The Buffalo BETZ Project:
My Emigrating BETZ Family
Johann Heinrich BETZ , the emigrating forefather
b: 12 April 1786 in Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz;
d: 02 March 1873 in Buffalo, Erie, New York
m. 17 May 1808 Maria Magdalena-Christina DRESSEL in Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz
b: 07 April 1790 in Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz, Germany
d: August 1852 in Buffalo, Erie County, NY.
- Brick Walls:
- Where are these two buried? Some of their children were buried in Concordia, but where are they?
- When exactly did they emigrate? Upon what ship? All as a family, or piecemeal?
The BETZ family were farmers and potters in the Rheinland Pfalz region of Germany (a little soutwest of Frankfurt). We have documented both the paternal and maternal branches back several generations. This particular BETZ family must have come to America fairly well off, or at least enough so to purchase land fairly quickly upon arrival. Land deeds are found as early as 1849. Henry, Sr. opened up a family pottery business at 824 Genesee that stayed in the family for at least three generations. Their descendancy is well documented through my World Connect Database, so I will not repeat all the details here, but instead include only summaries and our brick walls.Heinrich's and Christina's children:
- Anna Catharina Betz (1809-?)
b: 11 February 1809 in Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz, Germany
Bef. 1844: m1. Philipp Dorner (? - abt. 1855), Germany (marriage record not yet found); m2. 1856 (in Buffalo, NY) Conrad Wagner
She is DORNER before leaving Feilbingert with her family; she is DORNER in Buffalo land deeds in 1849 and 1856. She is married at St. Peters in 1856 to Conrad Wagner. He appears in Buffalo city directories for a few more years but is gone before 1860.- Brick Walls:
- Where is her marriage record to Philip Dorner? (They married before emigrating).)
- Where is she in the 1850 census? 1860?
- When did she die? Where is her death record? and Where is she buried?
- Did she have children?
- Anna Maria Betz (1810 - ?)
b: 4 June 1810, Feilbingert
For the time being, we are estimating that she is the Anna Maria Betz who marries, on 8 Aug 1845, Georg? Heinrich DILLER, at St. Pauls/St. Marks, Buffalo, NY; witnesses: Nicolaus Stauch, Jacob Betz. Cannot find any further evidence of them anywhere.- Brick Walls:
- Where did she and DILLER disappear to after their 1845 marriage?
- Did she have children?
- Jacob Betz (1812-1873)
b: 08 February 1812 in Feilbingert, Rheinpfalz, Germany
We have found no marriage record in Feilbingert for Jacob (would have been around 1832 or 1833). He may be the Jacob Betz on an 1835 passenger list. My research on this branch has been fun and mysterious. We believe that he is the Jacob Betz, who along with a wife Katharina Hauk, is baptizing children starting in 1844 at St. Pauls/St. Marks in Buffalo, NY. We believe they married, probably in Buffalo, around 1841. There was at least one established HAUCK family in Erie County by the 1830s. Jacob is also witness to an 1845 marriage of an Anna Maria Betz (if ours, his sister, above) to Georg? Heinrich Diller at the same church. While he shows up baptizing his 14-year-old son at St. Paul/Marks in Buffalo in 1862, he must have done this on a visit and after his first wife's death. In the late 1840s, Jacob and Katharina moved to Milwaukee, WI where we find them in the 1850 census. In the 1860 census, he is in Chicago, IL, with a new wife, Anna Maria GRUSS, some of his children by Katharina, and some new children by his second wife. In 1870, he's still in Chicago, and none of his children by Katharina are with him; he has some additional children through his second wife. This Jacob Betz commit suicide in 1873, apparently confronted with a terminal illness. I am in touch with a descendant of him through his second wife. He had six children by his first wife, then another eight children through his second wife. It appears that at least two or three of his sons (by wife #1) had his same travelling spirit, and may have ended up in the Rocky Mountains. His second batch of children seem to have stayed closer to home, at least for one or two generations.- Brick Walls:
- How do we confirm that he might be the Jacob Betz on the 1835 passenger list?
- Where might we find his marriage if not in St. Paul/Marks and not in St. Johns, the earlist German protestant church. How do I get my hands on the First Presbyterian church records which appears to have served Germans before St. Johns was established?
- How do we confirm that Katharina Hauck is part of the early Hauck family in Erie Co.?
- Need to bring as many of their children forward as possible.
- Henrietta Betz (1814-?)
b. 30 April 1814 Feilbingert
1829: Confirmation, Feilbingert
m. 3 November 1842 in Feilbingert to Joseph SCHMITT (son of Friedrich Schmitt and Catharina Barbara Hipp, possibly of Dirmstein, Rheinpfalz). They appear to have emigrated with her parents and siblings; they are in Buffalo by 1850, but in Sherman, Chataqua Co., NY, farming by 1870. We are in touch with a living descendant of their daughter, Anna Maria/Mary Schmidtd Seckinger.- Brick Walls:
- Would love to find descendants of the rest of their children.
- Maria Christina Betz (1816-abt. 1866)
b. 17 Feb 1816
m. 21 Nov 1841 in Feilbingert Johann Schwed
No evidence that they came over to America. Children were born in Feilbingert. Not sure where I got her approx. death date from.- Children:
- Philippina Schwed (1842-?)
- Henrietta Schwed (1844-?)
- Brick Walls:
- Where did Maria Christina go? We've been unable to find record of her in Feilbingert (and surrounding towns); nor have we seen evidence of her in the U.S.
- Where are her children?
- Philippine Betz (1818-1901)
Her descendancy is well documented to the present on several branches. (She married three times.) We are in touch with a number of living descendants. Surnames include: Reitz, Pond, Smith, Schauf, Sargent, Broderick, Goodyear, Lauchert, Gantzer, Williams, Shields, Steiger, Kellerman, Toale, Roth, McFadden, Bremer, Bauer, Flaherty, Lang, Simm, Hitchingham, Heine, Troy, Centanne, Hansen. - Elisabetha Betz (1820-1891)
This is my great-great-grandmother. Her descendancy is well documented to the present on many branches. Surnames include: Schmidt, Schueler, Barber, Chandler, Faller, Bourne, Bolton, Roth, Burns, Young, Deinzer, Denzel, Miller, Fassnacht, McCormack, Lo, Mittleman, Galus, Martin, Febick, Kuchler, Ward, Bolt, Schoelzel, Tetlow, Wilhelm, Evans-Smith, Heffley, Lewin, Hartman, Kraps, Warman, Bogdonoff, Wollschlager, Neal, Reese, Schmitt, Rowland, Chambers, Sigrist, McCabe, Faulkenbury, Campbell, Kurtz, Searight.- Brick Walls:
- Complete her Schueler descendants to present.
- Flesh out the remainder of her Schmidt/Smith descendants to present.
- Heinrich/Henry Betz (1824-1876) suicide; buried by himself at Concordia Cemetery.
m. 1848 Katherina Dern (1824 - 1898); she's apparently buried at Concordia, but I have been unable to find her. Heinrich carried on his father's pottery business at 824 Genesee. He and Katharina had several children; three of his sons carried on the pottery business until about 1910; they are buried at Concordia also. In his 50s, Heinrich suffered from a fall, causing a brain injury. This led to a short-lived mental illness that resulted in his suicide. We have not found any living descendants of their line, but know that there are a couple of possibilities (including surnames BETZ, WEBER and ROEMER). UPDATE 2006: I made contact with a living descendant, Charles Weber, 92 in 2005/2006, who provided me with the following informaiton. I am seeking living descendants of these lines:-
Several Children; only the following have living descendants:
- Catherine Betz (1850-abt. 1930) m. 1880 Heinrich Weber (1845-abt. 1920); children:
- Catherine J. Weber (1881-?) m. 1911 John A. Roemer; living grandchildren through son Adolph.
- Karl H. Weber (1882-1883)
- Henry F. Weber (1883-?); I don't think he married
- Charles Weber Sr. (1885-1976) abt. 1910 Matilda Mary Hamann; 3 children, including Charles Jr. who supplied me with most of this information; he owns the BETZ plots at Concordia Cemtery.
- John D. Weber (1887-1961)
- Fred Weber (1888-?)
- George Betz (1852-1893) m. 1883 Margaret Weber (1857-1930); children:
- George Betz (1884-1956) single
- William Ferdinand Betz (1885-1959) m. Martha Busch (1889-after 1971). Children:
- Katharine Betz (1912-1996) m. Kenneth Klay (1908-1966). Two children, possibly living.
- Henrietta Betz (1914-1996) m. George Boeck (1913-2001). One child, possibly living
- Dorothy Betz (1911-1994) m. Joseph Fischer; four children, possibly living
- Edith Betz (1917-...) m. Bertrum Ray Krehl (1915-2000); Edith is still living as of early 2006; they had three children; all living
- Mildred Betz (1920-1943); died single.
- William Betz, Jr. (1921-2001) m1. Dolores Miller (d. bef 1960); m2. Esther Lingenfelter; children from both marriages, still living.
- Irving Betz (1924-1936)
- Shirley Betz (1927-1992) m. 1951 George Richlmayr; one child living
- Jean Betz (1929-living?) m. Charles Busch; two sons
- Tillie Betz (1887-1966) m. 1923 Arthur C. Busch (1892-1971) no children?
- Philipp Betz (1828-1893)
m. 1849 Johanna Catharina Schlotzer (1831 - 1911). This family faired well. Philip was an engineer. They have a plot at Forest Lawn where they are buried with several of their children. We are in touch with a Clabeau(x) that we believe is descended from this line. And we are in touch with a descendant of their son Charles.- Brick Walls:
- We are seeking descendants of their daughter Eugenia (Jenny) who marred Andreas GRASS and had two sons, Willard GRASS (b. 1885) and Elmer GRASS (b. 1886). We know each of them married, but do not know if they had offspring.
- Margaretha Betz (1831-1911)
m. 1850 Carl/Charles Schmidt/Smith (1828 - 1886). We believe this line died out. There was a son, Wilhelm, who had a daughter, Maud; she was single as late as 1930 and apepars not to have married. - Johannetta Betz (1836 - ?)
Our only evidence of this girl is her birth and baptism in Feilbingert. We have found no evidence of her confirmation, marriage or death, nor have we seen any indication of her in Buffalo. Her mother was 46 at the time of her birth; perhaps the child died in infancy. - Two other children died as infants in Feilbingert.
Early Unrelated Betzes (1834-1869)
The first few are the oldest instances of BETZes found in Buffalo; the remainder in this section are in alphabetical order by first name.
