To Dallas
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LOCAL HAPPENINGS DURING YEAR 1920 _____ HAPPENINGS DURING YEAR During the twelve months of 1920, Dallas passed through one of the most prosperous years in the history of the city. A brief chronicling of daily local happenings during the year as taken from the columns of The Times Herald is as follows: January
1 -- Police arrest thirty New Year revelers for shooting
firecrackers. Irene Jordan, 8-year-old girl, killed by automobile.
Health department announces drastic plans to stop smallpox. Dallas
postoffice receipts show 20 per cent increase over 1919. January 3 -- Grand jury urges audit of Dallas county books. Burglars loot home of Dr. H. B. Decherd of $4,000. Fire does $80,000 damage at Munger Automobile Company building. January 4 -- Dallas business houses lend trucks to city for hauling wood. Gas shortage makes many people shiver. Fourteen hundred pupils attending Dallas free night schools. January 5 -- Hughes building leased to government war risk insurance bureau. City commission asks car company to explain why motormen violate traffic ordinances. Snowstorm in Dallas. Shirley M. English dies. January 6 -- North Texas building damaged by fire, $30,000 loss. Anti-automobile Thief Association locates in Dallas. South Dallasites fight plans for negro park in that district. C. L. Sanger announces plans for $800,000 hotel on Lamar street. January 7 -- Dallas banks show increase of $23,000,000 since November 17. Trial of Mrs. Ida Ott, charged with killing her husband, set for February 9. Health officials announce smallpox is on decline. Rotarians give farewell banquet to La Monte Daniels. January 8 -- Dallas wrapped in ice, North Texas in grip of freeze. Baptists announce improvements on Baylor Medical School will begin at once. Sheriff Dan Harston orders 1,000 cords of wood for Dallas. January 9 -- City commission denies Sewell Paint & Glass Company building permit. George A. Volk returns to Dallas from east, where he underwent operation. Business men meet and indorse open shop. Plans announced for widening Goods and Myrtle streets. January 10 -- Charles Saville elected secretary of Chamber of Commerce. [Scores] of people injured when interurbans collide at Allan and Plano streets. School children crowd city hall for vaccination. January 11 -- Woolworth leases Feature Theater building for $180,000. Commissioner Reppert advises limited use of gas during summer. Total of 9,171 poll tax receipts issued for 1920. Judge Nelson Phillips speaks in Dallas. January 12 -- Police discover I. W. W. plan to free city farm prisoners. Dwight Lewelling advises annulment of gas franchise. Galli Curci sings at coliseum.. January 13 -- T. L. Monagan made executive secretary of Dallas Athletic Club. Fair association appropriates $152,750 for 1920 fair. Smallpox appears in four public schools. January 14 -- Fred Appel elected president of Central State Bank. Henry D. Lindsley starts plans for Pershing reception. Belmont Forward League asks for better street car service. January 15 -- R. A. Finnie, rent car chauffeur, arrested in connection with killing of V. A. Ballard. Commissioner McGee goes to Austin to join fight on automobile thieves. January 16 -- Smallpox in Dallas on increase. Public library bans books on whisky making. Charles J. Hutchinson elected president of Mutual Club. January 17 -- Building permits for 1920 show $1,260,500. Census takers say they are having trouble locating many persons. Negro smallpox patient escapes from hospital and causes panic. January 18 -- "Uncle" Gilbert Knight, aged 86 years, negro pioneer, died. W. L. Chew, census supervisor, urges people to help census takers. January 19 -- Mayor announces he will start fight immediately to annul gas company's franchise. Madame Metrazzini in Dallas to give recital. Hardware dealers in Dallas for convention. January 20 -- City Tax Collector Bristol announces he will resign. Fleischmann Yeast Company announces it will locate factory here. Dr. W. W. Battle resigns as city chemist. January 21 -- Knights of Columbus start free night school for ex-soldiers. City is preparing for gas probe by federal agents. Dallas and Fort Worth women compete for honor of paying largest number of poll taxes. January 22 -- Forty-one new cases of "flue" reported. Sears, Roebuck & Co. announce $800,000 addition to building. J. B. Wilson, wealthy stockman, seriously ill. J. S. Smith named city tax collector. January 23 -- James Hoore Hickson, faith healer, practices in Dallas. City announces plans for employing fifty additional policemen. Mayor announces municipal wood yards will close soon. fire destroys Main Hotel. January 24 -- Health department makes desperate fight on influenza. Episcopal Church announces faith healing will be continued in Dallas. E. W. Shaw, government gas expert, confers with mayor. Schubert Choral Club files suit against Madame Tetrazzini for not singing here. January 25 -- Owen R. Lovejoy addresses open forum. Edgar L. Pike dies. Police search for victims in Main Hotel fire. Mayor urges payment of poll taxes. January 26 -- Reports prevalent that one candidate only will oppose Bailey for governor. Mayor Wozencraft praises work of Mothers' Council. Gas company offers to adjust burners at actual cost. Edward H. Tenison dies. January 27 -- J. B. Wilson, pioneer cattleman, dies. Telephone company announces it will spend $1,900,000 for improvements in Dallas. North Texas mayors hold meeting at city hall to discuss gas problems. January 28 -- T. P. Finnegan and P. G. Cameron announce plans for $125,000 theater on South Ervay street. Fourth body is found in Main Hotel ruins. January 29 -- Commissioner Appel announces plans to spend $250,000 on water improvements. Street car company promises to repair streets. Last shipment of goods for "army store" arrives in Dallas. Work ready to begin on lighting at Oak Lawn Park. January 30 -- Mayor announces gas company's report is unsatisfactory. Auto Club officials call on Judge Seay to discuss automobile thefts. Sixteen deaths from "flu" in one week announced by health department. January 31 -- Lone Star Gas Company asks local company for higher rates. "Flu" cases for past week number 1,543. Lone Star Company refuses city permission to audit books. Building permits for January amount to $1,840,140. |
FEBRUARY 1920 February 1 -- Mayor Wozencraft makes second demand for figures from Lone Star Gas company. Police raid moonshine still at White Rock. Burglars steal trunk from C. H. Kemper, then throw away valuable contents. February 2 -- Lone Star Gas company agrees to open books for city's audit. Mass meeting of citizens to demand gas is called. Dwight L. Lewelling announces as a candidate for governor. Health department heads announce influenza not so severe as in 1919. February 3 -- Merchants gathering in Dallas for spring buying. Dallas Pool halls close after higher court ruling. February 4 -- Forfeiture of gas company's franchise is demanded at mass meeting of citizens. Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, with L. O. Donald as president, is organized. Paul Althouse, famous American tenor, is presented in recital at City Temple. February 5 -- Mass meeting to oppose compulsory vaccination is called by Granville M. Deane. Chamber of Commerce heads announce organization will assist in taking industrial census. Mayor Frank W. Wozencraft makes application for membership in the Junior Chamber of Commerce. February 6 -- General John J. Pershing arrives in Dallas and is given great ovation. Officers Phillips and Martindale recover stolen loot valued at over $3,000. Irving S. Cobb, writer and humorist, arrives in city for lecture at coliseum. Pat M. Neff, candidate for democratic nomination for governor, spends day in Dallas. February 7 -- Currie McCutcheon presents petition for referendum vote on franchise for motor bus lines in city. General John J. Pershing says Dallas police are the best in the country. Many persons volunteer to teach school when influenza collects large toll among regular teachers. White boy fires gun into negro marble game, injuring Boyd Galloway, aged 12. February 8 -- Thieves break into Interurban ticket office and escape with $40 worth of tickets. Harry S. DeVore, pastor of Vickery Methodist church, is presented with gold watch by members of congregation. February 9 -- Lot 75x100 feet at Main and St. Paul streets sells for $225,000. Bus line petition is referred to Commissioner Reppert for investigation. Opinion son compulsory vaccination from Attorney General is received by city board of health. Arbor Day proclamation is issued by Mayor Frank W. Wozencraft. Members of school board discuss new buildings for Dallas. February 10 -- Sam R. Lawder is named cashier of the Federal Reserve Bank at Dallas. Over 100 members of the Dallas Shoemakers' Union go on a strike for shorter hours. Members of park board decide not to locate negro park in white settlement. February 11 -- Mrs. J. B. Brown, wife of Captain J. R. Brown, city jailer, dies of heart trouble. Members of grand jury panel file complaint of quarters provided them at court house. C. M. Adams named as city sanitarian. February 12 -- Former United States Senator Joseph W. Bailey arrives in Dallas for short visit. Business men confer with county officials on road building plan. whit George is elected chairman of the Texas Bankers' association. February 13 -- Lynn B. Milam resigns as supervisor of public utilities. School board asks submission to a vote the question of a $400 a year increase in pay for teachers in public schools. Board of education asks city to submit $1,500,000 bond issue at April election. February 14 -- W. E. Bodell, 22, dies of injuries received in automobile accident. Municipal golf course at Reverchon Park being considered by city. David Grove makes plans for boys' summer camp. General Pershing sends thanks to Dallas people for courtesies shown