Holcombe Snyder MacCallum Bennett Sargent Hubbard Haughton Pettibone


Jon & Sandra (Sargent) Holcombe



Our Family Heritage

These are our ancestors as we know them







Home Dr. Charles B. Holcombe Irma E. MacCallum Willis H. Sargent Ann Haughton

Click on the name of one of our parents to see our ancestors.


  Our lines are ancient, and three of them are thought to have descended from Sir John Holcombe who was knighted in the 2nd Crusade.  Here he lies on top of his tomb in the Abbey in Dorchester-on-Thames in England.  He is thought to be the ancestor of  Thomas Holcombe of Connecticut who is the ancestor of both Willis Sargent and Ann Haughton, and of John Holcombe of  New Jersey, ancestor of Charles B. Holcombe.


   This website is dedicated to my grandfather, Rev. Charles T. Holcombe.  He completed a study of the John & Sarah (Rathmell) Smith family of Bucks Co PA.  This seminal project inspired me to continue his passion for knowledge of his family and to share it with others.  His grace as a minister of the gospel was special, his kindness immense.  At the right is a picture of the family around 1918.  Grandmother Holcombe was rather short and barely can be seen in the left rear seat.

CTHFam1.jpg (128238 bytes)

click on the picture to enlarge


We would love to hear from any of our cousins or anyone else who may wish to share information.

Although the genealogy of John Holcombe of Stogumber, whose children came to Pennsylvania in 1700 is found under the page above for "Dr Charles B. Holcombe," the research there is a single line.  Another site is in progress to display all of the descendants of John Holcombe of Stogumber.  That site can be found at the following link, where historical and pictorial materials are included, and a page on the Holcombe-Jimison Museum at Lambertville, New Jersey.



For those who wish to research the descendants of Thomas Holcomb(e) of Connecticut, follow this link:



This website will be updated and developed.  To be added will be descendant charts, list of linked surnames, and other tools to help.  In the meantime, if you are looking for a particular surname, we suggest that you use the "Find" tool under the "Edit" button of your browser in the particular page.  At each page there is a link to an uploaded database that has numerous search and display options.  All of our research can be found at those databases.

last changed 22 June 2003