Dallas Madame Georgia A. DeBeck was born August 1863,1 in (presumably Clearfield County) Pennsylvania, and was the daughter of Benjamin and Celeste (-----) Debeck, the granddaughter of George Debeck, and the great-granddaughter of John Ludwig Debeck, who was born in Germany in 1755.2 Benjamin and family migrated to Dallas Co., from Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania, sometime between 1870 and 1880. Georgia A. DeBeck marries Andrew Drone in Dallas Co., Texas, on September 15, 1878, with W. W. Peak, Justice of the Peace, as the officiant.3 Georgia and her husband, Andy Drone, are living next door to her brother, George Edmund (shown as "E. G." on the census) DeBeck, on the 1880 Dallas County census. Andy is listed as 28 years old, born in Illinois (as were both parents), and is listed as a laborer with the railroad. Georgia is 18 years old, a house keeper, born in Pennsylvania, with both parents being born in New Brunswick.4 Georgia's father, Benjamin DeBeck, and family, also appear on the 1880 Dallas County census, and is listed as a farmer.5 A DAY AT DALLAS. _______ Saved from a Life of Shame. ... Special to the Gazette. - o o o - Yesterday morning, City Marshal Arnold received a note from Lizzie Handley, the proprietress of a bawdy house on Jackson street, which stated that she desired to see him at once on important business. The official reported promptly, and was informed that a young girl who gave her name as Anna or Edith De Beck, residing near the fair grounds had come to her house and requested that she be admitted as an inmate. The proprietress declined to admit her, but when the girl wept and begged to be cared for during the night, she took her in, and after locking her up in a room, sent a messenger with a note to Marshal Arnold, who did not get it until the next morning. The girl, who has just entered her teens, expressed a desire to lead a life of shame, and when the officer took charge of her to take her back to her parents, she wept bitterly. Her story is to the effect that persons have accused her of leading an unchaste life, and that so long as she got the credit of it, little was the difference to her. The unfortunate young girl was returned to her parents and home. - o o o -
FORT WORTH LOCAL NOTES. _____ FORT WORTH, Tex., June 7. -- There was a shooting affray at a house of ill repute on Rusk street, kept by Mme. Porter, between 3 and 4 o'clock this morning. The two women engaged in the row were Hattie Tyree and Georgia Carlin, and the usual cause for such a row -- jealousy of a lover of one of them. The statements of witnesses are that the quarrel had been on for a day or so, and culminated last night when the alleged lover transferred his attentions to Hattie. Georgia struck the other woman and pulled her hair, when after several times warning her. Hattie fired two shots, one striking the assailant in the groin, passing through the body, inflicting a severe flesh wound, not necessarily fatal, or even dangerous. - o o o - Morrison & Fourmy's General Directory of the City of Dallas, 1889-90: Carlin,
Miss Georgie, boards with Miss Essie Watkins. keeper in Dallas for several years) |
1890 Georgie Drone vs. Andy Drone6 14th District Civil Minutes No. __________ To the Honorable District Court in and for Dallas County: The
petition of Georgie Drone, who resides in the county of Dallas,
State of Texas, complaining of Andy Drone, who is a non-resident
of said State, respectfully shows:
following was the statement of Mrs. Kate Murray, a witness in
the trial of the above entitled cause.
in Dallas for several years) YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED, That by making publication of this Citation in some newspaper, published in the County of Dallas, for four consecutive weeks, previous to the return day hereof, you summon Andy Drone whose residence is unknown to be and appear before the 14th Judicial District Court, to be holden in and for the County of Dallas at the Court House thereof, in the City of Dallas, on the Second Monday in May next, then and there to answer to the Petition of Georgie Drone filed in said Court on the 5th day of March 1890 against the said Andy Drone and alleging in substance as follows, to-wit: That Plaintiff was legally married to Defendant on the 25th day of September 1878 in Dallas County Texas, and lived with him until the 30th day of June 1886 and that on said day, Defendant left Plaintiff without cause, and with the intention of abandonment and has not communicated with her since. Petitioner shows that her maiden name was Georgie De Beck. Wherefore she prays for a decree of divorce and that she be restored to her maiden name for all costs of suit and general relief.
1890 (continued) AN EXPRESS MYSTERY. _________ EXPRESS OFFICE SKIPS OUT. ________ Definitely Known, But it May Reach Into the Thousands -- Wo- men and Wine Mixed With a Streak of Honesty -- "All in the Business." F.
