF KAUFFMAN, SEM)-190679. Elizabeth (WIFE OF KAUFFMAN, SEM) and Sem KAUFFMAN were married. Children were: Kore KAUFFMAN-190677, Sem/Simon KAUFFMAN Jr.-190917, Lydia KAUFFMAN-190911.

Sem KAUFFMAN374 was born about 18 May 1872. Parents: Sem/Simon KAUFFMAN Jr.-190917 and Christiana/Christina JOHNS-190916.

Sem/Simon KAUFFMAN Jr.180,374 was born (date unknown). Parents: Sem KAUFFMAN-190678 and Elizabeth (WIFE OF KAUFFMAN, SEM)-190679.

Spouse: Christiana/Christina JOHNS-190916. Christiana/Christina JOHNS and Sem/Simon KAUFFMAN Jr. were married on 5 December 1852. Children were: Joseph KAUFFMAN-191649, Isaac KAUFFMAN-191650, Noah KAUFFMAN-191651, David KAUFFMAN-191652, Bennett KAUFFMAN-191653, Eleasannah KAUFFMAN-191654, Lizzie KAUFFMAN-191655, Katie KAUFFMAN-191656, Sem KAUFFMAN-191657, Daniel KAUFFMAN-191658, Amos KAUFFMAN-191659, Menno KAUFFMAN-191660, Austin KAUFFMAN-191661.

Living (private). Parents: Galen KAUFFMAN-75418 and Wava GUERNSEY-75419.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Shirley KAUFFMAN10496 was born on 2 July 1938 in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA. She died on 10 April 2012 at the age of 73 at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Montour Co., PA. She was buried on 14 April 2012 at Mount Rock Cem. in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA.10496 Shirley was a member of the Mount Rock Evangelical Methodist Church in Lewistown, Mifflin Co., PA. Parents: Robert KAUFFMAN-168887 and Agnes POWELL-168888.

Spouse: Neil E. GOSS Sr.-122551. Shirley KAUFFMAN and Neil E. GOSS Sr. were married. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living, Living.

Susanna KAUFFMAN918 was born (date unknown). Parents: Rudolph KAUFFMAN-68430 and Elizabeth GEISSINGER-68373.

Susanna KAUFFMAN174,2085 was born in 1841. She died in 1889 at the age of 48.

Spouse: Noah HOSTETLER-178965. Susanna KAUFFMAN and Noah HOSTETLER were married.

Spouse: Michael BENDER-178852. Susanna KAUFFMAN and Michael BENDER were married. Children were: Eli M. BENDER-178966, Veronica/Fannie Priscilla BENDER-178968, William BENDER-178972, Margaret Edith BENDER-178974.

Living (private). Parents: William George KAUFFMAN-75402 and Living.

Thelma Gertrude KAUFFMAN7707 was born on 9 September 1915. Parents: Irvin KAUFFMAN-75370 and Josephine KEEVER-75371.

Spouse: Marlon SULLESTAD-75385. Thelma Gertrude KAUFFMAN and Marlon SULLESTAD were married on 25 January 1941. Children were: Living, Living.

Theresa A. KAUFFMAN11928 was born (date unknown). Parents: Jacob T. "Jake" KAUFFMAN-103151.

Spouse: (Husband of KAUFFMAN, Theresa A.) WHITE-103155. Theresa A. KAUFFMAN and (Husband of KAUFFMAN, Theresa A.) WHITE were married.

Living (private). Parents: Living.

Veronica Frances "Frany" KAUFFMAN6103 was born in 1778. She died on 1 July 1874 at the age of 96.

Spouse: Henry MOIST-195944. Veronica Frances "Frany" KAUFFMAN and Henry MOIST were married in 1801. Children were: Jacob C. MOIST-152670.

Living (private). Parents: Robert KAUFFMAN-168887 and Agnes POWELL-168888.

Spouse: Living.

Living (private). Parents: William George KAUFFMAN-75402 and Living.

William George KAUFFMAN9436 was born on 9 May 1920. Parents: Nelson KAUFFMAN-75400 and Blanche FUNK-75401.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.

