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Dallas for the Year 1912 The Times Herald presents today, in brief form, a chronological account of important local events in Dallas for the year 1912. In this chronology, which is, of necessity, brief and terse, are recalled many of the happenings which meant much to the progress of the city in a material way. Some of the incidents recalled may cause sorrow to some; happy events are chronicled in other items. The résumé, by months, is as follows: January 1 -- New Year's Day in Dallas observed in usual manner; Water Commissioner Nelms presented loving cup by Chamber of Commerce; physicians begin fight to have city hospital located down town. January 2 -- Dr. Simon Flexner wires Times Herald his willingness to aid in fight against meningitis; commissioners' court declines offer of governor of convict labor; City Federation of Clubs elect officers. January 3 -- Volney E. Armstrong dies from bullet wound through head; Mrs. Daisy Saunders shoots and kills husband, J. N. Saunders; physicians meet and discuss meningitis situation; Dr. Sophian starts for Dallas. January 4 -- Meningitis situation continues to alarm; funeral of V. E. Armstrong; Mrs. Daisy Saunders released on bond. Morris Cook, aged 8, accidentally shot and killed. January 5 -- E. L. Flippen elected member Fair board of directors; city tax collection records are broken; Dr. Sophian, meningitis expert arrives in Dallas. January 6 -- Dr. Sophian begins work; Dallas in grip of cold spell; W. H. Atwell appointed zoo commissioner; home of S. D. Dealey, Beckley and Tilden streets, destroyed; narrow escapes, loss $10,000; James Murphy died at Baptist Sanitarium as result of stab wound; Daisy Saunders exonerated by grand jury for shooting of J. N. Saunders. January 7 -- Central Hotel at Main and Hawkins burns, loss $8,000; firemen handicapped by cold weather; Wiley Locke stabbed through lung on East Main street; meningitis situation more satisfactory. January 8 -- City hospital given over to meningitis patients; federal grand jury empaneled; Esther Anderson, negro infant, burned to death in lamp explosion; Mrs. Pearl Kuhn fatally burned when clothing catches fire from stove. January 9 -- City Chemist Hamner starts testing gas; Harry Hammerstein died from pistol shot; Fred Simmons, negro, shoots and kills his wife, Lola Simmons, Joseph Fuller and Curtis Fuller, and wounds Sallie McCall, at 727 Fairmount street. January 10 -- Architect's plans for City Hall submitted; six Dallas banks elect officers; meningitis causes some theaters to close; Doyle Jordan of Oak Cliff accidentally shot and killed. January 11 -- Jungleland theater wrecked by gas explosion, damages estimated at $25,000, six people injured; Auto club elected directors; Dale Anderson accidentally shot. January 12 -- Texas & Pacific decides on motor cars to Mineral Wells; first arrests under new screening ordinance; Isaac B. Walker indicted by federal grand jury. January 13 -- Negress leaps from Oak Cliff trestle; gas pressure in city below normal; labor council elects officers. January 14 -- Meningitis situation reported as better; I. T. A. announce new officers; Captain L. S. Flateau gives views on Trinity river navigation. January 15 -- D. L. Feagan, Confederate veteran dies; federal grand jury indict illegal liquor sellers; T. J. Martin found dead from effect of pistol bullet in head. January 16 -- Fund started for establishment of zoo; plans for lock and dam No. 7 are completed; Judge muse ceases trying cases on account of meningitis. January 17 -- First conviction under felony gambling law is secured; Commissioner Lee urges ten new street cars for Dallas; Otto Giesecke leaves for Huntsville penitentiary without guard. January 18 -- Southwestern Poultry Show opens at Fair Grounds; city hospital closed to clinics of visiting physicians; two men arrested with dynamite in their possession. January 19 -- Telephonic poll tax campaign is launched; plans made for big stake races at State Fair; auditor investigates city light bills. January 20 -- Dr. Sophian announces that he will leave Dallas; plans for erection of Labor Temple started; plans made for viaduct opening; highwaymen hold up Highland Park car. January 21 -- W. H. Atwell announces zoo plans; United Charities start campaign; announcement made of new clothing concern coming Dallas; Dr. von Ezdorff arrives in Dallas to investigate meningitis. January 22 -- Dr. von Ezdorff makes reassuring report; Dallas citizens break record in daily payment of poll tax receipts; bids opened on Carrollton dam. January 23 -- Anti-saloon League statement issued; poultry show closes; start enforcement of anti-spitting ordinance; union bakers go on strike. January 24 -- Dr. W. D. Hunter starts fight on boll weevils; Carrollton dam contract given to M. S. Hasie; case of M. W. Johnson transferred to Collin county; trial of Charles Northern commences. January 25 -- Dallas automobile men ask for Vanderbilt races; city asked to advertise for Main and Commerce street lighting; Kindergarten Association elects officers; George L. Fearn elected as county auditor. January 26 -- Plan holding of Dallas market exhibit; Carl Hoblitzelle says that he will build a new theater; E. Roberts falls at Adolphus hotel and is seriously hurt; Miss Fannie Brechter attacked by robber on Commerce street. January 27 -- Chick Price is first white man to be convicted under new gambling law; Herbert Tennant and Joe Agee accidentally shot with target rifle; Charles Northern found guilty and sentenced to eight years in the penitentiary. January 28 -- Plans made for initiative ordinance permitting Sunday shows; Commodore Duncan presents plan for reclaiming bottom lands of Trinity river; Jesse Flores, Mexican, shot and killed. January 29 -- Case of Dutze Jackson, charged with killing Will Grant, comers up for trial; Mrs. A. E. Terry dies; J. W. Whaley shot and killed and Lydia Ahlfenger badly wounded by Bob Davis on Main street. January 30 -- Charles A. Rasbury nominated to succeed Judge Bookhout on Fifth court of appeals; Dutze Jackson exonerated of killing Will Grant; J. J. Easley shot and killed near Lisbon. January 31 -- District Clerk Henry Williams hurt in runaway accident; E. R. Taylor killed by street car; Bud Simpson murder trial starts.
FEBRUARY 1912 February 1 -- Methodists of Texas plan $1,000,000 hospital to be located in Dallas; Milton Kalamoles, a Greek, held up by highwaymen who slash his right eye with a knife and bites him on the wrist; city commission decides to ask the property owners to vote a special tax of 10¢ on the $100 to be used for sanitary purposes. February 2 -- Drs. Sophian and Nash presented with gifts from business men of Dallas for their work during meningitis epidemic; real estate deals for January, 1912, over 50 per cent greater than for same month of 1911; city gives Dr. A. Sophian $2500 for his services here. February 3 -- Prominent Dallas citizens declare city needs an auditorium; committee of three ministers from the Pastors' association and four laymen from the Men and Religion committee of 100 laymen of Dallas declare Dallas is flagrantly lawless. February 4 -- Yeggs work in Dallas, blowing open two safes in business houses, about $400 secured; Saturday, February 17, selected as date for opening Dallas-Oak Cliff viaduct; Governor Colquitt offers use of state convicts on Dallas county roads. February 5 -- High and ward schools of Dallas re-open after enforced holiday due to meningitis; City Electrician Leon Taylor favors a city inspector of gas and of electric meters. February 6 -- Father James J. Mulloy, rector of St. Patrick's Catholic church, dies at St. Paul's sanitarium; detectives discover enough dynamite in hotel on Main street to wreck city block; Irish O'Malley and Ernest Strength arrested in connection with discovery; City Federation of Women's Club advocates $5 fine for spitting on sidewalks. February 7 -- S. W. Barnes kills wife and then slays himself, double killing happened at 2008 Live Oak street; running to give his mother a morning kiss, five-year-old Will Hodge stumbles against gas stove and receives burns that cause death. February 8 -- Frank Morgan, negro, charged with murder of G. W. L. Perry, given life sentence by jury; three hurt in steam pipe explosion at Lemps' ice factory, Duncan and Pacific streets; street car company agrees to furnish thirteen new cars and to construct a double-track on Lamar, between Main and Elm street. February 9 -- Bishop Alexander C. Garrett announces that an endowment fund of $500,000 will be asked for St. Mary's college; Young Women's Christian Association holds annual meeting, large attendance being present; Otto Herold announces that he will remain as manager of the Oriental hotel, not going with the Adolphus. February 10 -- Fred Simmons, negro, given fifty years on charge of murdering Josephine Fuller at 727 Fairmount street; petition to have all saloons closed at 7:30 p. m. during week days will be presented to city commission, it is announced; initiatory petitions demanding seven street car tickets for a quarter, installation of a municipal electric light plant, enforcement of eight hour a day ordinance, municipal registration station for unemployed, public swimming pool and three public comfort stations are circulated. February 11 -- Ordinance empowering city commission to regulate Sunday amusements to be submitted to people for vote; J. W. Johnson, charged with murder of Levi McGuffey, sentenced to term of fifty-one years by jury; Voting strength of Dallas county 16,080, according to official report of poll tax payments. February 12 -- Chamber of Commerce building committee recommends new, $500,000 home; Dallas Labor Temple association organized; Mothers' Council petitions board of education for separate drinking cups for children. February 13 -- Body of E. H. Cothrum, who disappeared form home on Christmas day, found in Trinity river; board of education decides to ask for $600,000 issue of school bonds. February 14 -- Walter Warren of Los Angeles kills himself in Oriental hotel; fifth district meeting of Texas Bankers' association begin in Dallas; Adolph Harris, pioneer merchant of Dallas and Texas, dies in New York. February 15 -- W. J. McAnally, charged with safe blowing, tells Times Herald reporter how to become a yegg; E. G. Senter declares plans proposed under auspices of Chamber of Commerce for celebrating opening of viaduct put a "deliberate affront" on those responsible for the enterprise by "giving it the authority of law." February 16 -- Park board favors ordinance for keeping business houses in residence districts in line with residences; spring trade trip of outside buyers to Dallas markets great success; Police Commissioner Bartlett announces he will ask that bonds be voted for three additional fire stations. February 17 -- Lawrence Hendricks given fifteen years for killing of B. M. Clark; Chamber of Commerce increases number of directors to sixteen at annual meeting; G. W. Dennis dies from effects of carbolic acid poison taken near court house square. February 18 -- Funeral of A. Harris, prominent Dallas merchant, takes place; $25,000 loss by fire result of man attempting to send in alarm and failing to pull fire box after smashing glass; Newsboys' club formed at Y. M. C. A. February 19 -- Pastors present city commission with referendum measure calling for early closing; Curtis Pitts found not guilty of murdering Silas Mayfield; city commission declares proposed bonds will not necessitate raising tax rate. February 