- Adam Betz. This is the first instance of a BETZ that I have yet to find in Buffalo church records. He shows up as a "sponsor" at the baptism of Adam Schippert, 27 October 1834, son of Christoph Schippert and Katharine Schippert (or Schappert). Another sponsor with him is Margaret Krositz. This is from the St. John's Evangelical Church Records. I do NOT find him in the 1840 or 1850 census, however.
- George BETZ, b Abt. 1808 (or 1816) in Bavaria, emig. abt. 1836; d Bet. 1860 - 1868 in Buffalo, Erie County, NY; m. abt. 1838 Monica / Manika UNKNOWN [Menigenya in 1850; Manilla or Marcella in 1855, Monicka in 1860], b Abt. 1807 [b. abt. 1809 per 1850 census; b. abt. 1807 by 1855 census] in Bavaria, emig. abt. 1838 [per at least 1855 census "in area 17 yrs"], d. 16 Jan 1884 (Darcy found her burial record at United German & French Cemetery and at St. Ann's Catholic church, age 75). She is the second "oldest" instance of a BETZ found in Buffalo. She shows up as sponsor to the 14 Jan 1842 baptism of Adam Brietwesser (sp?), son of Michael Brietwesser and Katharina, his wife. Other co-sponsors are Katharine Winzler, Joh. Adam Winzler. This is from the St. John's Evangelical Church Records. As of 1868 (at least) she's at 88 Grey and there until her death. (But enumerated in 1880 census with the Weissenfeld family, might be at 82 Grey which is where Weisenfeld is in 1890 directory.) If 1855 census records are correct, residing in Buffalo as early as 1838. [There is a George L. or S. Betts in 1840 census in Ward 3.] In Black Rock in 1850 census with very different spellings of Children's names. He's a carpenter; a joiner in 1855. 6th ward 1855.
In Ward 6 in 1860 census.
- Valentin [Foldena in 1850] BETZ, b. 1839, Erie, butcher (laborer in 1855); m. Mary or Martha Unknown; died 28 Mar 1890, age 50, of Endocarditis; buried at United German & French cemeteries in Hasselback family plot (with his sister, Agatha). See St. Anns church records.In 1860 census. See separate listing this section, near bottom.
- Margareth BETZ, b. 1874, Erie.
- Caroline BETZ, b. 1877, Erie.
- Catharine BETZ, b. 1841, Erie. In 1850 census; 1855 census; in 1860 census
- Victoria BETZ, b. 1843, Erie. In 1850 census; 1855 census; in 1860 census
- Mariana (Mary) BETZ, b. 1844, Erie. In 1850 census; 1855 census; in 1860 census.
- Regina (Racena) BETZ, b. 1846, Erie. In 1850 census; 1855 census; 1860 census. Living with her mother in 1880 census, working at a paper box factory; enumerated with the Weissenfeld household. The wife, Mary Weissenfeld, might be Mariana BETZ, above. Age is right, although birthplace is off.
- Leonhard (Lainhait) BETZ, b. May 1849, Erie; age 5 in 1855 census,
occupation Carpenter; m. abt. 1874 (m. 26 yrs in 1900) Margaretha ("Maggie") Unknown, b. Feb 1855 NY; d. after 1930. In 1860 census. In 1880 census at 435 Hermann St.. Still alive
in 1900 census at 109 Oneida. He's a carpenter.
- Maria BETZ, b. October 1874 NY (in 1880 census; still single in 1900) ; might be the Mary R. (b. abt. 1879) married abt. 1904-1909 to an Edward Kreuger b. abt. 1879; they're in the 1930 census at 188 Shumway; and living with them is a widowed mother-in-law (of Edward) named Margarette Betz, b. abt. 1855, widowed and age 19 at her first marriage (it's a fit).
- Catharine BETZ, b. 1877. (In 1880; Not in 1900 census)
- Rosina BETZ, b. May 1879. (Single in 1900 w/ parents)
- Dora BETZ, b. February 1884 NY (single in 1900 census with parents)
- Joseph BETZ, b. June 1888 NY (single in 1900 census with parents)
- Agatha BETZ, b. 25 Nov 1851 (per death cert), d. 17 Jul 1920 of liver cancer; Agnes in 1860 census; m. Martin Hasselback, b 1851 Hasselback, d 17 May 1911; both buried UGF/Calgary in Hasselback plot. See Hasselbach web site.
- Valentin [Foldena in 1850] BETZ, b. 1839, Erie, butcher (laborer in 1855); m. Mary or Martha Unknown; died 28 Mar 1890, age 50, of Endocarditis; buried at United German & French cemeteries in Hasselback family plot (with his sister, Agatha). See St. Anns church records.In 1860 census. See separate listing this section, near bottom.
- Unknown Betz/Petz m. Elisabetha Unknown, b. abt. 1785 [65 in 1850 census]. She's enumerated with her daughter and son-in-law (Schaeffer) in 1850 census:
- Adam Pitz, b. abt. 1801 Germany [49 in 1850 census] m. Margaretha Burket / Bucket / Pocket, b. abt. 1802 Germany [48 in 1850 census]. Living next door to his mother and sister, Elisabetha (and brother-in-law Carl Schaeffer) in ward 4, 1850. Shoemaker. [Another possibility is that Adam is the *father* of Elisabetha who marries Schaefer; there is a 24-year difference in their ages!]
- Catherine Petz, b. abt. 1837 NY [13 in 1850 census]
- Magdalene Petz, b. abt. 1840 NY [10 in 1850 census]
- Gertrude Petz, b. abt. 1841 NY [9 in 1850 census]
- Jacob Pitz, b. 28 Nov 1843; bapt. 30 Apr 1844 (St. Johns); sponsors: Peter Weller [married to a Kath. Betz, below], Kath. Weller. [7 in 1850 census]
- Elisabetha PITZ or PETZ, b. abt. 1825 Germany m. 9 Dec 1844 (St. Johns) to Carl Schaeffer (Charles Schaeffer in 1850 census), b. abt. 1822 Germany. Witness: Adam Pitz. [Fairly certain that Elis. and Adam are siblings. Substantiating this is the presence in the 1850 census, ward 4, of Charles & Elisabeth Schaefer living next door to Adam and Margarethe PETZ.
- Rosina Margaretha Schaeffer, b. 13 Dec 1844; bap. 27 Jan 1845; sponsors: Peter Weller [married to a Kath. Betz, below], Marg. Pocket [might be the Marg. Bucket married to Adam Pitz, above.]
- Theresia Schaeffer, b. abt. 1845 [age 5 in 1850 census]. Is this a nickname for Rosina Margaretha, above? No child born to this couple was found in 1845 church records...
- Elisabetha Schaeffer, b. 2 Apr 1846; bap. 15 Apr 1846 (St. Johns); sponsors: Elizabeth Steiger.
- Adam Pitz, b. abt. 1801 Germany [49 in 1850 census] m. Margaretha Burket / Bucket / Pocket, b. abt. 1802 Germany [48 in 1850 census]. Living next door to his mother and sister, Elisabetha (and brother-in-law Carl Schaeffer) in ward 4, 1850. Shoemaker. [Another possibility is that Adam is the *father* of Elisabetha who marries Schaefer; there is a 24-year difference in their ages!]
- Joh. Adam Baetz. Probably not the Adam Betz from above (#1). Marries on 8 June 1851 (witness: Simon Kuppstuhl; St. Peter's) Catharina Backhoefer (b. 1 Aug 1829 Baiern; d. 9 Aug 1884 Buffalo; St. Peters Deaths, p. 200, #61). He appears frequently as witness to others' marriages, and godparents to others' children. There is a Johann Betz (b. 21 Mar 1822 per St. Peters), buried at Concordia July 8 1890 indicated as husband of Margaretha Backhoefer (same info found in St. Peters deaths, p. 11 per cemetery records; page 320 per J. Shields). Death record of Katharina Bachhofer Betz indicates she left 4 sons, 2 daughters (in 1884). Children found so far:
- Georg Thomas Baetz, b. 10 June 1850 (godparent: Georg Thomas Zeitner); presumably this child dies young as the next child I find has the same first name:
- Georg Baetz, b. 7 May 1852 (godparents: Georg & Barbara Wittmann)
- Anna Barbara Betz, b. 5 Sep 1857; d. 18 Apr 1873 apparently single. (Deaths, St. Peters, p. 48)
- Elizabeth Betz, b. 7 Oct. 1869 (might be too late for them; death record indicates parents as "Johann & Cath. Betz"); d. 28 Aug. 1875, apparently single. (Deaths, St. Peters, p. 59)
- Joh. Adam Baetz, m. 9 July 1853 (St. Peters), Elisabeth Ulrich. Witnesses are
Heinrich Baetz (ours?) and Johann Brimmer(?). - Agada Betz, b. abt. 1846 (24 in 1870 census), b. Wurttemberg. Enumerated in the 6th ward of Buffalo, with the household of Jacob Schlenker, with (possibly) her daughter:
- Mary Betz, b. abt. 1869 (1 in 1870 census), b. NY. [Note: in the 1880 census, an 11 year-old Mary Betz is living with her parents Valentine and Martha Betz on Adams, a few doors down froma Jacob Schlenker...]
- Anna Betz, b. abt. 1840 (30 in the 1870 census), b. America?. Might be spelled Bitz. She's living in the Poor House in the 1870 census.
- Annie Betz, b. abt. 1847 (23 in 1870 census), b. Prussia. Domestic servant enumerated in household of Isaac Holloway, 10th ward, Buffalo, NY.
- Barbara Betz, b. abt. 1828 Bavaria (42 in 1870 census), head of household ("Keeping house") in 1870 census, 7th ward. Living with Anna Zeller, 81, "without occupation."
- Barbara Petz (on marriage) Betz (on birth record of her child) or Betzing (on birth of another child) m. 27 May or June 1847 (St. Johns) Christoph Wegloehner; witnesses: Leonhard Sieman; Jacob Karts; Michael Thuman. Children baptized at St. Johns. (I wonder if she might be daughter of Christoph Betz, Sr. -- see #17 below -- since her husband witnesses marriages of two of the latter's sons.)
- Barbara Waglinger, b. 22 Jul 1847; bap. 25 Jul 1847; sponsors: Georg Leonhard Simion?, Barb. Siemon?
- Katharina Weglohner, b. 27 Dec 1854; sponsors: Joh. Adam Betz; Katharina [Backhoefer?] Betz
- Anna Barbara Weghlehner, b. 15 Feb 1852; bap 29 Feb 1852; sp: Barb. Weglehner, Carl Betz.
- Anna Weglehner, b. 21 Oct 1859; bp. 1 Jan 1860; sp: G. Herbst, Anna Herbst.
- Johann Christoph Weglehner, b. 11 Apr 1862, bapt. 6 Jul 1862; sp: Joh. Weglehner, Barbara Weglehner.
