2, 1913 to October 17, 1913
Steamer Oakland
docked Monday June 2, 1913 for a new hull. This is a Big Boat
Enterprise Docked July 31, 1913 new cylinder timbers -
Boilers set aft 6" - Plank shear and nosing - new Sheet Iron and
other like repairs
On Steamer
Volunteer August 2, 1913 new guards and head - new bed
timbers - new bridge over the Boilers - new nosing iron - new wheel and
other like repairs - left the Ways September 26, 1913 she is
going to take part in a River Parade at Pittsburgh on Saturday September
27, 1913 this is Pittsburgh�s Old Home Week
Steamer Oakland
well on with new Hull - guards fantail - new deck beams and deck all way
through - Knees off the W.W. Oneil on her - Texas removed off her and a
new Pilot House built. 4 Capstan Jobs 2 new ash
wells these were the first wells on her steam steering
outfit Cawley and Johnson taken off the Steamer Henry Lourie
new cabin front and coal box towed away by Steamer T.J. Wood
Friday eve October 17, 1913
Enterprise off the Ways October 13, 1913
Dredge Hercules
owned by John F. Kline Docked Friday October 17, 1913 for new spud
frames - sheet iron - calking - and other repairs

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