20 -- City commission approves of an ordinance providing a supervising board of plumbers; Charles W. Hobson elected president and John R. Babcock re-elected secretary of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce; white children found in negro homes by Police Court Matron Farley; H. J. Pettingill elected a director of the Bell Telephone company of Missouri. February 21 -- Reuben St. Clair kills his wife and himself in a rooming house on Griffin street; city announces public comfort stations in connection with new city hall; Jose Zamaudio, Mexican, killed by another Mexican at 2109 Lamar street. February 22 -- Dallas-Oak Cliff viaduct opened to traffic with imposing ceremonies; Bob Davis given twenty-five years for killing J. W. Whaley; Dr. A. E. Thayer, bacteriologist of Baylor Medical University, announces that a vaccine has been discovered which will prevent spinal meningitis. February 23 -- Cloyd Pierson, shot by Cash Akes, dies at his home, 2402 Alamo street; physicians decide not to present to voters proposed referendum measure asking that location of city hospital be changed; Water Secretary Floyd Ard announces that 97 per cent of the water connections in Oak Cliff are metered; Mrs. John W. Everman re-elected president of Y. W. C. A.; Mrs. Alex Coke dies in Baltimore. February 24 -- Dallas business men indicted for alleged renting of houses for gambling purposes; Gipsy Smith, evangelist, opens up campaign in Dallas; Colonel Cecil Lyon, chairman of the state Republican party, declares for Roosevelt for president [missing text] February 25 -- S. M. [missing text] two yeggs [missing text] attempted to blow his safe, corner of Carpenter and Second streets; Gipsy Smith holds big Sunday service in Dallas; high winds do considerable damage in Dallas, number of ornamental light poles on viaduct being blown down. February 26 -- Case of Mrs. Fannie L. Flanary, charged with the murder of Kit R. Flanary, called for trial; $425,000 Trinity river appropriation made by congress. February 27 -- City commission asks property tax payers to vote on bond issue totaling $1,300,000; Oak Cliff Carnegie library will be located on Turner Plaza, it is announced; five months' old baby girl of Mrs. H. L. Gharls dies from burns received two days before. February 28 -- J. F. Strickland, president of the Southern Traction company, announces that proposed Dallas-Waco-Corsicana line is financed; fire automobile turns turtle, injuring three firemen; temporary insanity is plea in Flanary case. February 29 -- Dallas lawyers give banquet at Oriental hotel in honor of Hon. Chas. Rasbury and Hon. John Bookhout; movement begun to secure headstones for graves of all Confederate soldiers buried in Dallas; Fort Worth interurban crashes into work car near city limits in Oak Cliff.
March 1 -- Real estate transfers for February, 1912, show increase of $337,042 over February, 1911; city commission adopts plans and specifications of J. H. Fuertes for filtration plant; H. J. Pettingill becomes president of the Bell Telephone company of Missouri and J. E. Farnsworth, vice-president and general manager of the Southwestern Telephone company. March 2 -- After thorough inspection, Building Inspector Harry J. Emmins declares Dallas public school buildings safe in case of fire; S. W. Fordyce sends telegram to W. Holt Harris declaring that the Pierce-Fordyce Oil company is not a part of the Waters-Pierce Oil company; Southwestern Telephone company adds Edgewood Exchanger to its service. March 3 -- Announcement is made that the national convention of Spiritualist will be held in Dallas October 3[?] to 14; Dallas Chamber of Commerce; announces annual trade trip, Southeast Texas being chosen. March 4 -- City commission announces it will build auditorium in new city hall; prominent Harmon men from various parts of Texas confer in Dallas; Edgar L. Pike elected president of Columbian club. March 5 -- Jury unable to agree in Flanary case and is discharged; S. I. Munger, Jr., elected president of Idlewild club; contract let for $150,000 Masonic Temple on Main and Pearl streets. March 6 -- J. W. Crotty announces he will take out charter for Dallas-Greenville interurban; J. K. Yates found not guilty of murder of Claude Styers; city commission cancels franchise of Dallas Consolidated Long Distance Telephone company, giving J. C. Casler right to send long distance messages over the line. March 7 -- Prominent property owner and two real estate agents indicted by grand jury for alleged renting of premises for gaming purposes; Gipsy Smith preaches sermon to two grand juries; Mathilde Moisant, woman aviator, concludes arrangements to fly in Dallas. March 8 -- Jim Minter, charged with bribery and attempt to bribe, found guilty by jury and given four years in state penitentiary; Frank Morgan, convicted of murder of G. W. L. Perry and given life sentence, granted new trial by Judge Barry Miller. March 9 -- Seven prisoners, charged with burglary and highway robbery, escape from Dallas county jail; burglars loot two Main street stores, securing $700 worth of plunder; Judge Edward R. Meek, of United States district court, appoints receivers for Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway company of Texas. March 10 -- Hella Jorgensen, member of Denmark royal family, found in Dallas after six years' search; delegates and alternates to the annual reunion at Macon, Ga., elected by Sterling Price Camp, United Confederate Veterans; police association elects officers, R. W. Westover being chosen president. March 11 -- Trial of A. T. Stewart, charged with killing Frank Mewshaw, begins in Judge Seay's court; Superintendent J. A. Brooks declares public school children safe in case of fire in any ward school in city; person dressed as a woman takes little Ruby Walker, aged ten years, from Cumberland Hill school, child is recovered later. March 12 -- City commissioner issues formal statement showing necessity for proposed $1,300,000 bond issue; Texas constabulary hold annual session in Dallas; charged with keeping premises for gaming purposes, Warren Diamond pleads guilty. March 13 -- Captain Sydney Smith, prominent Dallas citizen and secretary of the State Fair, dies at his home, 4003 Junius street; Dallas Detention Home formally opened; farmers from Dallas, Tarrant and other counties meet in city and discuss plans for securing fifteen cents a pound for cotton. March 14 -- Merit System league announces ticket for school board, E. A. Belsterling nominee for president; supporters of Cone Johnson for United States senator met at Hotel Southland; Dallas churches meet with success in follow-up services after Gypsy Smith revival. March 15 -- W. T. Strong charged with keeping premises for gaming, found guilty and sentenced to serve two years in state penitentiary; Arthur A. Stiles state levee and drainage commissioner, announces that much valuable Trinity river land will be reclaimed; city officials and members of Dallas Real Estate Exchange discuss proposed bond issues. March 16 -- Union Terminal company of Dallas incorporated; F. M. Etheridge, in an injunction suit, asks that a receiver be appointed for the Dallas Gas company; A. T. Stewart, charged with the murder of Frank Mewshaw, acquitted by jury. March 17 -- St. Patrick's Day observed in number of Dallas Catholic churches; Sterling Price Camp, Confederate Veterans, draw up resolutions of sorrow over the death of Captain Sydney Smith; announcement made that Texas retailers will meet in Dallas during May. March 18 -- Pat Roberts pleads guilty of keeping premises for gaming purposes; movement to secure pardon for Otto Giesecke, convicted of manslaughter in connection with the killing of H. H. Burney, is started; Billy Cooper pleads guilty of keeping premises for gaming purposes. March 19 -- J. W. Crotty announces that contract for the construction of the Dallas-Greenville interurban has been let, work to begin April 1; George Evans falls from third-story window at 1805 Young street, killing himself; representatives of labor organizations from all parts of Texas meet in Dallas to discuss the [missing text] the [missing text] into [missing text] March 20 -- Officer John Roberts resigns from airship squad; M. H. Thomas, official of the Dallas Cotton Exchange, declares this city handles one-fourth of the cotton crop of Texas and Oklahoma, a total of approximately 1,500,000 bales; Dallas Mothers' Council plan to quiz school board candidates on their position on various matters of hygiene in connection with the schools. March 21 -- Local advertising men complete plans for entertaining visitors at national convention; Dallas school children contribute to Dallas zoo; Chamber of Commerce pledges $25,000 to fund for St. Mary's college. March 22 -- Street car company announces it will enlarge barns on Elm and Peak streets; Dallas Retail Merchants association holds annual meeting at Hotel Southland; Will Calvin, after being in the Dallas county jail for eight months on a charge of which he was innocent, secures freedom following a habeas corpus hearing. March 23 -- Dallas and Fort Worth business men plan to form a reciprocity club, member from both cities forming the organization; annual dinner in honor of John F. McGraw, manager of New York Giants, given by Otto Herold at Oriental hotel; Chamber of Commerce directors oppose proposed initiative ordinances for cheaper street car fares, proposed municipal plant, public comfort stations, free employment municipal register, and public swimming pool. March 24 -- Rev. G. W. Benn urges a new and adequate Y. W. C. A. building, a "wise and permanent campaign against vice, and a campaign of sanitation["] at gathering at First Methodist church; Fair Park bear commits suicide by drowning, mate had died day before; John Lindsay, colored, shot three times in Oak Cliff. March 25 -- Sixty-seven death penalty cases pending in criminal district court, official report states; Eastern Traction company files petition with county commission for permission to have interurban enter Dallas county via Garland; big carnival under auspices of Battery A, opens in Dallas. March 26 -- City commission issues statement opposing proposed initiative ordinances; park board purchases additional play ground for children, located on Turney avenue; Texas Hardware and Implement association begins convention in Dallas. March 27 -- Bodie Glenn, believed to have been murdered, turns up alive; Burrell Oates case submitted in the court of criminal appeals at Austin in oral argument; Police Commissioner Bartlett announces "reservation" rules to prevent white slave traffic in city. March 28 -- Texas Hardware and Implement association elects officers; rise in White Rock adds 205,000,000 gallons to big reservoir; Rev. George W. Owens gives church to the city board of church extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. March 29 -- Five persons injured in explosion of gasoline stove at 1900 Wood street; General Manager J. W. Crotty announces cities and towns that will be on East Texas Traction company's interurban; Roddie Meyers, negro, shot by police officers, dies from wounds. March 30 -- Seay's and Miller's grand juries make report; latter delivers stinging rebuke to lawyers who keep in touch with professional jurors; "Airship Squad" delivers its report; Democratic state executive committee meets at Oriental hotel. March 31 -- Men and Religion Forward Movement workers hold mass meeting on proposed "Early Closing Law;" Y. M. C. A. organization in Dallas and Fort Worth arrange a membership contest.