A. Walton, money clerk in the Pacific express office at this
place, is missing and it is not known how much money may be found
to be missing with him. Mr. Garrison, the affable agent, says
the shortage definitely traced against Walton to date is $38,
but it is possible for that amount to be increased to the thousands,
possibly $35,000 to $40,000. Developments will have to be awaited
until it is known just how much the company is out by Walton's
escapade. - o o o - ________ BY A TRUSTED CLERK. ST.
LOUIS, Feb. 5. - One of the biggest sensations since
the famous "Jim" Cummings robbery of Express Messenger
Frothingham on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad, securing
between $50,000 and $75,000 of the Pacific Express Company's
cash, was occasioned to-day when L. A. Fuller, Superintendent
of the Pacific Express Company, was notified by the Commercial
Bank of this city that a package containing $35,000 in greenbacks,
consigned to that bank by the City National Bank of Dallas, Texas,
and for which the Commercial Bank held the receipt of the Pacific
Express Company, was missing. - o o o - The Fly Young Man Located in Toronto.... St. Louis, Feb. 13. - Supt. Fuller of the Pacific Express company has received a telegram notifying him that F. A. Walton, the money clerk, who stole $35,000 of the company's money at Dallas some days ago, has been traced to Toronto, Canada. No arrest has yet been made, but Supt. Fuller says if it can be proven that Walton carried [away] any part of the stolen money into Canada, he can be tried there for grand larceny and punished. Mr. Fuller also says that there will be nno let up in this matter until Walton is definitely located, captured and punished for his crime. - o o o - The case of Express Money Clerk Walton, who was arrested the other day in New Brunswick, is not an extraditable one. If the larger part of the $35,000 should be found to have been left in Dallas, and all the facts connected therewith could be published, it would make mighty interesting reading. - o o o - St. Johns, N. B., Feb. 26. - Detective Carpenter arrived from Montreal this afternoon with a warrant for the arrest of Frederick Walton, who absconded with funds of the Pacific express Company of Dallas, Tex. An effort is now being made to have Walton taken back to Montreal, but it is not believed it will be successful. - o o o - ________ IN COURT. __________ to Their Own Use Gold Coin. The Most Complicated Case of Modern Times. ST. JOHNS, N. F., Feb. 28. - It now appears that when Walton, the Dallas express robber, was arrested and searched in St. Johns, the act was illegal as there was no warrant issued by the Montreal authorities until two days later. In court yesterday, the prisoner's counsel turned the tables by reading affidavits charging Detectives Goss and Express Messenger Vickers with having appropriated to their own use, money taken from Walton. Gross and Vickers took the gold coin to Page & Ferguson's jewelry store and had their intitials and date engraved thereon to-day, melting up the coin as a souvenir metal of the arrest. The judge was thunderstruck and issued an order for the examination of all parties concerned under oath. He said he would make the most searching investigation into the arrest and treatment of the prisoner if it took three months. This defiance of the court in holding back Walton's gold coin is likely to result in serious trouble to the Montreal officers, and coupled with their attempt to induce the chief of police to disregard a supreme judge's habeas corpus order of the prisoner to Montreal, has aroused public indignation. Judge Palmer considers the situation so complicated that he will consult Judges King and Tuck, and probably Sir John Allen, chief justice of New Brunswick, before rendering his final decision. Attorney General Blair, the provincial premier, has also been communicated with, and it is likely that the crown will be represented before many days. - o o o - _______ Which All but Some of the Stolen Money is Returned. St.
John, New Brunswick, Mar. 3. - The greatest surprise in the Walton
case was given to-day. When the court opened, John Kerr, counsel
for the Montreal detectives, the Pinkerton detectives and the
Pacific Express Company, arose and informed the judge that he
had carefully examined the information against Walton and the
authorities governing the same, and was prepared to admit that
the information was faulty, and, consequently, the warrant was
of no avail. The only thing, Mr. Kerr said, for the judge to
do, was to issue an order for Walton's discharge. Judge Palmer
said he was glad Mr. Kerr was satisfied such was the case, for
his mind (the judge's) was not so clear on the subject. The judge
then directed Dr. Alward to draw up two copies of an order for
the discharge of Walton and submit them to him. The surprise
was great when the court was finally adjourned and no mention
was made of the serious statement brought out at yesterday's
proceedings and strongly condemned by the Judge, who announced
his intention of bringing all persons concerned, before him.
