Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas (Texas), 1884-85 (A thru L)
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To Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1884-85 (M thru Z)

Morrison & Fourmy's Directory
of the City of Dallas, 1884-85
(A thru L)


bds = boards/boarding with/at
bt = between
(c) = colored
carp = carpenter
clk. = clerk
cor = corner
es, ws, ns, ss = east, west, north, south side
h. = household of
lab = laborer
nr = near
r. = residence
rms = rooms with/at
wid = widow / widow of
wks = works

Able, John H., float driver, bds George Ezell.
Abotto, John, musician, Miss Lillie Scott, bds. same.
Abozzo, Joseph, groceries, produce, 308 Main, bet Market, Jefferson, res. same.
Abrams, W. H., Land Commissioner, T & P Ry., Office 411 Main, res. 319 Ross ave. See advt.
Abright, Robert W., brickmaker, res. 1300 San Jacinto.
Ackermans, Gustav, bartender, C. H. Huvelle, bds S. Mayer, rms 842 Main.
Adiar, Irvine J., bkpr American National Bank, res. 751 Ross ave, bet Good, Boll.
Adair, Wm. F., trav slsmn, res. 1310 Commerce, bet Cabell, Preston.
Adair, Wm. S., City Editor, Dallas Times, bds St. George Hotel.
Adair, William W., res. ns Swiss ave, bet creek, Ursuline.
Adaire, Leroy, wood dealer, h. A. P. Wray.
Adaire, Mrs. Martha A. (wid), h. A. P. Wray.
Adams, Albert, Propr. Adams House, 1221 Elm, bet Pearl, Preston.
Adams, Albert S., ice cream parlor, ns Elm, nr H. & T. C. Ry., res. same.
Adams & Ayers (James L. Adams, Elihu Ayers), physicians and surgeons, office 1203 Elm, cor Pearl.
Adams, David, carp., res. 119 Caroline, bet Cedar Springs, McKinney road.
Adams, Everett (c), h. Clark Black.
Adams House, 1221 Elm, bet Pearl, Preston, Albert Adams, propr.
Adams, James D., depy clk, U. S. Circuit Court, office over ne cor Elm, Syc., res. 721 Pacific ave, cor Emma.
Adams, James L., (Adams & Ayers), res. 1 Race cor Pacific ave, nr Fair Grounds.
Adams & Leonard (Samuel J. Adams), Bankers, Bank, nw cor Elm, Austin.
Adams, Mary (c), wks Louis Jacoby, h. same.
Adams, Miss Minnie, slslady E. Bauman.
Adams, Samuel J. (Adams & Leonard), res. 1007 Young, cor Browder.
Adams, William (c), driver Hughes Bros. & Co.
Adams, William D., lab., res. se cor Floyd, Cantagral.
Addison, William I., invoice clk Padgitt Bros., r. 1016 Wood, bet Ervay, Veal.
Adkins, James W., saddler, r. 5 Harwood, bet Elm, Pacific ave.
Adkinson, Elbert (c), r. es H & T C Ry., bet Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Adleta, Augustus W., Ry Postal Clk, Groceries, Dry goods, se cor Williams, Duncan, r. same.
Adleta, George W., Ry postal clk, Dallas & El Paso, bds A. W. Adleta.
Adleta, William P., carp., bds. A. W. Adelta.
Adoue, J. Bertrand (Flippen, Adoue & Lobit), res. sw cor Cadiz, Evergreen.
Ahearn, Peter, policeman, r. 523 S. Harwood, s of Pierce.
Ah, Lee (Chinese), laundryman Sam Sing, r. same.
Ah, Ling (Chinese), laundryman, Wing Soy, r. same.
Ahrensberg, Judah, clk Goldsmith Bros., rms 714 Elm, bds M. A. Levy.
Ah, Sam (Chinese), laundryman Hop Lee, r. same.
Akard, Frederick A., clk, h. A. C. Daniel.
Akard, William C., clk, A. C. Daniel, bds same.
Akers, John C., wks Thos. J. Warren, bds same.
Akin, Miss Denia, bds John Greer.
Akin, John E., attorney, office 505 Main, rms same.
Akins, Miss Annie, bds Miss Lizzie Lane.
Albert, Anton, cook, Mrs. M. E. Rosenthal, bds same.
Albright, Robert W., brickmason, r 1300 Pavilion, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Albright, Samuel, wks. Jacob Costley, bds same.
Alburn, Sarah (c), h. Patsie Burks.
Alburn, Thomas (c), h. Patsie Burks.
Alcott, John, trav slsmn, r. 703 Live Oak, cor Good.
Alcus, Charles, agt steam washer, office 643 Elm.
Aldehoff, Miss Blanche, principal 3d ward public school, r. 114 Cantagral.
Aldehoff, Henry W., Fire Insurance, Office over 601 Main, cor Lamar, r. 114 Cantagral, cor Liberty.
Aldehoff, John S., Fire Insurance, Office over 601 Main, cor Lamar, r. 525 Caruth, bet Orange, Masten.
Aldrich, Barrett A. (Aldrich & Worthington), r. 1072 Wood.
Aldrich & Worthington (Barrett A. Aldrich, Geo. Worthington), mgr Buford & George, Implement Co., Kansas City, Mo.; mfrs agents carriages, buggies, barb wire and machinery, 725
1/2 Main.
Aldridge, Ambrose D. (A. D. Aldridge & Co.), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Aldridge, A. D. & Co. (Ambrose D. Aldridge, ----- Co.), stationers, book and job printers, book binders, blank book mfrs, 623 Elm, 622 Pacific ave. See lower lines.
Alexander, Miss Ada, h. J. M. Dunaway.
Alexander, Frank (c), cook, h. Horace Fields.
Alexander, James, r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Alexander, James G., engr., r. 1128 Elm, bet N. Harwood, Cabell.
Alexander, Jessie, merchant, h. Mrs. P. Alexander.
Alexander, LeFranc, r. 33 Swiss ave, bet H. & T. C. Ry, Leonard.
Alexander, Penelope (wid William), r. 604 Live Oak, cor Hawkins.
Alexander, Mrs. Rebecca J. (wid E.), h. J. M. Dunaway.
Alexander, Scott, farmer, h. Mrs. P. Alexander.
Alexander, Simon, peddler, bds. Theodore Reinecke.
Alexander, William M., law student, h. Mrs. P. Alexander.
Alexis, Charles, wks. F. Michel, r. same.
Alford, Albert H., teller Adams & Leonard, h. Geo. F. Alford.
Alford, Eugene L., corresponding clk, Adams & Leonard, h. Geo. F. Alford.
Alford, George F., capitalist, r. 405 N. Harwood, cor San Jacinto.
Alford, Thomas, stable foreman, Commerce and Ervay Street Ry Co., bds H. W. Keller.
Allen, Annie (c), r. s of Flora, bet H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Allen, Charles T., stone mason, r. ws Long Lake road, near Ervin.
Allen, Darling E., carp., r. ns Ross ave, e of Villars.
Allen, Edward, carriage driver, Clark & Desmond, rms cor Market, Jackson.
Allen, Miss Ella, clk Sargent & Co., rms 747 Pacific ave.
Allen, Emanuel (c), r. rear 604 Lamar, bet Jackson, Polk.
Allen, Emma (c), wks Oliver Bros., laundry.
Allen, Frank (c), blksmith hlpr., r.
1/4 miles w of Cedar Springs road.
Allen, George (c), wks James W. Murray.
Allen, Howard (c), waiter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Allen, James, blacksmith, r. ns Caroline, w of Ervin.
Allen, James H. (c), r. ws Crockett, bet Live Oak, Cora.
Allen, James W., lightning rods, chain pump dealer, r. 103 Florence, cor Hawkins.
Allen, Laura (c), wks J. A. Hughes, h. same.
Allen, Lawrence (c), blacksmith, r. es Moltke bet Herman, Pacific reservation.
Allen, Mary C. (wid F. J.), r. 1303 Main, bet Cabell, Preston.
Allen, Miss Mollie, bds. Mrs. M. Schooler.
Allen, Nancy (c), r. ss Juliette, e of Boll.
Allen, Richard W. physician, surgeon, office 409 Main, bet Market, Austin, r. 1125 Main.
Allen, Susan (c), wks Adolph Gardener.
Allen Thomas, printer job department, Dallas Herald.
Allen, Thomas, carp., h. James Allen.
Allen, William J., druggist, 1358 Elm, bet Leonard, Good, r. 1509 Main, bet Leonard, Lloyd.
Allen, William J., printer, r. 118 Bryan, bet Olive, N. Harwood.
Allen, Willie, clk, W. J. Allen, h. same.
Alley, William, wks W. D. Snead, h. same.
Allison, William C., tinner, Hinckley & Son, rms 411 Elm.
Allred, Andrew J. pressman, Texas Baptist, r. 1303 Main.
Alston, Albert S., Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, 926 Elm, opp Mayer's Garden, r. 310 Pearl. See advt.
Alston, Ed. S. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, 757-759 Elm, cor Sycamore, r. 310 Pearl.
Alston, Eulalia (wid A. L.), r. 310 Pearl, bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Altermann, Charles F., Publisher and Propr. Texas Volksblatt, office 403 Main, r. nw cor Hord, Magnolia. See advt.
Altermann, Mary, wks Dayton A. C. Miller.
Altermann, Paul, job printer, A. D. Aldridge & Co., rms. J. Eiserloh.
Altman, Max A., clk Sanger Bros., rms A. Israelsky.
Amato, Emanuel, harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., r. 934 Commerce.
Amato, Peter, barber, shop 840 Main, r. 934 Commerce, bet Ray, Ervay.
American House, 1322-1324 Main, John H. Slaughter, propr.
American National Bank, nw cor Elm, Lamar, Wm. H. Thomas, prest.; Christopher C. Slaughter, vice-prest;.; Edward J. Gannon, cashier; William H. Gaston, asst cashier.
Amos, Robert, secy to Supt Tex. Ex. Co., r. 719 Browder, bet Marilla, Park.
Amsler, Jacob, bartender, Henry Wagner, h. same.
Amsler, Rudolph, tailor, bds Howard House.
Anderson, Alice (c), h. Rosa Beasley.
Anderson, Anthony M., blksmith helper A. Hallen, bds David M. Clark.
Anderson, A. T. (Bird, Anderson & Co.), r. Kildare, Texas.
Anderson, Charles, wks W. H. Ridle, r. same.
Anderson, Charles P., r. 625 San Jacinto, bet Pearl, N. Harwood.
Anderson, Miss Drew, h. Jos. Whites.
Anderson, Enoch, shoemaker, J. W. Greenwold, bds T. S. Duffy.
Anderson, Erik O., broom mkr, J. K. Wilson, bds same.
Anderson, Miss Georgia, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Anderson, Henry (c), wks Robert B. Seay, r. same.
Anderson, Ingrich, M. Mrs., r. 25 Cora, bet Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Anderson, James V., engr and trav slsmn, Russell & Co., r. es Germania, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Anderson, John (c), lab., r. ns Young, bet Ervay, Veal.
Anderson, John E., clk Padgitt Bros., rms Mrs. E. J. Yates, bds Mrs. R.J. Coleman.
Anderson, Maria (c), r. 514 Lamar, cor Columbia.
Anderson, Mary (wid John), h. R. L. McCulloch.
Anderson, Mary L. Mrs. (wid), wks D. T. Randall, r. same.
Anderson, Newton (c), bds Albert Johson.
Anderson, Oscar, r. es Austin, s of creek.
Anderson, Samuel S. (Hayden & Anderson), r. 403 N. Lamar, cor Caruth.
Anderson, Seward G., chief line man, Dallas Telephone Exchange, r. 331 Crockett.
Anderson, Thomas (c), bds Annie Williams.
Anderson, William H., mess Texas Exp. Co., bds Central Hotel, rms 1202 Elm, cor Pearl.
Anderson, William P., genl agt William Deering & Co., Chicago, Ill, office cor Commerce, Market, r. 1358 San Jacinto.
Anderson, W. W., stenographer and type writer, J.J. Daugherty, bds Mrs. S. E. Smith.
Andrews, Benjamin E. (B. E. Andrews & Co.), res. 521 Caruth, bet Orange, Masten.
Andrews, B. E. & Co. (Benjamin E. Andrews, J. H. Crutcher, George D. Harrison), lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, Dallas City lumber yard, ne cor Magnolia, Caruth. See advt.
Andrews, Selina Mrs. (wid), r. 408 Jefferson, bet Jackson, Wood.
Andrews, Thomas (c), lab., r. 638 Leonard, bet Cochran, Juliet.
Andrews, W. E., carp., bds Howard House.
Andrino, Ruli, lab., r. 1041 Wood, bet S. Harwood, Ervay.
Andros, John, wks S. Mayer & Co., rms. same.
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, Louis Reichenstein, genl agt for North Texas, office 708 Main, beer vaults and ice house, es H & T CRy, bet Polk, Columbia. See advt.
Ankele, Daniel, carpet layer, Sanger Bros., r. 407 Columbia, bet Market, Austin.
Anthes, William, barber, shop 309 Main, bet Jefferson, Market, r. 9 N. Jefferson.
Anthony, Jacob (Burns & Anthony), bds Geo. C. Manners.
Anthony, John W. jr., (J. W. Anthony jr. & Co.), r. 99 Bryan, bet N. Harwood, Victor.
Anthony, John W. Jr. & Co. (J. W. Anthony, Jr., Edward Honig), groceries and provisions, 99 Bryan, bet N. Harwood, Victor.
Anthony, John W., sr., miner, r. ss Eakin, bet Preston, H & T. C. Ry.
Antoine, Nicholas, propr. Blue Corner Hotel, ws H. & T. C. Ry., bet Main, Elm.
Antonio, Amanda (c), r. ws Houston, bet Carondelet, Calhoun.
Antwine, J.H., saddler, bds St. James Hotel.
Apperson, William, Propr. "New Idea" Saloon, 202 Houston, cor Main, res. ss Race, bet White, Pauline.
Applebom, Annie, slslady, Sanger Bros., h., Joseph Applebom.
Applebom, Charles, stock boy, Sanger Bros., h. J. Applebom.
Applebom, Joseph, notions, gents' furnishing goods, 1316
1/2 Elm, bet Preston, H & T. C. Ry., r. ss St. Louis, bet Browder, Ervay.
Applewhite, Joseph (c), cook, bds Maria Anderson.
Arbuckle, A. W., bds National Hotel.
Arbuckle & Co. (James Arbuckle, ---- Co.), cattle importers and breeders, ws N. Jefferson, n of Cochran.
Arbuckle, George C., clk Dallas City Gas Light Co., h. James Arbuckle.
Arbuckle, James (Arbuckle & Co.), cotton buyer, r. ns Gaston ave, bet creek, Adiar, E. Dallas.
Arbuckle, James F., clk J. M. House, h. James Arbuckle, sr.
Arbuckle, Macklin, asst note clk Oliver & Griggs, h. James Arbuckle.
Ardrey, Alexander C., (Prather, Ardrey & Ewing), prest. Commerce and Ervay St. Ry Co., r. ne cor Cadiz, Akard.
Armand, David, lab, r. 607 Polk, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Armon, Thomas (c), porter, Sanger Bros., r. ns Marilla, bet Veal, S. Harwood.
Armstrong, Adam (c), r. ss McCoy, bet San Jacinto, Smith.
Armstrong, Miss Alice, h. John T. Armstrong.
Armstrong, Miss Asenath, h. Robert M. Cooke.
Armstrong, Carrie (c), wks Wm. D. Belt, h. same.
Armstrong, Charlotte (c), r. ss Cochran, bet Hughes, H. & T. C. Ry.
Armstrong, George A., piano dealer, r. 1136 Jackson, bet Ervay, S. Harwood.
Armstrong, Jeffrey (c), h. Charlotte Armstrong.
Armstrong, John T. lab., r. 404 Carter, cor Caruth.
Armstrong, Prince (c), r. ss San Jacinto, bet McCoy, Villars.
Arndt, Aaron, stock kpr Sanger Bros., bds St. George Hotel.
Arnold, James C., City Marshal, Ofice City Hall, nw cor Lamar, Commerce, r. 1048 Wood, bet Ervay, Veal.
Arnold, Jane (c), r. es Leonard, bet Flora, Juliet.
Arnold, John Y., carp., r. ns Flora, bet Boll, Allen.
Arnold, Miss Millie, clk Sanger Bros., bds Jacob Oppenheim.
Arons, Alice (Mrs. Arnold), groceries, sw cor McKinney road, Caroline.
Arons, Arnold, bkpr David Goslin, r. sw cor Caroline, McKinney road.
Arons, Louis, fruits, cigars, 109 S. Lamar, r. 404 Market, bet Jackson, Wood.
Arons, Robert, clk Charles A. Mayer, bds same.
Arthur, Reuben B., bkpr Bowser & Lemmon, r. ss Ross ave, bet Texas, Germania.
Asbury, Joseph D., barber, 1533 Elm, bet Good, Cantagral, r. same.
Ash, Mary (c), wks Jesse D. Padgitt.
Ash, William (c), driver, Hughes Bros. & Co., r. sw cor Akard, McKee.
Ashby, Louis, asst shipping clk, Sanger Bros., rms J. C. Lee, bds Mrs. A. D. Galleher.
Ashby, Miss Mamie, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Ashford, Robert (c), r. ss Sutton, bet Crowdus, Duncan.
Ashner, Samuel, clk, r. 106 Cottage Lane, bet Oleander, Bullington.
Ashner, Samuel H., city slsmn, Babcock, Foot & Brown, r. 115 Cottage Lane.
Asiel, E., clk. bds M. Sues.
Askew, Henry C., driver job wagon, r. 2 Jefferson, cor Pacific ave.
Askew, John, driver job wagon, h. H. C. Askew.
Atkins, George T., druggist, 517 Elm, r. sw cor Ross ave, Masten.
Atkins, James, lab., r. 125 Pacific reservation, et Good, Cantagral.
Atkins, Nellie (c), wks Patrick Conerty, h. same.
Atkinson, Robert, bartender, J. M. Skelton & Co., r. 318 Hord,bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Attaway, William W., wood dealer, r. w end Cochran, cor Jefferson.
Atwater, Frank (Hodges & Atwater), rms over 216 Houston, cor Commerce, bds Delmonico restaurant.
Atwater, Mrs. Ida, r. 315 Columbia, cor Market.
Atwood, Charles, teamster, S. P. Bird, bds same.
Audart, Herman, r. rear 1443 Commerce, cor Leonard.
Audley, Miss Ollie, actress, Coliseum Theatre, bds F. de Beque.
Aunspaugh, Reuben P. (Hereford, Aunspaugh & Co.), r. 313 Griffin, cor Collin.
Austin, Charles, hostler, A. S. Alston, rms 926 Elm.
Austin, Emeline (c), wks G. C. Nunnelly, r. same.
Austin, Francis, Jeweler, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 612 Main, r. same. See advt.
Austin, Frank A., Mgr. Waters Pierce Oil Company, office es H & T. C. Ry, bt Leonard, Paris, r. es Johnson, bet Ross ave, San Jacinto. See advt.
Austin, Jane (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Austin, James, bds Mrs. M. Eva.
Austin, Jane (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet Austin, Market.
Autrey, Miss Nubbie, bds A. Kirkpatrick.
Avery, John M. (Cobb & Avery), rms over 505 Elm.
Ax, Ludwig, tailor, Douglas Bros., r. 743 Bryan, bet Bogel, Germania.
Axmann, Rudolph, carsmith, r. 9 Liberty, bet Cantagral, Texas.
Axton, Alexander, expressman, r. ns Canton, opp n end Evergreen.
Ayers, Elihu H. (Adams & Ayers), r. 125 McKinney, bet Harwood, Buena Vista.
Ayers, Willis E., clk H. R. Parks, h. E. H. Ayers.
Ayres, Frank E., bartender, L. Craddock, rms 204 Commerce, cor Houston.
Ayres, Reuben C., clk, bds William G. Hefley.

