James Richard PARRISH1618 was born on 3 February 1926. He died on 3 February 1926 at the age of 0. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Jane Ann PARRISH1618 was born (date unknown). Parents: Robert PARRISH-80084 and Juanita KOHN-80085.

Joe Keener PARRISH92 was born (date unknown). Parents: William Samuel PARRISH-184927 and Ruth RICHESIN-184720.

Joetta Lynne PARRISH1618 was born (date unknown). Parents: Robert PARRISH-80084 and Juanita KOHN-80085.

John R. PARRISH1918 was born on 24 August 1889 in Vergennes, Jackson Co., IL. He was a farmer and deputy sheriff in Jackson Co., IL. He was member of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in DeSoto, Jackson Co., IL. Parents: Frank P. PARRISH-13153 and Mary E. CARLISLE-13154.

Spouse: Hallie Elizabeth KIMMEL-13151. Hallie Elizabeth KIMMEL and John R. PARRISH were married. Children were: Lucy E. PARRISH-13157, John Randall PARRISH-13158.

John Randall PARRISH1918 was born on 16 January 1920 in Vergennes, Jackson Co., IL. Parents: John R. PARRISH-13152 and Hallie Elizabeth KIMMEL-13151.

Joseph PARRISH2181 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Nancy (WIFE OF PARRISH, JOSEPH)-80060. Nancy (WIFE OF PARRISH, JOSEPH) and Joseph PARRISH were married. Children were: James Franklin PARRISH-80058.

Judy Kay PARRISH1618 was born (date unknown). Parents: Robert PARRISH-80084 and Juanita KOHN-80085.

Lee PARRISH92 was born on 7 December 1911. He died on 9 December 1918 at the age of 7. Parents: Cam PARRISH-184919 and Minte RICHESIN-184719.

LeRoy PARRISH92 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joann BROWN-184929. Joann BROWN and LeRoy PARRISH were married. Children were: William Samuel PARRISH-184927.

Lester Ray PARRISH1618 was born on 5 December 1907. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Spouse: Fern SAPP-80069. Fern SAPP and Lester Ray PARRISH were married. Children were: PARRISH-80070.

Lucy E. PARRISH1918 was born on 9 September 1916 in DeSoto, Jackson Co., IL. Parents: John R. PARRISH-13152 and Hallie Elizabeth KIMMEL-13151.

Marvin PARRISH5133,5134 died before 5 November 2011. Parents: Living and Living.

Mary Elizabeth PARRISH1618 was born on 24 August 1917. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Spouse: Dwight YORK-80074. Mary Elizabeth PARRISH and Dwight YORK were married. Children were: Donald YORK-80075, Barbara K. YORK-80076.

Mary Jane Hall PARRISH19 was born on 22 February 1841.

Spouse: William Sprowl HESTAND-109953. Mary Jane Hall PARRISH and William Sprowl HESTAND were married on 12 June 1868.

Max E. PARRISH2181 was born (date unknown). Parents: Henry Byford PARRISH-80061 and Jessie C. STRICKLER-80062.

Children were: Hector PARRISH-80065, Richard L. PARRISH-80066.

Mildred Devona PARRISH1618 was born on 12 August 1905. She died in December 1906 at the age of 1. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Nancy Virginia PARRISH1618 was born on 31 May 1919. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Spouse: Kenneth DILLINGER-80078. Nancy Virginia PARRISH and Kenneth DILLINGER were married. Children were: Larry Dean DILLINGER-80079, Barry Lynn DILLINGER-80080, Terry Shon DILLINGER-80081.

Paul PARRISH685 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Marie Katherine MCGEARY-30984. Marie Katherine MCGEARY and Paul PARRISH were married.

Paul PARRISH92 was born (date unknown). Parents: Cam PARRISH-184919 and Minte RICHESIN-184719.

Richard L. PARRISH1618 was born (date unknown). Parents: Max E. PARRISH-80064.

Rita PARRISH92 was born (date unknown). Parents: Cam PARRISH-184919 and Minte RICHESIN-184719.

Robert PARRISH1618 was born on 17 November 1924. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Spouse: Juanita KOHN-80085. Juanita KOHN and Robert PARRISH were married. Children were: Joetta Lynne PARRISH-80086, James Lee PARRISH-80087, Jane Ann PARRISH-80088, Judy Kay PARRISH-80089.

Russel Lester PARRISH1618 was born on 8 March 1916. He died on 8 March 1916 at the age of 0. Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Thomas PARRISH1918 was born (date unknown).

Children were: Frank P. PARRISH-13153.

Thomas PARRISH92 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Manerva MATHIS-184921. Manerva MATHIS and Thomas PARRISH were married. Children were: Cam PARRISH-184919.

