Duck Creek/Embree, Dallas County, Texas

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(Updated May 6, 2004)





Celebration of the One Hund-
redth and First Anniversary
in the Suburbs of Dallas.

The Fourth at Duck Creek.

     Our neighbors at Duck creek, were not behind in coming to the fore, on the nation's national day. A large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen congregated, having previously provided themselves with baskets well-filled with the good things of this life, and about three hundred sat down to dinner and discussed them. Thomas F. Nash read the declaration of independence . The Duck Creek Glee Club met at night, and gave a grand concert at the Grange hall, the proceeds to be devoted to helping the Union Sabbath School. Everything passed off in a harmonious manner, and the net receipts more than came up to the expectations of the people. The Union Sabbath School numbers over one hundred scholars.

- July 7, 1877, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 4, col. 2-3.
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Real Estate Transfers.

Recorded during the past two weeks. Reported by Jones & Murphy, land agents, office No. 715 Main street, opposite the St. George hotel:
     William Beverly to W. T. Olinger, 15 acres out of the James Howard survey on Roweltt's creek, for $90.
     E. H. Wilson to S. P. Emmerson 680 acres out of the Henry Reid survey, on Duck creek, for $9000.
     William Caruth to M. R. and M. Murphy, 214 acres out of the John Little league, on Duck creek, twelve miles north and six east from Dallas, for $2,041.70.

- March 23, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Correspondence of the Herald.
UCK CREEK, March 19, 1880.
     A few lines from Duck Creek in regard to crops and farming prospects may be of interest to the H
ERALD readers. On last Monday morning, we had a cold sleet and rain, which is very uncommon for Texas in March. But, still it may be all for the best. It has injured nothing but corn and garden vegetables. The corn that had come up is bitten off, but it may grow out again. -- We are having some showers yet, but it looks today like it would clear off.--Farmers were getting along fine, and would have been up with their work had it not been for this storm; but, if it clears off now, they will have plenty of time.

- March 24, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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A Grand Picnic and Reunion of the

     Yesterday the good people of the Duck Creek community gave a grand picnic. It was a reunion of the people of that section, and a number of candidates were present. Not less than two thousand people were on the grounds, ladies, gentlemen and children. They came from all directions, on horseback, in wagons, in carriages, in buggies, and some of those living near by, on foot. And such a dinner! It has never been surpassed in quantity or quality anywhere within the broad limits of Texas. It was not a barbecue, but a basket dinner, prepared by the good housewives at their homes, and it was served in lavish and superb style. The people of that section are well to do, are supplied with all the comforts and numerous of the luxuries, and they are the souls of hospitality; so there was nothing in the way of edibles, either in quality or excellence.
     Capt. William Alexander, on behalf of the Duck Creek Democratic club, opened the cermonies of the day with a speech of welcome that was replete with kindly greeting, generous words of welcome. It was eloquent and plesantly delivered.
     Hon. Olin Wellborn was the first of the visiting speakers, and was introduced to the vast audience by Mr. J. S. Strother. He made a straight-out Democratic speech, reviewing the history and acts of tshe two parties, and delivered a handsome eulogium upon General Hancock. After music by the band, Mr. Charles L. Martin addressed the people, discussing briefly national politics, state issues and county matters. The band played a piece, and then dinner was announced and a recess of an hour.
     After dinner, Governor Roberts, who arrived on the grounds about one o'clock, entertained the audience for an hour and a half, reviewing and defending his administration.
     In answer to a vociferous call, Judge Barksdale next spoke and his effort was both able and eloquent. He showed himself well posted on all the political issues of the day, and he discussed them lucidly, and forcibly.
     The Duck Creek brass band discoursed music during the day, and sweet music it was, too. This is one of the best bands in the country-a credit to themselves and to their community. To Mr. Alexander, Mr. Strother, Mr. Jones and the other gentlemen of the committees, the greatest praise is due for their efforts and the eminent success of the entire day. The people of the Duck Creek neighborhood are of our very best citizens. They are well-to-do, law-abiding, generous, hospitable and whole-souled, and it affords us great pleasure to know that this year, Providence and their own industry have blessed them with the most abundant crops.

- July 11, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
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Shot and Killed.

     John Davis, Jr., an eight year old son of Mr. John Davis, who lives on Duck Creek....died...

- May 5, 1881, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 7, col. 2.
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Crazy About Gold.