- Carl/Charles Betz, b. Feb 1844 (Lunenberg?) Hessia, son of Henry Betz #36 below; emig 1846; d. 12 Apr 1922; m1. 27 Dec 1866 Christina Schick, b. abt. 1848 Hessia, d. abt 1890. Witnesses: Joseph Alberdoerfer, Baptist Hammer, Georg Heppel. [St. Peters]; m2 abt 1892 (8 years in 1900) Julia A., b Mar 1846 Canada; d abt 1921. In 1880, farming at 42 Main Street; in 1900, 1910, farming (dairy) in Amherst. Children:
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1867 NY; 1880 census; in 1910, living with or near father, along with wife and son
- Kate Betz, b. abt. 1868 NY; 1880 census
- Julia Betz, b. abt. 1872 NY; 1880 census
- Edward Betz, b. abt. 1874 NY; 1880 census
- George Betz, b Dec. 1878 NY; 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920 census; single and 48 in 1920
- Charles Betz, b Sep 1880 NY; 1900, 1810 census
- Lillie, b Nov 1882 NY; 1900 census
- Mabel, b Jan 1885 NY; 1900 census
- Alice, b Jan 1887 NY; 1900 census
- Carl / Karl / Charles Baitz (1835-1894); found in Concordia Cemetery records; see St. Peters deaths p. 32; m. Gundlach (b. 1839 per Concordia; b. Apr 1836 per 1900 Soundex; d. June 1918; see St. Peters Deaths p. 90). Brother to William and Louis Baitz below, also buried in Concordia. is also found in 1900 Soundex with these children:
- Josephine Baitz, b. Nov. 1868. (Not in Concordia records as Baitz.)
- Charles Baitz, b. Dec. 1872. (Not in Concordia records.)
- Henry Baitz, b. Jun. 1877. (Not in Concordia records.)
- Caroline Betz, b. abt. 1855 NY (15 in 1870 census), domestic servant enumerated in 11th ward with Angie? Smith.
- Catharine Betz, b. abt. 1813 Hesse Darmstadt (57 in 1870 census), 7th ward, Buffalo. Looks like she's head of household, given her own family number, although enumerated with the LANG household. She has real estate and personal estate value of $3,500 and 500, respectively. [I wonder if she might be our Katharina Betz, now a widow, returned to her maiden name? Nice theory.] OR she might be the widow of Henry Betz #32, below (more likely). NOTE: There is a Henrietta Betz who married in 1849 a Friedrich LANG (below). Check 1870 census again to see if the LANG family with whom Catharine is enumerated has a Henrietta as a wife. (Checked; no; those LANGs are Christoph & Sophia.)
- Christian Betz, b. abt. 1790 Germany; joiner, age 60 in 1850 census, ward 4. Enumerated with (but not sure they're his children):
- Hanah Betz, 37 in 1850, b. Germany
- Hermann Betz, 17 in 1850, shoemaker, b. Germany
- Mina Betz, 13 in 1850, b. Germany
- Charles Betz, 11 in 1850, b. Germany
- William Betz, 2 in 1850, b. NY
- Christian Batz m. 12 Aug 1857 (St. Johns) Marie Ley; witnesses: Lydia Schmidt; Louise Volz.
- Christoph Betz, Sr., born around 17 April 1799; death record found in St. Johns, d. 7 Feb 1855, 55y, 9m, 20d. This family grouping needs confirming; I am surmising this based on strong but only circumstantial evidence.
- Christoph Betz, Jr. b. abt. 1815; m. Elisabeth Blank 1 Dec 1850 at St. Johns; witnesses: Christopher Weglohner; Johann Meyer .
- Conrad Betz, laborer, b. abt. 1812-14 Bavaria (58 in 1870 census; 46 in 1860 census) m. 26 Oct 1851 (St. John's) Margaret Blank, b. abt. 1815 or 1831 Bavaria (55 in 1870 census). Couple also living in 7th ward in 1870 with (*). Page 156 in 1860 census, 7th ward.17
Marriage witnnesses: Christoph Weglehner, Christoph Betz (see above)
- Johann Betz, b. 16 Aug 1853; bap 17 Aug 1853; sp: Johann Meyer, Maria Meyer. (St. Johns) Not in 1860 census.
- Regina Frederika Betz, b. 1 Nov 1854, St. Johns. Sponsors: Georg Kreisel, Regina Frederika Kreisel. In 1860 census as Fredericka.
- Anna Betz,(*) b. 8 Nov 1856, St. Johns; sponsors: Christoph Weglehner; Anna B. Weglohner; Barbara [Betz] Weglohner. In 1860 census.
- Anne Marie Petz/Betz,(*) b. 15 May 1858, St. Johns; sponsors: Johann Meier; Anne Marie Meier. In 1860 census as Mary.
- Jasper Heinrich August Betz,(*) b. 19 Jan 1860, St. Johns; sponsors: Elisabeth Wandler. Henry in the 1870 census. In 1860 census as Henry.
- Male Betz,(*) b. abt. 1862 NY (8 in 1870 census).
- Margareth Betz,(*) b. Jun 1862; baptized St. Johns? (4 in 1870 census).
I believe this to be the Margaret Petz who married (abt. 1886) the Catholic Jacob KOGLER, likely son of Peter KOGLER of Baden. In 1900, Jacob and Margaret are at 258 Lemon Street. Researcher: A. Kogler Szlivko. [updated Feb 2005]
- Agnes Kogler, b. Feb 1887
- Charles Kogler, b. July 1888
- Clarence [Henry, "Bob"] Kogler, b. Jan 1885; one of these sons moved to Syracuse. Ancestor of A. Kogler Szlivko.
- Joh. Valentin Betz, b. 12 Jul 1864; baptized 13 July 1864; sponsors: Johann Valentin Kumpf, Anna Kumpf. [Not in 1870 census, but found in St. Pauls/Marks baptisms]
- Kunigunda Betz, b. 17 Jan 1866; bpt 18 Feb 1866 (St. Johns) sp: Kunigunda Leerer or Scerer, Lorenz Scerer.
- Christoph Betz (see son of Christoph Sr., immed. above).
- Conrad Betz (see son of Christoph, Sr. immed. above)
- Conrad Betz m. Elisabetha Sohn 14 November 1852 at St. Peters Evangelical Church. Witnesses: Johann A[dam?] Baetz, George Weimann(?)
- Johann Petz d. 20 Nov 1853 "14 w" [Double check this; may not be their son]
- Elisabetha Betz (Petz on birth record of son), b. abt. 1821 [29 in 1850 census] m. 11 July 1848 Friederich Wilhelm, b. abt. 1825 [25 in 1850 census]; married at St. Johns Evangelical Church; "witnesses signed the certificate". In 4th ward in 1850 living next door to a possible brother, John, 28, also a tailor. He's a tailor. All children baptised St. Johns.
- Johann WILHELM, b. 22 May 1849; sp: Victoria HARTEL
- Elisa WILEHLM, b. 16 Apr 1851; sp: Elisa BETZ.
- Catharina Maria WILHELM, b. 5 Jan 1853; sp: Cath. Betz, Maria Betz.
- Jacob WILHELM, b. 16 Jun 1855; bapt 15 Jul 1855; sp: Jacob Bauer, Elisebeth Petz.
- Elisabetha Batz m. Conrad Mastring(?) 1 November 1852 St. Paul's Lutheran Church [check to make sure this isn't St. Peter's]. Witnesses: Peter Becker, Wilhelm Mueller.
- This family is documented by Carl Wind:
Frederick Betz m. Minnie Ruhlman (where? when?) They had their first son in NYC, second son in West Seneca. Not clear when or where they died. But their two sons settled in Buffalo.- John Betz b. 1861 in NYC; d. 1952; m. 7 May 1890 in Buffalo Elizabetha Wind (daughter of Henry A. Wind and Katharine Kumpf), born 1859 Buffalo; d. 1948, Buffalo).
I find them in the 1930 census living with Ella and her husband at 25 Linden Park. Their children (all born and died in Buffalo, NY)
- Flora Mary Betz (1895-1986) m. (1923) Leo W. Logan (1892-1977)
- Ella Elizabeth Betz (1893-1969) m. (1920) Carl J. Berner (1895-1943). They live next door to her parents in 1930 with these children:
- Howard C. Berner, b. abt. 1922
- Carl Berner, Jr., b. abt. 1925
- Howard Arthur Betz (1898-1991) m. (1923) Mildred Vetter (1902-1986). Living children.
- Edwin John Betz (1891-1892)
- George J. Betz b. 1873 in West Seneca, NY (per 1900 soundex, born Jan 1874); m (1894) Caroline ("Carrie" in 1900 soundex) Wind (sister of above) 1873-1961 (b. Sep 1872 NY per 1900 soundex); children all born and died in Buffalo, NY. In 1900, George and Carrie are living in same house as Carrie's mother, Christina Wind, b. July 18 Germany, and siblings:
- Mildred Betz (1895-1919) (b. Sep 1895 NY per 1900 soundex) m. (1913) Albert W. Mally (1887-?). Living children.
- Living Betz m. Norman Strack (1904-1986). Living child.
- Norman Charles Betz (1900-1952) m. Living Scheeler. Living child.
- Ferdinand Betz, peddler, b. abt. 1830 Aschfeld or Schweitz, Bavaria (40 in 1870 census); d. 25 Jul 1892 (funeral at St. Louis (or St. Mary's) Catholic Church (FHL# 928697); m. Margaretha BECKER , b. abt. 1837 Weidenstadt, Hessen Darmstadt (33 in 1870 census). With children in ward 5:
- Ferdinand Betz, b. 1862 Buffalo, NY (8 in 1870 census); d. 11 Nov 1894, age 32, 4m (FHL# 928697)
- Katharina Betz, b. abt. 1860 NY (10 in 1870 census)
- Joseph Betz, b. 25 Jul 1864; bapt 7 Aug 1864 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, FHL# 928696, p. 10, #216); (6 in 1870 census) ; d. 3 Oct 1883, age 19 (FHL#928697)
- Jakob Betz, b. abt. 1865 NY (5 in 1870 census)
- Christopherus Betz, b. 3 Aug 1867; bapt 5 Aug 1867 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, FHL# 928696, p. 46, #186) not with them in 1870 census. St. Mary's Deaths: 1867, Sep 12: Christoph Betz.
- Barbara Betz, b. abt. 1869 NY (1 in 1870 census)
- Barbara Dreher, b. abt. 1865 NY (5 in 1870 census); enumerated with BETZ family here. (A Dreher family lives next door.)
