April 26, 1919

Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

April 26, 1919

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April 26, 1919 to June 1, 1919


U.S.E. ( United States Engineers) Steamer General Craighill Docked Saturday April 26, 1919   rudder repairs - chain braces - some new plates - scraped and painted   finished May 16, 1919

U.S.E. Dredge - Col M.B. Adams Docked Monday April 28, 1919    scraping and painting   repairs to spud caseing apron and other repairs   finished May 16, 1919

Steamer J.C. Risher  May 14, 1919  wheel repaired

Derrick Boat #22 sunk Sunday May 11, 1919  docked 12th and general repairs made on her    Dave Cooper was hoisting drift wood off the Ways Abutments, listed her over and she came down on a broken off Piling - Bill Hunt - Andys Bill was firing her

Steamer Keystone  Saturday May 17, 1919   repairs, Boiler Deck Roof - Rudder couplings - finished same day

Monday May 19, 1919   Steamer Jenkins   Nigger repaired, repairs to fender Kevels

Steamer Beacon June 1, 1919   repairs to wheel pitman strap   new ice braces

April 26, 1919 to June 1, 1919

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