him. February 15 -- Woman fires six shots at husband, misses. Agreement for removal of tracks from Pacific avenue approved by interested parties. International Travelers' Association of Texas holds seventeenth annual banquet. February 16 -- John W. Everman assumes duties as supervisor of public utilities. R. L. Henry comes to Dallas to meet with Joseph Weldon Bailey. H. C. Barnard, president of Oak Cliff state bank, dies of pneumonia. February 17 -- Colonel W. L. Crawford, noted lawyer and Confederate veteran, dies. The seventeenth annual convention of the Texas State Bottlers' association is opened. City Attorney Collins holds city cannot submit but petition. Permits for the construction of five $20,000 brick apartments are issued. February 18 -- Funeral services for Col. W. L. Crawford are held. City establishes record in payment of current taxes, with $2,080,623.58. Liberty State Bank of Dallas is granted charter with capital stock of $100,000. Work on Myrtle street car line extension is started. February 19 -- Lot at Elm and St. Paul sells for $430,000 cash. A. L. Herring is shot and killed at Forest Park. Permit for construction of the $500,000 Majestic Theater is issued. Knights of Columbus free night school for ex-service men is opened. inadvertently omitted by the Herald] February 27 -- Mother of Federal Judge J. C. Wilson dies at Mineral Wells. Mayor Wozencraft appoint committee to raise funds for stadium. Commissioner Hal Moseley is named member of city plan commission. Post office lot at Bryan and Ervay to be used by city as market place. February 28 -- W. G. Ray, Plano officer, killed by bank robbers, who escape with cash and bonds from Plano bank. Mrs. Ida Ott given two year sentence for killing husband. City announces submission of 37 cent tax levy and $2,7000,000 bond issue. |
March 1 -- Mandamus filed on city officials to force them to submit jitney franchise to vote. Dallas Pastors' association fail to decide on Sunday closing. E. W. Lasater enters self-defense plea on charge of killing Isador Zadiz. March 2 -- Receiver is asked for Lone Star Gas company. Improvement work on zoo commences. A. T. Latta dies. March 3 -- City Attorney Collins rules that Sunday shows are legal. City proposes coupon vote to raise policemen and firemen salaries. Bank call shows $115,443,206.31 on deposit in Dallas banks. Senator Harding speaks here. March 4 -- Col. J. R. Holman, veteran of the Spanish-American and world war, dies. John J. Simmons urged to assume leadership of Bailey forces in race for governor. Weather bureau announces temperature at 20 degrees. March 5 -- Luther Nickels named as manager for Senator Bailey in his race for governor. Organization of the Equitable Trust company, Inc., with capital of $1,000,000, is announced. City recommends widening of Pearl street between Bryan and Elm streets. March 6 -- W. O. Connor named as president of Guaranty Bank and Trust company. H. W. Kelly, aged 80, pioneer Texan, dies. Wilson Democrats hold meeting at city hall. March 7 -- Anna Hurley, aged 7, badly burned when her clothes catch fire at her home, 2500 Turney avenue. Miss Frankie M. Asbury summoned to serve on jury by mistake. Health report shows that there were 2370 cases of "flu" in February. March 8 -- Dallas selected as headquarters for Bailey forces. E. W. Lasater given five years for murder of Isador Zadik. Mrs. H. B. Young badly burned fighting fire at her home, 901 East Eighth street. March 9 -- Figures show it would cost $1,500,000 to junk the stoves in Dallas. Z. A. Rosenthal succeeds W. O. Connor as wholesale credit manager at Sanger Brothers. Charles Chollar, florist, dies. March 10 -- George B. Trice killed when run over by street car at Ervay and Pearl streets. C. L. Steffens elected head of Dallas Elks. Car company promises additional cars and better service. March 11 -- Court holds against motor bus franchise. George O. Wall, Ben Jones, Henry Tatum, negro, and James Suton, negro, hurt when scaffold falls on Insurance building. Robber scales elevator shaft in South Dallas mill and robs J. B. Blackman of $227 in cash at point of gun. Ten thousand people hear Bailey speak at coliseum. March 12 -- Decision against motor bus franchise appealed. Charles Wollard, negro, stages gun battle with robber in Oak Cliff. Lack of funds causes city to cancel Grand and Forney avenue paving contracts. March 13 -- Announcement made that A. H. Wicker & Co., $1,00,000 cotton firm, will locate in Dallas. Lucile Gunter, negress, goes to trial for killing her husband, J. P. Gunter. Lawyers claim school board's action in appropriating $500 for campaign expenses is illegal. Sixteen thousands dollars worth of whisky and $12,000 worth of merchandise recovered by police in Second avenue home. March 14 -- Mrs. J. W. Hawes robbed of $30 in purse while she knelt in prayer at church. Material for Masten street car line fails to arrive. Work being delayed. James F. Werner, conductor, killed by live wire in Oak Cliff. March 15 -- G. F. Porter, negro, drawn on jury by mistake, is excused. A. J. Aycock goes to trial on charge of murdering K. J. McQuerry. Motion of gas company to get case in Federal court is turned won, giving the city first blood in legal battle. March 16 -- John W. Ray goes to trial on charge of murdering Hugh Henry with gas pipe. Lone Star Gas company elects officers, L. B. Denning being chosen as president. Work on municipal market house to start soon, according to an announcement given out. March 17 -- Liquor selling at drug stores stopped in Dallas. Mothers' Council indorses working mothers' home. T. P. Junkin resigns as manager of Morris Plan Bank. March 18 -- Capacity of gas fields disputed in city gas company legal battle. A. Aycock given two years for killing K. F. McQuerry. City seeks lower insurance key rate for Oak Cliff Annex. March 19 -- Legal service in gas company fight will cost the city $10,000, according to announcement. A. J. Langford installed as president of Lions club. Dan O'Leary, famous pedestrian, visits Dallas. March 20 -- Seven people injured in automobile collision. Grain of sprouting corn taken from ear of Agnes Foster, Canton, Texas, child, in a local hospital. Schools ask for more funds to pay teachers. March 21 -- Tennessee farm dairy suffers loss of $50,000 by fire. Twenty-seven dice shooters nabbed in raid. March 22 -- Socialists announce they will enter ticket in school board race. Twenty-four postal clerks appointed at postoffice. Street car company agrees to pay city $481 for killing fire horse. March 23 -- Straightening of Trinity river in city planned. Mabel Thompson, negress, shoots husband at Commerce and Murphy streets. Mrs. E. P. Turner indorses business women's campaign for members. March 24 -- Heaviest rain of year sweeps over Dallas. Dr. J. M. Gammons resigns as superintendent of Woodlawn hospital. Officials of the General Oil company visit Dallas. March 25 -- F. W. Boedeker, prominent ice cream manufacturer, dies. Mrs. J. Elsa Witchek dies of injuries in an automobile accident at St. Paul and Elm streets. "Committee of 48," a new political [ ____ ], formed here. March 26 -- H. L. Robertson elected president of Texas Automobile Dealers' Association, in session here. Storm causes heavy loss throughout North Texas. Sheriff Harston announces for re-election. March 27 -- Valuation of J. B. Wilson estate is placed at $7,000,000. Substitution of Wichita Falls-Dallas interurban line for two lines proposed is discussed. Ivan Brown, age 16, killed when hit by an automobile. March 28 -- E. C. Eble named chairman of executive committee of Dallas Athletic club. Mrs. Florence Dowling bitten by a poisonous snake. E. J. Swanson killed and three other injured seriously in automobile accident near White Rock. March 29 -- Nannie Webb Curtis, head of W. C. T. U., dies. Extension of time granted Dallas Railway company in building interurban lines. Auto club indorses municipal bonds to be voted April 6. March 30 -- Commissioner McGee favors vigilance committee to stop auto speeders. Attorneys fail to agree on special judge to try gas case. Interurban hits automobile, Tony Dunby being hurt. March 31 -- Gas company offers to build new mains for serving Dallas. J. R. Bright, attorney, shot and killed by Laura Bright, his wife, while in bed. Como hotel suffers fire loss of $80,000. |
April 1 -- Roy Petty, age 17, drowns in creek at Lemmon avenue and Cotton Belt railroad. Hailstones as large as hen eggs fall in Dallas. S. M. U. wins first game of series from Austin College, 5 to 2. Kiwanis Club indorses slaughter house bond issue. April 2 -- Mayor Wozencraft favors accepting Lone Star Gas rate compromise of 50 cents per thousand feet. Junior Chamber of Commerce elect Emmett Baird and Morrison McGill delegates to national convention. Bailey rally in tenth ward. Lagow improvement league organized. Chamber of Commerce appoints Fred E. Johnston chairman of foreign trade committee. Sign contract for location of Dallas Athletic Club. Lay corner stone of new Federal Reserve bank. April 3 -- City attorney says names of property owners must appear on rolls in order to vote on bond issues. Dallas public school pupils parade in behalf of school bond issue. Public safety campaign shows good results. April 4 -- Bishop Joseph Lynch delivers Easter sermon at Sacred Heart Cathedral. More than 1000 children attend Sunday school. Dr. S. H. C. Burgin, Bishop A. C. Garrett, and Rev. Wm. Anderson, Jr., outline the principles of Masonry at Scottish Rite Cathedral. April 5 -- Insane negro runs amuck in South Dallas. Judge B. S. Gardner arrives in Dallas to hear gas suit. Mayor Wozencraft speaks at meeting of Mt. Auburn Improvement League. Chamber of Commerce plan aid in clean-up campaign. April 6 -- Light voting reported by polling booths. Dallas University begins drive to raise quota of $150,000 for improvements. Colonel John N. Simpson urges voters to vote for Wichita Falls Interurban project. $30,000 