Overview of the LDS Films of the Altensteig Church Records
In researching my Altensteig ancestors (FASSNACHT), I ordered the microfilm made by the LDS. The records are spread, somewhat haphazardly, over multiple films. Here's what I found; if anyone more familiar with these records can fill in some of the blanks or address any of the concerns I raise, please contact me. (My email address has been modified to diminish spam.) Thanks.Jillaine Smith, Washington DC
27 June 2002
Title: Haptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgt.
Kirchenbucher des Kirchenbez. Nagold - Altensteig
Film # | Contains | Comments |
1210931 | Band 33/3 - Family index cards (!) Schmid through Zeller? (end of alphabet) Band 1: Taufregister 1664 - 1749 (I). Band 2: Taufregister 1750 - 1796 (II). Index at end. Band 3: Births 1797 - 1807. Cover has a heart on it. Followed by an index of sorts. Can't understand exactly. Many pages with crossed out lines. Then apepars to become a regular index. Band 4: Taufregister 1808-1823. Pretty bad handwriting. |
(Band 33/3:) Obviously made at a later date, perhaps to compensate for the fact that the early books were so badly damaged? (Check beginning of this film for possible description.) There are birth dates as far back as 1590! I wonder if this was work done in preparation for the Ortsippenbuch that this town has? There are no other index cards for the rest of the alphabet. (I'd love to get my hands on them if they exist!) Bands 1 and 2 are in pretty good shape for basic information; some water damage. |
1201932 | Band 5: Taufregister 1824-1842 (V) Band 6: Taufregister 1843-1863 (VI) blurry, badly filmed Band 7: Taufregister 1864-1900, badly filmed Band 8: Marriages 1660 - 1754 (I) (the missing marriages from the film #1210933 |
Band 8 is badly water stained for many, many pages. First page is illeg. Gets slightly better by 1715. Photography quality alternates between dizzingly blurry for a few pages, followed by one or two clearly shot films. This film does not appear to have any index, which will make working with this film particularly painful. |
1210933 | Band 8: Starts with some kind of records in 1714; includes deaths from 1714 to 1754. After the 1754 deaths, there is an index of what appears to be only males. This index is followed by (still Band 8) the cover of Eheregister I 1660-1754, but there are no actual records included! Turns out these marriages are on film #1201932. The next image is the cover of Eheregister II 1755-1807. These are marriages.
Band 9: Includes index of previous band. Band 10: Marriages 1808-1857 (vol. IV). Columnar format. No index for these marriages. Band 11: Marriages 1858-1882 Band 12: Totenregister II 1755-1796. Badly photographed. Ink bleeding through pages. No index. Band 13: Deaths 1797-1809; Births 1808-1854. Index. Band 14: Totenregister 1808-1838 Band 15: Totenregister 1839-1861 |
Shot in the negative! Original looks to be water stained. Many pages on this film are badly shot (blurry). Each death record contain a fair amount of narrative. Beginning with 1772, the marriage records shift from narrative to columnar format. |
1201934 | Deaths 1862 - 1899 Deaths? 1738 - 1784 (check this) Deaths? 1723 - 1804 (check this) Band 17 ends with 1793 confirmations. Band 18: 1868-1917 Confirmation Register (includes parents). Band 19: Familien Register I: Surnames A-G. (Fassnacht family pages are here. |
Opening pages include a fair amount of narrative At about page 301, starts lists of confirmations (beginning with 1723). Confirmations begging in April 1731 add names of parents (previously just names of those confirmed). This only lasts for two years before returning to list of names of confirmed only. Handwriting changes, very messy... Around MDCCLVII (1757?) a great deal is in Latin. Band 18 confirmations are entered on printed forms. Also includes references to familienbuch pages.
1201935 | Family pages (familienbuchs) starting with G surnames through remainder of the alphabet. | See film #1201934 for the earlier part of the alphabet. |
Note: There is an Ortsippenbuch for this town, as well as for nearby Altensteigdorf. Initial comparison of these church films with the Ortsippenbuch reveals some discrepancies.