Babb, Joseph G. carp., r. 1009 Pacific ave, bet Olive, Harwood.
Babb, Thomas, carp., Elliott & Clark, h. J. G. Babb.
Babb, William L., contractor, r. 103 Bryan, bet N. Harwood, Victor.
Babcock, Foot & Brown (William A. Babcock, Frederic N. Foot, Wm. H. Brown), mfrs and dealers in grocers' specialties, proprs. Dallas Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, 938, 940, 942 Elm, bet Stone, Ervay. See advt.
Babcock, William A., (Babcock, Foot & Brown), bds 1058 Elm.
Bachman, Rudolph, porter Huey & Philp, r. ns alley e of Boll, bet Flora, Juliette.
Bachrach, Aaron, clk, Sanger Bros., rms Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Back & Hares (Walter Back, John Hares), Groceries, produce, 824 Elm.
Back, Walter (Back & Hares), rms 824 Elm.
Bacon, Jeremiah (c), r. ss Calhoun, bet Jefferson, N. Lamar.
Baer, Helen (Mrs. Jacob), Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, shoes, 1356 Elm, bet Leonard, Good, r. same.
Baer, Jacob, with H. Baer, r. 1356 Elm.
Bagley, Thomas N., farmer, bds A. H. Blank.
Bailey, Miss Alice, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bailey, George A., carp., r. 1321 Columbia, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Bailey, Giles (c), lab., bds Annie Williams.
Bailey, Homer H., carp., r ne cor Washington ave., Hayes.
Bailey, Joseph, painter, bds. I. F. McAdams.
Bailey, Laura A. Mrs., bds Edward Callahan.
Bailey, Mahala (c), wks James P. Ramsey, h. same.
Bailey, Miss Mary, teacher, 4th ward public school, r. 1042 Wood, bet Ervay, Harwood.
Bailey, Pfeifer, cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Viola Bailey.
Bailey, Robert, cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. T. C. Bailey.
Bailey, Robert (c), wks C. F. Carter, h. same.
Bailey, Thomas C., wholesale lumber dealer, r. 1042 Wood, bet Ervay, Veal.
Bailey, Viola (wid Albert), r. es Houston, bet Carondelet, Walnut.
Bailey, William, carp., bds Planters House.
Bain, John C. lab., r. ss Main, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Bainhart, S. B., bds Mrs. Sue Miller.
Baird, Alexaner, clk, Sanger Bros., r. 313 Caroline, bet McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Baird, Elizabeth (wid Samuel), h. A. Baird.
Baird, George R., r. ss Elm, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Baird, John W., clk, Padgitt Bros., rms S. Y. Trice.
Baird, Lee, clk Richard Cohn, h. Mrs. M. E. Baird.
Baird, Mary E. (wid George), r. 320 Masten, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Baird, Robert E. mgr A. J. Krause, r. 320 Masten.
Baird, William G., trav slsman, h. Mrs. M. E. Baird.
Baker, Abraham, yardman, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Baker, Arthur (c), (J. Baker & Son), h. Jerry Baker.
Baker, Charles O., machinist, r. 1222 Main, bet Harwood, Cabell.
Baker, Eli C., carp., r. ws William, bet Bone, McKinney road.
Baker, Emeline (c), r. rear 326 Camp.
Baker, Erle K., div supt Dallas Telephone Exchange, bds R. M. Cooke.
Baker, Glen M., Mgr W. U. Tel. Office over 603 Elm, cor Lamar, r. 930 Jackson, bet Akard, Browder.
Baker, Hiram C., r. ne cor Cantagral, Pacific reservation.
Baker, Jerry (c), (J. Baker & Son), r. 123 Camp, bet Lamar, Griffin.
Baker, Jerry & Co. (c) (Jerry and Arthur Baker), blacksmiths, 124 Camp.
Baker, Joel, machinist, h. Chas. O. Baker.
Baker, Lizzie (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane, bet Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Baker, L.D., bds Mrs. Margaret Bickham.
Baker, Maria (c), wks S. L. May, r. same.
Baker, Martin (c), blacksmith, Jerry Baker, r. same.
Baker, Michael, lab., bds Planter's House.
Baker, Reuel C., clk, Sanger Bros., r. 57 McKinney road, bet Caroline, Highland.
Baker, Robert, wks Thos. S. Warren, bds. same.
Baker, Thomas C., clk Wallace & Waggener, bds S. J. Adams.
Baker, William, bds Robert M. Cooke.
Baker, William H., r. 1010 Main, bet Ervay, St. Paul.
Baldock, Althea Mrs. (wid John), r. 515 Jefferson, cor Polk.
Baldock, Charles R.E., cooper, h. Mrs. Althea Baldock.
Baldock, John, carp., h. Mrs. Althea Baldock.
Baldock, Miss Laura, wks Mrs. M.L. Kreft, r. same.
Baldridge, Allen A., carp., h. Jas. A. Baldridge.
Baldridge, James A., painter, r. nw cor Porter, Walton.
Baldridge, William C., carp., h., Jas. A. Baldridge.
Baldwin, Frank (c), blksmith, E. F. Camuse, bds Carrie Murray.
Baldwin, Gill (Murdock & Baldwin), bds Mrs. C. A. Read.
Baldwin, Virgil, painter, r. 1243 San Jacinto, bet Texas, Germania.
Ball, James (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Peak, Good.
Ballard, George S., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake, h. J. S. Ballard.
Ballard, John M. (Middletons, Stuart & Co.), r. 544 Ross ave, cor Pearl.
Ballard, John S., carp., r. 544 Ross ave, cor Pearl.
Ballinger, William, r. 202 Patterson ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Ballpole, Garnett, lab., r. ns Columbia, w of G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Ballreich, Charles A., barber, J. M. Foss, bds same.
Baltimore, John (c), porter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Bamur, Fannie (c), wks George W. Loudon, r. same.
Bamur, Harry, teamster, John Tomson, bds same.
Bandt, Frederick, harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., rms J. R. Bernd.
Bangstar, Banjamin, carp, E. Dallas car shops, rms same.
Banker, Frank H., cashier, J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., bds Miles J. Dart.
Banks, Emma D. (wid L. S.), h. Mrs. A. F. Dial.
Bantz, Franklin P., mechanic D. M. Osborne & Co., r. cor Main, Broadway.
Bantz, Frederick, clk Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel Moore.
Barattini, Anthony, wks D. V. Botto, h. same.
Barattini, Louisa (wid B.), fruit stand, 902 Main, cor Sycamore, r. same.
Barbee, Robert J., carp., h. William P. Barbee.
Barbee, William P. (W. P. Barbee & Co.), r. 1118 Elm.
Barbee, W. P. & Co. (William P. Barbee, Mrs. Anna A. Barbee), pianos, organs, boardinghouse, 1118 Elm, bet N. Harwood, Cabell.
Barber, Casel C., groceries, ss Elm, e of Mill creek, res. same.
Barber, John (c), r. ns Alamo, bet Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Barber, Malcolm L., bds Miss Annie Verhine.
Barbier, Alexander, policeman, r. 902 1/2 Main.
Barbier, Charles S., laundry, 1005 Main, bet Ervay, St. Paul, r. same.
Barbier, John F., Wholesale and Retail Fruit, Vegetables and produce, 315 Main, cor Market, res. se cor Jackson, Houston.
Barbier, Pinney (c), r. 1551 Main, bet Leonard, Lloyd.
Barcharth, Miss Bertha, wks A. Dysterbach, r. same.
Barclay, James E., bds S. D. Blake.
Bardwell, Mattie (c), wks N. G. Tison, r. same.
Barker, Charles J., carp, Elliott & Clark, r. cor Cabell, Wood.
Barkley, Alfred (c), r. es Pearl, bet McKinney road, Bone.
Barksdale, Hickerson, h. Mrs. N. Barksdale.
Barksdale, Nina (wid Hickerson), r. se cor Adair, Gaston ave.
Barlow, Henry C., contractor, r. ns Flora, bet Boll, Allen.
Barlow, Robert L., bkpr Weir Plow Co., r. es Masten, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Barnes, Ben H., asst baggage master Union depot, bds Mrs. Susan L. Greer.
Barnes, Ethelbert F., carp., r. near Fair Grounds, e of city limits.
Barnes, Miss Gussie, housekpr, Union Depot Hotel.
Barr, George, clk Frees & Son, r. 29 Sycamore.
Barr, George T., foreman saddler, J. J. Miller, r. 29 Sycamore.
Barret, John W., clk A. Dysterbach, r. rear 1057 Elm.
Barret, Lillie (wid W. H.), r. 1049 Elm, bet Ervay, Harwood.
Barrett, Andrew (c), r. ns Montezuma, bet Good, H. & T. C. Ry.
Barrett, Cynthia (c), r. es Crockett, bet Live Oak, Cora.
Barrett, Hamilton (c), r. 1221 San Jacinto, bet H. & T. C. Ry., Germania.
Barrett, Leroy, clk, L. Phillipson, rms 1418 Commerce.
Barrett, Patrick F., cutter, Padgitt Bros., r. 323 Hord.
Barrow, F. E., bkpr Ed. S. Alston, r. 552 Pearl, bet Ross ave., Cochran.
Barrow, Henry C., scenic agt., r. 845 San Jacinto, cor Leonard.
Barry, Miss Hibernia, h. Thos. P. Barry.
Barry, John G., bds St. George Hotel.
Barry, Marguerite C., (wid Philip), h. Thomas P. Barry.
Barry, Thomas P., confidential clk and credit man, Sanger Bros., r. nw cor Evergreen, Pocahontas.
Barry, William M., clk T & P. Ry., land dept., bds St. George Hotel.
Barshop, Barney, trav slsmn, r. 130 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Lamar.
Bartholow, Mary A. (wid J. N.), r. ws Market, bet Pacifidc ave, Carondelet.
Bartholow, Yancey, clk., J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., h. Mrs. M. A. Bartholow.
Bartlett, Herbert, trav slsmn, C. H. Edwards, bds Mrs. L. H. Booso.
Barton, James W. (J. W. Barton & Co.), r. 217 Oleander, cor San Jacinto.
Barton, J. W. & Co. (James W. Barton, ---- Co.), groceries, 625 Elm.
Barton, Mrs. Tapah (wid), h. James W. Barton.
Bartram, George J., mgr Wheeler & Melick Co., 211 Main, res. 313 Caruth, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Baruch, Joseph, floor walker, Sanger Bros.
Barum, Robin (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Leonard, Flora.
Basco & DeBeque (Louis Basco, Frank DeBeque), proprs. Coliseum Theater, 718 Main, bet Poydras, Murphy.
Basco, Louis (Basco & DeBeque), r. nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Bascom, Thomas A., wks G. E. Felton, bds T. C. Haskins.
Bass, Mrs. Jennie (wid), wks W. L. Cabell, res. same.
Basye Bros. (Elizemond B. and William W.), job printers, office 403 Main.
Basye, Elizemond B. (Basye Bros.), h. Mrs. H. W. Basye.
Basye, Helen W. (wid A. J.), r. ns Eakin, bet Preston, Crutchfield.
Basye, William W. (Basye Bros.), r. ns Eakin, bet Preston, Crutchfield.
Batchelor, Mary G. Mrs. (wid), wks Blankenship & Blake, r. ss Elm, bet Ervay, St. Paul.
Bates, Austin (c), h. David Thomas.
Bates, Denny, check clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. J. Bates.
Bates, John S., photographer, A. C. D. Miller, 621 Elm, h. Mrs. M. J. Bates.
Bates, Mary J. (wid S. D.), r. 1034 Commerce, bet S. Harwood, Prather.
Bates, Warren D., office clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. J. Bates.
Bates, William H., lunch stand, 8 Lamar, bet Pacific ave, Elm, r. cor Ross ave, Griffin.
Battiste, Lawrence (c), r. 616 Polk, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Bauer, Miss Kate, wks Philip Sanger, r. same.
Bauer, Max, r. 1403 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Baum, Frederick, r. 721 Browder, cor Park.
Baum, Moses, clk Levi Kraft, r. 814 Jackson, bet Akard, Lacy.
Bauman, Edward, millinery, fancy goods, 706 Elm, r. 618 Browder, bet Young, Marilla.
Baumann, Julius, carp. A. Regge, bds Germania House.
Baur, Michau, r. ss Pacific ave, bet Leonard, Good.
Baushenbarger, Frederick, wks Padgitt Bros.
Baxter, Fortune (c), r. ws S. Jefferson, s of Columbia.
Bayer, John, wks S. Mayer & Co., rms 931 Elm.
Bayer, Leopold, cabinetmaker, George F. Rick.
Bayer, William S., r. ne cor Harwood, Pacific ave.
Baylor, John (c), r. 24 Live Oak, bet Elm, Pacific ave.
Baylor, Nancy (c), r. 24 Live Oak, bet Elm, Pacific ave.
Bayne, S. G., Prest Dallas National Bank, ne cor Murphy, Main.
Baynham, Henry O., carp., 19 Hawkins, bet Swiss ave, Miranda.
Bayrhoffer, John G., clk Frees & Son, bds 839 Live Oak.
Bazemore, Isaac B., r. 515 Caroline, bet Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Bazemore, Sallie E., (wid B. H.), h. Isaac B. Bazemore.
Beach, A., head ironer, Eureka steam laundry.
Beach, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (wid Samuel C.), h. T. F. Wallace.
Beach, Monta, r. ws Snodgrass, s of McKee.
Beach, William E., engr Mo. P. Ry., r. 107 N. Lamar.
Beachamp, Warren (c), res. es Good, bet Flora, Juliette.
Beachum, Miss Mollie, bds Jame M. Foss.
Beahm, Charles, shooting gallery, 929 Elm, bet Sycamore, Ervay, r. 927 Elm.
Beall, George J., clk H. R. Parks, r. 1209 Jackson, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Beall, William (c), bds Maria Lee.
Bealus, Frank, r. se cor Main, Lloyd.
Beard, James A., station kpr, Dallas calaboose, h. Alexander Axton.
Beard, Richard, h. Alexander Axton.
Beard, Samuel H., policeman, rms over 216 Houston, cor Commerce.
Beasley, Doney (c), wks Miles J. Dart.
Beasley, Rosa (c), r. 125 Cochran, bet Orange, Masten.
Beaton, John, mechanic, Mitchell & Scruggs, r. ws Browder, bet St. Louis, Pocahontas.
Beattie, George, carp., bds National Hotel.
Beattie, John, contractor and builder, r. 570 N. Harwood, cor Bone.
Beaumont, Godfrey, physician, oculist, aurist, over 515 Elm, r. 1201 Jackson, cor Harwood.
Beavers, Mollie (c), r. ss Columbia, bet Lamar, Poydras.
Beavers, Raphael (c), r. ws H & T. C. Ry., bet San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Beck, Miss Allene, h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Miss Mattie, h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Miss Mollie, opr Dallas Telephone Ex., h. Mrs. C. A. Read.
Beck, Samuel, watches, clocks, jewelry, 514 Main, rms 808 Wood, bet Lacey, Akard.
Becker, Oscar, trav slsmn, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 610 Ross ave, bet Pearl, Leonard.
Beckwith, Edmond M., chief clk T. & P. Ry., land dept., nw cor Harwood, Commerce.
Beddo, Albert F., clk Geo. N. Rick, r. 338 Good, San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Beddo, Miss Julia, h. A. F. Beddo.,
Beddo, Theophilus (Skinner & Beddo), r. 338 Flora, bet Allen, Boll.
Bedford, G.C., night opr E. Dallas H. & T. C. frt depot, bds Union Hotel.
Bedney, Chandy (c), r. 39 Crockett, bet Live Oak, Cora.
Beeman, George, rms John Evans.
Beeman, Holland D., tinner, William A. Trammell, h. W. H. Beeman.
Beeman, Joseph E., marshal E. Dallas blacksmith shop, ss Elm, near creek, res east end Main.
Beeman, William H., real estate owner, r. 919 Commerce, bet Sycarmore, Ervay.
Beggs, William H., carp., r. 212 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Begley, James (Begley & Watson), blaksmith, shop ne cor Lamar, Jackson, rms August Regge, bds. Wm. Romans.
Begley & Watson (James Begley, Alexander Watson), blksmiths, horseshoers, 305 Lamar, bet Jackson, Wood.
Behlo, Frank, baker Emil HIlger, bds Reinhold Behlo.
Behlo, Reinhold, baker, Emil Hilger, r. over 838 Main.
Beilharz, Ernst, bkpr Schoellkopf & Co., r. 316 Swiss ave, cor Wm. Tell.
Beilharz, Richard, harnessmaker, Schoellkopf & Co., bds 316 Swiss ave.
Beilharz, Theodore, stonecutter, bds 316 Swiss ave.
Beird, Alexander, clk,. r. ns Caroline, bet McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Beird, Elizabeth (wid Samuel), h. Alexander Beird.
Bekkers, William, bartender, Louis L. Vanderhulst, bds same.
Bell, Andrew, clk Betterton, Irvine & Co.
Bell, B. (c), r. ne cor Bryan, Pacific ave.
Bell, Charles (c), lab., bds Annie Williams.
Bell, Charles (c), r. ws Broadway, w end Walnut.
Bell & Davenport (William R. Bell, Frank H. Davenport), groceries, provisions, 214 Houston, bet Main, Commerce.
Bell, David H., saddler, Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel Moore.
Bell, Ella (c), wks Donald Hinckley.
Bell, James (c), r. 523 Bryan, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Bell, James (c), r. 406 alley, bet Henry, Williams, Commerce, Crowdus.
Bell, Jennie (c), h. Ann Davis.
Bell, John, lab., r. over 211 Main, bet Houston, Jefferson.
Bell, John, physician and surgeon, office 1215 Elm, bet N. Harwood, Preston, r. same.
Bell, John P., r. ne cor Cochran, Lamar.
Bell, J. Hall, Physician, Surgeon, Office 601 Main, bds Bogel's Hotel.
Bell, Joseph N., bricklayer, r. 1430 Polk, cor Preston.,
Bell, Lucy A. (wid E.), r. sw cor McKee, Snodgrass.
Bell, Mary (c), wks Mitch Gray.
Bell, Phila V. (wid B. M.), r. ws S. Lamar, s of creek.
Bell, Sam Houston, student, h. M. L. Morris.
Bell, Thomas A., carp., r. 326 Camp, bet Orange, Sycamore.
Bell, William R. (Bell & Davenport), rms 214 Houston, bds Crutchfield House.
Belsterling, William, capitalist, r. 21 Pearl, bet Pacific ave, Live Oak.
Belt, Eliza (wid T. W.), r. 625 Live Oak, cor Good.
Belt, James L., clk T. L. Marsalis & Co.,h. Mrs. Eliza Belt.
Belt, William D., clk T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. 621 Live Oak, bet Hawkins, Good.
Bendy, William (c), brick mason, bds Lucinda Mulkins.
Benedikt, Elenora (Mrs. Max), r. 1230 Commerce, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Benedikt, Max, dry goods, clothing, etc., Terrell, Texas, r. 1230 Commerce.
Benham, Miss Allie, h. G. W. Curtis.
Benish, Julius, carp., r. 10 Harwood, bet Pacific ave, Elm.
Benjamin, George W. bds Thomas Carroll.
Benjamin, Mollie (c), bds Mary Sparks.
Benjamin, Puss (c), r. es Good, bet Flora, Juliette.
Benners, Alfred H., (Benners & Miller), notary public, r. 311 St. Louis, cor Ervay.
Benners & Miller (Alfred H. Benners, Thomas S. Miller), attorneys, office over 503 Elm.
Bennett, Charles H., carp., r. 36 Floyd, cor Cantagral.
Bennett, Eugene H., Business Mgr Dallas Times, r. 1302 Commerce, cor Cabell.
Bennett, George, saddler, Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Bennett, Geoge E., Mgr Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., bds Grand-Windsor Hotel. See front cover.
Bennett, Horace (c), moulder, wks Duffy & Sons.
Bennett, James L., starcher, Oliver Bros., laundry, r. 1202 Wood.
Bennett, Jestin E., hostler, E. K. Martyn, rms same.
Bennett, John, railroad contractor, r. 205 Walnut, cor Houston.
Bennett, John, boot and shoemaker, 845 Main, cor Sycamore, bds Santa Fe House.
Bennett, Mary (wid J. E.), r. ns Main, bet creek, Duncan.
Bennett, Miles, lab., r. 1426 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Benson, Lucinda (c), h. Richard Johnson.
Benson, Plesant D., teamster, r. ss Williams, bet Ducan, Walton.
Benton, Bettie H. S., Mrs. librarian, Dallas Public Library, 725 1/2 Main, r. 417 Live Oak.
Benton, Charles, Lessee and Mgr Dallas Opera House, sw cor Commerce, Austin, r. same.
Benton, David H., physician, office 1008 Elm, r. same.
Bentley, James, U. S. commissioner and chief supervisor of elections, office over 903 Elm, cor Sycamore, r. 216 Jefferson, cor Walnut.
Benton, Miss Kittie, compositor, Texas Cowboy.
Benton, Nancy (c), cook, Santa Fe House, r. 609 Polk.
Benton, Napoleon (c), cook, C. Moskowitz, r. 609 Polk.
Berena, Miss Rosa, wks A. R. Cowser, r. same.
Bergen, Mary E. (wid C. S.), r. 1519 Main, bet Lloyd, Leonard.
Berger, David, r. 1401 Polk, cor Cabell.
Berger, Jacob, gardener, F. A. Rowley, r. ss City Park.
Berger, Maurice, asst bkpr Dargan & Trezevant, h. David Berger.
Bergeron, Louis K., clk, bds Hugh M. McIntyre.
Bergman, Adam, Propr Union Stock Yards, ss Elm, bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. 1638 Main, bet Lloyd, Crowdus. See advt.
Bernard, William E., clk Bryan & Bradshaw, r. 21 William, cor Obenchain.
Bernd, Julius R., engr Todd mills, r. 609 Cedar Springs, bet Caroline, Highland.
Bernier, Edward, sausage mfr, r. ss Porter, bet Crowdus, Duncan.
Berry, Bartlett R., carp., bds John C. Jones.
Berry, George W., contractor, r. 505 Swiss ave, bet Oak, Field.
Berry, Miss Ida, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Berry, Jennie (c), r. es Commerce, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Berry, John T. secy, J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., bds J. W. Crowdus.
Berry, William D. G., letter carrier 4th dist., rms 248 Patterson ave.
Berryman, Isaac (c), bds George Perkins.
Bertener, Gustav, barber, E. Fretz, bds 828 Main.
Bess, Harriet (c), wks Wm. A. Rodgers, h. same.
Bess, John B., lab., r. ss Montezuma, bet Burford, Crockett.
Best, John (c), barber, Nathaniel McCain.
Best, Philip, clk W. E. Best, h. same.
Best, Robert E., mgr L. Craddock's billiard hall, bds W. E. Best.
Best, William E., Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, 201-203 Ross ave, cor Griffin, r. 75 McKinney road, cor Highland.
Betemps, Mary C. Mrs., r. 1405 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Bethge, Bertha (Mrs. Henry), restaurant, 904 Main, res. same.
Bethge, Henry, Barber and Bath Rooms, 904 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Betterton, Irvine & Co. (William J. Betterson, Adam C. Irvine, S. B. Hopkins), wholesale liquors and cigars, 414-416 Elm, cor Austin.
Betterton, William J. (Betterton, Irvine & Co.), r. 809 Ervay, bet Marilla, Canton.
Betz, Joseph, lab., bds I. X. Strobel.
Beutel, Frederick, Barber Shop ns H. & T. C. Ry., opp Union Depot, r. 119 N. Harwood, near Live Oak.
Beyrle, Mary R. Mrs. (wid Andrew), r. ws Boll, bet San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Bibb, Alex L., physician, office 1357 Elm, bet Leonard, Good, r. same.
Bick, Henry, collarmaker, F. Kracht, bds same.
Bickham, Albert, appc blksmith, H. Eeles, h. Hugh Bickham.
Bickham, Hugh, carp., r. 1346 Pacific ave, bet Leonard, Good.
Bickham, Margaret A. (wid L. C.), r. 138 Olive, cor Bryan.
Bickham, William L., coll Adams & Leonard's, h. Mrs. M. A. Bickham.
Bickham, William P., blksmith H. Eeles, h. Hugh Bickhams.
Bigger, James M., r. 1115 Main, bet St. Paul, Harwood.
Bigger, John C., U. S. attorney, northern dists of Texas,5th circuit, office over 903 Elm, bds James M. Bigger.
Bigham, Mary Mrs. (wid), h. Howard Keyes.
Billings, John (c), porter, George T. Atkins, r. McKinney road.
Billingsley, William A., clk, r. 1234 Jackson, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Billington, Theophilus, Furniture and House Furnishing goods, 639-641 Elm, res. se cor Oleander, Bryan. See lines in Business Directory.
Bingham, Miss Louisa, ironer, Eureka steam laundry.
Bingham, Miss Minnie, ironer, Eureka steam laundry, bds Bettie Carter.
Binyan, Wade (c), r. 409 Columbia.
Bird, Anderson & Co. (Charles E. and John B. Bird, A.T. Anderson, John D. Carter), lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, se cor Elm, St. Paul. See advt.
Bird, Charles E. (Bird, Anderson & Co.), r. se cor Gaston ave., McIntyre.
Bird, John B. (Bird, Anderson & Co.), r. 209 Live Oak, bet N. Harwood, Olive.
Bird, Marshall, clk Bird, Anderson & Co., h. C. E. Bird.
Bird, Mary (c), chambermaid, Howard House.
Bird, Samuel P., r. ns Gaston ave, opp Fair Grounds.
Birdwell, Robert (c), porter, Mitchell & Scruggs, r. 224 Hawkins, cor Montezuma.
Birklein, Antone, musician, r. e of Trinity, bet Park, Masonic.
Birmingham, Michael E. (Sargent & Co.), r. 224 Camp, bet Orange, Sycamore.
Birzele, Otto, foreman, Anheuser-Busch beer vaults, bds I. X. Strobel.
Biser, Charles, bartender, Jacob Grossman, bds same.
Bishop, James H., clk Middleton, Stuart & Co., bds Geo. Fuqua.
Bishop, J.A., clk Hurst & Dreyfuss, r. 1258 San Jacinto.
Bishop, Miss Laura, operator, Dallas Telephone Exchange, h. Mrs. Mary E. Bishop.
Bishop, Mary E. (wid T. W.), r. 39 Cochran, bet N. Lamar, Cartler Carter?
Bishop, Nancy A. Mrs. (wid Robert), r. ns Pacific ave, bet Oleander, Live Oak.
Bishop, Olevia (wid E. D.), r. over 513 Elm.
Bishop, Robert L., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, h. Mrs. M. E. Bishop.
Bishop, Miss Sarah, h. B. Scott.
Bissell, John B., depy city assessor and collector, r. 1223 Jackson, bet Harwood, Cabell.
Bissell, Larry, clk, J. D. A. Harris, h. 1223 Jackson.
Bivens, George, wks Padgitt Bros.
Black, Andrew (c), bds Chas. Leatherman.
Black, Clark (c), r. ws Boll, bet San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Black, John, printer, Texas Newspaper Union.
Black, John M., eclectic physician, office and r. 1354 Elm, bet Leonard, Good.
Black, Joseph, bartender, Merdith Bros., rms over 901 Main, cor Sycamore.
Black, J. Frank, blacksmith, Worden & Smith, bds D. N. Hoylman.
Black, Miss Martha A., h. John M. Black.
Black, Patrick, foreman, A. S. Alston, rms 926 Elm, bds Howard House.
Black, Raleigh, printer, Texas Cowboy.
Blackburn, Willie (c), r. 1200 San Jacinto.
Blackstone, John, clk Bird, Anderson & Co.
Blackstone, John, driver Dallas City R. R. Co., r. ns Commerce, bet Cabell, Harwood.
Blackwood, Harriet (c), r. 796 Browder, bet Marilla, Park.
Blain, Nellie (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., bet Cora, Swiss ave.
Blair, John A., lab., bds W. W. Attaway.
Blair, Maggie (c), wks F. B. Bryan, r. same.
Blair, Robert H., dental student, John C. Storey, bds same.
Blair, Wiley, trav slsmn, T. L. Marsalis & Co., bds St. George Hotel.
Blair, William C., h. Edward L. Snodgrass.
Blake, Charles, printer, Dallas Herald, r. 1428 Main.
Blake, George, lab., r. ns Swiss ave, bet Leonard, Hawkins.
Blake, Martin, lab., r. 429 Cottage Lane, bet Leonard, Buford.
Blake, Samuel D. (Blankenship & Blake), res. nw cor Gaston ave, Adair.
Blakeney & Free (Hugh Blakeney, William H. Free), auction and commission, 619 Elm.
Blakeney, Hugh (Blakeney & Free), r. ne cor Main, H. & T. C. Ry.
Blakeney, Hugh J., Propr. "Fine, Very Fine, jr." Bakery, 1326 Elm, bet H. & T. C. ry., Leonard, r. same.
Blakeney, James, h. Hugh J. Blakeney.
Blakeney, Joseph, clk Ed. S. Alston, r. e end Main, nr Fair Grounds.
Blanchard, Adrienne, boarding house, 1355 Elm.
Blankenship, Bartholomew H. (Blankenship & Blake), r. nw cor Jackson, Akard.
Blankenship & Blake (Bartholomew H. Blankenship, Samuel D. Blake), wholesale dry goods, notions, hats and gents furnishing goods, 805-807 Main, 806 and 808 Elm.
Blankenship, Marion, r. ns Williams, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Blanks, Alexander H., Propr Mechanics Home, 943 Main, bet Stone, Ervay.
Blasingame, John M., boarding house, 1102 Main, bet St. Paul, Harwood.
Blassingame, Moad, fruit stand, 1313 Elm, nr H. & T. C. Ry.
Bledsoe, David C., carp., r. n of T. & P Ry, e of Fair Grounds.
Blewett, James R. (Morrow & Blewett), r. McKinney, north of Pearl.
Blewett, Joseph E., mailing clk Dallas postoffice, r. ne cor Highland, Cedar Springs.
Blewett, Joseph N., mailing clk Dallas postoffice, h. J. E. Blewett.
Block Bros. (John E., Samuel Block), Retail Boots and shoes, 110 Lamar, bet Main, Elm.
Block, Charles, bkpr Sanger Bros., r. ne cor Cadiz, Evergreen.
Block, Edward, shoe dealer, r. 620 Ervay, bet Young, Marilla.
Block, Jacob, slsmn Sanger Bros., rms S. B. Stone.
Block, John E. (Block Bros.), r. 620 Ervay.
Block, Samuel (Block Bros.), bds J. E. Block.
Blohme, Hammond, section boarding house, ns T. & P. Ry., E. Dallas.
Blood, Henry (c), wks H. S. Ervay, r. same.
Blood, Jane (c), r. 510 Market, bet Wood, Polk.
Blue, Fritz, bartender, Planters House.
Blue Corner Hotel, ws H. & T. C. Ry, bet Main, Elm, N. Antoine, propr.
Blume, Elizabeth (wid George), r. 1533 Main, bet Lloyd, Leonard.
Blust, Albert, shoefitter, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 231 Ross ave.
Blythe, Frank, saddler, Padgitt Bros., rms over 216 Houston, cor Commerce.
Boales, Hiram H., carp., r. ns Hays, east of Washington ave.
Boasberg, Isaac B., slsmn clocks, albums, etc., r. 1233 Main, bet Cabell, Harwood.
Boatner, Courtney (wid C. A.), h. Harry C. Boatner.
Boatner, Harry C., marble cutter, S. B. Hanway, r. es Harwood, bet Cadiz, St. Louis.
Bodach, William, clk Thompson Bros., r. ns Ross ave, e of Villars.
Bodwell, Benjamin H., in charge City Park, r. es S. Harwood, bet Runnels, Paris.
Bogan, B. Wofford, plumber, F. A. Campbell, r. ne cor Wood, Ervay.
Bogan, Frederick R., h. Robert Bryan.
Bogan, James M., messs Tex. Exp. Co., r. 220 Swiss ave.
Bogel, Julius C., City Assessor and Collector, Office nw cor Lamar, Commerce, propr Bogel's Hotel, sw cor Ross ave, Sycamore, r. same.
Bogel, Theodore, clk, bds 744 Pacific ave.
Boggaino, John B., clk, Joseph Abozzo, bds Frank De Stefano.
Boggs, Harry, lab., r. 1012 Commerce, bet Ervay, Prather.
Bohannan, William (c), r. sw cor Flora, McCoy.
Bohne, Ernst G., book[b]inder, A. D. Aldridge & Co., h. Mrs. M.A. Bohne.
Bohne, Mary A. (wid E. A.), r. ss St. Louis, bet Akard, Browder.
Bohny, Charles A. bartender, S. Mayer & Co., r. 823 Live Oak, bet Cantagral, Germania.
Bohny, Miss Hattie, h. Charles A. Bohny.
Bohny, Leopold F. (Crosier & Bohny), r. nw cor Walnut, Jefferson.
Bohon, Miss Dixie, teacher, Temple Emanu-El school, bds Mrs. L. M. Dake.
Boigman, Miss Hattie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Boigman, Miss Jennie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Boigman, Miss Mollie, labeler, Hughes Bros. & Co.
Bokk, Charles, hostler Hugh J. Blakeney, bds same.
Bolan, James M., r. 530 Ross ave, bet N. Harwood, Pearl.
Bolanz, Charles F. (Murphy & Bolanz), r. 1104 Browder, cor Corsicana.
Bolden, D., teamster, r. 110 Leonard, bet Elm, Main.
Bolden, Ellis (c), wks M. W. Russey.
Bolden, Hannah (c), r. ws Sherman, bet Polk, Columbia.
Bolden, Maria (c), h. Roles Richardson.
Boldukes, Allen (c), bds W. H. Henderson.
Boles, Miss Nettie E., stenographer, J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., h. Prof. Wm. A. Boles.
Boles, William A. Prof, Supt Public Schools, Office room 8 over se cor Elm, Sycamore, r. nw cor Polk, Cabell.
Bolick, John D., teamster, F. G. Moore, r. ns Williams, bet Crowdus, Duncan.
Bolin, James M., trav slsmn, r. 530 Ross ave.
Boll, Henry (W. D. Wylie & Co.), r. 425 Swiss ave, cor Germania.
Boll, John, h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Boll, Magdalena (wid Henry), h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Boll, William, Physician, Surgeon, Office 826 Main, r. 224 Cantagral, cor Liberty.
Bolles, Charles M. (Bolles & Sanderson), r. 324 Caruth, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Bolles & Sanderson (Charles M. Bolles, Gordon M. Sanderson), mercantile job printers, 609 Main, betg Lamar, Poydras. See advt.
Bolles, James, carp., bds. Thomas Carroll.
Bolling, Thomas E. (Jones & Bolling), bds 401 Elm.
Bolton & Juniper (Robert Bolton, Frederick Juniper), meat market, 728 Main.
Bolton, Robert (Bolton & Juniper), rms John Evans.
Bond, B. M. & Bro. (Brantly M. and Stephen D. Bond), groceries, provisions, 409 Elm.
Bond, Brantly M. (B. M. Bond & Bro.), r. 1509 Ross ave, bet Hall, McCoy.
Bond, Charles (c), h. Booker Crump.
Bond, George, saddler, J. J. Miller, bds Geo. T. Barr.
Bond, Josephine (wid Rankin), h. S. D. Bond.
Bond, Lafayette, clk E. C. Smith, bds same.
Bond, Stephen D. (B. M. Bond & Bro.), r. 602 Houston, bet Polk, Columbia.
Bond, William T. slsmn J. J. Miller, r. 9 Cochran.
Bone, John, printer Dallas Herald, bds Commercial Hotel.
Bones, Mary, r. 525 Live Oak, cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Bookman, Mollie (c), wks Annie Monell, r. same.
Bookhout, John, attorney, office over 512 Main, r. nw cor Caruth, Masten.
Booso, Leonidas H., slsmn Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co.; r. 315 Akard, cor Jackson.
Booth, Joseph (c), porter Henry P. Shiel, rms 1542 Elm.
Bopp, Jacob, jr., h. J. Bopp, sr.
Bopp, Jacob, sr., fruit raiser and wine mfr., r. ss main, east of Mill creek.
Border, Arthur G., engr H. & T. C. yds, r. ne cor Williams, Duncan.
Borders, Andrew J., wks Edward Callahan, r. same.
Borders, John (c), r. ss Emma, bet Pacific ave, Sycamore.
Borders, Samuel (c), barber, Richard Laffiton.
Boren, Isaac T., farmer, r. ws McKinney road, 1/2 mile n city limits.
Boren, Vance, clk Bradstreet's Agency, h. David Langton.
Borgman, Miss Jennie, candymaker, h. John Borgman.
Borgman, John, tailor, 510 Commerce, bet. N. Lamar, Austin, r. same
Borgman, Miss Mattie, wks candy factory, h. John Borgman.
Borgman, Miss Mollie, candymkr, h. John Borgman.
Borich, Peter S., House, Sign Painter, Paints, Oils, glass, painters supplies, 209 Sycamore, bet Main, Commerce, r. 803 Harwood, bet Pierce, St. Louis. See front cover line.
Boris, George (c), wks Planters House, h. same.
Borkhardt, Joseph, lab., r. se cor Commerce, Duncan.
Borland, George W. (prest G. W. Borland Publishing Co.), r. Chicago, Ill.
Borland, G. W. Publishing Co. (G. W. Borland, prest.), publishers subscription books, 103 State St., Chicago, Ill,, J. K. Churchill, mgr, office 906 Elm, bet Sycarmore, Stone. See advt.
Bosco, Philip, bds Waldermar Malcolmson.
Bosley, Minnie (c), h. Maria Smith.
Boswell, John, night clk Crutchfield House, r. same.
Bostnick, Oliver V., clk Leon Kahn, r. 37 Emma, bet Pacific ave, Sycamore.
Botto, Dominic V., Ice Cream Mfr., Parlors, 5 Live Oak, bet Elm, Pacific ave, r. ne cor Oleander, Pacific ave. See advt.
Bouche, Alex E., groceries, 824 Main, bet Field, Sycarmore, r. same.
Boulard, Leondidas, clk Bradstreet's Agency, r. 1234 Jackson, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Boulay, Dominique, carp., r. rear 604 Lamar, bet Wood, Polk.
Boulman, Joseph, bds Santa Fe House.
Boumera, Rosolino, lab., rms 306 Commerce.
Bourgeois, Luc, r. 616 Houston, cor Columbia.
Bourquin, Julius, baker G. Probert, r. 1543 Commerce, bet Dove, Lloyd.
Bowen, Ahab, fruit raiser, r. ws McKinney road, 1/2 mile n of city limits.
Bowen, Charles G., r. 316 S. Harwood, cor Jackson.
Bowen, Hess (c), bds Bettie Kinnel.
Bowen, H.B., r. es McKinney road, 1 mile north of city limits.
Bowen, James, clk George J. Dexter & Co., bds J. B. Scruggs.
Bowen, John, h. H. B. Bowen.
Bowen, John, clk Louis Wagner, rms over 201 Jefferson.
Bowen, John W. (Walker & Bowen), r. McKinney road.
Bowen, John W., r. 808 Wood, bet Lacey, Akard.
Bowen, Richard (c), porter, J. W. Crowdus Drug Co., rms Chas. Kindricks.
Bowen, Sterling P., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bowen, Walter A., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bowen, William W., miner, h. Ahab Bowen.
Bower & Cosby (Edwin G. Bower, Frank D. Cosby), attorneys, office 203 Main, up stairs.
Bower, Edwin G. (Bower & Cosby), notary public, r. ws Snodgrass, south of McKee.
Bowers, Alfred M., blacksmith and wagonmaker, sw cor McKinney road, Alamo, r. 64 Cochran, cor Griffin.
Bowers, Miss Lizzie, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bowles, Benjamin, clk William Ernenwein, h. Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Miss Katie, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake, h. Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Lee (c), r. w of Akard, opp Corsicana.
Bowles, Martha A. (wid Henry), r. 1306 Wood, nr railroad.
Bowles, Miss Mattie, seamstress, Blankenship & Blake, h. Mrs. M. A. Bowles.
Bowles, Thomas, real estate owner, r. ss Gaston ave, 2 miles 3 of Courthouse.
Bowles, Victor S., stockman, r. es McKinney road, 1 miles n of city limits.
Bowling, Sallie (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Bowman, James (c), wks Edmond Smith, h. same.
Bowman, Lloyd, marble cutter, S. B. Hanway.
Bowman, Morgan, bds 744 Pacific ave.
Bowman, Morgan F., r. 740 Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Bowser & Lemmon (Oliver P. Bowser, William H. Lemmon), farmers and real estate dealers, office 316 Elm, cor Market.
Bowser, Oliver P. (Bowser & Lemmon), r. se cor Ross ave, Boll.
Bowser, Richard, clk Bowser & Lemmon, h. O. P. Bowser.
Boyd, Alexander, wks Griffiths & Cowser, r. 1673 Main.
Boyd, Alfred (c), r. ss Juliette, bet Good, Boll.
Boyd, Anthony (c), scavenger, r. 211 Juliette, bet Peak, Good.
Boyd, Columbus (c), barter, Richard Laffiton, r. 1018 Polk, bet Cabell, Preston.
Boyd, David, blacksmith, wks J. E. Beeman.
Boyd, Eliza (c), h. Alfred Boyd.
Boyd, John L. (Boyd & Webster), r. 1227 Wood, cor Preston.
Boyd, Moses S., r. ne cor Live Oak, Martha.
Boyd & Webster (John L. Boyd, Terry Webster), proprs Dallas City planing mill, cor Cochran, Orange.
Boyd, Wesley (c), driver exp wagon, A. W. Fox, r. ss Cochran, e of McCoy.
Boyd, William J., farmer, r. es Cedar Springs road, n of N. Harwood.
Boydstun, Fannie (Mrs. John R.), dressmaker, over 511 Elm, r. 114 Floyd.
Boydstun, John R., r. 114 Floyd, near Cantagral.
Boyer, Charles W., harnessmaker, E. Lehman, r. 615 N. Harwood.
Boyer, John E. carp., r. 615 N. Harwood, cor Bone.
Boyer, Willis, cook Union Depot Hotel, r. ss Swiss ave, bet H. & T. C. Ry., Leonard.
Boyett, George T., boardinghouse, 340 Camp, cor Magnolia.
Boykin, Miss Blanche, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Boyle, Alexander, wks Griffiths & Cowser, r. Elm near Fair Grounds.
Boyle, Francis (c), wks H. R. Irvine.
Boyle, Joseph (c), barber, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Boyle, Joseph W., r. nw cor Browder, Corsicana.
Boyle, J. Samuel, painter, William Ernenwein, bds same.
Boyle, Samuel H., bkpr Flippen, Adoue & Lobit, r. nw cor Browder, Corsicana.
Boyle, Sarah J. (Mrs. Charles), h. Wm. A. Huckaby.
Boylosh, Carrie (wid Joseph), r. 221 Ross ave, bet Griffin, Magnolia.
Bozza, James, clk C. E. Momand & Bro., rms 1203 Elm, cor Pearl, bds George W. Patrick.
Bracken, Lee (c), bds Charles Leatherman.
Bradberry, Gabriella K. Mrs. (wid), r. 722 Jackson, bet railroad, Poydras.
Bradberry, John, waiter, rms 722 Jackson.
Bradford, Barclay M., farmer, h. Mrs. Mary E. Fleming.
Bradford, Chapman (Lindsley & Bradford), rms Geo. F. Alford.
Bradley, Charles R., lab Elliott & Clark, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradley, Eli, r. 702 Bryan, cor Cantagral.
Bradley, Henry, candymaker, A. W. Fox, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradley, James, lab., r. sw cor Commerce, Walton.
Bradley, John, waiter, W. H. Bates, bds same.
Bradley, Miss Lena, labeler Hughes Bros. & Co.
Bradley, Mary (wid P. B.), h. F. T. White.
Bradley, Newton I., lab., r. 33 Miranda, bet Good, Hawkins.
Bradley, Thomas D. (c), wks Thomas L. Marsalis.
Bradley, William, carp., r. 191 Cantagral, bet Bryan, Live Oak.
Bradley, William F., trav slsmn, h. Eli Bradley.
Bradshaw, Albert N. (Bryan & Bradshaw), r. 309 N. Harwood.
Bradstreet's Commercial Agency, Office 735 Main, Sidney Tabor, supt.
Bradshaw, William, trav slsmn McCormick Harvestin Machine Co., bds James H. Porter.
Brady, William J., mgr Dallas City Gas Light Co., r. cor Houston, Carondelet.
Braggwell, Viney (c), r. es Leonard, bet Florence, Swiss ave.
Braly, Wm. H. H., h. 917 Live Oak, bet Germania, Field.
Bramlet, Russell (c), lab Butler & Co.
Branch, Oliver (c), wks John L. Henry, r. same.
Brand, Charles L. (Brand & Logan), bds Henry Boll.
Brand & Logan (Charles L. Brand, William J. Logan), proprs. Eureka steam laundry, cor Poydras and Polk. See advt.
Brandon, Joseph, wks A. Dare, r. over 312 Main, bet Market, Jefferson.
Brannon, Miss Jane, wks I. F. McAdams, r. same.
Brannon, Miss Julia, wks M. Kirby, r. same.
Brans, Henry, brickmason, r. es Chandler, bet Bryan, Pacific ave.
Branshaw, Albert, trav slsmn, r. sw cor Ross ave, Johnson.
Braswell, Martha A. Mrs. (wid John), r. 644 Ross ave, bet Pearl, Leonard.
Braswell, Samuel N., carp., r. ne cor Highland, Wichita.
Bray, Basil M., r. 548 Pearl, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Bray, Mary V. (Mrs. Basil M.), mattress and overall mfr., 927 Elm, bet Sycamore, Ervay, h. B. M. Bray.
Brazelton, John W., carp., r. ss Elm, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Brazwell, Miss Beall, compositor, Texas Newspaper Union.
Brazwell, Miss Hermoine, compositor, Texas Newspaper Union.
Breazeale, Oatis, wks Mankato House, bds same.
Brecht, Sherman, butcher, r. ns Williams, bet Duncan, Walton.
Brelsford, James T., policeman, r. 848 San Jacinto, cor Leoanrd.
Bremond, August, wks J. V. Childers.
Brennan, Annie E. Mrs. (wid T. J.), r. se cor St. Louis, Browder.
Brewer, Cassel O., house mover, r. ns Gaston ave, cor creek.
Brewer, Mary J. (wid R. H.), h. Jas. M. Harry.
Brewer, Samuel G., h. Jas. M. Harry.
Brewer, William D., saddler, Schoellkopf & Co., r. 910 Commerce.
Briaglia, Antonio, fruits and confections, 507 Main, r. same.
Brice, John, bds George W. Patrick.
Brice, Randolph J. (c), del clk Ed S. Alston, r. es Griffin, n of Cochran.
Brice, William, wks Herman harris.
Brick, Jerome J., carp., r. 113 Park, bet Akard, Browder.
Bridges, Jerome, lab., r. 1338 Elm, bet Ry., Leonard.
Briggs, Miss Emma, h. John S. Hetherington.
Briggs, J., trav slsmn, bds C. B. Winthrop.
Brin, Barney (Miller & Brin), r. Over 1138 Elm, cor Cabell.
Brinker, Mary (c), laundress, Union Depot Hotel.
Brinkley, David (c), r. ss Williams, bet Sherman, Henry.
Brinkill, William, brickmason, bds Mrs. Francis Shepherd.
Briscol, Andy (c), r. ns Marilla, bet Veal, Ervay.
Briscol, Samuel, wks. John S. VanSlyke.
Bristol, Alonzo B. (Bristol & Clark), r. ns San Jacinto, bet McCoy, Villars.
Bristol & Clark (Alonzo B. Bristol, Cortez Clark), architects and supts, office over 512 Main.
Britt, Willis E., clk Mitchell & Scruggs, bds Wm. J. Britt.
Britt, William J., commercial traveler, r. 22 Good, cor Floyd.
Britton, Annie (c), r. 616 Wood, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Britton, James H., State Engineer, Vice-prest Dallas Electric Light Co., propr Texas Ice Co., factory sw cor Main, Broadway, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Britton, William H. (c), ass packer, Blankenship & Blake, r. s of city.
Brobst, John, watchmaker, Knepfly & Son, r. 309 Columbia, bet Market, Jefferson.
Brocherio, Peter, ice cream maker, D. V. Botto, h. same.
Brock, Benjamin C., bds John R. Miller
Brockman, James (c), r. s end Lamar, s of creek.
Brockman, J. B. trav agt, Overland Telephone Co., bds St. George Hotel.
Brokkofski, Frederick, harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., r. 621 Columbia.
Bromwell, Samuel, blksmith, shop sw cor Elm, Crowdus, r. same.
Bronley, Lester R., r. 18 N. Harwood, bet Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Brooks, Miss Amanda, r. over 513 Elm.
Brooks, Benjamin H. blacksmith, r. 1635 Commerce, opp Henry.
Brooks, Chaney (c), r. 403 Montezuma, bet H. & T. C. Ry., Good.
Brooks, Frederick T., clk, h. Mrs. N. Brooks.
Brooks, Jackson (c), r. 214 Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Brooks, James, r. over 513 Elm.
Brooks, John, wks Texas Cotton Press Co.
Brooks, Joseph, floor walker, Sanger Bros., rms S. Wolf.
Brooks, Joseph B., trav slsmn, r. 1635 Commerce, opp Henry.
Brooks, Joseph O. (c), h. Chaney Brooks
Brooks, J. E. (c), porter, Oliver & Griggs' bank.
Brooks, Millie (c), r. alley bet Commerce, Williams, Henry, Crowdus.
Brooks, Naomi (wid A. J.), r. nw cor Elm, Crowdus.
Brooks, William (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet College, Sycamore.
Brooks, William H., carp., r. nw cor Commerce, Duncan.
Brosius, Flavius J., clk G. F. Rick, bds Commercial Hotel.
Broughton, Dempsey W. Rev. pastor Cumberland Presbyterian Church, r. Bogel, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Broughton, Mrs. M. J., music teacher, h. Rev. D. W. Broughton.
Browder, James M., farmer, r. es Cole, e of Fair Grounds.
Brown, Annie (c), r. ss Pacific ave, bet Cabell, Preston.
Brown, Annie (c), wks Wm. H. Norton.
Brown, Annie (c), wks George Fufua [Fuqua].
Brown, Delia (c), wks Wm. M. Miller, h. same.
Brown, Emma (wid W. C.), h. Mary Baird.
Brown, Miss Fannie, h. Catherine Robertson.
Brown, Gracie (c), bds Mandy Antonio.
Brown, Henry S., carp. r. ws McCoy, bet Flora, Cochran.
Brown, Henry S. Mrs., dressmaking, notions, ws McCoy, bet Flora, Cochran, r. same.
Brown, James (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry., north of Cochran.
Brown, John (c), wks compress, r. ss. Cadiz, bet Portland, S. Harwood.
Brown, John (c), wks Jack W. Smith, h. same.
Brown, John G., bds Wm. A. Huckaby.
Brown, John Henry, r. 40 Pearl, cor Live Oak.
Brown, Joseph, painter, bds Mrs. Fannie Day.
Brown, Jube (c), bds Isaac Faris.
Brown, Miss Kittie, bds N. A. Koehler.
Brown, Lawrence M. (c), r. 212 Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Brown, Mrs. Lucy (wid J. M.), h. Loren Horton.
Brown, Miss Martha, r. 886 Pacific ave, cor Live Oak.
Brown, Martin (c), r. 1667 Commerce, bet Henry, Crowdus.
Brown, Mary (c), wks G. A. Webster, h. same.
Brown, Napoleon (c), wks Elliott & Clark, r. Swiss ave.
Brown, Rachael (c), wks Robert M. Cooke.
Brown, Thomas (c), porter, Oscar A. Wells.
Brown, Thomas J. A. (Burfor & Brown), Notary Public, r. 310 Columbia, cor Jefferson.
Brown, William (c), r. 609 Bryan, cor Boll.
Brown, William B., Ry mail clk Dallas & El Paso, r. ss Highland, bet Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Brown, William H. (Babcock, Foot & Brown), bds 1058 Elm.
Brownell, James A., agt John P. Morton & Co., publishers and stationers, Louisville, Ky., officer over 512 Main, rms same, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Browning, John, real estate owner, h. James W. Barton.
Brownlee, Alexander, prest. Texas Stone Co., contractor and builder, office 831 Main, r. 1603 San Jacinto, cor Johnson.
Brownlee Bros. (George H., Thomas and James Brownlee), ice and milk dealers, office and retail depot, 704 Main.
Brownlee, George H. (Brownlee Bros.), propr Bank saloon, 710 Main, res. near Fair Grounds.
Brownlee, James (Brownlee Bros.), r. near Fair Grounds.
Brownlee, Thomas (Brownlee Bros.), res. near Fair Grounds.
Brownrig, Ellen (c), h. Houston McDuff.
Broxton, John F., plasterer, res. ns Porter, bet Duncan, Crowdus.
Broxton, Jose M., plasterer, res. ss Alamo, bet Cedar Springs, McKinney.
Bruce, Charles, stonecutter, bds Crutchfield House.
Bruen, Harry, propr Oyster Bay restaurant, 510 Main, bet Austin, Lamar, res. same.
Bruen, Silvina (wid Cummings), res. over 510 Main.
Bruin, Moses (c), lab Butler & Co.
Bruison, John, butcher, r. ns Swiss ave, cor creek.
Brundage, Miss Hattie, h. J. E. Wynn.
Brunk, Charles M., clk Waters Pierce Oil Co., r. ns Main, bet creek, Duncan.
Bruns, Fredericka (wid John), h. A. Birklein.
Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., Billiard Table mfrs., Louis E. Mohrhardt, state agt., office 407 Main.
Bryan & Bradshaw (Ellen P. Bryan, Albert N. Bradshaw), groceries, 515 Elm.
Bryan, Ellen P. (Bryan & Bradshaw), r. 357 Ross ave, bet Orange, Masten.
Bryan, Fee B., clk Sanger Bros., r. 414 Akard, cor Wood.
Bryan, George N., bds Albert M. Greenlun.
Bryan, Henry M., school teacher, r. 1017 Wood, bet Ervay, S. Harwood.
Bryan, John T., coll Geo. A. Webster, bds 828 Main.
Bryant, Benjamin, house mover, office 212 Ervay, bet Main, Commerce, r. ss Swiss ave, near Martha.
Bryant, Miss Bertha, wks Blankenship & Blake.
Bryant, Charles C., printer, Bryant & Dodson, r. 1580 Main, bet Lloyd, Crowdus.
Bryant, David, clk Moline Plow Co., r. 11 Commerce, cor Broadway.
Bryant & Dodson (Wolfred N. Bryant, Al. F. Dodson), book and job printers, 111 Sycamore, bet Main, Elm.
Bryant, Edley J., shipping clk, G. N. Quillman, h. David Bryant.
Bryant, Elva (Mrs. W. N.), Cigars, Stationery and Sewing machine supplies, 111 Sycamore, bet Main, Elm.
Bryant, Giddie, clk S. P. Mendez & Co., h. 111 Sycamore.
Bryant, J. M. (S. S. Floyd & Co.), r. Chicago, Ill.
Bryant, Robert T., porter, C. H. Edwards, r. 220 Swiss ave, near Good.
Bryant, Wolfred N. (Bryant & Dodson), Rubber Stamp and stencil mfr, 111 Sycamore, bt Main, Elm, r. same.
Bryant, W. Sidney, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, loan office, 711 Main, bds 743 Pacific ave. See advt.
Buchanan, John C., clk W. E. Best, h. same.
Buchanan, Joseph, r. nw cor Good, Pacific ave.
Buchanan, Robert F., bkpr, bds St. George Hotel.
Buchanan, William F., barber, E. Fretz, bds ne cor Jackson, Poydras.
Buck, George W., bartender, r. 1315 Columbia, bet S. Harwood, Cabell.
Buck, James A., engr Eureka steam laundry, r. se cor Park, Akard.
Buck, Rudolph, r. 1230 Main, bet Harwood, Cabell.
Buckelew, O. O., res. ns Elm, bet creek, Duncan.
Buckingham, Joseph T., clk C. V. Waller, bds James Kimball.
Buckmaster, Daniel, brickmason, r. 1300 Pavilion, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Buckner, Robert C. Rev., editor and propr, The Good Samaritan, 127 Camp, res. ws Race, bet T. & P. Ry., Fair Grounds.
Büdinger, Joseph, cabinetmaker, r. 724 Bryan, bet Cantagral, Germania.
Buell, Frank, machinist, Elliott & Clark, h. J. T. Buell.
Buell, James T., carp, Elliott & Clark, r. 1500 Main, cor Leonard.
Buford, Major (c), r. ss Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Buhrer, Jacob, dairyman, r. Rockwall road
1/2 mile n of Fair Grounds.
Buhrer, John. wks Jacob Buhrer.
Bull, Martin M., machinist, Clark & Clark, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Bullard, Lee, clk Bradstreet's Agency.
Bullard, Richard (c), r. 213 Peak, bet Juliet, Cochran.
Bullion, Charles (c), wks Charles Bell, r. same.
Bullitt, Samuel W., physician, surgeon, office 720 Elm, bds L. H. Fitzhugh.
Bullman, George, tailor, Douglas Bros., bds Santa Fe House.
Bullman, Mendell, clothing, notions, 1304 Elm, bet Preston, H. & T. C. Ry., r. 1304 Main.
Bullock, Napoleon B., clk B. F. Turner, Union Depot, bds Central Hotel.
Bumpas, Clarence, clk Thomas H. Johnson, h. 725 Ross ave.
Bumpas, James H., druggists, 201 Jefferson, cor Main, r. 114 Flora, bet Allen, Boll.
Bumpas, Richard E., attorney and real estate agent, office 1215 Elm, bet Pearl, Preston, r. 725 Ross ave, cor Peak.
Bunch, Miss Lizzie, student, Dallas Female College, r. same.
Bunn, James C., r. ss Floyd, bet Moltke, William Tell.
Buol, Abraham, carp., r. 510 Corsicana, cor Lamar.
Burckhardt, Daniel, wks Planters House, bds same.
Burckhardt, William, carp, C. A. Gill, r. 1507 Elm.
Burford & Brown (Nat. M. Burford, Thomas J. A. Brown), attorneys, office 313 Main.
Burford, Nat. M. (Burford & Brown), U. S. commissioner, r. 1110 Akard, bet Corsicana, St. Louis.
Burger, George, Copper, Brass and Sheetiron Worker, 718 Commerce, res. ns Jackson, bet Poydras, railroad. See advt.
Burger, Jacob, gardener, R. F. Rowley, bds same.
Burgess, Frank, machnist, Trinity Iron Works, bds John R. Miller.
Burgess, John O., canvasser, r. ne cor Ross ave., Allen.
Burgess, Lawson D., canvasser, r. ne cor Ross ave., Allen.
Burk, Joseph C., Chief Clk Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. same.
Burke, David C., bds Albert Greenlun.
Burke, Edward, moulder, bds Wm. T. Holcomb.
Burke, Edward J., engr., r. 1318 Wood, bet Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Burke, F. G., capitalist, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Burke, Joseph, carriage driver, Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Burke, J. J., wks Herman Harris.
Burke, Lucy (c), r. ws Park, bet Akard, Trinity.
Burke, Mrs. Mary (wid), wks Wm. O. Connor, h. same.
Burke, Patrick J., r. 505 Live Oak, bet Pearl, railroad.
Burke, Patsey (c), r. ns Juliet, bet Boll, railroad.
Burke, Robert E.., Judge, Dallas County Court, Office Courthouse, r. Rockwall road, 1/2 mile north of Fair Grounds.
Burke, William D., coppersmith, Huey & Philp, h. E. J. Burke.
Burkenrood, Max, clk Isadore Reinhardt, bds J. H. Porter.
Burkett, John H., carp., r. ne cor Preston, Gano.
Burlew, Charles, h. H. C. Burlew.
Burlew, Howard C., bkpr Dargan & Trezevant, r. es Harwood, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Burnes, Emily (wid W.), r. ss Gaston ave, bet Martha, St. Joseph.
Burnes, John , cash boy, Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Emily Burnes.
Burnes, Samuel, clk S. Beck, h. Emily Burnes, near Fair Grounds.
Burnett, Julia E. (wid S. C.), Plumbing, Gasfitting, pumps, lightning rods, 811 Main, r. 345 Burford. See advt.
Burnett, Owen D., bkpr and cashier, Blankenship & Blake, rms W. C. Connor, bds P. Prather.
Burney, Charles (c), lab., Howard Oil Co., res. 509 Texas, bet Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Burney, John, hack driver, J. E. Randall, rms 107 Camp.
Burney, Plemon L., trav slsmn, Davoren & McKee, res. 712 Harwood, cor Bone.
Burns, Annie (wid James), res. 404 Carter, cor Caruth.
Burns & Anthony (Louis Burns, Jacob Anthony), carriage, sign, frescoe painters, 1509 Elm.
Burns, Charles R. H. B., tailor, Harry Zimmerman, bds Commercial Hotel.
Burns, Miss Ella, wks Philip Sanger, r. same.
Burns, Helena (wid M.), dressmaker, r. 1006 Commerce, bet Prather, Ervay.
Burns, Louis (Burns & Anthony), bds Geo. C. Manners.
Burns, Robert W., clk Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, r. over 1000 Elm, cor Ervay.
Burns, William J., tel opr W. U. Tel Co., rms over 513 Elm.
Burr, Miss Ella, slslady Sanger Bros., r. 537 Pearl.
Burr, Miss Lizzzie, r. 537 Pearl, bet Ross ave, Cochran.
Burr, William, collector, r. ss Lafayette, east of Washington.
Burrows, Charles, carp., C. A. Gill, h. Thomas Miller.
Burt, John J., carp., h. William T. Wells.
Burt, John S., pressman, Milligan Bros., h. W. S. Burt.
Burt, Miss Kate L., bds Wm. O. Connor.
Burt, William S., trav slsmn, res. ss Swiss ave, bet H. & T. C. Ry., Leonard.
Burton, Benjamin R. (Burton & McCormick), res. 1229 Main.
Burton, Caroline (c), res alley, bet Ross ave, Flora, Peak, Good.
Burton, Ezra A., carp., res. 1553 Commerce, bet Dove, Lloyd.
Burton, James (c), wks John Priot, res ws Hall, near Juliette.
Burton, Lemuel H., r. 29 William, bet Bone, Obenchain.
Burton & McCormick (Benjamin R. Burton, William B. McCormick), tinners, 906 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay.
Burton, Reuben E., dry goods, groceries, 1130 Elm, bet Cabell, N. Harwood, res. 1229 Main.
Busbee, Lorenzo D., clk Wm. B. Smart, res at store.
Bush, Addley, night watchman, E. Dallas car works, res ss Elm, bet Mill creek, Fair Grounds.
Bush, Maria (c), wks Mrs. O. A. Bush, res. same.
Bush, Rachael (c), wks E. Bauman, h. same.
Bush, Rutledge (c), waiter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Bush, Shadrack W. (c), res. 18 Bryan, bet Pacific ave, Oleander.
Bush, Wesley, hostler, E. K. Martyn, rms 821 Main.
Bustrin, William, res ws Hall, west of H. & T. C. Ry.
Butcher, Miss Fannie, milliner, E. Bauman.
Butcher, Miss Hattie, milliner, E. Bauman
Butcher, John, carp., Elliott & Clark, res. 509 Preston, cor Eakin.
Butcher, John W., machinist, h. John Butcher.
Butler, Al., machinist, Phelan & Co.
Butler & Co. (Michael Butler, A. Cornehls), Brick mfrs., yard sw cor Commerce, Broadway. See advt.
Butler, E. O., bds John R. Miller.
Butler, Michael (Butler & Co.), res. Austin, Texas.
Butler, John, hostler, rms 926 Elm.
Butler, Patrick J., contractor, res. 1009 Wood, bet Ervay, S. Harwood.
Butler, Wallace E. (Lehman Bottling Co.), res. 1505 Polk, bet Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Butts, Anthony (c), porter, res. 506 Lamar, bet Polk, Columbia.
Butz, Joseph W., harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros.
Byer, John, res. rear 802 Pacific ave., bet Sycamore, Ervay.
Byers, Alexander (c), res se cor Hall, Cochran.
Byrnes, Charles, teamster, res Rockwall road,
1/4 mile north of Fair Grounds.
Byser, George, wireworker, 938 Main, bet Sycamore, Ervay, res. same.