     Three citizens of Duck Creek brought and turned over to the sheriff yesterday, a crazy man named August Thofern, who came to that neighborhood about six years ago from Tipton, Missouri. He has been farming in that section until about one week ago, when his mind began to fail him, and now his reason is gone. He has an idea that he is on the eve of making a journey afoot to California in search of gold, and when found yesterday, he was several miles distant from his home digging in the ground, and told those who came to take him in charge, that he was prospecting for gold. He was lodged in the county jail for safekeeping, and he spends his time pouring water on the chains that secure him, thinking that he will melt the links.

- May 12, 1881, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 2, col. 4.
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For the Asylum.

     Sheriff Jones left for Austin yesterday, having in charge, August Thofern, who goes to the lunatic asylum there. Thofern went crazy on the subject of gold, and labored under the impression that he was constantly on the eve of discovering a gold mine. Sheriff Jones will bring back with him, J. O'Bannan, who was sent there from this county some time since, who has recovered sufficiently to admit of being discharged.

- May 19, 1881, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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Dallas County Sunday School Convention

     The annual county Sunday School convention will be held at Duck Creek Methodist Episcopal Church, fourteen miles northeast of Dallas on Greenville road, on the 27th and 28th of July next, beginning at 10 o'clock a.m. on the 27th. All Sunday Schools in Dallas and ajoining counties, irrespective of denomination are invited, and earnestly requested to send two delegates to the convention, and all friends of the Sunday School cause generally, are cordially invited to attend. Ample provision for the entertainment of all will be made.    The Sunday Schools are earnestly requested to elect their delegates as soon as possible. Take up one collection to help defray the expenses of the convention, and for printing the proceedings, and make their reports as soon as possible to John McCoy, of Dallas, secretary and treasurer. Blank reports will be promptly sent to all Sunday Schools in the knowledge of the secretaries, and it is very important that they be filled out at once and returned to the secretary. Any new schools organized during the past year, or any who do not receive a blank report from the secretaries during the next 10 days, will please report the fact to the secretary above named.
A. H. F
J. S. S
Dr. R. J. S
Executive committee.
N.B. -- All newspapers in Dallas and adjoining counties, who are friendly to the Sunday school cause are requested to publish the above call for the benefit of the general public.
A. H. F
Chairman of executive committee.
June 8, 1881.

- June 16, 1881, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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The Fresh Trail of the
Iron Horse


Facts, Figures and Fancies Gleaned, Originated
and Wired Specially for This Department
of The News.


     The Duck Creek delegation reached Dallas yesterday,
headed by T. F. Nash, who had as his colleagues, W. W.
Sebastian and John F. Jones. Later on, Mr. Thorpe came
in and called on Col. Wylie, who accompanied them all to
Major Marvin's caboose, where they interviewed that gentle-
man, and were not at all pleased, because he would not
promise each one of them a depot on his grounds. Major
Marvin found it impossible to get to Duck Creek on good
grade. To please the people, he ran a line right through
the town on Friday, and found it impracticable. The
citizens are not agreed on the spot where the depot ought
to be placed. Some are having it this side of Duck Creek,
and others on the east side. Mr. Vanston got hold of them
and asked them to lay aside all wranglings and work together,
so as to secure the right of way and help the citizens'
committee. Without a doubt, every man in Dallas County ought
to help. Duck Creek people will not be slighted. The Santa Fe
folks are only too anxious to give to Duck Creek all they desire,
and when it can be done to the advantage of all, will locate the
depot. The citizens' committee are using all their influence in
behalf of Duck Creek, and are willing to sacrifice a good deal
that harmony may prevail. The Rumbler suggests to all going
to work and secure rights of way, depot grounds, and most
assuredly, the Santa Fe people will do their part.

- March 2, 1886, Dallas Morning News, p. 5, col. 2.
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Additional City News.

     The town of Embree, a station on the Dallas extension of the Santa Fe, is booming.

- November 19, 1886, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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Embree's Railroad Boom.

     EMBREE, Dec. 11. -- Wednesday, as the sun was nearly sinking, the track-layers of the Dallas & Greenville Road, building from Greenville to Dallas, crossed the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe, which is building from Dallas to Paris. Thursday, Duck Creek was bridged and the track laid across. From a man connected with the road, it is learned that in ten days the road will be in running order from Dallas to Greenville. All the grading is done except one small cut. Nearly 200 workmen are putting down the track now. This town is all activity and energy. A contract has been made with Ramsay & Jacobs to remove the business houses from Duck Creek to Embree. Land owners are putting up the prices on their lands and sit around the new buildings figuring up their probable profits on the shingles scattered around. Dallas is bound to be the metropolis and hub of Texas, and Embree will be her most beautiful suburban town.