- Andreas Betz, b/d (Stillborn) 18 Jan 1871 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, deaths 1871, p. 10)
- George Betz, b. 20 April 1874; bapt 3 May 1874 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, FHL# 928696, p. 184, #100)
- Johann Georg Betz m. Agatha Schneider
- Valentin Betz, b. 19 Jun 1854; bap. St. Michael's Catholic Church; sp: Valentin Kohmann, Catharina Keier? [Right age to have married Agatha Schlenker; see below.]
- Joh. Georg Petz m. Maria Margaretha Unknown 15 June 1854, St. Johns; witness: NL Guenther (pastor?)
- George Batz, buried Concordia 5 Jul 1899; no other info on cemetery record, but see St. Peters deaths, p. 36.
- George Betz, b. abt. 1830 (based on child's age); m. abt. 1848 Maria Unknown. This is a Catholic couple found baptizing children at St. Mary's Catholic Church (FHL# 928696)
- Johann Leonhard Betz, b. 29 May 1849; bapt. 30 May (p. 33, #134)
- George Batz or Bautz m. Johanna Unknown. Found in St. Paul/Marks baptizing a daughter in 1864:
- Katharina Johanna Batz / Bautz, b. 14 December 1864; baptized 25 Dec 1864; sponsors: Daniel Dahl, Katharina Dahl.
- George Betz, b. abt. 1858 (42 in 1900), fireman m. Anna. In 1900 census, living at 33 Monroe, with wife and niece, Laura Betz.
- George Butz, b. Mar 1843; d. 1916; buried Concordia. Found in 1900 Soundex m. Mary Unknown, with these children:
- Charles Butz, b. Aug. 1884
- George Butz, b. Sep 1887
- John Butz, b. Jul 1894
- B. Butz, buried 27 Dec 1889; see Trinity, p. 159
- Freda M. Butz, buried 5 Nov 1896; see Trinity, p. 177
- Rosa Butz, buried 18 Aug 1892; see Trinity, p. 176
- Wilhelm Butz, buried 14 Sep 1893; see Trinity, p. 177
- Gottlieb Boetz m. Rosina Unknown
- Rosina Maria Boetz, b. 3 Nov 1853. (St. Peters Baptisms 1854.04.14)
- Heinrich BAUTZ m. Frazic??. Found in St. Paul/Marks baptizing a son:
- George Heinrich BAUTZ, b. 2 Sep? 1865; baptized 19 Nov 1865; sponsors: Georg Dewald, Johann Jung, Maria Rudig, Emma Manssa?
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1797 (68 in 1865 NY State census); milkman; m. Kate Unknown, b. abt. 1813 (52 in 1865 census). Parents and children born in Germany.
- John Betz, b. abt. 1845 Germany (age 20 in 1865 census).
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1808-1812 Germany (laborer, 38, in 1850 census; 47 in 1855 census); m. Maria C. Unknown, b. abt. 1810-1814 (36 in 1850 census; 45 in 1855 census). Ward 4 in 1850. Also in ward 4 in 1855 state census. In area 8 years (therefore emigrated abt. 1847).
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1810-1820 Germany (laborer, 30 in 1850 census; 50 in 1860 census); m. Catherine Unknown, b. abt. 1822 Germany; (28 in 1850 census; 38 in 1860). In 1855, "in country 7 years" (therefore emig. abt. 1848). In 1850, in ward 4 (ancestry image 362) with two sons. In 1860, in 7th ward (p. 136) with just the younger son. In 1860, living with them in the same house is a KONIG family. Perhaps Catherine is a KONIG? (In 1860 both husband and wife and younger son born Darmstadt.)
- Christian Betz, b. 1840 Germany [Not in 1860 census with them.]
- Charles Betz, b. 1844(check) Germany [In 1860 census.] In the 1900 soundex, there is a Charles Betz, b. Feb. 1844 Germany m. Julia Unknown, b. March 1846, Canada, with the following children:
- George Betz, b. Dec 1878 NY
- Charles Betz, b. Sep 1880 NY
- Lilly Betz, b. Nov 1882 NY
- Mabel Betz, b. Jan 1885 NY
- Alice Betz, b. Jan 1887 NY
- Henry Betz, b. June 1858 NY; m. Mary W. Unknown, born July 1871 Germany. See Vol 47 ED 227 (Cheektowaga), Sheet 29.) Child:
- Mathilda D. Betz, born Jun 1898 NY
- Henrietta Betz, b. abt. 1824 (26 in 1850); m. 29 Dec 1849 (St. Peters) Friedrich Lang, b. abt. 1822 (28 in 1850); marriage witnesses: None? [check] They're in 4th ward, Buffalo 1850. He's a bookbinder. No children yet. Not found anywhere in any subsequent census records.
- Hermann Beitz, b. abt. 1835 (15 in 1850 Census), shoemaker enumerated with Gottlieb & Wilhelmina Henning in 4th ward, 1850 census.
- Jacob Bautz m. Elisabetha Unknown before Oct 1851
- Elisabeth Bautz, b. 4 Oct 1851, baptised at St. Peters; witnesses: Johann & Elis. Traeger?
- Marie Bautz, baptized 24 Jul 1853; born 27 Mar [1875 per baptism record; might be 1845 or 1853]
- Jacob Betts, b. abt. 1834. Enumerated with [our] Henry Betts in the 1850 census in Black Rock. Not clear who he is. He is NOT Henry's son, and he is NOT his grandson through the son Jacob, b. 1812. (There is a Jacob Betz, this age, in St. Clair, Ohio in 1860 census, but clearly son of another Jacob Betz. Born Hessen.)
- Jacob F. Pitz, b. abt. 1800 (50 in the 1850 census); m. Elizabeth Unknown, b. abt. 1802 (48 in 1850 census). He's a "sheppard" in Cheektowaga in 1850 with the following children (all born Germany):
- Peter Pitz, b. abt. 1833 (17 in 1850); "raggermaker" (?)
- Susanna Pitz, b. abt. 1838 (12 in 1850).
- Johann BAITZ m. Dorotha WAGNER
- Louis Johann Friedrich BEITZ m. Louisa Wilh. Sophia PANKOW; witnesses: Carl Topf, Carl BEITZ. [St. Peters] They're in Ward 5 in 1870 census as BETZ. He's a painter. Living with them is her likely mother, Margreth Panke. [Researcher: Lisa Baitz,]
- Johann BAUTZ m. Carolina Unknown. Found baptizing daughter at St. Paul/Marks:
- Carlina Maria BAUTZ, b. 17 Dec? 1864; baptized 16 Apr 1865; sponsors: Georg Mueller, maria Mueller, Gottlieb Klogfar?, Christian Klogfar?
- Johann BETZ m. Maria Anna HATT?
- Mary Katharina Betz, b. 25 Sep 1852; bap 7 Nov 1852; sp: Kath. Hermann, Johann Borst.
- John BETZ, b. abt. 1815 Bautzfeld or Pautzfeld, Bavaria (40 in 1855 state census; home town from St. Mary's Catholic Church baptism of son Caspar)), laborer (1855); m. bef. 1855 Margaretha SCHAEFENBERG, b. abt. 1825 Dreilsdorf or Freidsdorf, Bavaria (30 in 1855 census; maiden name and home town from St. Mary's Catholic Church baptism record of son Caspar). No children in 1855 census. In area (and still alien) 6 months as of 1855 census. In the 1870 census, we find a Margaretha Betz, supposedly a widow, age 47 (therefore, b. abt. 1823), b. Bavaria, with children all born NY:
- Caspar Betz, b. 8 Sep 1855; bapt 9 Sep 1855 (FHL #928696, p. 138, #330). Probably dies prior to 1857 when second Caspar is documented. Yes: St. Mary's deaths, p. 129, 23 Sep 1855, Caspar, son of Joahnn & Marg. Betz, age 14 days.
- Frank Betz, b. 17 May 1857; baptize 21 May 1857 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, p. 185, #174, FHL#928696; full name: Franciscus Xavier); (13 in 1870 census)
- Casper Betz, b. abt. 1857 (13 in 1870 census); found in 1900 soundex, born May 1858 in NY (see Vol. 43, ED 147, 936 N. Hampton), m. Regina Unknown, b. Apr 1850 NY. In 1880, still single, a cigarmaker.
- John Betz, b. 7 Feb 1860; bapt. 12 Feb 1860 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, FHL #928696, p. 261, #35) (11 in 1870 census); might be the John Betz, b. abt. 1860 who marries Magdalena and is found in 1905 census (see next section). Apprentice cabinetmaker in 1880 (single with mother).
- Leo-Leopold Betz, b. 19 May 1861; bapt 26 May 1861 (St. Mary's Catholic Church, FHL# 928696, p. 283, #137); (9 in 1870 census); Leopold in 1880, single, apprenticed blacksmith, with widowed mother at 585 Sycamore; in 1900 census, a carpenter,
b. May 1861 NY; widowed with these children:
- Maggie Betz, b. Aug 1881 NY
- Rosa Betz, b. Jan 1896 NY
- John Betz, b. abt. 1820 (40 in 1860 census) Germany; m. abt. 1854 Johanna Unknown, b. abt. 1828 Germany; in ward 1 in 1860 census with daughter:
- Elisabeth Betz, b. abt. 1856 Canada
- John Betz, b. abt. 1827 (28 in 1855 census); m. Mariana Unknown, b. abt. 1819 (36 in 1855 census). Laborer. Both born Barvaria. In area 3 years as of 1855 census (6th ward).
- Conigundi Betz, b. abt. 1853 Erie Co. (2 in 1855 census)
- John Betz, b. abt. 1828 (32 in 1860 census); m. abt. 1851 Catharina Unknown, b. abt. 1830 (30 in 1860 census). Both born Germany. Ward 1 in 1860, and in 1870. (*)At 322 Alabama in 1880. All children born New York:
- George Betz, b. abt. 1852 NY; not in 1870, 1880 census
- Christopher Betz, b. abt. 1854 NY; in 1870 census; single with parents 1880
- Conrad Betz, b. abt. 1856, NY; in 1870 census; single harness maker with parents 1880 ; is he the Conard Betz of Albstadt, Bavaria who, married to Anna Catharina Glotz of Dernsteinbach, Bavaria is baptizing Francisca Maria at St. Mary's Catholic Church on 5 April 1896? (Probably not; this Conrad was born in NY)
- Barbara Betz, b. abt. 1856, NY (twin?); in 1870 census ; not in 1880
- Lena/Annie Betz, b. abt. 1857 NY; "Annie" in 1870 census; I believe she's the Annie May, 18, living with her parents in 1880 and married to John May, 20, barber, b. NY
- John Betz, b. abt. 1860 NY; "Jacob" in 1870 census ; not in 1880 census
- Amelia Betz, b. abt. 1862 NY; 1870 census; not in 1880 census
- John Betz (1855-1943), b. Buffalo; m. Wilhelmina Unknown (1852-1944), b. Germany; emigrated with sister when she was young. This is the ancestry of Tom Loebel; this information is all provided by Tom. Can't find them in 1900 census. Children:
- Henry Betz, d. 1967; m. ?