Cabell, Benjamin E., boarding, sale stable, ne cor Jackson, Market, h. W. L. Cabell.
Cabell, William L., Mayor of Dallas, Office City Hall, nw cor Lamar, Commerce, res. 905 Ervay, cor Canton.
Cade, Thomas, Saloon, 311 Main, res. same.
Cadmus, William M., lab., bds I. F. McAdams.
Cadogan, Mrs. Mary (wid J.), res. 1337 Elm, bet H. & T. C. Ry., Leonard.
Cage, Samuel (c), laundryman, res 1209 Young, bet Veal, S. Harwood.
Cahn, August (Cahn Bros.), res 516 Akard, bet Young, Marilla.
Cahn, Benjamin (B. Cahn & Co.), res sw cor Browder, Wood.
Cahn, B. & Co. (Benjamin Cahn, --- Co.), wholesale cigars, 603 Main.
Cahn Bros. (Henry and August Cahn), Dry Goods, Clothing, boots, shoes, furnishing goods, trunks, &c., 635-637 Elm.
Cahn, Henry (Cahn Bros.), rms over 635-637 Elm.
Cain, Arthur, Propr. Cain's Livery, Sale and Feed Stables, 703-705-707 Commerce, bet Poydras, Murphy, res. same. See advt.
Cain, Richard H., bishop, M. E. Church, res. 1116 Jackson
Cain, Thomas, stonemason, bds National Hotel.
Caldwell, Harriet (wid James), res. 116 Cochran, bet Orange, Masten.
Caldwell, Henry J., clk John F. Caldwell, h. same.
Caldwell, John F., jr., clk John F. Caldwell, h. same.
Caldwell, John F., Sr., Groceries, Feed, Liquors, Grain, 213-215 Main, cor Jefferson, res. 1029 Young, bet Ervay, Veal. See advt.
Caldwell, Mack (c), porter, Bowser & Lemmon, res. 316 Burford.
Caldwell, Miss M. E., teacher, 1st ward public school, res. 116 Cochran.
Calhoun, Cortlandt H., bkpr., res. ss Hughes, bet Miller's Ferry road, Crosthwaite.
Calhoun, Miss Emma, h. Wm. McClellan.
Calhoun, Mrs. Sarah J. (wid R. N.), h. Wm. McClellan.
Callahan, Miss Ann, laundress, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Callahan, Edward, restaurant, ss Elm, bet Lloyd, Crowdus, E. Dallas, res. same.
Callahan, R. K., clk, rms 612 Elm.
Callier, Ellen (c), wks Frank H. Davenport.
Callier, Franklin C. (F. C. Callier & Co.), pres. Merchants' Exchange, res. 43 Masten, cor Patterson ave.
Callier, F. C. & Co. (Franklin C. Callier, ---- Co.), cotton buyers, office ws Austin, bet Main, Elm.
Callier, John, cook, res. rear 1415 Main, bet Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Calloway, Ella (c), res. ss Cockrell, bet Market, Austin.
Calloway, Jesse, clk J. T. Elliott, 1339 Elm, bds City Hotel.
Calloway, Mattie (c), wks Harvey Page, h. same.
Calvin, Dorsey, track repairer, Dallas Belt Street Ry Co., bds J. M. Foss.
Calvin, Robert, driver, Dallas R. R. Co., bds City Hotel.
Cameron, Antoine H., harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., res. 131 Cantagral, bet Smiww ave, Live Oak.
Cameron, A.K., del clk W. U. Tel. office, bds Thos. A. West.
Cameron, Jack (c), res. ss McKee, west of Akard.
Cammack, Morgan, res. over 726 Main.
Camp, Harmon C., bkpr Howell Bros. Boot and Shoe Co., bds St. George Hotel, rms 715 Elm.
Camp, William T., painter, res. 410 Polk, bet Market, Austin.
Campbell, Arch. W., res. sw cor Elm, Harwood.
Campbell, Benjamin, tel opr, W. U. Tel Co., bds Lewis C. Clinton.
Campbell, Benjamin N., res 1312 Main, bet Cabell, Preston.
Campbell, Miss Cora, h. Dr. S. Eagon.
Campbell, Edward (c), res es Peak, bet Flora, Juliette.
Campbell, Frank A., Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, 710 Murphy, bet Main, Commerce, res. same.
Campbell, George W., horse trader, res. 208 Ross ave, bet Magnolia, Griffin.
Campbell, Jacob, barber, W. Anthes, bds Theodore Reinecke.
Campbell, John, carp., bds M. M. Cox.
Campbell, Miss Mollie, dressmaker, res. 880 San Jacinto, cor Burford.
Campbell, Moses (c), wks Richard Lafitton.
Campbell, Sallie (c), bds Samuel Daly.
Campbell, Simon (c), lab., res ns Juliette, bet Good, Boll.
Campbell, William (c), waiter, St. George Hotel, rms Henry W. Reagor.
Campbell, William H., broommaker, J. K. Wilson, bds same.
Camplen, Charles L., carp., John Paul, res. 304 Bryan, bet Pearl, Crockett.
Camplen, Margaret J. (Mrs. C. L.), dressmaker, res 304 Bryan.
Camuse, Emile F., Carriage Mfr., Blacksmith, sw cor Elm, Jefferson, res. 37 Caroline, near McKinney. See advt.
Camuse, Eugene A., clk., E. F. Camuse, h. same.
Canard, Caroline (c), h. Charles Chandler.
Canard, Fannie (c), res. 612 Polk, bet Poydras, Lamar.
Canard, James (c), res. 320 Burford, bet Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Canard, Lucy (c), bds Mary Kelton.
Cannon, George (c), wks Paul F. Erb, res. same.
Cannon, John B., clk, bds William E. Best.
Cannon, Newton T., clk. Texas Exp. Co., Union Depot, r. 9 Crockett, nr Swiss ave.
Cannon, Thomas, lab., bds Cincinnati House.
Cantone, Frank, fruits, ice cream, cigars, 840 Main, r. 1007 Main, bet Ervay, St. Paul.
Canty, Dennis, driver and housekeeper, Dallas Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, rms nw cor Commerce, Lamar.
Capers, Robert H. (Capers and Tichenor), attorney, office 1219 Elm, r. 132 Swiss ave.
Capers & Tichenor (Robert H. Capers, Alfred Tichenor), real estate agts., 1219 Elm, bet Pearl, Preston.
Capewell, George, r. 215 Germania, bet Bryan, San Jacinto.
Capps, C. W., driver, W. J. Lemp, bds D. N. Hoylman.
Capps, W. L., wks W. J. Lemp, r. 608 Jefferson, bet Polk, Columbia.
Capwell, Charles A., bkpr, C. H. Edwards, bds A. C. Ardrey.
Capy, Alfred W., machinist, Trinity Iron Works, h. Chas. Capy.
Capy, Charles, carp., r. 411 S. Houston, cor Wood.
Carberry, Hugh, night watchman, Commercial Hotel, r. same.
Cardan, Ace O., carp., r. ss Cottage Lane, bet N. Harwood, Victor.
Carey, James T., blacksmith, James Begley, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Carey, Miss Nellie, h. Mary Hand.
Carleton, Emma (wid J. C.), wks W. C. Goble, r. same.
Carleton, John H., clk. Mo. Pac. frt depot, h. S. M. Leftwich.
Carlier, Ivan, mgr Texas Ice Co., r. ws Broadway, bet Main, Commerce.
Carmon, Charles J., harnessmaker, Padgitt Bros., rms over 216 Houston, bds J. H. Porter.
Carmena, F. J., printer, bds St. James Hotel.
Carnegie, Hugh D., foreman, G. C. & S. F. shops, bds J. N. Hampton.
Carnes, George, boilermaker helper, Phelan & Co.
Carnes, Henry, collarmker, F. Kracht.
Carnes, James J., special insurance agt and adjuster, office 741 Elm, r. 911 Ross ave, near Boll.
Carnes, Lafayette, brickmaker, r. 61 McKinney road, cor Highland.
Carnes, Robert E., solicitor, Prather, Ardrey & Ewing, r. ns Ross ave, bet Hall, H. & T. C. Ry.
Carnes, Witt, collector, Flippen, Adoue & Lobit, h. J. J. Carnes.
Carney, Peter, saddler, Padgitt Bros.
Carney, Thomas H., lab., res. 342 Ross ave, bet Sycamore, Griffin.
Carpenter, Daniel, carp., r. 410 St. Louis, bet Evergreen, Portland.
Carpenter, Edwin, tailor, Douglas Bros., bds Mr. R. J. Coleman.
Carr, Mary (wid James), h. Nathan W. Hunter.
Carr, William W., Ry mail clk, Texarkana & Dallas, bds T. A. West.
Carroll, Charles, cook, r. ss Polk, bet railroad, Lacy.
Carroll, John W., farmer, res. nw cor Pearl, Obenchain.
Carroll, Thomas, lab., res. foot of S. Jefferson.
Carroll, Thomas, farmer, res. 603 Leonard, cor Flora.
Carson, Andrew, saddler, Padgitt Bros.
Carson, Joseph, driver, Loeb & Freiberg.
Carson, Mary A. (c), teacher, 1st ward public school, res. 1326 Jackson, bet Cabell, Preston.
Carson, William R. (c), res. 1326 Jackson, cor Preston.
Carter, Andrew, harnessmaker, J. J. Miller, h. J. Dale Carter.
Carter, Miss Bettie, res. 204 Live Oak, cor Harwood.
Carter, Miss Carrie, wks John Tomson, h. same.
Carter, Charles (c), waiter, bds Jordan Springfield.
Carter, Charles C., wks John A. Carter, h. same.
Carter, Charles F. (W. White & Co.), r. 407 Ross ave, cor Masten.
Carter, George B., prest Carter & Gibson Printing Co., res. ws McKinney road, opp. William.
Carter & Gibson Printing Co. (George B. Carter, prest.), book, job printers, blank book mfrs., book binders, 413 Elm.
Carter, James (c), bds Isam Terry.
Carter, Jesse W. trav slsmn, C.H. Edwards, bds St. George Hotel.
Carter, John A., Propr. Butchers' and Drovers' Stock yard and saloon, ns Elm, bet Good, Cantagral, res. same. See advt.
Carter, John Dale (Bird, Anderson & Co.), res. ne Cor Hawkins, Florence.
Carter, John L., physician, surgeon, city health officer, office 513 Main, cor Lamar, res. 413 Ross ave.
Carter, John T., station keeper, city calaboose, 845 Commerce, near Sycamore, res. 26 Good, cor Miranda.
Carter, Mrs. Kate (wid), wks Jacob Frees.
Carter, Lillie (c), wks M. Sues, res. same.
Carter, Mary (c), h. Fortune Baxter.
Carter, Mary Ann (c), res. 209 Juliet, bet Peak, Good.
Carter, Miss Mary, teacher, 2nd ward public school, res. 413 Ross ave, bet Masten, Harwood.
Carter, Morgan, lab., bds Pacific House.
Carter, Robert (c), bds Annie Williams.
Carter, Samuel (c), res ne cor Peak, Cochran.
Carter, Samuel (c), lab., res foot of S. Jefferson.
Carter, Samuel (c), lab., res. 104 Cochran, bet Flora, Leonard.
Cater, Walter (c), waiter, Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Cartwright, Joseph W., carp. res. ss Main, bet Crowdus, Duncan.
Caruth, John (c), wks Patrick O'Brien, h. same.
Caruth, Kate (c), wks A. H. Field, r. same.
Caruth, Walter, farmer, res. 308 Oleander, bet San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Carver, John H., Groceries, Provisions, Produce and cotton buyer, 1330 Commerce, "Five Points Grocery," res 1316 Commerce.
Casey, James, blacksmith and horseshoer, 1129 Elm, bet N. Harwood, Pearl, res. 1603 Elm, cor Crowdus.
Cash, James W., clk McEnnis & Co., bds Theo. Reinecke, rms over 216 S. Houston.
Cason, C. H., tally clk, T. & P. frt depot, bds St. George Hotel, rms. Mrs. Mary Dent.
Cason, Elihu, jr., wks street car stable, h. Elihu Cason.
Cason, Elihu, sr., res. 1556 Main, bet Floyd, Dove.

Cason, Emma Miss, wks Blankenship & Blake, h. Elihu Cason.
Cason, John, driver Dallas City R. R. Co., h. Elihu Cason.
Cason, Luther, street car driver, h. Elihu Cason.
Cassell, George E., Secy, Treasr Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., r. es Portland bt Corsicana, St. Louis.
Castle, Levi (c), r. es S. Lamar s of creek.
Castle, WilIiam E., clk Paul F. Erb, rms 514 Akard.
Castles Bros. (Burton S. and John W.), gents furnishers, 514 Main.
Castles, Burtol S. (Castles Bros.), bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Castles, John W. (Castles Bros.), r. Waco, Texas.
Cathey, Joseph (c), r. ns Marilla bt S. Harwood, Ervay.
Caugnard, Mrs. Bridget (wid J.), h. Joseph Caugnard.
Caugnard, Jefferson (c), lab, bds Jordan Springfield.
Caugnard, Joseph, frt clk Schneider & Davis, r. 527 St. Louis cor S. Harwood.
Causman, William, blksmith Payne & Sheets, bds Miss Lizzie Lane.
Cavanaugh, Michael, buggywasher Clark & Desmond, rms cor Market, Jackson.
Cavenaugh, Wilson, bridge carp, bds Planters House.
Cavitt, Susan (c), r. es Leonard bt Florence, Swiss ave.
Central Hotel, 11-13 Swiss ave bt Pacific ave, H. & T. C. Ry, M. L. Hodges, propr.
Chaffey, Frederick E., tel opr. W. U. Tel. Co., bds Mrs. C. Spencer.
Chamberlin, Elston C., saloon, 101 Camp cor Lamar, r. 1223 Main bt Cabell, Harwood.
Chambers, Job C., carp, bds Wm. H. Norton.
Chambers, Samuel H., lab, r. ss Cadiz bt Evergreen, Ervay.
Chambers, Samuel M., propr Grand-Windsor Hotel bar, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Chandler, Charles, driver express wagon, h. Wm. B. Cook.
Chandler, Charles (c), porter Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. 412 Columbia bt Austin, Market.
Chandler, Chauncey C., decorative paper hanger, r. 106 Florence bt Good, Hawkins.
Chandler & Cline (Herbert St. C. Chandler, David A. Cline), blksmiths, wheelwrights, 1444 Elm bt Leonard, Good.
Chandler, Herbert St. C. (Chandler & Cline), r. 106 Florence bt Good, Hawkins
Chandler, Isaac A., r. 1121 Main bt St. Paul, Harwood.
Chandler, Sallie F. (wid E.), r. 106 Florence bt Hawkins, Good.
Chandler, Stephen (c), lab T. & P. frt depot, r. 1116 Polk bt Cabell, Harwood.
Chandler, William W., trav slsmn, r. 1003 Evergreen cor Corsicana.
Chaney Thomas R., Treasr and Genl Mgr Howard Oil Co., r. Houston, Texas.
Chapin, Oliver B., lab, bds Mrs. F. A. Hernichel.
Chapman & Martino (Raphael W. Chapman, James F. Martino), branch Board of Trade saloon, 615 Main cor Poydras.
Chapman, Melinda (wid P.), r. 810 Pacific ave bt Live Oak, Sycamore.
Chapman, Raphael W. (Chapman & Martino), bds Delmonico reatauraunt.
Chapman, Robert, tinner Huey & Philp, bds James H. Porter.
Chappell, Amanda (c), dishwasher Union Depot Hotel.
Chappell, Sarah (c), h. James Williams.
Chard, William, h. William Harris
Chardet, Charles, gardener, r. ne cor Cochran, Hughes.
Charles, James H., bds Carl Murray.
Chase, Charles, saloon, liquors, 701 Ross ave cor Leonard, r. same.
Chase, Thomas, trader, r. 312 Commerce bt Market, Jefferson.
Cheaney, John O., h. James H. Grigsby.
Cheaney, Price, Propr Dallas Dental Parlors, 709 Elm opposite Murphy, r. 411 N. Lamar bt Caruth, Cochran.
Cheeks, Patience (c), h. Polly Cheeks.
Cheeks, Polly (c), r. sw cor Commerce, Lane.
Cheik, Foster, press feeder Dallas Herald, h. Mrs. F. A. Haggart.
Chestnut, Esther (wid), millinery, and fancy goods, 612 Elm bt Lamar, Poydras, bds S. D. Culbreath.
Childers, Jabez V., physician, surgeon, office 601 Main, r. 219 Bryan cor Pearl.
Childress, Albert W., Genl Southwestern agt W. Duke, Sons & Co., Durham, N. C., office and r. 537 Ross ave bt Pearl, Harwood. See back cover.
Childs, Edward G., Coal and Coke, Yard, Office sw cor
Jackson, Lamar, bds Bogel's Hotel. See advt.
Chilton, Robert H. (Chilton & Smith), r. sw cor Pearl, Bryan.
Chilton & Smith (Robert H. Chilton, Joseph H. Smith), oculists and aurists, office 405 Main bt Market, Austin.
Chipman, Edward, waiter Lewis C. Chilton, bds same.
Chron, Matilda A. Mrs. (wid Isam), bds Moses B. Stone.
Church, Emory T., r. 214 Live Oak bt Olive, N. Harwood.
Church, Frank, barber Frank Shaw, bds 124 Ross ave.
Church, Ralph, trav slsmn, office over 403 Elm cor Market.
Churchill, Jonathan K., Mgr G. W. Borland Publishing Co., office 906 Elm bt Stone, Sycamore, bds 1058 Elm.
Cincinnati House, 111 Camp, Abraham Heer, propr.
City Hotel, Julius C. Watkins, propr, ne cor Main, Leonard.
City National Bank, ne cor Elm, Lamar, J. C. O'Connor, prest; M. L. Crawford, vice-prest; J. F. O'Connor, cashier.
City Steam Laundry, 706 Commerce cor Poydras, Chas. E. Kuehlthau, propr. See front cover.
Claes, Charles (Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten), r. St. Louis, Mo.
Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten (Chas. Claes, Joseph Lehnbeuter, Frank Marten), mfrs show cases and store fixtures, 205-207 Main, bt Houston, Jefferson.
Clancey, Charles H., Shirt Mfr, Gents' Furnisher,
612 Main, r. se cor Akard, Canton. See advt.
Clancy, Lilly Miss, bds Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Clapp, Charles A., plasterer, r. 34 William bt Bone, McKinney road.
Clark, Atwell W., h. William J. Clark.
Clark & Clark (Terrance P. Clark), Proprs Railroad planing mill, lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, 14 Pearl, cor Pacific ave.
Clark, Cortez (Bristol & Clark), rms over 512 Main.
Clark, David, bds Joseph G. Babb.
Clark, Rev. David, Pastor Second Presbyterian church, r. 1055 Wood cor Veal.
Clark, David M., boardinghouse, 1501 Elm.
Clark & Desmond (George Clark, Edward M. Desmond), livery, sale and feed stables, cor Market, Jackson. See advt.
Clark, Emma Miss, h. Mrs. Julia A. Gardner.
Clark, Ezra, bkpr Moline Plow Co., bds 304 Lamar cor Collin.
Clark, F., painter, bds I. F. McAdams.
Clark, George, wks F. R. Rowley, bds same.
Clark, George (c), h. Mary Clark.
Clark, George (Clark & Desmond), bds Delmonico restaurant, r. 501 Market cor Wood.
Clark, Harry, cook, r. 253 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Clark, Henry C. (Elliott & Clark), dry goods, cor Elm, Pearl, r. 1/4 mile e of Fair Grounds.
Clark, Jennett Miss, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Clark, John (c), h. Sophie Johnson.
Clark, John W., bartender A. M. Wood, bds W. H. Crosier.
Clark, J. C., house painter William Ernenwein, bds Howard House.
Clark, Mary (c), r. ss Seegar w of Preston.
Clark, M., harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., bds Commercial Hotel.
Clark, Nathan (c), r. w of Akard bt Corsicana, Cadiz.
Clark, Normand, clk, h. David M. Clark.
Clark, Quincy (c), wks William C. Padgitt.
Clark, R. F., office boy W. J. Lemp, bds Crutchfield House.
Clark, Terrence P. (Clark & Clark), rms 14 Pearl cor Pacific ave.
Clark, Wesley, real estate and loan agt, office 513 Elm, r. 840 San Jacinto.
Clark, William J., real estate agt, office 1203 Elm cor Pearl, r. 127 McKinney road.
Clark, William M., carp, r. 402 Liberty cor Texas.
Clarke, Mrs. Lillian R., elocutionist, r. 814 Wood bt Lacy, Akard.
Clarke, Mattie (wid Wm. C.), r. 230 Good bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Clarke, Robert, r. 1242 San Jacinto bt Bogel, Germania.
Clay, Cyprian, r. 132 Caroline cor Ashland.
Claypool, Charles (c), h. Mason Claypool.
Claypool, Mason (c), lab, r. 629 Leonard bt Juliet, Cochran.
Cleary, Thomas, Propr National Hotel, ss Pacific ave bt Lamar, Austin, r. same.
Clem, Charles, lab, r. ws Walton bt Porter, Sutton.
Clements, James, bartender J. M. Skelton & Co.
Clemons, Joseph, r. ss Ross ave bt Sycamore, Griffin.
Clemons, Lucinda (c), h. Fleming Woolin.
Clemons, Thomas S., bartender J. M. Skelton, rms over nw cor Main, Market.
Clepper, James F., r. ss St. Louis bt Browder, Ervay.
Clepper, Juliette M. (wid Moses), h. S. A. Mahon.
Cleveland, Oliver (c), wks William L. Griggs.
Cliffit, John, r. 37 Cora bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Clifford, John, blksmith, 210 N. Larnar, bds Pacific House.
Cline, David A. (Chandler & Cline), r. 82 Cochran bt Magnolia, Griffin.
Cline, Thomas W., carriage and wagon mfr, blksmith, wheelwright, ns Camp bt Lamar, Griffin, r. 134 Cochran bt Orange, Masten.
Clines, Mrs. Emily (wid Levi C.), r. ss Walnut bt Houston, Jefferson.
Clingley, George, painter Payne & Sheets.
Clint, Charles F. (Thompson & Clint), County Attorney, office Courthouse, r. 44 Emma.
Clinton, Lewis C., Propr Silver Moon Restaurant, 719 Elm, r. same. See advt.
Clinton, Napoleon B., clk Sanger Bros., r. 1015 Wood.
Clohecy, J. Joseph, painter, bds Mankato House.
Cloud, Benjamin F., r. 313 Crockett bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Cloud, David B., h. Benjamin F. Cloud.
Cloud, William Dallas (James & Cloud), r. 214 Wood cor Jefferson.
Clower, Daniel M., supt Overland Telephone Co., r. 211 Ross ave bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Clower, Francis M., prescription clk Patterson & Hickox, h. Geo. Fuqua.
Clower, Thomas, printer Dallas Herald, bds Thomas Ramsey.
Clowney, Samuel B. (Stone Sons & Co.), bds L. M. Martin.
Clune, Michael, wks D. T. Morgan, r. same.
Coats, William W., lab, r. 318 Sycamore bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Cobb, Aaron (c), r. ss Cochran bt Good, Boll.
Cobb & Avery (Charles C. Cobb, John M. Avery), Attorneys, office over 505 Elm.
Cobb, Charles C. (Cobb & Avery), rms over 505 Elm.
Cochran, Archibald M., depy collector U. S. Internal Revenue 3d div., 4th dist., office Norton's bldg over 903 Elm, r. 404 Griffin cor Collin.
Cochran, James W., clk Dargan & Trezevant, rms A. C. Ardrey.
Cochran, John, cash boy Sanger Bros., r. ne cor Cadiz, Evergreen.
Cochran, Lizzie Miss, h. Charles Block
Cochran, Sam P. (Sam P. Cochran & Co.; Dargan & Trezevant), bds A. C. Ardrey.
Cochran, Sam P. & Co. (Sam P. Cochran, James T. Dargan, John T. Trezevant, jr.), fire insurance agts, office over nw cor Elm, Sycamore.
Cocke, William T., clk B. W. Rose & Co., r. 886 Ross ave bt Harwood, Pearl.
Cockrell, Alexander, shipping clk S. H. Cockrell & Co., h. Mrs. S. H. Cockrell.
Cockrell, Frank M. (S. H. Cockrell & Co.; Terry & Cockrell), h. Mrs. S. H. Cockrell.
Cockrell, Robert B., r. 206 Jefferson bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Cockrell, Sarah H. (wid Alexander), (S. H. Cockrell & Co.), r. 106 Commerce cor Broadway.
Cockrell, S. H. & Co. (Mrs. Sarah H. Cockrell, Frank M. Cockrell, Mitch. Gray), proprs Todd Flouring Mills, sw cor Pacific ave, Broadway.
Coe, William H., trav slmn, r. r. 758 Wood cor Lacey.
Coe, William N., bkpr, bds H. K. Leake, rrns D. H. Benton.
Coffey, Thomas J. (T. J. Coffey & Co.), r. 515 Veal.
Coffey, T. J. & Co. (Thomas J. Coffey, W. H. Riddell),
restaurant, junction H. & T. C. and T. & P. Rys.
Coffey, William, hack driver Wheat & Wheat, r. 964 Commerce cor Ervay.
Coffin, Lizzie (wid Arthur), r. 731 Ross ave bt Peak, Good.
Coffman, Benjamin (Salmons & Coffman), bds 413 Lamar.
Coffman, Mary F. (wid R. M.), r. nw cor Good Pacific ave.
Coffman, Robert T., wks Salmons & Coffman, r. es Austin bt Wood, Polk.
Cohea, Hugh F., carp, r. 224 Good bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Cohen, Adolph, clk A. & F. Mittenthal, bds M. Sues, rms Leopold Wallerstein.
Cohen, Julius J., retail cashier Sanger Bros., rms Leopold Wallerstein
Cohen, Mary (wid Louis), r. 207 Sycamore bt Main, Commerce.
Cohn, Jacob, r. 320 Caruth bt Griffin, MIagnolia.
Cohn, Lee, Propr Opera Shaving Saloon and Bath Rooms, 516 Main cor Lamar, r. 812 S. Harwood bt Cadliz St. Louis. See advt.
Cohn, Richard, propr Dallas loan office, 607 1/2 Main, r. 815 Wood nr Akard.
Coiret, Anton, r. 313 Austin cor Jackson.
Coiret, Esther J. Miss, dressmkr, 313 Austin cor Jackson, r. same
Coke, Henry C. (Robertson & Coke), r. 430 Bryan bt Burford, Pearl.
Coker, Thomas P., clk Max Ploeger, r. ns William nr Duncan.
Cole, Albert, carp, r. ws Cedar Springs road, 1 mile ne of Courthouse.
Cole, George C. (Cole & White) attorney, office 610 Main, r. 3/4 mile n of Courthouse, Long's Lake road.
Cole, Marian Miss, bds Miss Lizzie Handlev.
Cole, Mary (c), wks Frank C. Callier, r. same.
Cole, Nathaniel L. lab r Cedar Springs road, 1 1/4 miles n of Courthouse.
Cole, Pattie Miss, bds A. K. Woodson.
Cole, Samuel (c), lab, r. foot of S . Jefferson.
Cole, Sarah J. (wid George W.), r. 1324 Jackson cor Preston.
Cole & White (George C. Cole, Zachariah T. White), land and collecting agts, oflice 610 Main.
Cole, William, bds Jacob L. Morrison.
Coleman, Andrew (c), bartender Jordan Springfield.
Coleman, Charles (c), wks Alexander White, r. same.
Coleman, Charlotte (c), wks David Langton, h. same.
Coleman, Effie miss, cook W. H. Gaston, r. same.
Coleman, George G., stenographer Schneider & Davis, bds Howard Saunders.
Coleman, James W., carp, r. 507 Cedar Springs bt Alamo, Caroline.
Coleman, Julius C. carp, r. se cor Cedar Springs road, Ashland.
Coleman, Laura (c), h. John Dandrich.
Coleman, Lizzie (c). r. rear 508 Houston.
Coleman, Lon B., carp, r. w of T. P. Ry e of Fair Grounds.
Coleman, Lujean (c), r. rear 508 Houston.
Coleman, Minerva (c), cook Alexander White.
Coleman, Rachael J. (wid John H.), boardinghouse, 12 N. Lamar bt Camp, Ross ave.
Coleman, Richard (c), lab, r. ws Houston s of Columbia.
Coleman, Thomas, plasterer, r. ws Walton bt Commerce, Williams.
Coleman, William M. (c), barber, shop 113 Camp bt N. Lamar, Griffin, r. same.
Collie, H. Lafayette, cik F. H. Shumate, bds same.
Collier, Miss Bettie G., teacher private school, 620 Browder, r. same.
Collier, Miss Lucy A., teacher private school, 620 Browder bt Young, Marilla, r. same.
Collier, Matilda (c), wks L. Ohlson, r. same.
Collins, Albert (c), bds Washington House.
Collins, Amos F., Tab C. A. Gill, r. 127 Bryan bt Victor,
Collins, Annie (c), chambermaid Dallas Female College, r. same.
Collins, Annie (c), r. 100 Cochran bt Leonard, Flora.
Collins, Edward (c). barber, h. Frisbie Wilburn.
Collins, Frank T., clk Fee Bros. & Co., bds A. M. Cochran.
Collins, George (c), yardman Union Depot Hotel.
Collins, Israel (c), lab. r. es S. Jefferson foot of Columbia.
Collins, James A., artist, r. 1312 Wood bt Preston, railroad.
Collins, John (c), porter E. Fretz, bds Caroline Williams.
Collins, Lizzie (c), wks Geo. H. Plowman, h. same.
Collins, Mrs. Mary (wid James), r. 1023 Jackson bt Prather, S. Harwood.
Collins, Mary A. (wid T. ), h. Amos Collins.
Collins, Mary E. (wid Thomas F.), h. B. H. Blankenship.
Collins, Rachael (c), wks Leopold Bohny, r. same.
Collins, Richard (c), bds Washington Hawes.
Collins, Timothy, sr., r. 1327 Wood bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Collins, Walter, carp, r. 1549 Commerce bt Dove, Lloyd.
Collins, William S., carp, bds Central Hotel.
Colston, Joseph L., clk J. Reinhardt, bds J. R. Meeks, rms J. T. Shuford.
Colston, Miss Martha A., wks S. B. Hanway, r. same.
Colvin, Albert, r. ne cor Commerce, Duncan.
Colvin, Martha Miss, h. Albert Colvin.
Colvin, Quintus A., propr Central wagon yard, ss Camp end Magnolia, r. sarne.
Colyer, Thomas, bds Lafayette Carnes.
Combs, Major (c), porter Thomas Cade, r. s end of Market.
Combs, Samuel H., h. John Alcott.
Commercial Hotel, 913-915 Elm, Leonidas H. Tillman, propr.
Compton, Alice Miss, h. H. C. Compton.
Compton, Henry C., lab, r. 339 Good bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Conard, Andrew (c), lab, r. ns Juliet bt Good, Boll.
Cone, Michael T. (M. T. Cone & Co.), bds T. F. King.
Cone, M. T. & Co. (Michael T. Cone, -- Co.), grain and feed store, 1451 Elm bt Leonard, Good.
Conerty, Bernard, bartender M. E. McCarthy, r. 1423 Main.
Conerty, Patrick F., bartender M. E. McCarthy, r. 1423 Main.
Conger, David, wks Richardson's ice works, bds Mrs. M. Eva.
Conkling, William H., machinist Clark & Clark, r. ns Flora bt Boll, Allen.
Conn, Julius T., horse trader, r. ns Gaston ave e of city limits.
Connolly, Charles M., stableman Dallas City R. R. Co., r. 1428 Main.
Connolly, Miss Jennie, h. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson.
Connolly, Patrick, wks Elliott & Clark, r. 621 Cottage Lane.
Connet, Patsy (c), r. foot of S. Jefferson.
Connor, L. Myers, supt Dallas Electric Light Co., r. 1300 San Jacinto cor Pavilion.
Connor, William O., supt wholesale dept Sanger Bros., secy and treasr Dallas Electric Light Co., r. ws Ervay cor Pocahontas.
Connor, Winship C., prest Dallas Electric Light Co., vice-prest Dallas Belt St. Ry. Co., r. 505 Ervay cor Young.
Conroy, John J. (Conroy & Rodgers), r. 33 Caroline.
Conroy & Rodgers (John J. Conroy, Luther Rodgers), blksmiths, carriage mfrs, ne cor Commerce, Jefferson.
Constant, Joseph N., paper hanger Hamilton & Young, r. 845 Main bt Sycamore, Murphy.
Constant, Miss Lula, newstand, notions, cigars, 112 Sycamore bt Main, Elm, h. Joseph N. Constant.
Conwell, A. L., trav slsmn C. H. Edwards, bds St. George Hotel.
Conyers, Bryan, painter Kibbe & Hewitt. [ag]
Conyers, Charles, painter, bds James Kempe.
Cook, Barney, cooper Dallas Barrel factory, r. 1712 Main bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Cook, Hayden (c), porter J. M. Foss, bds same.
Cook, Jesse (c), lab, bds George Webster.
Cook, John D., carp C. A. Gill, r. 1348 Pacific ave bt Leonard, Good.
Cook, Julia (c), wks J. S. Daughtery
Cook, Sarah A. (c), wks Mrs. R. J. Coleman, r. same.
Cook, Wesley (c), wks W. C. Goble.
Cook, William (c), cook St. George Hotel, r. ns Commerce bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Cook, William B. (Miers & Cook), r. ns Ross ave e of Villars.
Cook, William T., carp, r. 27 Pacific reservation bt Good, Cantagral.
Cooke, Albert, 1st cook Harry Bruen.
Cooke, George W., Ry mail clk Texarkana & Dallas, r. 613 Veal bt Young, Marilla.
Cooke, Robert M., r. 103 Oleander bt Cora, Cottage Lane.
Cookman, Philip, bkpr, r. 403 Polk cor Market.
Coolege, Tempie Miss, bds Hiram Baker.
Cooley, John, wagon yd, 951 Elm nr Ervay, r. same.
Coombes & Gano (Zachariah E. Coombes, William B. Gano), attorneys, 502 E1m, up stairs.
Coombes, Major (C), r. s end of Market cor Cockrell.
Coombes, Zachariah E. (Coombes & (Gano), r. 832 San Jacinto cor Crockett.
Cooper, Abraham, carp, r. 353 Ross ave nr Orange.
Cooper, Abraham (c), r. 873 San Jacinto bt Leonard, Good. Cooper, Asa H., carp, r. ss Alamo bt Wichita, Ashland.
Cooper, Charles H., City Agt The Southwest Land Co., r. ns Ross ave bt Villars, McCoy.
Cooper, Daniel, Contractor, Builder and Cisternmkr, 1325 Main cor Preston, r. 1226 Elm bt Cabell, Preston.
Cooper, David, bds Jane Grubbs.
Cooper, James E., carp h. Thomas D. Cooper.
Cooper, Miss Jennie, waitress Union Depot Hotel.
Cooper, John, 2d cook National Hotel, r. same.
Cooper, John (c), r. 505 Bryan cor Burford.
Cooper, Joseph E., clk Sanger Bros., h. Thos. B. Trotman.
Cooper, Miss Lizzie, wks D. Massa.
Cooper, Marsalis (c), bds Rufus Davis.
Cooper, Matthew C. (c), porter Sanger Bros r. 511 Williams.
Cooper, Me1inda (c), h. Henry Strowther.
Cooper, Samuel L., mailing clk Dallas P.O., r. ws Cedar Springs road nr Wichita.
Cooper, S. Eddy, clk Bradstreet's Agency, h. Daniel Cooper.
Cooper, Thomas C., carp, r. ne cor Texas, Union.
Cooper, Thomas D., Carp, r. ne Cor Texas, Union.
Coopering, T. B., slsmn Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Corbett, L., agt for pictures, bds S. R. Whitten.
Corbetts, William, restaurant, nw cor Elm, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Cordell, Monroe L., r. ss Main bt Duncan, Walton.
Corder, Amos T., engr, r. 1020 Polk bt Cabell, Preston.
Corder, Ebenezer W., cash boy Sanger Bros., r. 1020 Polk.
Coreth, Rudolph, mgr Oliver Chilled Plow Works, cor Commerce, Jefferson, rms same.
Corley, John S., cashier Texas Exp. Co., bds St. George hotel, rms J. C. Myers.
Corley, Patrick, wks John Holden, bds same.
Cornehls, August (Butler & Co.), r. 107 Commerce cor Broadway.
Corney, William S., bkpr George J. Dexter & Co.
Cornwell, G. Ed., depy city marshal, r. 123 Bryan bt Harwood, Victor.
Cornwell, James A., bartender, h. Mrs. Sarah J. Cornwell.
Cornwell, Samuel (c), wks Mrs. Sarah J. Cornwell, h. same.
Cornwell, Mrs. Sarah J. (wid Daniel H.), r. 123 Bryan bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Cornwell, Thomas C., U. S. depy marshal, h. Mrs. Sarah J. Cornwell.
Correll, Worthy A., wks G. C. & S. F., rms Miss Fannie Williams.
Cosby, Frank D. (Bower & Cosby), bds Mrs. A. C. Galleher, rms 203 Main,
Cosby, Jacob, farmer, r. 1/4 mile w of Cedar Springs road 1 1/2 miles n of Courthouse.
Cosby, Thomas W., bkpr Texas Ice Co., r. 625 San Jacinto bt Pearl Harwood.
Cosey, John, h, Wiley S. Shuttles.
Cosgriff, Daniel B., carp, bds Geo. Ezell.
Costello, Michael, wks Padgitt Bros., r. 1652 Main.
Cottage Hotel, nw cor N. Lamar, Hord, J. T. Johnson, propr. See advt.
Cotten, Mary C. Miss, h. Henry C. Coke.
Cottman, Wilbur A., clk W. F. Cottman, r. same.
Cottman, William F., Genl Commission Merchant,
1207 Elm, r. ne cor Greenwood, Field.
Cotton, Charles E., teller The National Bank of Dallas, bds 930 Commerce.
Coughanour, David, h. Richard D. Coughanour.
Coughanor, Richard D., Attorney, Office 504 Elm, up stairs, r. se cor Cochran, Carter.
Coulter, Ed., fireman, bds Central Hotel.
Coulthurst, Joseph E;., bkpr H. R. Rodgers, r. 413 Elm,
Coulson, Joseph L., clk Isadore Reinhardt, bds Dr. J. R. Meeks.
Cour, Claud A., bkpr Texas Cotton Press Co., r. ss Elm opp car shops.
Cour, Julien T., asst check clk T. & P. frt depot, r. 111 Floyd bt Good, Cantagral.
Courant Publishing Co., proprs and Publishers of the Evening Courant, issued every evening, 1213 Elm, H. L. Wood, bus mgr and editor, R. G. Nunnelly, city editor.
Course, Franco, r. over 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Covey, Samuel M. farmer, h. William C. Forrester.
Cowan, Fanny (c), wks W. W. Adair, h. same.
Cowan, Isaac M. (Webb & Cowan), rms 631 Elm.
Cowart, Lelia Miss, principal fourth ward public school, h. H. E. Cowart.
Cowart, Robert E., attorney, office over 608 Main, r. 315 Corsicana bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Cowgill, James B., teamster J. T. Elliott, bds Mankato House.
Cowser, Albert R. (Griffiths & Cowser), r. 424 Ross ave bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Cox, Benjamin C., carp, r. ns Main bt creek, Duncan.
Cox, Cyrus, gardener, r. ne cor Snodgrass, Beaumont.
Cox, Frank (c), porter, r. us Flora bt Boll, Allan.[sic]
Cox, Isaac, bartender J. M. Skelton & Co., rms nw cor Main, Market.
Cox, James, invoice clk Padgitt Bros.
Cox, James A., Oculist and Aurist, Office over 808 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Cox, James R., bricklayer, r. 51 Swiss ave bt Leonard, Hawkins.
Cox, Jefferson D., printer Dallas Herald, r, 222 Swiss ave.
Cox, Jeremiah, printer Dallas Herald, r 222 Swiss ave.
Cox, John, driver Dallas Belt St. Ry Co., bds J. M. Foss.
Cox, John D. , r. ns Flora bt Crockett, Leonard.
Cox, Joseph jr., brakeman H. & T C. Ry, h. Joseph Cox Sr.
Cox, Joseph sr., attorney, office 1219 Elm, r. 222 Swiss ave bt Good, Cantagral.
Cox, Matthew, r. 315 Cottonwood Lane cor Ashland.
Cox, Mitchell M. , wks Texas Ice Co., r. 409 Market bt Jackson, Wood.
Cox, Samuel, stableman Commerce arid Ervay St. Ry Co., bds R. Newton.
Cox, William F., bill clk Padgitt Bros.
Coylle, William H., painter. bds Mrs. Susie Lee.
Cozine, Frederick, wks Padgitt Bros.
Crabtree, Ada J. (wid J. W.), r. sw cor Commcrce, Duncan.
Crabtree, Co1umbus, wks James R. Sharp, bds same.
Crabtree, John L. r es McKinney road opp Alamo.
Craddock, Lemuel, Wholesale Liquors, 413-415 and 716 Main, r. 1002 Ervay cor Cadiz.
Craddock, Thomas H., grocer, 710 Ervay cor Park, r. 413 Cadiz.
Craft, Gustav (c), porter, bds Carrie Murray.
Craig, E. E., trav slsmn Schneider & Davis, bds St. George Hotel.
Cramer, John, lab, r. ss Flora bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Crane, Margaret (wid J. C.) r. 935 S.. Harwood bt Runnels, Paris.
Crane, Miss Neelie P., teacher fourth ward public school, r. 935 S. Harwood.
Cravens, Miss Jean, student Dallas Female College, r. same.
Crawford, Catherine (wid Jeptha D. ), h. M. L. Crawford.
Crawford & Crawford (WiI1iam L. Crawford, L. Meriweather Crawford), attorneys, office over 723 Main.
Crawford, Dwight, carp Elliott & Clark, r. cor Emerald, T & P. Ry.
Crawford, Laundry (c), r. 150 Cottonwood Lane bt Wichita, Ashland.
Crawford, Lizzie (c), r. ss Live Oak bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Crawford, Meriweather L. (Crawford & Crawford), vice-prest City National Bank, r. 411 St. Louis bt Evergreen, Portland.
Crawford, Susan (c), r. ss Pacific ave bt College, Sycamore.
Crawford, WillIam L. (Crawford & Crawford), r. 411 St. Louis.
Creole, Charles (c), bds Charles Robinson.
Creolin, E. M. Miss, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Crider, John, fruit, cigar, tobacco, confectioneries, 730 Elm, r. 204 Live Oak.
Crim, Joseph H., r. 757 Bryan cor Hall.
Crim, William A., h. Joseph H. Crim.
Criner, Edward (c), wks F. Michel, r. ns Juliet bt Boll, R. R.
Crisman, John V., carp, r. 1359 Elm bt Leonard, Good.
Crocket, Harry, bricklayer, bds W. P. Barbee.
Crockett, C. D., bricklayer, bds St. James Hotel.
Crockstel, John, laundryman, r. 216 Caroline bt Ashland, Wichita.
Crofford, George L. (Slater & Crawford), supt Blankenship & Blake, r. cor Swiss ave, Good.
Crofford, William N., clk Slater & Crofford, bds A. F. Slater.
Cronk, Miss Emma, labeler Hughes Bros. & Co., h. Mrs. S. Cronk.
Cronk, Maud Miss, labeler Hughes Bros & Co., h. Mrs. S. Cronk.
Cronk, Mrs. Susan (\vid George W.), r. 1415 Commerce bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Crook, Ernma (Mrs. William), wks Jacob Menczer, r. sarne.
Crook, William, r. 1436 Elm bt Leonard, Lloyd.
Crookston, Harry, errand boy Harry Zimmerman, h. Mrs. S. A. Crookston.
Crookston, John B. bds D. L. Richardson.
Croom, Elya Mrs., music teacher, bds Mrs. M. J. Rawlings.
Crooms, Ann (c), r. ns Flora bt Hall, McCoy.
Crosier & Bohny (William H. Crosier, Leopold F. Bohny) saloon, 702 Main cor Poydras.
Crosier, William H. (Crosier & Bohny), r. 401 Ervay cor Jackson.
Cross, G. A. lab, bds A. H. Blanks.
Cross, Harwood C. (c), shoemaker, shop 5 Sycamore bt EIm, Pacific ave, r. same.
Cross, Jane (c), r. ws Lamar bt Polk, Columbia.
Cross, Samuel P. , with C. A. Gill, r. 507 S. Harwood s of Pierce.
Cross, Sarah (c) r. ws Lamar bt Polk, Columbia.
Crosthwaite, George W. , stock dealer, r. 414 Live oak bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Crosthwaite, George W., bill clk and asst bkpr Schneider & Davis, h. Mrs. John A. Mann.
Crow, Miss Lucy, wks Central Hotel, r. same.
Crow, Susan A. ( wid C. C. ), dressmkr, over 1211 Elm.
Crowdus, Eugene H. treasr J. W.. Crowdus Drug Co., h. J. W. Crowdus.
Crowdus, John W. prest J. W. Crowdus Drug Co. , r. 601 Jefferson cor Polk.
Crowdus, J. W. Drug Co. (John W.. Crowdus, prest; John H. Henry, vice-prest; Eugene H. Crowdus, treasr; John T. Berry, secy), whol. drugs, medicines, se cor Main, Field.
Crowdus, Walter A. (Crutcher & Crowdus), r. nw cor Masten, San Jacinto.
Crowe, James B., bkpr Dallas City steam laundry.
Crozier, John G. , carp, bds Edward House.
Cruel, Sidney (c), porter J. M. Skelton & Co r. al. bt Ross ave, Flora, Peak, Good.
Crumbie, Joseph, wks Richardson's ice works, r. es Miller's Ferry road bt Seegar, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Crume, James, hostler Hodges & Atwater, rms ne cor Jackson, Market.
Crume ,James C. , painter, h. P. D. Crume.
Crume, Philip D. , horsetrader, r. nw cor Jefferson, Calhoun.
Crump, Booker (c), r. ws Sherman bt Pierce, Taylor.
Crump, Thomas (c), r. ws Preston nr s city limits.
Crums, Bell (c), wks E. Bauman, h. same.
Crutcher, Charles F., school teacher, h. Granville Crutcher.
Crutcher & Crowdus (Frank M. Crutcher, WaIter A. Crowdus), real estate and collecting agts, office 611 Elm. See back cover line.
Crutcher, Frank M. (Crutcher & Crowdus), rms G. Crutcher, ne of Fair Grounds.
Crutcher, George W., bkpr and mgr J. S. Daugherty, r. ne cor Williams, Duncan.
Crutcher, Granvile, r. ns Gaston ave bt Martha, St. Joseph.
Crutcher & Irvine (Jay D. Crutcher, Frank L. Irvine), attorneys office 614 Elm cor Poydras.
Crutcher, I. H. (B. E. Andrews & Co), r. Longview, Texas.
Crutcher, Jay D. (Crutcher & Irvine), h. Granville Crutcher, ne of Fair Grounds.
Crutchfield, Hanna (c), wks J. J. Carnes, r. same.
Crutchfield House, 113 Main cor Houston, James G. Williamson, propr.
Crutchfield, James (c), r. 229 Juliet cor Good
Crutchfleld, Maria (c), r. ns Williams bt Sherman, Henry.
Crutchfleld, William (c) porter Simon Loeb, r. 516 Columbia cor Lamar.
Culbreath, Frank, wks Padgitt Bros.
Culbreath, Miss Mamie, h. Mrs Margaret Jenkins.
Culbreath, Samuel D., bkpr Adolph Metzler, r. 312 Griffin bt Hord, Collin.
Cullen, Allen, printer, bds W. P. Barbee.
Cullen, C. F., printer. bds W. P. Barbee.
Cullen, John (Roe & Cullen), rms 1325 Elm, bds Mrs. Mary Roe.
Cullen, Miss Maggie. h. Mrs. Mary Roe.
Cullen, Mary (wid M. ), h. Mrs Mary Roe.
Cullins, Frederick, attorney, bds O. P. S. Fee.
Cullum, William H. depy tax coll. Dallas county, office Courthouse, r. Cedar Springs road.
Cumings, Calvin, painter, bds Wm. Woodson.
Cumming, Charles E., (Carter & Gibson Printing Co.), r. se cor Caruth, Griffin.
Cumming, Horace, printer Carter & Gibson Printing Co., h. C. E Cumming.

Cumming, John J., plumber Mrs. J. F. Burnett, bds S. R. Whitten.
Cumming, Sarah (wid Charles), h. Charles E. Cumming.
Cumming, William, printer Carter & Gibson Printing Co., h. C. E. Cumming.
Cummins, E. Clinton, asst chief opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds Mrs. C. Spencer.
Cummins, William F., r. 1329 Ross ave bt Hall, H. & T. C. Ry.
Cummins, William W. , tel opr W. U. Tel Co., bds E. C. Cummins.
Cundiff, William, bds Reverdy Scott.
Cunior, Angelo (Miller & Cunior), r. cor Live Oak, Elm.
Cunningham, B. W., Ry mail clk Dallas & El Paso, bds Mrs. M. E. Turner.
Cunningham, Hugh, wks Dallas City Gas Light Co., bds Peter McMahan.
Cupinall, George, carp, r. ns Alamo bt Ashland, Wichita.
Curlee, Abner, printer, bds John P. Hartman.
Curlee, Charles, printer, bds John P. Hartman.
Currell, W. A., genl agt G. C. & S. F. Ry, Office 608 Main, rms Mrs. S. A. Williams.
Currie, J. H., painter P.S. Borich.
Currier, George C. (Dickinson & Currier), bkpr Moline Plow Co., r. 1219 Jackson bt Harwood, Cabell.
Curtis, A. N., printer, bds Howard House.
Curtis, George W., carp, r. 922 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Curtis, John M., barber, shop and bath rooms, 503 Main, r. 614 Griffin.
Curtis, L. E., Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, 701 Main cor Poydras, rms same, bds Delmonico.
Curtis, Mary A. (Mrs. G. W.), dressmkr, 922 Main, r. same.
Curtis, Mary J. (wid James), r. 468 S. Harwood cor Cadiz.
Curtis, Richard W., tel opr Union Depot, bds Union Depot Hotel, h. J. A. Duncan.
Cutter, Charles (Dyas & Cutter), r. Hot Springs, Ark.

