1915 -1916

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

1915 -1916

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Below is one entry for each page listed. Click on the date below to see the complete journal page for that time period.

January 1915...Coal Hoist Tornado docks after being sunk

March 1915...Tornado rebuilt for the second time 

June 1915... Repairs to Steamer J. B. Finley cause problems at the Ways

August 1915...Steamer Enterprise gets new rudder blade

October 1915...Steel hulled Mariner ends up as a wharfboat for parking cars

November 1915...Steamer Swan gets new outside bottom plates

December 1915...Steamers Cadet and Wash Honshell are wrecked for parts

February 1916... Gunnel hull boats built in 1915 are described

April 1916...Boilers are condemned on Tug Mike Daughtery

June 1916...Lynch men leave the Ways for a few months

November 1916... Bob Murphy loses a finger

December 1916...J. J. Henderson, 83 years old, working on Steamer Crucible

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