Missouri Browns who arrived in (or passed through) Lawrence,
alias Barry, alias Greene, alias Wayne County.

First find a likely candidate on the given name index.
Note: These families are grouped under the earliest heading in which family members
are found in the county. So an individual born in 1880 may be found under the heading
"Before 1860," and will be listed in that family grouping.

When you find where the individual is listed, click on that heading below to go directly
to that place on this page.

1830 Wayne County
1840 Barry County
Spring River twp before 1860
District #47 before 1860
Ozark twp before 1860
Vineyard twp before 1860
Ozark twp 1860
Mt. Pleasant twp 1860
Greene twp 1860
Buck Prairie twp 1860
Vineyard twp 1860
Mt. Vernon twp 1860
Buck Prairie twp 1870
Mt. Pleasant twp 1870
Peirce City 1870
Mt. Vernon twp 1870
Ozark twp 1870
Turnback twp 1870
Vineyard twp 1870
Town of Lyons 1870
Aurora twp 1880
Buck Prairie twp 1880
Greene twp 1880
Lincoln twp 1880
Mt. Pleasant twp 1880
Mt. Vernon twp 1880
Town of Mt. Vernon 1880
Ozark twp 1880
Peirce twp 1880
Vineyard twp 1880
Other Browns from miscellanous records

1830 Wayne County

	Elisha Brown, no twp listed
	James Brown, no twp listed

1840 Barry County

	Benjamin Brown b. 1781-1790; Spring River Twp (see Benjamin Brown, Lawrence Co.,
		 Vineyard Twp before 1860); 1 male 5-10; 2 males 10-15; 1 male 50-60; 
		1 female 0-5; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 10-15; 2 females 15-20; 1 female 40-50.
	*Edward Brown b. Abt. 1811-1820; Mt. Pleasant Twp;  1 male 20-30; 1 female 15-20
	*William Brown, b. Abt. 1781-1790; Mt. Pleasant Twp;  1 male 10-15; 1 male 50-60; 
		1 female 10-15; 1 female 50-60.
	*Edward and William above are listed next to each other on census.
	William Brown b. Abt. 1811-1820; Mt. Pleasant Twp; 3 males 5-10; 1 male 10-15;
		 1 male 20-30; 2 females 0-5; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 40-50.
	William Brown b. Abt. 1801-1810; Smith Twp; 2 males 0-5; 1 male 30-40; 1 female 20-30.

	Some early Barry County marriages:
	John Ingram to Verbina A. Brown 12 Mar 1839, by H. H. Armitage, M.P.P.
	Henry Stinnett to Melinda Brown 13 Jul 1839, John Montgomery, J.P.P.
	William Logan to Rachel Brown 15 Feb 1842, C. C. Porter, M.G. {Brown or Bowman}
	Achilles Richardson to Harlena Brown 25 Jan 1843, Val Pentzer, M.G.


Spring River twp before 1860

	Elizabeth BROWN b. Abt. 1830, TN
		Wm. M. LISLE b. Abt. 1830, IL
		+Mahaley J. LISLE b. Abt. 1829, TN
		1. William L. Lisle b. Abt. 1849, MO
		*  Goodspeed entry for William M. Liles: son of Samuel Liles, of NC, and Susan  
		MCDANIEL, of TN.  Samuel Liles was Baptist minister, moved to Polk co., Mo in 
		1841 and to Lawrence Co. two years later. Susan McDaniel Liles died 1843.  	
		Samuel died 1857. The father was married three times and children were born to 
		each of the marriages. Wm. M Liles b. 20 Apr 1824 in Roan Co., TN, m. Mahala J. 
		Brown, 1848; seven children.}
		{See Ozark Twsp before 1860 for another Liles/Brown connection.}

District #47 before 1860

	#8 A.  RICHARDSON b. Abt. 1818, VA
	+Herlinia Brown b. Abt. 1823, VA
		Virginia BROWN b. Abt. 1830, MO {possibly sister of Harlena?}
		1. Margaret RICHARDSON b. 1849, MO
	*  Achilles Richardson to Harlena Brown, 25 Jan 1843, Van Pentzer, M.G. Mieswinkle.
	*  1850 LC census micofilm lists A. Richardson as a merchant.
	*  Note:  Achilles Richardson one of administrators listed in probate abstract for Ethan
           Brown of Ozark twp.

	#9 Chas F. WILSON b. Abt. 1819, TN
	Louisa F. WILSON b. Abt. 1825, KY {possibly wife}
		E. M. Brown b. Abt. 1833, MO. (male) {relationship?}
	*  1850 LC census microfilm lists Chas F Wilson as a merchant, and E M Brown as a clerk.}

	#32 Solomon Brown b. Abt. 1813, NC d. Bef. 4 Nov 1851
	 +Eveline (nee unknown) b. Abt. 1821, NC
		1. Richard Brown b. Abt. 1843, TN, (poss. Bedford Co.)
		    {*not listed as heir 1851 in probate abstracts. May have died between 6 Sep 
		      1851 and 4 Nov 1851}
		2. Eliza Brown b. Abt. 1846, TN, (poss. Bedford Co.)
	*  Probate file of Solomon Brown: Robert KIMMONS and James CHERRY, Adm. Letters 4 
	Nov 1851. Bondsmen: Robert KIMMONS, James CHERRY, John TOLIVER, Johnathan S. 
	FARE, 4 Nov 1851. Heirs: Eveline Brown, widow; Eliza Jane Brown, Lawrence Co., Mo., 
	per affidavit of Robert Kimmons and James Cherry. {Lawrence County Missouri Probate 
	1845-1870; Lawrence Co. Historical Society; Mieswinkel; 1991}
	*  Abstract from 6 Sep 1851 Southwestern Flag: Died 26th ult. at his Hotel at Mt. Vernon, 
	Mr. Solomon Brown, 38 years of age. Mr. Brown was from Bedford Co., TN; leaves a wife 
	and 2 infant children. {Boarders at Mr. Brown�s Hotel in 1850 (census) were: James M. 
	KELLOGG, Eli G. PARIS, John H. LEBOW, and James ELKINS. Eli G. Paris later owned 
	the resort hotel at Paris Springs in Ozark twp.} 
	*  From Circuit Court records: Pages 49-50, April 1848 term: (No charges listed in 
	records; no verdict recorded, no documents surviving)  State vs Solomon Brown; and State 
	vs. Jeremiah KILLEY; Same jury for both cases: John WILKS, Jeptha WHITE, Thomas 
	COOMBS, Archibald GILBERT, D. W. WOLF, Wyatt HARRIS, Jesse  WILLIAMSON, Aron 
	*  Goodspeed: Solomon Brown captain of the first county patrol organized by the court, 
	8 Aug 1849 for Mt. Vernon Tsp. Paid 10cents per hour to patrol 12-16 hours per week for 
	escaped slaves, etc. Appt. Capt again Aug 1851, died Nov.
	* Note: Solomon Brown and family listed in Dist. 47and owned a hotel in Mt. Vernon, Mt. 
	Vernon twp. Bbondsmen and administrators listed in Solomon�s probate file are associated 
	with Ozark twp area. Solomon was an administrator in probate of Ethan Brown, Ozark twp.