William H. KAUFFMAN699 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Margaret Helen SNIDER-17329. Margaret Helen SNIDER and William H. KAUFFMAN were married. Children were: KAUFFMAN-17331, KAUFFMAN-17332, Margaret KAUFFMAN-17333.

William H. KAUFFMAN12 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Sarah L. HOY-165527. Sarah L. HOY and William H. KAUFFMAN were married.

William M. KAUFFMAN11928 was born (date unknown). Parents: Jacob T. "Jake" KAUFFMAN-103151.

Joseph KAUFFMAN/COFFMAN2451,7420 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elizabeth BRUMBAUGH-1545. Elizabeth BRUMBAUGH and Joseph KAUFFMAN/COFFMAN were married on 12 February 1824 in Montgomery Co., OH.7040
They were married by Joseph Garver, Minister of The Gospel.

Alma KAUFFMAN/KUFFMAN1291,7150 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Irvin FREDERICK-55448. Alma KAUFFMAN/KUFFMAN and Irvin FREDERICK were married. Children were: FREDERICK-90186, FREDERICK-90187, FREDERICK-90188, FREDERICK-90189, FREDERICK-90190, FREDERICK-90191, FREDERICK-90192, FREDERICK-90193.

Ann KAUFMAN6121 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John STONER-17710. Children were: John STONER-7236, Nancy STONER-17712, Andrew STONER-17713, Jacob STONER-17714, Christian STONER-17715, Mary STONER-17716, Catherine STONER-17717.

Anna KAUFMAN4556 was born in 1736 in Bern, Switzerland. She died in 1815 at the age of 79 in Quemahoning Twp., Somerset Co., PA.

Spouse: Jacob BLAUCH Sr.-18967. Anna KAUFMAN and Jacob BLAUCH Sr. were married in 1756 in Lebanon Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. Children were: Jacob BLOUGH/BLAUCH Jr.-17622.

Christiana KAUFMAN11931 was born on 3 September 1859. She died on 16 November 1883 at the age of 24.

Spouse: Peter ALWINE-178511. Christiana KAUFMAN and Peter ALWINE were married.

Daniel KAUFMAN12 was born on 27 September 1840. He died on 3 June 1906 at the age of 65. He was buried at Brethren Church Cem. in Yellow Creek, Stephenson Co., IL.12

Spouse: Elizabeth VONADA-165258. Elizabeth VONADA and Daniel KAUFMAN were married on 10 September 1865 in Madisonburg, Miles Twp., Centre Co., PA. Children were: Jacob David KAUFMAN-165584, Harvey Ellsworth KAUFMAN-165585, Sarah Rebecca KAUFMAN-165586, William Edward KAUFMAN-165588, Thomas Adam KAUFMAN-165590, Mary I. KAUFMAN-165591.

Elizabeth/ Margaret Elisabeth KAUFMAN1865 died after 1831.

Spouse: Jacob SPRINGER Sr.-115478. Elizabeth/ Margaret Elisabeth KAUFMAN and Jacob SPRINGER Sr. were married. Children were: Christeena/Catharine/Catharina SPRINGER-57729.

Elvin Charles KAUFMAN689 was born on 9 March 1925.13 Parents: Lemon KAUFMAN-75933.

Spouse: Alpha Mae ENOS-20450. Alpha Mae ENOS and Elvin Charles KAUFMAN were married on 3 May 1952.13 Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Elvin Charles KAUFMAN-20453 and Alpha Mae ENOS-20450.

George KAUFMAN1626 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Betty (WIFE OF KAUFMAN, GEORGE)-75608. Betty (WIFE OF KAUFMAN, GEORGE) and George KAUFMAN were married. Children were: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Elvin Charles KAUFMAN-20453 and Alpha Mae ENOS-20450.

Harvey Ellsworth KAUFMAN12 was born on 28 July 1868 in Spring Mills, Gregg Twp., Centre Co., PA. Parents: Daniel KAUFMAN-165583 and Elizabeth VONADA-165258.

Living (private). Parents: Elvin Charles KAUFMAN-20453 and Alpha Mae ENOS-20450.

J. Lucille KAUFMAN7877 was born in 1921.

Spouse: John J. CABLE-180305. J. Lucille KAUFMAN and John J. CABLE were married on 12 September 1946.