- Henry "Hank" Betz, Jr.
- Two daughters
- Charles Betz; m. Maude Unknown; moved to Minnesota. Children:
- Charles Betz, Jr.
- Woodruff Betz
- Girl(s) Betz
- John Betz (1888-1969) m. Emma Unknown (1892-1964)
- Earl Betz (1923-2000); m. Joyce Unknown
- Carol Betz
- Judy Betz
- Grace Betz (Tom Loebel's branch)
- Viola Betz
- Margaret Betz
- Minnie Betz
- Johann Piz m. Barbara Benzinger 7 June 1859, St. Johns; witnesses: Philipp Piz; Christian Benzinger.
- Katharina Betz, b. 14 Jun 1805; d. 13 Apr 1889; m. abt. 1828 Peter Weller, b. 2 March 1804; d. 26 Jul 1888. Blacksmith. 4th ward in 1850, 1860, 1870 census. Both buried Forest Lawn. Several children. NOTE: Contacted Sep 2005 by descendant, Jacki O'Harra who provided additional generations below.
- Adam Weller (1830-1890); m. Elizabeth Rebhorn. Children:
- Henry Weller (1859-?) m. Catherine Unknown
- Margaret Weller (1862-?) m. William Germain
- Harriet Weller (1867-1901) m. George Martin Eiss (1863-?)
- Edward A. Weller (1873-?) m. Rosamond Unknown (1876-?)
- Jacob Weller (1833-1884); chairmaker; clerk with them in 1860.
- Peter Weller, Jr. (1835-1878) clerk; grocer in 1860; varnisher (and only child with them) in 1870; m. Unknown.
- Catherine Weller (1837-1899) m. Unknown
- Margaret Weller (1839-1900); m. Philip Wahainer (?) or Wehring (1837-1880); both living with Wellers in 1860. Children:
- Mary (1864-?)
- Walter (1866-?)
- Martha (1870-?)
- Arthur E. Wehring (1874-1930) m. Abbie Unknown (1877-1930)
- Margareth Wehring (1903-1992)
- Virginia Wehring (1904-1980)
- Eugene Arthur Wehring (1916-1984)
- Carolina Weller (1841-?); with them in 1850, 1860.
- Louis E. Weller, b. March 1845 NY; d. 1911; with them in 1860; m1 Louisa Denny (1842-1870); m2. Caroline Denny (1852-1930);
could not find in 1870, but find in 1880 on High Street (he's a janitor at City Hall) and in 1900 at Northhampton. Children:
- Louis C. Weller (1866-1910); m. May Unknown (1865-1910)
- Charles Weller (1868-?); not in either 1880 or 1900 census
- Elizabeth Weller (1870-?); not in 1880 or 1900 census
- Jacob J. Weller (1874-1937) m. Anna Lindeman (1874-?)
- Lenora/Nora M. Weller, b. Feb 1877; d. 1958
- Sarah Carrie Weller, b. Sept. 1878; 1994
- Carrie W. (Millie C.) Weller, b. April 1880; d. 1944; m. Hart A. Webster (1893-?)
- Arthur A. Weller (1882-1900)
- Dellia Amanda Weller, b. Feb 1884; d. 1975; m. Herbert Sanford Whiting (1883-1984)
- Orsamus G. Weller, son, b. Mar 1886; d. 1938; m. Pearl Unknown (1888-?)
- Edward Weller (1887-1900)
- Harriet E. Weller, b. Feb 1888; d. 1843; m. John Grosvenor Hengge (1893-1954)
- Denny Germain Weller, b. Sep 1892; d. 1942-43; m. Florence G. Brady . Settled in Williamsville. Buried Forest Lawn. Had one son (still alive in 2002).
- Mary Weller, b. 2 Mar 1846 NY; bap 23 July 1847 (St. Johns); no sponsors; age 4 in 1850 census. 14 in 1860 census; d. 1905; m. William Beier (1846-?).
- Unknown Betz, d. bef. 1850; m. Catherina Unknown, b. abt. 1785 (65 in 1850 census). In 1850, in ward 4, enumerated with Henry Fischer and Catherine-- a couple found getting married and baptizing children at St. Johns:
- [Katharina] Maria Petz/Betz, b. abt. 1825 Germany [25 in 1850 census] m. 24 August 1848 Henry Fischer, b. abt. 1820 [30 in 1850 census]; shoemaker in 1850 census; married at St. Johns; witnesses: Henry Betz (ours?), Christian Boss. Note: she shows up over the years as Maria (wedding record and bapt. of first child), Katharina Maria (bapt of second child) and just Catharina (baptism of 1854 child). In 1850 census, they are in Ward 4. Also living with them is 65-year-old Catherine Betz, presumably mother of Katharina Maria.
- Elisa Fischer, b. 26 Dec 1848; bap 14 May 1849; sponsors: Elisa William. [also found in 1850 census, age 1]
- Carl Fischer, b. 15 Sep 1850; bap 23 Mar 1850; sponsors: Carl Betz, Kath. Betz [not in 1850 census]
- Catharina Fischer, b. 10 Jan 1852; bap 20 Aug 1853; sp: Catharina Betz
- Heinrich Fischer, Jr., b. 6 March 1854 St. Johns; no sponsors listed.
- Marie Fischer, b. 20 Dec 1858?; bp 25 Jun 1860; sp: the mother.
- Maria Barbara Betz m. 7 Aug 1856 (St. Johns) Christian Gottlob Blaich; witnesses: EL Guenther.
- Mathias Betz, b. abt. 1817 Barvaria (38 in 1855 census); m. Fridricka Unknown, b. abt. 1829 Saxony (26 in 1855 census). Arr. Buffalo abt. 1851 (4 years in area in 1855 census). He's a laborer in the 4th ward.
- Melchior or Milchior Betz/Best, b. abt. 1816 Germany (34 in 1850 census), cooper; m. Mary Unknown, b. abt. 1818 (32 in 1850 census) Germany. Ward 4 in 1850. [Ancestry image 356] A Melchior and Maria BEST baptize the following child in St. Peters:
- Christian Ludwig BEST, b. 7 Aug 1854; bapt. 17 Sep 1854; sponsors: Christian BEST.
- Peter Pitz, b. abt. 1778 Germany; m. Charlotte Unknown, b. abt. 1775 Germany. He's a farmer in Cheektowaga in the 1850 census, listed on same page as Jacob PITZ above. With the following children, born Germany:
- Charlotte Pitz, b. abt. 1816 (34 in 1850 census)
- Johannes Pitz, b. abt. 1811 (41 in 1850 census), farmer
- Peter Betz b. abt. 1808 Leistall, Hesse, Germany; m. Christina-Catherine WICKAND (in 1850 census; "Katherine" same age in 1855 census; Catherine in 1870), b. abt. 1818 Leistall, Hesse, Germany. Based on birth years and places of children, appears to have emigrated between 1845 and 1951. Quite possibly the Peter Betz who dies March 1874 and is buried at United French & German cemetery. Farmer in 1870. Can't find in 1860. Children:
- Mathilde Betz, b. abt. 1842 Germany (8 in 1850 census; 13 in 1855 State census)
- Josephine Betz, b. abt. 1845 Germany (5 in 1850 census; not in 1855 census)
- Cunigunda Betz, b. 29 August 1853, bapt 2 Oct 1853 (St. Mary's, p. 75, #322; FHL#928696); not in 1870 census with them.
- Joseph Betz, b. Oct 1851 NY; m. abt. 1877 Katherine Kohn, b. Aug 1858 NY; living at 81 N. Ogden St. in 1900 census. Can't make out occupation; appears to be "Fertibicer." Census indicates that Katherine had 13 births, nine of whom are living in 1900. Also living with them is Samuel Kohn, "brother-in-law," 43, widowed, b. Sep 1856 NY. Per an obit of Katherine's brother John (1935), this Betz family was by then living in Lancaster, NY.
Cannot find this family anywhere in 1910; can't find them in 1920 (with noted exceptions/possibilities).
- Joseph P. Betz, b. July 1878 NY; driver in 1900
- Henry J. Betz, b. Mar 1880 NY; driver in 1900; ;might be the Henry J. Betz, car man in the car shop in Buffalo in 1920 married to Elizabeth, b. abt. 1881 Scotland.
- Barbara Betz, b. May 1882 NY; servant in 1900
- Frank Betz, b. Aug 1885 NY; day laborer in 1900; might be the RR Conductor for the Leigh Valley RR in 1920, living at 53 Macauley St with wife, Jane R., b. abt. 1996.
- John Betz, b. Jan 1887 NY
- William Betz, b. Mar 1891 NY; in 1920, there is a William Betz about this age, a helper at the railroad, married to Dorothy, b. abt. 1894. NY.
- Peter Betz, b. June 1893 NY
- Albert Betz, b. Jun 1896 NY
- Agnes Betz, b. April 1898 NY
- Peter Betz, b. 27 Sept 1855 NY; baptized 21 Oct St. Mary's Catholic Church (FHL# 928696, p. 141, #376); d. 10 Nov 1918 Buffalo; m. abt. 1885 Katherine LOUSER , b. 4 Nov 1865/66 Albany, NY; d. 25 Aug 1938 Buffalo; 6 births, 4 living (1900); 9 births 6 living (1910). With them in 1900 (per census) at 70 Ogden are the 4 children below (3 of whom are still with them in 1910, same location). Feb 2005: contacted by Bill Putt, descended from Katherine Louser's brother who adds evidence to the likelihood that Peter is son of Peter Betz and brother to Joseph Betz (m. to Katherine Kohn). Thank you, Bill Putt for add'l info.
Found Katerine, a widow, in 1920 census still living at 70 No. Ogden.
With her, in addition to single Arthur, is a grand-daughter, Mary A. Betz, b. abt. 1921.
- Charles W. Betz, b. Dec 1885 NY (not with them in 1910 census)
- Mary K. Betz, b. Nov 1887 NY m. Bain or Beilman (with them, single, in 1910)
- Arthur A. Betz, b. Aug 1890 NY (with them in 1910) ; still single in 1930; living with mother.