Dade, John (c), r. ss Polk bt Poydras, railroad.
Dailey, Jefferson (c), waiter Grand Windsor Hotel.
Dailey, Nancy Mrs. (wid D.), h. H. O. Rawlins.
Dailey, Samuel (c), head cook Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Dakan, William P., clk Bryan & Bradshaw, rms over 511 Elm, bds J. H. Porter.
Dake, CharlesT. S. (C. T. S. Dake &~Co.), r. 735 Ross ave bt Leonard, Good.
Dake, Charles T. S. & Co. (Charles T. S. Dake, -- Co.), real estate and collecting agts, 1215 Elm bt Pearl, Preston.
Dake, Laura M. (Mrs. C. T. S.), principal Temple Emanu-El school, r. 735 Ross ave.
Daken, Cora Miss, wks Central Hotel, r. same.
Dallas Academy, 1242 Jackson, Mrs Julia B. Montgomery, principal.
Dallas Art Academy, studio 709 Elm, William Riess, principal. See' advt.
Dallas Belt Street Railway Co., Office and stables, cor Cochran, Orange, Lehman Sanger, prest; W., O. Connor, vice-prest; F. Bryant. secy; Gerson Meyer, treasr.
Dallas Barrel and Woodenware Factory, Thomas F. McEnnis, prest; Karney J. Kivlen, mgr; office and factory s end Austin.
Dallas Brick Co., w end Alamo cor D. & Wichita Ry, W. G. Veal, propr. Dallas City Calaboose, 845 Commerce, John T. Carter, kpr..
Dallas City Gaslight Co., office and works cor Carondolet, Houston, W. J. Brady, mgr; M. L. Hickey, supt.
Dallas City Hospital, nw cor Columbia, Lamar, J. L. Carter, physician
B. G. Shearer, steward; Mrs. Emma Shearer, matron.
Dallas City Lumber Yard, cor Magnolia, Caruth, B. E. Andrews & Co., proprs. See advt.
Dallas City Railroad Co., office, stables, 1428 Main, John L. Henry, prest; William J. Keller, secy and treasr; Charles E. Keller, supt.
Dallas County Courthouse, cor Main, Houston.
Dallas County Jail, 406 Houston cor Jackson, Wm. F. Morton, jailor; W. A. Sharpe, asst.
Dallas Electric Light Co., works cor Houston, Walnut, W. C. Connor, prest;
J. H. Britton, vice-prest; W. O. Connor, secy, treasr; L. Myers Connor, supt.
Dallas Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1041 Elm, Dr. D. T. Morgan, propr. See advt.
Dallas Female College, ns Live Oak bt Pearl, Crockett, Prof. W. K. Jones, propr and principal. See advt.
Dallas Herald, Issued Every Morning; Weekly, Wednesday; Pfouts, Elliott & Hall, proprs and publishers. See advt. Dallas Homestead and Loan Assn, office 612 Elm bt Lamar, Poydras, J. B. Adoue, prest; .E. M. Tillman, vice-prest; H. C. Stevenson, secy, treasr.
Dallas Institute (c), es Hall bt Ross ave, Flora,
Samuel H. Smothers, principal; Miss Mary A. Smothers, asst.
Dallas Manufacturing Co., 805-807 Main, 806-808
Elm, Blankenship & Blake, proprs.
Dallas Manufacturing Co., Office 711 Main, Factory E. Dallas, W. H. Gaston, prest; J. B. Scruggs, vice-prest; C. C. Slaughter, treasr; G. J. Gooch, secy, bus mgr. See advt.
Dallas Medical and Surgical Institute, 925 Elm, Carl Murray, propr.
Dallas Mercury, Issued Every Friday, Office 918 Main
bt Sycamore, Ervay, Elbridge G. Rust, editor and propr.
Dallas National Bank of Texas, ne cor Main, Murphy, S. G. Bayne, prest; R. V. Tompkins, vice-prest; E. M. Reardon, cashier.
Dallas Opera House, sw cor Commerce, Austin, Charles Benton, lessee and mgr; Miss Sadie O'Neil, bkpr; William O'Neil, business mgr; Joseph Harris, stage carp; Sim. Walton, advertiser.
Dallas Paint and Color Works, W. We Young, prest; P. S. Borich, secy; H. Hamilton, treasr; works cor Pacific ave, Preston.
Dallas Pharmacy, 711 Elm, John W. Turner, Propr. See lines Business Directory.
Dallas Postoffice, se cor Elm, Sycamore, Lysander Garrison, postmaster; Frank A. Rhodehamel, asst postmaster. Dallas Public Library and Free Reading room, over 725 1/2 Main, Mrs. Bettie H. S. Benton, librarian.
Dallas, Sarah (c), r. 955 Jackson bt Lane, Ervay.
Dallas Sign and Advertising Co. (J. C. Turner, John A. Moninger), sw cor Main, Poydras,
Dallas Telephone Exchange, ne cor Main, Murphy, C. A. Read, mgr.
Dallas Times, Issued Every Evening Except Sunday, weekly every Thursday, office 505 Main cor Austin, William G. Sterett, editor and propr. See advt.
Dallas Vinegar Works, 416 Market cor Wood, Rudolph Lungstras, propr. See advt.
Dalton, Mrs. Ella (wid), dressmkr, over 617 Elm, r. same.
Dalton, John O., pedler, r. 1218 Wood bt Preston, Cabell.
Dalton, Leon, ice dealer, es Poydras bt Main, Elm, h. Mrs. E. Dalton.
Dalton, Louisa (wid Oscar), h. John O. Dalton.
Dalton, Miss Nellie, h. John O. Dalton.
Dalton, Oscar, printer. r. ws Martha bt Gaston ave. Rockwall road.
Dalton, Thomas V., tinner, r. 1216 Wood bt Cabell, Preston.
Dalton, William, bds Mrs. Mary C. Allen.
Daly, Johanna (wid Timothy), r. 1335 Elm bt H. & T. C. Ry, Leonard.
Daly, Richard H., corresponding clk Oliver & Griggs, h. W. W. Leake.
Daly, Samuel (c), r. 1002 Commerce cor Ervay.
Danalman, William, h. Lizzie Hoch.
Dandrich, John (c), lab, r. foot of S. Jefferson.
Daniel, Americus C., Groceries, Liquors, Feed, 216 Houston cor Commerce, r. 908 Wood cor Akard.
Daniel, Rufus W., well digger, bds Wm. J. Lambert.
Daniels, Harriet (c), wks A. J. Porter.
Danna, Mrs. Jennie (wid John), h. Jno. W. Jones.
Danneel, Philip, bartender Charles Struck, rms same.
Dannmann, Frederick, harnessmkr, h. G. Dannmann.
Dannmann, Gottlieb, saddler, r. 317 Burford bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Dannmann, Lawrence, harnessmkr, h. G. Dannmann.
Danover, Gideon M. (Douglas & Danover), r. 8 Harwood bt Pacific ave, Elm.
Darby, Edward S., baggage master Mo. P. depot, cor Pacific ave, N. Lamar, rms same, bds A. K. Woodson.
Dare, Alfred, propr Dallas restaurant, 316 Main cor Market, r. over 312 Main.
Dargan, James T., insurance agt, r. 123 Canton cor Browder.
Dargan, John T., (Dargan & Trezevant; Sam. P. Cochran & Co.), r. 123 Canton cor Browder.
Dargan, Milton, bkpr Sam. P. Cochran & Co. rms G. F. Alford.
Dargan & Trezevant (John T. Dargan, John T. Trezevant, Sam. P. Cochran), genl fire insurance agts, office over nw cor Elm, Sycamore.
Dargan, Vernon C., clk Dargan & Trezevant, rms J. T. Dargan.
Dart, Charles C., inspr of securities J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., h. M. J. Dart.
Dart, Miles J., Texas Mgr J. B. Watkins Land Mortgage Co., office over 733 Elm, r. nw cor Gano, S. Harwood. See back cover.
Dathe, Richard, showcasemkr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten.
Daugherty, Henry, bartender, bds Crutchfield House.
Daugherty, Jacamiah S., Genl Land and Real Estate agt, whol. and retail feed, grain,. hay, cor Live Oak, Hawkins, r. ne cor Oleander, Cottage Lane.
Daugherty, R. R., mgr J. S. Daugherty feed store, cor Live Oak, Hawkins.
Daugherty, William F., clk A. & E. Mittenthal.
Daugherty, William H., bartender W. Apperson, rms over sw cor Main, Houston.
Daum, August, shoefitter Schoellkopf & Co., r. es Washington ave nr Juliet.
Davenport, Frank H. (Bell & Davenport), r. 872 Commerce bt Akard, Church.
Davenport, J. Vaughn, bridge carp, bds Mankato House.
Davie, Thomas B., trav slsmn Strauss & Levy, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Davis, Alfred (Schneider & Davis), r. SW cor San Jacinto, Masten.
Davis, Alice (c), wks James M. Harry, h. same.
Davis, Andrew P., Homeopathic Physician, Oculist, aurist, 908 Elm, r. ns Eakin bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Davis, Angie (c), wks S. H. Boyle, r. same.
Davis, Ann (c), r. 205 Flora bt Peak, Good.
Davis, Miss A E., clk Bradstreet's Agency.
Davis, Bammer (c), h. O. McCullough.
Davis, Benjamin, bkpr H. Friedlander, r. 832 Jackson cor Akard.
Davis, Benjamin (c), driver, bds Annie Williams.
Davis, Charles E., r. 508 Bryan cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Davis, Charles R., Patentee and Mfr Bed Springs and bustles, rear 1073 Elm cor Harwood, r 2 Harwood cor Pacific ave.
Davis, Charlotte (wid Wm.), r. sw cor Pacific ave. Harwood.
Davis & Davis (Furgus S. and Edward E. Davis), Physicians (Homoepathic), office 906 Elm. See advt opposite.
Davis, Doc G., street car driver, h. W. G. Davis.
Davis, Edward E. (Davis & Davis), rms 906 Elm, bds W. M. Bryant.
Davis, Elijah L., clk H. & T. C. frt office, bds 516 Wood cor Lamar.
Davis, Francis M., carp, r. ws Snodgrass bt Beaumont, Hickory.
Davis, Frank M. stenographer and typewriter Keating Implement and Machine Co., bds Mrs. E. A. Marshall, rms 504 Jackson.
Davis, Furgus S. (Davis & Davis), rms 906 Elm, bds W. N. Bryant.
Davis, Gardner S.. h. M. B. Davis.
Davis, George (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Davis, George W., foreman Eureka steam laundry, bds Mrs. Susie Lee.
Davis, Hedley, clk J. W. Crowdus Drug Co.
Davis, Henry (c), wks Moon & Co.
Davis, Henry B., mgr New Home sewing machine, 755 Elm, r. 612 Ross ave nr Pearl.
Davis, Jacob W., carp, r. 812 Akard bt Canton, Park.
Davis, James, carp, r. ns Calhoun bt Market, Jefferson.
Davis, James C., fruit and lunch stand, 1333 Elm bt H. & T. C. Ry, Leonard, r. same.
Davis, James H., real estate agt, rms F. M. Ervay.
Davis, John, lab. bds George Nowlin.
Davis, John (c), r. 42 Miranda bt Hawkins, Good.
Davis, John A., carp and wood worker, shop ss Patterson ave bt Griffin, Sycamore, r. same.
Davis, Joseph (c), r. es S. Lamar s of creek.
Davis, Joseph B., dairyman, r. cor. Runnels, Preston.
Davis, J. A., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. 952 Wood.
Davis, J. H., clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. M. Jenkins, rms L. H. Miller.
Davis, Kizzie (c), h. John Davis.
Davis, Lulu (c), wks M. D. Garlington, r. same.
Davis, Miss Mamie, r. ns Cockrell bt Market, Austin.
Davis, Mary (wid Chris.), r. es Sherman bt Polk, Columbia.
Davis, Mary (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Bryan, Cottage Lane.
Davis, Mary (c), r. Polk bt Preston, railroad.
Davis, Mason (c), waiter St. George Hotel, rms Jefferson Roberts.
Davis, M. B., proof reader Dallas Herald, r. 125 Olive bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Davis, Nellie (c), bds Van Taylor.
Davis, Nellie (c), r. ne cor Columbia, Sherman.
Davis, Peter (c), cook Williams & Bro., rms Jefferson Roberts.
Davis, Rufus (c), lab Hughes Bros. & Co., r. ns Williams bt Sherman, Henry.
Davis, Sarah (c), wks Jos. W. Fortune, h. same.
Davis, Simon (c), h. Nellie Davis.
Davis, Tenia (c), rms William Cook.
Davis, Wesley (c), r. ns Polk bt Lamar, Poydras.
Davis, William (c), lab, r. 500 Burford cor Bryan.
Davis, William G., carp, r. 6 Caruth bt Jefferson N. Lamar.
Davis, William P., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co., rms over McEnnis' store ss square.
Davis, William T., mechanic, r. 105 Bryan bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Davoren & McKee (Patrick E. Davoren, William McKee), proprs Dallas marble works, 1022 Elm, 1019 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Davoren, Patrick E. (Davoren & McKee), r. ne cor St. Louis, Browder.
Dawkins, Levi, Ry mail clk. Dallas and Denton, r. 136 Good cor Miranda.
Dawson, Anak, clk James K. Hawes, bds same.
Dawson, Arthur (c), wks A. Dare.
Dawson, Henry W., watchmkr Knepfly & Son, r. 312 S. Harwood bt Commerce, Jackson.
Dawson, Joseph D., clk James K. Hawes, bds same.
Day, Fanny (wid Alfred), r. se cor Williams, Crowdus.
Day, James, carp Clark & Clark, h. Mrs. Fannie Day.
Dazey, Nathan P., clk Harry Bros., r. 575 N. Harwood bt Cochran, creek.
Deacon, G. W., printer Phelan & Co., bds John C. Jones.
Deal, William, waiter, r. ss Miranda bt Good, Cantagral.
Dean, Alfred (c), wks Crutchfield House, r. same.
Dean, Joseph (c) bds Houston McDuff.
Dean, Lula, bds Mollie Franklin.
Dean, Mary (wid James), h. Robert D. Dean.
Dean, Robert A., genl supt and adjuster Blankenship & Blake, bds Jno. L. Neel.
Dean, Robert D., carp, r. ne cor William, Obenchain.
Deanard, Julius, r. 12 S. Lamar.
Deanard, Lena (Mrs. Julius), restaurant, 12 S. Lamar bt Pacific ave, Elm.
Deardorff, George W., groceries, 1310 Elm bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Deaver, Frank, stableman Commerce and Ervay Street Ry Co.
Debeck, Allen, lab, r. ns Elm e of creek.
Debeck, Charles B.. lab, r. ws of Washington ave bt Juliet, Cochran.
DeBeque, Frank (Basco & DeBeque), r, nw cor Jefferson, Jackson.
Deblar, J. H., porter Texas Co-Operative Assn.
Debow, John wks W. D. Cloud, r. same.
Dechman, Alex. F., bkpr M. D. Garlington, r. 211 Ross ave.
Dedieu, Camille, slsmn E. M. Tillman, r. ns Browder bt Marilla, Park.
Deen, John J., engr Rainwater & Stearns, r. es Griffin n of Cochran.
Deering, William & Co., (Chicago, Ill.), farming implements, office cor Commerce, Market, W. P. Anderson, State agt.
DeForest, Herman P., cashier and bill clk G., C. & S. F. Ry frt office, r. ns Pacific ave bt Sycamore, Ervay
Dehoney, Herbert, fruit stand, 842 Elm, rms same, bds Santa Fe House.
Deitz, Adolph, lab, bds Planters House.
Deitz, Henry, farmer, r. ne cor Fair Grounds.
Dejarnatt, John B., lab, r. ws Cora bt Pearl, H. & T C. Ry.
DeLamere, M., trav slsmn, bds Bogel's Hotel.
Delaney, John, h. John Hinkson.
Delaney, John W., clk T. &. P. land office, r. over 808 Main.
Delaney, George W., clk Edwin O. Flood, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Delbrell, Frank, r. sw cor Caroline, Cedar Spring.
Dellaccio, Frank, clk Frank Cantone, r. 840 Main.
Delmonico Restaurant, 611-613 Main cor Poydras, A. R. Livingston, propr. See advt.
Deloney, William W., carp, bds Mankato House.
Dendinger, Joseph, carp, r. ns Long's Lake road.
Denman, Annie M. Miss, h. R. V. Tompkins.
Denneman, William, showcase mkr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten.
Denning, Charles, r. es Miller's Ferry road, s of city park.
Dennis, Frank, bartender J. Levyson, r. 742 Pacific ave.
Dennis, William M., exp driver, r. ns Swiss ave e of Martha.
Denny, Jacob, wks soap factory, r. 719 Bryan cor Bogel.
Denny, John C. trav slsmn Schneider & Davis, r. ws Browder bt Wood, Young.
Denny, Kate, (wid William), r. 411 Alamo bt Ashland, Wichita.
Densbow, Henry R., contractor, bds Charles H. Bennett.
Densmore, Harry, bds Hiram Baker.
Densmore, John D. (Wolfe & Densmore), r. 1214 Elm.
Dent, Charles J., bkpr B. E. Andrews & Co., r. 408 Magnolia bt Collin, Caruth.
Dent, Gray, clk J. S. Downs, h. Mrs. Mary Dent.
Dent, Mary (wid J G.), r. 1216 Main bt Harwood, Cabell.
Dent, Samuel, clk J. S. Downs, h. Mrs. Mary Dent.
Deonajkowski, Mrs. Bozalja, r. 18 Boll bt H. & T. C. Ry, Bryan.
De Pelchin, Stephen W., clk C. H. Clancey, bds J. R. Meeks.
Deppe, Mrs. Julia (wid), r. 506 Austin bt Wood, Polk.
Deremeaux, John V. , clk T. Billington, r. ss Swiss ave bt St. Joseph, Martha.
Derritt, Berry (c), r. 604 Polk.
Derritt, Calvin (c), r. 614 Polk bt Poydras, Lamar.
Derritt, Charles G., trader,. r. 405 5. Houston bt Jackson, Wood.
Derue, Francois Rev. Father, Assistant Pastor church of the Sacred Heart, r 16 Oleander bt Cottage Lane, Bryan.
Desmond, Edmund N. (Clark & Desmond), r. 1319 Columbia bt Cabell, S. Harwood.
De Stefano, Achille (De Stefano Bros.), r. 747 Ross ave cor Good.
De Stefano Bros. (Frank and Achille), foreign and domestic fruit, produce and commission merchants, 405 Main.
De Stefano, Frank (De Stefano Bros.), r. 501 Jefferson cor Wood.
Dettmer, Eta Miss, h. George Burger.
Deubler, August, lab, r. ws Broadway bt Pacific ave, Carondelet.
Deubler, Barbara (wid John), h. August Deubler.
Deubler, Frederick, bkpr, bds August Deubler.
Devere, Frank, bartender Purdy & Randall.
Devero, Nora (c), h. Henry Oldon.
Devine, John (c), wks Mrs. Annie I. Wilson, r. same.
Devine, Sarah (c), wks Mrs. Annie I. Wilson, r. same.
Devoe, Abbie (wid Napoleon), h. Samuel S. Taylor.
De Witt, E. A., book agt, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
De Witt, Joseph, engr, r. 1214 Commerce bt S. Harwood. Cabell.
Dexter, Charles L. (George J. Dexter & Co.), rms over 806 Main, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Dexter, George J. (G. J. Dexter & Co.), rms over 806 Main, bds Grand Windsor.
Dexter, George J. & Co. (George J. Dexter, Charles L. Dexter), genl insurance agts, office 707 Main.
Dhate, Richard, cabinetmkr, r. es S. Harwood s of Pierce.
Dial, Amanda F. (wid B. F.), r. 225 Oleander bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Dial, William I., printer, h. Mrs. A. F. Dial.
Diamond, William, cigarmkr Henry & Guber, r. 702 Commerce.
Diamond, William L., clk John Miller, r. 702 Commerce.
Diboll, William O., composition roofer, r. 640 Bryan bt Cantagral, Germania.
Dichiara, Francisco, restaurant, ns H. & T. C. Ry., opp Union depot, r. same.
Dickens, Annie (c) wks B. E. Andrews, h. same.
Dickerson, Isaac S., harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co., bds 828 Main.
Dickerson, Mary Mrs. (wid T. L. H.), r. es Boll bt Flora, Juliet.
Dickey, George W., bds John R. Miller.
Dickey, Haywood H., peddler, r. 1513 Main bt Leonard, Floyd.
Dickey, Jesse C., clk W. A. Rodgers, bds same.
Dickinson, Charles H. (Dickinson & Currier), proprs Eureka soap works, cor Griflin, Dallas & Wichita Ry.
Dickinson, John W., stock dealer, r. 1231 Commerce cor Cabell.
Dickson, Charles E., clk Moroney & Co., rms over nw cor Elm, Austin.
Dickson, Joseph M., Attorney, Office over 606 Main, bds W. B. Walker.
Dickson, Lee (c), r. es White bt Middleton, Emerald.
Diedrichsen, Louisa (wid Fred), r. 1414 Commerce bt Preston, R. R.
Diehl, William, wks Texas Ice Co.
Dierhoven, Theodor, cigarmkr, h. Mrs. Scholten.
Dietz, Herman F., clk Cahn Bros., bds J. Oppenheim.
Dihlmann, Felix, wks John Rothsberger.
Dillard, Jackson (c), r. es S. Lamar s of creek.
Dille, J. Edward, tel opr, bds Central Hotel.
Dillon, John, Carpenter and Builder, Shop 212 Ervay bt Main, Commerce, r. 429 Lamar n of Cochran.
Dilly, Martin L., engr Howard Oil Co., r. 14 Cora bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Dinkelspeel, Joseph, fruit stand, 1208 1/2 Elm, h. Isaac Dinkelspeel.
Dinkelspeel, Isaac, dry goods, notions, millinery, 1203 Elm bt Pearl, Preston, r. 221 Masten bt Bone, McKinney road.
Dionesio, Jean, r. 509 Market bt Wood, Polk.
Dirke, Dennis (c), barber John Jemison, bds Annie Williams.
Dirke, Henry (c), barber, r. 508 Wood bt Lamar, Austin.
Dirmeyer, George H. (Gill & Dirmeyer), r. 630 Ross ave bt Pearl, Leonard
Ditto, Aaron (c), r. N. Jefferson n of Cochran.
Dixon, James P., r. ws Long's Lake road n of Irvin.
Dixon, John M., jr., slsmn Kane Shields, bds J. J. Finnigan, 59 Ross ave.
Dixon, John M., sr. (Reynolds & Dixon), r. 321 N. Harwood.
Dixon, John W., school teacher, r. ns Middleton nr T. & P. Ry.
Dobbins, James (c), r. Paris bt H. & T. C. Ry, Preston.
Dobins, C. W., master of properties Coliseum Theatre, bds F. DeBeque.
Dodds, Clarence, teamster, r. ws Cedar Springs road nr city limits.
Dodds, John (c), r. ss Williams bt Henry, Sherman.
Dodson, Al. F. (Bryant & Dodson), bds W. N. Bryant.
Dodson, Elijah R., clk Betterton, Irvine & Co., rms 414 Elm.
Doe, Frank B., r. 125 Good cor Florence.
Doerle, Victor, Blksmith, Wheelwright,Shop es Broadway bt Main, Commerce. See advt.
Doetsch, Henry, baker Hugh J. Blakeney, rms same, bds Frank Sreenan.
Dompert, Jacob, 2d cook Commercial Hotel.
Don, Amos (c), r. 64 Cochran cor Griffin.
Donaldson, S., carp A. Hallen, r. 1003 Elm.
Donohue, Murtagh, r. 1213 Elm bt N. Harwood, Preston.
Donup, Rufus (c), r. 1106 Jackson.
Donworth, Frederick, clk Sanger Bros., bds Thos. A. West.
Dooley, Georgiana (c), wks City steam laundry.
Dooley, Mary (c), wks City steam laundry.
Dooley, Matilda (c), wks Henry K. Leake, h. same.
Dooley, Silas (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane bt McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Doran Bros (Frank H. and William), whol. butchers and vegetable dealers, 728 Main.
Doran Frank H. (Doran Bros.), r. N. Harwood s of Pierce.
Doran, Hugh L., clk Doran Bros., r. 1711 Main cor Crowdus.
Doran, William (Doran Bros.), r. 1 1/2 miles e of city.
Dorfmeier, A. William, harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co.. r. 206 Patterson ave.
Dorman, G. I., trav slsmn L. A. Wilson, bds St. George Hotel.
Dorsey, James A., job printer Dallas Herald.
Dorsey, Owen, r. 544 Caruth bt Orange, Masten.
Dougherty, Christina C. (wid James), r. 920 Marilla bt Ervay, Veal.
Dougherty, Eliza (wid Robert H.), r. ss Highland bt Ashland, Wichita.
Dougherty, Hillery, h. Mrs. Eliza Dougherty.
Dougherty, James L., cattleman, h. Mrs. Christina C. Dougherty.
Dougherty, John, r. 210 Caroline bt Ashland, Wichita.
Dougherty, John C., h. John Dougherty.
Dougherty, Michael F., composition roofer, r. ne cor Ross ave, Pavilion.
Doughty, James, teamster, r. sw cor Bone, William.
Doughty, James M., r. ss Cochran bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Doughty, John W., ice, fruits, 1108 Elm bt N. Harwood, Cabell, r. same.
Doughty, Miss Mattie, h. James M. Doughty.
Douglas, Alexander (c), r. ns Cadiz bt Veal, Ervay.
Douglas, Anthony (Douglas Bros.), r. 548 Caruth bt Masten, Onnge.
Douglas Bros. (Holme and Anthony), Merchant Tailors, 703 Main nr Poydras. See lower marginal lines.
Douglas & Danover, L. D. Douglas, Gideon M. Danover), real estate and collecting agts office 114 Sycamore bt Main, Elm.
Douglas, David, musician, bds David Langton.
Douglas, David I., r. 356 Cedar Springs road bt Cedar, Ashland.
Douglas, Eliza (c), wks Samuel Klein, r. same.
Douglas, Emma Miss, h. Harry Eels.
Douglas, Frank, wks Waterworks, h. Harry Eels.
Douglas, Holme (Douglas Bros.), bds John T. Oram.
Douglas, John (c), h. HarrietT Johnson.
Douglas, L. D. (Douglas & Danover), r. 1022 Main.
Douglas, Mary (c), rms Mattie Lewis.
Douglas, Nettie (c) h. Harriet Johnson.
Douglas, Miss Nora, h. Harry Eels.
Douglas, William (c), r. 101 Good cor Cottage Lane.
Dow, Emma (c), wks Waid Hill. r. Same.
Dowd, John, h. Mrs. Mary Dowd.
Dowd, Mary (wid Thos.), r. es Leonard bt Florence, Swiss ave.
Dowd, Thomas, wks Elliott & Clark, h. Mrs. Mary Dowd.
Downing, Arch. B., agt C. Downing saloon, 1217 Elm, r. 404 Collin bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Downing, Clementine, propr Clear Lake saloon, 1217 Elm bt Pearl, Preston, r. 404 Collin.
Downs, James T., treasr Dallas county, office Courthouse, r. ns Ross ave bt Villars, McCoy.
Downs, John L., h. A. C. Ardrey.
Downs, J. Stephen, Groceries, Produce, 1147 Elm cor Pearl, r. 1224 Main. See advt.
Doyle, Edward F., Agt Gasfitter, Plumber, Gas, Steam fixtures, 6 Sycamore bt Pacific ave, Elm, r. 311 Pearl bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Doyle, George. L., feed. grain, 723 Elm, r. same.
Doyle, John, carp, r. 565 Pearl bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Doyle, Miss Julia, wks Fannie Hunt, r. same.
Doyle, Patrick, moulder helper Phelan & Co.
Drake, Alvah D., farmer, r. ns Pacific reservation bt Cantagral, Wm. Tell.
Drake, A. A. saddler Padgitt Bros.
Drake, Ellen (c), r. 219 Juliet bt Peak, Good.
Drake, John, engr and supt Howard Oil Co., r. sw cor Preston, Columbia.
Drake, Levisa (c), h. Ellen Drake.
Drane, Mrs. Mila (wid Henry), h. J. N. Hammock,
Draughon, George R., clk, rms Mrs. E. Dalton, 617 Elm, bds St. George Hotel..
Dreiler, John H., contractor, r. ss Main nr Fair Grounds:
Dressel, William, carp August Regge, r. 16 Alamo bt McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Dreyfuss, Gerard (Hurst & Dreyfuss,) r. 926 Jackson.
Drinson, John, butcher L. J. N. Lenway, r. Swiss ave.
Driscoll, 'I'imothy, lab, bds Germania House.
Drotts, Frank O., tailor Douglas Bros., bds cor Market, Elm.
Drummond, Charles A., clk A. Dysterbach, r. nw cor Live Oak, Adair.
Drummond, W. B., tinner Hinckley & Son, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman
Ducourt, Emile, Mattress Mfr, Upholsterer, 729 Elm, r. 32 Pacific ave bt College, Sycamore.
Dudley, Jesse, collarmkr Schoellkopf & Co., bds D. M. Clark.
Duebler, Gustav, wks S. H. Cockrell & Co., r. w end Pacific ave cor Broadway.
Duff, Annie (wid Thomas), r. ns Wood bt Market, Jefferson.
Duff, Mary, wks Patrick W. Linskie, r. same.
Duffy, Charles (Duffy & Sons), r. ws N. Lamar n of Cochran.
Duffy, Isaac, lab, bds ne cor Elm, H. & T. C. Ry.
Duffy, Louis (Duffy & Sons), h. William Duffy
Duffy & Sons (William, Charles and Louis), Founders, machinists, shop sw cor Carondelet, Houston.
Duffy, Thomas S., train baggage man Mo. P. Ry, r. 205 Ross ave bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Duffy, William (Duffy & Sons), r. 745 Pacific ave bt Emma, Sycamore.
Dihig, John, jr., teamster, h. John Duhig.
Duhig, John, sr., lab, r. 701 Columbia cor Lamar.
Duke, Miss Melissa, h. Wiley S. Shuttles.
Dumbrowsky, William, clk, r. 407 Polk bt Market, Austin.
Dumstadter, George, wks F. Hamm, r. same.
Dun, R. G. & Co., Mercantile Agency, ws Poydras bt Elm, Main, George Osmond, mgr.
Dunafan, George F. wood hauler, r. 77 Cochran bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Dunaway, Foster. W., farmer, bds J. M. Dunaway.
Dunaway, James, feed store, wagon yd, express wagon, 308 Commerce bt Market, Jefferson, r. 304 Commerce.
Dunaway, Minerva L. (Mrs. J. M.), proprss St. Charles Hotel, 304 Commerce bt Market, Jefferson.
Dunbar, Mrs. Maud, r, 507 Polk bt Austin, Lamar.
Duncan, Eugene, Prest Protective and Detective Association, editor and mgr Estray Record and Farm Journal, 609 Main, r. Floyd.
Duncan, G. Mack, clk S. W. S. Duncan, r. 620 Ross ave bt Pearl, Leonard.
Duncan, James A., clk W. H. Howell & Bro., r. 1225 Commerce.
Duncan, J. Alexander, genl mgr Live Stock Protective Association, office 515 Main cor Lamar, r. 17 Pacific ave.
Duncan, Simeon W. S. Abstract of Titles, Office 515 Main cor Lamar r. 309 Swiss ave bt Texas, Cantagral.
Duncan, William T, supt agencies Protective and Detective Assn, r. Floyd.
Dunlap, J. W., agt, bds National Hotel.
Dunlap, Mary (c), r. 906 al. bt Henry, Commerce, Crowdus, Williams.
Dunlap, Wallace A., stableman W. P. Siler, rms ss Polk bt Broadway, Houston.
Dunmann, J., carp, bds Theodore Reinecke.
Dunmann, Maggie (c), wks William W. Young.
Dunn, Andrew, lab, bds Germania House.
Dunn, Angeline (c), h. Thomas Crump.
Dunn, Harry C., special agt Queen Insurance Co., office 707 Main, bds Bogel's Hotel.
Dunn, Matthew, bds Alexander Souter.
Dupont, Francois, lab, bds I. X. Strobel.
Dupree, Miss Hortense, milliner Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. C. Betemps.
Dupuy, Jules, cotton classer F. C. Callier & Co., r. 223 Good bt Live Oak, Montezuma.
Durgin, Elizabeth B. (wid Charles), h. A. M. Cochran.
Durkey, Henry (c), porter Lee Cohn.
Durnett, William J., driver Pacific Express Co., r. 1151 Young bt Ervay, Veal.
Durst, William, tailor Kugler & Co.
Duve, Joachim, bkpr Schoellkopf & Co., r. nw cor Bryan, Burford.
Dwyer, Patrick O., carp, r. ns Main bt creek, Duncan.
Dyas, Charles (Dyas & Cutter), r. St. Louis, Mo.
Dyas & Cutter (Charles Dyas, Charles Cutter), agts Missouri steam washer, es Sycamore bt Main, Elm.
Dye, Marion L. attorney, office over 515 Elm, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman, rms W. G. Hefly.
Dyer, Samuel, stone mason, bds Mrs. M. J. Herndon.
Dysterbach, Abraham, Groceries, Feed, Wood Yard, 1424-1426 Elm bt Leonard, Good, r. over store. See advt.

Eades, Thomas I., carp, r. ws Cedar Springs road nr city limits.
Eagle, William H., stockman, bds Mrs. L Hunter.
Eagon, Samson, physician, surgeon, 713 Main, r. 303 Live Oak cor Olive.
Eakins, Albert G., secy and mgr Texas Asphaltum Paving and Pipe Co. h. T. E. Eakins.
Eakins, John J., farmer and prest Texas Asphaltum Paving and Pipe Co., r. es S. Harwood bt Eakins, Gano.
Eakins, Robert. L., h. J. J. Eakins.
Eakins, T. Edward, farmer, r. ns Gano bt Preston, S. Harwood.
Earl, George Washington clk Huntstable Bros., bds Lewis C. Clinton.
Earl, William E., wks Padgitt Bros.
Earlson, Henry (c), r. rear 405 Hall bt Ross ave, Flora.
Early, Marcellus W., special insurance agt, office 614 Elm cor Poydras, r. 652 N. Harwood nr Bone.
Earnest, Mrs. Leatha J. (wid), r. 805 Bone bt William, McKinney.
Easel, Alice (c), bds Amanda Johnson.
Easley, Daniel (c), r. ns San Jacinto bt Johnson, Villars.
Easley, J. J., engr G., C. & S. F. yards, bds St. James Hotel.
Eason, Bolivar, r. 1723 Main cor Duncan.
Eason, Charles G., driver Texas Express Co., r. 1723 Main.
Eason, F. J., Ry mail clk Dallas and Texarkana.
Eason, Henry H., wks E. C. Smith, h. Bolivar Eason.
Easterling, Thomas R., clk Hoyt & Coffin, bds B. A. Hoyt.
Eastin, Benjamin C., trav slsmn Jones Bros., rms M. Wolfskill.
Easton, Mrs. Annie, rms 410 Jackson bt Austin, Market.
Eastwood, Thomas H., moulder Phelan & Co., r. 319 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Eaton, Alfred T., agt Mrs. E. W. Eaton, nw cor Cochran, H. & T. C. Ry.
Eaton, Charles H., carp, h. Rufus J. Eaton.
Eaton, Elizabeth W. (Mrs. Alfred T.), groceries, nw cor Cochran, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Eaton, Rufus J., carp, r. 1034 Pacific ave bt Harwood, Cabell.
Eckenfels, Andrew, lab, r. 108 Floyd. bt Wm. Tell, Cantagral.
Eckford, Charles G., carpets, oil cloths, matting, window shades, lace curtains, 728 Elm, rms same.
Eckwood, Miss Emma, wks Blankenship & Blake, bds Thomas Layton.
Ecton, Rife (c), driver Wallace & Waggener, r. ws Pearl nr McKinney road.
Eda, Henry, harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co., bds 828 Main.
Edell, Jessie (c), r. ws Market bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Edmonds, James, boardinghouse, 8 Ross ave bt Griffin, N. Lamar.
Edmondson, George (c), lab, r. ss Cochran n end Jefferson.
Edmondson, Irena (c), wks City steam laundry.
Edmondson, Van (c), r. N. Jefferson n of Cochran.
Edmondson, William T., h Wm. H. Prather.
Edwards, Albert (c), bds Bettie Garner.
Edwards, Miss Annie, bds Benjamin Elliott.
Edwards, Charles H., Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, sheet music and mdse, 733-35 Main, r. 1119 Commerce. See advt opp.
Edwards, Edmond (c), driver, r. ns Juliette bt Good, Boll.
Edwards, Frank (c), r. 1201 San Jacinto bt H. & T. C. R. R., Germania.
Edwards, James H., piano tuner C. H. Edwards, bds St. James Hotel.
Edwards, John W., carp Boyd & Webster, r. 220 Good bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Edwards, Louis, clk Brand & Logan.
Edwards, Miss Maggie, milliner Sanger Bros., r. 19 Live Oak.
Edwards, Nannie (c), wks J. E. Schneider, r. same.
Edwards, Thomas W. bds Cottage Hotel.
Edwards, William (c), wks Victor S. Bowles.
Edwards, William M., Attorney, Justice of the Peace precinct No.1, and notary public, office 313 Main, r. 95 McKinney road cor Buena Vista.
Eeeles, Harry, Blacksmith, Horseshoer, 1208 Elm bt Cabell, Preston, r. ns Columbia bt Cabell, Preston.
Eggers, Fred, wks Edward W. Winsett, h. same.
Eggleston, Clarence V., painter Kibbe & Hewitt, bds Howard House.
Eimicke, Charles, porter Schoellkopf & Co., r. ws Chestnut bt Dawson ave, creek.
Eisenlohr, Frederick, soap mkr, r. 726 Ross ave bt Leonard, Good.
Eisenlohr, Gustav A. (R. F. & G. A. Eisenlohr), r. nw cor Commerce, Field.
Eisenlohr, Ottilia (wid E.), h. Frederick Eisenlohr.
Eisenlohr, Rudolph C., letter carrier 7th district, h. Frederick Eisenlohr.
Eisenlohr, Rudolph F. (R. F. & G. A. Eisenlohr), r. 816 Main cor Field.
Eisenlohr, R. F. & G. A. (Rudolph F. and Gustav A.), druggists, 816 Main cor Field.
Eisentraut, John J., mason, r. 1414 Commerce bt Preston, railroad.
Eiserloh, Jacob, shoemkr, r. 934 Elm bt Stone, Ervay.
Ekland, Charles, blksmith, ne cor Main, Ervay, bds Sidney Smith.
Ekland, Mrs. Emma (wid). wks Sidney Smith, r. same.
Elam, Andrew, stockdealer, r. 1623 Main bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Elam, Mary (wid), h. William C. McKee.
Eley, Mrs. Sarah, (wid Peter), h. John Kivlen.
Elk, Andrew D., lab, bds Planters House.
Elkin, Hezekiah, photographer A. C. D. Miller, 840 Elm, r. 608 S. Elm.
Elkin, Sidney, h. A. C. D. Miller.
Ellard, John J., teamster, r. 102 Swiss ave cor Hawkins.
Ellen, William F., barber R. P. Hancock, bds same.
Elliott, Allen W., jr., driver J. L. Tiehenor, h. A. W. Allen, sr.
Elliott, Allen W., sr., cook. r. ns Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry.
Elliott, Annie (c), h. Sophie Johnson
Elliott, Benjamin (c), r. es Leonard bt Commerce, Polk.
Elliott & Clark (James T. Elliott, Henry C. Clark), proprs Phoenix planing mill, 1339-1341 Elm bt H. & T. C. Ry, Leonard. See advt.
Elliott, George (c), r. 626 Leonard bt Flora, Juliet.
Elliott, Harriet (c), r. es Broadway bt Wood, Polk.
Elliott, Jack P., cashier T. & P. Ry, r. 1222 Commerce bt S. Harwood, Cabell.
Elliott, James, clk Union Depot Hotel, bds same.
Elliott, James P. (c), r. 607 Bryan bt Boll, H. & T. C. Ry.
Elliott, James T. (Elliott & Clark; T. L. Marsalis & Co.), lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, 1339-1341 Elm bt H. & T. C. Ry, Leonard, r. se cor Swiss ave, Hawkins. See advt.
Elliott, James W., h. A. W. Elliott.
Elliott, John F. (Pfouts, Elliott & Hall), bds Grand Windsor Hotel.
Elliott, Labaum, jr., clk, h. L. Elliott, sr.
Elliott, Labaum, Sr., physician, office 407 Main bt Market, Austin, r. sw cor Live Oak, Adair.
Elliott, Mary (wid S.), h. William D. Richardson.
Elliott, Miss Mary E., trimmer Mrs. E. Chestnut, h. A. W. Elliott.
Elliott, Richard (c) r. 622 Leonard bt Flora, Juliet.
Elliott, Thomas, lab, bds M. Hines.
Elliott, T. I., teamster. bds Crutchfield House.
Elliott, William (c), wks M. W. Russey, r. ss Flora e of Hall.
Ellis, Benjamin (c), school teacher, bds George Perkins.
Ellis, Benjamin (c), r. ss Columbia e of Sherman.
Ellis, Frank (c), h. John Olliver. [ag]
Ellis, Henry (c), r. es S. Lamar s of creek.
Ellis, William L. A., druggist, 97 Bryan cor N. Harwood, r. same.
Elmes, Mark, h. Wm. Bradley.
Elsas, Herman (H. Elsas & Co.), rms William Shirley, nw cor Akard, Young.
Elsas, H. & Co. (Herman Elsas, Rudolph Liebman), whol. paper and bag dealers, 737 Elm.
Elsey, Joseph, hostler J. E. Randall, rms 107 Camp.
Elton, Miss Lucas, seamstress Blankenship & Blake.
Ely, J. Osborne, mess Texas Exp. Co., bds William H. Norton.
Emanuel, Mandy (c), r. rear 718 Jackson.
Embre, B. A., clk Eureka steam laundry; bds I. F. McAdams.
Emerson, Talcott & Co. (Ralph Emerson, Prest; William A. Talcott, secy and treasr; Daniel Goodlander, vice-prest); mfrs and dealers agrl implements, Rockford, Ill.; J. M. Wendelken, mgr, 837-839 Main bt Murphy, Sycamore.
Emerson, Willis (c), cook Nicholas Antoine, r. same.
Emery, Jacob N., r. over 105 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin.
Emery, L. (L. Emery & Co.), r. over 105 Camp.
Emery, L. & Co. (L. Emery, - Co.), saloon, 105 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin.
Emin, C. H., dry goods, clothing, hair goods, 1122 Elm bt N. Harwood, Cabell, r. same.
Emin, Isaac J., check clk Sanger Bros., h. C. H. Emin.
Emmett, Priscilla (c), h. Elbert Fleming.
Emmirson, Edward E., painter, shop 932 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. ns Cadiz bt S. Harwood, Portland.
Emory, L. M., trav slsmn Emerson, Talcott & Co., bds St. George Hotel.
Engelson, Henry, r. nw cor Swiss ave, H. & T. C. Ry.
Engers, Adam, h. Jacob Engers.
Engers, Frederick, clk Loeb & Freiberg, bds Jacob Engers.
Engers, Jacob, city mgr Singer Mfg Co., office 812 Main, r. se cor Canton, Evergreen.
English, Cassander J., stock clk Cahn Bros. h. Mrs. Mary A. English.
English, Charles A., clk H. Page & Son, h. Mrs. M. A. English.
English, George (c), lab T. & P. frt depot, r. es Hall bt Cochran, Juliet.
English, John A., clk Ed. S. Alston, h. Mrs. M. A. English.
English, Martha (c), finisher Eureka steam laundry.
English, Martin (c), h. Isaac Raines.
English, Mary A. (wid Chas. A.), r. 616 Pearl bt Bone, McKinney road.
English, Spencer (c), h. George English.
English, W. H., driver Pacific Exp. Co., rms 803 Main, bds Mrs. M. Jenkins.
Ensel, Leopold H., supt shoe dept Sanger Bros., r. ns Wood bt Akard, railroad.
Ensinger, Louis, machinist Franklin & Pfouts, bds Cincinnati House.
Entras, Miss Katie, wks D. G. Oppenheim, r. same.
Epes, Cary B., trav slsmn, r. sw cor San Jacinto, Masten.
Epperson, Lucy (c), wks W. H. Abrams, r. same.
Epperson, Robert D. and Miss Fannie, h. M. L. Crawford.
Erb, Paul F., Bookseller, Stationer, 712 Main, r. 502 Akard cor Young. See advt.
Erdelmyer, John E., grocer, r. 822 Akard cor Canton.
Erich, Joseph B., clk E. M. Kahn & Co.
Erichson, Emil W., tailor Douglas Bros., r. 1717 Main.
Erichson, Lars P., grocer, lodginghouse, ne cor Swiss ave, railroad, r. same.
Ernenwein, William, Painter and Paper Hanger, 809 Main, r. 744 Pacific ave. See advt.
Ervan, Mary J. (wid W. L.), r. ws H. &T. C. Ry bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Ervay, Francis M., r. 37 Sycamore cor Patterson.
Ervay, Henry S., r. 511 Jefferson bt Wood, Polk.
Erwin, Miss Nettie, bds Miss Lizzie Handley.
Erwin, S. A., mgr agencies The Texas Mutual Endowment and Aid Assn, r. Tehuacana, Texas.
Eschler, Christian, wks John A. Carter, r. same.
Esmon, William, lab, r. 213 Jefferson bt Main, Commerce.
Estes, George W., r. 213 Live Oak bt N. Harwood, Olive.
Estes, William D., collector, h. Geo. W. Estes.
Estes, William F., decorative paper hanger, with Wm. Ernenwein, bds Santa Fe House.
Estray Record and Farm Journal, Issued 1st of every month, 609 Main, Eugene Duncan, editor and business mgr.
Eubanks, George (c), packer Sanger Bros.. r. ws Good bt Flora, Juliet.
Eulenfeldt, Julius, showcasemkr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten.
Eureka Soap Works (Charles H. Dickinson, George C. Currier, proprs), factory cor Griffin, Dallas & Wichita Ry.
Eureka Steam Laundry, cor Poydras and Polk, Brand & Logan, proprs. See advt.
Eva, Martha (wid John), r. 409 Market bt Jackson, Wood.
Evans & Co. (Wm. R. Evans,- Co.), Cotton Buyers, 409 Elm, up stairs.
Evans, Charles F., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. 209 Olive.
Evans, Clarence H., clk J. W. Barton & Co., rms 209 Main.
Evans, John (c), r. al. bt Crowdus, Henry, Commerce, Williams.
Evans, John, clk Padgitt Bros., r. 1012 Elm,
Evans, John, boot, shoemkr, r. 1012 Elm bt Ervay, St Paul
Evans, Joseph (c), wks Rainwater & Stearns, h. D. T. Rainwater.
Evans, O. E. (Patterson & Co.), r. 661 Ross ave.
Evans, Miss Sallie H., h. Alexander White.
Evans, Thomas, farmer, r. es Preston nr s city limits.
Evans, William L., trav slsmn, r. 411 N. Harwood bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Evans, William R. (Evans & Co.), r. 601 Ross ave cor Pearl.
Evarts, Ellen M. Miss, h. James M. Patterson.
Evary, David (c), h. Edward Evary.
Evary, Edward (c), r. ns Alamo bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Everheart, Jesse D., dairyman, r. 840 Preston nr s city limits.
Everts, Arthur A., engraver J. M. Oram, r. same.
Everetts, Irvin D., blacksmith Payne & Sheets, bds A. B. Sheets.
Ewell, George, slsmn T. Billington, h. Geo. W. Ewell.
Ewell, George W., physician, r. 1054 Elm bt St. Paul, Harwood.
Ewell, Sidney (c), lab, r. 123 Flora bt Juliet, Ross ave.
Ewell, Silas H. (c), school teacher, bds Henry Starkes.
Ewing, Hu. F. (Prather, Ardrey & Ewing), r. 807 Ervay bt Marilla, Canton.
Ewing, Jacob A., physician, surgeon, office 1344 Elm bt Ry, Leonard, r. nw cor Swiss ave, Mclntyre.
Ewing, Samuel (c), lab, bds Henry Richardson.
Exchange Bank, 600 Main cor Lamar, William E. Hughes, prest; John N. Simpson, vice-prest; Royal A. Ferris, cashier.
Exner, Emil, architect, bds George Thurner.
Ezell, George, lab, boardinghouse, 713 Pacific ave bt Griffin, Magnolia.
EzelI, James (c), porter T. L. Marsalis & Co., r. ns Convent nr Adair.
Ezell, Lulu S. (wid J. J.), h. Pinkney R. Ezell.
Ezell, Pinkney R., lab, r. 947 es S. Harwood bt Runnels, Paris.
Ezener, Frank, lab, r. ns Dallas & Wichita Ry s of Cottonwood Lane.