Ozark twp. Before 1860.

	Eathan A. Brown b. Unk.  d. 1849, Lawrence Co., MO. {Name spelled �Ethan� in 
	public notices of  probate.}
	 +Sarah unk nee b. Abt . 1802, TN
		1.  Stephen Brown b. Abt. 1832, MO
		2.  John J. Brown b. Abt. 1834, MO
		3.  William W. Brown b. Abt. 1836, MO
		4.  Madison Brown b. Abt. 1839, MO
		5.  Joseph J. Brown b. Abt. 1840, MO  {listed �Jasper� 1850 census}
		6.  James K. Polk Brown b. Abt. 1843, MO
		7.  Mary J. Brown b. Abt. 1845, MO
		8.  Melinda F. Brown b. Abt. 1847, MO
		9.  Maranda S. Brown b. Abt. 1847, MO 
	*  Info for Sarah and children from 1850 census index published by Lawrence County 
	Historical Society, P.O. Box 406, Mt. Vernon, Mo., 65712; and from list of heirs in 
	probate abstracts, see below.
	*  Goodspeed: 1st indictment originated in Lawrence Co. Circuit court was against 
	Ethan A.Brown for selling goods without a license.  {Lawrence Co. organized 1845.}
	*  Goodspeed: Ethan Brown bought land in section 2 of T29R26 in 1839. He may have
	been in area earlier that, but not listed on the 1840 census index.
	*  Probate file of Eathan A. Brown: B.W.W. RICHARDSON and A. RICHARDSON, 
	Adms. Letters dated 23 May 1849.  Sarah Brown, widow, renounces right of adm. 23 
	May 1849. Bondsmen include: Bushrod W. W. Richardson and Achilles Richardson,
	Sarah Brown, Thomas GILLOCK, Benjamin IRWIN, Peter M. SWATZEL, Solomon 
	Brown, William JENNINGS, John DUNKLE, 22 May 1849.  Heirs include: Sarah 
	LISLE, formerly Sarah Brown, widow; and children (see family list), Property in 
	Lawrence, Dade and Jasper counties, Missouri. Final Settlement 10 May 1861.  Survey 
	of dower for Sarah Lisle, formerly Sarah Brown, dated 11 Oct 1852. {Lawrence County
	Missouri Probate 1845-1870; Lawrence Co. Historical Society; Mieswinkel; 1991}
	*  Samuel LILES to Sarah Brown, 15 Dec 1851, by Henry Fare, J.P., Ozark Twp. 
	Lawrence County Marriages, 1845-1856, Langley; 1967 and Lawrence County 
	Missouri  Marriages 1845-1870 with appendix of Barry County Marriages 1835-1845; 
	{Did not find Sarah Brown Liles on 1860 census. Did not find a certain match to any of  
	these children on subsequent census records. Found a Springfield newspaper reference 
	to a James K. P. Brown on Polk County list of delinquent taxes.}
	*Eathan A. Brown found as land agent on central Missouri records 1830s and 1840s.

	Sol. Brown
	*Goodspeed: Sol. Brown and William RUARK appointed inspectors in School twp #6, 
	T29 R26, organized May 1858. {This is obviously a different Solomon Brown than the 
	one who died at his hotel in Mt. Vernon in 1851.}