April 1 -- Eight policemen suspended by Commissioner Bartlett; Wilson Smith, negro preacher, held up and robbed and dies from wounds received; contract is awarded for Dallas-Waco interurban. April 2 -- Election for bond issue for $1,300,000 and initiative ordinances is held; Frisco railroad announces intention to install motor car service to Sherman; Dallas Advertising league holds annual banquet at Oriental hotel. April 3 -- Mrs. E. M. Thomas is attacked by negro at home on Columbia avenue; final plans made for Press club's annual show; State Fair directors appropriate $58,000 for premiums; general managers for Texas railroads hold meeting in Dallas. April 4 -- Formal charges filed against five police officers and trial dates are fixed; four-year-old Cressy Scott run over and killed by street car at 3108 Commerce street; street railways ask injunction against city from counting election returns of April 2. April 5 -- Official announcement of result of election on April 2, made by commissioners; Mollie Jones, negress, believed to be largest negro woman in Texas, dies on Cochran street; Chamber of Commerce members discuss site for new building in public meeting. April
6: April 7 -- Dallas business men leave for week's trade trip through South and East Texas; Clyde Harper falls fifty feet from derrick at Bachman's reservoir and dies instantly. April 8 -- Pat Roberts and Billie Cooper enter guilty pleas in district court to charges of keeping premises for gaming; Assistant County Attorney McCutcheon tenders resignation ; Noah Roark, newspaper man, is made assistant county attorney; trials of vie city policemen begin before city commissioners. April 9 -- Press club gives first annual show; Dallas men organize Harmon club to support Judson Harmon for president; plans are decided upon for Dallas' new city hospital; county commissioners asked for permission to building interurban through county towards Greenville. April 10 -- Contest for new members for Dallas and Fort Worth Y. M. C. A.'s begin; plans are outlined for navigation of the Trinity river; Dallas Giants baseball team goes to Waco for opening of Texas league season. April 11 -- Miss Kathleen Riley robbed of pocketbook on Lenway avenue; plans begin for a sane Fourth of July celebration; Dallas County Taft Republican club is organized; rains cause big rise at White Rock reservoir. April 12 -- Terrific gas explosion at home of E. H. Shackleford, 801 Ann street and four people are injured; Judge Miler's grand jury returns two bills charging defendants with prize-fighting; Texas league baseball season opens with Dallas at Waco. April 13 -- Dallas trade evangels return from seven-day trip to South and East Texas; Dallas county Democratic executive committee holds meeting; Tag Day for benefit of playgrounds proves a success; Officer T. L. Manton tried before city commissioners, dismissed from force. April 14 -- W. H. Atwell is named zoo commissioner for Dallas; four men wounded when shotgun in hands of George Cooper fired in Missouri hotel; picture shows open in Dallas for Sunday shows for first time in several weeks. April 15 -- Banquet is given for Hon. Nelson Phillips, new member Texas supreme court; Twentieth reunion for Masons opens in Dallas; banquet tendered to Dallas men who took part in trade trip; Police Officer Good dismissed from service by city commissioners. April 16 -- Thomas Fuller, Dallas man, killed by car in Los Angeles; J. M. Langston, charged with murder of his wife, is adjudged of unsound mind; Joe B. Wills is named sanitary inspector. April 17 -- George Courtney shot and mortally wounded by Officer E. J. Erwin, Sam Stewart also shot and wounded; Fannie Willard, negress, convicted of second degree murder and punishment fixed at twenty-three years in state penitentiary; city commission announces that new city hall will cost $400,000. April 18 -- Chamber of Commerce building entered by burglars; city salesmen hold annual banquet at Fair Park coliseum; Poydras and Commerce street lot selected as site for new Chamber of Commerce building. April 19 -- City officials begin investigation concerning building of municipal light plant; Trinity river navigation committee considers placing of boats on Trinity river; jury which tried Fred Simmons on murder charge dismissed without reaching agreement. April 20 -- Mesquite postoffice robbed of $1000; Chamber of Commerce indorses building of interurban to Greenville; Geo. W. Baker re-elected president Texas Automobile association; announcement made that Governor Harmon of Ohio will speak in Dallas. April 21 -- Odd Fellows arrive for state meeting; Dallas pastors preach about the "Loss of the Titanic"; fourteen picture show men charged with violating Sunday law. April 22 -- Trial of Patrolman Boyd before city commission is concluded; grand jury returns three indictments charging prize-fighting; Elizabeth Roberts, eight years old, run down and killed by automobile in front of Loudermilk's undertaking establishment; Luther Taylor, visiting Odd Fellow, killed by fall from street car. April 23 -- Funds are asked for Dallas zoo; South Dallas people make vigorous protest against dump; Police Commissioner Bartlett makes strict orders against speeding of automobiles; Col. E. H. R. Green arrives from New York. April 24 -- Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio speaks in Dallas; Fannie Richardson, aged negress, killed when hit with a brick bat; Odd Fellows' state association concludes annual meeting; Joe Mewshaw, well known Dallas man, dies at Huntsville; Police Officer E. J. Erwin, charged by affidavit with killing George Courtney. April 25 -- County Attorney R. M. Clark withdraws from race for re-election; city commission is asked for vice commissioner; Arthur Lodge is convicted on robbery charge and gets thirty-two years in state penitentiary. April 26 -- Governor Colquitt spends day in Dallas; Charles E. Schaff, president of Katy railroad visits Dallas; W. H. Atwell, United States district attorney, declares opium is peddled in Dallas; final plans made for Farm and Ranch automobile tour to San Antonio; State Fair directors decide to erect monument at State Fair grounds in memory of Captain Sydney Smith. April 27 -- Program for meeting of Associated Advertising clubs of America is announced; Delegates arrive for state meeting of the Woman's Forum; St. Joseph's Catholic church is dedicated by Bishop Lynch. April 28 -- Trial of O. P. Beaupre, charged with the murder of his wife, Dallas case, called in Waxahachie court; State Fair directors decide to erect handsome fountain in memory of Capt. Sydney Smith; Frank Morgan charged with killing G. W. L. Perry appears before court for trial. April 29 -- Representatives of Eastern railroads spend day in Dallas; Shriners leave for Los Angeles where they attend national meeting and secure next convention for Dallas. April 30 -- Conclude testimony in trial of Frank Morgan, negro, charged with killing G. W. L. Perry; Dr. A. Nicholson, well known Dallas physician, dies at his home on Parker street; Oak Cliff degree staff of Odd Fellows decides to attend national meeting at Winnipeg.
