15, 1918 to February 2, 1918
Enterprise Docked Tuesday January 15, 1918 for repairs to her bottom and
floor timbers
Steamer J.C.
Risher Docked Thursday January 17, 1918 for repairs to sheet iron and
rudders off Saturday Eve 19th
January 19, 1918 very cold and windy all
day river broke up by Steam Boats and this Pool run
out today running full of new ice the 4th
week of Freeze up
Sunday January
20, 1918 6 degrees below zero
Monday January
21, 1918 14 degrees below zero Monday
night warmer with 4" of Snow the River froze up
tight and the Boats all tied up
morning February 2, 1918 3 degrees below zero
the River full of running ice and working on wheels day and night
Sunday February
3, 1918 geting colder and snowing with strong
wind this the worst winter more snow
and ice and thickest ice I have ever seen the wheel
expenses for repairs to wheels only for January was $ 8,000.00 and this
amount was over run for February 1918
Enterprise in the River Friday February 1, 1918
Steamer Monitor
off the Ways Saturday February 2, 1918 she is looking
fine finished her up on Sunday 3rd
also had two gangs on Wheel Jobs on Steamers J.C. Risher and
Rover worked late at night to finish them

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