	{Following family located north of Mt. Vernon.  In subsequent census data members are 
	connected to Mt. Vernon twsp.}
	Unk. Brown
	 +Rebecca unk nee   b. Abt. 1794, NC d. Bef. 4 Oct 1851, Lawrence Co., MO.
	*  Rebecca Brown listed in 1850 Mt. Vernon twp household of Frances CRAWFORD, 
	50, F,VA;Charles H. CRAWFORD, 19,M,MO; and Thomas S. CATTS, 30,M,VA.
		1.  Thomas M. Brown b. Abt. 1817, TN
		+Elizabeth unk nee b. Abt. 1821, TN
			a.  Daniel Brown b. Abt. 1835, TN
			b.  Nancy Brown b. Abt. 1838, TN
			c.  Rebecca Brown b. Abt. 1840, TN
			d.  Mary E. b. Abt. 1848, MO
			e.  William R. b. 1849-1850, MO
		2.  William M. Brown b. 10 Feb 1819, TN d. Bef. 27 Sep 1851, Lawrence 
		*  Goodspeed:  saddler and farmer from TN.; died of typhoid fever.
		*  Goodspeed:  William Brown purchased on section 11 of T28 R27 in 1842.
		 1879 Historical Atlas shows Mrs. Mary F. Brown, G. W. Brown, and J. A. 
		Brown all have property on that section in 1879.
	  	+Mary Frances TOLLIVER{TALLIAFERO} m. 1840; b. Abt. 1821,TN 
		*  probate record of John Tolliver lists Francie F. Brown as heir.
		*  Goodspeed states she is dau of John and Polly (DICK) Tolliver.
		*  Polly Tolliver b. Abt. 1797, NC in household of  Mary F. Brown 1870.
			a.  John Alexander Brown b. Abt. 1841-2, MO,TN,TN
			*  Goodspeed entry for John Alexander Brown states mother still 
			living {1888} on homestead; John A. Enrolled in State Militia, 
			Democrat, Presbyterian.  Photo including John  A. Brown, Old 
			Soldiers reunion in �Down Turnback Trails, 1845-1995, Lawrence 
			Co. Hist. Soc. 
			+Adaline ESSARY, b. Abt. 1847, TN,TN,TN
			*  Goodspeed : dau of Thomas & Matilda (JACKSON) ESSARY
			*  John Brown to Adeline Essary 6 Mar 1864 by James CHERRY, 
			Justice of Co. Court. Meiswinkle}
			 	i  William T. Brown b. Abt. 1865, MO,MO,TN
				ii  John Henry Brown b. Abt. 1867, MO,MO,TN
				iii  Minnie F. Brown b. Abt. 1869, MO,MO,TN
				iv    Mary E. Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,MO,TN
				v      Effie Brown b. Abt 1878, MO,MO,TN
				vi      Lula Brown
				vii     Rosella Brown
				viii      One died in infancy. 
				*John C. Cherry b. 1859, TN,TN,TN listed with this family
				on 1880 census in Mt. Vernon twp.
			b.  Daniel Brown b. 1843, MO 
			*  Goodspeed entry:  b. 1843 in Lawrence Co., MO. Daniel enlisted 
			age 18, Co. B, 15th Reg, EMM, served about 1-1/2 yr then joined 
			Co. B, 15th Reg, Mo. Volunteer Cav., served 20 months. Democrat, 
			Baptist, farmer.
			+Calfernia HARMER b. Abt. 1843, TN
			*  spelled  Calphurnia 1870 census index and Goodspeed.
			*  Goodspeed:  dau. of Enoch L. & Susannah (NEWBY) HARMER.
			Father was sheriff of Davidson County, TN and came to Lawrence 
			Co. 1840.
			*  Daniel Brown to Calphurnia HAMERS 17 May 1865 by Thomas 
			COLLEY, Co. Court Justice., Mieswinkle}
				i  William Henry Brown b. Abt. 1868, MO,MO,TN
				ii   James Hampton Brown b. Abt. 1877, MO,MO,TN
			c.  William James Brown, b. Abt. 1845-6, MO,TN,TN
			*  Goodspeed entry for W. J. Brown:  saddler and farmer of English 
			descent.  Democrat, Presbyterian, director and clerk for county 
			schools for a number of years.
			+Martha JENNINGS b. Abt. 1856, MO,MO?,MO?
			*Goodspeed: dau. of Robert and Sarah M. JENNINGS, early settlers 
			of Lawrence Co.
			*  Wm. J. Brown to Mattie I. Jennings 14 May 1875, A. A. 	
			KERRAN, M.G., Meiswinkle}
				i  Emma Alice Brown b abt. 1876, MO,MO,MO
				ii   Sarah F. Brown b abt. 1879, MO,MO,MO
				iii   Cora E. Brown
				iv     George A. Brown
				v        Robert A. Brown
				vi        William L. Brown
				*Frances Brown b. 1820, TN,NC,TN listed with this family 
				on 1880 census in Mt Vernon twp.
			d.  Richard Jonathan Brown, b. Abt. 1848, MO d. Bef. 1888 
			*  Name from Goodspeed.
			*  Not listed with mother and siblings on 1860 census.  Poss. d. 
			between 1850-1860.
			e.  George Washington Brown, b. Abt. 1849, MO
			*  George Washington Brown to Mary Ann HAZELTON 4 Sep 
			1870, by Isham IRBY, J.P., Meiswinkle.  May be this GW Brown?}
			*  John WILKERSON, b abt. 1834, M, b. TN living with family of 
			Wm. M. Brown, 1850 census.  There is a John W. Wilkerson from 
			Coffey Co., TN., listed 1970 LC Hist as early settler Lawrenceburg 
			in Ozark twsp.
		*  Probate file of William M. Brown; James Cherry, Adm.  Letters 27 Sep 
		1851. Bondsmen:  Mary Francis Brown, James Cherry, John Tolliver, William 
		Tolliver, 27 Sep 1851.  Heirs:  five sons as listed above.  Lawrence County 
		Missouri Probate 1845-1870; Lawrence Co. Hist Society; Mieswinkel; 1991}
		3.  Hannah Brown b. Abt. 1822, TN
	              + James MCGEHEE b. Abt. 1822, TN
			a. Rebecca E. McGehee b. Abt. 1843, MO
			b. Robert A. McGehee b. Abt. 1844, MO
			c. Jane McGehee b. Abt. 1847, MO
			d. Thomas McGehee b. Abt. 1849, MO
		4.  George Brown b. Abt. 1824, TN
		+ Mary unk nee b. Abt. 1829, TN
			a. Mahaley Brown b. Abt. 1844, MO
			b. James A. Brown b. Abt. 1845, MO
			c. Thomas S. Brown b. 1850, MO
		5.  Alexander Brown b. Abt. 1826, TN d. Bef. 13 Jul 1867.
		+ Nancy  MCGEHEE b. Abt. 1828, TN, dau. of Elijah MCGEHEE  
		*  Alexander Brown to Nancy McGehee 25 Mar 1847, John T. TONEY, JP
			a. Sarah Elizabeth Brown b. Abt. 1848, MO
			b. William M. Brown b. Abt. 1851, MO
			c. Martha J. Brown b. Abt. 1852, MO
			d. Ann A. Brown b. Abt. 1853, MO
			e. Elijah A. Brown b. Abt. 1855, MO
			f.  Nancy E. Brown b. Abt. 1859, MO 
		*  Other names in household of Alexander Brown, 1850 census, BOX and 
		CADDLE; Hannah Brown, 1 F MO also listed in household.)
		*  Alexander Brown served on grand jury Aug 1860 term of circuit court.
		*  Probate file lists Daniel BIDDLECOME as adm.  Letters 13 Jul 1867. No 
		bond, affidavit or heirs found.  Final settlement 20 Jan 1871. Meiswinkle
		*  Goodspeed:  Alexander Brown member of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 99, 
		A.F & A.M.
	*  Probate file of Rebecca Brown; James Cherry, Adm. Letters 4 Oct 1851. Bondsmen:  
	Robert KIMMONS, James CHERRY, William TOLLIVER, Absolam WILLIAMS, 4 
	Oct 1857. Heirs: Thomas M. Brown, John A. Brown, Daniel Brown, William J. Brown,
	Richard J. Brown, George W. Brown, minor heirs of Wm. M. Brown, deceased, Hannah 
	McGeehe, George Brown, Alexander Brown, per affidavit of James Cherry, 4 Oct 1857.