May 1 -- Plans made to bring grand opera company to Dallas; promotions made in police department; Mrs. W. R. Gunn hurt in runaway accident. May 2 -- Harry Habel shoots and kills Dora Greenburg, his former wife, and then commits suicide; Frank Morgan given life sentence; G. H. Winn dies. May 3 -- Oak Cliff Civic Welfare Alliance organized; business men make trip to Sherman; city budget estimates are filed. May 4 -- Roy Kamp and Allen Jackson shot by Frank Leary at Mitchell auto plant; Mexican shot fatally at Wheatland; Hortense Holder beats all comers in public school spelling match; Wilson wins in precinct conventions. May 5 -- Labor men leave for Federation convention at Palestine; Lewis Von Grenderbeck, pioneer colonist, dies; East Dallas Christian church is dedicated; announcement made of new restaurant row at Fair Park. May 6 -- Dallas market exhibit and retailers' convention opens; $10,000 bond of Mrs. Fannie Flanary is forfeited; federal grand jury impaneled; state Sunday school convention starts. May 7 -- Dallas county Democratic convention held; misdemeanor indictment returned against James E. Bolton; J. M. Langston taken to Terrell. May 8 -- Announcement made that Shriners would convene in Dallas; Judge Seay advocates vice commission; C. W. Post addresses Texas merchants. May 9 -- Trial of Mrs. Fannie Flanary commences; playground funds are raised. May 10 -- Estimate that underground wires on Main, Commerce and Elm will cost city $15,000; Dallas Day at market exhibit. May 11 -- Captain Ben Melton dies; Willie Dukes drinks acid at Katy depot; Chas. and Elizabeth Ewing run down by automobile; department heads are appointed by city; W. F. Hague drops dead at Hotel Southland. May 12 -- Jacob Boll says gas mains are dangerous; all preparations completed for Ad. Men's convention; course of Farm and Ranch run is mapped out; Mothers' Day at churches. May 13 -- Otto Giesecke is pardoned; candidates plan county campaign schedule; Kent case is passed; Flanary jury cannot agree. May 14 -- Judge Lovett addresses Texas Welfare Commission; city officials inspect gas mains; survey made of city hall site. May 15 -- Roy Nix trial called; jewelers' convention meets; Bishop Alexander C. Garrett is made a Knight Templar; Charles F. Weiland elected grand chancellor by K. of P. May 16 -- Commissioner Lee reappoints heads of departments; Episcopal conference meets; Minerva Collins found not guilty on murder charge. May 17 -- Ad Men begin to arrive; Joe B. Willis put new sanitary rules into effect. May 18 -- Flanary jury is discharged big delegations of Ad Men arrive in Dallas from all parts of the country; Roy Nix found not guilty; James E. Bolton indicted on felony charge. May 19 -- Ad Men get down to business; annual report of Mayor Holland is announced; picture exhibits at public library. May 20 -- Ad Men hold meetings; English delegates arrive to convention; sanitary department order ten wagons. May 21 -- Annual reception and ball of Ad Men at coliseum; property bought for central fire station; Joe Zaby trial commences. May 22 -- Ad Men go to Fort Worth; D. L. Huffman sentenced to twenty years on murder charge; Wright and Hogue win local tennis championship; R. Crawford killed by an automobile. May 23 -- Baltimore chosen as next Ad Men's national meeting place; memorial fountain design for Captain Sydney Smith selected by committee; W. A. Webb, of Katy, is appointed as assistant to President C. E. Schaff. May 24 -- Ed S. Thayer on trial in federal court; Ad Men leave Dallas on tour of the state. May 25 -- Ed S. Thayer acquitted; Milton Nelson trial commences; Pythians give banquet to Charles Weiland; announcement made of Busch building at Main and Akard streets. May 26 -- Nelson case goes to jury; ruling on theater ordinance made by City Attorney Collins; realty men plan trip to Houston. May 27 -- Zaby jury is dismissed; Dallas delegates at Democratic convention have leading part; Milton Nelson is acquitted of charge of killing J. P. Berry. May 28 -- Red Men convention opens; prohibitionists hold convention and name ticket; Ad Men return from trip of Texas and finally leave Dallas. May 29 -- Texas Power and Light company organized; Isaac B. Walker sentenced to five years in Leavenworth jail. May 30 -- Texas State Ginners hold convention; good road automobile tour is planned for state of Texas, dinner tendered James Forrest. May 31 -- Commissioner Bartlett issues police regulations concerning kissing of girls; social survey of city planned; diplomas awarded at St. Mary's; Chas. Harris killed by street car.
June 1 -- Grand jury investigates high rents in Dallas underworld; Texas Light and Power company orders $1,250,000 worth of transmission line material; Charles Northern begins serving eight-year term for killing fifteen-year-old Carl Jones in Dallas, June 27, 1911; Principal Morgan makes unfavorable report on the application of Miss Ruth DeCapree for re-appointment, head English department in high school. June 2 -- Burglars rob Red Cross Pharmacy in Oak Cliff of $30 in cash; first band concert of summer season takes place at Fair Park; George Jackson, pioneer Texan, passes away. June 3 -- F. V. Tryon, Dallas manager for August A. Busch & Co., dies at his home, 1816 South Boulevard; one hundred and fourth anniversary of birth of President Jefferson Davis observed in Dallas; libel laws of Texas discussed by Dallas Press club. June 4 -- Building committee of Southern university awards contract for main building to the Fred A. Jones Construction Company; University of Dallas holds interesting commencement exercises. June 5 -- John Walker, colored, charged with killing John Foster, colored, cleared by jury; Mrs. J. H. Freeman, mother of Homer Freeman, hears of son's death twenty-four hours after he is shot by guard at Camp No. 3; grand jury takes up the proposition of better bonds for criminals. June 6 -- Movement begun in Dallas to have Hon. Cone Johnson make nominating speech for Governor Woodrow Wilson as Democratic candidate for president at national convention in Baltimore; Chamber Commerce decides to try to get Democratic state convention for this city; same body starts movement to have reciprocity meetings between Dallas and Fort Worth business men. June 7 -- Captain Thomas Hurley, veteran fire-fighter, dies in Dallas; Will Flowers, negro, taken to state penitentiary to serve life sentence in connection with murder of Otto Kahlkoff; Dallas Navigation company, capital stock $50,000, organize; Ansoline Murphy, negress, stabbed to death. June 8 -- Juvenile court starts determined social purity campaign; Dallas school census shows over 18,000 pupils; California Crossing dam, capacity 210,000,000 gallons, is finished; R. S. Davis of Dallas, elected president Texas Hotel Clerks' association;l Morris Sheppard club to support representative in his race for United States senate, organized in Dallas. June 9 -- Sunday school superintendents of some thirty Sunday schools plan broader work throughout city at meeting held at Y. M. C. A.; Children's Day services held in many Dallas churches; W. M. Winn, Sr., pioneer citizen and civil war veteran, answers last call; J. D. Eubanks drowns in Lake Cliff natatorium. June 10 -- Indictment against James E. Bolton, county tax assessor, charging him with misapplying Dallas county funds, is quashed; annual meeting of Texas Local Fire insurance Agents begins; Fred Bowen, charged with attempted criminal assault on eight-year-old girl, given fifty years in state penitentiary by jury; Horace Marshall Willoughby, Jr., three and a half years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Willoughby, burned to death in fire on Newman avenue. June 11 -- Case of Joe Zaby, charged with murder of nine-year-old Caroline Lobianco in 1910, set for trial Monday, July 8; new motor car service over T. & P. from Dallas to Mineral Wells is inaugurated; J. L. Browning crushed to death by Katy train near viaduct. June 12 -- Bob Davis, slayer of J. W. Whaley on Main street in January, charged with insanity by his father, R. M. Davis; Chamber of Commerce one-day trade trip starts for Paris, Texas; Trinity well in Oak Cliff brought in, adding 900,000 gallons to city's daily water supply. June 13 -- Park board decides to erect a women's comfort station at Fair Park; attorney general's department holds seven-cent school tax election valid, reversing former decision; 2000 slogans submitted in Shriners' contest; Central Council of Social Agencies, Mothers' Council and Federate Clubs of Dallas favor Visiting Nurses' association in Dallas. June 14 -- Call issued by F. G. Pettibone, chairman of the union station committee and general manager of the Santa Fe, for meeting of railroad officials to discuss big structure for Dallas; injunction against street railway company double tracking Bryan street filed with district clerk; Dallas public school send year's work. June 15 -- Allen Brooks, negro, who lived five days with broken neck, dies at local sanitarium; purity campaign begins in Dallas, Dr. Winfield Scott Hall delivering address; Eugene Cornet, sign painter, shot to death by C. M. Cowan at 1612 Commerce street; announcement made of $40,000 theater to be erected corner of Elm and Akard streets. June 16 -- Sunday school workers and teachers meet at Y. M. C. A. and plan mammoth membership campaign; Sacred Harp Singers decide to sing all day on July 4; Police Commissioner Bartlett issues order for the arrest of all messenger and telegraph boys under age of sixteen who are found in the "reservation." June 17 -- Dallas county Democratic executive committee decides order in which names of state and county candidates shall appear on official ballot; six architects submit plans for proposed $350,000 Chamber of Commerce building; city passes general budget ordinance through first two readings; rainfall in Dallas of 2.01 inches adding 240,000,000 gallons of water to White Rock. June 18 -- Sears-Roebuck takes out permit with city building inspector for $234,000 addition to Dallas plant; Oak Cliff Trinity sands well completed, adding 1,250,000 gallons to city's water supply; iron lever driven into stomach of J. W. Goodman, employe of Stone & Webster, while stringing wire for Waxahachie interurban. June 19 -- Union Terminal company organized in Dallas; F. G. Pettibone, president, M. L. Buckner, secretary and W. C. Connor, chairman executive committee; supreme court of Texas dissolves injunction granted by lower court preventing city commission from declaring results of street car fare ordinance; court of criminal appeals confirms case of Frank Landry, given life sentence for slaying Zeke Taylor. June 20 -- Texas delegates from Dallas to Democratic national convention at Baltimore leave for seat of war; one-day trade trip of Chamber of Commerce, with Mt. Pleasant as objective, leaves Dallas; new city directory of Dallas issued; shows population of city proper to be 105,913. June 21 -- Park board declines to change time of Sunday concerts from evening to afternoon; Miss Clyde Chandler awarded commission for designing Sydney Smith memorial fountain at Fair grounds; city commission reappoints all heads of city departments; Dallas Moose select "Howdy Pap" as their slogan at Kansas City meeting in August; Young street site, just east of Browder street, selected as present home of Jackson street fire station. June 22 -- Nash S. Weil, traffic manager of Sanger Bros., killed by automobile on South Ervay street; Mrs. Mildred E. Huffman, aged ninety-five, dies at home of her daughter, Mrs. H. D. Rice, 3005 Gaston avenue; Chamber of Commerce plans trade trip to Jacksonville. June 23 -- Bishop Joseph P. Lynch confirms class of 112 at St. Edward's Catholic church; four people injured in automobile accident on Mesquite road; Sterling Price Camp passes resolutions on death of Comrade W. M. Winn. June 24 -- Trial of James E. Bolton, county tax assessor, charged with misappropriating county funds, begins; trial of Chas. Cagle, charged with killing Will Covington, begins; city commission empowers Dallas public library trustees to erect a branch library in Oak Cliff. June 25 -- Dallas Revolver club starts movement to organize revolver clubs in principal Texas cities; Hippodrome Theater and Amusement company lets contract for $55,000 theater on Elm street; from June 1, 1911 to June 1, 1912, 959 Dallas divorce cases filed with district clerk. June 26 -- Court of criminal appeals affirms death sentence of Burrell Oates for killing eight years before; jury finds County Tax Assessor James Bolton not guilty of misappropriating county funds; unknown Mexican killed by three negroes on Main and Central. June 27 -- Walter Stowe, police officer, kills K. D. Jackson, negro, at 2318 Wall street; Chamber of Commerce boosters leave for one-day trade trip to Jacksonville; Union Terminal company elects sixteen directors and decides to open permanent headquarters in Dallas. June 28 -- Zoo Commissioner Atwell secures famous Springfield lion for Dallas open air menagerie; lot on Live Oak, Harwood and Pacific bought by Armour company for $50,000. announces will erect building there; city commissioner authorizes sale of $1,025,000 city bonds. June 29 -- Judge Barry Miller's grand jury find man charged with murder has been kept in county jail two and a half years; Trinity Sands well at Fair Park completed, adding 1,000,000 gallons to city water supply; C. M. Cowan indicted by grand jury on charge of murdering Eugene Cornett. June 30 -- Foster P. Crumes found murdered east of city limits near White Rock reservoir; entries are made for State Fair races; city commission decides to pave fourteen streets at cost of $152,000; Shriners begin plans for entertainment of 1913 meeting of national Shriners.