diamond, formerly belonging to Russian royalty, exhibited here. Large delegation of Maccabee women here for rally. File charter for local aero club. April 7 -- Oak Lawn citizens lose fight against street car company in track removal suit. School bonds will be sold and money used immediately, school board announces. Enroll many Mexican children in Cumberland Hill School. April 8 -- Million dollar fire at Love Field, destroys many aeroplanes. Gas company to ask eight per cent return on capital invested. Court orders formation of levee district. April 9 -- R. E. L. Knight speaks in behalf of Senator Bailey at City Hall. Gas company asks for seventy-five cent rate. Commissioner McGee orders the removal of dangerous awnings from streets. Reports lack of crushed rock delaying city paving. Ex-soldiers oust officers of ex-servicemen's political organization. April 10 -- Deputy sheriffs seize 250 quarts of whisky in raid. Dallas switchmen plan strike. Four hundred leather workers strike for higher wages. Judge Whitehurst appoints receiver for Little Kar company. Close Colonial Hill school on account of smallpox. City National and Tenison National banks merge. April 11 -- Sunday schools report large attendance. Miss Kate M. Nevill of Kansas City lectures on "New Thought" at the American Legion Club rooms. April 12 -- Mayor Wozencraft announces that clocks will not be turned ahead. Contract let for state fair barns. S. I. Munger appointed to board of trustees of the Chautauqua institution, of Chataugua, New York. April 13 -- Movement started to increase salary of deputy sheriffs. Two milk inspectors employed by Dallas health department. Mustangs win baseball game from Austin College, 6 to 0. April 14 -- City demands guarantee of adequate gas supply before increasing rates. Little Motor Kar officials held. Young Democrats assail Bailey at City Hall meeting. Elmer Scott re-elected chairman of Dallas Open Forum. S. M. U. students hold carnival on campus. April 15 -- City employes ask permission to wear overalls to work. City's demands for gas before raise of rate turned down by gas company. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard University speaks at Moose lodge. North and Central Texas Ford dealers hold convention here. Murray Hughes announces candidacy for district attorney. April 16 -- Mayor, commissioner and delegates of Chamber of Commerce confer on gas dispute. Health department asks people to aid against mosquitoes. Central State bank increases capital. Bailey men offer bond to cover primary costs. April 17 -- Commissioner McGee presents resolution at meeting to take over gas properties. Gayle Perry shoots and kills her husband, Rupert Perry in his apartment, 3805 Munger avenue. Wolfe refuses $300,000 bond for Bailey primary election. April 18 -- Rabbi I. Werne of Los Angeles addresses the young people of the Shaareth Israel Synagogue. Ex-president Taft attends services at Unitarian Church here and delivers lecture on League of Nations in afternoon. Ramon Rosler, Mexican cafe keeper, killed at McKinney and Griffin. April 19 -- City commissioners override Mayor's wish and offer new proposition to gas company for a guaranteed supply April 20 -- Mayor ill, gas question laid aside for a time. Welfare Council drive opens, $12,000 reported as first morning's work. Marine open baseball season here against Panthers, lose game, 7 to 6. Seventy-seven young people from thirty churches attend inter-church movement meeting here. April 21 -- Commissioners, mayor and attorneys split on gas question. Gas users may petition for post card vote. San Jacinto Day is quietly celebrated here. Knights of Columbus of North Texas conferring degrees here on a large class. Trinity Navigation Association to put board line on river. April 22 -- Mrs. Lillie Harvey given two year sentence on charge of manslaughter in connection with death of her husband. City declines offer of Chamber of Commerce to mediate in gas controversy. Johnny Celmars and Paul Roman box ten rounds, draw. April 23 -- Chamber of Commerce officials writes letter to city commissioners about refusal of mediation offer in gas controversy. Grand jury vote no bill in case of Mrs. Gayle Perry, charged with killing husband. Salary of many city employes increased. Fire does $10,000 damage to Y. M. C. A. building. April 24 -- Dallas county Democrats appoint chairmen for May primaries. City officials still split on gas question. St. Matthews Choir stages annual choir show for benefit of twenty-third annual choir boys camp. April 25 -- Rhodes S. Baker speaks at Y. M. C. A. David Meyerovitz, celebrated Jewish tenor, gives concert for benefit of Jews in war-stricken European countries. Mooseheart Legion initiates a large class. April 26 -- County commissioners accept $107,875.62 from the state highway funds for road improvements. Scottish Rite teams begin initiation of 993 candidates. April 27 -- R. B. Allen says primary meetings should elect own chairmen. Dallas Railway company requests change in transfer plans. Southwestern Photographers convention meets at Fair Park coliseum. April 28 -- Miss Pearl Catterlin sues local hotel for $100,000 damages for false arrest. Mayor Wozencraft, Commissioner McGee and City Attorney Collins leave for Pittsburgh to attend meeting of the National Committee on Natural Gas Conservation. Waiters enjoined from picketing. April 29 -- Light company makes application for $140,000 loan for improvements. J. M. Montgomery of Dallas heads Southwestern Photographers association. County Judge Simpson and commissioner split on Scyene road contract. April 30 -- Mustangs win baseball game from Texas Longhorns. Postal Telegraph company goes out of business at midnight. Rev. S. H. C. Burgin offered position as secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Church South Extension Work. |
May 1 -- Precincts of Texas hold May primary. Retail coal men urge people to buy coal early. Ten thousand people march in parade. May 2 -- Dallas county casts overwhelming vote for Democratic administration at precinct primaries. Six negroes are held up by white men. Judge Cockrell elected head of new national bank. Ship-by-truck week planned. May 3 -- Bailey declares primary vote unfair. May hot weather records are broken. Judge Simpson out-voted on road contract. May 4 -- Expressman, P. D. Young, fatally slashed by negro. William G. McAdoo favored by Dallas County Democrats for president. Three hundred wholesale dry goods men meet here. May 5 -- Prisoners in county jail plan break. Tornado sweeps across western part of Dallas county. May 6 -- James S. Sharp, wealth oil man, dies. Local bakers say price of bread will increase. Four-year-old Paul F. Miller Jr. is badly injured by timber wolf. May 7 -- Trinity river on rampage after heavy rainfall. One hundred and four million dollars reported on deposit in Dallas banks Judge George C. Greer dies at Baltimore, Maryland. May 8 -- S. M. U. head seeks big fund for University. Street car company opens negotiations with city for new franchise. Public utility matters to be put to vote of the people. May 9 -- "Baby Week" begins. Mayor wants people to pass on any change in traction franchise. Mrs. Jack Lapham, of San Antonio, wins honors in golf tournament here. May 10 -- Plan building of big picture theater by easterners. Police mystified over disappearance of William L. Touchstone, street-car conductor. Mrs. Alva Fearis, from Arizona, and Jack Lewis, of San Antonio, lose lives in auto crash on Lemmon road bridge. May 11 -- Trinity river near 1908 record. Grand jury probes death of Mrs. Alma Fearis in auto accident. Vernon Walton drowns in Trinity. People will pass on proposed fare rate increase. May 12 -- Trinity claims life of unidentified man as river nears 40 foot mark. Jewelry men open annual convention here. Police and fire commissioner plan to organize machine-gun squad here. May 13 -- Judge Cecil Simpson opposes work on Scyene road. Trinity flood claims victim when man falls from raft. Form organization to establish big lake here. Agreement on gas rate seems certain. Texas ginners open annual meeting here. May 14 -- Mayor wants law regulating all utilities. Plans announced for financing new interurban. Bodies of two flood victims recovered. Times-Herald Bay Show opens. May 15 -- Mayor of Bowie elected head of Texas mayors. Antonio Scotti sings at Fair Park Coliseum. Bailey campaign planned at meeting. May 16 -- Street railway company asks for six cent fare and penny for transfer. Henry D. Lindsley named to raise fund for new Wichita Falls interurban. First plans announced for Y. W. C. A. Home. May 17 -- Hal Mosely turns down $5,000 bonus to remain in city employ. Opposition to transfer sale is expected. Commissioners start construction of Garland Road. May 18 -- Car company increase will net $168,000. Baby show opens. May 19 -- Bankers start fight against high prices. Sugar probe brings wholesalers before grand jury. City's suit against gas company dismissed. May 20 -- Commissioners think phone rates too high. Census figures show Greater Dallas population 174,025. May 21 -- Bemis report missing from city records. Chamber of Commerce directors to inspect Dallas telephone system. City calls off negotiations with Lone Star. May 22 -- Mayor appoints committee on gas question. Hospital officials and nurses resign. S. M. U. men to meet Arkansas debaters. May 23 -- Dallas voters approve plans for new interurban. Democratic state convention called to order. May 24 -- Teams selected to raise fund for interurban. Hedgecock building wrecked by fire. Louis Jacoby of Dallas wins amateur golf championship at Houston meet. May 25 -- Team workers for interurban meet success. Judge A. B. Watkins named temporary chairman of state Democratic convention. Eight barrels of wine confiscated in raid. May 26 -- Commissioner Reppert advocates city manger form of government. Wilson administration indorsed by Democratic convention. May 27 -- Dallas business men subscribe to $500,000 worth of interurban stock. Sheriff is given more money to feed prisoners. State 220-yard swimming contest held here. May 28 -- Wichita Falls trolley line assured. Two hundred gallons of "booze" confiscated in raid on bevo joint. Paul Doman beast Johnny Colmars in fistic bout. May 29 -- Sam Erwin, escaped city convict, fights pistol duel with officers. James Brown, negro, indicted for attack on aged woman. Edwin Markham visits Dallas. May 30 -- Lone highwayman takes $800[?] from "Piggly Wiggly" store. Public school teachers for the coming year are appointed. Famous speed stars perform on local track. May 31 -- Federal jury recommends probe of Dallas ice dealers. Thirty-eight men indicted on booze law charges. |