Vineyard twp before 1860

	Benjamin H. Brown b. Abt 1790, VA
	+ Julia unk nee b. Abt 1793, VA
	{household at 1850 census}
		Janna Brown b. Abt. 1826, MO
		Francisanna Brown b. Abt. 1834, MO
		Wesley Brown b. Abt. 1832, MO
		Wm B. Brown b. Abt.  1827, MO
 	  	*  William B. Brown among first to register cattle marks, 1845-46, of Vineyard
		twp, smooth  crop off the left ear.
		Thomas Brown b. Abt. 1829, MO
		John INGRAM b. Abt. 1820, TN
		Voluna {Brown} INGRAM b. Abt. 1817, VA
		+John INGRAM
		*  John Ingram to Verbina A. Brown 12 Mar 1839 by H. H. ARMITAGE MPP.
			a.  William Ingram b. Abt. 1840, MO
			b.  Francis Ingram b. Abt. 1842, MO
			c.  Cordelia Ingram b. Abt. 1844, MO
			d.  Ophelia Ingram b. Abt. 1846, MO
			e.  Elizabeth Ingram b. Abt. 1849, MO
	*  Benjamin H. Brown:  served grand jury Apr 1846 (foreman), Apr 1848 and Oct 1848 
	(foreman) terms of circuit court.
	*  Ben H. Brown listed as justice of the peace in marriage records, Jul 1851.
	*  Benjamin C?. Brown:  served grand jury Apr 1851 term of circuit court.
	*  Goodspeed:  Benjamin Brown one of three judges in original Vineyard tsp, organized 5
	May 1845.

	Andrew Brown b. Abt. 1822, KY
	+Mary unk nee b. Abt. 1821, KY
		1. Mary Brown b. Abt. 1842, MO
		2. Charlotte Brown b. Abt. 1844, MO
	*  Rev. Andrew Brown to Mary HUSHURD 6 Feb 1850 by Joseph BON, Min., MES.
	*  Goodspeed:  Early marriages; records bride�s name as HUSHAND.  Is this a second
	wife of this Andrew, or a different Andrew?

Browns in Lawrence Co. from 1860 census,
no connection found to families listed in "Before 1860" section.

Ozark Twsp 1860

	William M. Brown b. Abt. 1837, TN; farmer
	+Mary J. unk nee b. Abt. 1836, MO

	Colbert Brown b. Abt. 1809, NC; farmer
	 + Unk.
		1. Thursy Brown b. Abt. 1836, VA; dim
		*1870 listed as patient in poor farm b. Abt. 1835, VA
		2.  Matthew Brown b. Abt. 1835-38, VA,VA,VA
		*1870 and 1880 listed as single male household
		3.  Catharine Brown b. Abt. 1840, VA
		4.  Ezekiel Brown b. Abt. 1842, VA
		5.  Edna Brown b. Abt. 1844, VA  (poss. twin)
		6.  Eve Brown b. Abt. 1844, VA  (poss. twin)
		7.  Susan Brown b. Abt. 1846, VA

	L. J. Brown b. Abt. 1806-7, KY; works in grocery store (Dunkle in Lawrenceberg)
	*Listed John L. Brown 1870 census, retired, in Dunkle household.

Mt. Pleasant twsp 1860

	Daniel Brown b. Abt. 1825, TN; farmer
	 +Elizabeth R. unk nee b. Abt. 1828, TN
		1.  Sanford Elijah Brown b. Abt. 1850, MO
		*Sanford E. Brown to Lean F. LEGRAND 16 Mar 1871, John Hudson, M.G.
		2.  Nancy  A. Brown b. Abt. 1855, MO
		*James E. LEGRAND to Nancy A. Brown 11 Aug 1870, John Hudson,M.G.
		3.  William Brown b. Abt. 1856, MO
		4.  Mary E. Brown b. Abt. 1858, MO
		5.  Sarah M. Brown b. Abt. 1863, MO
		6.  General S. Brown b. Jan 1870, MO (D. S. on 1880 census)
		*Nancy A. listed after General S on 1870 census.
		*Living with this family 1860 census, Adeline Michael, serving, 20,TN

Greene Twp 1860

	Mary Brown b. Abt. 1804, VA
	*listed as not a member of the household with Tabitha BOYD 55,F,TN)

	Zeddekiah Brown b. Abt. 1837, MO; farming
	+Virginia unk nee b. Abt. 1836, KY
		1. Isah Brown b. Abt. 1858, K.T.
		2. John B. Brown b. Abt. Dec. 1859, IL

Buck Prairie Twp 1860

	Hesakiah (N or H)  Brown b. Abt. 1822-3, TN; farming
	+Nancy unk nee b. Abt. 1827, TN  (or b. Abt 1831 on 1870 census)
		(at least the following children on 1860 census)
		1. Jane Brown b. Abt. 1844, TN
		2. Susan Brown b. Abt. 1847, TN
		3. Tollient Brown b. Abt. 1849, TN
		*Tolbert S Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		4. Caswell Brown b. Abt. 1851, TN
		*Cas F Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		5. Huldy Brown b. Abt. 1853, TN
		*Hulda L Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		6. Thomas Brown  b. Abt. 1855, --
		*Thomas W Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		7. Kansas Brown b. Abt. 1857, --
		*Candia C Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		8. Indah Brown b. Abt. 1858, --
		*Juda F Brown b. MO on 1870 census
		9. Casey M Brown b. Abt. 1864 MO
	*Hesekiah Brown to Nancy ROGERS 19 Aug 1874, Ellis Neece, M.G. D/81.
	*Nancy Brown b. Abt. 1824, TN,TN,TN listed in household of Wm Rogers BuckPrairie 1880.
	John Brown b. Abt. 1830, TN,GA,GA
	*farming, living in household of J. L. Grammar in 1860
	*living next door to A. W. Grammar and Peter Lasiter households in 1870.
		1. Mary E. Brown b. Abt. 1852-53, MO
		2. Samuel P. Brown b. Abt. 1855, MO
		3. John T. Brown b. Abt. 1857-58, MO
		*First three children are listed in household #899 of Elzara PHILLIPS, 42, TN,
		on 1860 census, not members of household.  Other surnames in household are
		PRICE and GRAMMAR.  The entire household was a double entry on 1860
		census with the 2nd entry marked as error in the household of J.L. Grammar,
		38,TN.  Only John Brown was left as �I� entry in Grammar household.