- Agnes Betz, b. July 1892 NY m. Beilman or Bain (with them single, in 1910)
- Heinrich Betz, b. abt. 1858 (12 in 1870 census)
- Peter Betz, b. abt. 1822 Bavaria; shoemaker; m. Catharine Unknown, b. abt. 1824 Bavaria. In 1870 census, ward 12 with children, all born NY:
- Charles Betz, b. abt. 1856 NY
- Clara Betz, b. abt. 1859 NY
- Emma Betz, b. abt. 1861 NY
- Peter Petz m. Susanne Raab 17 Sept 1857, St. Johns; witnesses: Philipp Petz, Sr., Philipp Petz, Jr.
- Philipp Betz, b. abt. 1778 Germany (72 in 1850 census). In 1850 census, found in Cheektowaga [ancestry image #66], a weaver and likely a widower with the following sons:
- Friedrich Betz, b. abt. 1807 Germany (43 in 1850 census), farmer
- George M. Betz, b. abt. 1810 Germany (40 in 1850 census), farmer
- Philipp Betz, b. abt. 1814 Germany (36 in 1850 census), farmer
- Philipp Betz or Pitz, b. abt. 1812 Germany [38 in 1850 census]; m. 18 October 1849 Johanna Heyl, b. abt. 1825 Germany [25 in 1850 census]; married at St. John's Evang. Lutheran, Buffalo. Witnesses: Christoph Heyl, William Heyl. This Philipp Betz is of the same generation as the Philipp Betz (son of Heinrich) listed above, and who married a woman with the same first name as the Philipp above! We know only of their existence and not their possible relationship to either each other or to the other Betzes listed here. I have confirmed that neither of them are the Philipp and Johanna Betz buried at the Forest Lawn plot described above. In fact, I find them in the 1850 census, in Cheektowaga, definitely as PITZ. It looks like Philipp may have had children from a previous marriage; the following are enumerated with Philipp (farmer) and Hannah in 1850 census, but remember, they were married the year before:
- Philipp Pitz, b. abt. 1834 Germany [16 in 1850 census, farmer]
- Peter Pitz, b. abt. 1836 Germany [14 in 1850 census]
- John Pitz, b. abt. 1839 Germany [11 in 1850 census]
- Jacob Pitz, b. abt. 1841 Germany [9 in 1850 census]
- Mary Pitz, b. abt. 1844 Germany [6 in 1850 census]
- Philipp Beitz, b. abt. 1826 (24 in 1850 census), shoemaker; m. Christina, b. abt. 1829 (21 in 1850 census). In addition to the child below, there is a 17-year-old Philipp Beitz (b. abt. 1833) enumerated with this family in the 1850 census (4th ward).
- Maria Beitz, b. abt. 1849/50 (8 mos old in 1850 census)
- Philip Betz, b. abt. 1832 (28 in 1860 census) in Hesse Darmstadt; m. abt. 1857 Philpena Unknown, b. abt. 1838 (22 in 1860 census) in Hesse Darmstadt. Living in Ward 5 in 1860 with daughters, both born NY:
- Louisa Betz, b. abt. 1858
- Elizabeth Betz, b. abt. 1860
- Philip Betts, b. btw 1837-1840 [Either 10 or 13 in 1850 census.] Enumerated with [our] Henry Betts in the 1850 census in Black Rock. Not clear who he is. He is NOT Henry's son, nor is he Henry's grandson through the son Jacob, b. 1812. Can't find in 1860.
- Philip Betts, b. abt. 1841 [9 in 1850 census.] Enumerated with [our] Henry Betts in 1850 census in Black Rock. Not clear who he is. He is NOT this Henry's son. There is a 20 year old Philip Betz in Louisiana in 1860, but who knows?
- Sophia Betz or Batz or Butz m. 11 Feb 1866 Andreas Backhoeffer. Witnesses: Johann Backhoeffer, Johann B. Pelabb? [St. Peters] . Can't find in 1870.
- Unknown Betz m. Elisabetha Unknown, b. abt. 1791. She's widow Elisabeth Betz, age 59 in 1850 census, born Germany, with (presumably her son). She may be the Elisabetha Betz, widow, age 70 (b. abt. 1793), buried at United French & German Cemetery d. 21 Aug 1863. There is also an Elizabeth Betz, widow, age 62 (therefore b. 1793) in the 6th ward, 1855 NY State census. She's at bottom of page with a boarder. Would be interesting to see who's on top of the next page. AND there's a 67-year-old Elisabetha Betz living with possibly a daughter, Margaret, b. 1857 and son-in-law, John Wendl? and their children in the 6th ward (1860 census).
- Martin Betz, b. abt. 1832 Germany.
- Unknown Betz, d. bef. 1855 m. Elisabetha Unknown, b. abt. 1809-1813 (either 42 or 49 in 1855 census, by which time she's also a widow). She's living with the Leonhardt Bittering and David Kleunk families in 1855.
- John Betz, b. Jan 1855 (6 mos old in 1855 census, which was taken in July 1855). Can't find in 1860.
- Valentin Betz or Butz or Bitz, b. abt. 1828 Baden. Found in 1860 census, 7th ward, page/image 53: m. Catharine Unknown, b. abt. 1828 b. Bavaria. Not 100% this is a BETZ.
- Julia, b. abt. 1854 NY
- Charles, b. abt. 1856 NY
- Valentine, Jr., b. abt. 1858 NY
- Margaret, b. abt. Dec 1859 or Jan 1860
- Magdalene, b. abt. Dec 1859 or Jan 1860
- Valentin Betz m. 29 Oct 1867 Agatha Schlenker; witnesses: Jacob Schlenker, Johann Stern. [St. Peters]. Can't find in 1870. I believe this to be the Valentin Betz, 42 (therefore b. 1838 H-D) living next door to Jacob Schlenker in 1880 at 396 or 316 Adams. His wife is Martha, 33 (therefore b. abt. 1857-- a second wife?) of Wurttemberg. Children with them in 1880 are:
- Mary Betz, b. abt. 1869 NY
- Margaret Betz, b. abt. 1874 NY
- Caroline [Georgina] Betz, b. abt. [14 Feb 1877] 1879 NY. [Found her death in St. Peters, p. 170 #7: dau of Valentin Betz and Agathe Schlenker, b. 14 Feb 1877; d. 16 Jan 1883, 5y, 11m, 2d.]
- William Baitz (1844-1881); married a Caroline (1844-1927). Both are buried in Concordia. Research Lisa Baitz (see Louis Baitz above) has confirmed that William was brother to her ancestor, Louis Baitz (see above). In the 1900 Soundex there is a Caroline Baetz (b. July 1843 Germany) living at 193 Madison with the following children:
- Mary Baetz, b. March 1875
- Valentine Baetz, b. Dec. 1877
- William Betz (b. Oct 1847 Bavaria); m.abt. 1868 (m. 32 years in 1900) Sophia Sottschalk (b. August 1851 Mecklenberg; d. aft 1930). I find her, age 19, as Sophia Betz, enumerated with what might be her father, William Sottschalk, 69, in the 1870 census. [NO Sottschalks in 1880 census anywhere.] Her mother, Anna, 52, is also there. The parents and Sophia are from Mecklenberg. In the 1870 census, Sophia also appears to have a son, William, but no sign of her husband. 1905 NY State census indicates that William emigrated abt. 1852; and that Sophia emigrated abt. 1854. 1905: The family lived at 259 Locust St. in Buffalo, and were in Block B, 3rd E/D, Ward 16, page 10. At that time, William was identified as a machine hand; in the 1890 city directory, he is newsdealer and machinist (also at 259 Locust). Same address in 1880, too. I have also found them in 1900 census, 16th ward, at 259 Locust St. Sophia had 13 births, 12 of which survived at 1900 (11 had survived by 1910 census). Sophia's mother, Anna, is still alive in 1900, living with them. She was born May 1811. She had 9 children, 3 of whom survived to 1900. The family is still at 259 Locust in 1910. Children of William and Sophia are:
- William M. Betz, b. July 1869 NY; In 1900 but not in 1905 census with the rest of the family. Probably married by then. Did not find in Buffalo or Erie in 1910.
- Minnie Betz, b. abt. 1871 NY (11 in 1880 census; not in 1900 or 1905 census)
- John Betz, b. Oct 1874 US; machine hand; in 1900, 1905 and 1910 census with parents
- Mary Betz (b. abt. 1876 NY); in 1880 census; not in 1900 or 1905.
- Frank Betz, b. March. 1878 NY; teamster; in 1900, 1905, and 1910 with parents. In 1930, still single, living with his widowed mother at 259 Locust.
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1879/80 NY); 9 months old in 1880 census; not in 1905 census.
- Elizabeth Betz, b. May 1883 US; housework; in 1900, 1905, 1910 with parents.
- Fred Betz, b. Jan 1884 US; jointer; 1900, 1905 with parents; not in 1910.
- Joseph Betz, b. Oct 1884 US; machine hand; in 1900, 1905 and 1910 with parents. I wonder if this is Joseph who marries Rosa Maria Weigel (see below) ...
- Josephine Betz, b. July 1887 US; housework; in 1900, 1905; not in 1910
- Peter Betz, b. Sept 1890, US; in 1900, 1905, 1910 with parents.
- Nicholas Betz, b. Aug. 1893 US; in 1900, 1905, 1910 with parents.
- Agada Betz, b. abt. 1846 (24 in 1870 census), b. Wurttemberg. Enumerated in the 6th ward of Buffalo, with the household of Jacob Schlenker, with (possibly) her daughter:
Later Unrelated Betzes (1870-1920)
- August Carl Betz, b. 3 Apr 1881 Bavaria; d. 25 Oct 1968 Buffalo or Tonawanda, NY; m. Catherine Collins, d. early 1930s. August and Catherine are still alive in 1930 living at 27 Nerrick or Werrick Place in Buffalo with son Daniel. Children:
- Daniel Betz
10 Jan 1910?; d. Feb 1977? Buffalo; m. after 1930 Sylvia Unknown, b. 2 Jun 1911?; d. Feb. 1982? Buffalo
Daniel is in 1910, 1920 and 1930 census. - Dorothy Margret Betz b. 21 Sep 1918, d. 19 Jul 1991 CA; m. Nease
Dorothy is in 1920 census; not 1930. Dorothy left Buffalo around 1938; settled in California.
(Researcher Ed Nease is descended from this line) - John A. Betz, b. aft 1920 (not in 1920 census; not in 1930); m. Gloria Unknown.
- Daniel Betz
10 Jan 1910?; d. Feb 1977? Buffalo; m. after 1930 Sylvia Unknown, b. 2 Jun 1911?; d. Feb. 1982? Buffalo
- Carlton Betz, buried 30 Jul 1905 Concordia; see Trinity church records.
- Christian Betz, b. Sept 1867 Germany (emig 1880); m. abt. 1891 Elizabeth Unknown, b. Jan 1869 NY. No children as of 1900. Lived at 478 Eagle in 1900 census. Christian was a grocer.