June 1 -- Motor freight lines acquire large warehouse at Cadiz and Marion streets. City favors increased fare for Dallas Railway company. Robbers steal drugs from East Grand avenue drug store. June 2 -- Big crowd hears opening trial of Leon Cook, charged with criminal assault upon school girl. Commissioner Reppert says he wants no office within the powers of citizenship of Dallas. June 3 -- Mrs. Edna Ogles, charged with murder of her infant son, pleads not guilty before Judge Robert B. Seay. Nebraska officer kidnaps prisoner while talking with his attorney in Dallas county criminal courts building. June 4 -- Trial of Jim Brown, alias Green Hunter, charged with criminally assaulting white woman, started before Judge Charles A. Pippen; Mrs. Ida Williams of Sonora, Texas, reports robbery of diamonds valued at $10,000. Texas Paper company purchases new site for building at a cost of $225,000. June 5 -- Jim Brown, alias Green Hunter, denied new trial by Judge Pippen, when found guilty upon charge of attacking white woman. Judge Pippen sentences negro to die Friday, July 9. City would grant street car company six cent street car rate. June 6 -- Sheriff Dan Harston issues order to all negroes to either go to work or go to jail. Fifteen year old boy asks for marriage license. Lone Star Gas company says Dallas will have plenty of gas for winter. June 7 -- Sheriff Harston confiscates twenty-four quarts of Scotch liquor. Detectives arrest man charged with theft of Adolphus bed clothing valued at several hundred dollars. Deputy sheriffs take gun from man in crowded court room. White woman arrested with negro companion in East Dallas garage. June 8 -- White woman found with negro fined $200 by Judge work on vagrancy charge. Police officer kidnapped by men who he would arrest on liquor charge. Fire wagon and motor truck collide in South Dallas, one man injured. June 9 -- Mrs. W. W. Lewis fatally injured when caught between two automobiles which crashed together at Elm and Peak streets. Housewives organize open shop auxiliary. June 10 -- Officers raid Dallas home and confiscate sixteen gallons of corn liquor. Jewish charities open clinic in Neighborhood House. Hearing of arguments in receivership petition against Little Motor Kar company started by Judge Whitehurst. June 11 -- New York engineer says large lake is possible for Dallas. Arrest two men for passing bogus ten dollar bills. Officers arrest three men caught in the act of entering the Queen City Cleaning company. June 12 -- Chamber of Commerce plan trade trip to Mexico. Auto thief steals Ford from Constable Grady Kennedy. Edwin Markham, distinguished American poet, comes to Dallas June 13 -- Officers jail ten men suspected of being safe blowers. Nine men and one woman arrested by officers in raid on McKinney avenue on charge of violating the narcotic law. June 14 -- Jack Donald, fireman, overcome by smoke while fighting fire at 609 Commerce street. Moonshiners arrested on farm in Oak Cliff. June 15 -- City Judge Robertson orders boy spanked following session of court. Trial of Ed Glenn, charged with killing Harry Hammons, started in Judge Seay's court. Drug addict forges doctor's name to prescription. June 16 -- Dallas city court judge to receive $4,000 per year. County candidates prepare for coming election. Hold Little Kar official on large bond. J. E. Moore, who operated cigar stand in court house for years, dies. June 17 -- Druggists in session name officers, also favor open shop movement. Man throws wife from moving automobile, no arrest made. Arrest negro physician for selling morphine. Second trial of Leon Cook, charged with criminal assault upon school girl, starts. June 18 -- Col. E. H. R. Green purchases hospital bonds. Carl Morris seriously injured when hit by automobile. Raymond Lawther selected by Y. M. C. A. to go to Roumania. June 19 -- Trinity River has sharp rise. Officers rescue two boys marooned in Trinity bottoms. Leon Cook sentenced to eight years on conviction of charge of criminal assault upon a school girl. June 20 -- Dr. C. C. Selecman preaches sermon at City Temple. Negro women fight in East Dallas, one goes to hospital, the other sent to jail. R. F. Bryant, pastor of the Tyler Street Methodist church, announces a new church house will be erected. June 21 -- Dr. Harvey Eargle to face jury in Judge Pippen's court upon charge of murder. Two gunmen go to sleep, are arrested by police. Judge Foree fines 100 absent jurors. June 22 -- Negro shoots brother -in-law in fight over woman. John Fay wounded when pistol falls from shelf. William Randolph McEntire, pioneer cattleman, dies. D. C. Hill, weights and measure inspector, injured when hit by automobile. June 23 -- Charles E. Eubank is shot to death in his office, 1023 Main street by Allen Charlton, an attorney. Lineman risks life to save chum who was entangled in live wire. June 24 -- City approves six cent fare for street car company. Police arrest box car robbers. Trial of Little Motor Kar officials passed in Judge Pippen's court. Wives of union men form organization. June 25 -- Federal officers arrest three bootleggers and confiscate quantity of wine. Twins gave father large fine imposed by Judge Foree. Jury in Dr. Harvey Eargle case say they are deadlocked. June 26 -- Col. John J. Simpson, state fair president, pioneer cattleman, banker and business man, died. Change in name of Baptist Sanitarium to Baylor Hospital suggested. June 27 -- Six cent car fare becomes effective in Dallas. Fort Worth doctor arrested and drugs valued at $16,000 taken in raid by Dallas officers. Commissioner Reppert says he will resign July 1. June 28 -- Mrs. Ida Ott, charged with the murder of her husband, Andrew Ott, fails to appear when her case is called by Judge Pippen, bond was ordered forfeited. Federal officers confiscate 100 gallons of wine in house on State street. June 29 -- Judge Pippen receives threats of death should he permit James Brown to die upon the gallows. Brown was given the death penalty for attacking a white woman. Doctors plan hospital for women and children in Dallas. June
30 -- Allen Charlton makes new bond of $10,000. Indictments
returned against Little Motor Kar officials. Mexican officials
in Dallas making arrangements for exhibit at State Fair. The
body of Bennie Bullock, age 16, of 1729 South Lamar street, found
floating in Lake Worth. |
July 1 -- Hearing of telephone rate case opens. Second district of internal revenue department established Dallas office in Dallas County State Bank building. Health department gives out information that city of Dallas is free of smallpox for first time in several years. Thieves become active and loot eleven homes. July 2 -- Chamber of Commerce announces plan for establishment of central employment and health bureau. Mayor Wozencraft asks city adjustment board to investigate increase of ice prices from 70 to 80 cents. Telephone company enters plea for 8 per cent return on investments. July 3 -- Southern enterprises close deal for Jefferson theater. Wharton Motors company of Wilmington, Delaware, secures permit to do business. Officers make raid on Oak Cliff still, capturing forty gallons of mash and four gallons of brew. July 4 -- Police department report shows gambling and drunkenness to be on increase in Dallas. J. B. Adoue J., and Evan Rees of Dallas, Texas doubles champions, lose to Sneed and Thomas of Houston. Water supply runs low in Oak Cliff. City of Dallas holds welcome program and Fourth of July celebration in honor of newly naturalized citizens. Horse racing and polo at Fair Park. Fourth of July July 5 -- Isaac T. Williams, manager of oil station at Ross and Haskell, is murdered while counting money. Texas postal clerks open annual convention. Automobile Country Club holds picnic. July 6 -- Fourth trial of James Anderson murder case starts in Judge Pippen's court. Dallas bank reports show total of $99,922, 289.46. Royal A. Ferris resigns as chairman of board of directors of American Exchange National Bank after fifty years in banking business. July 7 -- Louis Blaylock is installed as city commissioner of finance and revenue. Henry D. Lindsley resigns from city plan commission. Health department opens campaign against weeds and contagious diseases. July 8 -- Oak Cliff citizens take measures to relieve serious asp scourge. Organization of Dallas division of Bankhead highway association is perfected at Oriental Hotel. July 9 -- Roman and Krohn battle to draw at Lake Cliff Casino. Fred Douglas, slayer of Dallas oil station manager, is arrested at Shreveport. Epps G. Knight drives first spike, on the silver, in Masten street car line. Large crowd witnesses hanging of James Brown, condemned for assault upon white woman. July 10 -- Beacon Shoe company closes lease on Central State bank building for 10 year term and consideration of $350,000 county candidates debate issues at city hall auditorium. July 11 -- Central labor council decides to send out voting instructions to all members of organized labor four days before Democratic primary. Chamber of Commerce announces plan to convert Love Field into industrial district. Local Republicans announce ticket containing