	Catharine Brown b. Abt. 1851, TN
	*1860 in household of  David SULLIVAN, 24,F,TN; not a member of household.

Vineyard Twp 1860

	Harriett Brown b. Abt. 1812, KY
	1860 in household of B. T. BASHAM, 56,F,VA and Martha Basham, b. 1828, KY

	Joseph H. Brown b. Abt. 1825, TN; farming
	+Nancy unk nee b. Abt. 1828, IL
		1. John Brown b. Abt. 1851, IL
		2. Jacob S Brown b. Abt. 1854, IL
		3. Sarah A Brown b. Abt. 1858, IL
	*living with this family 1860:  Eliza GILLOCK 17,MO; I

Mt. Vernon Twp 1860

	John Brown b. Abt. 1831, Ire; I, carpenter
	+Mary unk nee b. Abt. 38, NY
	*1860 in household of William Orr, 57,F,Ire, not a member of household
	*Also listed as �I� in Orr household: Thomas Froly 24,F,S,Ire

	Alex M. Brown b. Abt. 1812, VA; saddler
	+Mary unk nee b. Abt. 1812, OH
			(at least the following children from 1860 cenuss)
		1. Alexander Brown b. Abt. 1845 MO
		2. Susan Brown b. Abt. 1848 MO
		3. Samuel Brown b. Abt. 1850 MO
		4. Terresa Brown b. Abt. 1852 MO
		5. Richard Brown b. Abt. 1856 MO

	John Brown b. Abt. 1843, MO; S {S=serving?}
	*1860 in household of Richard HAYNES, 40,Saddler,TN; not a member of family.
	*Haynes family was listed next to Solomon Brown�s Hotel in 1850 census.

	William Brown b. Abt. 1838, Ind.; Saddler
	*1860 in household of James MAXFIELD, 41,Saddler,TN; not a member of family.
	*Maxfield household listed next to Haynes household.

	Stephen Brown b. Abt. 1841, Ind.; blacksmith
	*1860 in household of James BENNETT, 44,TN,blacksmith; not a member of family.
	*Bennett household two doors down from Maxfield.
	{Note: John, William, and Stephen appear to have been apprenticed for these trades. The
	names match those of the eldest three children of Ethan and Sarah Brown of 1850 census
	but the ages are off by nearly 10 years. Wonder who gave the information to the census

Browns in Lawrence County 1870 Census
with no proven connection to previous families

Buck Prairie Twp 1870

	Juliett Brown b. Abt. 1856, IL
	*1870 in household of Samuel HOLMES 33,F,Eng.--wife b. IL

	Hardy Brown b. Abt. 1810, TN;
	*  farming {1870 census only}
	Eliza Brown b. Abt. 1802, GA,VA,VA
	*  keeping house, poss. wife of Hardy. Listed 1870 and 1880 census.
	Lucinda CASKY b. Abt. 1844-50, TN,GA,GA{poss dau. of Hardy and Eliza}
	Samuel B. Casky b. Abt. 1867, TX,TX,TN {prob son of Lucinda}
	*  Note that Probate record of Elizabeth Grammar, letters dated 1852, includes among
	heirs one Eliza GRAMMER Brown, living in Texas in 1852.
	*  See Buck Prairie 1860 entries for another possible Brown/Grammer connection.

	John Brown b. Abt. 1830, TN,GA,GA
	+Mary J. Unk nee b. Abt. 1843, TN,NC,VA
	*listed as Mary J. on 1870 census. Listed as Mary on 1880 census.
	*John Brown to Elizabeth Jane Lasiter 17 Sep 1860, Wm. Stuard, J.P. ?This couple?
		4. Lucinda H. Brown b. Abt. 1864-66, MO,TN,TN
		5. James M. Brown b. 1869, MO,TN,TN
		6. Jesse Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,TN,TN
		7. Benjamin Brown b. Abt. 1874, MO,TN,TN
		8. Mattie Brown b. Abt. 1877, MO,TN,TN
	*  See Buck Prairie 1860 entries for Brown/Grammer/Lasiter connection.

	Samuel Brown b. Abt. 1851, PA
	1870 works on railroad, boarding with Wilfley family.

	Missouri M. Brown b. Abt. 1849, MO
	*1870 keeping house, living with family of William LILES and Mahala J. Brown Liles.

Mt. Pleasant Twp 1870

	Edward R. Brown b. Abt. 1835, OH; farming
	*Edward R. Brown to Catherine W. Starkey 17 Dec 1867, Hiram C. HOWARD, M.G.
	+Catharine b. Abt. 1834, IL; keeping house
			1. Ellie Brown b. Abt. 1869, MO {poss twin}
			2. Annie Brown b. Abt. 1869, MO {poss twin}
			3. Charles F. Brown b. Mar 1870, MO
		Josephine STARKIE b. Abt. 1852, MO
		Julia STARKIE b. Abt. 1855, MO
		Colyer STARKIE b. Abt. 1866, MO
	*1870; Starkie children are probably Catherine�s by first marriage.