July 1 -- Heavy rain falls replenishing water supply; city commission votes to pave thirteen streets at a cost of more than $100,000; hearing for Miss DeCapree resumed by board of education; Judge John W. Thompson, well known attorney, dies. July 2 -- Ed S. Eberly chosen president of Dallas Press Club; funeral for Judge Thompson is held; officers elected by Dallas Advertising League; funeral for Foster P. Crumes is held. July 3 -- Dallas Elks leave for Portland; program for Fourth of July celebration is announced; Helen Sample dies from the effects of carbolic acid. July 4 -- Sam Eckols is arrested on charge of killing Jim Murphy; Mrs. Avis Lindenberg dies from effects of carbolic acid poising; Archie Brown an Talsa Armstrong injured in explosion of bomb at Fourth of July celebration at Fair Park. July 5 -- Mrs. Minnie LaDuque shoots and kills her husband in office of Waldorf hotel; committee announces plans for reception of Judge Ramsey, gubernatorial candidate; State Senator McNealus returns from Democratic national convention and tells of meeting; Sam Comfort drowned in White Rock reservoir. July 6 -- Judge Ramsey speaks in Dallas in interest of his candidacy for governor; Earnest Brown is acquitted on charge of killing Cleve Buchanan in May, 1910; seven-story office building is sold to Katy railroad. July 7 -- Governor Colquitt spends day in Dallas; Tyler Street Methodist church is dedicated; school board holds another meeting in case of Miss De Capree. July 8 -- Ground broken for handsome theater on Elm street; hearing for Mrs. Minnie LaDuque, charged with killing her husband passed by Justice Corley [on] account of illness of defendant; indictment in felony case against Dr. J. D. Norris is lost; Judge Miller delivers a special charge to grand jury concerning the reservation. July 9 -- G. V. Harris, Dallas man, dies at Longview as result of railroad accident; D. D. Darling, another Dallas man, is drowned in lake near Crowell; testimony is taken before Judge Roberts on injunction against double tracking of Bryan street; "Soul Kiss" in Dallas is tabooed by police. July 10 -- Times Herald tells about Dallas new interurban terminal station and announces in part the company's plans; Dallas County Bar Association is asked to investigate loss of a felony indictment; state Sunday School Association chooses Waco as next meeting place. July 11 -- Mrs. Minnie LaDuque is granted $1,500[?] bond on charge of killing her husband, after hearing before Justice Corley; Perry Wells, negro, is shot and killed by Will Fitzpatrick. July 12 -- Mrs. Edwin Dreyfuss dies from effects of carbolic acid poisoning; opening of Browder street is assured; fire destroys three houses on Forest avenue with $10,000 loss; plans are completed for reception of Governor Colquitt in Dallas. July 13 -- Gov. O. B. Colquitt speaks at Fair Park in interest of his election; Dr. J. B. Norris is declared not guilty on a murder charge; Judge Barry Miller delivers address upholding Governor Colquitt. July 14 -- Police Officers Joe Clark and Louis Spencer are stabbed by a Mexican; Company A, Dallas artillery, leaves for Weatherford on practice march; Confederate Veterans hold annual election of officers; labor union makes plans for Labor Day celebration. July 15 -- Joe Zaby, charged with murder of Caroline Lobianco, released on $75,00 bond; candidates for county offices open campaign in city; park board awards contract for ladies' rest building at Texas State Fair Grounds. July 16 -- Hon. Cone Johnson speaks in Dallas in interest of Judge Ramsey's candidacy for governor; City Attorney Collins holds that Dallas bonds are valid. July 17 -- Three presidential nominees are invited to Dallas; labor union holds annual election of officers; active plans for entertainment of Shriners is begun. July 18 -- Chief of Police John Ryan places ban on "hugging" dance in Dallas; I. H. Dillon, well known Dallas business man, dies at Mineral Wells; entries for Farm and Ranch endurance run to San Antonio are announced. July 19 -- Mrs. Minnie La Duque is indicted on charge of killing her husband, W. A. La Duque; Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway company announces that Dallas is made headquarters for the railway company of Texas; permission of city commission is refused the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone company to make any further extension in the city of Dallas; ex-Gov. T. M. Campbell speaks in Dallas July 20 -- Texas Kennel Club elects officers at meeting held in Dallas; W. H. Sufford dies from possible heat prostration; more than $200,000 worth of Dallas business property changes hands. July 21 -- Gov. Colquitt in interview declares that negroes cannot vote in primary; Confederate Veterans in meeting name committees for the year; City Commissioner Henderson goes to Austin with $,025,000 city bonds. July 22 -- Farm and Ranch tour starts from Dallas; Miss Ruth De Capree is re-elected teacher in High School after series of hearings; Mrs. Minnie La Duque is granted $20,000 bond by Judge Miller on charge of killing her husband. July 23 -- Hon. C. C. McDonald speaks at Coliseum in behalf of Gov. Colquitt's re-election; Hon. Jake Wolters, candidate for United States senate, begins tour of Dallas county. July 24 -- Hon. Jake Wolters speaks in Dallas; Mrs. Minnie York frightened by negro in West Dallas; Mrs. Georgia Meyer dies at 3010 Main street from effects of four bullet wounds.; Heine Cohen is also wounded. July 25 -- Hon. Morris Sheppard speaks in his own behalf as a candidate for the United States senate; county candidates close speaking campaign; Sheriff Brandenburg files formal charge of murder against Heine Cohen, charging him with killing Mrs. Georgia Meyer. July 26 -- Police Officer T. A. Tedford shot and mortally wounded by Leonard Potts; City Commissioner J. E. Lee announces will not be a candidate for re-election; city commission rejects all filtration plant bids. July 27 -- Dallas county voters cast ballots in primary election; Earl Hicks, 4-year-old boy, run down by automobile near Miller's Ferry bridge; Farm and Ranch endurance run ends when cars reach Dallas. July 28 -- Police Officer T. A. Tedford dies from bullet wounds received when shot by Leonard Potts; Emil Seidel, socialist candidate for vice president, speaks in Dallas; results of Farm and Ranch tour are announced. July 29 -- Grand jury exonerates Police Officer Stowe for killing K. D. Jackson, negro; Murrell L. Buckner resigns as member of park board; funeral services for Police Officer T. A. Tedford [are] held. July 30 -- Hottest day of the year is recorded by Dallas thermometers; John W. Philp becomes member of park board; Dallas officers go to Red River county to join in search for Leonard Potts, slayer of Police Officer T. A. Tedford; contract awarded for sixteen-story Busch building. July 31 -- Directors of Texas Traction Co. hold annual meeting; Leonard Potts shoots and kills Sheriff Stevens of Red River county at Clarksville.
