Tips for using this page:
web site can be viewed using the following addresses:
1) Browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox,
and Safari
may not allow the
captions I have inserted on most photos to be seen when you place your
mouse pointer / cursor onto the photos. Chrome does have an
extension, "Visible Alts" that if downloaded will show the photos
captions and I advice downloading this extension if using Chrome. This web site was
designed using an early version of Front Page and Internet Explorer so
if using Internet Explorer and you are not able to view the captions
inserted on photos I would recommend that you turn on the "Compability"
function probably listed under "Page Settings" on the Menu Bar.
The Font used on the actual journal
pages of this site is "Brush Script
MT". This font gives the appearance of being handwritten,
which I feel is appropriate for the content of these pages
which is a
handwritten journal. If you are not seeing these
pages in
handwriting but in traditional block lettering it may mean one of the
following: a) Your computer does not have Brush Script MT loaded as one
of its fonts. b) Your computer may need to be restarted to clear its
memory to allow it to view fonts other than the default font. c) Your
computer may need more memory in order to view this font along with
other programs you are running simultaneously. You
might find the handwritten font to be more difficult to read, in this
case you could remove Brush Script MT from your computer and then the
web site would be seen in the default font of your computer, probably a
traditional block style font.
3) This site relies heavily on graphic files,
each of the journal page is a separate jpeg file. Please be
patient while each page loads, the faster your connection the quicker
the page will load.
4) To navigate
the journal pages faster you may want to use the Master Directory. The Master Directory gives all Journal Directories, with the
details, on one page. Use the Journal Directory pages if you know
the time period of a particular event you are looking for. |