The order for the discharge of the prisoner was made, and at
2:15, in the presence of all the detectives and express officials
and the prisoner's father and lawyer, Walton was given his liberty
by the chief of police. All the money and other property taken
from him when arrested was returned to him. - o o o - ________ Yields Up $16,940. _________ PYTHIAS," HOGAN AND M'CANE. _________ Father of the Embezzler, in the City-The Very Sen- sational Ending of a Bold Robbery. Startling
developments in the Walton embezzlement case came to light last
night and to-day. The facts in the case as gleaned by a TIMES-HERALD
reporter are as follows: One
week ago last Sunday night, while prowling about the city, a
TIMES-HERALD reporter ran across Phil. Hogan, of
St. Louis, for several years with Tom Furlong's detective force,
but for the past year, a special officer in the service of a
well-known corporation. "I am here on a vacation,"
murmured Hogan in answer to a pointed question fired at him:
"Just a vacation, to recover from the effects of a broken
foot." The vacation was all in his eye, and the emissary
of the press determined to keep close watch on the movements
of the gentleman from the Future Great. Day and night,
he was flying about the city. He frequented sporting resorts,
visited dives, took in the town, and in a very short time, had
established himself on a solid footing with the fly young men
and the dashing cyprians who were Walton's associates during
his residence in Dallas. Occasionally, McCane refused to talk
about the matter to-day, but the TIMES-HERALD reporter has it straight, that the
party who had the money has been under surveillance for more
than two weeks and would have been arrested the moment he attempted
to leave town. It was a clever bit of work all around,
and no mistake. The name of the party who was the custodian
of the funds is withheld. It was not Eva Howard or Georgie
Carlin, as intimated in the morning publication. - o o o - _________ FRIENDS, THE COPS, DEAH BOY. _________ of Walton, Surnamed the Crook - The Irishman's Flea Nowhere. "And
the subsequent proceedings interested him no more." Who?
The reporter, there were two of them, that attempted to locate
Fred Walton last night. They had company, good company
- Sheriff Lewis and a batch of deupties. At 7:30 last night,
it was rumored about the streets, in the saloons and other resorts,
and whispered by hack drivers and swore to by other individuals,
that Fred Walton was in the city. That he was keeping shady
in a private room adjacent to the office of Colonel Aiken in
the building occupied by the Pacific Express Company. - o o o - _______ Arrest of Walton's Betrayers. MONTREAL, Can., April 26.-Brady and Laird, the gamblers, and Aggie Ashton, the keeper of a sporting house in this city, arrived in Montreal last night, and were arrested on a charge of having in their keeping, a large sum of money taken from Fred Walton, the Pacific express robber. He paid Brady $2000 to get him out of the country, and it is said that the trio got away with $7000 or $8000 of the boodle. A well-known member of the Dallas demimonde, Walton's mistress, secured their arrest. She has been on their track for some time to avenge the treatment of her lover. - o o o - __________ Montreal. Fred
Walton is said to be in Montreal, where Laird and Brady, the
gamblers who fleeced the gay and festive fat-faced blonde out
of several thousand dollars, are in custody. Aggie Ashton,
the woman who accompanied the men from Hot Springs to Montreal,
is also under arrest. What disposition of these cases will
be made, remains to be seen. - o o o - ______ Canadian Friends. Georgie Dubeck, is the name of the Dallas cyprian who visited Montreal and ingratiated herself into the good graces of Laird and Brady, the gamblers, who fleeced Fred Walton. Georgie took rooms at the sporting house of Aggie Ashton, and was soon established on a friendly footing with the gamblers. They admitted "rolling" Walton for $8000. This evidence was imparted to the police and their arrest followed. - o o o - _______ gie Carling in Montreal ... WALTON AT MONTREAL. ________ the Embezzler. MONTREAL, May 5.-Walton, the defaulting clerk of the Pacific Express Company, who was employed at Dallas, Texas, and a woman named Georgie Carling, arrived here last evening. They will give evidence in the case of the express company against Frank Brady, Aggie Ashton, J. C. Laird and Nellie Leslie, and it is expected will clear up the mystery in connection with the $8000, which the company claims the accused still have in their possession. Walton will be secured against arrest while here in connection with the matter. - o o o - ________ Gamblers. THE
TIMES-HERALD yesterday contained a telegram from
Montreal noting the arrival of Fred and Walton and Georgia Carlin
in that city. The following is his testimony against the gamblers
and prostitutes with whom he associated with in Montreal on the
occasion of his first visit to that city. He had $15,000
when he arrived, he said, and after spending three days in a
hotel reading novels and drinking whisky. [as given] Half an
hour [later], he met a lady at the hotel. In the meantime,
Walton gave her $115 for "fun." He said the woman
was Nellie Leslie. She invited him to go to the Ashton
house, where she lived and Fred accepted the invitation, taking
his valise full of packages of $5, $10, 20, $50 and $100 bills
with him. He then testified: "I went to Nellie's room
between 9 and 10 o'clock in the evening and stayed there. On
the second night, I saw Aggie Ashton, Brady and Laird. I
had a good deal of whisky and woke at noon the next day with
a headache. I then told Nellie I had stolen the money.