- December 11, 1886, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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Mewshaw, Tharpe and Co. Closed Up.

...attachments were filed in the district court as follows against Mewshaw, Tharpe and who have been doing business in Forney and Duck Creek.

- December 21, 1886, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Partially Destroyed by Fire This

     Information comes to the HERALD that the town of Duck Creek was visited this morning at 6 o'clock by a destructive conflagration. The origin of the fire is not learned at this writing, but the little village was aroused from its morning nap as it never had been by the fearful cry of "fire, fire." The entire business portion of the town on the west side, except the building occupied by J. T. Weaver & Co., was destroyed. The following is the list of the firms burned out, with loss and insurance.
     Robinson, Brown & Co., three buildings valued at $1500; stock of merchandise, $8000; insured for $4500. Mewshaw, Thorpe & Co., building, $800; stock of hardware, $3000; no insurance. J. B. Bryan; three buildings, $1500; stock of drugs, $3000; no insurance. Harper & Watson; grocery stock, $900; no insurance. S. W. Reisin, jeweler; fixtures and tools, $75; no insurance.

- January 7, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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A Prosperous Town and Progressive

From the Herald's Traveller.

     This little town just springing into existence is on the Dallas extension of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway, at a point where it intersects with the Dallas & Greenville extension of the Missouri Pacific, furnishing the convenience and advantage of two direct railroads to Dallas, the north and the west. It is situated on a beautiful rolling prairie in this county, just fourteen miles northeast of the city of Dallas by the former road and sixteen miles by the latter. The surrounding country is thickly settled with a population of thrifty and prosperous farmers, who pay as they go, and the soil possesses a fertility unsurpassed by any in the State.
     Here the Santa Fe Railroad has erected a handsome depot, flanked by truck and freight platforms, water tanks, closets and other conveniences. The interior is divided into a cosy sitting room, provided with easy reclining seats and a comfortable warming stove; a ticket, telegraph and freight office combined, and one large and commodious wareroom for the immense freightage it will undoubtedly handle at an early day.
     The Missouri Pacific is of more recent construction, but its improvements when finished will be of a neat and substantial character.
     There are now in course of construction at Embree, 22 dwellings and store houses besides a coal, lumber and stockyard.
     The Weekly Embree Enterprise, veritably evincing the enterprise of the place in connection with the proprietor and editor, Mr. Roland Day, is already engaged on the second story of one of the unfinished buildings and will appear this week. It is typographically a success and edited with ability.
     What is left of Duck Creek from the ravages of the flames is on the move, (the contractor, Mr. J. S. Sharp, of Dallas, being here for that purpose), and when they arrive with the improvements to be made by its ten or more solid merchants, Embree may be said to have had breathed into its body a living life, causing it to rise Phoenix-like from the ashes of the old town and taking upon itself a veritable boom.
     The Roller Mill and Elevator Company, on Duck creek, three-quarters of a mile from the depot, is a large three-story building, supplied with all the modern improvements, with a capacity of fifty barrels per day. Its products are giving perfect satisfaction. Messrs. Wyatt & Wallace are the proprietors.
     If Embree shows a corresponding appreciation of the H
ERALD's efforts, [in] her behalf, I will be pleased to note through its columns her progress from time to time.

- January 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
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Real Estate

The Wonderful Progress Dallas is Making

     W. L. Hunter and wife to Emmerson, Talcott and Co., lot in town of Embree, $1,000.
      N. Thorp and wife to Emmerson, Talcott & Co., lot in town of Embree, $1,000.
     W. J. Keller to N. Thorp, lot in town of Embree, $150.

- January 13, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1-4.
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A Raging Maniac.

     Pat Connelly, of Duck Creek, came to Dallas Saturday, and it was soon discovered that the man was insane. He was taken charge of by the police and placed in the calaboose. Here he remained until Sunday morning. During this time, he was a raving maniac. He tore his clothing, beat himself against the wall and kept up a constant yelling, terrifying every one about him. He was so violent that it was necessary to remove him to the county jail and put him in a straight jacket. It is said that his mind became unsettled after reading Henry George's works and other writings of similar character.

- January 17, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Additional City News.

     Sheriff Lewis left this morning with Lidel[?] and Pat Connelly for the Terrell asylum. They were adjudged insane.

- January 18, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 1.
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     Mr. H. K. Harris, of Duck Creek, is at the St. George.