Peirce City 1870

	Dennis Brown b. Abt. 1841, Ire; works on railroad
	+Rachel J unk nee b. Abt. 1843, MO; keeping house
			1. Malissa A. Brown b. Abt. 1867, MO

Mt. Vernon Twp 1870

	John Brown b. Abt. 1825, VA; farming
	+Caroline unk nee b. Abt. 1840, TN; keeping house
			1. Samuel Brown b. Abt. 1864, AR
			2. Mary Brown b. Abt. 1866, MO
			3. Eliza Brown b. Abt. 1868, MO
		Lucinda MOORE b. About 1854, AR; housekeeper

	William Brown b. Abt. 1817-1825, VA,VA,VA; farming
	+Evaline unk nee b. Abt. 1836-1840, VA,VA,VA; keeping house
			1. Harriet F. Brown b. Abt. 1854, VA,VA,VA
			2. Eda A. Brown b. Abt. 1855-56, VA,VA,VA (Eddie on 1880 census)
			3. John A. Brown b. Abt . 1857, VA,VA,VA; works on farm
			4. Charles W. Brown b. Abt. 1860-61, IL,VA,VA
			5. Rebecca A Brown b. Abt. 1862-63, IL,VA,VA (Rebecca J.on 1880
			6. Jacob Brown b. Abt. 1865-66, IL,VA,VA
			7. Frederick Brown b. Abt. 1867-1869, MO,VA,VA
			8. Elvira Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,VA,VA
			9. Sibbie Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,VA,VA

	William Brown b. Abt. 1813, TN; farming
	+Jemima unk nee b. Abt. 1829, IL; keeping house
			1. Henry G. Brown b. Abt. 1865, IL
			2. Wesley C. Brown b. Abt. 1867, IL
		Jackson CARSON b. Abt. 1853, IL works on farm
		James CARSON b. Abt. 1854, IL works on farm
		Charles CARSON b. Abt. 1857, IL works on farm
		Julia CARSON b. Abt. 1862, IL
	*Carson children are probably Jemima�s by first marriage.

	John S. Brown b. Abt. 1843/44 MO; Ret S (retail sales?)
	+Emma Alice Whaley b. Abt. 1850-52 MO,TN,TN
	`*John Brown to Emily Alice Whaley 5 Sep 1865, Henry C. Lollar, MG Baptist Church
		1.  Oscar W. Brown b. Abt 1866/67, MO,MO,MO
		2.  Edward L. Brown b. Abt 1871, MO,MO,MO
		3.  Charles P. Brown b. Abt 1876, MO,MO,MO
	*Jane Rhea b. Abt 1853 MO and William Rhea b. Jan 1870 MO with this family 1870
	MtVernon twp.
	*Mattie E. Whaley b. Abt. 1862, MO,TN,TN with this family 1880 SpringRiver Twp.

Ozark Twsp 1870

	James Brown b. Abt. 1818, TN; farming
	+Nancy unk nee b. Abt. 1820, TN; keeping house
		1. Parthenia Brown b. Abt. 1843, TN
		2. Lea Brown b. Abt 1849, TN; works on farm
		3. William E. Brown b. Abt. 1852, MO; works on farm
		4. Hugh G. Brown b. Abt. 1858, MO; works on farm
	John Brown b. Abt. 1842, TN; farming
		Hester Brown b. Abt. 1810, TN; keeping house (Mother?)
		Seabern Brown b. Abt. 1835, TN; works on farm (Brother?)
		Demarions Brown b. Abt. 1846, TN (Sibling?)
		Sarah C. Brown b. Abt. 1850, TN (Sibling?)

	Samuel Brown b. Abt. 1849, TN; farming
	+Fanny unk nee b. Abt. 1851, TN; keeping house
		1. Jacob Brown b. Feb 1870, MO

	Stephen W. Brown b. Abt. 1835 TN,TN,TN, carpenter
	*from Overton Co., TN according to 1879 LC atlas
	+Feba A. unk nee b. Abt. 1837, TN
	*Phebe A. Brown b. 17 Oct 1836 d. 22 Mar 1874 buried Misemer Cem.
		1.  Sarah F. Brown b. Abt. 1857 TN
		2.  Jefferson D. Brown b. Abt. 1861 TN
		3.  Ambrose S. Brown b. Abt. 1873 MO
	+Martha Ann Owens b. Abt. 1853 MO,--,--
		4.  Mary E. Brown b. 26 Aug 1875 d. 14 Nov 1875 buried Misemer Cem.
		5.  Polly Bell Brown b. Abt. 1877 MO
		6.  Joseph Brown b. Abt. 1879 MO
	*Sarah Brown b. Abt. 1813 TN,TN,TN with this family Turnback Twp 1880.
	*Believe this is Sarah West Brown, sister of Isaac Jefferson West of Ozark twp.

	Jefferson Brown b. Abt. 1835-37, TN; farming
	*Listed as Isaac H. Brown on 1880 census
	+Amanda WEST b. Abt. 1841-43, TN; keeping house
		1. George W. Brown b. Abt. 1863, MO,TN,TN
		2. Elmira J. Brown b. Abt. 1866, MO,TN,TN
		*Listed as Elvina Brown on 1880 census
		3. Loenus Brown b. Abt. 1868, MO,TN,TN
		*Listed as Sarah R. Brown on 1880 census
		4. Laudora Brown b. Abt. 1870, MO,TN,TN
		5. Robert W. Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,TN,TN
		6. Isaac H. Brown b. Abt. 1876, MO,TN,TN
		Sarah HOPKINS b. Abt. 1807, TN,NC,VA