many prominent names. C. A. M. A. A. decides to place telephones along Dallas county highways. July 12 -- First of the "immortal forty" return from San Francisco. County candidates open seven day speaking campaign. Architects for National Theater arrive in Dallas to make entire change of detail in its construction. July 13 -- Independent movie exhibitors of Texas meet in Dallas to lay plans to combat alleged combine of producers. Ben F. Looney at city hall. Enthusiastic Bailey rally is held at Oriental Hotel. July 14 -- Texas wheat growers and bankers meet at Chamber of Commerce and make plans to secure more grain cars. Park board condemns figure eight and orders it moved from Fair Park. Dallas Power and Light company files petition for $700,000 bond issue for construction program. Captain L. S. Flateau, pioneer Dallasite, dies in St. Louis. July 15 -- E. J. Kiest, is elected president of the State Fair of Texas. Knights of Columbus purchase Conway home at Ross and Harwood. George W. Loudermilk sells undertaking business to Tennessee man. July 16 -- Fred Douglas given death penalty for murder of I. T. Williams, manager of oil station at Ross and Haskell. Captain Leslie C. Frank, director of public health, puts ban on White Rock Water. Police department adds patrolmen to suburban force in effort to break crime wave. Metropolitan development association presents proposed zoning ordinance. July 17 -- Reverend J. Frank Smith, pastor of City Temple for twenty-four years, dies. Mayor Wozencraft orders reconstruction of sanitary sewer connecting North Dallas with the disposal plant. Mayor and the park board order Lake Cliff swimming pool enclosed because of protests from nearby residents. July 18 -- City officials investigate widespread epidemic of ptomaine poisoning. Pat Neff tours Dallas county, explaining land plank and market issues. Dallas Republican leaders ask members of party not to vote in primary. Commissioner McGee recommends purchase of two high-powered cars for detective force. July 19 -- City grants T. & P. franchise to build seven new switches. Candidates for county offices open campaign in city of Dallas. July 20 -- Federal authorities at Washington order probe of Dallas gasoline prices. Mexican youth confesses to theft of twenty bicycles. Street cars, printing presses, elevators and other power machines are at standstill for nearly an hour, due to break in wires. July 21 -- County candidates hold six hot political meetings during the evening. H. & T. C. train and an auto truck crash, causing serious injury to three. Senor Robert Garcia, new Mexican consul to Dallas, arrives with staff and begins work to expediate the Mexican exhibit at State Fair. Dallas Power and Light company authorizes construction of $200,000 building at Marilla and Park streets. July 22 -- Frank B. Slater, prominent Dallas man, is shot five times in fight with burglar. Fitzsimmons wins bout from Bud Clancy at Livestock Arena. Investigating committee of Council of Mothers reports that ice is being manufactured at coast of 28 cents per hundred in Dallas. July 23 -- Mayor orders probe of ice prices in Dallas. Dallas municipal bonds to amount of $2,300,000 are sold below part to New York investors. Otto Lang is elected president of Texas Florists' association R. E. Thomason speaks to many Dallas county audiences in interest of his candidacy. July 24 -- Southwestern tennis tournament opens on Oak Cliff courts. Election day in Dallas. Texas Daily Press League is organized in Dallas, with W. C. Edwards of Denton, as president. July 25 -- Dunlap wins over Linz for Republican county chairmanship. Emil Fretz, member of park board, asks better conduct and protection in city parks. "Pussyfoot Johnson," famous prohibitionist, speaks at First Methodist church. Bradley B. Houge, Southwestern singles champion, defends title on Oak Cliff courts. July 26 -- Ice manufacturers testify before investigating board. Wiley Blair, chairman of finance committee for proposed Wichita Falls interurban, asks postponement of construction. Bailey headquarters in Dallas receives offer of support from Thomason's manager. July 27 -- Park board votes to spend $400 on public music. Mayor Wozencraft threatens to close down park movie show if rowdyism continues. Dallas banks, through clearing house committee, agree to finance rural buyers coming to Dallas. July 28 -- Commissioner McGee issues statement to the effect that a "shake-up" in police force will take place if burglaries are not stopped. Dallas wholesale merchants' association holds semi-annual banquet and makes plans for trade excursions. Chamber of Commerce begins organization of "anti-ant brigades" to combat Argentine ant scourge. July 29 -- Dallas Building Trades council dissolves. Bailey opens campaign against Neff at city hall. City commissioners order viaduct resurfaced. Thirty-sixth Division association holds meeting at American Legion headquarters and elects Emmett R. Hambrick president. July 30 -- Neff supporters hold rally at court house and spend evening attacking Bailey. Anti-Bailey supporters hold meeting at Southland hotel preparatory to launching campaign in Texas. Krohn wins fast bout from Tommy Burke. Mayor Wozencraft selects committee of business men to aid Salvation Army. July 31 -- Mayor announces city will operate municipal market on post office lot. Property owners on Masten street petition for widening of street. Battle for Southwestern doubles championship draws big crowd at Oak Cliff courts. Wichita Falls Interurban construction is postponed. |
August 1 -- Anti-Bailey forces control county Democratic convention by ten votes. County Republican party splits three ways at convention. El Universal, Mexican paper, urges Mexican exhibit at the State Fair of Texas. Bradley Hogue and George Wright wrest Southwestern tennis championship from Adoue and Rees. August 2 -- Dallas telephone rate raise hearing is resumed at the city hall. Vanguard of Fifth Texas Cavalry leaves for encampment at Camp Mabry. Harmony prevails at county commissioners' court as Judge Claude McCallum presides in absence of Judge Cecil Simpson. Bradley Hogue wins title in Southwestern tennis singles tourney from Louis Thalhelmor. Texas Socialists name state ticket. August 3 -- In a campaign address to 2,000 Dallasites, Pat M. Neff, candidate for governor, declares J. W. Bailey, his opponent, was "insincere." Telephone hearing still progresses in the city hall. Thieves use wagons to haul 8,000 bricks from new National theater building. Hundreds of East Texas residents visit Dallas wholesale market. August 4 -- Telephone company claims a valuation of $4,000,000 more than city's assessed valuation in hearing. One thousand persons attend municipal sing-song at Oak Lawn park. Young Fitzsimmons wins decision over Johnny Celmars in twelve-round bout. August 5 -- Ice dealers are ordered by United States Attorney R. F. Taylor to reduce price from 80 cents to 60 cents per hundred pounds, dealers protest. Preliminary telephone hearing ends. County tax rate reduced from $1.50 per $100 valuation to $1.37. Frank B. Slater offers $5,000 reward for arrest of burglar who shot him in his home on Swiss avenue. Dallas and Lone Star Gas companies fail to agree on apportionment of supply. Five troops of Fifth Texas Cavalry leave for Camp Mabry. August 6 -- Federal officers begin probe of ice manufacturing costs in Dallas. Humane Society bans the use of spurs on "wild" steers at "Wild West" show. Former Congressman R. L. Henry assails Pat Neff in address at city hall. City chemist confiscates three carloads of canned goods. August 7 -- The validity of the milk ordinance of the city of Dallas will be passed upon in habeas corpus proceedings instituted for the release from jail of alleged violators. Ice price probe is delayed. Bailey leads in the state primary returns by 1,332 votes. Lack of pipe lines hinders gas supply settlement. Explosion from lighted match at a gasoline filling station burns two. August 8 -- Baptists start campaign to make Dallas the medical center of the South. Coca-Cola plant suffers $15,000 fire loss. Many speakers take stumps for Bailey and Neff. American Legion memorial committee favors auditorium. August 9 -- State Democratic executive committee calls for run-off primary on August 28. State Republicans meet to make platform and nominate ticket. Ice dealers await action of Federal officers on price-setting. Houston takes double-header from Dallas by 5-4 and 6-0 scores. August 10 -- John G. Culbertson is nominated for governor by Texas Republicans, platform is adopted. Ice dealers threaten to enjoin government from interfering in price probe. Three oil filling stations are robbed. City Building Inspector McCord says city is powerless to eject tenants from condemned buildings. August 11 -- Gas rate increase and construction of new pipe lines urged by companies. Condition of cotton crop called critical by Texas Industrial Congress head. Seven hundred and fifty boys and girls participate in track and field meet at Trinity Play park. Head of city public health service threatens to quit unless _____ is inspected. August 12 -- Attorney general rules against city's plan to zone ice delivery routes. Breach between gas companies widens by their contentions regarding supply for city. County farm agent and Texas Farm Bureau head study agricultural methods. Wholesale buying here breaks all previous records. Young Fitzsimmons beats Pat Bishop in middleweight bout. August 13 -- Federal attorney threatens prosecution of ice dealers if they fail to reduce rates, some deliveries stopped. Milk ordinance contested by dairymen before Judge C. A. Pippen; dairymen say inspection as provided means higher cost of milk. Commissioner Louis Blaylock, in charge of the police department during the absence of Commissioner L. E. McGee, tells Police Chief John Ryan he expects the department to do its duty and stop crime wave. August 14 -- Citizens plan to force ice dealers into receivership unless deliveries are made. Larger cafes plan to join open shop movement. United States army motor convoy arrives. Sufficient supply of gas for city foreseen by companies if rate raise is granted. Harry Krohn defeats Paul Roman for Southern championship. August 15 -- Many ice companies refuse deliveries. Automobile and street car collide in Oak Cliff; three are injured. Chamber of Commerce names arbitration committee for city gas dispute. Dallas building activities for the year pass the $10,000,000 mark. August 16 -- Federal Attorney Taylor allows ice men to ask 70 cents per 100 pounds, deliveries resumed. Safe expert says amateurs are operating in Dallas. License fee clause in city milk ordinance may be removed. August 17 -- Nonunion move operators charge the city board of examiners is unfair in examinations. Grant a 50 per cent raise in gas rates us urged of city by business men, proposed rate is 75 cents. Police arrest three men as safe robbers, loot recovered. Southwestern educators meet in Dallas and discuss thrift among students. County chairmanship of Republican executive committee carried into courts by Clarence E. Ling, contesting J. A. Dunlap. August 18 -- City to act on proposed gas rate increase at a special session. Dallas women celebrate ratification of suffrage amendment. Restaurants start campaign for open shop. One hundred and twenty-five farmers organize Dallas county farm bureau. Bert Thomas of Sulphur Springs heads meeting of Texans here to foster billiard playing in state. A. $1,000,000,000 wholesale market for Dallas in 1921 is prediction. August 19 -- One dead, two wounded, in gun fight on Latimer street; W. J. Gilmore claims self-defense. W. J. Powell, as a result of friction in the commissioners' court, resigns as county engineer. Pickens Burton, robber's victim, offers $1,000 reward for capture of assailant. Schuyle Marshall heads county farm bureau. August 20 -- Grand jury begins probe of Latimer street gun battle. Gas companies to settle differences. Death of J. E. Bufkin, Goldthwaite farmer, found here in tank car, is still a mystery. Congressman Joe Eagle of Houston says labor is only issue in the Neff and Bailey gubernatorial campaign. August 21 -- Federal officers begin fuel price probe in Dallas. Ice dealers file application for injunction to restrain United States attorney from fixing price. American Legion members leave for state convention in Houston. August 22 -- Waiters' union threatens suit on restaurants for alleged breach of contract. Farmers plan to hold cotton from market to prevent break in price. Addition to postoffice planned. Coal men say they welcome probe of prices here. August 23 -- United States Attorney R. H. Taylor orders prove of meat prices in Dallas. Waiters' union files four suits for damage from local cafe owners, $40,000 involved. J. F. Witt files application for the Nagle-Witt-Rollins Engineering company to do all engineering work for the county under the $6,500,000 bond issue, succeeding work of former county engineer. Banks plan to aid in financing the cotton crop; crisis is here, says cotton man. August 24 -- More federal officers ordered here in probe of high prices. Police Commissioner McGee plans organization of permanent safety committee here. Texans are called here to discuss cotton situation. August 25 -- Nonunion and union motion picture men compromise on difficulties over contracts. Election oath is kept secret by the county chairman. Unions claim 37 restaurants have signed contracts. Dallas is selected as state headquarters for the American Legion. August 26 -- Technical Club protests the discharge of the county engineer. Price of gasoline here goes from 31 cents to 32 cents per gallon. Fire department plans to sell all horse-drawn equipment. Commissioners' court delays action of selection and payment of the county engineer. August 27 -- Federal officers decide to file charges for profiteering. Fred Williams, negro, is hanged at the Dallas county jail for the murder of Isaac T. Milliams. Bailey and Neff active in campaign on last day of run-off race. August 28 -- Early heavy voting in Democratic primary race is shown. The city postpones the gas rate raise hearing. Republicans plan to put a city ticket in the field; district convention names James O. Burleson for congress. Oak Lawn citizens ask Police Commissioner McGee for more and better police protection to prevent continuance of burglaries. Harry Krohn bests Young Fitzsimmons by a small margin in 12-round bout. August 29 -- Ice dealers prepare for rate fight before United States Judge Duval West here Monday. Pat Neff carries county by big margin, defeating Joseph Weldon Bailey as Democratic choice for governor. City prepares for crime wave with budget short, prospect discouraging. Labor men plan for big Labor Day celebration here. August 30 -- Denton dairymen refuse to pay milk license fee, injunction sought in court to prevent city's interference. Ice dealers claim their product is not a food, validity of Lever act attacked in court. Joseph W. Bailey decides to make his home in Dallas. Dallas and Fort Worth baseball teams split a double-header. August 31 -- Ice price fixed at 80 cents by Judge West; reduction plans wane. Burglars break open six safes. Increased gas rate ordinance passes second reading by commission. Plan for White Rock swimming pool is revived. Police Chief John Ryan says American Legion carnival sideshows were "indecent." Mexican policemen given chance on force fail to make good. |
September 1 -- Gas problem is finally disposed of. Abolition of speculation in cotton market is urged by E. F. Alfard, president of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce. City plans adoption of building code. September 2 -- Mayor plans to stop increase in ice prices. The Nagle-Witt-Rollins Engineering company gets contract for county road work. Fuel and meat probes are abandoned. September 3 -- Police commissioner urges public to aid police during Fair. Road building to commence this month. Second avenue opening plan is finally settled. September 4 -- Cotton seed dealers deny price fixing. Reinhardt postoffice and bank are entered by amateur auto bandits. Land tax plant may be inserted in state platform. September 5 -- Funeral services are held for Patrick White, Tuscania victim. Haverty Furniture company secures Elm street lease. September 6 -- Five thousand workers march in Labor Day parade. Robbers take $15,000 from hotel card players. Federal officers will probe price of gasoline here. September 7 -- Chief of police picks extra officers for Fair duty. Yeggs make second attempt to open safe at Old Mill. Gas company files formal acceptance of new 67-cent rate. September 8 -- Neff's land tax plank eliminated from state platform. Property owners object to Baptist hospital dispensary. Referendum vote is sought on gas rates. September 9 -- Salvation Army leaders are here for conference. Men and women who first settled in Dallas hold reunion in Oak Lawn park. September 10 -- Dallas to have new $500,000 opera house. Harry Krohn beats Johnny Celmars in fistic bout. September 11 -- Grand jury exonerates Patrolman William Allen, who killed Joe Grissaffi [Grizzaffi]. Dallas to be headquarters of Potato men. Z. E. Marvin closes million-dollar lease for new drug store here. September 12 -- Times Herald to sponsor economy automobile run. Cary Williams, 17-year-old negro boy, kills father in defense of mother. Campaign for cotton marketing plan started. September 13 -- Local banks show good gains in resources. James Ferguson here to open fight for presidency. Packers will meet here to discuss municipal abattoir. September 14 -- Ice dealers hold conference with Mayor Wozencraft. United States grand jury to investigate price of coal. Ferguson promises nickel beers and dime wine if elected president. September 15 -- Organization of big insurance company in Dallas is planned. Editors meet here to form press league. State Senator J. C. McNealus would repeal primary law. September 16 -- Commissioners ask amendment to road law. T. E. Jackson resigns as Chamber of Commerce head. Policy of city health department is scored by Water Commissioner Appel. September 17 -- Open shop asks protection for non-union men. J. G. Culbertson, Republican candidate for governor, here to open campaign. Fire sweeps third floor of Blair & Hughes company. Loss estimated at $50,000 September 18 -- Three non-union waiters attacked. Republican leaders here to prepare for state campaign. Vito Campanelli victim of Italian feud. September 19 -- Holdings of the Power Petroleum company are sold for $10,000,000. Police seek men involved in Italian vendetta case. Dallas doctors prepare to push campaign for medical center. September 20 -- Report from Washington gives Dallas county population of 210,551. Times Herald pathfinder ends second lap of run at Mt. Pleasant. September 21 -- Citizens protest against operation of various maternity homes. Mayor invites county aid to build hospital. Wage increase for rural mail carriers is urged. September 22 -- Rural carriers reject plan to join A. F. of L. Oil men declare no reduction in gas price planned. September 23 -- Joint hospital plan accepted and vote on bonds decided. Texas nurserymen meet here to discuss lifting of Florida quarantine. September 24 -- Property valuation of city now $175,379,475. Taxes to be $4,314,437. City offers to compromise on telephone rate. Dallas doctors protest telephone rate increase. September 25 -- Engineers make survey of reservoirs. Price of gasoline cut to 30 cents by two companies operating filling stations in Dallas. September 26 -- John W. Philp is opposed to Republican ticket in city election. thirty-five hundred voters sign petition for vote on gas ordinance. Dallas public night schools ready to open. September 27 -- Engineers for water supply survey are named. City decides to repeal milk inspection fee. The Times Herald durability and economy automobile run begins. September 28 -- Mayor to fight telephone case to a finish. First leg of economy run is completed. Democrats will have ticket in city election. September 29 -- Will hold telephone bills for action of Federal court. Blaylock will not assent to new milk rule. East Texans greet Dallas auto party. September