August 1 -- Probation Officer W. G. Leeman announces that he will resign; Dallas officers to go to Red River county to chase Leonard Potts; unidentified man dies in patrol wagon; crowd searched county jail for Leonard Potts. August 2 -- Hon. Jose Castellot, chief Mason of Mexico, visits Dallas; W. H. Balmer struck with an iron bar by a negro; O. L. Bagwell run down by automobile. August 3 -- Republican executive committee splits at meeting; Dallas county Democratic convention is held with Ramsey men in control; death of Judge T. Scott Miller announced; Officer Will Henry shoots and kills Ben Selby, negro. August 4 -- James Fuertes announces final plans on water purification plant; traveling men announce plans for State Fair; Curtis Wilson, negro, shot and killed by Special Officer Harding of the Texas and Pacific. August 5 -- Reports received from Clarksville regarding the killing of Leonard Potts by posse of citizens; Katy takes charge of Wichita Falls route establishing offices in Dallas. August 6 -- Browder street property sold at public auction, lacking payment of tax assessments; Usher Stavinsky badly burned in gasoline explosion. August 7 -- Charges of murder against Ross Massie and Jess Huggins are dismissed; Hon. W. H. Atwell files annual report; P. W. Proffitt crushed to death at Cement City. August 8 -- Judge Miller's grand jury reports thirteen indictment; Benjamin Briscoe, president of United States Motor company, visits Dallas; big hail and rain storm. August 9 -- City Electrician Taylor starts test for electrolysis; city purchases new auto ambulance and patrol wagon. August 10 -- Fire at 1413[?] Main street causes loss of $3,000; lion arrives for the Dallas zoo; Chief of Detectives J. G. Alexander dies in Chicago; Emma Bird, negress, shot and killed by Walter Brooks. August 11 -- Plans made for electric light show; arrangements made for supplying out of town consumers with city water. Prohibition party makes plans for state convention. August 12 -- Police called at Republican state committee meeting; new buildings planned for Dallas zoo; George Lindsey, negro, is stabbed to death. August 13 -- Prohibition convention is held in Dallas; Taft Republicans and Roosevelt Republicans hold separate conventions; formal possession of Browder street property taken by city. August 14 -- Roosevelt supporters form Texas Progressive party; Mrs. Fanny Jolly dies as result of auto accident; funeral of Chief of Detectives J. G. Alexander. August 15 -- Park board plans trip to Kansas City; zoo opening set for September; W. B. Starr hurt in auto accident; Marshall Rawls drowned in tank at Oak Lawn park. August 16 -- J. A. Stout dies as result of runaway accident; party of trade delegates from Tobacco, Mexico, visit Dallas; buffaloes given to Dallas zoo. August 17 -- Tobascans leave for Fort worth; grand jury probing reservation; bids opened on new fire stations. August 18 -- Lieutenant Henry Tanner promoted to position of chief of detectives; Luke Stemarto dies as result of fall from street car. August 19 -- Fifty-five felony cases set for trial in Judge Seay's court; Henry Ellis hurt in auto accident; city buys carload of fire hydrants. August 20 -- S. M. Kelley and P. T. Pegues stabbed at the Imperial hotel; Chamber of Commerce asks city commissioners to hire George Kessler; plans for city hospital are announced. August 21 -- Deputies sheriff shoot a man wanted for wire theft on Caroline street, but wounded man escapes; park board submits annual report. August 22 -- Masons determine to complete Scottish Rite Cathedral at a cost of $100,000; $300,000 worth of city bonds sold by commissioners; man shot by deputies sheriff after wire stealing is found badly wounded in river bottom. August 23 -- United Charities directors plan entertainment to raise funds; protests filed against closing streets for Union depot construction; underground wire ordinance reported ready. August 24 -- Bids opened for city crematory; J. D. McWhorter injured by electric wire; Alvin Barclay drinks carbolic acid in patrol wagon and dies. August 25 -- Fred E. Johnston is announced by Progressives as candidate for congress; injunction threatened against proposed filtration plant; postal savings bank celebrates first birthday; Maud Raven dies at hospital as result of poisoned tablets. August 26 -- Ed Christian arrested in connection with killing of Henry Bennett in 1910; George Bryant case commences; Morris Stampley hurt in auto accident. August 27 -- Tom Tatum shot and killed by A. Shackelford at Cement City; building permit granted for Washington theater; W. A. Webb appointed manager of Katy system. August 28 -- George Bryant is acquitted; Benjamin Moody shoots himself; Mary Wilson pours gasoline over self and burns to death after running down Akard street. August 29 -- Sam Taylor found dead with empty carbolic acid bottle in his hand; Oscie Wobbleton, negro, killed by E. Robertson at Elm Thicket; federal grand jury indicts members of Magnolia and Standard Oil companies. August 30 -- Old settlers make plans for picnic; Mrs. Annie Scott dies; Shriners plan to raise $100,000 entertainment fund. August 31 -- Jury fines James Bolton $100 for failing to file annual report; W. W. Reagan injured by fire wagon; City Attorney Collins investigates reduction plant.
September 2 -- Labor Day is generally observed in Dallas; Dallas and Houston bowlers contest for state championship, Dallas winning; E. R. Brown brutally beaten and robbed by negroes. September 3 -- Mrs. T. A. Tedford, widow of officer slain by Leonard Potts writes letter of thanks; John R. Lee, veteran Santa Fe engineer, dies from injuries received in fight; Walter L. Metzler dies. September 4 -- City officials and railroad men discuss union station plans; Henry Williams, negro, given fifty yeas in penitentiary for burglary; Texas Methodist presiding elders meet here; Jesse Cisson, child, killed in runaway accident. September 5 -- Announced attorney-general will visit Dallas to probe alleged trusts; Sam Davis arrested for alleged attempt to bribe assistant county attorney. September 6 -- Edna Newton, aged ten, killed by T. and P. motor car near Eagle Ford; Ed Christian, negro, indicted for murder of Henry Bennett in 1910; E. B. Robertson, white, indicted for murder of negro. September 7 -- City commissioners devote much time to union station ordinances; John Norris, negro, stabbed to death by negress; North Dallasites hold indignation meeting. September 8 -- Many Dallas doctors placed on committees of State Medical association; John Walker dies from injuries received when run down by auto; Rev. Geo. W. Truett begins sixteenth year as Dallas minister. September 9 -- Attorneys for J. W. Johnson present change of venue motion; Mrs. R. A. Waggoner dies from burns; E. B. Robertson allowed $4000 bond on murder charge. September 10 -- Dallas County Pioneers meet in annual session; cornerstone of Exposition Park Presbyterian church laid; J. W. Johnson murder case goes to trial; Major I. G. Przedmodjski, noted soldier, dies. September 11 -- A. W. Neudeck threatens to enjoin building of filtration plant; union station plans cause much talk; burglars bound and gag Mrs. H. A. Swann and rob her. September 12 -- Mrs. W. F. Robertson appointed chairman of Texas Women's Wilson and Marshall clubs; moving picture men of Texas organize; J. W. Johnson given twelve years for killing Levi McGuffey. September 13 -- War is begun on picture show mashers; William Davis, aged Confederate veteran, dies; Heber Page resigns position with Katy. September 14 -- Recall meeting at city park proves failure; W. D. Trotter resigns as school board member; numerous fights send several to emergency hospital. September 15 -- News of killing of A. G. Boyce at Amarillo caused much talk in Dallas; winners in Times Herald prize contest announced; John W. Wood dies from injuries alleged to have been inflicted by J. V. Martin. September 16 -- City schools open for 1912-13 term; City Electrician Taylor threatens to cut telephone wires; Judge Miller dismisses twenty-two cases; F. Medlin killed and three others hurt in series of accidents. September 17 -- Ira O. Grantland makes escape from deputy sheriff; several sections of Dallas county swept by wind and hail storms. September 18 -- City Attorney Collins discusses changes in purification plant contract; learned that J. B. Sneed had letters photographed in Dallas; Dallas Auto club scores present road building system. September 19 -- Times Herald announces fact that Strickland interests purchased Santa Fe station; Sam Davis indicted for attempted bribery; United States District Attorney Atwell declines to give information to state attorney. September 20 -- Strickland interests purchase Stone & Webster Waxahachie line; Pittsburg business men visit Dallas; Miss Clara Sholder attacked by white man. September 21 -- Chief H. F. Magee elected president of fire chiefs at Denver; Sam Kaufman found guilty of concealing stolen property n o bill voted against J. V. Martin, charged with killing John W. Wood. September 22 -- Detailed plans for Dallas' new city hall are announced; automobile thieves become active in Dallas; local Confederate veterans decide to attend state reunion. September 23 -- Commissioners' court votes $1000 for farm demonstration work; benefit performance for widow of Officer Tedford raises neat sum; Jesse Garner shoots and kills George Poynter; announced that Dallas internal revenue office will be abolished. September 24 -- Times Herald story about sale of Waxahachie interurban confirmed; two early morning fires in East Dallas destroy three houses. September 25 -- Suit instituted by state against Dallas Gas company is compromised; first cold spell of winter comes; signing of purification plant contract delayed by city officials. September 26 -- East Dallas fire does damages estimated at $10,000; Mrs. G. M. Hogan has both eyes shot out in East Elm street shooting gallery; Judge Miller dismisses fifty-five cases from docket. September 27 -- Internal revenue office at Dallas closed; traveling men meet and plan for day at Fair; Dallas Traffic club held important meeting. September 28 -- Mexican holdup man is shot and killed by Officers Plant and Aldrich in fatal duel; Guaranty State bank buys $155,000 worth of Main street property. September 29 -- Announced that Park Expert Kessler will be re-employed by the city; Bishop Lynch urges Chicago poor to come to Texas; Luke Scott, negro, shot and killed near Rylie Prairie. September 30 -- Commissioner Lee criticizes business streets of Kansas City; J. F. Strickland returns from trip to East; case of Mrs. Fannie Flanary, charged with murder of husband, called at Denton.