She told me she had a friend named Jack Harris who would help
me to get away and to whom she introduced me. Laird and Ashton
suggested that I should go to Laird's house, and it was then
arranged for me to leave for the West Indies. I don't know how
much money I spent in Ashton's. I was under the influence
of liquor until Tuesday. I left Aggie's on Monday night
in company with Nellie, Laird and Brady and drove to Laird's
room. I don't know where it was. Nellie staid all
the time with me in Laird's room. I first opened my valise
on that evening in Nellie's room. I did not re-lock it. I
staid in Laird's room until Tuesday night. I opened my
valise at Laird's. I was given the bed. Brady and Laird slept
on the floor. Brady and Laird were whispering to one another
while lying on the floor. About 3 o'clock, Brady left and
Laird came to bed. Brady went out and got some medicine,
which he said would be good for my nervousness. I told
him that I thought it was a drug. At that, Brady got mad
and told me that unless I acted better, he would not help me
to escape. I took the medicine that night two or three
times. It made me kind of drowsy. Brady told me that
there were a great many detectives in Montreal and that they
were all pretty smart men. They asked me where I was going
and I told them to the West Indies. Laird proposed going
to St. Johns, N. B., and Brady thought he would go, too. They
did not make any demand upon me until they reached St. Johns.
I gave Nellie $15 on the morning of Tuesday. I had
given her $115 at the hotel. She took money out of my stocking
to pay for wine. Brady said the next day there were wine bottles
all over the house. This was at Ashton's. Laird bought
tickets in the afternoon with money I had given him. I
asked Brady if he was a gambler and gave him $50 or $60 to gamble
with. I also gave Laird money to buy victuals with, and
for gambling purposes. - o o o - _______ Witness for the Express Company. Montreal, May 6.- Walton, the defaulting clerk of the Pacfic company, who was employed at Dallas, Texas, and the woman named Georgie Carling, arrived here last evening. They will give evidence in the case of the express company against Frank Brady, Aggie Ashton, J. C. Laird and Nellie Leslie, and it is expected will clear up the mystery in connection with the $8,000, which the company claims the accused still have in their possession. Walton will be secured against arrest while here in Connecticut with this matter. - o o o - _____ EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WENT. _____ and Aggie Ashton - The Dallas Woman's Innocence Maintained by Walton. MONTREAL,
P.Q., May 8-The proceedings in the great Walton robbery case
assumed an important phrase yesterday, when evidence was given
by Walton showing where the missing $8000 went. After his
arrival at St. John with the prisoners, Walton said they all
went to Dufferin hotel, where they registered under assumed names.
Walton slept with Brady, Laird being sick. He never
left the room all the next day. After buying some seidlitz
powder and novels, Laird went into another room, and Brady, remaining
with Walton, said that he would have to "do the right thing."
To this appeal for money, Walton gave up $1500, $500 of
which, was for Laird. Brady asked for more, but he refused.
Later on, Laird asked Walton if he had any more money than
he had with him and Walton said "yes, I have $17,000 with
a woman in New Orleans. (This was the Dallas woman, Georgia Carlin.)
Laird asked me if I would give him (Laird) an order to
go and see the woman and get her to go to St. John with the money,
and asked how much it was worth. "About $2,000, replied
Walton. But, Laird said he thought it was worth $4,000, but that
he would come down to $3000 and pay all his own expenses. Previous
to that, I had told him all about how I had stolen the money.