30 -- Special legal advice secured for phone case. Commissioner
Appel is opposed to increase in light rate. |
October 1 -- Times Herald films shown at Queen theater. City commissioners remove milk inspection fee. Dallas Republicans plan to publish local daily paper. October 2 -- County commissioners pass order calling for election on bond issue for $225,000 for joint hospital. Arrest two girls for holdup of two city firemen on Lancaster road. Three police officers may face charges of conduct unbecoming an officer. October 3 -- Mrs. Amelia Frances Evans, wife of Charles I. Evans, dies at St. Paul's sanitarium. Lost boy spends night in jail while parents make search of city. October 4 -- Census gives Texas population as 4,661,027. Woman appears for jury service in county court. Charge two girls with highway robbery. Commissioner McGee orders trial of three police officers. October 5 -- City employes Attorney Will T. Henry to assist in telephone suit. United Fidelity Insurance company purchases Texas and Pacific building for a consideration of $750,000. School board asks special city attorney be assigned to their work. October 6 -- City officials ask grand jury to investigate conduct of police officers. Mrs. J. S. Armstrong dies in New York. Reports show drive for funds for Welfare Council nets $80,000. October 7 -- Abandoned girl baby found in lonely lane near Dallas. County commissioners' court asks bids on road improvement. Dallas Business men urge all to help in Salvation Army drive. October 8 -- City charges telephone company with violating anti-trust laws. Two firemen injured when motor engine No. 16 is wrecked on Collett near Crutcher street. One-man cars are operated on Swiss avenue line. October 9 -- State Fair of Texas opens for its thirty-fourth annual session. Dallas firemen with full equipment parade streets. Dallas telephone hearing transferred to Amarillo. Andrew Puat, aged 80 years, seriously injured when run down by Texas and Pacific engine. October 10 -- Large crowd visits State Fair. Numerous holdups reported to the police by Dallas visitors. Dallas negro arrested on charge of murder committed at Greenville. October 11 -- Police probe of officers may be dropped by grand jury. Dallas women ask that poll tax booths be placed in department stores. October 12 -- Arrest negro following fire on Medill street. Dallas fans urge Tris Speaker to come to State Fair. Thief enters tore of Sol Harris and rifles safe and cash drawer. Dallas Day at the State Fair of Texas. October 13 -- Veterans of 36th Division visit State Fair. Senator J. W. Bailey returns to Dallas. Marvin Osborne burned by the explosion of gas from a storm sewer. October 14 -- Three-minute car service started on Oak Lawn line. City completes new meat ordinance. Harry Cagle seriously burned by gasoline which exploded. Automobile show at State Fair prove great attraction. October 15 -- Gen. Alvaro Obregon, president-elect of Mexico, arrives in Dallas. Children's day at State Fair of Texas. Detectives work on rumor attempt will be made to take life of Gen. Obregon. October 16 -- Bryan McMullen, local aviator, is killed when his ship crashes to the ground at Aurora, Illinois. Deputy sheriffs confiscate thirty gallons of corn liquor on Tyler road. October 17 -- Dallas newspaper men entertain Mexican newspaper men at banquet. Federal officers and deputy sheriffs make raid on several chicken gardens. Several arrests made and some liquor confiscated. October 18 -- Mrs. Philip Sanger dies at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edgar L. Pike. Five firemen hurt in fighting blaze at Texas Wheel and Body company on Dove street. Lamonie Daniels visits Dallas. October 19 -- Confederate Veterans' day at State Fair. Many old soldiers fall in line for annual outing. T. E. Gray adjudged not guilty on forgery charge. Resume work on Masten street car line. October 20 -- Oak Cliff woman is attacked by man who entered her home. Mayor Wozencraft urges all Dallas to make attendance record at State Fair largest in history. Many prominent Dallas and Texas business men attend funeral of Mrs. Philip Sanger. October 21 -- Federal Reserve Board advises cotton farmers they are willing to aid Fair on Legislative Day. October 22 -- Alleged slayer of James Acord, Fort Worth motorman, arrested in Dallas. Fifty quarts of liquor confiscated by officers in raid on East Dallas home. Dallas receives another consignment of one-man street cars. October 23 -- County grand jury starts gambling probe. Negress pours boiling water on her husband as he sleeps. Oak cliff street car jumps track on bridge. No one injured, though car balanced on edge of trestle. October 24 -- Walter McConnell receives fracture of jawbone when bullet strikes him in face. Highwaymen hold up two women in East Dallas and stand off several men who attempted to catch them. October 25 -- Charlton case is again postpone in criminal district court. Eight-year-old Mexican child has fingers crushed in wringer. October 26 -- Allen Charlton goes to trial upon charge of shooting Charles Eubank. Thieves take trunk with $1200 in clothing from local hotel. Officers find burglars in Oak Cliff store. They escape. October 27 -- Louis F. Swift, Chicago packer, visits Dallas. Police refuse mother of 21 children to tell fortunes in city. Police Commissioner McGee says there will be no shakeup in police department. October 28 -- Allen Charlton pleads not guilty to murder charge in Judge Pippen's court. Miss Roxie Farrar injured when runaway horse knocks her to the pavement. October 29 -- Paul Jeffers, aged eight, breaks both arms when he falls from swing. Thieves enter Liggett Drug company's store and steal pay telephone box. Supervisor says viaduct street cars must reduce speed. October 30 -- Allen Charlton takes stand in his own behalf. Tells story of acts leading up to killing of Charles Eubank. Negro drops dead while helping wife with washing. October 31 -- Judge Edward R. Meek returns to Dallas after absence of one year. Evidence in Charlton case now in the hands of the jury. Studebaker company announces it will open factory branch in Dallas. |
November 1 -- Award Scyene road contract over protest. City announces that it will go to court with the street car company. J. A. Horn goes on trial for highway robbery. November 2 -- Many changes follow police shake-up. J. A. Horn pleads not guilty to highway robbery charge. Home of Mrs. J. A. Farris robbed of diamonds valued at $2000. November 3 -- E. H. R. Green says Harding will stabilize business. Infant death rate on decrease here, according to a report made by health department. Texas dry goods men announce they will meet in Dallas Nov. 10-11. November 4 -- Reports favor filtration plant at White Rock. Twenty-one additional police put on force to stop crime wave. November 5 -- Commission raises cost of commercial light and power. Rear Admiral Wiley visits Dallas. Commissioner Appel says he favors plan to build purification plant at White Rock. November 6 -- Commissioner Blaylock put in charge of hospital work. Telephone company withdraws bill against city. November 7 -- Man arrested for posing as David Wark Griffith. Unconscious woman found in creek in South Dallas. Texas mothers gather in Dallas to discuss child welfare work. November 8 -- Unidentified man fires at D. B. James on Cedar Springs road. Thief returns $2000 worth of diamonds from Mrs. J. A. Farris, 612 East Eleventh. County help asked for Parkland hospital. November 9 -- Report shows Mothers' clubs have made great progress. A. W. Johnson, negro, shot by highwaymen in Denison, brought to Dallas. Billie Tarver gets five years and Jack Haney seven years on highway robbery charge November 10 -- Find oil showings in well drilling near Richardson. Cashier of Crystal theater held up in broad daylight by highwayman. November 11 -- County request half interest in proposed joint hospital. Telephone company officials declare stock has gone down. Sam Mimms Jr. receives Navy Cross for valiant service during war. November 12 -- Prohibition agents stage raid in office building and seize quantity of booze. Ask demurrer in telephone case. Masons break ground for new auditorium annex. November 13 -- Fifty complaints filed against telephone company by citizens for poor service. Henry Champion, negro, shot from behind and robbed of $6 by highwaymen. Texas Boiler works purchases property for new location at Live Oak and Central avenue. November 14 -- First freeze of winter hits Dallas. Mexican mission officials representing the Mexican government, leave Dallas for Houston. R. H. Baker, New York lecturers, says that people now living will never die in a lecture at the Y. M. C. A. November 15 -- City and county [commissioners agree] on hospital. Devereux Dunlap, prominent cotton seed oil broker, dies here. November 16 -- Mrs. Annie L. Cheatham robbed and beaten by negro highwaymen. Citizens of Mount Auburn confer with mayor on limited street car service. Cotton men meet to discuss exporting plan with officers of Federal Reserve bank. November 17 -- Announced that $100,000 annually will be added to rural school budget. Twenty-five hundred Dallas people short on income tax. Man seeks divorce from "kissless" wife. November 18 -- [no listing] November 19 -- Henry Stanchet, negro assailant of Mrs. Annie Cheatham, goes to trial. Vice President Thomas Marshal passes through Dallas. Raised $10 bills found in circulation here. November 20 -- Dallas bank deposits are $77,579,584.34. Commissioner Appel says water rates should be