View From the Courthouse
by Judy K.

Great-granny was acquitted!
(She thought those sheep were hers.)
If the livestock ain’t been branded
Who can tell if they are yers?

Great-granpa went a’gamblin’
With his little brother, John.
Their pa would go and bail ‘em out,
But his patience was soon gone.

Great-granny never married.
(I’ve got bare branches on my tree.)
Great-gramps was thought a no-account.
Where does this leave me?

A floozy and blow-hard?
The records tell it pat.
If I met ‘em, could I love ‘em?
I’d bet my genes on that.

Sarah Smith (maternal great-grandmother)
State of Missouri vs Sarah Smith, #120

William Perry Johnson (paternal great-grandfather)
State of Missouri vs William Johnson and John Johnson, #171 and #184.

Bundle #120 and bundles #171 & #184 refer to location of these records in Lawrence County Circuit Court documents abstracted in View From the Courthouse located at Lawrence County's genealogy and history pages on Rootsweb.

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