	John Brown b. Abt. 1830, MO; farming
	+Sirena Thomas b. Abt. 1832, MO; keeping house
	*Syrena Thomas per Enola Brown.
	{email [email protected] for more info on this family}
		1. Susan A. Brown b.  9 Mar 1855, MO
		*Married Ely Paris, Uncle Wood�s boy, had Clayton and Allie, per Lula 
		*Eli J. Paris to Susan A. Brown 24 Dec 1878, H.H. Neece, JP C/102
		2. William Brown b. 12 Nov 1856 (1857), MO
		*William Brown b. 12 Nov 1856 per Enola Brown
		*died young, struck by lightning, per Lula Misemer.
		3. Benjamin F. Brown b. Abt. 1859, MO
		Benjamin Brown b. 16 Oct 1858 per Enola Brown.
		*B. F. Brown to Martha R. STOCKTON 15 May 1881, H.H. Neece, JP C/207
		4. Sarah Elizabeth Brown b. 11 Jul 1860, MO d. 1895, MO
		*Elizabeth married George Hoobs at Miller, one girl, Anna, per Lula Misemer.
		*History of LC, MO, Biographic Illustrated, Vol. III, Spfd, MO, Interstate Hist.
		Soc., 1917: pg. 306, Biography of George HOBBS states first wife was Susan E.
		Brown, dau. of John and Nancy Brown of Lawrence Co., one daughter Anna.
		George is buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery with 2nd wife, Cornelia O., and 1st
		wife, SARAH E. b. 1860 d. 1895.
		*Sarah Brown b. 11 Jul 1860 per Enola Brown.
		5. Eliza Brown b. 3 Mar 1862, MO?
		*Philip �Mesmer� to Eliza Brown 26 Oct 1879, H. H. Neece, JP, C/134
		6. Jackson Richardson Brown b. Abt. 1864, MO
		*Jackson Richardson Brown b. 6 Dec 1865 per Enola Brown.
		*Jack m. Ida FAILYER, 1884 per Enola Brown and Lula Misemer.
		7. Mary Alice Brown b. 30 Jan 1867, MO
		*Mary Alice Brown md Alfred Eugene LYON 30 Jan 1889, Enola Brown.
		*Mallie married Alfred Lyons per Lula Misemer.
		8. Delila Emiline Brown b. Abt. 1869, MO
		*Ema married Harry Burton per Lula Misemer.
		*Emaline Delilah Brown b. 12 Sep 1868, md. Harry BURTON 3 Jul 1889 per
		Enola Brown.
		9. Marcus Brown b. 16 Jan 1870 per Enola Brown
		*Mark never married per Lula Misemer.
		*dob per Enola Brown.
		10. John Edwin Brown b. 20 Feb 1874
		*full name and dob from Enola Brown
		*Ed married Pearl Fry and had several children per Lula Misemer.
		*Married Pearl FRY 5 Feb 1903 per Enola Brown

Turnback twp 1870

	Sarah Brown b. Abt. 1816, TN; retired
	*1870 in household of George and Polly A. WILLIAMS

Vineyard twp 1870

		John Brown b. Abt. 1835-36 IL,VA,TN
	+Eliza J. unk nee b. Abt 1838 IL,VA,OH
		1.  Mary L. Brown b. Abt. 1856 IA
		2.  George T. Brown b. Abt. 1860 IL,IL,IL
		+Sarah J. unk nee b. Abt. 1860 MO,VA,--
			1.  Mary Brown b. Abt 1879 MO,IL,MO
		3.  John H. Brown b. Abt. 1862 IL,IL,IL
		4.  Rosy M. Brown b. Abt. 1866-67 IL,IL,IL (Rosa May on 1880 census)
		5.  Leonard E. Brown b. Abt. 1869, MO (not listed on 1880 census)
	*William Snead b. Abt. 1871, MO,VA,IL and Melissa J. Snead b. Abt. 1873, MO,VA,IL
	with this family 1880 Vineyard twp census.

Town of Lyons 1870

	Charles C. Brown, b. Abt. 1828, SC; retail merchant
	+Frances E unk nee b. Abt. 1836, VA; keeping house
		(at least the following children from 1870 census)
		1. Jaquillian Brown b. Abt. 1860, MO
	William Maltby b. Abt. 1848, NY

Browns in Lawrence County 1880
with no proven connection to previous families

Aurora twp 1880

	A. J. Brown b. Abt. 1837,TN,TN,TN
	*  in household of E.B and Anna Hillhouse of TN

	E. J. Brown b. Abt. 1834,MO,TN,TN
		1. Sarah C. Brown b. Abt. 1864, MO,TN,MO
		2. Willliam H. Brown b. Abt. 1867, MO,TN,MO
		3. Henry N. Brown b. Abt. 1870, MO,TN,MO
		4. Cass W. Brown b. Abt. 1874, MO,TN,MO
		5. Burt A. Brown b. Feb 1880, MO,TN,MO

Buck Prairie twp 1880

	Sarah Brown b. Abt. 1862, MO,TN,TN
	*  in household of William and Nancy Foster

	Nancy Brown b. Abt. 1824, TN,TN,TN (in household of William and Mary Rogers)
		Also in household Rogers children and Thomas Williams, 24,MO,VA,VA

Greene twp 1880

	John Brown b. Abt. 1837, OH,PA,OH
	+Mary H b. Abt. 1843, KY,--,--
			1. Fred E. Brown b. Abt. 1874, MO,OH,KY
			2. Charles F. Brown b. Abt. 1876, MO,OH,KY
			3. George M. Brown b. Oct. 1879, MO,OH,KY

	Nancy Brown b. Abt. 1805, VA,VA,VA (in household of Claudius and Lucy Boyd)

	William Brown b. Abt. 1822, NY,NY,NY*
	+Marietta b. Abt. 1834, NY,ENG,ENG*
		(*in household of Gideon Vancil, 78,VA,VA,VA)

Lincoln twp 1880

	J. B. Brown b. Abt. 1824, NC,NC,NC

Mt. Pleasant - Peirce City 1880

	James B. Brown b. Abt. 1858, IL,PA,OH

	(in household of W. Thompson, 40,KY,KY,KY)
	Jane E. (probably 1st md. Brown) Thompson b. Abt. 1841, Eng,Eng,Eng
		1. W. H. Brown b. Abt. 1865, KS,OH,Eng
		2. E. M. Brown b. Abt. 1866, KS,OH,Eng
		3. S. S. Brown b. Abt. 1867, KS,OH,Eng
		4. Vianna Brown b. Abt. 1869, KS,OH,Eng

	Thomas Brown b. Abt. 1850, MS,--,--
	+Mary b. Abt. 1850, MS,--,--
		1. James Brown b. Abt. 1867, MO,--,--
		2. Charles Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,--,--
		3. John Brown b. Abt. 1873, MO,--,--
		4. James Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,--,--
		5. Alford Brown b. Abt. 1879, MO,--,--