The three of us left the room together for supper. I
locked the door of my room and put the key into my pocket. After
we started to go down stairs, Brady stated that he wanted to
go back for some medicine and asked me for the key. I gave
it to him and he returned. He was absent about fifteen
minutes, as Laird and myself were then nearly through our supper.
The valise was then in the room and contained all the money.
It was not locked when I left for supper. When Brady returned
from the room, he was very nervous and ate only a piece of toast
and drank a cup of tea. After supper, we returned to the
room, talked a few minutes and then went out for a drive. I
locked the door and carried the key with me this time. The
party visited several houses of questionable repute and drank
beer and ginger ale. When we returned to the Dufferin hotel,
we went into the bar where Brady introduced me to a man named
Boon. I heard Brady tell Boon not to tell any one that
he (Brady) had been in St. John. We went to bed that night
about 11 o'clock. Brady slept with me and Laird slept in
the other room. When we awoke the next morning, Brady said
I had better find another place, as detectives were looking for
some prisoner. After breakfast, we drove to the station
and they left their valises and overcoats there. Then,
we drove to the Clifton House. They told me I had better go in
and register alone, and that they would go and get my ticket
for the West Indies. I registered and was assigned to room
thirty-one. They returned in half an hour and gave me a
ticket. I asked Brady how much it was. He said $50, and
I gave him that amount. They then bade me good-bye, wished
me good luck and left. They both left their cards with
me and asked me to write them. They said their names were
Frank Brady and John Laird. This was the first time I knew
Laird's name was not Harris. I never saw them again until
I saw them in this court." - o o o - MONTREAL,
June 20.-The great Brady-Ashton-Laird-Leslie larceny case, which
has been hanging fire so long, came to an end to-day, and all
the prisoners were acquitted. The charge made against them
was the larceny of $8,000 of the ill-gotten gains of Fred Walton,
the absconding cashier of the Pacific Express Company of Dallas,
Texas, who embezzled $35,000 and fled to Canada. While
in Montreal, he fell in with the four prisoners. - o o o - _________ COMPANY AFTER WALTON. __________ Been Located and Warrants Placed in the Proper Hands. Fred
Walton's record as a thief and defaulter is pretty familiar with
the TIMES-HERALD readers. - o o o - "POLICE RECORD No. 5 CITY OF DALLAS"7 WALTON, Fred A. -- Theft over $20. Age 27 years; height 5 feet 6 inches; weight 150 pounds; color white; complexion light; eyes grey; hair light; occupation express agent. Smooth face. Justice Courts. The
late grand jury returned indictments against a large number of
keepers of disorderly houses, and last evening, Constable Morton
swooped down on the landladies. They gave bond for their
appearance. The following parties will be arraigned in
Justice Lauderdale's court on April 11: Fannie Howard, Belle
Wood, Mary Black, Dollie Housell, Mary Burleigh, Maggie Johnson,
Maud Shirley, Tillie Morris, Georgie Carlin and Emily
J. Merrill. - o o o - ______ Diamond Rings. Georgie Carlin, mistress of a sporting house in South Dallas, reported to the officers this morning that a bold robbery had taken place at her establishment last night and that she figured as the victim. According to Madame Carlin, at a late hour, while she was slightly under the influence of rosy wine, an unknown man jammed a big six-shooter in her face and forced her to deliver over into his custody, $400 in greenbacks and several diamond rings. The alleged robber then beat a hasty retreat and the woman telephoned for the sheriff and the police force. The officers are investigating the affair. - o o o - ______ teriously Restored to the Owners. The burglary of Georgia Carlin's house, reported to police headquarters yesterday morning, turned out, on investigation, to be a false alarm. The diamonds and money that Georgia thought had been stolen, the colored woman had hidden away against a possible burglarious visitation. "They have some queer robberies in the First ward," remarked Detective Kirby. "No end of times we have been asked to look for jewelry and money stolen, when it would suddenly turn up in the house somewhere and the matter smoothed over, as if it had simply been mislaid. Sometimes, I suppose it is mislaid, while at other times, those who stole it, get frightened and bring it back. But, Lord, since they have got to hitting 'coc' down there, it is worse than ever. Any sort of a sensation is liable to sprung from the First ward." - o o o - |