Faes, Julia (wid Wm.), r. Young bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Fahrlander, Zyprean, lab, r. 30 Monument bt Good, Cantagral.
Fain, Thomas C., clk W. H. Howell & Bro., bds Santa Fe House, rms over 607 Elm.
Fallon, George Edward, trav slsmn Padgitt Bros. h. Jesse D. Padgitt.
Fanger, Jacob, harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., rms 214 Houston.
Fannin, Francis M., h. Wm. C. Fannin.
Fannin, Robert (c), machinist, wks Duffy & Sons.
Fannin, William C., brickmkr M. W. Russey, r. 803 Bryan cor Germania.
Fanning, Miss Emma, h. Sterling G. Roberts.
Fanning, Henry N., teamster H. S. Matthews, bds Sterling G. Roberts.
Fanning, Marion F., clk M. T. Cone & Co., bds 803 Bryan.
Fanning, Robert (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry n of Cochran.
Fant, Charles W., r. 313 Flora bt Good, Boll.
Faris, Isaac (c), r. es Houston bt Polk, Columbia.
Farley, William W., letter carrier 1st dist., r. 30 Alamo bt McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Farmers Home, 129 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin, Louis Lessa, propr.
Farnham, Mrs. Estelle (wid), bds S. D. Culbreath.
Farom, Philip (c), lab Butler & Co.
Farrar, Jesse (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Bryan, Cottage Lane.
Farrell, Barbara (c), h. Henry Jackson.
Farrell, Jesse (c), h. Henry Jackson.
Farrell, Joshua T., carp Clark & Clark.
Farrell, Richard, lab Clark & Clark.
Farrell, Thomas, propr Old Corner boardinghouse, cor Elm, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Farris, William (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Farrish, Shed. (c), lab Butler & Co.
Faulk, Marcus D. (Reat & Faulk), r. ns Swiss ave bt creek, Ursuline.
Faust, William, printer, bds St. James Hotel.
Fawcett, David R., Agt Texas Express Co., Office 724 Main cor Martin, r. ws Oleander bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Fealand, Andrew J., r. 34 Cora bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Fearn, George L., bkpr Sanger Bros., h. G. R. Fearn.
Fearn, George R., attorney, office over 114 Lamar bt Main, Elm, r. ne cor Bryan, Masten.
Fearney, George A., clk Babcock, Foot & Brown, bds 1058 Elm.
Fears, John B., Wholesale and Retail Books and Stationery, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, 505 Main bt Lamar, Austin, r. 314 Caruth bt Griffin, Magnolia. See advt.
Fears, William F., clk J. B. Fears, h. same.
Fechenbach, Nathan S., clk Sanger Bros., bds Jacob Oppenheim.
Fechenbach, Samuel M., bkpr E. M. Kahn & Co., r. 811 Wood bt railroad, Akard.
Fee Bros. & Co. (Charles E., O. Perry S., Martin .T., Frank P. and George E. Fee), dry goods, clothing, etc., 511 Elm.
Fee, Charles E. (Fee Bros. & Co.). r. 229 Ross ave.
Fee, Frank P. (Fee Bros. & Co.), r. 229 Ross ave.
Fee, George E. (Fee Bros. & Co.) r. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Fee, Martin T. (Fee Bros. & Co.), r. 229 Ross ave.
Fee, O. Perry S. (Fee Bros. & Co.), r. 229 Ross ave bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Fee, Thomas, land agt, r. 108 Oleander bt Patterson ave, Cottage Lane.
Fehrenbacher, Fridolin, beer driver Anheuser-Busch, r. rear 1602 Commerce cor Lloyd.
Felder, C. W., printer Texas Newspaper Union, bds Howard House.
Felder, Miss Marinda, h. S. A. Mahon.
Fellis, William (c), h. Sophie Johnson.
Felton, George E., Corn and Feed Mill, 124 Patterson ave bt Griffin, Sycamore, r. 233 Patterson ave bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Fendrich, Francis, cigars, tobacco, smokers' articles, 604 Main, r. 938 Jackson bt Akard, Browder.
Fenton, Robert, saddler Frank Wolf.
Ferguson, Charles J., hostler, bds John Talkington.
Ferguson, Frank, carp, r. 513 Caruth bt Orange, Masten.
Ferguson, Rebecca (c), laundress Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Ferguson, Samuel W., bkpr mail order dept Sanger Bros., bds St. George.
Ferguson, William, wks Dallas Electric Light Co., h. Frank Ferguson.
Ferguson, William F., bds James P. Dixon.
Ferguson, William T., r. 203 Pacific ave cor Houston.
Fergusson, Thomas K., insurance agt, r. 904 Jackson bt Akard, Brow der.
Fernbach, Miss Amelia, wks W. J. Townsend, r. same.
Fernbach, Miss Emma, wks John L. Henry, r. same.
Ferrell, Charles P., carp, r. e of McCoy bt Flora, Cochran.
Ferrell, Miss Eliza, r. bt Flora, Cochran e of McCoy.
Ferrell, Henry A., carp, r. ns Cochran bt Hughes; H. & T. C. Ry.
Ferrell, James H., carp, r. ns Gaston ave bt St. Joseph, Martha.
Ferrell, J. H., carp, r: rear 1304 Jackson cor Cabell.
Ferrell, Joshua T., carp, r. ss Porter bt Duncan, Walton.
Ferrell, Lorenzo D., agt Howell & Thomas, r. bt Flora, Cochran e of McCoy.
Ferrell, Millie A. (wid Henry C.), h. H. A. Ferrell.
Ferrell, Richard L., bds J. T. Ferrell.
Ferris, Royal A., Cashier Exchange Bank, bds GrandWindsor Hotel.
Fetzer & McIntosh (William Fetzer, Alexander McIntosh), carps, shop 1016 Elm.
Fetzer, William (Fetzer & McIntosh), rms 1016 Elm.
Field, Abraham H. (Stemmons & Field), r. cor Good, San Jacinto.
Field Frank (Field & Johnson), notary public, r. Edgewood, Lancaster road, 2
1/2 miles sw of Courthouse.
Field & Johnson (Frank Field, Wm. H. Johnson), Attorneys, office 608 Main.
Field, John W., r 245 Masten cor McKinney road.
Field, Pinkney (c), wks S. D. Blake, h. same.
Fielder, Alva, Mgr R. M. Page's Eclipse Lumber Yard, 1301-1303 Elm cor Preston, bds 1221 Elm. See advt.
Fields, Francis (c), wks A. H. Benners, r. same.
Fields, George (c), wks Arthur B. Tabor, r. same.
Fields, George (c), r. ns Good bt Juliet, Cochran.
Fields, George (c) r. ss Cochran, bt Good, Ball. [sic]
Fields, Harold (c), lab, r. 311 Commerce bt Jefferson, Market.
Fields, Miss Lulu, bds Lillie Scott.
Fields & Peak (Thomas Fields, G. Victor Peak), grain dealers, 316 Commerce cor Market.
Fields, Thomas (Fields & Peak) r. 108 Oleander.
Fife, Ambrose D., slsmn Weir Plow Co., r. 754 Ross ave bt Good, Boll.
Fife, Mary (wid W. J. ), r. sw cor Corsicana, Portland.
Fife, William J.. mgr Siler's transfer line, r. sw cor Corsicana, Portland.
Figh, George M. jr., bricklayer, h. G. M. Figh, sr..
Figh, George M. Sr., (Figh & Sanderson), r. 727 N. Harwood bt McKinney road, Bone.
Figh, John R. (Figh & Sanderson), r. 723 N. Harwood bt McKinney road, Bone.
Figh & Sanderson (George M. Figh, John R. Figh, G. Robert Sanderson), contractors, bricklayers, office ws N. Harwood bt McKinney road, Bone. Telephone connection. See advt.
Figh, William M., bricklayer, h. G. M. Figh, sr.
Finkbeiner, Gottlieb, shoemkr, ws S. Lamar bt Pacific ave, Elm, rms Jacob Eiserloh.
Finklea, Gadi, trav slsmn Weir Plow Co., r. 621 San Jacinto bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Finlay, Julia (c), wks Mrs. Mary E. Turner.
Finney, John L., wood yard, r. sw cor Elm, T. & P. Ry.
Finney, Nancy (c), h. Chaney Brooks.
Finnigan, James J. (Rue & Finnigan), r. 59 McKinney ave bt Highland, Caroline.
Finster, Hermann, cabinetmkr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten, bds Theo. Reinecke.
Firestone, John, 3d miller S. H. Cockrell & Co., bds D. N. Hoylman.
Fischer, Martin, wks Anheuser-Busch beer vaults, rms same.
Fisher, Charles E., carp, bds Mrs. Mary L. Hitchcock.
Fisher, John, teamster, r. ws Ervin bt Highland, Caroline.
Fisher, John, mfg jeweler, over 604 Main,r. 310 Canton bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Fisher, William H., contractor, r. ws Crockett cor Cochran.
Fitzgerald, Carey W., carp, r. 1609 Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry.
Fitzgerald, Robert, fruits, confectionery, 6 N. Lamar bt Elm Pacific ave, r. 420 Bryan bt Burford, Pease.
Fitzgerald, Sarah E. (Mrs. C. W.), groceries, 1609 Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry, r. same.
Fitzhugh, Mrs. Julia (wid Thadeus), r. 115 Cottage Lane bt Bullington, Oleander.
Fitzhugh, Lafayette (Fitzhugh & Wozencraft), r. nr sw cor Fair Grounds.
Fitzhugh, Lafayette H., r. nr sw cor Fair Grounds.
Fitzhugh & Wozencraft (Lafayette Fitzhugh, Alfred P. Wozencraft), attorneys, office over 415 Elm cor Austin.
Fitzpatrick, Francis B., carp John Paul, r. 38 Caroline cor Cedar Springs. Fitzsimmons, Michael, bds John Bennett.
Flagg, William (c), teamster M. W. Russey, r. ws Broadway bt Wood, Polk.
Flanagan, Ellen, h. William J. Kain.
Flanders, Charles L., draughtsman J. E. Flanders, r. 1
1/2 miles w of Courthouse.
Flanders, James E., Architect, Office 709 Main, r. 2 miles w of Courthouse. See advt.
Flathers, James B., patternmkr Trinity iron works, r. 748 Bryan bt Cantagral Germania.
Fleming, James T., cik, h. Mrs. Mary E. Fleming.
Fleming, Mrs. Mary E. (wid), dressmkr, r. 801 Ervay cor Marilla.
Fleming, William B., fruit stand h. Mrs. Mary E. Fleming.
Flemister, Matthew, printer, bds J. H. Wofford.
Flemming, Albert (c), r. es Villars bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Flemming, Elbert (c), lab, r. n end Jefferson cor Cochran.
Flemming, James, bartender E. J. Fritts.
Flemming, Lucinda (c), h. Adam Armstrong.
Flemming, William H., lab Butler & Co., bds I. F. McAdams.
Fletcher, Alfred, clk C. G. Eckford, rms over 315 Main.
Fletcher, Miss Carrie, h. E. C. Smith.
Fletcher, Frank (c), propr hack No. 2, stable at Clark & Desmond, r. 941 Jackson cor Lane.
Fletcher, George (c), r. ws Lane bt Commerce, Jackson.
Fletcher, Miss Katie, h. E. C. Smith..
Flint, James F.. r. 229 Ross ave bt Griffin. Magnolia.
Flippen, Adoue & Lobit (William H. Flippen, J. Bertrand Adoue, Joseph Lobit), bankers, 616 Elm cor Poydras. See advt.
Flippen, William H. (Flippen, Adoue & Lobit) r. nw cor Ross ave, Masten.
Flood, B. M., bkpr Elliott & Clark, r. 1043 Wood bt S. Harwood, Ervay.
Flood, Miss Dora, h. Tighlman H. Nance.
Flood, Edwin O., Ticket Agent H. & T. C. Ry, Office 512 Main and Union pass depot, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Flood, Miss Katie, h. B. F. Satlings.
Florence, James, carp Clark & Clark, bds J. T. Ferrell.
Flower, James T. (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Floyd, Eliza A. (c), r. es.Fair Grounds.
Floyd, Emmett, plasterer, rms over 725 Elm.
Floyd, Hayden (c), h. Eliza Floyd.
Floyd, Peter (c), h. Eliza Floyd.
Floyd, Stewart S. (S. S. Floyd & Co.), r. Galveston, Tex.
Floyd, S. S. & Co. (Stewart S. Floyd, A. G. McCampbell, J. M. Bryant), grain, provision, cotton, coffee and stock brokers,. 611 Elm. See advt.
Fluchy, George (c), r. 940 Commerce.
Flynn, William, r. wks H. & T. C. Ry nr Eakin.
Flynn, William T., frt conductor H. & T. C. Ry, h. Wm. Flynn.
Follett, G. W., Ry mail clk Dallas and Cleburne, bds St. George Hotel.
Fond, Mrs. Clara (wid), r. ss Main e of Mill creek.
Fond, Frank, wks Bois d'Arc mills, h. Mrs. C. Fond.
Fonda, Edward R., shipping clk Schneider & Davis, bds J. E. Schneider.
Fondren, Sallie A. (wid J. D ), h. Henry C. Haskins.
Foot, Frederick N. (Babcock, Foot & Brown), bds 1058 Elm.
Forbes, Richard T., coll American Nat'l Bank, h. W. J. Townsend.
Ford, Annie (c), chambermaid Grand-Windsor, h. Ellen Ford.
Ford, Ellen (c), r. rear 510 Commerce.
Ford, Frank M., carp, r. 902 San Jacinto cor Burford.
Ford, James B., lab bds W. W. Attaway.
Ford, Jerry (c), h. Ellen Ford.
Ford, Mary (c), wks Philip Lindsley.
Ford, Olin W., printer Dallas Herald, bds St. James Hotel.
Ford, Polly (c), r. ws Alamo bt Olin Wellborn, Ervin.
Ford, Samuel (c), waiter Grand-Windsor, h. Ellen Ford.
Ford, Samuel (c), r. ns Alamo bt Wichita, Ervin.
Foreman, Jesse, wks Thomas L. Marsalis, r. same.
Foresythe, Joseph, rms 410 Jackson bt Austin, Market.
Forlines, Edward M., plumber A. McWhirk, rms 406 Elm.
Forlines, George W., carp, h. L. S. Forlines.
Forlines, Lysander S., carp, r. 1320 San Jacinto bt Germania, Pavilion.
Forrester, William C., farmer, r. e of Live Oak nr Convent.
Forster, Frederick, bkpr S. Mayer & Co., r. .1425 Columbia cor Preston.
Forster, Robert, bookbinder Dallas Herald, bds Joseph Putz.
Forsythe, William F., appc machinist Clark & Clark, bds H. C. Barlow.
Fortin, George E., bkpr Moroney & Co., r. ne cor Main, Poydras.
Fortune, Frank, r. ss Porter bt Duncan, Walton.
Fortune, George L., Groceries, 316 Boll cor Juliet, r. ss Juliet bt Boll, Allen.
Fortune, Joseph W., Car Accountant and Lumber clk T. & P. and Mo. P. Rys, r. ss Gaston ave s end St. Joseph.
Fortune, William B., grocer, ss Elm bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Foss, James M., Propr Diamond Barber Shop and Bath rooms, 706 Main, r. 9 Cochran.
Foss, William L., barber J. M. Foss, h. same.
Foster, A. P., 2d asst teacher Grove high school.
Foster, Benjamin C., teamster, bds Crutchfield.House.
Foster, Charles (c), r. 838 Preston nr city limits.
Foster, Florence (c), r. ns Polk bt Lamar, Poydras.
Foster, Joseph, harnessmkr J. J. Miller, bds Mrs. B. M. Wood.
Foster, Scott (c), wks C. M. Wheat, h. same.
Foster, Thomas (c), porter, bds Henry Richardson.
Foster, William (c), wks J. M. Pace, r. same.
Fouke, Philip B., trav slsmn, bds William L. Harrison.
Fountain, Henry (c), r. es Crockett bt Live Oak, Cora.
Fountain, Rosa (c), wks Wilson Smith, r. same.
Fowler, James (c), brick mason, r. 102 Cochran bt Leonard, Flora.
Fowler, Mrs. Juliette A. (wid A. Y.), h. Jefferson Peak.
Fowler, Maggie S. (wid), r. sw cor Pacific ave, N. Harwood.
Fox, August, foreman bookbinder A. D. Aldridge & Co., r. ns Cochran n end Lamar.
Fox, August W. Propr Fox Candy Manufactory, 212 Market, 411 Main bt Market, Austin, r. same.
Fox, Charles W., accountant G., C. & S. F. Ry frt office, bds L. H. Booso.
Fox, Henry, asst steward Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Fox, Miss Ida, wks Wm. B. Wright, r. same.
Fox, John, r. ss Sutton e of Walton.
Fox, Mattie E. (wid J. W.), h. John W. Barret.
Fox, S. E., Confectionery and Candy Mfy, 411 Main bt Market, Austin, r. same.
Fox, William H. saddler Wm. Lehman, h. August Fox.
Fox, Miss Katie, h. Hugh J. Blakeney.
Fraisure, John, h. Wm. O'Leary.
Frambes, Joseph, hostler Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
France, Mrs. Mary (wid), wks Pacific House, bds same.
Franco, Gusippena (Mrs. F. Dichiara), h. Francisco Dichiara.
Frank, George F., switchman Mo. P. yd, bds National Hotel.
Frank, John, wks D. V. Botto, h. same.
Frank, Joseph H., boardinghouse, se cor N. Lamar, Ross ave, r. same.
Frank, William F., bartender Waller & Garrison, r. ss Main bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Frankel, David, clk Sanger Bros., bds Cincinnati House.
Frankel, Henry, clk Lassner & Koehler, rms over ne cor Camp, Lamar.
Frankel, Jessie (Mrs. N.), groceries, nw cor Camp, Griffin.
Frankel, Naftali agt Lassner & Koehler, 120-122 Camp, r. ss Monument bt Good, Cantagral.
Frankel, Nathan, clk A. & E. Mittenthal, r. nw cor Camp, Griffin.
Franklin, Benjamin M., r. 9 ss Bryan bt Hall, McCoy.
Franklin, Charles (c), r. ws S. Lamar s of creek.
Franklin, Mary C. (wid H.), r. Main bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Franklin, Mrs. Mollie, r. 314 Commerce bt Market, Jefferson.
Franklin & Pfouts (Watson L. Franklin, William Pfouts), machinery and brass foundry, 727-729 Polk cor G. C. & S. F. Ry. See advt.
Franklin, Thomas (c), hostler W. L. Harrison, r. same.
Franklin, Watson L. (Franklin & Pfouts), r. nw cor Orange, Hord.
Franks, Cherry (c), h. Thomas Armon.
Franks, James H., lab, r. 112 Jefferson bt Walnut, Carondelet.
Franks, Miss Hattie, waitress Commercial Hotel.
Franks, Katie (c), r. ss Porter bt Crowdus, Henry.
Frasier, Mary (c), wks John A. Hill, r. same.
Frasier, Miss Mollie, wks John T. Hay, r. same.
Frazer, Charles (c), cook, bds Annie Williams.
Frazier, James, housemover, r. 24 Caroline bt McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Frazier, John C. wks Eureka soap works, r. ss Cottonwood bt Ashland, Wichita.
Frechette, Mrs. Lizzie (wid John), r. 504 Jackson bt Lamar, Austin.
Frederick, Bijah M., canvasser New Home sewing machines, bds 930 Commerce.
Frederick, Miss Lora, wks L. Reichenstein.
Frederickson, John P., lab, r. w of Chestnut cor G. C. & S F. Ry.
Free, James W., machinist Clark & Clark, r. 33 Cantagral bt Floyd, Pacific reservation.
Free, William H. (Blakeney & Free), bds John L. Neel.
Freeman, Alfred, photographer; dealer pianos, organs, 505 Main, r. same.
Freeman, Clark, groceries, 703 Ross ave bt Leonard, Peak, r. same.
Freeman, Cynthia (c), wks W. H. Lemmon, h. same.
Freeman, George, baker G. Probert, bds same.
Freeman, Mollie (c), wks E. H. Ayers.
Freeman, Mrs. Rebecca (wid Samuel J.), bds James H. Tipton.
Frees, Benjamin, clk Frees & Son, h. Jacob Frees.
Frees, Harry M., trav slsmn Frees & Son, rms 814 Main.
Frees, Henry J., music teacher, with Frees & Son, r. 215 Park.
Frees, Jacob (Frees & Son), r. 215 Park bt Browder, Ervay.
Frees & Son (Jacob and William J. Frees), Pianos, Organs, musical mdse, 812-814 Main.
Frees, William J. (Frees & Son), r. 215 Park.
Freiberg, Isidore (Loeb & Freiberg), bds Bogel's Hotel.
Fresenius, John P., clk, h. Mrs. M. F. Fresenius.
Fresenius, Mrs. Mary F. (wid J. P.), r. 904 Browder cor Canton.
Freshman, Samuel (Rothstein & Freshman), rms es Jefferson nr Main.
Fretz, Charles, clk Schoellkopf & Co., r. 839 Live Oak.
Fretz, Emile, barber, shop 111 S. Lamar bt Main, Elm, r. ws Germania bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Fretz, Jacob, r. 839 Live Oak bt Cantagral, Germania.
Frey, Henry, tailor Kugler & Co., bds Samuel Moore.
Frichot, Miss Bertha, h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Frichot, Henrietta Miss, h. Samuel Peterman.
Frichot, Miss Laura, h. Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer.
Frick, Adolph, carp, r. ws Pavilion bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Frick, Barbara (wid H.), r. 118 Bryan bt Olive, N. Harwood.
Frick Henry, (Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, 124 Bryan cor Olive, r. 135 Olive bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Friedlander, Herman, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc., 502 Elm cor Austin, r. nw cor Carter, Caruth.
Friedlander, Jacob, h. H. Friedlander.
Friedlander, Julius W., trav slsmn, r. 93 Cochran cor Magnolia.
Friedman, David (D. Friedman & Co.), r. ws H. &. T. C. Ry opp Union Depot.
Friedman, D. & Co. (David Friedman, John Heilporn), lunch stand, ws H. & T. C. Ry opp Union Depot.
Friend, Henry M., slsmn E. M. Tillman, bds Grand-Windsor.
Frisby, J. H., detective, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Fritts, Edward G., saloon, 1230 Elm cor Preston, rms same.
Fritz, Miss Augusta, wks Mrs. M. Knepfly, r. same.
Froese, Carl H., clk T. & P. Ry land office.
Frost, Millie (wid R. C.), r. ns Canton w of Akard.
Frost, Thomas J., drayman, h. Mrs. Millie Frost.
Fuchs, Edmond, bartender W. Metzger.
Fuchslin, Louis, shoemkr Emil Haberthur, bds 1325 Elm.
Fudge, John, engr Butler & Co., bds Mrs. R. E. Wood.
Fudge, John L. (J. L. Fudge & Co.), bds W. P. Barbee.
Fudge, John L. & Co. (John L. Fudge, A. M. Ray), grain, hay, feed, wood and wagon yard, 1119 Elm bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Fukre, Lee (c), wks A. B. Norton, r. same.
Fuller, E. J. (wid), r. 1501 Polk cor Preston.
Fuller, George, policeman, bds A. H. Blank.
Fullerlove, Henry (c), floatdriver Schneider & Davis, r. 610 Wood bt Lamar, Poydras.
Fulton, Robert (c), cook Commercial Hotel.
Funkhouser, William T., teller Exchange Bank, rms 808 Wood bt Lacey, Akard.
Fuqua, George (c), porter Sanger Bros., r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Fuqua, George C., r. 1303 San Jacinto bt Pavilion, Hall.
Fuqua, George S., cotton buyer, r. 1258 San Jacinto cor Germania.
Fuqua, Lee, printer Norton's Intelligencer.
Fuqua, Lucy (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Furst, Mrs. Eugenia (wid H.), h. Paul Furst.
Furst, Paul, Cashier Adams & Leonard; Treasr Merchants Exchange; notary public, r. ne cor Evergreen, Corsicana.
Fury,William (c), r. es Good bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.

Gadby, Ella (c), wks F. P. Phelan, r. same.
Gadd, Fred H., clk, r. 136 Cochran.
Gadd, Leslie A., saddler, r. 136 Cochran bt Orange, Masten.
Gadd, William H., r. 136 Cochran bt Orange, Masten.
Gahlegar, John, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Gaines, Edith (c), r. 220 Patterson ave bt College, Sycamore.
Gaines, William, clk H. & T. C. frt depot, bds Mrs. E. A. Marshall.
Gaines, W. T., carp, r. 615 Cedar Spring bt Caroline, Highland.
Gaird, Clifford, lab, r. se cor Magnolia, Caruth.
Gaither, Henry H., canvasser Singer Mfg Co., r. 409 Commerce bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Galamia, Joseph, r. rear 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Gallaher, James E., stamp and local register clk Postoffice, rms Mrs. L. A. Martin.
Galleher, Agnes D. (wid Samuel), boardinghouse, 304 Jackson cor Jefferson.
Galleher, John C. h. Mrs, A. D. Galleher.
Gallie, Andrew, lab, r. 571 N. Harwood bt Cochran, creek.
Galliher, Joel N., carp, r. ws Chestnut bt Dawson ave, creek.
Galloway, Edward, bds Adam P. Quint.
Galloway, Martha J. Mrs. (wid), h. O. A. Roughton.
Galloway, Patrick, watchman, bds Germania House.
Gannaway, Robert B., bds Clifford Gaird.
Gannon, Edward J.,.Cashier American National Bank, r. 903 Ross ave cor Boll.
Gannon, Frank (c), r. es Boll bt San Jacinto, H. & T. C. Ry.
Gannon, Frank, teamster, h. F. T. Gannon.
Gannon, Frank T., lab, r. 132 Good bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Gannon, John H., cik David Goslin, h. F. T. Gannon.
Gano Bros. (John T. and Clarence W.), Land Agents and scrip locators, office 407 Main bt Market, Austin.
Gano, Clarence W. (Gano Bros.), bds W. B. Gano,
Gano, Hattie (c), h. Richard Gasary.
Gano, Ida H. Mrs. (wid F. M.), h. Charles F. Clint.
Gano, Jane (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry bt San Jacinto, Boll.
Gano, John T. (Gano Bros.), r. 1104 Ervay.
Gano, Richard M., real estate agt, office 407 Main bt Market, Austin, r. 1104 Ervay.
Gano, William B. (Coombes & Gano), r. 1104 Ervay cor Corsicana.
Gant, Francis (c), wks Thos. Fee, h. same.
Ganzer, Augusta (wid G. A.), r. 214 Live Oak bt Olive, Harwood.
Ganzer, Ferdinand, Propr Planter's House, ss Elm opp car shops, E. Dallas, r. same.
Gard, C. F., lab Elliott & Clark, bds City Hotel.
Gard, William F. (Miller & Gard), r. 19 Floyd.
Gardener, Adolph, meat market, ne cor Ross ave, Carter, r. same.
Gardener, William H,, r. 109 Hawkins bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Gardner, Charles E., carp, h. Mary Gardner.
Gardner, James (c), r. ss Juliet bt Peak, Good.
Gardner, John P., h. Mary Gardner.
Gardner, Mrs. Julia A. (wid Robert), r. ss Polk bt Broadway, Houston.
Gardner, Martha (c), wks Nathan W. Hunter.
Gardner, Mary (wid M. K.), r. 1313 Commerce bt Cabell, Preston.
Gardner, Robert, hostler R. H. Laws, rms 308 Elm.
Gardner, Thomas B., clk R,. M. Page, r. 228 Patterson ave nr College.
Garfinkle, Peter, clk H. Friedlander, r. 1052 Elm bt St. Paul, Harwood.
Garlington, Moses D., grain, fruit, produce, com mer, 405 Elm, r. 304 Griffin cor Hord.
Garhean, Sylvester J., r. 101 Live Oak bt Pacific ave, N. Harwood.
Garner, Bettie (c), r. ws Houston bt Walnut, Calhoun.
Garner, Charles G., trav slsmn, bds G. W. Hynson.
Garnier, Louise Miss, h. James D. McCormick.
Garrett, Alexander C. jr., h. Rev. A. C. Garrett.
Garrett, Alexander C. Sr:, Rt. Rev., Bishop Episcopal church, diocese Northern Texas, r. ne cor Greenwood, Oak.
Garrett, Daniel (c), cook, r. 283 Masten nr Good.
Garrett, Henry inspector Dallas Telephone Exchange, h. Rev. A. C. Garrett, sr.
Garrett, Jackson (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same.
Garrett, Jane (c), h. Henry Graves.
Garrett, John (c), head waiter St. George, rms Peyton Hooker.
Garrett, Minnie (Mrs. Alexander C.), h. R. D. Coughanour.
Garrett, Rosa (c), wks W. W. Young, r. same.
Garrett, William (c), 2d cook St. George Hotel, bds same.
Garrison, Ernest D. , clk notion dept Blankenship & Blake, bds S.D. Blake.
Garrison, George, bartender Henry P. Shiel, r. ss Main bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Garrison, George W. (Waller & Garrison), bds R. E. Hurlburt.
Garrison, John H., transfer clk Pacific Exp. Co., Union Depot, rms same, bds Union Depot Hotel.
Garrison, Knox, asst shipping clk Keating Implement and Machine Co., bds A. K. Woodson.
Garrison, Lysander S., Postmaster of Dallas, Office se cor Elm, Sycamore; agt Pacific Exp. Co., office 803 Main cor Murphy, r. 214 Masten bt Bone, McKinney.
Garrity, Christian, wks John Holden, bds same.
Garrison W. Oscar, shipping clk Keating Implement and Machine Co., rms 504 Jackson.
Gasary, Richard (c), wks W. G. Sterett, r. ns Montezuma bt H. & T. C. Ry, Good.
Gasser, Nicholas, wks Anheuser-Busch beer vaults, rms same.
Gaston, Edwin, h. W H. Gaston.
Gaston, George W., r. 1401 Commerce cor Preston.
Gaston, John H., asst cashier Exchange Bank, r. 1304 Jackson cor Cabell.
Gaston, William H., asst cashier American National Bank, prest Southwestern Land Co., prest Dallas Mfg Co., r. ne cor Swiss ave, St. Joseph.
Gates, Erasmus F., bds Mrs. A. D. Galleher.
Gates, Solomon (c), r. ns MariIla bt Ervay, Veal.
Gaul, David C., bkpr S. H. Cockrell Co., bds 12 N. Lamar.
Gay, Frank, tinner Huey & Philp bds, Commercial Hotel.
Gay, Joseph E., foreman T. W. Cline, bds 105 Camp.
Gee, Thomas A., bartender J. M. Skelton & Co., rms Geo. Gaston.
Gee, William O., cabinetmkr T. Billington, bds Commercial Hotel.
Geer, E. Jefferson, wks Todd mills, r. 30 Orange cor Collins.
Geisert, Richard, bird store, ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Main, Elm, r. Pacific ave bt Sycamore, Live Oak.
Geisler, August, carp, r. 317 Germania bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
George, Freelander L. (c), wks Thos. P. Barry, h. same.
George, Samuel (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Germania House, John F. Gramatky, Propr, 804 Elm bt Murphy, Sycamore.
Gertman, George (c), lab, r. 638 Leonard bt Cochran, Juliet.
Gese, Nuar, r. 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Getz, Alexander S., floor walker clothing dept Sanger Bros., r. se cor Young, Lacy.
Gibbs, Barnett (Morgan & Gibbs), r. 1053 Elm bt Ervay, Harwood.
Gibbs, John, groceries, ns Elm nr cor Crowdus, r. same.
Gibson, Henry K. (Carter & Gibson Printing Co.), r. ne cor Pearl, Cora.
Gibson, Robert, Prest Howard Oil Co., cor Polk, Preston, r. 1203 Wood cor Cabell.
Gibson, William (c), wks M. L. Crawford, r. same.
Gidcumb, B., trav slsmn Bartram, Robinson & Co., bds St. George.
Giddens, George, driver Back & Hares, r. ws Millers Ferry road opp City Park.
Gilbert, George (c), r. ws Porter bt Crowdus, Henry.
Gilbert, Lemon (c), porter, r. 614 Austin bt Columbia, creek.
Gilbert, Thomas H., clk J. W. Turner, bds St. George Hotel.
Gill, Charles A., Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, shop ne cor Commerce, Poydras, r. 925 S. Harwood cor St. Louis. See advt.
Gill & Dirmeyer (John D. Gill, George H. Dirmeyer) proprs Cabinet sample and billiard saloon, 502 Main cor Austin.
Gill, Isham H., carp C. A. Gill, r. 1207 Jackson bt S. Harwood, Cabell.
Gill, James O., h. C. A. Gill.
Gill, John D. (Gill & Dirmeyer), rms over 502 Main cor Austin, bds Grand-Windsor.
Gill, Lula (Mrs. Edgar), r. 1545 Main bt Leonard, Lloyd.
Gill, Thomas O., h. C. A. Gill.
Gillespie, Ann (c), wks O. P. S. Fee, h. same.
Gillespie, Charles B., Tax Collector Dallas County, office Courthouse, r. Oak Lawn, 2 miles n of city.
Gillespie, Constantine C., physician, surgeon, office over 724 Main, r. 906 San Jacinto bt Boll, Burford.
Gillespie, Frank (c), wks W. H. Gaston, h. same.
Gillespie, John P., attorney, office 304 Main cor Jefferson, r. Oak Lawn n of city.
Gillespie, Samuel G., bkpr, r. 804 Browder cor Park.
Gillespie, William C., trav slsmn, bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Gillham, Mary E. (wid W. B.), r. 136 Good bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Gilliam, Charles F., slsmn Thos. Randall & Nephews, r. 758 Wood cor Lacy.
Gilliam, Miss Emma, h. James W. Greenwall.
Gillingham, Harvey W., r. 32 Alamo bt Cedar Springs, McKinney.
Gillingham, John J., clk, r. ss Alamo bt Cedar Springs, McKinney road.
Gillott, John, marble cutter, bds R. J. Eaton.
Gilmore, Joseph, contracter and builder, r. 404 Market cor Jackson.
Ginotti, Joseph, r. 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Gist, Joseph E., clk Blankenship & Blake, rms 805 Main, bds J. R. Meeks.
Gittins, Mary (c), r. ss Montezuma bt Burford, Crockett.
Giu, Si (Chinese), wks Wau Lee, r. same.
Giuffre, Andrew, boot and shoemkr, fruit; cigars, tobacco, 908 1/2 Main, r. same.
Giuffre, August, clk Andrew Giuffre, r. same.
Giuffre, Peter, barber Lee Cohn, r. over 308 Main bt Market, Jefferson.
Givens, A., 2d engr S. H. Cockrell & Co., bds Pacific House.
Givens, John, lab, bds George Slater.
Givens, Sanford (c), lab, r. sw cor Good, Flora.
Givens, William C., clk G. W. Loudon, r. 410 Pocahontas.
Glasscock, Garnett A., bds J. H. Lindsay.
Gleiser, Mary (wid N.), r. ns Sutton bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Gleiser, Otto, h. Mrs. Mary Gleiser.
Glen Lea Saloon, 740 Main cor Murphy, Starke & Co., proprs. See advt.
Glover, Andrew (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry n of Cochran.
Gluck, Joseph, cigars, fruits, 719 Elm r. same.
Glucksman, David, trav slsmn Babcock, Foot & Brown, bds 1058 Elm.
Glucksman & Co. (Paul Glucksman, Jacob Menczer), proprs Elm Exchange saloon, liquor dealers, 614 Elm.
Glucksman, Paul (GIucksman & Co.), Money, Real Estate and live stock broker, office over 614 Elm, bds Jacob Menczer. See advt.
Gobel, Israel, farmer, r. ws Ursuline bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Goberson, G. T. boilermkr helper Phelan & Co.
Goble, Arthur W., h. W. C. Goble
Goble, Washington C., wagon, wood yd, 953 Elm cor Ervay, r. same.
Godbold, Nathan W., bkpr Padgitt Bros., r. ns St. Louis bt Akard, Browder.
Goddard, Frederick, h. Mrs. Mary Peters.
Godfrey, Mary W. (wid Wilson), r. 1236 Commerce cor Cabell.
Godfrey, William, wks G. E. Felton, r. sw cor Magnolia, Hord.
Godsey, George T., carp Clark & Clark, bds J. V. Crisman.
Godwin, Nathan, groceries, 1210 Elm bt Cabell; Preston, r. same.
Goff, Daniel (c), barber, bds Annie Williams.
Golay, Vincent H., bkpr and cashier Texas Elevator and Compress Co., r. 1042 Ross ave.
Goldberg, Pasa, carp, r. 1012 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Goldenberg, Herman, tailor E. M. Kahn & Co., r. se cor Hord, Carter.
Goldsby, Charles, painter, bds S. P. Mendez.
Goldsmith Bros. (Isidor and Max), dry goods, fancy goods, notions, boots, shoes, 714 Elm bt Murphy, Poydras.
Goldsmith, Isidor (Goldsmith Bros.), r. New York City.
Goldsmith, Max (Goldsmith Bros.), r. ns Wood. bt railroad, Akard.
Goldstein, Jacob, harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., r. 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Gonzales, Francis R., groceries, nw cor Ross ave, Griffin, r. same.
Gooch, G. J. (Texas Machine Co.), secy, bus mgr Dallas Mfg Co., rms 925 Elm.
Good, Benjamin M., yd clk Mo. P. Ry, r. 114 Good bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Good, Charles (c), r. 108 Boll bt San Jacinto, Ross ave.
Good, Mollie (Mrs.. William), r. 5 Swiss ave.
Good, Nat. S., h. Mrs. S. A. Good.
Good, Oscar (c), r. 201 Juliet cor Peak.
Good, Susan A. (wid John J.), r. 114 Good bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Good, Tillie E. (Mrs. J. J.), h. Mrs. M. J. Chambers.
Goodlet, John, clk J. L. Fudge & Co., h. Jacob Sphar.
Goodlet, Miss Mattie, h. Jacob Sphar.'
Goodlet, Miss Rebecca, h. Jacob Sphar.
Goodman, Charles, bakery, ss Main bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. same.
Goodman, Louis, clk Cahn Bros., rms, over 635 Elm bds M. Sues.
Goodsell, Mrs. Lucy (wid), r. 307 Wood bt Market, Jefferson.
Goodwin, Della Miss, seamstress S. P. Mendez & Co., r. e end Floyd.
Goodwin, Rose (c), wks J. L. Williams, r. same.
Goodwin, Mrs. Sarah E. (wid J. W.), r. 614 S. Harwood bt Polk, Columbia.
Goodwin, Walter (c), wks F. Michel.
Goolsby, Wiley B. (S. P. Mendez & Co.), r. 84 Canton.
Goosby, Richard (c), r. 1628 Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry.
Gordon, Frank (c), bell boy St. George Hotel, bds same.
Gordon, Joseph W., trav slsmn Schneider & Davis, bds Grand-Windsor.
Gordon, W. F., physician, bds St. George Hotel.
Gorsell, Wilson S., bds Henry B. Tunnell.
Goshna Annie (c), r. ss Pacific ave bt Preston, Cabell.
Goslin, David, Wholesale and Retail Crockery, Glassware, cutlery, silverware, house furnishing goods, bar and hotel out-fittings, 702-704-706 Elm cor Murphy, r. 612 Ervay.
Goslin, Herman, clk L. Wallerstein, r. 313 Canton cor Evergreen.
Goslin, Louis, clk D. Goslin, r. 708 Ervay cor Marilla.
Goss, Daniel (c), barber John Jackson.
Gosser, Nicholas, wks Anheuser-Busch beer vaults, rms same.
Gossler, Miss Katie, wks Mrs. E. A. Marshall.
Gottlieb, Miss Helena, h. M. G. Gottlieb.
Gottlieb, Maurice G., wood dealer, r. 752 Jackson cor railroad.
Gouffe, A. Joseph, r. ne cor Akard, Park.
Gouger, Bowie, wks D. V. Botto, h. Mrs. N. A. Bishop.
Gough, Thomas, carp, r. 1627 Main bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Grace, Mrs. Elizabeth (wid), wks Miss Lizzie Lane, h. same.
Groeber, Miss Dora, wks J. V. Childers, h. same.
Graham, Alexander C., physician, surgeon, 743 Elm, r. ne cor Bryan, Crockett.
Graham, Seaburn D., lab, r. 510 Jefferson bt Wood, Polk.
Gramatky, John F., Propr Germania House, 844 Elm bt Murphy, Sycamore, r. same.
Grammse, Julia Miss, wks Charles F. Carter, r. same.
Granbury, Boston (c), porter Purdy & Randell.
Granbury, Susan (c), r. ns Cochran bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Grand-Windsor Hotel, cor Main, Austin, W. C. Howard, propr.
Grandwohl, Shark, bds R. Weil.
Grant, Charles J., correspondent American National Bank, h. Robert Gibson.
Grant, John M., carp, r. 25 William bt Bone, Obenchain.
Grant, Mary, h. A. G. Wood.
Grant, Nelia (c), ironer Eureka steam laundry..
Grant, Samuel, wks Henry C. Coke.
Grant, William J., depy U. S. marshal, r. nr ShadyView Park, ws Washington ave.
Graves, Henry (c), r. ns Juliet bt Good, Boll.
Graves, Nelson (c), r. es Burford bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Graves, Red, clk Sanger Bros., rms George Campbell.
Gray, Andrew (wid David), h. Thomas W. Cline.
Gray, Edward (c), barber Richard Laffiton, bds Houston McDuff.
Gray, Edward, attorney, notary public,.72 1/2 Main, h. W. M. Edwards.
Gray, James R., blksmith Begley & Watson, rms 305 Lamar bt Jackson, Wood.
Gray, Jennie (Mrs. R. H.), r. 212 Jackson cor Jefferson.
Gray, Julius (c), bds Delia Jones.
Gray, J. H., com mer., rms Wm. R. Evans.
Gray, Mitch (S. H. Cockrell & Co.), r. ns Gaston ave bt St. Joseph, Martha.
Gray, Thomas, bds Thomas Carroll.
Grecco, Rosolino, lab, rms 306 Commerce.
Green, Ellen (c), wks Albert Strauss, r. same.
Green, George, cook Howard House. r. same.
Green, George A., carp, r. 515 Cedar Spring cor Caroline.
Green, George A., painter, r. ns Gaston ave bt St. Joseph, Martha.
Green, Harriet (c), wks Oliver Bros., laundry.
Green, Isaac (c), r. ns McCoy bt Flora, Cochran.
Green, James (c), wks F. T. Jones.
Green, Margaret (c), r. ns Good bt Juliet, Cochran.
Green, Matthew, driver Hodges & Atwater, rms ne cor Jackson, Market.
Green, Richard, lab, r. ss Main bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Green, Rufus (c), porter Starke & Co., rms H. A. Jones.
Green, Sylvester (c), waiter St George, rms Peyton Hooker.
Green, Thomas (c), wks William L Griggs.
Green, Viney (c), r. ws Park bt Akard, Trinity.
Greenberg, Joseph M., tinner, 1329 Elm bt H. & T. C. Ry Leonard, r. same.
Greenhaw, Susana A. (wid B. H.), dressmkr Mrs. L. H. Tuley,. r. 311 Cochran.
Greenlaw, William B., slsmn Schneider & Davis, r. nw cor Griffin, Caruth.
Greenlun, Albert M., r. 126 Live Oak cor N. Harwood.
Greenwald, August, woodworker Conroy & Rodgers, bds I. F. McAdams.
Greenwold, James W., boot, shoemkr, 705 Elm, r. ss Elm bt Crowdus, Duncan.
Greenwood, William E., transfer agt T. & P. Ry, bds National Hotel.
Greer, John, carp, r. 47 Swiss ave bt Leonard, Hawkins.
Greer, Nathan (c) (Hanson & Greer), r. es Burford bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Greer, Mrs. Susan L. (wid), h. James W. Johnson.
Gregan, Patrick, lab, bds Planters House.
Gregory, Miss Ada, seamstress Blankenship & Blake.
Gregory, Fendall N., coll. Terry & Cockrell, bds James S. Terry.
Gregory, James H., r. 1301 San Jacinto bt Hall, Pavilion.
Gregory, Louis, wks Charles T. Park, r. same.
Gregory, William A., carp C.. A. Gill, r. 1301 Bryan bt Pavilion, Hall.
Grenberger, Miss Rosa, h. Jacob Menczer.
Gresset, Herman, painter, bds Wm. T. Holcomb.
Grice, William, bkpr Waters, Pierce Oil Co., rms D. H. Benton, bds Union Depot Hotel.
Griffeth, Lafayette F., clk, h. R. C. Hanley.
Griffin, Miss Eliza. wks Hugh J. Blakeney, r. same.
Griffin, George, ydmaster T. & P. Ry, bds T. J. Coffee.
Griffin, James, r. ss Cochran bt H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Griffin, James D , yd clk B. E. Andrews & Co., bds S. R. Whitten.
Griffin, John, r. ws S. Lamar S of creek.
Griffin, Mary, h. John Griffin.
Griffin, Sally J. Mrs. (wid C. B.), r. 327 Flora cor Boll.
Griffin, Thomas, r. ws McKinney road nr Pearl.
Griffith, Frank M., h. Mrs. Mary Griffith.
Griffith, James ydrnaster Mo. P. Ry.
Griffith, Mary (wid J. C.), r. 444 Collin e of Orange.
Griffith, Mrs. Sarah R. (wid), teacher instrumental music Dallas Female College, r. same.
Griffith, Shang, stage mgr Coliseum Theatre, bds F. DeBeque.
Griffith, Wilberth, wks John A. Carter, r. same.
Griffith, William, lab Boyd & Webster, h. Mrs. Mary Griffith.
Griffiths & Cowser (Thomas w. Griffiths, Albert R. Cowser), lumber, laths, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, sw cor Commerce, Leonard. See advt.
Griffiths, Elizabeth (wid W.), r. ss Juliet bt Boll, Allan. [sic]
Griffiths, Thomas W. (Griffiths & Cowser), r. ns McKinney, opp Pearl.
Grigg, Archer A., bartender John A. Carter, bds same.
Griggs, Allen R. Rev. (c), Pastor New Hope Baptist church, editor The Baptist Preacher, r. 505 Hall bt Ross ave, Flora.
Griggs, William L. (Oliver & Griggs), Treasr Texas Asphaltum Street Paving and Pipe Co., r. ns Swiss ave bt Martha, St. Joseph.
Griggsby, Charles E., h. Mrs. S. A. Griggsby.
Griggsby, Miss Elizabeth, slslady Goldsmith Bros., h. James H. Griggsby.
Griggsby, Franklin, lab, h. Mrs. S. A. Griggsby.
Griggsby, James H., carp, r. ss Highland bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Griggsby, John W., farmer, h. Mrs. S. A. Griggsby.
Griggsby, Sarah A. (wid Williarri), r. ns Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry.
Griner, Andrew J.. lab, r. es Trinity bt Canton, Park.
Grissam, Miss Florence, operator Dallas Telephone Ex., h. W. E. Best.
Grissum, Joseph, farmer, 1 1/2 miles ne of Courthouse nr Longslake road.
Grizzle, H. Milo (Grizzle & Tabor), r. 1134 Elm.
Grizzle, & Tabor (H. Milo Grizzle, Elisha W. Tabor), groceries, 1134 Elm bt Cabell, N. Harwood.
Grizzle, Wm., clk Grizzle & Tabor, bds H. M. Grizzle.
Gross, Mrs. Charlotte. (wid), bds Mrs. Augusta Yahn.
Gross, Mary (wid M. A.), h. Barney Cooke.
Grossman, Jacob, Propr Casino Saloon, 609 Main bt Lamar, Poydras, r. 502 Austin cor Wood. See advt.
Groupe, John, carp C: A. Gill, r. ns Beaumont nr Millers Ferry road.
Grove, George W, Principal Grove High School, 1135 Main cor Harwood, r. same.
Grove High School, 1135 Main cor Harwood, G. W. Grove, principal; Mrs. N. F. Grove, 1st asst; A. O. Foster, 2d asst; J. B. Taliaferro, 3d assistant.
Grove, N. F. (Mrs. George W.), 1st asst Grove High School, h. G. W. Grove.
Grove, N. K., Clk County assessor, bds Crutchfield House.
Grubbs, Jane (wid T. L.), r. 207 Carter bt Hord, Collin.
Gruner, Abraham, r. 1216 Elm.
Gruner, Rosa (Mrs. Abraham), Clothing, shoes, 1216 Elm bt Cabell, Preston, r. same.
Grunewald, Julius, barber, shop 920 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Guber, Anton W. (Henry & Guber), rms 605 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Guething, W. H., wks Padgitt Bros.
Guild, Charles W.,, with A. D. Aldridge & Co., r. 204 Cadiz cor Browder.
Guillot, August, stenographer, h. M. Guillot.
Guillot, Ellie E., shipping clk Weir Plow Co., r. 16 Houston Cor Elm.
Guillot, Maxime, real estate owner, r. 16 Houston cor Elm.
Guilmartin, P. J., bds Santa Fe House.
Guinter, Herman (c), harnessmkr, r. 1213 Young bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Guinn, Adam (c), h. Candis Judy.
Guitler, John, lab, r. 1443 Commerce cor Leonard.
Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry, Passenger Depot, freight and ticket office, se cor Commerce, Murphy; branch ticket and telegraph office, 608 Main, W. J. Storms, tkt and frt agt. See advt.
Gunter, William, driver Dallas Belt St. Ry, bds James W. Thomas.
Gunther, Adolph (S. Mayer & Co.), r. Milwaukee,Wis.
Gurley, Jane (c), wks Thomas B. Troutman, h. same.
Guthrie, William T., teamster Bird, Anderson & Co., r. ss T. & P. Ry opp Fair Grounds.
Guy, Miss Eleanor M., bds J. T. Shuford,
Guy, Miss Elizabeth, bds J. T. Shuford.
Guyton, James, trader, r. ns Rockwall road opp Fair Grounds.
Guyton, Miss Lizzie S., teacher 2d ward public school, h. James Guyton.
Guyton, William F., clk Sanger Bros., h. James Guyton.

