(Husband of HARPSTER, Vicki) AZLIN1745 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Vicki HARPSTER-112189. Vicki HARPSTER and (Husband of HARPSTER, Vicki) AZLIN were married.

Mary AZZARELLA3392 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Claude I. DODSON-90140. Mary AZZARELLA and Claude I. DODSON were married. They were divorced.

Mabel B---164 was born about 1900.

Spouse: Albert C. HERSHEY-153559. Mabel B--- and Albert C. HERSHEY were married.

Byron B.101 was born (date unknown). Parents: R. C. B.-116314 and Blanche Etta SMITH-116308.

R. C. B.101 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Blanche Etta SMITH-116308. Blanche Etta SMITH and R. C. B. were married. Children were: Byron B.-116316.

Abraham BAAL/PAUL3393 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elizabeth FLUCK-107661. Elizabeth FLUCK and Abraham BAAL/PAUL were married.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Katherine BABB3394 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Tom MOODY-150978. Katherine BABB and Tom MOODY were married. Children were: Charles Lester MOODY-150977.

Walter BABB2908 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ruth BRINEGAR-159229. Ruth BRINEGAR and Walter BABB were married. Children were: William L. BABB-159227.

William L. BABB2908 was born on 6 August 1908 in Salem, Richardson Co., NE. He died on 16 December 1968 at the age of 60. He was buried at Steele Cem. in Falls City, Richardson Co., NE.2908 Parents: Walter BABB-159228 and Ruth BRINEGAR-159229.

Spouse: Irene Laverna BAHR-159215. Irene Laverna BAHR and William L. BABB were married on 29 January 1951.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Alice Mae BABBIDGE3395 was born on 5 July 1927 in Portland, Cumberland Co., ME. Parents: Leon Augustus BABBIDGE-156534 and Ardia Lucille REYNOLDS-156535.

Spouse: Sharron Wellman BROVONT-156448. Alice Mae BABBIDGE and Sharron Wellman BROVONT were married on 9 April 1944. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Leon Augustus BABBIDGE3395 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ardia Lucille REYNOLDS-156535. Ardia Lucille REYNOLDS and Leon Augustus BABBIDGE were married. Children were: Alice Mae BABBIDGE-156533.

(Second daughter of BABBITT, Harriet and Lester) BABBITT918 was born in 1884. Parents: Lester Miller BABBITT-69967 and Harriet GEISINGER-68860.

(Third daughter of BABBITT, Harriet and Lester) BABBITT918 was born in 1887. Parents: Lester Miller BABBITT-69967 and Harriet GEISINGER-68860.

Curtis B. BABBITT918 was born in 1878. He died on 29 April 1954 at the age of 76. Parents: Lester Miller BABBITT-69967 and Harriet GEISINGER-68860.

Grace E. BABBITT918 was born on 14 January 1882 in DeKalb Co., IN. She died in January 1967 at the age of 85 in DeKalb Co., IN. Parents: Lester Miller BABBITT-69967 and Harriet GEISINGER-68860.

Lester Miller BABBITT918 was born on 20 July 1855. He died in 1927 at the age of 72. He was buried in Garrett, DeKalb Co., IN.

Spouse: Harriet GEISINGER-68860. Harriet GEISINGER and Lester Miller BABBITT were married on 29 July 1877 in DeKalb Co., IN. Children were: Lewis S. BABBITT-69968, Curtis B. BABBITT-69969, Grace E. BABBITT-69970, (Second daughter of BABBITT, Harriet and Lester) BABBITT-69971, (Third daughter of BABBITT, Harriet and Lester) BABBITT-69972.

Lewis S. BABBITT918 was born (date unknown). Parents: Lester Miller BABBITT-69967 and Harriet GEISINGER-68860.

William C. BABBL/BABLE737,1011 was born about 1872.737 He died after 1915 at the age of 43.737 Parents: William BABLE-36338 and Sophia TOMB-36339.

Spouse: Ellen Barbara LEITZELL-28604. Ellen Barbara LEITZELL and William C. BABBL/BABLE were married on 30 November 1913 at Epworth Methodist Church in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA.737

(Second husband of BROWN, Sabia Anthum) BABCOCK3396 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Sabia Anthum BROWN-136368. Sabia Anthum BROWN and (Second husband of BROWN, Sabia Anthum) BABCOCK were married.

Frank BABCOCK786 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Minnie STUDEBAKER-58258. Minnie STUDEBAKER and Frank BABCOCK were married. Children were: Gladys BABCOCK-58943.

Gladys BABCOCK786 was born (date unknown). Parents: Frank BABCOCK-58942 and Minnie STUDEBAKER-58258.

Spouse: Harry THOMAS-58944. Gladys BABCOCK and Harry THOMAS were married.

Laura BABCOCK was born in February 1873 in Nebraska.

Spouse: Samuel Howard SHONTZ-8267. Laura BABCOCK and Samuel Howard SHONTZ were married in 1892. Children were: William Arthur SHONTS-11028, George Elmer SHONTS-11029, Dolly SHONTS-11030, Mary SHONTS-11031, Margaret SHONTS-11032.

