The Stone Family Cemetery is located on private property in Camden County near the town of Decaaturville, MO. These graves are located on the property known as the "Matt Stone Farm." The 3 persons named below are the parents and a brother of Matt Stone.
To protect the privacy of the current landowner, and for security reasons, we have chosen not to include specific directions on how to get to the cemetery.
This cemetery includes several graves marked with stones, without names. Three stones have names, but have been broken.
Photos were taken by Teresa Smith
Stone, John F. Mar 20, 1824 - Oct. 17, 1896 Picture Picture Picture
Stone, Susan Jane, wife of J. F. Stone Jul 22, 1832 - Jun 8, 1897 Picture Picture
Stone, Freddie, son of J. F. and S. J. Stone, Jun 3, 1866 - Mar 3, 1871 Picture
Several unidentified graves with stones, pictures listed.