1929 - 1930

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

1929 - 1930

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Late 1929 - Early 1930


Friday November 1, 1929   Temperature 62 to 75   mostly cloudy   I went out a little while Hunting  saw one Ring neck  to warm to hunt and too many Hunters  soon tired out and came Home.  the Show Boat Goldenrod towed by the Steamer Crownhill is on the west side above the Bridge

Thursday November 7, 1929  Just before starting out we saw a most wonderful sight   The U S Navy Dirgeable Los Angelus  (Airship Los Angeles)

Tuesday April 8, 1930   the new Steamer Duquesne of the Carnegie Steel Company made her first trip up River with a tow of Emptys    she looks fine

Saturday April 26, 1930    Jas. Fortner is burning the old Hull of the Steamer Jim Brown on the shore across from the Ways    Fortner is recovering the scrap    this is one of the old time boats on the River and is about the last of them all.

Late 1929 and Early 1930 

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