October 1 -- Deal for purchase of Waxahachie interurban by Strickland interests closed; Dallas county tax rolls show $118,492,050 valuation; Dallas Pastor's Association elects officers. October 2 -- Union station ordinances are filed; Annie McCord of near Wilmer, dies of burns; purification plant contract signed; Bob Cameron dies in city jail under mysterious circumstances. October 3 -- Union depot ordinances passes first reading at adjourned meeting of commission ; service starts over Dallas-Waxahachie line; suit filed against city for infringing on patents. October 4 -- Number of St. Louis capitalists visit Dallas; State spiritualists meet in Dallas; hearing held on proposed new fire code. October 5 -- Two grand juries adjourn for term and submit final reports; Adolphus hotel formally opens for business; county tax rolls showing value of $960,446.66 approved by commissioners court. October 6 -- Dick Tilford, switchman dies from injures received September 29; Rev. M. M. Davis observes twenty-second anniversary as Dallas minister; unknown man killed by train in South Dallas. October 7 -- Case of Mrs. Minnie LaDuque, charged with murder of husband, called for trial and passed till December 4; October term grand juries empaneled; Police Officer D. B. Moody dies suddenly. October 8 -- National Spiritualists Association convenes in session in Dallas; report filed by county treasurer show indebtedness of county to be $1,996,650; Episcopal diocese of Dallas elects bishop co-adjutor. October 9 -- Pawn tickets calling for $4000 worth of jewelry found on negro arrested by detectives; Texas Photographers Association meets in Dallas; much work done by National Spiritualist association. October 10 -- Texas Greeks aroused over war decide to hold state meeting in Dallas; Police Commissioner Bartlett announces he will not be candidate again; Fount T. Lee dies of injuries received in collision. October 11 -- F. W. Voorhies wins honors at state photographers display ; E. Bishop dies as result of strychnine poisoning; Miss Lee Barrett, nurse at Union hospital criminally assaulted by negro. October 12 -- Twenty-seventh annual State Fair thrown open to the public; Lula Cherry, negress, burned to death when her house is burned; Mrs. Fred Willis badly burned and two houses destroyed when gasoline stove explodes. October 13 -- Sunday was Labor Day at State Fair, John Mitchell being a speaker; Texas moving picture show men meet in Dallas; many Greeks volunteer to return to old country. October 14 -- Trial of Heine Cohen case entered into; Ad Men and Editors' Day at the State Fair; Dallas business men raise $2000 in two hours for Democratic campaign fund; Judge Miller dismisses two murder cases. October 15 -- Confederate Veterans and Cotton Growers' Day at State Fair; Elbert Hubbard speaks to Ad Men; Southern States Cotton Corporation meets. October 16 -- Court of criminal appeals refuses rehearing in Burrell Oates case; Fine Arts Day at State Fair; rain forces postponement of cornerstone laying at Methodist University; Samuel A. Mahon dies; Mrs. Virginia Nelms dies in city ambulance. October 17 -- Citizens' bank at Hutchins robbed; Dallas Day at State Fair;, rain as usual; Heine Cohen declared not guilty of murdering woman; Texas life insurance men meet in Dallas; William E. Parr dies from blow on head. October 18 -- Bright skies attract many to Texas State Fair; lawmakers of Texas visit the 'State Fair and are tendered big banquet; commissioners Southern Methodist University meet. October 19 -- Col. B. F. Yoakum addresses fruit and truck growers at State Fair; Traveling Men's Day at the Fair; G. Camiro, waiter at Adolphus hotel, falls to his death down elevator shaft; Oklahoma defeats Texas at Gaston park, 21 to 6. October 20 -- All attendance records broken at State Fair; Mrs. William F. Robertson issues appeal for more campaign funds; Dallas is overrun with Fair visitors. October 21 -- Miss Lee Barrett identifies negro as man who assaulted her; Monday proves to be another bid day at State Fair; Burrell Oates sentenced to hang Nov. 29. October 22 -- East Texas Day at State Fair attracts many visitor; negro identified by Miss Barrett as her assailant spirited away; Texas marble dealers meet; Dillon Ayers, age four, killed by auto. October 23 -- Hardware and Implement Dealers attend Fair in numbers; Dec. 12 is date decided on for Texas Industrial Congress meeting; Ollie Clark killed by blow from fist in fight with Cleve Shafer. October 24 -- Hearing of charges against police officers nears end; Mrs. Fannie L. Seguin dies from injures received when struck by auto; W. O. W. and T. C. U. day at Fair. October 25 -- College Day at Fair attracts thousands; negro identified as assailant of woman released after she said she might be mistaken; C. M. Cowan, slayer of Eugene Cornet, declared to be insane. October 26 -- Work begins on construction of Dallas-Greenville interurban; A. & M. students storm Fair Grounds; Independent telephone men met in Dallas; A. & M. defeats Arkansas University by 27 to 0. October 27 -- Plans announced for raising $100,000 Shriner entertainment fund; twenty-seventh annual Texas State Fair ends; Col. E. H. R. Green visits Dallas. October 28 -- Hon. Eugene Chafin will speak in Dallas; commissioners suspend Officer Bates for five days; Joe Zaby murder case called. October 29 -- Grand jury returns an indictment five feet in length; actual campaign to raise big sum for Shrine convention begins; J. W. Robinson hurt in runaway accident, dies. October 30 -- Contract for city hospital to cost $78,000 awarded; committee to raise Shrine fund hard at work; trial of Joe Zaby case nears end. October 31 -- Cold weather swoops down on Dallas; Hallowe'en pranks of boys keep officers on jump; party of prominent railway officials visit Dallas.
November 1 -- Realty business for ten months of year total $24,293,905; announced all stock sold for $100,000 market house; Joe Zaby declared not guilty of murder. November 2 -- Tuberculosis sanitarium contract awarded; several Dallas county citizens receive Carnegie medals; T. M. Solomon, city marshal of Lancaster, killed by interurban car. November 3 -- Announced that raising of funds for entertainment of Shriners' almost completed; Hon. Morris Sheppard delivers address; Man surrenders to police saying he is wanted in Kentucky for murder. November 4 -- Louis Payne, negro, shot and killed by another negro at Phoenix hall; $50,429 subscribed for Shrine convention; eightieth birthday of Bishop Garrett. November 5 -- Election day, thousands watch Times Herald returns; contract awarded for grading work on Dallas-Greenville line; Baptist Missionary Association meets. November 6 -- Jury at McKinney finds Frank McCue guilty and fixes punishment at life imprisonment; death penalty for John Robinson affirmed; boy almost kills Probation Officer Leeman November 7 -- G. W. Bird files charges against Detectives Tanner and Austin; man who said he was wanted for murder declared of unsound mind; Texas D. A. R.'s meet; Baptists adjourn. November 8 -- Tax Assessor Bolton files injunction against state comptroller; two boys lose life in Grand Prairie fire; Gilbert H. Irish files communication asking city officials to take action to secure franchise extensions. November 9 -- Motorcycle Officer W. Johnson kills Jack Bolden, negro, to save brother officer; City Attorney Collins gives interview saying people should elect city attorney; D. A.R's adjourn meeting; Sam Davis found guilty of attempted bribery. November 10 -- Big audience attends orchestra; concert; Daughters of Confederacy entertain veterans; numerous large realty deals announced. November 11 -- Tax Assessor Bolton files answer to commissioners' court in declaring his office vacant; additional school site ordered purchased by the school board. November 12 -- American Society of Municipal Improvement begins session; $2,000,000 deed of trust filed by Stone & Webster; Dallas Council of Churches held important meeting. November 13 -- Detectives Tanner and Austin exonerated of charges filed against them; S. L. Baker, white, indicted for assault on young girl; American Society of Municipal Improvement elects officers. November 14 -- Remains of unknown man who had been brutally murdered, found by side of Lancaster avenue; Texas Paper company building badly damaged when floor collapses; two injured when trains collide at Gates. November 15 -- Identity of man found murdered is not established; Scottish Rite Reunion ends; Irby Behrens, aged twelve, killed when shotgun discharged accidentally at his home near Rose Hill. November 16 -- Commissioners'; court passes order declaring tax assessor's office vacant; realty deals aggregating $230,000 announced; big sum for charity raised by vaudeville entertainment. November 17 -- Three men held in county jail suspected of murdering unknown man; Rev. Geo. W. Truett delivers annual address to Y. M. C. A. men; Building Trades Council ties up work on several big buildings; C. F. Carter dies. November 18 -- Chief Ryan finds piece of iron pipe used to slay Lancaster avenue victim; Ervay street blaze does $10,000 damages; big party of Eastern business men visit Dallas; several county officials assume office. November 19 -- National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers begin session; Mayor Holland comes out for publicity on charter amendments; annual ball of Columbian club. November 20 -- Jury completed in Beaupre case at Waxahachie; in effort to identify, photo is taken of murder victim; street car company enjoins city from enforcing three-cent strap hanger ordinance; B. Tracey Warren killed in fall down elevator shaft. November 21 -- Trial of S. L. Baker, charged with assaulting little girl begins; $175,000 deal in Commerce street property; Ice cream men end convention; Tris Speaker presented with automobile. November 22 -- Police Commissioner Bartlett says New York gunmen will not be permitted to stop in Dallas; naked baby deserted in North Dallas; exposition building at Fair park is burglarized. November 23 -- S. L. Baker found guilty of criminal assault and given twenty-five years in penitentiary; Beaupre found guilty at Waxahachie and given twenty-five years in penitentiary; Hortense Sykes, negress, stabbed to death; reports of 1912 Fair adopted and date for opening 1913 Fair fixed as October 18, at directors' meeting. November 24 -- Announced that differences between Trades Council and Plasterers adjusted and all work will be resumed; J. W. Warrill dies at Baptist Sanitarium from effects of bi-chloride of mercury tablets. November 25 -- Mandate received from higher court in John Robinson case; John Simmons, negro, charged with murder of three, goes to trial; commission decides to take Oak Cliff property into city. November 26 -- In interview, City Attorney Collins declares there is no strained relations between he and the members of board; figures from census bureau show Dallas leads in white population; Opie Reid visits Dallas; J. Bryant Blair dies suddenly. November 27 -- North Texas conference of Methodists convenes; large sum given for missions by Baptist General convention; John Jacobs found dead under Miller's Ferry bridge with bullet wound through head. November 28 -- Thanksgiving day in Dallas observed in usual manner; cornerstone of Dallas hall of Southern Methodist university placed; four injured in Katy wreck near Letot; Simmons punishment assessed life imprisonment; A. and M. defeated Baylor, 53 to 0. November 29 -- Burrell Oates is hanged at Waxahachie; Charles J. Grant claimed by death; commissioners' court considers proposition of redistricting county; John Robinson sentenced to hang January 10. November 30 -- Promoters of new bank pay $142,000 for Main street property; County Judge Corley takes oath of office; one negro killed and another injured in brawls.
