Buffalo East Side Working Group (Genealogy): Membership Information Form

Buffalo East Side Neighborhood

Buffalo East Side Working Group:
Member Information Form

We encourage anyone researching genealogy or family history pertaining to Buffalo's old east side to submit information about their research for inclusion on the East Side Working Group web page. Please use this form to do so. Entries will be sent to Jillaine Smith who will add them to the Web site as appropriate. Email addresses will be modified to reduce SPAM. Thanks for contributing your information.
Your name:

Your email address:
(I need this to contact you)

Do you want your email address listed in the members section?
(Email addresses will be modified to discourage spam. If you check NO, your name and other information here will be listed, just not your email address.)

Your genealogy Web page, or the URL where your GEDOM is posted:
If you do not yet have your GEDCOM online, please visit RootsWeb WorldConnect Project for more information.

East Side surnames you are researching (please put a comma and space between each surname: example: Smith, Betz); please do NOT put surnames in all CAPS:

East Side street names you are researching (please put comma and space between each street name):

East Side businesses you are interested in or know something about (please put a comma and space between each name):

East Side churches you are interested in/know something about (please put a comma and space between each one):

If you know the name of the non-U.S. town(s) of origin of your emigrating Buffalo East Side ancestor, please include it here. (If you do not know the TOWN or CITY name, please leave this blank.)
Example: "Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz, Bavaria"

Comments, suggestions, etc.

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