Ann's Trial


[Allen and Muriel Findlay visited the Public Records Office in Chancery Lane, London on the 28th October 1984 and found the original parchment record of Ann's trial and copied the details by hand.]

"Assi 5/119 Herefordshire Summer Assizes. Tuesday, 16th July, 1799.

Ann Pugh. Guilty: To be transported for 7 years.

Herefordshire. The Jurors for our Lord the King upon their oath present that Ann Pugh, late of the parish of Lyonshall in the County of Herefordshire, spinster on the 20th day of April in the thirtyninth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George 3 of Britain etc, with force and arms at the parish aforesaid in the county aforesaid one stuff pettycoat of the value of 9/-, one flannel pettycoat of the value of 1/-, one linen apron of the value of 2/-, one flaxen shift of the value of 3/-, one pair of leather shoes of the value of 4/-, one cotton gown of the value of 5/-, two woollen cloaks of the value of 20/-, one check apron of the value of 1/-, one linen shift of the value of 2/-, one pair of woollen stockings of the value of 1/-, 3 cotton handkerchiefs of the value of 1/-, one linen handkerchief of the value of 6d, one pair of plated iron buckles of the value of 2d and one piece of silver coin of the proper coin of the realm called a half crown of the goods and chattels and monies of Hester Edwards in the dwelling house of the said Hester Edwards.

Felony then and there being found feloniously did steal and take away against the peace of our said Lord the King, His Crown and Dignity,

A true bill.. Hester Edwards and William Davies both sworn in court."

Assi 2/27. Herefordshire Summer Assizes. 39th Year of Geo. 3, 1799.

"Whereas Ann Pugh and Ann Davies were at the Assizes severally convicted of grand larceny for which they were severally sentenced to be transported to parts beyond the seas for the term of seven years. It is therefore pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the 24th year of the reign of his majesty George 3: instituted" an act for the effectual transportation of felons and the offenders and to authorise the removal of prisoners in certain cases and for other purposes therein mentioned." Ordered and adjudged by this court that the said above named convicts be transported beyond the seas accordingly as soon as conveniently maybe. And that James Walwyn Esquire and the Rev. Hugh Morgan, two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said court of Hereford are hereby appointed to contract with any person or persons for the performance of the transportation of the said convicts and to order sufficient security to be taken for the same pursuant to the Act of Parliament. And this court doth order that the said abovementioned convicts be transferred to the use of such person or persons his or their accounts as shall contract for the due performance of the said transportation which contract or contracts and security shall be certified by the said justices to the next court of general gaol delivery to be held on for the said County of Hereford to be filed and kept among the records of this court. - Pugh.

To give evidence

1. Samuel Williams, P & E: Thos James and Mary his wife, William Norse and Sarah his wife. / Ann Davies.

2. William Taylor, P & E. John Traunter & John Bossley / Ann Pugh

3. Hester Edwards P & E / Ann Pugh

All entries are followed by the Court - Pugh."

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