December 1 -- Sloan Simpson resigns as postmaster and Geo. F. Rockhold named to succeed him; North Texas conference of Methodists adjourns; Congressman Sumners opposes plan to pension ex-presidents; Dallas Elks hold memorial exercises. December 2 -- Plans for auditorium in Chamber of Commerce building are abandoned; new sanitary ordinances are completed; James Bell, aged 17, crushed to death by T. & P. motor car. December 3 -- Georgia Thomas, negress, shot five times by Joe Oliver, negro; City Commissioner Bartlett favors city farm for prisoners; Southwestern fruit and truck growers meet; Press Club plans for permanent home; Naomi Stanton, negress, shot nine times by divorced husband and instantly killed. December 4 -- Union labor men begin first step to secured a number of big enterprises; Arthur Turner shoots and kills Will McKinney at Grand Prairie; Trial of Mrs. Minnie LaDuque begins. December 5 -- Jurors weep when Mrs. Minnie LaDuque testified in her own behalf; Arthur Turner, slayer of W. B. McKinney, exonerated by grand jury; with carbolic acid bottle nearby, lifeless remains of Hugh O. Spivey found in vacant lot in South Dallas; John W. Philp named as director of proposed Cotton Exposition. December 6 -- Mrs. Minnie LaDuque acquitted of the charge of murdering her husband; Dallas Gas Company orders gas cut off under boilers; yeggs make unsuccessful effort to rob Duncanville bank; Mrs. Mae Boyd, union hospital nurse, attacked and robbed. December 7 -- Mathias Armstrong, of Dallas, kills father in law, wounds brother in law and ends his own life at Holland, Texas; in quelling riot among negroes on Oak Cliff car, Officers Spencer and Norris forced to kill negro to save own lives; Postmaster Rockhold assumes duties. December 8 -- Special committees on street car franchise matters invite conference of company officials; promoters of grand opera for Dallas begin plans; Capt. J. P. Keehan, veteran police officer, dies; J. M. Sheppard, farmer near Letot, shoots self through head. December 9 -- Laymen's Missionary Movement convention in Dallas; Jesse Garner murder trial begins; funeral services for Capt. Keehan; Senator Culberson announces he will favor Murell Buckner for postmaster; body of J. H. Clair of Alpin, Arkansas, found in river bottoms with bullet hole through head. December 10 -- Garner case testimony is completed; Mrs. M. A. Wiley of Fort Worth learns of death of her son killed by train several months previous; laymen end convention; North Texas doctors convene in Dallas; all old directors of State Fair re-elected at stockholders' meeting. December 11 -- Sixteen Dallas county cases appealed to higher court are affirmed; proposed automobile show for Dallas is abandoned; Texas Farm Life Commission meets in Dallas; Jesse Garner found not guilty of slaying Geo. Poynter; M. M. Phinney arrives in Dallas to discuss street railway franchises. December 12 -- Retail department of Huey & Philp Hardware company wiped out by fire, loss $250,000; $10,000 in gold distributed by Texas Industrial Congress among farmers; George Lay murder case called for trial; defendant acquitted by jury in six minutes. December 13 -- Discussion of street railway franchises waxes warm; Commissioner Henderson proposes tax on hospitals; large contract for construction work on Southern Texas Traction Company awarded. December 14 -- United States District Attorney Atwell declares no case against indicted oil men, will be dropped; for first time in history of city, patrolmen are assigned to duty in Oak Cliff; school board purchases site for school on Gano street; committees on street railway franchises confer. December 15 -- Ex-Senator Horace Chilton submits his views regarding telephone company franchises in city; Commissioner Miller gives his ideas regarding re-districting of commissioner's districts; James M. Lynch, president of Typographical Union, spends day in Dallas. December 16 -- Trial of Floyd Stanton, charged with murder of wife begins; Empty Stocking Crusaders begin actual work; important changes announced among T. & P. officials; Union Terminal directors approve bond issue of $5,000,000. December 17 -- Capt. R. M. Warden, deputy United States marshal, resigns; death penalty imposed on Floyd Stanton, slayer of divorced wife; anti-trust suits filed at Austin against Dallas Cement companies; one Mexican killed and another injured in accident on interurban line near Lisbon; Bob Davis pleads guilty to assault to murder on Lydia Ahlfenger; Newt Miles, shot by Officer Aldrich, dies. December 18 -- Mrs. Ruth McIlhenny, pioneer Dallas woman, dies; $525,000 worth of city bonds are sold to Dallas Trust and Savings Bank; Joe Parsons, slayer of Henry Scot, goes to trial; local lodge of Moose hold big banquet; F. D. Matthews, well known Dallasite, dies at El Paso. December 19 -- Decision reached to celebrate prosperity of Dallas with series of concerts by orchestra; Dallas Dry goods Company announces they will break ground early in year for ten story building; postoffice at Irving robbed by yeggs; Harmon York, carpenter, shoots self through head; Joe Parsons found guilty of first degree murder and punishment assessed at life imprisonment. December 20 -- Officer Aldrich, who shot and killed Newt Miles, receives threatening letter; J. H. Burkett, brakeman, crushed to death between box cars; Judge Miller reiterates intention of resigning in February. December 21 -- Fred W. Bartlett, police and fire commissioner, tenders resignation, Louis Blaylock being named; municipal handbook of Dallas is prepared; funeral services held for F. D. Matthews; Judge Seay in interview opposes abolishment of new criminal court. December 22 -- Dallas pastors preach Christmas sermons; Dr. Alexander Johnson of Indiana, delivers address in Dallas and visits county and city jail on inspection tour. December 23 -- First snow of season is seen in Dallas; F. Vickers, negro, is arrested on complaint charging killing of Frank Johnson last March; Dallas Press Club holds its annual banquet. December 24 -- Henry Johnson stabbed to death by Will Meyers at Union depot;l an involuntary petition in bankruptcy is filed against he Texas Portland Cement Company; Christmas programs are rendered [missing text]. December 25 -- [missing text] bolic acid; twenty-six men charged with drunkenness in police court make pledge to leave drink alone until 1913; Sheriff Brandenburg declares Christmas to have been quietest in twenty years. December 26 -- Felix Doran, well known Dallas man, dies at St. Paul's Sanitarium after brief illness; death warrant for John Robinson, negro, is presented to Sheriff Brandenburg; announcement made that next state meeting of Texas Woodmen will be held in Dallas. December 27 -- Santa Fe Railway Company announces plans to spend $100,000[?] for improvements in Dallas; representatives of Presbyterian churches in Texas hold meeting in Dallas and confer about educational matters; L. W. Crouch, business man of McKinney, dies at Baptist Sanitarium in Dallas. December 28 -- Decision reached at meeting of Dallas citizens to ask commission for franchise election; prize winners are named in recent Y. W. C. A. member ship contest; John S. Witwer, former postmaster and city official, dies at his home on Ross avenue. December 29 -- Jeff Franklin, negro, shot and killed by Will Porter at Imperial Barber Shop; death claims Mrs. O. __. Gould; Rev. J. G. Slayter delivers New Year's message to men at Y. M. C. A. building. December 30 -- In address to police, L. Blaylock, new commissioner, declares they should receive more pay; Drew Austin, negro, shot in eye and instantly killed; Charles T. Park, old time resident, dies. December 31 -- In last recommendation to board, retiring Police Commissioner Bartlett urges parole of city prisoners; W[ill?] Wade, negro, convicted of murder and given life sentence; New Year's Eve in Dallas marked by noisy demonstration. - o o o - |