Viola Lucille PARRISH1618 was born (date unknown). Parents: James Franklin PARRISH-80058 and Alverda May DILLING-80057.

Virgie PARRISH7808 was born on 4 August 1879.

Spouse: Clarence GREGG-187569. Virgie PARRISH and Clarence GREGG were married on 19 January 1916.

William Samuel PARRISH92 was born on 23 October 1890 in Lowry, Boone Co., AR. He died on 7 June 1969 at the age of 78 in Omaha, Boone Co., AR. Parents: LeRoy PARRISH-184928 and Joann BROWN-184929.

Spouse: Ruth RICHESIN-184720. Ruth RICHESIN and William Samuel PARRISH were married on 12 January 1916 in Boone Co., AR. Children were: Joe Keener PARRISH-184930, Ada June PARRISH-184931, Ida Mae PARRISH-184932, William Thomas PARRISH-184933, (Wife of COFFEY, Lynn G.) PARRISH-184934.

William Thomas PARRISH92 was born (date unknown). Parents: William Samuel PARRISH-184927 and Ruth RICHESIN-184720.

Spouse: Dorothea WOODWARD-185014. Dorothea WOODWARD and William Thomas PARRISH were married.

Bruce F. PARROTT164 was born on 9 February 1915. He died on 5 January 1995 at the age of 79 in Vancouver, Clark Co., WA.

Spouse: Barbara E. HARTZELL-154067. Barbara E. HARTZELL and Bruce F. PARROTT were married.

Sarah PARROTT12215 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John NEHER-44437. Sarah PARROTT and John NEHER were married.

Mary PARRY6085 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Isaiah PIATT-57758. Mary PARRY and Isaiah PIATT were married on 2 March 1865 in Lagrange, LaGrange Co., IN.

Catharine PARSINGER6123 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John URMEY-47737. Catharine PARSINGER and John URMEY were married on 7 March 1811 in Botetourt Co., VA.1474 They1474 were divorced on 26 April 1828 in Washington Co., IN.6123

Cynthia PARSON660 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Jerry Michael DENGLER-73653. Cynthia PARSON and Jerry Michael DENGLER were married. Children were: Michael Gerald DENGLER-73655.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

William PARSON/PARSONS6428 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ruth BROWNWELL-138026. Ruth BROWNWELL and William PARSON/PARSONS were married.

(First husband of SPECHT, Bonnie K.) PARSONS9991 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Anthony PARSONS-109125, April PARSONS-109126.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

(Husband of Joellen ALBRECHT) PARSONS1011 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joellen ALBRECHT-29152. Joellen ALBRECHT and (Husband of Joellen ALBRECHT) PARSONS were married. Children were: Jennifer PARSONS-29683, Steven PARSONS-29684.

(Husband of WORSLEY, Harriet M.) PARSONS9166 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Harriet M. WORSLEY-173904. Harriet M. WORSLEY and (Husband of WORSLEY, Harriet M.) PARSONS were married.

Anna G. PARSONS4569,9115 was born (date unknown). Parents: Lawrence Herman PARSONS-45348 and Grace Elmyra SHOPE-45349.

Spouse: (Husband of PARSONS, Anna G.) ZEIGLER-122951. Anna G. PARSONS and (Husband of PARSONS, Anna G.) ZEIGLER were married.

Anthony PARSONS9991 was born (date unknown). Parents: (First husband of SPECHT, Bonnie K.) PARSONS-109124 and Living.

April PARSONS9991 was born (date unknown). Parents: (First husband of SPECHT, Bonnie K.) PARSONS-109124 and Living.

Spouse: (Husband of PARSONS, April) FORSHEY-109127. April PARSONS and (Husband of PARSONS, April) FORSHEY were married.

Spouse: Brian LAIRD-109128. April PARSONS and Brian LAIRD were married. Children were: Angel LAIRD-109129, Caleb LAIRD-109131.

Arnold E. PARSONS1684 was born on 14 September 1911. He died on 7 June 1988 at the age of 76 in Monmouth, Warren Co., IL.

Spouse: Lila May CHARLES-46295. Lila May CHARLES and Arnold E. PARSONS were married. Children were: Living, Jenise PARSONS-46302.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Carol J. PARSONS4569,9115 was born (date unknown). Parents: Lawrence Herman PARSONS-45348 and Grace Elmyra SHOPE-45349.

Spouse: Barry WARREN-122953. Carol J. PARSONS and Barry WARREN were married.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Rev. David PARSONS748 graduated in 1705 from Harvard University.

Spouse: Sarah STEBBINS-82514. Sarah STEBBINS and Rev. David PARSONS were married.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Mary DENNIS-46298.