increased. Chinese ask $16,000 damages as result of building collapse at 910 Main street, Aug. 9. November 21 -- Mrs. T. E. Knott hurt in auto crash. High schools close first quarter with 4201 in attendance. Five new detectives added to local force. November 22 -- Commissioner Moseley recommends paving of Beckley avenue to Tenth street. J. W. Smith shoots at two robbers in Oak Cliff. Mrs. Julia Eva dies here. November 23 -- Dallas posses search for Fort Worth bank robbers. George L. Martin confesses to embezzlement of $700,000 in Louisville following his arrest here. Water turned out of city reservoir to avert dam break. November 24 -- Jess Illingworth robbed of diamonds valued at $2750 in Oak Cliff. Gus Roose signs fifteen-year lease on building at northwest corner of Akard and Elm streets. Oak Cliff citizens ask for more policemen. November 25 -- Grand Prairie suffers fire loss of $100,000. Mrs. F. C. Ham dies of injuries received when struck by an auto. Commissioners want cars off Main street. November 26 -- Repair depot to be moved to San Antonio, according to report. Commissioner Blaylock suggests artesian wells instead of purification plant. Carnival raided for alleged gambling at Ervay and Bryan streets. November 27 -- Wayne Cunningham, aged six, dies of bullet wounds received accidentally. Miss Lela Williams of Dallas elected president of State Teachers' Association. Zone ordinance presented to city officials. November 28 -- George Martin taken to Louisville, Ky,. to face trial. Forty-four persons arrested on "vagrancy" charge. Samuel D. Ware, prominent insurance man, dies here. November 29 -- Announce new car service for Mt. Auburn, Henry Stanchel, negro, indicted for highway robbery in connection with the robbing of Mrs. Annie Cheatham. Spread of crime causes Dallasites to arm themselves. November 30 -- City plans continued resistance to higher rate for telephones. Mrs. Mary S. McKeenly, aged 72, dies from injuries received in fall. Police plan campaign against speeders. |
December 1 -- Highland Park signs contract to pay city $5000 for use of sewers. County Judge Arch Allen and Commissioners J. W. Slaughter, Jim Miller, C. M. Smith and George W. Ledbetter, take oath of office. More sidewalks for Dallas advocated by George Kessler, city plan expert. December 2 -- Blaylock wants to submit water supply question to vote of people. Complaints against gas bills are being filed with city. Police and Fire Commissioner L. E. McGee announces city will not abandon Oak Cliff police station. December 3 -- City firemen volunteer their services gratis as policemen during crime wave in Dallas. Corporation Judge Felix D. Robertson announces attorneys can't sign bonds for women clients. City loses in telephone rate case when Judge Wilson overrules motion to quash injunction. December 4 -- Mrs. Pearl Smith is deputized as under sheriff by Dan Harston. City foremen who volunteered services as policemen placed on duty. Phone company announces new rates apply for whole month of December. December 5 -- Thief steals wrist watch from arm of girl in theater. Highwayman robs Fred Sublett, negro, of $97. David Grove gives organ recital at Scottish Rite Cathedral before packed house. December 6 -- City commission announces it will back City Attorney Collins in telephone suit. C. A. Potter, prominent business man of Dallas, dies. City summons street car company officials for hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 8. December 7 -- Daylight highwayman snatches $43000 in cash and $100 worth of diamonds from Mrs. Anna Engleman. B. K. Goree, Fort Worth attorney named master in chancery in phone case. Dallas man asks city health department to make wife wash the dishes. December 8 -- Dallas Railway Company's debts amount to $4,900,000 officials announce. Light company earns authorized return without increase in rates. Bank robbers get $3 from Hutchins Bank. December 9 -- City demands interurbans promised under franchise be started by December 15. Business men announce opposition to proposed changes in downtown car routings. Charles W. Hawley, prominent automobile man of Dallas, dies at Waco. December 10 -- City announces plans being made to aid traction company in carrying out paving work on car lines. State Fair directors announce dates for 1921 Fair as October 8 to 23 inclusive. Price of milk in Dallas drops ten cents per gallon wholesale. December 11 -- Morgan Tully, 12-year-old boy, falls from tree, breaking arm, nose and jaw. Light company officials say 9 per cent is not sufficient return. Masked highwaymen rob T. H. Ferguson of $2 and two cigars. December 12 -- James M. Board dies as result of injuries received when hit by bicycle. Bishop Edward D. Mouzon preaches farewell sermon in Dallas. December 13 -- R. L. Bransford, T. L. Farmer and E. W. McCann are injured when fire truck crashes into building at Ervay and Pacific. Charles T. Burke is killed in automobile accident on Maple Avenue Road. Ruth Glidewell, 8 years old, killed when run down by auto truck at McKinney and Boll streets. December 14 -- Jess Hassell sued for $30,000 for death of Mrs. F. C. Ham, who died as result of injuries received when run down by automobile. Dallas to have new $1,000,000 theater. Masked bandit robs groceryman of $3. Tris Speaker announces Cleveland players will train in Dallas for 1921 season. December 15 -- Wozencraft announces he will not be candidate for re-election to office of mayor. Maury Hughes takes office as district attorney. New Oak Cliff car line discussed by City Plan Commission. December 16 -- Wireless stations and airplanes to be used by Dallas police to combat crime. Fifty Texas legislators in Dallas attending cotton meeting. Dallas business men start "Safety First" crusade. Dallas Plumbers and Steam Fitters Union turns down increase in pay. December 17 -- Dallas has series of fires which result in death of 20 mules and damage estimated at $50,000. city commission orders attorney to file suit against car company to compel new car extensions. T. A. Myers, chief of the Dallas Fire Department completes 41 years service as paid fireman. December 18 -- Dallas Central Labor Council files protest against raise in telephone rates. Commissioner Hal Moseley announces he is against the proposed filtration plant at White Rock. Police Chief John Ryan announces arrests will be made for setting off fireworks in city limits. December 19 -- Rev. C. M. Harless, prominent Methodist minister, dies at his home, Peak and Bryan streets. Members of John W. Low Post, American Legion, meet and offer services as volunteer policemen to city during crime wave. Dallas Sunday Schools set new record for attendance. December 20 -- Citizens confer with city officials on action against telephone rates. Bonded whiskey valued at $37,000 is seized by county and federal officers in garage on Cedar Springs Road. Joe Ruggero, Italian groceryman, shot down in his home by unknown assassin as result of vendetta. December 21 -- Police announce after investigation they believe imported gunman fired shot which wounded Joe Ruggero. Adolphus Hotel officials announce thirty per cent cut in price of food. Negress weighing 530 pounds is arrested for stealing pair of shoes. December 22 -- Miss Evelyn Hooe reports to police that man threw carbolic acid in her face. Injunction restraining phone company from charging higher rates is sought by citizens in state courts. City Attorney J. J. Collins goes to Houston to secure data in telephone case. December 23 -- Dallas Railway Company presents petition to Mayor Wozencraft asking for 7-cent street car fare. Dallas county officials announce reduction in number of telephones used because of high rates. Allen Vaughn Rozelle, prominent business man, dies at his home in Highland Park. December 24 -- City refuses request of Dallas Railway Company for a 7-cent car fare. City commission grants Dallas Light & Power Company an increase of 6 per cent in lieu of a 14 per cent increase granted previously. Charles C. Middleton, pioneer resident and real estate man of Dallas, dies. Federal officers confiscate 150 gallons of wine which is poured in the gutter. December 25 -- City announces mandamus proceedings will be resorted to in order to compel telephone company to render adequate service. Dallas observes Christmas. Police comment on quietness of Christmas in crime circles compared to previous years. December 26 -- Steve Dixon, negro, jumps from burning building to escape death and escapes with slight injuries. Burglars roll safe across street from oil station and chop it open with ax, securing $10. H. W. Barnes and Horace Smith, convicted murderers from Tarrant county, brought to Dallas jail to prevent mob violence at Fort Worth. December 27 -- Burglars enter office of federal prohibition agent and teal whisky. City commissioner adopts ordinance regulating the operation of maternity homes in Dallas. S. Y. Matthews of Dallas files suit against the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company for $1,150,000. December 28 -- Burglars attempt to open safe of P. P. Martinez within sight of police station. Petition is circulated asking for an increase in pay of county jail guards. December 29 -- City will withhold suit if car company sets aside fund for street repairing. Sixteen-year-old boy confesses to burglarizing grocery store and setting fire to building to cover up crime. Tessie Brooks, negro, shoots and kills Bessie Williams, negress, then gulps poison. December 30 -- Edwin J. Kiest is re-elected as president of the State Fair of Texas. Mayor and city commissioners make trip to water sheds to inspect water supply. Grand Oil station at Meadow street and Grand avenue is entered second time within week by burglars. December 31 -- Dallas Railway Company announces ready to begin construction on Oak Cliff car line. Rich and poor rub elbows to pay new auto license fees. Watt Smith is shot by highwayman. - o o o - |