- Fred Betz, b. Jan 1874 NY; m. abt. 1899 Flink? Unknown, b. May 1877 NY. He was a carpenter; in 1900 they lived at 33? Sherman Street. I find him in 1930 m2. abt. 1910 to Grace Unknown, b. abt. 1878. I believe she is a second wife; 1920 census indicates she was 32 at first marriage, placing her marriage at 1910. He's still a carpenter, living at 19 Krettner. They have the following children living with them:
- Ethel Betz, b. abt. 1911 NY
- Kenneth Betz, son [?], b. abt. 1927 NY [when mother was 49? is this possibly an illeg. son of Ethel? of interest, something else was written under "son" which was then erased and replaced with "son"]
- George Betz, b. Jan 1874 NY, carpenter, m. abt. 1894 Carrie, b. Sep 1872. In 1900 living at 528 Clinton.
- Mildred M. Betz (on 1900 census with parents)
- Henry Betz, b. Dec 1867 NY (per 1900 soundex), living at 463 Delevan Avenue; m. Mary Striker (b. Sep 1874 NY); George Striker "father-in-law" living with them in 1900; b. Apr 1845 Germany). Also found in 1905 NY state census at 601 E. Delavan Ave., Block D, 5th E/D, Ward 18, page 4. Living with them in 1905 is also an "Alice Betz, sister-in-law, age 18, b. NY" so she must be married to Henry's brother...
- Edward Betz, b. Feb 1895 NY
- Henry Betz, buried 29 May 1890 Concordia; see St. Peters
- Henry Betz, buried 22 Apr 1894 Concordia; see St. Peters
- Jacob Betz, b. abt. 1859 Germany; emig. abt. 1863 [age 4]; m. Caroline Unknown, b. abt. 1864 German; emig abt. 1885. First found in 1905 state census at 43 Rich Street, Block G, ED #2, Ward 18, p. 32.
- John Betz, b. abt. 1890 US; millhand
- Anna Betz, b. abt. 1893 US
- Elmer Betz, b. abt. 1895 US
- Arthur Betz, b. abt. 1897 US
- Jacob F. Betz, b. abt. 1899 US
- William Betz, b. abt. 1901 US
- Raymond Betz, b. abt. 1903 US
- Henry Betz, b. abt. 1905 US
- Jacob Betz, b. July 1866 Germany (per 1900 soundex); emig. abt. 1887; m. Henrietta W. Unknown, b. Jan 1862 Germany. In 1900 at 196 Carlton St; at 212 French St., Block Z, 5th E/D, Ward 18, page 53 in 1905..
- Henry S. Betz, b. Jan 1900 NY [not in 1905 census]
- Fred Betz, b. abt. 1900 US [mmm... one and the same as Henry?]
- Clara Betz, b. abt. 1903 US
- Jacob Betz (John J. Betz in 1900 census), b. Feb 1869 Germany; emig.
1881; machinist. m1. UNKNOWN; d. bef 1900; m2. Barbara Unknown, b. abt. 1870 US. Found in 1905
census at 232 Orange St., ward 16, page 13. In 1900 census, living with him is Johanna Betz,
"servant," b. Apr 1841 Germany, widowed. Is this his mother?
- Jacob H. Betz (John H. in 1900), b. Feb 1896 NY
- John Betz, b. August 1867 Germany; m. abt. 1900 Augusta Unknown
(widow of Birkner), b .Aug 1864 Germany. In 1900 they are living at 59 Watson Street with her six
Birkner children plus the following child. John is a cabinetmaker who emigrated in 1890.
- Albert L. Betz, b. May 1900 NY
- John C. Betz, b. Jan. 1860 NY [might be son of John Betz and Margaretha in above
section]; m. Magdalena Unknown, b. Jan. 1857 NY. Salesman. Found in 1900 & 1905 census
at 943 Northampton St., Block Z, 5th E/D, Ward 18, page 109. They are both still alive in 1930, living behind their son at 942 Northampton.
- Magdalena Betz, b. Apr 1877 NY. With them in 1900, not 1905
- George Betz, b. July 1879 NY (in 1900, not 1905)
- Samuel Betz, b. Feb 1883 NY (in 1900, not 1905)
- Katharine Betz, b. Oct 1890 NY (in both 1900 & 1905)
- John C. Betz, b. Mar. 1894 NY (in both 1900 & 1905); m. abt. 1915Ida E. Unknown, b. abt. 1887 NY. Still living at the family home at 942 Northampton in 1930 with his parents and a son:
- Arthur E. Betz, b. abt. 1917 NY.
- Cascilda Betz, b. July 1897 NY (in both 1900 & 1905)
- Samuel Miller, b. abt. 1884 US (step-son of John; therefore Margaretha was married to a Miller prior to her marriage to John Betz)
- John Betz, b. May 1861 NY; m. abt. 1890 Elizabeth Unknown,
b. July 1849 NY; life insurance agent in 1900, when he's living at 247 Adams in same building as Barth and
Schloezer families.
- Ella Betz, b. June 1893 NY
- Flora Betz, b. July 1895 NY
- Howard Betz, b. Feb 1898 NY
- Laus / Louis Betz, buried 26 May 1895; see St. Peters, p. 24. See ward 5, 1870; if so, b. abt. 1848 New York, Painter.
- Louise Betz, buried 17 Nov 1911; see Trinity, p. 32. See ward 5 1870; if her wife of Louis; b. abt. 1848 Prussia.
- Maria Margaretha Betz, b. 23 Oct 1863 Buffalo; m. 1 Jun 1887 Christian Fassile?, b. 19 Mar 1864 Wurttemberg. Witnesses at marriage (St. Peters) were Johann Bunz (typo for Betz?), Theresia Ulrich. [Is this the Theresia Betz buried at United French & German cemetery?] She might be daughter of Conrad and Margaret, above section.
- There are a set of BEITZes buried in Concordia with very little information in the cemetery records, but with pointers to particular pages in church records:
- Infant Beits, buried 2 Aug 1904; see Trinity page 182.
- Baby Beitz, buried 22 Nov 1903; see Trinity page 23.
- Dorothea Beitz, buried 24 Mar 1891; see St. Peters, p. 13
- E. Beitz, buried 4 Jan 1887; see Trinity, p. 150
- Luise Beitz, buried 29 Mar 1896; see St. Peters, p. 26
- In the 1900 Soundex there is a family in "Evanstown" that appears to match up with a "Lake View" family recorded in Hamburg's St. James UCC (formerly St. Jacobus Ev. Lutheran Church). Specifically, John F. Boetz, b. January 1870 (Germany), in the 1900 Soundex appears to be Johann Friederich Heinrich Beetz who marries on 21 Feb 1894 Emma Meyer (born August 1876 Germany per 1900 Soundex).
- According to the church records, their first child is Evelyn Gertrude Beetz, b. 24 May 1894.
- According to the 1900 Soundex, their first child is Edith Boetz, b. Nov. 1894 (exactly nine months after the church wedding). Wondering if these two daughters aren't one and the same, but the family mis-reported the real birth date to the census takers due to the early birth vis-a-vis their wedding?
- Also according to the 1900 Soundex, they have a son, John Boetz, born August 1896. But there is no record of his birth in the church... yet found, anyway.
- In both the church records and the 1900 Soundex, there is also Edward Boetz (Beetz in church record), born 23 August 1899.
- Alice Lillian Beetz , b. 21 Jun 1906 (obviously not in 1900 Soundex).
- John Betz? m. Mary Schmidt? Descendant is not positive of the name
of either the mother or father, but this
was the name passed down. Apparently lived on Southamption, but
not sure when. Family attended Eumayus(?) Lutheran Evangelical Church. Source of
this information: Richard C. Betz of Buffalo, NY.
- Henry Betz , b. Sep 1878 NY; m1. Louise Zink , b. abt. 1877 US. His parents both born Germany. In 1900 Soundex, he's found living with his mother-in-law, Sophia Zink at 465 Best. (See Vol 42, ED 140, sheet 6, line 9.) He's working at a planing mill. In 1905 they are living at 465 Earl (did Best get renamed?). In 1910, they are living in Cheektowaga, at 98 Alpen? Street. In 1910 and 1920, he's a machinist at a planing mill.
- Henry J. Betz, b. abt. 1901 (19 in 1920 census)
m. Marie Unknown (one child) - Albertine Betz, b. abt. 1903 (17 in 1920 census)
m. Joe Steinhoff (four children) - Willard Betz, b. abt. 1904 (16 in 1920 census)
m. Daisy Unknown (two children) - Arthur Betz (1905-1999) (14 in 1920 census)
m. Margaret (still living) (two children) - Ruth Betz, b. abt. 1908 (12 in 1920 census)
m. John Unknown (one child) - Mildred Betz, b. abt. 1909 (11 in 1920 census)
m. John Unknown (one child) - Clifton Betz , b. 3/22/1910; d. March 1985 per SSDI (9 in 1920 census)
m. Beatrice H. Nagle, b. 24 Jun 1913 per SSDI; d. 9/30/1999. (three children) - Esther Betz, b. abt. 1914 (6 in 1920 census); foun on 1920 census, but was not on list provided by living descendant Richard C. Betz.
m2. Matilda Steinfeld, b. abt. 1880 (40 in 1920 census).
- Henry J. Betz, b. abt. 1901 (19 in 1920 census)
- Frederic Betz m. Alma Unknown
- Amie Betz
- George Betz
- Peter Betz m. Florence Unknown
- Jerome Betz
- Lois Betz
- Joseph Betz m. Kathrin Unknown
- Joel Betz
- Joan Betz
- Mary Betz m. Unknown Klinch
- Charles Klinch
- Marie Betz m. Unknown Klien
- Kenneth Klien
- Frank Klien
- Gertrude Betz (died single)
- Joseph Betz, b. 22 Oct 1886, m. 28 Nov 1929 (St. Boniface RC Church) to Rosa Maria WEIGEL (b. 12 Feb 1904). Source: Nelson Metke.
- Unknown Betz (d. bef. 1905) m. Augusta Unknown. I find , age 54 (therefore b. abt. 1866 Germany), in the 1920 census married to Alexander Moses/Moser, age 47 with several children born starting in 1905. Also living with them are HIS step children, therefore presumably 's children through a previous marriage to an Unknown Betz. (It looks like "widow" near her name.) Yes. I found her in 1910 census on Kiefer St., a widow with children (10 born, 6 living):
- Mary Betz, b. abt. 1890 NY (20 in 1910 census; not in 1920 census)
- Joseph Betz, b. abt. 1894 NY; occ: Laboring, factory; in 1920 census; in 1910 census
- Paul Betz, b. abt. 1897 NY; in 1910 census; not in 1920
- August Betz, b. abt. 1899-1900 NY; occ: roofer in 1920; also in 1910
- Anna Betz, b. abt. 1902 NY; in 1910 and 1920 census; occ: clerk, office
- Margaret Betz, b. abt. 1903 NY; in 1910 and 1920 census; occ: machine hand, silk mill.