Marilyn BABCOCK882 was born in 1938. She died in 1971 at the age of 33.

Spouse: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Deacon Calvin BABER148 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: (Wife of BABER, Calvin) -147268. (Wife of BABER, Calvin) and Deacon Calvin BABER were married. Children were: Mary BABER-147266.

Deloras P. BABER1288 was born on 7 November 1887. She died on 6 December 1956 at the age of 69.

Spouse: James Henry BRECHBIEL-86928. Deloras P. BABER and James Henry BRECHBIEL were married on 6 January 1907. Children were: Lyman Otto BRECHBIEL-86930, Vada Lucille BRECHBIEL-86938, Opal Louise BRECHBIEL-86947, Marie BRECHBIEL-86950, Merlin LeRoy BRECHBIEL-86971, Kenneth Aral BRECHBIEL-86974.

Isaac BABER707 was born (date unknown). Parents: William BABER-26989 and Lucy PHELPS-26990.

Spouse: Sally TAPPSCOTT-26988. Sally TAPPSCOTT and Isaac BABER were married. Children were: Sarah S. BABER-26984.

Margaret C. BABER3397 was born in 1819. She died in 1861 at the age of 42.

Spouse: Abraham SEAS-1124. Margaret C. BABER and Abraham SEAS were married.

Mary BABER148 was born (date unknown). Parents: Deacon Calvin BABER-147267 and (Wife of BABER, Calvin) -147268.

Spouse: Thomas Tupper BOWLBY-147265. Mary BABER and Thomas Tupper BOWLBY were married. Children were: Calvin Albertus BOWLBY-147269.

Sarah S. BABER707 was born (date unknown). Parents: Isaac BABER-26987 and Sally TAPPSCOTT-26988.

Spouse: Samuel S. MAXEY-26983. Sarah S. BABER and Samuel S. MAXEY were married. Children were: Mary Jane MAXEY-26982.

William BABER707 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Lucy PHELPS-26990. Lucy PHELPS and William BABER were married. Children were: Isaac BABER-26987.

(Wife of CASTERLINE, Clarence Walter) BABIASZ729 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Clarence Walter CASTERLINE-75488. (Wife of CASTERLINE, Clarence Walter) BABIASZ and Clarence Walter CASTERLINE were married. Children were: (CASTERLINE) DIXON-75505.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

David Jon BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: David Lee BABLE-31661 and Peggy Ann O'CONNOR-32467.

David Lee BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and June Agnes MILLER-30823.

Spouse: Peggy Ann O'CONNOR-32467. Peggy Ann O'CONNOR and David Lee BABLE were married. Children were: David Jon BABLE-32470.

Living (private). Parents: Hollie BABLE-31657 and Letha SOUTHWELL-31658.

Spouse: June Agnes MILLER-30823. Children were: Harold Jan BABLE-31659, Holly Jean BABLE-31660, David Lee BABLE-31661.

Harold Jan BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and June Agnes MILLER-30823.

Spouse: Donna Joyce SAMS-32455. Donna Joyce SAMS and Harold Jan BABLE were married. Children were: Harold Jan BABLE Jr.-32458, Henry Joseph BABLE-32459, Robert Earl BABLE-32460, James Emerson BABLE-32461.

Harold Jan BABLE Jr.685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Harold Jan BABLE-31659 and Donna Joyce SAMS-32455.

Henry Joseph BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Harold Jan BABLE-31659 and Donna Joyce SAMS-32455.

Hollie BABLE685 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Letha SOUTHWELL-31658. Letha SOUTHWELL and Hollie BABLE were married. Children were: Living.

Holly Jean BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and June Agnes MILLER-30823.

Spouse: Roger Kenneth MUSBACH-32462. Holly Jean BABLE and Roger Kenneth MUSBACH were married. Children were: Tracy Jean MUSBACH-32465, Roger Jon MUSBACH-32466.

James Emerson BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Harold Jan BABLE-31659 and Donna Joyce SAMS-32455.

Robert Earl BABLE685 was born (date unknown). Parents: Harold Jan BABLE-31659 and Donna Joyce SAMS-32455.

William BABLE737 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Sophia TOMB-36339. Sophia TOMB and William BABLE were married. Children were: William C. BABBL/BABLE-28606.

(Second son of BABST, Mary and Albert Bruce) BABST1001 was born in November 1927 in Horton, Brown Co., KS. Parents: Albert Bruce BABST-72360 and Mary Frances CHAVET-72475.

Albert Bruce BABST1001 was born in December 1881 in Kansas. He died in January 1966 at the age of 84 in Nemaha Co., KS. He was buried at Sabetha Cem. in Sabetha, Rock Creek Twp., Nemaha Co., KS.1001 Parents: Charlie C. BABST-72334 and Martha Alice LANNING-17098.

Spouse: Mary Frances CHAVET-72475. Mary Frances CHAVET and Albert Bruce BABST were married on 17 January 1911. Children were: Grace BABST-72476, Luelda BABST-72477, Charles BABST-72478, (Second son of BABST, Mary and Albert Bruce) BABST-72479.