Haag, August, carp Texas Cotton Press Co., r. ns Cochran nr Hughes.
Haag, Miss Augusta, h. August Haag.
Haag, Miss Hannah, h. August Haag.
Haag, Miss Mary, h. August Haag.
Haas, J. Charles, driver steam fire engine Co. No.1, bds Albert Honig.
Habe, Mary (wid H.), h. John Teubner.
Habert, Miss Emelia, h. Daniel Shultz.
Haberthur, Emil, shoemkr, 111 S. Lamar bt Elm, Main.
Hackelberger, Joseph, saddler Schoellkopf & Co., rms S. Mayer & Co.
Hackenberg, Ewald, harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co.
Hackett, Henry (c), barber W. M. Coleman, r. 111 Juliet
Hackett, J. D., trav mgr agts G. W. Borland Pub. Co., r. 203 Bowie, San Antonio
Hagedon, Benjamin S., clk C. E. Momand & Bro., r. 1104 1/2 Elm bt Harwood. Cabell.
Hager, Eugene B., ice dealer, r. 327 Canton bt Ervay. Veal.
Haggard, William H., clk Emerson, Talcott & Co., r. ss Beaumont bt Snodgrass, Miller's Ferry road.
Haggart, Elijah T., clk, r. ss Beaumont bt Snodgrass, Miller's Ferry road.
Haggart, Fannie A. (Mrs. T. C.), r. 90 Cochran bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Haggerty, Patrick, peddler, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Haig, Robert, cotton weigher Texas Elevator and Compress Co.
Haig, Robert M., bkpr Middleton, Stuart & Co., r. Young.
Hail, Marshall (c), r. ns Flora nr McCoy.
Hail, Mrs. Mollie (wid John), h. Albert S. Hawkins.
Hail, Philip (c), waiter St. George Hotel.
Hair, Albert, carp A. Brownlee, bds Commercial Hotel.
Hake, George (c), r. bt Lamar, Austin, s of creek.
Hale, Thos., clk H. Friedlander, bds Mrs. .R. J. Coleman.
Haley, Anslem J., (McCullough & Haley), Chief Depy U. S. Marshal Northern dist of Texas, office over ne cor Elm, Sycamore, h. James A McKee.
Haley, J. Henry, clk T. B. Ingram & Co., r. 32 Flora.
Haley, Thomas C., clk Sanger Bros., h. Thos. P. Haley.
Haley, Thomas P., harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co., r. Flora bt Crockett, Leonard.
Hall, Alfred (c), r. es Sherman bt Paris, Motley ave.
Hall, Allen M.e, Secy the Texas Mutual Endowment and aid association, rms 1108 Main, bds I. H. Gill.
Hall, A. E., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. ss Park bt Akard, Trinity.
Hall, Charles (c), bds Richard Patterson.
Hall, Mrs. Drucilla (wid), chambermaid National Hotel.
Hall, Esther (c), h. Lee Bowles.
Hall, George, starcher Eureka steam laundry
Hall, Henry, stock clk Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman, rms J. M. McCoy.
Hall, James M., r. ns Ross ave bt Pearl, N. Harwood.
Hall, James V., huckster, r. ss Elm bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Hall, Jefferson, wks John Holden, bds same.
Hall, John (c), bds Cicero Wiggins.
Hall, J. B. T., special agt Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co., office over 619 Elm, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Hall, Lee, lab, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Hall, Mary (c), r. 1015 Jackson cor Prather.
Hall, Theodore (c), cook Lewis C. Clinton.
Hall, William, wks Geo. M. Figh, h. same.
Hall, William L. (Pfouts, Elliott & Hall; T. H. Smith & Co.), business mgr Dallas Herald, r. 361 Ross ave n end Sycamore.
Halladay, Edward O., painter William Ernenwein, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Hallen, Augustus, Blacksmith, Wheelwright, 1509 Elm bt Monument, Good, r. 808 Live Oak bt Cantagral, Texas. See advt.
Hallford, Joseph B., lab, r. 28 Floyd bt Good, Cantagral.
Halsell, Frank, clk H. Frick, h. Thomas C. Halsell.
Halsell, Thomas C., policeman, r. 724 Ross ave bt Leonard, Good.
Haltzman, Michel, vegetable dealer, r. es Masten bt Ross ave, Cochran.
Hamborg, Joseph T., r.129 Bryan bt Victor, N. Harwood.
Hambrick, Giles O., carp, r. 750 Bryan bt Cantagral, Germania.
Hambrick, James, appc Elliott & Clark, h. G. O. Hambrick.
Hambrick, Joseph E., h. G. O. Hambrick.
Hamilton, Edward, clk Dallas Paint and Color Works, h. H. Hamilton, Sr.
Hamilton, George, teamster, bds St. George Hotel.
Hamilton, George W. (c), teacher private school, se cor Cochran, Leonard, r. 213 Flora.
Hamilton, Henry E., bkpr W. P. Anderson, bds Delmonico restaurant.
Hamilton, Henry, jr. (Hamilton & Young), r. ne cor Victor, Cottage Lane.
Hamilton, Henry, sr., clk Hamilton & Young, r. 210 Pearl bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Hamilton, Jesse (c), waiter St. George Hotel, bds same.
Hamilton, Jesse B. (c), groceries, ns Juliet bt Good, Boll, r. same.
Hamiltori, Miss Olive L. h. James B. Ralston.
Hamilton, Robert L., cashier Howard Oil Co., rms se cor Commerce, Market, bds Union Depot Hotel.
Hamilton, Stephen D., delivery clk, r. 830 Jackson cor Akard.
Hamilton, Miss S., music teacher Dallas Academy, r. same.
Hamilton, Miss Vona, opr Dallas Telephone Exchange, h. James B. Ralston.
Hamilton, Watson (c), lab, r rear 508 Houston.
Hamilton & Young (Henry Hamilton, William W. Young), wholesale and retail paints, oils, wall paper, window glass, 826 Elm. See outside cover line.
Hamlund, Swen O., tailor Douglas Bros., rms 703 Main, bds T. S. Duffy
Hamm & Imgart (George Hamm, William Imgart), meat market, es Griffin bt Hord, Ross ave.
Hamm, Frank (Hamm & Wunderlich), r. nw cor Pearl. San Jacinto.
Hamm, George (Hamm & Imgart), meat market, 510 Polk, r. 315 Leonard bt San Jacinto, Cottage Lane.
Hamm & Wunderlich (Frank Hamm, Emil Wunderlich), meat market, ws S. Lamar bt Pacific ave, Elm.
Hammerly, Samuel A., printer, r. 626 Bryan bt Good, Cantagral.
Hammerschmidt, Raimond, saloon, cor Lamar, Polk, r. same.
Hammock, Jonathan N., carp, r. 710 Akard bt Marilla, Park.
Hammock, William W., tinner Huey & Philp, bds St James Hotel.
Hammond, Belle (c), bds Philip Tarrant.
Hammond, John S., trav slsmn, r. ns Pocahontas bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Hammond, Mary A. (wid William), h. M. D. Wood.
Hammond, Miss Mary Isabel, teacher of elocution and oratory, over cor Main, Murphy.
Hammond, Sallie (Mrs. Charles), rms 1312 Main bt Cabell, Preston.
Hampton, Jasper N., fireman G. C. & S. F. Ry yds, r. G. C. & S. F. Ry shops, E. Dallas.
Hampton, Richard, wks G. C. & S. F. Ry shops, bds J. N. Jasper.
Hancock, Jeremiah (c), r. ns Bryan bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Hancock, Robert P., barber, 1313 Elm nr H. & T. C. Ry, r. 304 Bryan nr Pearl.
Hancock, William T., groceries, produce, 932 Elm bt Stone, Ervay, r. nw cor Main, Stone.
Hand, Mary (wid M.), r. ws Cadiz n of Akard.
Hand, William M., h. H. C. Askew.
Handley, Miss Lizzie, r. ws Austin bt Columbia, creek.
Handsome, George (c) blksmith, rms 216 Juliet bt Peak, Good.
Haney, James M., Tin Roofer, Jobber and Coppersmith, shop 932 Main bt Ervay, Sycamore, rms same.
Haney, I., cook, bds John R. Miller.
Hankin, Henry (c), wks Jas. F. Jenkins, h same.
Hanks, Alexander M., mgr A. Harrington, 1113 Elm. r. 1058 Elm bt Harwood, St. Paul.
Hanks, Levisa C. (wid A. M.), h. Alexander M. Hanks.
Hanks, Robert T. Rev., Pastor First Baptist Church, r. 321 Patterson ave cor Oleander.
Hanna, Miss Levina, wks J. B. Hatch, r. same.
Hanna, Richard H., bkpr Oliver & Griggs, r. 752 Ross ave bt Good, Boll.
Hanning, Charles, buyer and mgr notion dept Blankenship & Blake, rms W. C. Connor.
Hansbraugh, Annie (wid), bds National Hotel.
Hanson, Alexander B., attorney. otfice 709 Main, bds J. R. Meeks.
Hanson, George (c) (Hanson & Greer), r. sw cor Camp, Griffin.
Hanson & Greer (c) (George Hanson, Nathan Greer), blksmiths, sw cor Camp, Griffin.
Hanson, John, shoemkr, 1327 Elm bt H. &. T. C. Ry, Leonard, r. 808 Live Oak bt Cantagral, Texas.
Hanson, Louis, r. ws Field bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Hanson, Louis, wks Texas Trunk Ry, bds Planters House.
Hanson, Susan A. (wid Levi). r. 916 Jackson bt Akard, Browder.
Hanson, Miss Virginia, appc bookbinder A. D. Aldridge & Co., h. Mrs. S. A. Hanson.
Hanway, Samuel B., Marble Dealer, yards 1137 Elm n end Cabell, r. 814 S. Harwood bt Cadiz, St. Louis.
Haralson, James T., float driver, bds George Ezell.
Haralson, Leonard, steward Aetna Hose Co. No.1, rms nw cor Lamar, Commerce.
Harberman, Charles, carp, r: 524 Caruth bt Orange, Masten.
Harbrecht, Joseph, tailor H. C. Ries, h. Mrs. R. Harbrecht.
Harbrecht, Mrs. Rosa. (wid), wks R. F. Eisenlohr, r. same.
Hardeman, Blackstone, h. Mrs. K. Lee.
Harden, Granville (c), lab, r. ws Houston, 5 of Columbia.
Hardin, A. Hamilton, carp, rms 403 Main, bds Crutchfield House.
Hardison, William (c), waiter Harry Bruen, r. Ross ave.
Hardrick, Lucy (c), wks Bernhardt Meyer.
Hardy, Hammett, Morrison & Hardy, r. 528 Ross ave nr N. Harwood.
Hardy, Sallie (wid W. H.), h. Hiram Morrison.
Hares, Jorn (Back & Hares), rms 824 Elm.
Hargis, Sylvester C., route agt Texas Exp. Co., r. sw cor Jackson, Harwood.
Hargis, Thomas O., speculator, 308 Elm, rms Ed. C. Smith.
Hargraves, Charles, expressman, r. 421 Bryan bt Crockett, Burford.
Hargraves, Samuel, bookbinder Carter & Gibson Printing Co., h. Charles Hargraves.
Harkness, James, lab, r. ns Polk bt Poydras, railroad.
Harkness, James, lab, r. ss Canton w of Akard.
Harley. Moses (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Harned, Jacob R., carp, r. 1130 Jackson bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Harper, Charles, carp, bds Mankato House.
Harper, Newton M., r. ne cor McKinney road, William.
Harper, William M. (c), porter Union depot, r. 517 Bryan cor H. & T. C. Ry.
Harrington, Abner, undertaker. office, warerooms, 1113 Elm bt Harwood, Cabell, r. Sherman, Texas, Alexander M. Hanks, mgr.
Harrington, John, painter Rue & Finnigan, bds Oyster Bay restaurant.
Harrington, John A., attorney and abstract of titles; office 515 Main cor Lamar, r. 920 Browder cor Cadiz.
Harrington, Joseph W., asst pressman Dallas Herald, h. Thomas Harrington.
Harrington, Thomas, contractor, r. ne cor Ross ave, Hall.
Harrington, William H., barber J. M. Curtis, bds J. H. Porter.
Harris, Caroline (c), r. ss Camp bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Harris, Daniel E., canvasser R. H. Patterson, bds City Hotel.
Harris, Frank, h. William Harris. [ag]
Harris, Frederick (Harris & Leversedge), r. ne cor Swiss ave, Martha.
Harris, George, clk A. & E. Mittenthal, r. 421 Lamar cor Cochran.
Harris, George T., r. 923 S. Harwood s of Pierce.
Harris, Henry (c), h. Caroline Harris.
Harris, Herman, meat market, 1308 Elm and junc Live Oak, Elm, r. 1675 Main cor Crowdus.
Harris, Jackson (c), r. ne cor Bryan, Pacific ave.
Harris, James D. A., bookseller, stationer, newspapers, periodicals, Butterick's patterns, 730-732 Main, bds St. George Hotel.
Harris, Joseph, stage carp Dallas Opera House, rms over 312 Main.
Harris, Julia (c). wks W. J. Storms, r. same.
Harris & Leversedge (Frederick Harris, Lionel S. Leversedge); contractors iron bridges, dealers in all kinds iron work, 741 Elm.
Harris, Lucien F., U. S. gauger and inspector, office Norton's bldg over 903 Elm, bds Wm. Apperson.
Harris, Miss Mary, h. W. H. Abrams.
Harris, Millie (c) wks W. J. Betterton, h. same.
Harris, Minnie (wid J.), h. George Harris.
Harris, Minnie (c), h. Wm. Bohannan.
Harris, Murray, chief surveyor T. & P. Ry land dept, h. W. H. Abrams.
Harris, T., machinist Padgitt Bros., bds Commercial Hotel.
Harris, William. farmer, r. es St. Joseph bt Convent, creek.
Harris, William, appc G. H. Whennell.
Harris, William, yard clk B. E. Andrews & Co., r. ws Allen cor Flora.
Harris, William H., lab, h. William Harris.
Harris, William T., trav slsmn Blankenship & Blake, bds J. R. Meeks.
Harrison, George D. (B. E. Andrews & Co.), r. Longview, Texas.
Harrison, Henry 'I'., printer Evening Courant, bds Howard House.
Harrison, James. float driver, bds George Ezell.
Harrison, Miss Josie, bds Miss Lizzie Handley
Harrison, Thomas, cooper, r. 719 S. Market s of Columbia.
Harrison, William L., livery, sale, feed stable, cor Patterson ave, Griffin, r. 150 Cochran bt Orange, Masten.
Harrklopff, Henry, tuner Frees & Son, bds George Thurner.
Harry Bros. (John D., DeWitt C. and Thos. C. Harry), stoves, tinware, crockery, glassware, mfr galvanized iron cornices, slate roofers, tin, copper, sheetiron workers, 629 Elm.
Harry, DeWitt C. (Harry Bros.), bds Thomas C. Harry.
Harry, James M., contractor, r. 741 N. Harwood bt McKinney road, Bone.
Harry, John D. (Harry Bros.), r. 942 Jackson bt Akard, Ervay.
Harry, Owen K., trav slsmn, r. ns Gaston ave bt St. Joseph, Martha.
Harry, Thomas C. (Harry Bros.), r. 942 Jackson bt Akard, Ervay.
Hart, Cannon N., condr T. & P. Ry, h. James B. Hart.
Hart, Frederick R., cigarmkr Henry Guber, bds Santa Fe House.
Hart, George, galvanized iron worker, bds St. James Hotel.
Hart, Gustav, clk B. Cahn & Co., bds Santa Fe House.
Hart, G. Sterling, asst bkpr Mitchell & Scruggs, bds 43 Emma.
Hart, James B., clk, r. ne cor Gaston ave, St. Joseph.
Hart, Jo C., Book and Job Printer, mgr Texas Advertising agency, 513 1/2 Elm, r. 119 N. Harwood. See advt.
Hart, John, wks Herman Harris, r. same.
Hart, Mrs. Mary C. (wid), asst mailing clk Sanger Bros., r. 124 N. Harw ood.
Hartman, Henry, driver Anheuser-Busch. Brewing Association, rms at vaults, es H. & T. C. Ry, bt Polk, Columbia.
Hartrnan, John P. (Frank Powell & Co.), r. 1421 Commerce bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Hartz, Henry, clk Sanger Bros., bds Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Harvey, George, driver Texas Express Co., bds Mrs. M. J. Herndon.
Harvey, Louis H. (H. Page & Son), r. 131 Olive.
Harwood, Alexander, bds Thomas B. Mitchell.
Harwood, Eugene (c), r. alley bt Peak, Good, Flora, Juliet.
Harwood, John, carp, bds James H. Ferrell.
Harwood, R. B., h. Alexander Harwood.
Haskell, Atison, lightning rods, h. H. M. Haskell.
Haskell, Horatio M., farmer, r. ns Fair Grounds.
Haskell, Jefferson, h. H. M. Haskell.
Haskins, Charles G., clk, h. Thomas C. Haskins.
Haskins, Henry, trunkmkr H. Pollack & Co., rms 722 Elm
Haskins, Henry C., painter P.S. Borich, r. 851 San Jacinto cor Leonard.
Haskins, Thomas C., bricklayer, r. 851 San Jacinto cor Leonard.
Hatch, Harry, clk D. M. Osborne & Co., h. J. B. Hatch.
Hatch, Jerome B., mgr D. M. Osborne & Co., Albany, N. Y., office cor Main, Broadway, Dallas, r. 1001 Ervay cor Cadiz.
Hatch, William H., (Genl Agt McCormick Harvesting
Machine Co., Chicago, Ills., office 6 Austin bt Pacific ave, Elm, r ws Cadiz bt Akard, Browder.
Hatcher, William A., sanitary inspector, office nw cor Lamar, Commerce.
Hathaway, George, wks Bois d'Arc mills, bds Planters House.
Hatter, John S., carp, r. ns Emerald bt White, Fair Grounds.
Hauck, Charles, Propr Blue Corner Saloon, sw cor Elm, H. & T. C. Ry, r. 1419 Main bt Preston, Ry.
Hausam, Daniel W., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds Lewis C. Clinton.
Hausam, Edward F., tel opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds Lewis C. Clinton.
Hausemann, John, Propr Delmonico Bakery, 602 Lamar cor Polk, r. 604 Lamar.
Hausman, Miss Bertha, wks George Rick, r. same.
Haven, Mattie (c), r. 830 Pacific ave bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Hawes, James K., New and Second Hand Furniture, crockery, glassware, 725-727 Elm, r. over store.
Hawes, Simpson H. (c), shoemkr, 1204 Elm bt Cabell, Preston, r. 13 Bryan.
Hawes, Washington (c), blksmith, r. 1354 San Jacinto bt Pavilion, Hall.
Hawk, Mrs. E. C. (wid), wks Lawrence Miller, r. same.
Hawkes, Edward O., r. 625 San Jacinto.
Hawkes, Fitzhugh, cash boy Sanger Bros., r. 625 San Jacinto.
Hawkes, Miss Wrennie E., clk Bradstreet's agency, h. 625 San Jacinto.
Hawkins, Albert S., r. 1445 Commerce bt Cabell, Preston.
Hawkins, Alfred, clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. M. A. Hawkins.
Hawkins, Benjamin A., clk, h. Mrs, P. A. Hawkins.
Hawkins, George (c), runner Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. 1325 Commerce cor Preston.
Hawkins, Grant (c), porter J. M. Foss, h. Louis Hawkins.
Hawkins, Harriet (c), h. Thursday Hawkins.
Hawkins, Houston (c), lab, bds Annie Williams.
Hawkins, Livingston, check boy W. U. Tel. Co., h. Mrs. P. A. Hawkins.
Hawkins, Louis (c), porter C. M. Wolf, r. ns Paris bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry.
Hawkins, M. A. (wid Wm.), r. ns Canton w of Akard.
Hawkins, Parolee A. (wid J. E.), r. 121 Florence cor Good.
Hawkins, Sidney (c) lab T. & P. frt depot, bds Thomas Ruth.
Hawkins, Thursday (c), r. 808 Juliet bt Boll, railroad.
Hawkins, William, clk, h. Mrs. M. A. Hawkins.
Hawkins, William E., h. Mrs. P. A. Hawkins.
Hawley, W. B. R., agt patent churn power, r. 946 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, rms same.
Hay, John T., druggist, 1306 Elm bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry, r. 1307 Main.
Hay, Minnie (c), finisher Eureka steam laundry.
Hayden, Allen R., h. Samuel A. Hayden.
Hayden & Anderson (Samuel A. Hayden, Samuel J. Anderson), editors, proprs, publishers, Texas Baptist, job printers, 127 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin. See advt.
Hayden, James M., yard master Texas Trunk Ry, r. ws Texas Trunk Ry, s of Main.
Hayden, John, trav slsmn, bds Commercial Hotel.
Hayden, Samuel A. (Hayden & Anderson), mgr Texas Farmer, r. 512 San Jacinto bt Harwood, Masten.
Hayes, Miss Alta, h. E. B. Hayes.
Hayes, Ebenezer B., bkpr Keating Implement and Machine Co., r. 1210 Commerce.
Hayes, Miss Hattie, h. E. B. Hayes.
Hayes, Jeremiah M., Attorney, Abstracts of Land Tities, office over 610 Main, r. 945 Commerce bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Hayes, John (c), bds Sophie Johnson.
Hayes, Joseph, pastry cook St. George Hotel, r. ns Polk bt Poydras, railroad.
Hayes, Joseph, lumber dealer, r. 509 Austin cor Polk.
Hayes, Mason P., bkpr Noland & McRosky Hardware Co., h. J. M Hayes.
Hayes, Rosa (c), r. 509 Austin cor Polk.
Hayes, Susan E. (wid Charles), r. es Duncan bt Main, Commerce.
Hayes, Vertner, messenger National Bank of Dallas.
Haynes, E. L., saddler Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Haynes, Jackson L., engr Richardson's ice works, bds S. A. Richardson.
Haynes, Louisa (c), r. es G. C. & S. F. Ry bt Polk, Columbia.
Hayward, Benjamin, lab, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Eakin, Gano.
Hayward, Joseph, lab, h. Benjamin Hayward.
Heath, Simeon, wks Dallas City Gaslight Co., bds Reverdy Scott.
Heavner, James (c), waiter Cincinnati House.
Hecker, Fred, painter, bds Planters House.
Heer, Abraham, propr Cincinnati House, 111 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin
Hefferman, Miss Georgie, student Dallas Female College, r. same.
Heffron, John, lab, r. ss Columbia bt Market, Jefferson.
Hefley, William G. Rev., Pastor M. E. Church South r. 329 Live Oak bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Heilingloh, Charles A., veterinary surgeon, rms S. Mayer & Co., 931 Elm.
Heilporn, John (D. Friedman & Co.). r. ws H. & T. C. Ry, opp Union Depot.
Heineken, H. B., Mgr Union Depot Hotel, r. same.
Heineman, George, clk, h. Mrs. Julia A. Gardner.
Heineman, Joseph W., painter. h. Mrs. Julia A. Gardner.
Held, August, boardinghduse, 410 Austin bt Jackson, Wood.
Held, Miss Laura, slslady Sanger Bros., h. August Held.
Heller, Edward, bds Mrs. Nellie Scoville.
Helm, Charles W., attorney, r. 937 Wood bt Akard, Ervay.
Helm, Miss Virgie A., teacher 1st ward public school, h. C. W. Helm.
Helmstetler, James M., carp, r. 20 Miranda bt Good, Hawkins.
Heimighoffer, Mary (wid J.), bds Fred. T. White.
Hemmel, Henry, jeweler S. H. Tabor, bds same.
Henderman, Felix, h. Jacob Puhrer,
Hendershott, Bertha (wid L. D.), r. ss Hord bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Henderson, Dora (wid J. C.), bds Santa Fe House.
Henderson, Henry J., saloon kpr, r. over 314 Main bt Market, Jefferson.
Henderson, John, bds Albert M. Greenlun.
Henderson, J. E., capitalist, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Henderson, Mack (c), r. ss Columbia e of Sherman.
Henderson, Mattie (c), wks Central Hotel, r. same.
Henderson, T. J., harnessmkr Padgitt Bros.
Henderson, T. P., carp, bds Central Hotel.
Henderson, William H. (c), teamster, r. 207 Flora bt Peak, Good.
Hendra, George, propr City Flouring Mills, foot of S. Houston, r. 712 S. Jefferson.
Hendra, Mrs. Louisa (wid George S.), r. 712 S. Jefferson s of Columbia.
Hendra, Nicholas, h. Mrs. Louisa Hendra.
Hendrick, Mattie (wid H. C.), wks Hans C. Larsen.
Hendrick, Peter J., carp, r. ns Commerce bt Lloyd, Henry.
Hendricks, John (c), r. es Leonard nr Swiss ave.
Hendricks, Leander Y., street sprinkler, r. 116 Caroline bt Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Hendry, James S., stonecutter, bds S. R. Whitten.
Hengy, Joseph, Bones, Rags, Junk, Bottles, etc., ss Polk bt Poydras, Lacy, r. same.
Henning, Charles, clk notion dept Blankenship & Blake, bds Dr. J. R. Meeks.
Henrietta, Miss Mary, bds Mrs. Francis Shepherd.
Henry & Guber (Samuel W. Henry, Anton W. Guber), proprs Trinity cigar factory, 605 Main bt Poydras, Murphy. See advt.
Henry, James H., Vice-prest J. W. Crowdus Drug Co.; vice-prest Noland & McRosky Hardware Co., r. 95 Bryan cor Harwood.
Henry, John (c), wks Herman Harris, r. same.
Henry, John L. (Leake & Henry), Prest Dallas City R. R. Co., r. nw cor Gaston ave, Martha.
Henry, J. T., plasterer, bds Santa Fe House.
Henry, Nelson (c), r. ns Young bt Ervay, Veal.
Henry, Samuel W. (Henry & Guber), r. 605 Main.
Henry, William L., clk Henry & Guber, r. 605 Main.
Hensey, John, bkpr Butler & Co., bds A Cornehls.
Hensley, Julia (wid Travis), r. 1108 Commerce bt Prather, S. Harwood.
Hensley, Travis, correspondent City National Bank, r. 1108 Commerce.
Henson, Georgie A. (wid Benjamin), r. 1013 1/2 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Henson, John S., barber Frank Shaw, r. 1013 1/2 Main.
Henson, John W., wks Texas cotton press, r. ns Elm nr Fair Grounds.
Henson, Thomas W., h. John W. Henson.
Hepple, Charles, clk Miller & Cunior, h. Wm. H. Hepple, 215 Dove.
Hepple, William H., lab, r. 215 Dove bt Commerce, Main.
Heppner, Frank, cabinetmkr Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten.
Herbert, Emma (c),.h. Levi Castle.
Herbst, August H., bartender Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds National Hotel.
Hereford, Aunspaugh & Co. (John B. Hereford, Reuben P. Aunspaugh, Louis A. Pires), genl insurance agts, over 619 Elm.
Hereford, John B. (Hereford, Aunspaugh & Co.), r. 213 Cadiz cor Brow der.
Herff, Mrs. Nannie (wid), r. ns Wood nr railroad bridge.
Herford, Herman, dishwasher Delmonico restaurant.
Herman, Joseph L., clk B. Cahn & Co, r. 514 Akard bt Young, Manila.
Herman, Rufus D., carp Elliott & Clark; rms S. J. Scott.
Hermann, John, Blacksmith, Wheelwright, Shop 840 Commerce cor Akard, r. same. See advt.
Herndon, Mack (c), r. ws Sherman bt Columbia, Pierce.
Herndon, Melinda J. (wid Richard), boardinghouse, 115 Ross ave.
Herndon, William, barber Lee Cohn.
Herndon, William D., wks A. Gardner, h Mrs. M. J. Herndon.
Hernichel, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (wid Charles), r. 118 Swiss ave bt Hawkins, Good.
Hernichel, Frank C., printer Dallas Herald, r. 118 Swiss ave.
Hernichel, Miss Gussie, seamstress S. P. Mendez & Co., h. 118 Swiss.
Hernschrodt, John, laundryman Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Herring, Eli H., r. 1/4 mile s T. & P. Ry.
Herrmann, Felix, billiard tablemkr Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., r. 224 Live Oak.
Hertzog, Louis P., clk Goldsmith Bros., bds M. A. Levy.
Herzfeld, I. I., slsmn Sanger Bros., bds 213 Ross ave.
Hess, Daniel, patent right mill, bds Crutchfield House.
Hess, John E., letter carrier 2d dist, r. 707 Browder bt Marilla, Park.
Hess, William, bricklayer, bds Commercial Hotel.
Hestand, J. C., clk Wm. Kelly, bds same.
Hetherington, John S., mgr Sinker, Davis & Co., office cor Pacific ave, Market, r. 832 Ross ave cor Bogel. See advt.
Hewett, Dentists (Orville B. aud Mary S. Hewett), surgeon dentists, office Herald bldg, cor Main, Murphy. See outside cover.
Hewett, Mary S. (Mrs. O. B.), Hewett, dentists, h. O. B. Hewett.
Hewett, Orville B. (Hewett, dentists), r. Herald bldg, cor Main, Murphy.
Hewitt, Henry C., trader, r. 229 Pasterson ave bt Griffin, Sycamore.
Hewitt, John H. (Kibbe & Hewitt), r. ss Live Oak bt Field, creek.
Hibler, Cora A. (wid George), h. S. M. Speak.
Hickembottom, Moses (c), r. ws St. Joseph bt Convent, creek.
Hickey, Michael L., supt Dallas Gas Light Co., r. same.
Hickman, Jennie (c), wks Mrs. Julia E. Burnett.
Hickman, Robert (c), wks Frank A. Austin.
Hickman, R. B., wood yard, ss Pierce e of Sherman, r. same.
Hickox, Fort, clk Bell & Davenport, rms 214 Houston, bds Mrs. A. D. Galleher.
Hickox, Milton H. (Hickox & Patterson), r. l227 Commerce bt S. Harwood, Cabell.
Hickox & Patterson (Milton H. Hickox, William H.
Patterson), druggists, chemists, mfr Patterson's Peach Stone liniment, 601 Main cor Lamar. See marginal lines.
Hicks, Mrs. Eliza M. (wid A. J.), r. ns Collin e of Orange.
Hicks, John, painter, r. 910 Market bt Akard, Browder.
Hicks, Robert, teamster, bds H. M. Kegar.
Higginbotham, John, engr, r. 701 Jackson cor Poydras.
Higgins, Simeon S., trav slsmn, bds Geo. R. Fearn.
Hightower, William M., carp, r. ws Washington bt Juliet, Cochran.
Hilborn, Jacob C., carp, rms W. H. Fisher.
Hildebrant, Jacob E , foreman harness dept Padgitt Bros., r. 104 Good bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Hilgers, Emile, Bakery and Confectionery, 838 Main, r. same. See advt.
Hill, Annie (c), r. es College cor Pacific ave.
Hill, Benjamin, clk J. W. Barton & Co., rms Lacy Roberts, bds Santa Fe House.
Hill, Benjamin T., pedler, r. es McCoy bt San Jacinto, Smith.
Hill, Charles W., attorney, office 610 Main, r. 937 Wood.
Hill, Henry C. (J. C. Hill & Co.), clk Russell & Co., bds J. C. Hill.
Hill, Isaac W., trav slsmn, r. 721 Live Oak bt Good, Cantagral.
Hill, Isaiah (c), porter Mo. P. frt depot. r. 951 Jackson.
Hill, James, carp, bldr, 938 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. 1004 Ross ave.
Hill, James C. (J. C. Hill & Co.), r. ss Elm cor Mill creek.
Hill, J. C. & Co. (James C. Hill, Martin L. Hill, Henry C. Hill), proprs E. Dallas corn mills, ss Elm cor Mill creek.
Hill, James E., cook A. M. Wood, bds same..
Hill, John A., carp Boyd & Webster, r. 956 Wood cor Ervay.
Hill, John M., foreman Evening Courant, bds Adams House.
Hill, John T. W., carp, r. 1006 Ross ave bt Boll, Allan.
Hill, Joseph, night clk St. George Hotel, bds same.
Hill, J. C. (Frank Powell & Co.), r. Denison, Texas.
Hill, Kittie (c), wks John C. Jones, h: same.
Hill, Martin L. (J. C. Hill & Co.), h. Isaac W. Hill.
Hill, Waid, cotton buyer, office over 405 Elm, r. 504 Griffin cor Caruth.
Hill, William M. C., clk Dallas County, Office Courthouse, r. 517 Ross ave bt Pearl, N. Harwood.
Hillmann, Annie (wid Bernhardt), r. ns Commerce bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Hilger, Miss August, wks A. Israelsky.
Hinckley, David G., clk J. D. A. Harris, h. W. R. Hinckley.
Hinckley, Donald (Hinckley & Son), r. se cor Miranda, Hawkins.
Hinckley, Frank B., tinner Hinckley & Son, h. W. R. Hinckley.
Hinckley & Son (Walter R. and Donald Hinckley), stoves, tinware, galvanized cornice mfrs, tin, copper, sheet iron workers, 411 Elm.
Hinckley, Walter R (Hinckley & Son), r. 1435 Elm bt Leonard, Good.
Hindman, George F., engr Texas Trunk Ry, r. nw cor William, Crowdus.
Hindman, Robert M., music teacher, bds G F. Hindman.
Hineman, George, clk Alex. E. Bouche, bds same.
Hines, James A. (c), wks Commercial Hotel, h. Joseph Royal.
Hines, Mortimore, wood dealer, r. 107 Main bt Houston, Broadway.
Hines, Zachariah, wks James R. Sharp, h. same.
Hinkle, George, night ydmaster Mo. P. Ry r. 25 Floyd bt Hawkins, Good.
Hinkson, John, jr., lab, h. John Hinkson.
Hinkson, John, sr., lab, r. ne cor Cochran, Jefferson.
Hinkson, Samuel, lab, h. John Hinkson.
Hirsch, Leopold (L. Hirsch & Co.), r. nw cor Lamar, Ross ave.
Hirsch, L. & Co. (Leopold Hirsch, David Cooper), horses, mules, stables nw cor Lamar, Ross ave.
Hirsch, Philip, lab, bds Planters House.
Hirschberg, Benjamin, supt retail dept Sanger Bros., bds Grand-Windsor.
Hirschfeld, Morris, wks Harry Bruen, rms same.
Hitch, Martha (c), wks A. C. Ardrey, r. same.
Hitchcock, Miss Esther, h. John M. Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Frank, bds Central Hotel.
Hitchcock, John N., r. 419 Live Oak bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Hitchcock, Mary L. (wid John N.), r. 711 Live Oak bt Good, Cantagral.
Hobbs, John C., carp, r. es Ray bt Commerce, Jackson.
Hoberger, John, lab, r. ns Sutton bt Duncan, Walton.
Hoberger, John, wks Thos. J. Warren, bds same.
Hoch, Joseph T., waiter Delmonico restaurant.
Hoch, Mrs. Julia (wid A.), r. 283 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Hoch, Miss Lizzie, milliner E. Bauman, h. Mrs. L. Hoch.
Hoch, Lizzie (wid W.), r. 205 Carter bt Hord, Collin.
Hodge, Alfred L., trav slsmn, r. 1220 Main bt Harwood, Cabell.
Hodge, Minerva (c), cook Mrs. M. Jenkins, r. same.
Hodges & Atwater (Harry Hodges, Frank Atwater), proprs hack line Nos. 5, 13, 14, 15, stables ne cor Market, Jackson.
Hodges, Charles, h. M. L. Hodges.
Hodges, Harry (Hodges & Atwater), rms over sw Houston, Commerce.
Hodges, Marcus L., Propr Central Hotel, 11-13 Swiss ave bt Pacific ave, H. & T. C. Ry.
Hoerr, August, soda mfr, r. 508 Austin bt Wood, Polk.
Hoffman, Charles, switchman H. & T. C. Ry yds, bds St. James Hotel.
Hoffman, Edward, jr. , harnessmkr Schoellkopf & Co., h. Edward Hoffman.
Hoffman, Edward, sr., collarmkr Schoellkopf Co., r. 1420 Polk bt Cabell, Preston.
Hoffman, Robert E., harnessmkr, h. Edward Hoffman.
Hoffman, Robert N., carp, r. 1448 Elm bt Leonard, Lloyd.
Hoffman, William O., painter, h. Edward Hoffman.
Hogan, Milton T. Rev., r. 1513 Commerce bt Preston,railroad.
Hogan, Mirian T. (Mrs. Milton T.), midwife and doctress, 1413 Commerce, r. same.
Hogan, S., stonecutter, r. 1667 Main bt Crowdus, Lloyd.
Hoge, Henry (c), porter E. M. Tillman, r. rear 604 Lamar bt Jackson, Polk.
Holbrook, Victoria (wid Milo F.), r. ws S. Lamar s of creek.
Holcomb, Mrs. Bartilia (wid), r. 502 Houston cor Wood.
Holcomb William T., tailor cutter, r. 3 Harwood cor Pacific ave.
Holden, John, teamster and contractor, r. 514 Carter cor Hord.I
Holden, Miss Katie, wks Planters House.
Holden, Thomas S., slsmn Schneider & Davis, bds S. H. Boyle.
Holden, William, teamster, h. John Holden.I
Holdersbach, Herman, Propr Dallas Wire and Iron works, 945 Elm bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same. See advt.
Holland, Fannie (c), r. ne cor Columbia, S. Harwood.
Holland, William C., Attorney and Ranchman, r. 303 Harwood cor Cottage Lane.
Holley, Miss Susie, seamstress Oliver Bros., h. John Wage, 940 Main.
Holley, William C., laundry, 940 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Hollman, Thomas R., harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., bds S. R. Whitten.
Hollins, Jane (c), r. 1201 San Jacinto bt H. & T. C. Ry, Germania.
Hollins, Moses .(c) waiter Grand-Windsor, rms W. M. Ridley.
Hollis, Edward, hostler Alston & Simmons, rms 926 Elm.
Holloway & Co. (George R. Holloway, -- Co.), Groceries, produce and seed, 820 and 1342 Elm.
Holloway, Fayette (c), porter E. E. Thompson.
Holloway, Frederick, clk Holloway & Co., bds G. R. Holloway.
Holloway, George R. (Holloway & Co.), r. 1131 Wood bt Cabell, Harwood.
Holloway, Mary (c), wks W. W. Leake, r. same.
Holman, Miss Fannie, wks W. L. Hall, r. same.
Holmes, Elvira (c), h. Nancy Baylor.
Holmes, Jefferson (c), wks Grand-Windsor, rms H. A. Jones.
Holmes, James, waiter St. James Hotel, r. same.
Holmes, William B., asst money order clk Dallas Postoffice, h. W. K. Holmes.
Holmes, William C., wks Lehman Bottling Co.
Holmes, William K., plumber, gasfitter, 307 Commerce, r. same.
Holt, A. Judson Rev., r. 707 Griffin n of Cochran.
Holtcamp, Charles, saddler Schoellkopf & Co., h. H. Holtcamp.
Holtcamp, Henry, jr., h. Henry Holtcamp.
Holtcamp, Henry sr., saddler Schoellkopf & Co., r. 629 Bryan bt Bogel, Boll.
Homans, John, insurance agt, bds J. H. Lindsay.
Home And Sunday School, Issued every Wednesday, office 127 Camp, Kit Williams, editor and propr; Martin V. Smith, corresponding editor, Belton, Texas.
Honig, Albert, driver Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, r. 309 Austin bt Commerce, Jackson.
Honig, Edward (J. W. Anthony, jr., & Co.), porter Schneider & Davis, bds A. Honig.
Hook, Lydia (Mrs. M. V. B.), Proprss Mankato House, 1353 Elm cor Leonard.
Hook, M. Van Buren, mechanic, r. 1353 Elm cor Leonard.
Hooker, Peyton (c), cook St. George, r. 925 Commerce nr Sycamore.
Hooper, John R., bartender Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same.
Hooter, John. saddler Padgitt Bros.
Hopkins, Bettie (c), r. ns Commerce bt Ervay, Sycamore.
Hopkins, Elizabeth (wid George B.), h. H. M. Haskell.
Hopkins, John, wks E. M. Powell, h. same.
Hopkins, Samuel B. (Betterton, Irvine & Co.), r. 1207 Jackson cor Harwood.
Hop, Lee (Chinese), laundry. 1330 Elm.
Hopper, Mollie (c), h. Henry Stockland.
Hopper, Robert (c) h. Henry Stockland.
Hopson, Miss Laura E., money order clk Dallas Postoffice, r. 1214 Main.
Hord, George (c), r. es S. Lamar s of creek.
Horn, David B., fruit stand, 504 Main bt Austin, Lamar. r. ws Snodgrass bt Beaumont, Hickory.
Horne, Abraham M. (Shipley, Palmer & Co.), r. 210 Masten cor Bone.
Homer, John G., transfer clk Tex. Exp. Co., Union Depot, r. ns Commerce bt Cabell, Preston.
Horton, Loren, musician, r. 308 Columbia cor Market.
Horton, Mattie (wid Fred. S.), h. J. A. Malone.
Horton, Richmond, real estate owner, r. 1 Sycamore cor Pacific ave.
Horton, R. Jasper, carp, h. Richmond Horton.
Horton, R. Landron, letter carrier 6th district, h. Richmond Horton.
Hoskins, Henry C., trav slsmn J. W Crowdus Drug Co., r. 63 Masten cor San Jacinto.
Hostler, John, wks Joseph W. Strong, r. same.
Hotchkiss, Charles A., whol. liquor dealer, bds Bogel's Hotel.
Houghton, Edward, lab, r. 1/4 mile s of T. & P. Ry.
Houlahan, Daniel H., lab, r. 33 Swiss ave bt H. T. C. Ry, Leonard.
House, Jefferson M., Druggist, 715 Main bt Poydras, Murphy, rms A. C. Ardrey. See top marginal lines.
House, John B., asst bkpr Keating Implement and Machine Co., bds C. O. Wood.
House, John F., bkpr E. M. Tillman, bds D. T. Rainwater.
House, William L., clk, bds W. M. Taber.
Houseman, John, painter, r. ss Cottage Lane bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Houston, Andrew J., clk U. S. circuit court, Dallas branch, office over ne cor Elm, Sycamore, r. ss Rockwall road e of city.
Houston, Isaac, cash boy A. & E. Mittenthal.
Houston, James, r. ws McKinney road n of Pease.
Houston, J. B., trav slsmn Sanger Bros., rms 214 Houston.
Houston, Samuel (c), rms N. Benton.
Houston & Texas Central Ry, Tkt Office 512 Main, and Union Depot, E. O. Flood, tkt agt; frt office nw cor Austin, Wood. William S. Wilson, frt agt. See advt.
Houston, William, carriage trimmer, 1204 Elm bt Cabell, Preston, rms same.
Howard, Charles, bkpr Prather, Ardrey & Ewing, r 626 Ross ave bt Pearl, Leonard.
Howard, Eugene (c), lab Howard Oil Co.
Howard, Henry M., watchmkr, 1346 Elm, r. over store.
Howard House, Howard Montresser, Propr, 947-949 Main bt Stone, Ervay. See advt.
Howard, James E., contractor and builder, r. 13 Cora bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Howard, Joel T., clk, h. William C. Howard.
Howard, John, waiter Delmonico restaurant.
Howard, John, brickmason, r. 195 Cantagral bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Howard Oil Co., Robert Gibson, Prest; Thomas R. Chaney, treasr and genl mgr; John L. Kane, secy; Robert L. Hamilton, cashier; D. G. Shelby, bkpr; mfrs cotton; seed oil, cake and meal, works and office se cor Polk, Preston. See advt.
Howard, William C., Prest Overland Telephone Co., propr Grand-Windsor Hotel, cor Main, Austin, r. same.
Howe Sewing Machine Co., 643 Elm, Lewis A. Wilson, mgr.
Howell Bros., Boot and Shoe Co. (Smith J. Howell, prest; Thomas W. Thompson, vice-prest; William R. Howell, secy, treasr), whol. boots, shoes, 715 Elm.
Howell, Henry S. (c), pastor Young Street Christian church, principal 1st ward public school, r. 1016 Jackson bt Eryay, S. Harwood.
Howell, James, storekpr St. George Hotel, bds same.
Howell, John M. (Howell & Thomas), r. Cedar Springs road 1/4 mile n of Courthouse.
Howell, Joseph, quirtmkr Padgitt Bros., bds Samuel Moore.
Howell, Robert H. (W. H. Howell & Bro.), r. Shreveport, La.
Howell, Sallie C. (wid S.), h. William H. Howell.
Howell, Smith J., prest Howell Bros., Boot and Shoe Co., r. 72 Bryan bt Masten, N. Harwood.
Howell & Thomas (John M. Howell, Oliver Thomas), nurserymen and fruit growers, nursery Cedar Springs and McKinney road
1/4 miles n of Courthouse. See advt.
Howell, William G., clk Blankenship & Blake, h. W. R. Howell.
Howell, William H. (W. H. Howell & Bro.), r. 1025 Young bt Ervay, Veal.
Howell, W. H. & Bro. (William H. and Robert H. Howell), whol. and retail druggists, 607 Elm.
Howell, William R., secy, treasr Howell Bros., Boot and Shoe Co., r. 1030 Elm cor St. Paul
Howland, Otis J., 218 Jefferson bt Carondelet, Walnut.
Hoylman, David N., bedspringmkr, r. 12 Jefferson bt Pacific ave, Elm.
Hoyt, Benjamin A. (Hoyt & Coffin), r. 1066 Wood cor Veal.
Hoyt & Coffin (Benjamin A. Hoyt, estate of Arthur Coffin, deceased), druggists 743 Elm.
Hoyt, Gustav, sign painter William Ernenwein, bds A. M. Greenlun.
Hoyt, Horation N., carp Dallas Street Ry Co., bds 1428 Main.
Hubbard, Nellie (Mrs. Edward G.), h. Daniel Cooper.
Huber, Albert, sausage mfr, ne cor Duncan, Sutton, r. same.
Huck, Antone, r. es Hall n of Cochran.
Huckaby, William A., car driver Dallas R. R. Co., r. ns Commerce bt Cabell, Harwood.
Hudgeshamer, William, painter J. L. Peacock.
Hudlin, Eddie (c), wks William K. Wheelock. r. same.
Hudson, John (c), r. 1013 Jackson bt Ervay, Prather.
Hudson, John, lab, r. ns Porter bt Walton, Duncan
Hudson, John, section foreman T. & P. Ry, bds Thomas Farrell.
Hudson, Mollie (Mrs. J.), cook Thomas Farrell, bds same.
Hudson, Willian [sic] A., clk county clerk's office, h. W. M. C. Hill.
Huey, Joseph (c), waiter Crutchfield House, r. same.
Huey, Joseph (Huey & Philp), r. Corsicana, Texas.
Huey & Philp (Joseph Huey, Simon Philp), hardware, stoves, tinware, 647-649 Elm.
Huff, Robert, paper hanger, r. 317 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Huffman, Miss Amanda, h. Henry T. Martin.
Huffman, Calvin H.(Simpson & Huffman) r.927Ross ave.
Huffman, Charles H., brakeman H. & T. C. Ry, r. ss Columbia bt Leonard, Sherman.
Huffman, Chares [sic] (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Huffman, Clint, cash boy Sanger Bros., h. 1042 Wood.
Huffman, Lester, clk Simpson & Huffman, h. C. H. Huffman.
Huffman, Miss Lulu, h. Henry T. Martin.
Huffman, Mildred (wid M.), h. D. W. C. Smith.
Huffman, William G., clk P. P. Martinez, h. H. T. Martin.
Hugger, Charles, carp A. Brownlee, bds A. K. Woodson.
Hughes, Ambrose, machinist Sinker, Davis & Co., bds Samuel G. Smith.
Hughes Bros. & Co. (George V., John V., Frederick E. Hughes), mfrs baking powder, bluing, mineral waters, champagne cider, flavoring extracts, brooms. cor Ervay, Hughes, opp City Park. See advt.
Hughes, B. M., wks Texas Cotton Press Co.
Hughes & Co. (John W. Hughes, - Co.), saloon, ns Juliet e of Boll.
Hughes, Frank (c), bds Gip Townsend.
Hughes, Frederick E. (Hughes Bros. & Co.), r. cor.Ervay, Hughes.
Hughes, Frederick V., trav slsmn Hughes Bros. & Co., h. F. E. Hughes.
Hughes, George V. (Hughes Bros. & Co.), r. ss Hughes nr Miller's Ferry road.
Hughes, Harrison (c), r.. alley bt Flora, Cochran, H. & T. C. Ry, Hall.
Hughes, J. A., clk Huey & Philp, r. 315 Patterson ave.
Hughes, John V. (Hughes Bros. & Co.), r. cor Ervay, Hughes.
Hughes, John W. (Hughes & Co.), r. ns Juliet e of Boll.
Hughes, Lee H., depy county clerk, office Courthouse, bds W G. Hefley.
Hughes, Mattie (c), wks John Rankin.
Hughes, Rowland A., r. ss Hughes nr Miller's Ferry road.
Hughes, William E., Prest Exchange Bank, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Hull, John, cooper Howard Oil Co., bds Long's Hotel.
Humphreys, Benjamin T., trav slsmn, r. 503 Swiss ave bt Oak, Field.
Humphreys, Ernest, clk H. G. Sizer, h. Benjamin T. Humphreys.
Humphreys, Maria (c), r. ns Commerce bt Sycamore, Ervay.
Hundley, George J. (Hundley & Smith), bds J. D. Kerfoot.
Hundley & Smith (George J. Hundley, Lucas F. Smith), attorneys, over 606 Main.
Hunley, Collin A., Clk Union Depot lunch stand, h. J. G. Hunley.
Hunley, James G., lab, r. 919 Live Oak bt Field, Germania.
Hunley, J. Clarence, Cash boy Goldsmith, h. William L. Hunley.
Hunley, Robert. C., r. ns Live Oak, bt Hawkins, Ry.
Hunley, William L., slsmn F. G. Moore, r. es Commerce bt Henry, Crowdus.
Hunnicutt, James, wks stock yd, bds David M. Clark.
Hunstable, Augustus, foreman Hunstable Boot and Shoe Co., rms 712 Elm, bds L. C. Clinton.
Hunstable Boot and Shoe Co., mfrs, dealers in boots, shoes, 712 Elm, W. Hunstable, mgr.
Hunstable, William, mgr Hunstable Boot and Shoe Co., r. 712 Elm.
Hunt, Fannie (wid Z.), r. 415 Cottage Lane bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Hunt, George, lab, bds Richard E. McDonald.
Hunt, G. W., carp bds Theodore Reinecke.
Hunt, Jasper C., night watchman Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. 320 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Hunt, Miles J. (c), wks Sawnie Robertson, r. same.
Hunter, Anderson (c), r. ss Pacific ave bt Cabell, Preston.
Hunter, Charles, teamster Lehman Bottling Co., h. Mrs. L. Hunter.
Hunter, D. B., lab, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Hunter, Green (c), porter, r. rear 302 S. Harwood cor Commerce.
Hunter, Henry, clk, h. Mrs. L. Hunter.
Hunter, Henry B., clk Thomas J. King, bds same.
Hunter, Henry T., r. 319 Crockett bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Hunter, J. Peyton, clk John C. Hunter, bds same.
Hunter, John G., Mgr Westinghouse Machine Co., Pittsburg, Pa., office 401 Elm cor Market, r. 1229 Commerce bt S. Harwood, Cabell.
Hunter, J. L., lab, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Hunter, Louisa (wid Samuel), r. 1543 Main bt Leonard, Lloyd.
Hunter, Malcolm, clk Dargan & Trezevant, h. J. G. Hunter.
Hunter, Matilda (c), h. Simpson Hawes.
Hunter, Miss Minnie, student Dallas Female College, r. same.
Hunter, Nathan W., Secy The Southwest Land Co., r. sw cor Swiss ave, McIntyre.
Hunter, William (c), wks Wm. Randall, h. same.
Hunter, William, clk, rms Mrs. Mary G. Batchelor.
Hunter, William R., rms Mrs. Mary G. Batchelor.
Huntington, John, clk Keating Implement and Machine Co., r. 1216 Jackson.
Hurd, Abraham E., hatter, 306 Main bt Jefferson, Market, r. 510 Polk bt Lamar, Austin.
Hurd, John, porter Glucksrnan & Co.
Hurlburt, Edward, r. nw cor Pacific ave, Sycamore.
Hurlburt, Ransom E., restaurant, ss Elm bt Lloyd, Crowdus, r. ns Williams bt Henry, Crowdus.
Hurley, Annie, chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Hurst, Albert K. (Hurst & Dreyfuss), r. 1015 Young.
Hurst & Dreyfuss (Albert K. Hurst, Gerard Dreyfuss), clothing, hats, caps, gents' furnishing goods, trunks, etc., 702 Elm cor Poydras. See right inside line.
Hurst, Emanuel M., clk J. H. Kraft, h. Jacob Hurst..
Hurst, Jacob, cashier E. M. Kahn & Co., r. 1015 Young bt Browder, Ervay.
Hurst, John M,, warehouseman Waters Pierce Oil Co., rms sw cor Paris, Leonard, bds Adams House.
Hurst, Mary (wid C. B.), h. Alden P. Quint.
Hurst, Simon, clk Leon Kahn, h. Jacob Hurst.
Hurst, Thomas W., City Circulator Dallas Herald, r. 107 Live Oak bt Pacific ave, Harwood.
Hurst, Elbridge S., attorney, office 215 Main, h. J. M. Hurst.
Hurt, James M., attorney, r. 425 Cottage Lane bt Victor, N. Harwood.
Hurt, Mrs. Mary, r. over 1211 Elm bt Pearl, Preston.
Hurt, Sally (c), r. ss Columbia e of Sherman.
Hurz, H., slsmn Sanger Bros., teacher French and German, bds J. H. Kimble.
Husfield, Laura (wid H.), r. ns T. & P. Ry bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Husung, William C., carp, r. ss Gaston ave bt Martha, St. Joseph.
Hutcheson, John A., lab, r. 1132 Elm bt Cabell, N. Harwood.
Hutchinson, Frank A., subscription book agency, 757 Elm, r. 925 Live Oak nr Field.
Hutton, Miss Minnie, bds Lillie Scott.
Huvelle, Camille H., Saloon, 842 Main, r. 917 Wood bt Akard, Ervay. See back cover.
Hyatt, James, painter Kane Shields, bds National Hotel.
Hyman, Abraham, office clk Sanger Bros., h. Moses Hyman.
Hyman, Moses, dry goods, clothing, etc., 1202 Elm cor Cabell, r. same.
Hymes, Belle (c), wks J. D. Kerfoot, r. same.
Hynson, George W., U. S. depy marshal, r. 711 Wood bt Poydras, railroad.

