Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 


Home ] Up ] Tug WASH GRAY ] TOM DODSWORTH ] JOHN MOREN ] RIVAL ] SAILOR ] RELIEF ] Bulldozer Barge ] HARRY BROWN ] ALICE BROWN ] JOSH COOK ] J.C. RISHER ] S.H.H. CLARK ] TRANSIT ] J.B. FINLEY ] H. M. HOXIE ] RESOLUTE ] MARGARET ] Model Barge EMPEROR ] Model Barge DELAWARE ] Packet COLUMBIA ] TOM REES NO.2 ] MONITOR ] DUQUESNE ] W C. JUTTE ] Dredge #1 ] BOAZ ] CRUISER ] VESTA ] Dredge WESTERN ] Dredge W. C. JUTTE ] [ Dredge CYCLONE DIGGER ] STELLA MOREN ] LEE. H. BROOKS ] Model Barge 70 ] Model Barge MISSISSIPPI ] Model Barges 97 & 58 ] Model Barge 87 ] Model Barge 62 ]



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Picture showing the riverfront with CYCLONE DIGGER on right side.  From collection of Historic Pittsburgh dated 1912   Close up of CYCLONE DIGGER dated 1912

This boat is first at the Elizabeth Marine Ways on Monday October 21, 1907 and out the following Monday after various repair work.  The next noted visit is May 23, 1913 when it is digging a coffer dam at  Elizabeth Marine Ways.  There are numerous visits by this boat to the Elizabeth Marine Ways which can be found by using the search function on the Home Page of this web site.  Starting in the early 1920s this boat is noted as doing various jobs around  Elizabeth Marine Ways giving the impression that it may have been located there until 1925 when it is moved to another location.  The last entry was in 1935 when the boat was being dismantled.

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