1894-95 Morrison & Fourmy's General Directory of the City of Dallas, 1894-95: Carlin, Miss Georgie, residence 100 Sam Cross, south end of Market. Phone 565. Evans & Worley Dallas City Directory, 1896: Carlin, Miss Georgie, residence 100 Sam Cross, south end of Market. Phone 565. Real Estate Transfers. Jacob Keller to Georgie DeBeque, lot on Jackson and Poydras streets, $4,000. - o o o - Carlin,
Miss Georgie, residence 100 Sam Cross, south end of Market. Phone
565. and was residing, in 1897, at the future location of Georgia Carlin's bordello) Worley's Directory of the City of Dallas, 1898-99: Carlin, Miss Georgie, residence 233 Jackson, Phone 565. |
Georgia Carlin's one-story frame bordello at 233 Jackson St., at Poydras. (The red arrows are pointing in an east-northeasterly direction) |
the week that ended yesterday, April 21, the city engineer, Hugh
Raines, issued the following permits: - o o o - Carlin, Miss Georgia, 233 Jackson. The 1900 Dallas County census1 (erroneously) shows "Texas" as Georgie's place of birth, her father born in France, and her mother in Maine. Georgie is listed as "widowed," her occupation as "Mistress House Prostitution," and owning her home at 233 Jackson. Bessie Henderson, a boarder, single, is also living in the household. She was born October 1877, in Michigan, and was 22 at the time. Both of her parents were also born in Michigan. Bessie's occupation is listed as "Prostitute." |
1901 Necrological. Miss Georgie Carlin died yesterday afternoon at 233 Jackson Street. - o o o - Mrs. Georgie Carlin died yesterday about noon on Jackson street. - o o o -
Collins, Mrs. George, residence 233 Jackson. |
at this time comes Paul Nichols, heretofore appointed temporary
administrator of the estate of Georgie Debeque, deceased, and
as such makes this his full report of his actions as temporary
Before the undersigned authority on
this day personally appeared Paul Nichols, who being duly sworn
deposes and says: Sworn to & subscribed before me this 28 day of April 1902-
Room Four:
Room Five:
Room Six:
Room Seven, Dinning (sic) Room:
Room Nine, Kitchen:
Miss Georgia DeBeque Estate To J. E. DUNN & CO., Dr., Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors.
Allen E. De Beque Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 30th day of Apl A. D. 1902
Appraisers of the above named Estate, heretofore appointed by the Court, and each being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing is a just and true Appraisement of the property pointed out to them as belonging to said estate.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 30th day of April A. D. 1902
this day coming on to be heard the application of Paul Nichols
to be appointed permanent administrator of the above styled estate,
and also the waiver of Allen E. DeBeque and C. B. DeBeque, brothers
of the deceased, of their rights in favor of Curtis Hancock for
such appointment; and after hearing the pleadings, evidence and
argument of counsel, the Court concludes that either Allen E.
DeBeque or C. B. DeBeque is entitled to be appointed rather than
Paul Nichols a nephew of the deceased; and the Counsel for said
Nichols objecting to the appointment of Curtis Hancock, it is
ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that Allen E. DeBeque
be, and he is hereby appointed administrator of the estate of
Georgia DeBeque, deceased and his bond fixed at Twenty four thousand
Dollars & whereas same is given & approved and said DeBeque
has taken the oath that letters issue to him.
ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, heretofore to-wit; on
about the day of December, 1901, Georgia Debeque departed this
life intestate, and left an estate situated in the County of
Dallas, where she resided at the time of her death, and whereas,
a necessity exists for permanent administration thereon, Paul
Nichols, having heretofore been appointed temporary administrator
of said estate, and whereas, we the undersigned, Allen E. Debeque
and Charles B. Debeque, were and are the next of kin of the deceased,
who was our sister, said deceased having died leaving neither
husband nor children, and whereas, we have the first right to
administration on said estate, which right we desire to renounce
and waive in favor of Curtis Hancock, a resident citizen of the
said County of Dallas, Texas, of good character and who is not
disqualified to act as administrator:
comes Paul Nicholls, a resident citizen of Fannin County, Texas,
and represents to the court as follows: Sworn to & subscribed before me this 20th day of December 1901.
No. 3145.
at this time comes Paul Nichols, applicant to be appointed permanent
administrator of the above estate and in answer to the protest
filed herein against said appointment respectfully submits:
To the Hon. Judge of said Court:
providing me with a copy of Georgia DeBeck's probate file. |