Iftiger, Hugo, saddler Schoellkopf & Co., bds 828 Main.
Illingsworth, William, carp, r. 1637 Commerce bt Henry; Crowdus.
Imgart, William (Hamm & Imgart), r. sw cor Griffin, Hord.
Ingold, Alfred, waiter Louis Lessa.
Ingram, Joseph. bds Frank Ferguson.
Ingram, Thomas B. (T. B. Ingram & Co.) r. ss Park bt Browder, Ervay.
Ingram, T. B. & Co.(Thomas B. Ingram, - Co.), groceries 808 Main.
Innerarity, Emanuel S., bkpr Texas Stone Co., rms 300 Griffin.
Intelligence Office, 609 Main, Harry O'Bierne, mgr.
Iralson, Abraham, clk A. D. Seixas, h. S. Iralson.
Iralson, Moses, cashier E. Bauman, h. S. Iralson.
Iralson, Miss Pauline, slslady E. Bauman, h. S. Iralson.
Iralson, Samuel, clk E. Bauman, r. 618 Browder bt Young, Marilla.
Ireland, James, painter William Ernenwein, bds Santa Fe House
Irvine, Adam C. (Betterton, Irvine & Co.), bds Bogel's Hotel.
Irvine, Frank L. (Crutcher & Irvine), rms 614 Elm.
Irvine, Hugh R. , supt Texas Trunk Ry, r. ss Gaston ave bt Adair, Ursuline.
Irvine, Miss Jennie, h. Samuel Peterman.
Isaac, Israel, clk Mark Isaac, r. same.
Isaac, Mark, groceries, 202 Ross ave cor Griffin, r. same.
Israelsky, August, cotton buyer, r. 622 Ervay bt Young, Marilla.
Israel, George M., stenographer and type writer, T. & P. land dept, bds W. B. Walker.
Ivey, John B., bartender L. Craddock, r. 320 Collin bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Izen, Joseph, beer saloon, 1032 Main cor St. Paul, r. same.

Jabens, Louis, painter, r. e of Walton bt Williams, Porter.
Jack, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (wid), r. ss Main bt Duncan, Walton.
Jackson, Albert A. (A. A. Jackson & Bro.), bds City Hotel.
Jackson, A. A. & Bro, (Albert A. and William R.), butter, eggs, produce, 1328 Elm.
Jackson, Andrew (c), porter St. George Hotel bar, r. es Boll bt San Jacinto, H. &T. C. Ry.
Jackson, Calvin (c), r. rear 508 Houston.
Jackson, Edward, bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Jackson, Miss Etta, h. Dwight Crawford.
Jackson, George, farmer, r. s of.Gaston ave e of city limits.
Jackson, Henry (c), r. ss Polk bt Lamar, Austin.
Jackson, Henry (c), r. es Houston bt Polk, Columbia.
Jackson, James A., shooting gallery, ws S. Lamar bt Pacific ave, Elm, bds W. F. Taggert.
Jackson, John, newspapers, periodicals, 843 Main bt Murphy, Sycamore r. same.
Jackson, John (c), barber, shop 725 1/2 Main, r. 152 Cottonwood Lane bt Wichita, Ashland.
Jackson, John A., clk Hollaway & Co., bds City Hotel.
Jackson, Kittie (c), 1.. nr cor Cochran. H. & T. C. Ry.
Jackson, Laura (c), h. Robert Philips.
Jackson, Lillie (c). h. Shepherd Severe.
Jackson, Missouri (c), ironer Eureka steam laundry.
Jackson, Ralph, porter J. W. Peacock, bds 1026 Polk.
Jackson, Rosa (c), wks C. S. Mitchell, r. same.
Jackson, Stonewall (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane bt Wichita, Ashland.
Jackson, William, bds William C. Linn.
Jackson, William, condr Mo. P. Ry, r. 223 Ross ave bt Grffin, Magnolia.
Jackson, William H. (c), wks H. & T. C. Ry frt depot, r.. ss Crockett bt Live Oak, Cora.
Jackson, William M., r. ns Swiss ave e of Martha.
Jackson, William P., clk Holloway & Co., rms 1342 Elm.
Jackson, William R. (A. A. Jackson & Bro.), bds Anton's Hotel.
Jacob, Reirihard, baker John Hauseman, bds same.
Jacobs, Charles, carriage driver Arthur Cain, 703 Commerce, rms 408 Jackson.
Jacobs, Solomon, bill clk Sanger Bros.
Jacobson, Mrs. Addie (wid), bds Mrs. M. J. Rawlings.
Jacoby, Henry, h. Lewis Jacoby.
Jacoby, Lewis, depy sheriff Dallas co., r. 24 Good cor Floyd.
Jacoby, Miss Mary D., teacher 3d ward public school, h. Lewis Jacoby.
Jacoby, Miss Sallie, h. Lewis Jacoby.
James, Allie P. scroll sawyer Elliott& Clark, rms 1213 Elm, bds Adams House.
James, Benjamin T, clk Sanger Bros., bds James Kempe.
James, Charles, waiter Pacific House, bds same.
James & Cloud (James James, William Dallas Cloud), dealers in horses, mules, ss Patterson ave bt Griffin, Sycamore.
James, Esteen (c), r. 415 Wood cor Austin.
James, Frank, marble cutter, r. 1130 Elm bt Cabell, N. Harwood.
James, Frank K., stockkpr mfg dept Blankenship & Blake, r. 1056 Elm.
James, Frank W., moulder Trinity Iron Works, r 317 Crockett.
James, James (James & Cloud), bds St. James Hotel.
James, Judson S., cik Loeb & Freiberg, h. W. W. James.
James, Mary (wid S.), h. Henry C. Haskins.
James, Robert M., clk St James Hotel, r. same.
James, Samuel (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel.
James, Samuel L. (c), r. 154 Cottonwood Lane bt Wichita, Ashland.
James, William, clk E. M. Kahn & Co.
James, William R., scroll sawyer and designer Elliott & Clark, rms 1213 Elm.
Jamison, Andrew J. (c), r. 211 Flora bt Good, Peak.
Jamison, Dock (c), barber Henry Bethge, r. 209 Peak.
Jamison, John (c), porter T. L. Marsalis & Co.
Jamison, Julia (c), r. ss Pacific ave bt Cabell, Preston.
Jamison, Mary (c), h. Dock Jamison.
Jamison, Paul, brick mfr and contractor, r. ws Akard bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Japhet, John, wks Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, rms es H. & T. C. Ry bt Polk, Columbia.
Jara, Miguel, bds Refujio Mejio.
Jarvis, William R., teamster, r. 1522 Elm bt Lloyd, Crowdus.
Jefferson, Harriet (c), b. Kirk Walker.
Jefferson, Mary (c), r se cor Hall, Cochran.
Jegel, John. h. Mrs. Clara Mulhern.
Jemison, John (c), porter Annie Williams.
Jemison, John (c), barber, shop 121 Camp bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Jenkins, Henry, clk L. Craddock, bds same.
Jenkins, John F. (E. J. Roddis & Co.), r. 337 N. Harwood cor San Jacinto.
Jenkins, Miss Margaret (wid), private boardinghouse, se Commerce, Ray.
Jenkinson, William, night clk Grand-Windsor Hotel, bds same.
Jensen, Gustof, machinist Phelan & Co., bds F. P. Phelan.
Jewell, A. P., yd clk Mo. P. Ry, bds National Hotel.
Jewett, George N., carp, r. ws Portland bt Corsicana, St. Louis.
Jinks, Mollie (Mrs. F. A.), h. Mrs. K: Lee.
Johns, Betty (c), wks D. H. Morrow, r. same.
Johns, J. G., stock dealer bds J. T. Johnston.
Johns, Robert (c), waiter Grand-Windsor Hotel, r. rear 826 Young.
Johnson, Adeline (c), r. ns Cochran bt Boll, Good.
Johnson, Albert (c), r. Paris bt H. & T. C. Ry, Preston.
Johnson, Albert A., physician, office Hickox & Patterson, 601 Main cor Lamar, r. ne cor Bryan, Pavilion.
Johnson, Alexander (c), bds Samuel Tignor.
Johnson, Alexander A., r. nr Fair Grounds e of T. & P. Ry.
Johnson, Alfred B., watchman H. & T. C. depot, r. 632 Columbia bt Cabell, Preston.
Johnson, Allen, Coffee, Lunch Staud, Fish, Oysters, 1316 Elm bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same. See advt.
Johnson, Miss Amanda, r. 139 N. Harwood cor Bryan.
Jonnson, Andrew (c), r. 1018 Polk bt Cabell, Preston.
Johnson, Arch. B., r. 658 N. Harwood bt McKinney, Bone.
Johnson, Belle (c), r. ss Juliet bt Good, Boll,
Johnson, Benjamin (c), r. ss Flora bt Peak, Good.
Johnson, Carrie (c), h. William Weathers.
Johnson, Carroll (c), porter Crosier & Bohny, r. ne cor Bryan, Pacific ave.
Johnson, Champ (c), lab Butler & Co.
Johnson, Charles, lineman Dallas Telephone Exc.. bds S. G. Anderson.
Johnson, Charles (c), teamster, r. ws Cottonwood Lane bt Ashland,Olin Wellborn.
Johnson, Charles (c), clk Jefferson Johnson, r. same.
Johnson, Charles M. (c), driver, r. ss Calhoun n end Jefferson.
Johnson, Cora (c) h. Martin Powell.
Johnson, Daniel, carp, bds Germania House.
Johnson, Edward E., carp, r. ns Long's Lake road.
Johnson, Edwina K. Miss, clk R. G. Dun & Co., bds Edward Lindeman.
Johnson, Elizabeth (wid W. S.), r. 606 Bryan bt Good, Cantagral.
Johnson, Elizabeth (wid J. M.), h. Harry Boggs.
Johnson, Ella (c), wks Albert Strauss, r. same.
Johnson, Miss Ellen, bkpr Singer Mfg Co., r. 741 N. Harwood.
Johnson, Ellen (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Cottage Lane, San Jacinto.
Johnson, Emanuel (c), barber Richard Laffiton, bds Amanda Johnson.
Johnson, Emma (c), wks William Apperson, r. same.
Johnson, Emma (c), wks Henry K. Leake, h. same.
Johnson, Harriet (c), r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Johnson, Henry C., watchman H. & T. C. frt depot, r. 632 Columbia.
Johnson, Henry J., h. John S. Johnson.
Johnson, Horace (c), fireman Texas Ice Co.
Johnson, Isam H., barber, r. ws H. & T. C. Ry bt Live Oak, Swiss ave.
Johnson, James (c), r. ws Olin Wellborn, Highland e of Ervin.
Johnson, James P., r. ss Flora bt Peak, Good.
Johnson, James R., Propr Southern (Gem Nursery, Office and r. ws McKinney road w end Pearl. See advt.
Johnson, Jefferson (c), groceries, es Hall n of Cochran.
Johnson, Jerry (c), r. 1036 Pacific ave bt Harwood, Cabell.
Johnson, John (c), carpet layer Sanger Bros., r. cor Canton, Ervay.
Johnson, John, r. ws Duncan bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Johnson, John, engr George Hendra, bds same.
Johnson, John, lab, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Johnson, John J., carp, r. 27 Live Oak cor Pacific ave.
Johnson, John M. clk Griffiths & Cowser, r. ne cor Floyd, Wm Tell.
Johnson, John S., carp, r. 717 Live Oak bt Good, Cantagral.
Johnson, John W. (c), porter Sanger Bros., bds Frank Fletcher.
Johnson, Joseph, 2d baker Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Johnson, Joseph (c), bartender M. E. McCarthy, r. es Poydras bt Jackson, Wood.
Johnson, Miss Julia, wks J. C. Storey; h. same.
Johnson, J. M., mechanic D. M. Osborne & Co., rms nw cor Main, Broadway.
Johnson, J. M., agt Mo. steam washer, bds D. N. Hoylman.
Johnson, K. M., Bkpr and Secy Southern Gem Nursery, ws McKinney road w end Pearl. r. same.
Johnson, Lina (c), wks M. H. Redwood.
Johnson, Lola, r. 314 Commerce.
Johnson, Louis, r. es N. Harwood bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Johnson, Miss Maggie, teacher Dallas Academy.
Johnson, Maxey, wks Peter W. Lear.
Johnson, Miller (c), r. rear 62 Bryan bt Oleander, Masten.
Johnson, Mollie (c), bds Maria Lee.
Johnson, Needham (c), exp. driver, r. rear 718 Jackson.
Johnson, Nora (c), r. 951 Ross ave cor H. & T. C. Ry
Johnson, Oscar, waiter Mrs. M. E. Rosenthal, bds same.
Johnson, Philip R., entry clk Sanger Bros., bds St. George Hotel.
Johnson, Porter (c), r. 211 Juliet.
Johnson, Richard (c), contractor Hughes Bros. & Co., r. es Highland bt McKinney road, Cedar Springs.
Johnson, Robert (c), carbonator Hughes Bros. & Co., r. 939 Jackson.
Johnson, Roxie (c), wks Oliver Bros. laundry, r. same.
Johnson, Sallie (c), bds Abraham Kirby.
Johnson, Sarah (c), r. ns Alamo bt Wichita, Olin WelIborn.
Johnson, Simon (c). bell boy St. George Hotel; bds same.
Tohnson, Sophie (c) r. al. bt Ross ave, Flora, Peak, Good.
Johnson, Spencer P. (c), preacher, r. ss Cochran bt Good, Boll.
Johnson, Sylva A. (c), wks F. M. Ervay, r. same.
Johnson, Texana (c), h. Edmond Edwards.
Johnson, Thomas, gasfitter E. F. Doyle, r. 717 Live Oak.
Johnson, Thomas, lab, r. 1227 Main bt Cabell, Harwood.
Johnson, Thomas A., clk Mo. P. frt depot, r. 312 Griffin bt Hord, Collin.
Johnson, Thomas A., cooper, r. 30 William bt Bone, McKinney road.
Johnson, Thomas H., news stand, cigars, confectionery, 701 Elm cor College, r. cor Akard, St. Louis.
Johnson, Thomas T., cigars, fruits, confectionery, 710 Elm, rms 1045 Elm.
Johnson, Wesley (c), r. ne cor Pierce, Leonard.
Johnson, William C., piano tuner and repairer, 109 Sycamore bt Main, Elm, r. same.
Johnson, William F., car inspector H. & T. C. Ry, r. ss Lane bt Preston, Cabell.
Johnson, William H. (Field & Johnson), City Attorney, r. 332 Collin cor Magnolia.
Johnson, William M., city engr, office City Hall, nw cor Lamar, Commerce, r. 25 Good cor Floyd.
Johnson, William M., cook St. James Hotel, bds same.
Johnson, William M. (c), pantryman Grand-Windsor, r. 509 Polk bt Lamar, Austin.
Johnson, Wilson Jefferson, druggist, 1346 Elm, r. 113 Hawkins.
Johnston, Elizabeth W. G. Mrs., dressmkr, r. 1120 Main bt St. Paul, Harwood.
Johnston, James A., clk National Hotel, bds same.
Johnston, James H., clk U. S. Courthouse and Postoffice, office se cor Ervay, Main, bds John W. Morrison.
Johnston, John, contractor, r. 401 Cochran bt N. Harwood, Pearl.
Johnston, John T., clk L. A. Wilson, bds Cottage Hotel.
Johnston, John T. Sr., Propr Cottage Hotel, nw cor. N. Lamar, Hord, r. same. See advt.
Johnston, Maggie S. (wid J. V.) dressmkr, 953 Main cor Ervay.
Johnston, Milton, bkpr, bds A. K. Woodson.
Johnston, William, teamster, h. John Johnston.
Joiner, George (c), wks Jacob Oppenheim, h. same.
Joiner, Gus B., clk H. G. Sizer, rms R. O'Connor.
Jones, Allen (c), porter, r. ss San Jacinto bt McCoy, Villars.
Jones, Allen H. Rev. (c) , presiding elder C. M. E. Church, r. 314 Flora bt Good, Boll.
Jones, Alpheus C., cook Allen Johnson, r. same.
Jones, Annie (c), r. ws of H. & T. C. Ry n of Cochran.
Jones, Annie L. (wid James E.), h. Mrs. Mary L. Hitchcock.
Jones & Bolling (Frederick T. Jones, Thomas E. Bolling), mdse brokers, 101-103 Camp. See advt.
Jones Bros. (Henry C., James P. Jones), Printers' Supplies, 914-916 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay. See advt.
Jones Bros. & Co. (John T. Jones, - Co.), publishers subscription and school books, Cincinnati, O., W. G.. Scarff, mgr, 127 Camp.
Jones, Charles (c), hostler Arthur Cain, rms 703 Commerce.
Jones, Charles R., clk W. G. Scarff, r. 279 Caruth.
Jones, Delia (c), r 1106 Jackson bt Ervay, S. Harwood.
Jones, Edward S., clk Union Depot lunch stand, rms South Jones.
Jones, Eliza (c), r. ss Griffin, Magnolia.
Jones, Ella (c), .wks Brantley M. Bond.
Jones, Ervin, wks Henry Thomas, h. same.
Jones, Fred (c), blksmith Samuel Bromwell, bds Henry Oldon.
Jones, Frederick T. (Jones & Bolling), Grain and commission merchant, 101-103 Camp bt N. Lamar, Griffin, bds 401 Elm. See advt.
Jones, Harriet (wid William), r. 324 Camp.
Jones, Henry, clk John H. McClellan, bds same.
Jones, Henry (c), wks C. S. Mitchell, r. same.
Jones, Henry (c) (Rawling & Jones), bds Lewis Kimber.
Jones, Henry A. (c), porter T. & P. land dept, r. 513 Polk.
Jones, Henry C. (Jones Bros.), Propr Texas Newspaper Union, office 916 Main, r. 507 Ervay cor Wood.
Jones, Henry W., clk dist court, office Courthouse, bds St. George Hotel.
Jones, Isaac (c), r. e of Fair Grounds.
Jones, James P. (Jones Bros.), r. 1010 Wood.
Jones, Miss Jesse, h. Henry Thomas.
Jones, Joel W., coffee and lunch stand, 1314 Elm bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry, r. same.
Jones, John, h. Julian Cour.
Jones, John (c), h. Eliza Jones.
Jones, John (c), r. se cor Cochran, H. & T. C. Ry.
Jones, John B., printer Texas Newspaper Union, h. Jno. C. Jones.
Jones, John C., boardinghouse, 303 Griffin cor Hord.
Jones, John H., Cotton Buyer, Office over 616 Elm cor Poydras, r. 416 N. Harwood.
Jones, John M., collector Murphy & Bolanz, bds John P. Murphy, rms Henry W. Jones.
Jones, John W., clk R. M. Page, bds 1221 Elm.
Jones, John W., physician and surgeon, office 810 Main, r. 307 Oleander bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
Jones, J. M., foreman Wheat & Wheat, rms 729 Main.
Jones, J. W., bricklayer, bds National Hotel.
Jones, Miss Katie, h. Mrs. E. B. Durgin.
Jones, Miss Katie, r. 211 S. Harwuod cor Commerce.
Jones, Lawrence, bkpr T. L. Marsalis & Co., rms over 617 Elm.
Jones, Lucy (c), dishwasher Union Depot Hotel.
Jones, Mack (c), plasterer, bds Carrie Murray.
Jones, Mary (c), wks City steam laundry, r. 609 Bryan cor Boll.
Jones, Mary E. (Mrs. W. K.), matron Dallas Female College, h. W. K. Jones.
Jones, Mary E. (wid J.), r. ns Williams bt Henry, Crowdus.
Jones, Miss Minnie, bds 507 Polk bt Austin, Lamar.
Jones, Miranda (c), h. Allen Jones.
Jones, Monroe, carp, bds C. C. Barber.
Jones, Nettie E. (wid W. B.), r. 916 Jackson bt Akard, Browder.
Jones, Owen (c), r. 1ll Bryan bt N. Harwood, Victor.
Jones, Philip, h. Mrs. Mary E. Jones.
Jones, Randall (c), r. ws Broadway end Walnut.
Jones, Reuben (c), lab, r. 510 Houston cor Polk.
Jones, Samuel, carp, r. ns T. & P. Ry e of Fair Grounds.
Jones, Samuel D. (c), r. ws Hall bt Juliet. Cochran.
Jones, Samuel J. printer, h. Tillman S. Jones.
Jones, Thomas H., local express, r. nr ne Cor Fair Grounds.
Jones, Thomas M., merchant, h. W. K. Jones.
Jones, Tillman S., r. 852 Live Oak cor Germania.
Jones, Wiley T. C., painter, h. Tillman S. Jones.
Jones, William (c), r. ne cor Alamo, Ervin.
Jones, William, letter carrier 3d dist, bds 1045 Elm.
Jones, William A., bkpr F. T. Jones, r. 26 Sycamore cor Cottage Lane.
Jones, William B., bkpr J. T. Elliott, r. 1339 Elm.
Jones, William I., carp, r. 1424 Polk bt Cabell, Preston.
Jones, William K., Propr and Principal Dallas Female College, ns Live Oak bt Pearl, Crockett, r. same. See advt.
Jones, William L., Barber, Shop 1112 Elm bt N. Harwood, Cabell, bds Geo. W. Patrick.
Jones, William R., lab, r. 428 Cadiz cor Portland.
Jordan, Frank (c), wks H. & T. C. frt depot, r. 508 Lamar bt Polk, Columbia.
Jordan, Frederick N., r. 102 Carondelet cor Jefferson.
Jordan, John (c), h. Wm. J. Jordan.
Jordan, Peter (c), r. ns Williams bt Sherman, Henry.
Jordan, Richard (c), lab S. H. Cockrell & Co.
Jordan, Valentine (c), r. rear 409 Columbia bt Market, Austin.
Jordan, Victoria (c), h. Harriet Blackwood.
Jordan, William J. (c), mgr Texas Homestead and Farming Ass'n, 1314 Elm, r. ne cor Flora, Leonard.
Joseph, Joseph I., groceries, 712 Akard bt Marilla, Peak, r. same.
Joseppa, Jose, r. 1016 Main bt Ervay, St. Paul.
Judy, Candis (c), r. 1543 Commerce bt Dove, Lloyd
Julian, B. Elbert, bkpr Sinker, Davis & Co., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Juniper, Frederick (Bolton & Juniper), rms John Evans.
Justice, John, lab, bds Wm. C. Linn.