- Unknown Betz d. btw 1896 and 1900; m. Kate Blessing, b. Nov 1868 Germany, dau of J. & Kate Blessing, all 3 emigrated 1880. Kate is widowed by 1900, and back living with her parents at 191 Scoville Avenue with these Betz children:
- Edward Betz, b. Jun 1890 NY
- Kate Betz, b. Nov 1891 NY
- Benny Betz, b. Nov 1896
- Unknown BETZ, d. btw. 1897 & 1900; m. Maggie/Margaret Unknown, b. Feb 1857 Germany; emig 1882; widowed in 1900 census, when she is living as a washerwoman at 118 Fox Street with children:
- George Betz, b. July 1894 NY
- William "Willie" Betz, b. Sep 1895 NY
- Lillie Betz, b. Oct 1887 NY
- Unknown Betz, d. btw 1892-1900? m. Unknown Tusch? d. btw. 1892-1900?. In the 1900 census, there are three BETZ children living with an Elisabeth Tusch, widow, at 180 Johnson St. They are identified as her grandchildren. (In 1910 they are identified as her nephew and nieces; same address.)
- William Betz, b. Oct 1887 NY; in 1910 he was a goldsmith for a jewelery manufacturer.
- Elisabeth Betz, b. Nov 1889 NY. [In 1930, at 180 Johnson St. is a Lillian Betz, 40, single, living with her uncle Henry Tusch, age 61.]
- Eleanor Betz, b. May 1892 NY; in 1910 she was a saleslady in a dept. store.
- William Betz, b. Aug 1871 German; emig 1875; m. abt. 1894 Lillian E. Unknown, b. Apr 1875 PA. 2 births; 2 living in 1900. Piano maker. Living at 386 Front Avenue in 1900 with these children:
- Marguerite M. Betz, Jun 1896 PA
- Lydia E. Betz, b. Feb 1898 PA
- Henry Betz , b. Sep 1878 NY; m1. Louise Zink , b. abt. 1877 US. His parents both born Germany. In 1900 Soundex, he's found living with his mother-in-law, Sophia Zink at 465 Best. (See Vol 42, ED 140, sheet 6, line 9.) He's working at a planing mill. In 1905 they are living at 465 Earl (did Best get renamed?). In 1910, they are living in Cheektowaga, at 98 Alpen? Street. In 1910 and 1920, he's a machinist at a planing mill.
BATZes of Buffalo:
The following BATZ line may have originated as "BETZ." This line hails from Hessen Darmstadt, not Rheinpfalz. This family is fairly well documented elsewhere, both on RootsWeb and in the LDS.
Philip Daniel Batz
b. 1832, Woerstadt, Hesse-Darmstadt;
emigrationed abt. 1852; applied for citizenship 1858; became citizen 1860; in 1860 census, name is spelled "Betz."
d. 30 June 1887, Buffalo; buried at Forest Lawn, Section 39, Lot 307
m. 1857 Phillippine Hassinger (b. 1838, Darmstadt; d. 14 August 1900, Buffalo; she's living at 533 Adams in 1890 with son, Valentine; a Philipp A. Hassinger (brother?) lives at 540 Adams same year)2. Louisa or Lydia August Bertha Batz (1858 - ?) m. Henry Dietchler; had four children.
2. Elizabeth Batz (b. 1 December 1859 Buffalo - d. 14 June 1929, Buffalo);
m. Louis Umphrey; no children.
2. William Philip Batz (19 January 1862-1926, Baltimore; pastor) m. Einraugh. Children of William & Augusta:3. Hilda (1893-1931)2. Henry Batz (19 Nov 1864 - 1891 single) Might be the Henry Batz, letter carrier, living at 73 Lemon in 1890.
3. Lydia (1889-?)
2. Valentine Batz (1868-1909 single; living at 533 Adams with mother in 1890; blind)
2. Philip Daniel Batz (13 Sept 1877 Buffalo - 21 Nov 1953, Pasadena; bur. Forest Lawn, Hollywood, CA); m. 1905 (in Baltimore?) Caroline Beacham (?-1964). Children of Philip and Caroline:3. Elmer Batz (1907 Buffalo - 1990 Reno, NV)
3. Gordon Philip Batz (1906 Buffalo - 1969, ?)
3. (living)
Potential Family Groupings
The following are POSSIBLE (i.e., unconfirmed) family groupings as hinted at by the data. They should be taken as potentials for continued research.
- Unknown Betz m. Elisabetha Unknown, b. abt. 1785.
- Adam Betz b. abt. 1801; m. abt. 1835 Margarethe Burket/Bucket/Pocket. Four children.
- Katharine Betz m. abt. 1828 Peter Weller 8 kids between 1829-1846.
- Elisabetha Betz, b. abt. 1825 (sister or dau. of Adam, above?); m. 1844 in Buffalo Carl Schaeffer (abt. 1822-?).
- Philipp Betz/Petz/Piz, Sr.
Shows up as witness (with son Philip, Jr.) at wedding of Peter Petz.- Philipp Betz/Petz/Piz, Jr.
Shows up as witness (with father Philip, Sr.) at wedding of Peter Petz - Peter Petz m. Susanna Raab 1857, St. Johns
- Johann Piz m. Barbara Benzinger 7 June 1859 (St. Johns)
Witnesses: Philipp Piz (Jr. or Sr.?), Christian Benzinger.
- Philipp Betz/Petz/Piz, Jr.
- Possible siblings: (note: these are contemporaries of "our" Feilbingert Betz family -- Henry, Philip, Elisabetha, Philippina, Margaretha, Catharina)
- Christoph Betz m. 1850 Elisabetha Blank
- Conrad Betz m. 1851 Margaretha Blank
- Johann Betz, b. 16 Aug 1853; bapt. 17 Aug 1853; sp: Johann Meyer; Maria Meyer.
- Regina Fridericka Betz, b. 1 Nov 1854; bapt. 12 Nov 1854; sp: George Kreisel, Regina Fredericke Kresiel.
- Anna Betz, b. 8 Nov 1856; bp 7 Dec 1856; sp: Christoph Weglehner, Anna B. Weglohenr, Barbara Wegloehner.
- Marie Margarethe Betz, b. 3 Jun 1862; bpt. 15 Jun 1862; sp: Johann Meir, Marie Maier.
- Catharina Betz, b. 22 Jan 1873; bp 2 Mar 1873; sp: Catharina Weglehner, Johann Weglehner.
- Conrad Betz m. 1853 Elisabetha SOHN
- Sophia Betz m. 1866 Andreas Backhoefer
- Barbara Betz / Petz m. 27 Jun 1847 (St. Johns) Christoph Weglohner / Waglinger
- Barbara Waglinger, b. 22 Jul 1847, bapt (st. Johns) 25 Jul 1847; sp: Georg Leonhard Siemon, Barbara Siemon.
- John Weglehner, b. 26 Jul 1849; bapt 12 Aug 1849; sp: Leonhard Simon, Elisab. Barbara Siemon.
- Anna Barbara Weglehner, b. 16 Feb 1852; bp 29 Feb 1852; sp: Barbara Weglehner, Carl Betz
- Katharina Weglohner, b. 27 Dec 1854 (St. Johns)
Sponsors: J.A. Betz & Kath. [Backhoefer] Betz (see below) - Georg Weglehner, b. 2 Jun 1857; bp 21 Jun 1857; sp: Georg & Dorothea Herbst.
- Joh. A[dam] Betz m. Katharine Backhoefer
- Johann Betz m. Margarethe Backhoefer (or is this Johann same as Joh. Adam, above, and there's confusion about wife's name...?) [There's a John Betz, b. abt. 1815 Bavaria, in 1855 census, having arrived within 6 months, married to a Margaretha, b. abt. 1825 Bavaria. No children as of 1855-- but a widow Marg. with chidren in 1870.]
- Shoemaking BETZes
These families are all shoemakers in the 1840s and to 1850 census. Can't help but wonder if something other than laces ties them together...- Kath/Maria Petz, b. abt. 1825, m. 1848 shoemaker Henry Fischer.
- Elisa Fischer, b. 26 Dec 1848; bapt. 14 May 1849; sp: Elise William.
- Cath. [ ? ] Betz sponsors two of Kath Petz Fischer's children.
- Carl Betz sponsors one of Cath Petz Fischer's children.
- Philipp Beitz, shoemaker, m. Christina Unknown
- Adam Pitz, shoemaker, b. abt. 1801; m. abt. 1835 Margareth Burket/Bucket/Pocket. See above for another possible family grouping of this couple.
- Kath/Maria Petz, b. abt. 1825, m. 1848 shoemaker Henry Fischer.
- Cheektowaga BETZ / PITZ
- The following are also above (in alpha order, under Early Betzes), but the fact that they're all in Cheektowaga in the 1850 census makes me wonder if they're related...
- Jacob F. Pitz, b. abt. 1800 (50 in the 1850 census); m. Elizabeth Unknown, b. abt. 1802 (48 in 1850 census). He's a "sheppard" in Cheektowaga in 1850 with the following children (all born Germany):
- Peter Pitz, b. abt. 1833 (17 in 1850); "raggermaker" (?)
- Susanna Pitz, b. abt. 1838 (12 in 1850).
- Peter Pitz, b. abt. 1778 Germany; m. Charlotte Hoffmann, b. abt. 1775 Germany. He's a farmer in Cheektowaga in the 1850 census, listed on same page as Jacob PITZ above (old enough to be his father...). The first two children are enumerated with him in the 1850 census; the third child is provided by the research of Brenda Luderman. (See this thread in the PITZ message board for more info.)
- Philipp Betz, b. abt. 1778 Germany (72 in 1850 census). In 1850 census, found in Cheektowaga [ancestry image #66], a weaver and likely a widower with the following sons:
- Friedrich Betz, b. abt. 1807 Germany (43 in 1850 census), farmer
- George M. Betz, b. abt. 1810 Germany (40 in 1850 census), farmer
- Philipp Betz, b. abt. 1814 Germany (36 in 1850 census), farmer
- Jacob F. Pitz, b. abt. 1800 (50 in the 1850 census); m. Elizabeth Unknown, b. abt. 1802 (48 in 1850 census). He's a "sheppard" in Cheektowaga in 1850 with the following children (all born Germany):