	Alex Brown b. Abt. 1846, MO,TN,TN
	+Mariah b. Abt. 1849, MO,TN,TN
		1. A. B. Brown b. Abt. 1866, MO,MO,MO
		2. Larrah Brown b. Abt. 1870, MO,MO,MO
		3. Susan Brown b. Abt. 1872, KS,MO,MO
		4. E. M. Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,MO,MO
		5. William T. Brown b. Abt. 1880, MO,MO,MO (2/12)

	Jobus Brown b. Abt. 1840, PA,NY,NY (in household of August Fritz, 38,Pru,Pru,Pru)

Mt. Vernon twp 1880

	George Brown b. Abt. 1850, MO,--,--
	+Sarah  b. Abt. 1852, MO,IN,AL
		1. James E. Brown b. Abt. 1872,MO,MO,MO
		2. William R. Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,MO,MO
	Chas Stephens, 21,IL,--,--

Town of Mt. Vernon 1880

	Mollie Brown b. Abt. 1862, MO,--,-- (appears to be listed as married daughter in 
	household of W. P. and Mary J. Bowman or may be sister of wife. Listed before children
	of this couple.)

	John A. Brown b. Abt. 1840, Ire,Ire,Ire
	+Mariah b. Abt. 1854, IL,VT,VT
		1. Charles Brown b. Abt. 1871,MO,Ire,IL
		2. John E. Brown b. Abt. 1873,MO,Ire,IL
		3. Sarah E. Brown b. Abt. 1879,MO,Ire,IL

Ozark twp 1880

	Poor farm
	T. Brown b. Abt. 1845, MO,--,--

	C. Brown b. Abt. 1834, TN,NC,TN
	D. Brown (sister) b. Abt. 1845, TN,NC,TN
	H. J. Knight (sister) b. Abt. 1846, TN,NC,TN
		(five children listed for H. J. Knight, all born MO 1867-1879, parents both born 

	John Brown b. Abt. 1846, TN,NC,TN
	+M. A b. Abt. 1849, MO,TN,TN
		1. G.W. Brown b. Abt. 1871, MO,TN,MO
		2. D. E. Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,TN,MO
		3. N. C. Brown b. Abt. 1874, MO,TN,MO
		4. C. B. Brown b. Abt. 1875, MO,TN,MO
		5. H. R. Brown b. Abt. 1877, MO,TN,MO
		6. J. E. Brown b. Abt. 1878, MO,TN,MO

	Mathew Brown b. Abt. 1835, VA,VA,VA

	Danison G. Brown b. Abt. 1848, TN,SC,SC
	Rachel C. Brown b. Abt. 1832, TN,TN,TN (wife?)
		1. Caroline Brown b. Abt. 1870, TN,TN,TN
		2. Hugh H. Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,TN,TN

Peirce twp 1880

	G. W. Brown b. Abt. 1857, IL,NY,VA (in household of Thomas and Elizabeth Bonham)

	William Brown b. Abt. 1856, MO,TN,TN
	+M b. Abt. 1862, MO,--,MO

Vineyard twp 1880

	Jasper Brown b. Abt. 1852, MO,VA,OH
	+Theodosia b. Abt. 1858, MO,IN,OH
		1. Freddie Brown b. Abt. 1878, MO,MO,MO

	Johanna Henson b. Abt. 1831, TN,VA,VA
		1. John Brown b. Abt. 1857, MO,TN,TN
		    +Ella b. Abt. 1859, MO,TN,TN
			1. George R. Brown b. Abt. 1879, KS,MO,MO
		2. Jesse Brown b. Abt. 1859, MO,TN,TN
		    +Mary b. Abt. 1857, AR,GA,GA
		3. William Brown b. Abt. 1862, MO,TN,TN
		Josephine Greene b. Abt. 1867, MO,NC,TN

	Thomas P. Brown b. Abt. 1829, Ire,Ire,Ire
	+Mary M b. Abt. ?, NY,NY,NY
		1. Alfred P. Brown b. Abt. 1860, NY,Ire,NY
		2. Anna Brown b. Abt. 1863, NY,Ire,NY
		3. Mary M. Brown b. Abt. 1867, NY,Ire,NY
		4. Harry H. Brown b. Abt. 1872, MO,Ire,NY
		5. Isbella Brown b. Abt. 1879, MO,Ire,NY

Other Browns from miscellenous county records,
1845-1860, not included on 1850-1860 census.

Addison H. Brown:     signed witness recognizance Sep 1847 term of circuit court (Mo vs Oliver)
Brown, L.:     member of petit jury pool Oct 1847 (Mo vs Oliver)

Misc. early Brown marriages: {Meiswinkle and/or Langley}

Brown Grooms (1845-1860)
George D. Brown to Sarah Murry 29 Apr 1857 by Jared Ryker, J.P.
Jesse Lee Brown to Polly Ann Roads 24 Apr 1845 by Jesse M. Wilks, ECC
   (Langley lists names as Lee Brown to Polly A. Roads)
John Brown to Elizabeth Jane Lasiter 17 Sep 1860 by Wm. Stuard, JP
John L. Brown to Cynthia Ann Ruark 17 Nov 1859 by John H.Tatum, MUB
William Brown to Mary Phillips (both of Greene Co.) 17 Oct 1858 by G. B. Phillips, GP

Brown Brides (1845-1860)
Joseph H. Griggs to Elvina I. Brown 23 Dec 1847 by P.B. Marple, MES
   (Langley lists Elvina G. Brown)
Oscar Wear to Frances Brown 2 Aug 1859 by A. A. Young, PG
William Logan to Rachel Brown 15 Feb 1842 by C.C. Porter, MG, Barry County.  (Langley has 
   name listed as Brown, Meiswinkle has name as Brown or Bowman.)
Henry Stinnett to Melinda Brown 13 Jul 1839, John Montgomery, JPP, Barry County
Benjamin Lucas Henderson to Miriam M. Brown 22 July 1849, by Thos Hash, CCJ
   (Langley lists groom as Benjamin L. Hendricks)
Sampson Adams to Miss Nancy Emeline Brown 18 Feb 1855 by Elisha Browning, JP.