Kadel, George W., clk Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Flora Zumbrun.
Kahn, Charles, chief Dallas Fire dept, r. 835 Jackson bt Akard, Church.
Kahn, Emanuel M. (E. M. Kahn & Co.), r. 926 Jackson bt Ervay, Browder.
Kahn, E. M. & Co. (Emanuel M. Kahn, -- Co.), clothing, hats, caps, furnishing goods, 602-604 Elm cor Lamar.
Kahn, Ernestine (wid Samuel), r. 506 Akard bt Young, Marilla.
Kahn, Miss Hattie, h. Lewis Kahn.
Kahn, Joseph, trav slsmn Sanger Bros., rms 214 Houston, bds Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Kahn, Julius, appc gasfitter F. A. Campbell, h. Chas. Kahn.
Kahn, Julius, wks J. W. Anthony, jr., & Co.
Kahn, Leon, Boots, Shoes, Hats, 606 Elm bt Lamar, Poydras, r. 606 Ervay bt Young, Marilla. Kahn, Martin, clk Leon Kahn, rms same.
Kahn, Solomon, clk Isadore Reinhard, h. Mrs. E. Kahn.
Kain, Thomas, h. William J. Kain.
Kain, William J., r. 120 Olive bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Kallman, S., slsmn Sanger Bros., r. cor Young, Akard.
Kanady, Charles D., hardware, stoves, tinware, 1205 Elm bt Pearl, Preston, r Rockwall road nr Fair Grounds.
Kanady, R. E., h. C. D. Kanady.
Kanady, S. Wallace, clk C. D. Canady, h. same.
Kanady, Wallace Alonzo, tinner C. D. Kanady, h. same.
Kane, John L., Secy Howard Oil Co., r. Houston, Texas.
Kane, Patrick, lab, bds Germania House.
Kaney, John, carp, bds James Edmonds.
Kantz, W. Frank, clk div. frt agt Mo. P. Ry, rms 1216 Main.
Karpalitz, Miss Weta, teacher 4th ward public school, r. cor Ervay, Hughes.
Karsner, Eliza (Mrs. Geo. W.), h. T. B. Ingram.
Kate, Mrs. Lula (wid), bds Mankato House.
Katto, James (c), r. Freedmantown ne city limits.
Kaufman, Benjamin B., clk Levi Kraft, r. 402 Columbia cor Market.
Kauffman, Benjamin F., bartender Simon Loeb, r. nw cor Collin, Carter.
Kautzmann, August, clk Schoellkopf & Co., r. 229 Patterson ave.
Kay, John A., jr., press feeder Texas Newspaper Union, h. John A. Kay.
Kay, John A., sr., stereotyper Texas Newspaper Union, r. 12 Cottonwood Lane bt McKinney, Cedar Springs..
Kay, Thomas, press feeder Texas Newspaper Union, h. J. A. Kay.
Kay, William L., messenger boy W. U. Tel. Co., h. J. A. Kay.
Kearby, Jerome C. (Kearby & McCoy), r. 213 Masten cor Bone.
Kearby & McCoy (Jerome C. Kearby, John M. McCoy), attorneys, office over 608 Main.
Keating, Cecil A., secy and treasr Keating Implement and Machine Co., r. 803 San Jacinto cor Pearl.
Keating, George J., prest Keating Implement and Machine Co., r. Kansas City, Mo.
Keating Implement And Machine Co. (George J.
Keating, prest; Cecil A. Keating, secy and treasr), agricultural implements, farm, mill machinery, se cor Elm, Jefferson.
Keaton, John D., physician, r. 508 Houston bt Wood, Polk.
Kedzscher, John, woodworker E. F. Camuse, rms sw cor Elm, Jefferson.
Keef, Mrs. Helen, r. 215 Juliet bt Peak, Good.
Keef, Jeremiah h. Mrs. Helen Keef.
Keefe, Miss Mary, wks C. E. Vreeland, r. same.
Keehan, John P., policeman, r. 1419 Commerce nr Preston.
Keeler, William, wks F. R. Rowley, bds same.
Keeling, James E., printer, r. 223 Germania bt Bryan, San Jacinto.
Keeman, Mrs. Mary, wks Patrick Mullin, r. same.
Keene, Charles E., Supt J. S. Daugherty's Feed Store, bds same.
Keene, Charles W., bds Charles W. Parker.
Keene, Frank M., carp, r. ns Cottonwood Lane bt Ashland, Wichita.
Keiper, Miss Annie, teacher 3d ward public school, r. 535 Pearl.
Keiper, David B., Cistern and Tank Builder, 1319 Main, r. 535 Pearl bt Ross ave, Cochran. See advt.
Keiper, Ernest, asst cashier Sanger Bros., r. 535 Pearl.
Keiper, I. C., office boy Sanger Bros., r. 535 Pearl.
Keith, Danil N., hostler, bds I. F. McAdams. [ag]
Keith, Mabel (wid S. C.), r. ws S. Lamar s of creek.
Keithley, L. Dudley, mess Texas Exp. Co., bds Central Hotel.
Keller, Charles E., supt Dallas City R. R. Co., office 1428 Main, r. 1219 Main bt Cabell, Harwood.
Keller, Gustav, clk E. C Pfaffle.
Keller, Henry W., secy, treasr and Supt Commerce and Ervay St. Ry Line, r. se cor Ervay., Corsicana.
Keller, Mary (c), chambermaid Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Keller, Mrs. Susan A. (wid), h. William J. Keller.
Keller, William, wks Rainwater & Stearns, r 819 Wood.
Keller, William E., h. Charles E. Keller.
Keller, William J., secy, treasr, Dallas City R. R. Co. ; genl mgr Dallas Street R. R. Co.; secy, treasr, Texas Stone Co., r. ns Ross ave e of Villars.
Kelley, Jane (c), h. Henry Graves.
Kelley, John. harnessmkr Padgitt Bros., bds Mrs. R. J. Coleman.
Kelley, Nat. F., slsrnn Sanger Bros., r. 637 Bryan.
Kelley, Willis W., clk B. W, Rose & Co., bds A. K. Woodson.
Kelly, Daniel, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Kelly, Edward T., cotton buyer, r. 326 St. Louis cor Evergreen.
Kelly, Frank, slsmn A. & E. Mittenthal, r. ne cor Orange, Collin.
Kelly, Frank (c), bds Nellie Davis.
Kelly, George P. clk J. B. Fears, bds St. George Hotel.
Kelly, Henry C., purchasing agt Huey & Philp, r. ws Harwood nr Eakin.
Kelly, Martin L., clk Patterson & Co., h. E. T. Kelly.
Kelly, Thomas, clk William Kelly, r. same.
Kelly, William, new and 2d hand furniture 828 Elm, r. 629 Browder cor Marilla.
Kelton, Mary (c), r. 1101 San Jacinto cor Boll.
Kemble, Walter S., night opr Dallas Telephone Exc., bds Mrs. C.A. Read.
Kempe, James, bkpr C. H. Edwards, r. ns St. Louis bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Kendall, Charles M., bartender, r. es Austin bt Wood, Polk.
Kendall, Clark P., clk, h. Mrs. Julia A. Kendall.
Kendall, Julia A. (wid E. H.), r. 808 Commerce cor Church.
Kendall, Tillman G. T., Justice of the Peace Precinct No.1, 403 Main cor Market, r. 208 Swiss ave bt Good, Cantagral.
Kendell, Emeline M. (wid John), r. es Jefferson bt Main, Commerce.
Kendrick, James S., groceries, 1501 Polk cor Preston, r. same.
Kennedy, Alexander, watchman Mo. P. frt depot, h. Geo. Hinkle.
Kennedy, Charles, wks H. S. Matthews.
Kennedy, Henry, wks Lassner & Koehler, r. 428 Live Oak bt Pearl, Ry.
Kennedy, John, h. George Hinkle.
Kennedy, Margaret J. Mrs. (wid Charles), r. ns Cora bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Kennedy, Michael. lab, r. ne cor Adair, Convent.
Kennedy, Miss Minnie, slslady Isaac Dinkelspeel.
Kennedy, Mollie (c), wks Annie Williams, r. same.
Kennedy, William, hostler Wheat & Wheat, rms 729 Main.
Kenney, Enos, carp, r. 622 Cottage Lane bt Leonard, Burford.
Kenney, James A., h. James A. Duncan.
Kenz, John, shoefitter Padgitt Bros., r. 1210 Wood bt Preston, Cabell.
Kephart, Francis M., carp C. A. Gill, r. se cor Highland, Ervin.
Kerchner, John M., hack driver, r. 325 Collin bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Kerfoot, John D., insurance adjuster, r. sw cor Cadiz, Brow der.
Kerns, W. H., Vice-Prest The Southwest Land Co. [ag]
Kerr, James W., contractor, r. 548 Pearl bt Ross ave, creek.
Kerr, J. T., farmer, r. n of T. & P. Ry e of Fair Grounds.
Kessner, Miss Lena Lena, wks Mrs. Flora Zumbrun. [ag]
Ketzscher, John, physician, diatomic baths, over 409 Elm, rms same, bds 309 main.
Kevil, William H., expman, r. 848 San Jacinto cor Leonard.
Keyes, Harry, pressboy job dept Dallas Herald, h. Howard Keyes.
Keyes, Miss Hattie, bds Samuel S. Taylor.
Keyes, Howard, bkpr Adams & Leonard, r. ns Wood n end Browder.
Keyes, William W. (c), wks Thomas G. T. Kendall, r. same.
Kibbe & Hewitt (William Kibbe, J. N. Hewitt), painters, paper hangers, 843 Main.
Kibbe, Mrs. Sallie A. E. (wid), r. 412 Jackson bt Lamar, Austin.
Kibbe, William (Kibbe & Hewitt), r. ss Live Oak bt Field, creek.
Kienzle, Miss Christina, wks G. H. Schoellkopf, h. same.
Kienzle, Ernest wks G. H. Schoellkopf, h. same.
Kienzle, Miss Mary, wks G. H. Schoellkopf, h. same.
Kiger, Herbert M., r. 28 Alamo bt McKinney, Cedar Springs.
Kilburn, Erskine, r. 1043 William bt Sherman, Henry.
Kilburn, Lee, wks J. C. Hill & Co., h. E. Kilburn.
Kilburn, William, h. E. Kilburn.
Killen, William J., Mgr Whol. Dept Texas Co-Operative Assn, r. 129 Olive bt Live Oak, Bryan.
Killian, George C., trav slsmn McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., bds James H. Porter.
Kimball, James H., r. 279 Caruth bt Lamar, Carter.
Kimball, John, flagman Lamar st. Mo. P. Ry. Co., bds National Hotel.
Kimball, John W., wks Central Hotel, bds same.
Kimball, William, carp, bds John Warren.
Kimber, Lewis (c), r. es Lamar bt Polk, Columbia.
Kimzey, Isaac M., mechanic D. M. Osborne & Co., r. ws Snodgrass s of McKee.
Kinchlan, Edmond (c), r. al. bt Ross ave, Flora, Peak, Good.
Kindberg, Frederick, ice cream dealer, r. es Boll bt Flora, Juliet.
Kinderman, Max, machinist Trinity Iron Works, r. Patterson ave.
Kindricks, Charles (c), hack driver, r. 1149 Young bt Ervay, Veal.
King, Alfred H., broom mfr, r. 953 S. Harwood bt Runnels, Paris.
King, Annie (c), wks Thomas B. Mitchell.
King, Austin (c) h. Carrie Stillwell.
King, Chapman G., carp, r. 604 Bryan cor Good.
King, Clifford A., Secy Merchants Exchange of Dallas, ne cor Lamar, Commerce, r. 308 S. Harwood nr Commerce.
King, Doctor David, mgr Retail Dept Texas Co-Operative Assn, r. 526 N. Harwood bt Ross ave, Cochran.
King, Fannie (c), r. es H. & T. C. Ry bt Ross ave, San Jacinto.
King, George R., h. Andrew P. Davis.
King, Harry (c), r. ss Montezuma bt Burford, Crockett.
King, John, clk Sanger Bros., h. C. A. King.
King, J. L. (c), cook Delmonico restaurant.
King, Miss Lizzie, teacher elocution and modern languages Dallas Female College, r. same.
King, Lizzie (c), wks Bledsoe McRosky.
King, Lizzie (c), h. Margaret Green.
King, Mrs. Mary M. (wid), h. Mrs. W. E. King.
King, Samuel J., clk, h. David King.
King, Samuel W., expressman, r. 562 N. Harwood cor Cochran.
King, Sanford, nightwatchman Union Depot baggage rooms, rms Mrs. Susan L. Greer.
King, Sarah (c), h. Sidney Cruel.
King, Thomas F., gravel roofer, r. ws Veal bt Young, Marilla.
King, Thomas J., groceries, 417 Ross ave cor N. Harwood, r same.
King, William E., lab. r. ne cor Polk, Broadway.
King, William H., clk Sanger Bros., h. C. A. King.
Kingon, Alfred, cigarmkr, h. William Kingon.
Kingon, William, merchant tailor, 313 Main bt Jefferson, Market, r. same.
Kingsbery, Sandford S., bkpr, r. sw cor Carter, Caruth.
Kinnel, Bettie (c), r. alley bt Montezuma, Live Oak, Burford, Crockett.
Kinney, Abraham B., wks Dallas Barrel Factory.
Kinney, Enos, lab Clark & Clark.
Kinney, Henry (C), barber John Sweet, r. same.
Kinney, James A., night tel opr Union Depot, rms J. A. Duncan.
Kinsella, Lizzie (wid William), r. 315 Ervay cor Jackson.
Kinsella, Owen, tinner Huey & Philp, bds J. W. Wetzel.
Kinsella, Thomas, tinner Huey & Philp, bds J. W. Wetzel.
Kirby, Albert (c), r. 8 Cottonwood Lane bt Cedar Springs road, McKinney.
Kirby, Ann (c), h. Monroe Spikes.
Kirby, Milburn W., depy sheriff Dallas county, r. 937 Live Oak cor Field.
Kircher, Henry, lab, r. ns Taylor bt Leonard, Sherman.
Kircher, Jacob, h. H. Kircher.
Kirk, Stephen S., Secy Noland & McRosky Hardware Co., r. 830 Jackson cor Akard.
Kirkham, James E., h. Mrs. I. Kirkmam. [ag]
Kirkham, Judith (wid John), groceries, wine, ns Elm e Mill creek, r. same.
Kirkham, Vaentine J., h. Mrs. J. Kirkham.
Kirkland, James, supt mail order dept Sanger Bros.
Kirkpatrick, Amonett F., Treasr Noland & McRosky Hardware Co., r. 1306 Commerce bt Cabell, Preston.
Kissinger, Nelson, carp, r. 112 Highland bt Cedar Springs. Ashland.
Kittrell, David, hack driver, r. over 1346 Elm bt Ry, Leonard.
Kitts, William T. (R. A. Mansfield & Co.), r. 1411 Main.
Kivlen, John W., cooper Dallas Barrel Factory, r. ss Columbia bt Market, Jefferson.
Kivlen Karney J., Mgr Dallas Barrel Factory, r. 1307 Main bt Cabell, Preston.
Klang, Miss Mary, wks Edmond Smith, h. same.
Klein, John, hatter A. C. Hurd. bds I. F. McAdams.
Klein, John, shoemkr, bds I. X. Strobel.
Klein, Samuel (Freiberg, Klein & Co.), Office 7O4 Elm nr Poydras, r. 1021 Young cor Ervay
Klingler, George, carriage painter, bds I. X. Strobel.
Knepfly, Lawrence M. (Knepfly & Son), r. over 614 Main.
Knepfly, Madeline (wid John), r. over 614 Main.
Knepfly & Son (Lawrence M. Knepfly), Mfg Jewelers, watches, clocks, jewelry (diamonds, silver, plated wares, 614 Main.
Knight, Andrew (c), r. ws Austin s of creek.
Knight, Archie J. h. W. H. Lemmon.
Knight, Epps G., farmer, h. W. H. Lemmon.
Knight, James W., slsmn A. D. Aldridge & Co., bds R. M. Cooke.
Knight, Miss Lortah, teacher 2d ward public school, r. 880 San Jacinto cor Burford.
Knight, Robert E. L., law student, h. W. H. Lemmon.
Knowles, Charles L., h. Wm. D. Knowles.
Knowles, T. A., collector Exchange Bank, h. W. D. Knowles.
Knowles, William D., mgr New Home Sewing Machine Co., 755 Elm, r. 1016 Marilla bt Browder, Ervay. See advt.
Knox, Thomas M., mgr Singer Mfg. Co., 812 Main, rms 929 Jackson.
Koch, William, carp A. Regge, r. 621 Akard cor Marilla.
Koehler, Gustave A. trav slsmn, r. 1529 Main bt Leonard, Lloyd.
Koehler, Jacob, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Koehler, William (Lassner & Koehler). r. San Antonio, Texas.
Koepsel, John F., harnessmkr L. Lehman, bds Mrs. C. O. Lee.
Koester, Miss Emma, h. G. A. Eisenlohr.
Kohlhade, Miss Mary C., h. Newton Cannon.
Kohn, Louis, clk A. Dysterbach, bds same.
Kohn, Theodore Rev., Pastor German Lutheran Church 111 Live Oak, r. same.
Konkle, John, painter, bds William Woodson.
Kopenhagen, Louis, machine hand Schoellkopf & Co., r. 625 Bryan bt Boll, Bogel.
Kowlaski, Miss Augusta, wks Mrs. Dora Nussbaumer, h. same.
Kracht, Frederick, foreman collar dept Schoellkopf & Co., r. 851 Live Oak bt Germania, Cantagral.
Kraft, Levi, dry goods, clothing, notions, boots, shoes, 301 Main cor Jefferson, r. 604 Market cor Polk.
Kraft, Thomas, gasfitter A. McWhirk, bds Thomas Carroll.
Krause, Andrew, whol butter, eggs, produce, 310 1/2 Main, r. McKinney, Texas; R. E. Baird, mgr.
Kreft, Mrs. Mary L., boardinghouse, 828 Main, r. same.
Kruegel, Herman, carp, bldr, shop 849 Commerce, r. ws Akard bt Park, Canton.
Kuebler, Henry, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Kuehlthau, Charles E, Propr City Steam Laundry,, 706 Commerce cor Poydras, r. 1136 Jackson bt Ervay, S. Harwood. See front cover.
Kuehn, Miss L., saleslady Sanger Bros., r. 603 Akard.
Kugler & Co. (John Kugler, Chapman Bradford), merchant tailors, 608 Main.
Kugler, John (Kugler & Co.), r. 1023 Elm bt Ervay, Harwood.
Kunz, Charles, r. ns Collin bt N. Lamar, Market.
Kunz, John B., attorney, with James B. Simpson, bds C. W. Taliaferro.
Kurth, Frederick. harnessrnkr Padgitt Bros,, r. 42 Alamo bt Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Kurtz, William M., clk, r. ss Marilla bt Akard, Browder.
Kutzman, Albert, bartender, T. O. Ward.
Kyle, Lancaster Joseph, painter, bds 8auf Calixte, engr Boyd & Webster, bds Mrs. Harriett Caldwell.

Lacey, Miss Addie E., proof and bkpr Texas Newspaper Union, h. Henry
C. Jones.
Lacey, Miss Annie, wks Jas. B. Simpson, r. same.
Lacey, CharIey (c), wks J. M. Payne, r. same.
Lacey, Mary (c), wks Jean B. Adoue, r. same.
Lacey, Rose (c), wash woman Eureka steam laundry.
Lacey, Samuel (c), r. ne cor Leonard, Flora.
Lack, George T. (Moffett & Lack), r. 641 Highland bt Wichita, Olin Wellborn.
Lacy, Edward T., h. Samuel G. Worthington.
Lacy, John J., clk, h. Peter Lacy.
Lacy, Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, h. Peter Lacy.
Lacy, Miss Mamie, wks Andrew J. Houston, r. same.
Lacy, Newton J., r. se cor Portland, Pocahontas.
Lacy, Peter, lab, r. es Evergreen bt Cadiz, Corsicana.
Lacy, Pinckney A., rec and del clk T. & P. frt depot, r. 328 Collin bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Ladd, Miss Lucy, h. Samuel Craddock.
Laffiton, Richard (c), barber, shop 616 Main, r. 42 Bogel nr Bryan.
Laguerena, Ferdinand, lab, rms over 842 Main.
Lahy, John, lab, bds Cincinnati House.
Lake, John T., hostler, r. 601 Houston cor Polk.
Lake, W. F., vice-prest Texas Stone Co., r. Fort Worth, Tex.
Lakey, Frank (c), r. ss Cottonwood Lane bt Wichita, Ashland.
Lamar, Kate (Mrs. L. Q. C.), teacher art Dallas Female College, r. same.
Lamar, Lucius Q. C., trav slsmn Howell Bros., Boot and Shoe Co., r. ns Live Oak bt Pearl, Crockett.
Lamb, John A., carp, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Lamb, Robert, hack driver Hodges & Atwater, r. ss Jackson bt Austin, Market.
Lambert, James H., lab, h. Wm. J. Lambert.
Lambert, Joseph, h. Wm. J. Lambert.
Lambert, Louisa (c), r. ns Portland bt Canton, Corsicana.
Lambert, William J., brickmason, r. 85 Cochran bt Griffin, Magnolia.
Lambert, David, office boy E. P. Turner. h. Mrs. W. T. Lambert.
Lambert, Willie T. (wid G. H.), dressmkr, r. 747 Pacific ave bt Emma, Sycamore.
Lamper, John E., cook W. Corbetts, bds same.
Lammers, Albert, office boy Schneider & Davis, h. Mrs. E. Lammers.
Lammers, Edwin S. with H. F. Lammers & Co., h. Mrs. E. Lammers.
Lammers, Elizabeth (wid H. F.), r. ss St. Louis bt Ervay, Evergreen.
Lammers, H. F. & Co., commission merchants, 403 Main.
Lammers, Otto S., with H. F. Lammers & Co., h. Mrs. E. Lammers.
La Moreaux, Franklin F., carp, r. ne cor Evergreen, Pocahontas.
Lancaster, Joseph, painter, bds Lancaster, Joseph, painter, bds 828 Main.
Lancton, Miss Ida, bds Lizzie Handley.
Land, Mrs. Julia B., r. 412 Jackson bt Austin, Market.
Lane, Annie (c), cook Lillie Scott, r. ws Lamar bt Columbia, creek.
Lane, Candus (c), wks Sawnie Robertson, r. same.
Lane, Charles (c), wks Rev. A. C. Garrett, h. same.
Lane, Charles W., carp, r. 634 Ross ave bt Pearl, Leonard.
Lane, Clarence, clk Texas Co-Operative Assn.
Lane, E. R., b(1s Geo. W. Patrick.
Lane, John E., painter, r. sw cor Juliet, Washington ave.
Lane, John W., printer, r. ss Lane bt Preston, Cabell.
Lane, Miss Lizzie, boardinghouse, 1045 Elm bt Ervay, Harwood.
Lane, Nathan, h. Edward Pollard.
Lane, William, r. rear 941 Main bt Stone, Ervay.
Laney, Michael, wks Dallas City Gas Light Co
Lanfranconi, Baptiste, stone cutter, r. 209 Dove bt Main, Commerce.
Lang, George (c), driver, bds Annie Williams.
Langdon, Thomas J., trav slsmn Mitchell & Scruggs, bds St. George Hotel.
Langston, Addison P., groceries, ss Elm e of Mill creek, r. same.
Langton, David, boardinghouse, r. 407 Live Oak bt Pearl, H. & T. C. Ry.
Langton, James, wks Dallas Barrell Factory, h. D. Langton.
Lansdale, John S., trav slsmn Wallace & Waggener, r. PIano, Texas.
Larcara, Casper, shoemkr, r. 922 Main.
Larcara, Joseph fruit stand, 922 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Larmour, Jacob (Larmour & McCombs), bds John W. Lane.
Larmour & Mccombs (Jacob Larmour, Paul McCombs), architects and engineers, office 709-711 Elm. See advt.
Larsen, Hans C., driver, r. ss Polk bt Poydras, G. C. & S. F. Ry.
Larsen, Miss Tillie, wks Daniel Cooper, r. same.
Lartigue, Eveline (wid Adolph), r. ss Young bt Veal, S. Harwood.
Laskowski, Miss Antonia, wks Wm. H. Flippen, h. same.
Lasse, Frank. machinist, bds 828 Main.
Lassner, Edward (Lassner & Koehler), r. San Antonio, Texas.
Lassner & Koehler (Edward Lassner, William Koehler), hides, wool buyers, 120-122 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin, Naftali Frankel, agt.
Lastick, Frank, porter Crosier & Bohny.
Lathrop, Abner S. (Lathrop & Lathrop), r. 518 Akard bt Wood, Young.
Lathrop, Henry (Lathrop & Lathrop), notary public, h. A. S. Lathrop.
Lathrop & Lathrop (Abner S. and Henry), Attorneys, office over 643 Elm.
Lathrop, Paul, carp, r. 19 Floyd bt Hawkins, Good.
Lathrop, William H., clk David Goslin, h. A. S. Lathrop.
Latson, Harry, barber J. M. Foss, r. 7 Cochran.
Latta, Robert S., r. 741 Pacific ave bt Emma, Sycamore.
Lauderdale Edward S. (Seay & Lauderdale), bds Robert B. Seay.
Laughlin, John P., r. ss Lane bt Cabell, Preston.
Laughlin, J. Young, gardener, r. es Villars bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Lawder, James H., cashier Mo. P. frt office, bds Mrs. N. Barksdale.
Lawler, Mrs. Louisa J. Mrs. (wid), r. 124 N. Harwood bt Bryan, Live Oak.
Lawrence, Elsey B., propr Lawrence's Commercial College, nw cor Elm, Sycamore, r. 950 Elm cor Ervay.
Lawrence, Henry, clk B. W. Rose & Co., rms 213 Ross ave.
Lawrence, John, dyer, scourer, 930 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. same.
Lawrence, Miss Laura, h. Geo. W. Crutcher.
Lawrence, Lawrence H., real estate agt, r. 1008 Commerce bt Ervay, Prather.
Lawrence, R. L., h. Mrs. Mary Bennett.
Laws, Robert H., Livery, Feed aud Sale Stable, 308-310 Elm bt Jefferson, Market, rms E. C. Smith. See advt.
Laws, William (c), porter, r. ws S. Jefferson s of Columbia.
Lawson, Frank, lab, r. es S. Harwood s of Pierce.
Lawson, Joseph (c), h. Millie Brooks.
Lawson, William, saloonkpr, rms 502 Jackson cor Austin.
Lawson, William H., shoemkr Hunstable Boot & Shoe Co., r 107 Bryan.
Lawther, Harry P., attorney, office over 612 Main, bds C. E. Keller.
Layton, Thomas, carp, r. sw cor Highland, Wichita.
Layton, Walter, clk Goldsmith Bros., h. Thos. Layton.
Leachman, George B., sewing machine repairer, r. 531 Crockett bt San Jaicinto, Cottage Lane.
Leachman, John S. trav slsmn Keating Implement Co., r. 531 Cottage Lane cor Crockett.
Leake & Henry (William W. Leake, John L. Henry), attorneys, over 415 Elm cor Austin.
Leake, Henry K., physician, surgeon, office 743 Elm, r, 81 Bryan bt Masten, Harwood
Leake, Miss Mattie, h. Henry K. Leake.
Leake, Samuel A., law student Leake & Henry, h. W. W. Leake.
Leake, William W. (Leake & Henry), r. 215 Canton bt Browder, Ervay.
Leamon, John B., bkpr Wheeler & Melick Co., rms over 211 Main.
Lear, Peter W., r. ws Miller's Ferry road s of City Park.
Leary, William, teamster John Holden, bds same.
Leatherman, Charles (c), machinist, r. n end Jefferson.
LeBeau, James D., foreman planing mill Elliott & Clark, r. ss Young bt Ervay, Veal.
Ledbetter, James, lab, r. 131 Cantagral bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Lee, Belle (c), r. 207 Juliet bt Peak, Good.
Lee, Miss Bettie, wks Blankenship & Blake, bds J. N. Hampton.
Lee, Charles, clk Loeb & Freiberg, h. J. C. Lee.
Lee, Charles (c), barber W. M. Coleman, r. 10 Highland.
Lee, Charles O., barber J. M. Foss, rms 216 Commerce cor Jefferson.
Lee, Charles R., clk Loeb & Freiberg, h. J. C. Lee.
Lee, Di (Chinese), wks Wau Lee, r. same
Lee, Emma, wks James T. Downs, r. same.
Lee, George W., teamster H. S. Matthews, r. se cor Ross ave, Hall.
Lee, James H., carp, r. 12 Good bt Elm, Pacific ave.
Lee, James R., hackdriver, r. 1553 Main bt Leonard. Lloyd.
Lee, John C., brickrnason, r. 406 Market bt Jackson, Wood.
Lee, Julia (c), r. nw cor Polk, Poydras.
Lee, Kathleen (wid G. B.), dressmkr, 947 Main bt Stone, Ervay.
Lee, Miss Lola, laundress Commercial Hotel.
Lee, Maria (c), r. 1036 Pacific ave bt Harwood, Cabell.
Lee, Mollie (wid Robert), r. 614 Jefferson cor Columbia.
Lee, Moses D. Rev., r. es White bt Middleton, Emerald.
Lee, Miss Sabra A., h. J. C. Lee.
Lee, Sing (Chinese), laundryman Lung Sing, r. same.
Lee, Susie (Mrs. Charles O.), boardinghouse, 701 Jackson cor Poydras
Lee, Thomas, lab Butler & Co. [ag]
Lee, William, wks G. C. & S. F. depot, rms over 903 Elm cor Sycamore
Lee, William G., carp, r. ns Beaumont bt Millers Ferry road, Snodgrass
Lee, William M., check clk G. C. & S. F. Ry frt office, h. W. G. Lee
Lee, William S., physician and surgeon (homeopathic), r. 939 Elm Sycamore, Ervay.
Leeds, Lodowick C., bkpr Clark & Clark, r. 511 Veal bt Wood, Young
Leeper, Charles W., wks J. N. Leeper, r. same.
Leeper, James N., liveryman, r. 1203 Young cor Veal.
Leffel, Archibald G., carp, r. 50 Bryan.
Leftwich, Snowden M., contractor and builder, r. sw cor Akard, Cadiz
Le Gros, Marian (wid Edmund), r 228 Boll cor Flora.
Lehman Bottling Co. (Henry R. Lehman, Wallace E. Butler, Frank Lehman), mfrs soda, sarsaparilla, ginger ale, mineral waters, 1503 Polk
Lehman, Edward, harness, saddles, saddlery hardware, 621 Elm, r. 405 Griffin cor Collin.
Lehman, Frank (Lehman Bottling Co.), bds W. E. Butler.
Lehman, Henry R. (Lehman Bottling Co.), bds W. E. Butler.
Lehnbeuter, Joseph (Claes, Lehnbeuter & Marten, R. St. Louis, Mo.
Leichner, William, cooper Howard Oil Co.
Leigh, Allen, wks Philip Sanger, r. same.
Lemaster, Jane (wid A. L.), r. ws H.& T. C. Ry, bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Lemke, Louisa (c), wks B. Davis, r. same.
Lemmon, William H. (Bowser & Lemmon), r. ws McKinney bt Williams, Pearl.
Lemp, William J., Propr Western Brewery, St. Louis, Mo., branch house ne cor Main, Broadway, Charles Meisterhans, agt. See advt.
Lennie, Andrew G., tailor Douglas Bros., bds L. C. Clinton.
Lennox, Joseph (c), r. sw cor Texas, Ross ave.
Lentz, Richard, of the Dallas Art Academy, 7O9 Elm, r. same.
Lenway, Louis J. N., Propr LeGrand Meat Market, 315 Main cor Market, r. 312 Main.
Leonard, Mrs. Ellen (wid G. S. C. ), h. J. J. Eakins.
Leonard, Fannie (c), r. rear 610 Polk.
Leonard, Isaac (c), barber, 118 Sycamore bt Main, Elm.
Leonard, John, bell boy Grand-Windsor Hotel.
Le Ross, Joseph (c), cook A. Dare.
Leroy, Miss Lula, bds Mrs. Annie I. Wilson.
Lerskowski, Alexander, bartender Adam Schaub, r. same.
Lessa, Louis, propr Farmer's Home, 129 Camp bt Lamar, Griffin.
Lessenberry, William J., carp, r. ns Hays e of Washington ave.
Lester, Charles (Lester & Soper), bds Thos. Carroll.
Lester & Soper (Charles Lester, Marks Soper), meat market, 417 Ross ave cor N. Harwood.
Letteg, Carl, tailor H. C. Ries, rms 903 Main.
Leutcoyler, Adolph, cook National Hotel, bds same.
Lever, Jesse, upholsterer, r. 1428 Polk bt Cabell, Preston.
Levi, John, grocer, r. 330 Camp bt Orange, Sycamore.
Leversedge, Lionel S:. (Harris & Leversedge), r. 1003 San Jacinto bt Good, Boll.
Levy, Aaron, clk A. & E. Mittenthal.
Levy, Alice M., teacher Temple Emanu-El school, h. Maurice S. Levy.
Levy, Joseph, bartender Oscar A. Wells, rms over 607 Elm.
Levy, Joseph J. (Strauss & Levy), r. 304 Browder bt Marilla, Park.
Levy, Julius, clk Leon Kahn, bds bds Henry Schuhl.
Levy, Louis, clothing, gent's furnishing goods, 1146 Elm bt N. Harwood, Cabell, r. same.
Levy, Louis Mrs. (wid), r. ss Pacific ave cor Live Oak.
Levy, Maurice S., clk Sanger Bros., r. 811 Jackson bt Akard, Church.
Levy, Morris A., dry goods, r. ns Commerce bt Field, Sycamore.
Levy, Miss Nellie E., subscription clk Dallas Herald, h. Mrs. Louis Levy.
Levy, Rebecca K., slslady Cahn Bros., h. 811 Jackson.
Levy, Samuel A., clk A. S. Getz, bds M. A. Levy.
Levy, Victor D., clk Frees & Son, h. Maurice S. Levy.
Levyson, Herman, mgr J. Levyson, 707 Elm, r. 821 Ervay cor Canton.
Levyson, J., liquors, wines, cigars, 707 Elm, Herman Levyson, mgr.
Lewis, Benjamin, h. Richard D. Lewis.
Lewis, Betsie, wks Annie Pepper, r. same.
Lewis, Burt, painter Rue & Finnigan, bds Oyster Bay restaurant.
Lewis, Charles, brickmason, r. 140 Monument bt Good, Cantagral.
Lewis, Daniel, bartender Lillie Scott, bds same.
Lewis, Henry, carp, h. Newton W. Lewis.
Lewis, James, clk Ed. S. Alston, r. 310 Pearl.
Lewis, James F., lab, r. 412 Jackson bt Lamar, Austin.
Lewis, John (c), r. 119 Peak bt Flora, Juliet.
Lewis, John P., slsmn E. M. Tillman, r. 819 Wood.
Lewis, Joseph (c), r. ns Miranda bt Hawkins, Good.
Lewis, J. L., clk, bds Commercial Hotel.
Lewis, Levi, hostler, bds I. F. McAdams.
Lewis, Mattie (c), r. 415 Poydras cor Wood.
Lewis, Newton W., cabinetmkr, r. 315 Caruth bt Griflin, Magnolia.
Lewis, Pierce, night clk A. Dare, bds N. W. Lewis.
Lewis, Richard D., frt agt Mo. P. Ry, office cor Lamar, Pacific ave, r. ws Masten bt Cottage Lane, Patterson ave.
Lewis, Susan (c) r. ss Juliet bt Good, Boll.
Lewis, William Henry, depy sheriff Dallas county, rms Courthouse, bds Mrs. A. D. Galleher.
Liamond, William, clk, r. 702 Commerce cor Poydras.
Lichtenstein, Joseph M., clk A. & E. Mittenthal, bds A. Levy.
Lickefeld, Rudolph, clk Schoellkopf & Co., rms J. Rothstein.
Lider, August A., notions, fancy goods, 920 Main bt Sycamore, Ervay, r. 737 Bryan bt Bogel, Germania.
Liebman, Rudolph (H. Elsas & Co.), rms Wm. Shirley.
Lighers, Mack, hostler, bds Germania House.
Lightner, Charles, carp, r. bt Flora, Cochran e of McCoy.
Ligons, Annie (c), r. es Henry bt Porter, Williams.
Lillard, Newton J., printer Dallas Herald, bds Santa Fe House.
Lilly, Miss Fannie, h. John T. Tooley.
Lilly, George, h. Thomas A. Lilly.
Lilly, Thomas A., school teacher, r. 820 San Jacinto bt Crockett, Pearl.
Lincoln, John A., r. ns Flora bt Allen, Boll.
Lindeman, Edward, bkpr Emerson, Talcott & Co., r. 603 Akard bt Corsicana, St. Louis.
Lindsay, John B., r. nw cor San Jacinto, Johnson.
Lindsay, John H., boardinghouse, 929 Jackson cor Ray.
Lindsley & Bradford(Philip Lindsley,Chapman Bradford), attorneys, oftice 735 Main.
Lindsley, Philip (Lindsley & Bradford), r. nw cor San Jacinto, Boll.
Lingenfelder, Mrs. Helena (wid Jacob), h. August Daum.
Link, George, boilermkr Phelan & Co., bds John R. Miller.
Link, Wi1liam P., slsmn J. Simons & Co., r. over ne cor Lamar, Camp.
Linn, Rufus, clk G. W. Borland Publishing Co., h. W. C. Linn.
Linn, William C., carp, r. 108 Hawkins bt Swiss ave, Florence.
Linskie, John, wks No.2 Fire Engine Co.; r. 313 Leonard cor Polk.
Linskie, John (c) r. es H. & T. C. Ry bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Linskie, Patrick W, Undertaker, 1135 Main cor Harwood, r. 1133 Main.
Lipson, Robert, clk, r. 726 Elm bt Murphy, Poydras.
Little, Frank, r. ws Miller's Ferry road bt McKee, Beaumont.
Little, Robert C., carp Clark & Clark, bds J V. Crisman.
Littlefield, Thomas E., bkpr Tompkins Machinery and Implement Co., bds Chas. Fred Tucker.
Littlehale, Arthur J., clk, h. F. H. Littlehale.
Littlehale, Fred H., cotton, wool, hide buyer, r. hotel at Fair Grounds.
Littlepage, Clayborn P., painter, r. 117 Caroline bt Cedar Springs, Ashland.
Littlepage, Edgar W., clk Weaver & Woodson, r. sw cor Ashland, Highland.
Littlepage, William M., driver Dallas Belt St. Ry, h. R. A. Robinson.
Litzy, Henry (c), janitor Dallas P. O., r. ws Good bt Flora, Juliet.
Lively, Hettie (c), wks Robert Gibson, r. same.
Livingston, Annie (c), bds John Brown.
Livingston, A. R., Propr Delmonico Restaurant,611-613 Main cor Poydras, r. same. See advt.
Lloyd, Ann (c), r. 741 Polk bt Poydras, railroad.
Lloyd, Charles H., carp, r. 1307 San Jacinto cor Hall.
Lloyd, King W (c), bds John Cooper.
Lobit, Joseph (Flippen, Adoue & Lobit), r. Galveston, Texas.
Lock, Charles, hostler Clark & Desmond, rms cor Market, Jackson.
Locke, Leonard E., r. se cor Oleander, Patterson ave.
Lockelby, George, driver Dallas Belt St. Ry Co., r. 89 Cochran bt Griffin, Magnolia..
Lockhard, Millie (c), wks John Bookhout.
Lockrey, Louis, wks Padgitt Bros.
Lockridge, John (c). porter Purdy & Randell, rms Robert Johns.
Loeb, Aaron M., bkpr Cahn Bros., r. 810 Jackson.
Loeb, Albert, clk Henry Loeb, r. same.
Loeb & Freiberg (Sigmund Loeb, Isidore Freiberg), whol. and retail groceries, cigars, tobaccos, wines, liquors, sw cor Commerce, Lamar.
Loeb, Henry, groceries and com mer, nw cor N. Lamar, Camp, r, 623 Browder cor Marilla.
Loeb, Isaac, trav slsmn Loeb & Freiberg, bds Bogel's Hotel.
Loeb, Michael, clk Henry Loeb, r. 810 Jackson bt Akard, Church.
Loeb, Saul, clk Sanger Bros., bds M. Sues.
Loeb, Sigmund (Loeb & Freiberg), r. 801 Wood bt Akard, railroad.
Loeb, Simon propr Senate saloon, 513-515 Main cor Lamar, bds M. Sues.
Loftis, S. S., wks Bois d'Arc mills. [as given]
Logan, Augustus R., physician, surgeon, r. 115 Florence bt Hawkins, Good.
Logan, Frank, plumber, bds A. H. Blanks.
Logan, George, wks Thos. J. Warren, bds H. Blohme.
Logan, Jefferson, wks E. F. Doyle, bds Commercial Hotel.
Logan, William J. (Brand & Logan), bds Mrs. Susan Lee.
Lohr, Miss Katie, h. August Deubler.
Long, Allen (c), r. ws S. Lamar s of creek.
Long, Miss Annie, milliner Sanger Bros., h. Mrs. Eugenia Long.
Long, Barbara A. (wid C.), h. Harry Boggs.
Long, Benjamin cash boy Sanger Bros., h. Eugenia Long.
Long, Coleman (c), r. sw cor Williams, Henry.
Long, Edward, engr Steam Fire Co. No.2, rms engine house) ss Commerce e of H. & T. C. Ry.
Long, Mrs. Eugenia (wid Benjamin), r. 303 Wood bt Market, Jefferson.
Long, Julia (c), r. ws Austin s of creek.
Long, Mattie (Mrs. William), Proprss Long's Hotel, 1414 Main bt Preston, H. & T. C. Ry. See advt.
Long, Samuel S., bkpr Richardson's ice factory. r. nw cor Miller's Ferry road, Seegar.
Long, William, wheelwright John Hermann, r. 1414 Main.
Longley, L. A., clk T. L. Marsalis & Co., rms J. C. Lee.
Long's Hotel, Mrs. M. Long, Proprss, 1414 Main. See advt.
Loomis, George W., Propr St. George Hotel Bar and billiard parlors, 716 Main, bds Wm. Shea. See advt.
Loomis, John R., carp h. Rev. Wm. Loomis.
Loomis, William Rev., r. bt Swiss ave, Live Oak e of creek.
Looms, Nealy, (c), wks Walter Caruth.
Lorch, Isadore, fruit stand, 617 1/2 Elm, h. Benjamin Cahn.
Lorch, Isaac I., clk Cahn Bros., bds J. J. Levy.
Lord, Mary (wid C. J.), r. 910 Commerce bt Ray, Akard.
Lord, William, carp, bds 828 Main.
Lorton, Henry baker, r. 1602 Commerce cor Lloyd.
Losee, Henry, boardinghouse, 1533 Elm bt Good, Cantagral.
Lott, Adolphus L., local exp, bds Mrs. B. Vilbit.
Lott, Alfred, r. 37 Cora bt Swiss ave, Live Oak.
Louchard, Louis, stonemason, r. 735 Polk cor railroad.
Louckx, John, cash boy, Cahn Bros., h. J. B. Louckx.
Louckx, John B., contractor and builder, r. 612 Jefferson bt Polk, Columbia.
Louderbact,, Miss Nettie, h. Ethelbert F. Barnes.
Loudon, Geo. W., new and second-hand furniture, 822 Elm, r. 222 Live Oak
Loughlin, James E., clk Thos. F. Loughlin, rms 1000 Elm, bds Miss Lizzie Lane.
Loughlin, John W., clk Thos. F. Loughlin, rms 1000 Elm, bds Miss Lizzie Lane.
Loughlin, Thomas F.., Live Oak Grocery, 1000 Elm cor Ervay, r. 427 Live Oak. See advt.
Louisville Coffin Co. 1031 Main cor St. Paul, A. L. Patterson, mgr.
Love, Charles (c), brickmkr, r. ws Houston s of Columbia.
Love, Ellen (c), r. ws S. Lamar s of creek.
Lovel, Richard (c), porter J W. Crowdus Drug Co., r. 508 Wood.
Lovings, Perry (c), I.. ss Emma bt Pacific ave, Sycamore.
Low, James (c), lab, r. ws Broadway end Walnut.
Lowdon, Henry, printer Dallas Herald, bds 828 Main.
Lowe, E. P., printer Dallas Herald, bds Commercial Hotel.
Lowe, John, yard clk Texas Elevator and Compress Co., r. ws Leonard bt San Jacinto, Bryan.
Lowenstein, Joseph, r. se cor Akard, Young.
Lowenthal, Nathan, clk, bds Mrs. E. Benedikt.
Lowry, Miss Alice, wks Lewis C. Clinton, r. same.
Lowry, Daniel, wks W. J. McConnell, r. 1222 Jackson.
Lowry, Jackson (c), (Lowry & Son), h. Peter Lowry
Lowry, James F., bartender Elston Chamberlin, h. same.
Lowry, Peter (c), (Lowry & Son), r, 1016 Jackson.
Lowry & Son (Peter and Jackson), (c), grocers, 847 Commerce, Sycamore.
Lucas, Albert, opr W. U. Tel. Co., bds J. R. Harned.
Lucas, Charles, switchman Mo. P. yds, h. John Lucas.
Lucas, Harry, hostler W. L. Harrison, r. same.
Lucas, John, flagman T. & P. crossing Austin and Pacific ave, r. 425 Bryan bt Crockett, Burford.
Lucas, Mary A. (wid John S.), h. J. R. Harned.
Ludwig, George B., engr Howard Oil Mills, bds Long's Hotel.
Luehr, Henry, musician, r. 225 Good cor Montezuma.
Luersen, Francis (wid John), h. John D. Reamer.
Lunday, Henry (c), r. ss Cochran bt Hall, H. & T. C. Ry.
Lung, Sing (Chinese), laundry, 113 Camp bt N. Lamar, Griffin.
Lungstras, Rudolph, Propr Dallas Vinegar Works, 415 Market cor Wood, r. same. See advt.
Lyall, William C., Asst Agt Pacific Express Co., r. 306 S. Harwood bt Commerce, Jackson.
Lyles, Randall (c), r. 602 Polk cor Lamar.
Lynch, Patrick, lab, bds Planters Liouse.
Lyne, Francis C., clk W. H. Lyne, r. same.
Lyne, William H., Groceries, Provisions, 1347 Elm cor Leonard, r. l08 Swiss ave bt Good, Hawkins.
Lynn, Lang (c), barber John Jackson.
Lyons, Eliza (c), wks Mrs. S. H. Cockrell.
Lyons, Rogers, printer, bds A. K. Woodson.
Lytle, Edward C., news depot, cigars, tobacco, ice, 1324 Elm cor H. & T. C. Ry, r. ne cor Marilla, Portland.
Lytle, Frank E., letter carrier 5th district Dallas Postoffice.
Lytle, George (c), carriage driver E. K. Martyn, r. 1007 Jackson bt Ervay, Prather.
Lytle, William J., wagonmkr, ne cor Main, Ervay, r. ws Millers Ferry road, opp City Park.

To Morrison & Fourmy's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1884-85 (M thru Z)