- February 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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     What has become of our local reporters at Forney, Mesquite, Duck Creek, etc.? Come to the front, friends, and let's have at least one good local paper in our county.

- February 18, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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Real Estate Sales for This Week.

     Robertson, Brown Co. to W. B. Rogers, lot in town of Duck Creek, $500.
     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. to Robertson, Brown & Co., Lot 6, Block 15, town of Embree, $100.

- February 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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Special to the Herald.
MBREE, Feb. 21.-- The whooping cough and measles are in our community.
· W. M. Hudspeth, of Whitewright, was the guest of Dr. Embree a few nights ago.
· The citizens of Embree are grading the streets. The Missouri Pacific railroad authorities will put down an artesian well near their depot at Embree.
· Wheat is looking well since the rain.

- February 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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A General Write Up of the city -- Lo-
cation for Manufacturers -- Other

     As the readers of the HERALD would probably be interested with a short sketch of the new town of Embree, we will endeavor to give them some information concerning this promising place.
     The G. C. & S. F. and Dallas & Greenville railroads each have a depot here within 600 yards of each other, and we have the prospect of another. This furnishes us unsurpassed railroad facilities, especially as the two roads are competing lines, and which are calculated to materially assist in building up a town here of some importance.
     Building is progressing rapidly, but not in the manner of most new towns, which soon die. Embree is building to stay. Old Duck Creek is being moved over, and soon Duck Creek will be no more. A new two story first class hotel is being erected and will be fitted up with all the modern improvements, including the clerk with his big diamond.
Hunter and Third streets have been nicely graded, which adds much to the place.
     There are twenty business houses in Embree and more coming.
     The contract has been let to build a large pavilion in Alexander Park, and work will commence at once. This park is beautifully located on Duck creek, has been nicely cleaned out and fixed up and will be made a summer resort. It will be a very pleasant place for Dallasites to come out to and spend a day for a change.
      Embree is very advantageously situated for manufacturing enterprises, and manufacturers who are desirous of investing in North Texas should not overlook this burg. They would have ample railroad facilities, would be just far enough from Dallas to escape the necessarily great expense, and just close enough to that city to enjoy its many advantages. The ground necessary for a manufacturing plant would cost a fabulous price in Dallas, whereas here the same amount of ground could be bought very cheap, and taxes, etc., would be comparatively light. Manufacturers, keep your eye on this place.
     We have a first-class full roller flour mill, which has been unable so far to keep up with the demand, selling flour at Rockwall, Plano, Wylie and in factat every town adjoining. They seem to like it better than the best Dallas brands.
     As is usual with all towns of any importance, Embree have a No. 1 brass band, which has been organized a year; and, while it cannot compete with some of the professional bands, it plays as well as any amateur band in the State, so Fort Worth and Dallas people say.
     The recent stir about the postoffice has died a natural death. An attempt was made to get the postoffice changed back to Duck Creek, but the matter is about dropped.
Artesian wells are soon to be bored, which will, with the present supply give [sic] us all the water to be desired.
     If you are looking for a place to locate, come here and see for yourself what a fine town we have. Rich black land, plenty of work, and everything to make life happy, but no whisky.

- March 5, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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Special to the Herald.
     Louis Longmire, of Dallas, is visiting friends.
     Mr. Linsey, of Rockwall, was in the city Wednesday and accompanied the band boys to Farmersville on their serenade.
     Who roomed in room 34 of the Cason House? Please don't ask the hotel man at Farmersville about this.
     Scott Alexander and his mother, of Plano, were in the city Friday.
Wyck Skyles and ___ Skyles, of Richardson, were in the city last week.
     Our popular music teacher and leader of the band, Prof. F. L. Bryant, has organized a band at Farmersville.
     DIED--The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown, Thursday the 10th, of measles. This is the second child that has died in the same family within a year. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community.
     DIED--Sunday night, after a short illness, Mr. H. B. Smith, more generally known as "Uncle Henry." Mr. Smith was an old resident of this place and his death is keenly felt. He leaves a son and daughter who have the sympathy of all. His wife [had] preceded him some years ago, leaving the children orphans.
     The "Lewis Combination" gave an entertainment Tuesday and Wednesday nights, which was said to be very enjoyable.
     The Grange store, known as the Duck Creek Co-operative Association, made an assignment last week, to Blankenship & Blake of Dallas. Hunter & Co. are to take charge of the stock.
     The Rev. Mr. Bumpass, of Farmersville, occupied the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and night.
     The Waters Pierce Oil Company have established a ware house in the North End.
     The pavilion in Alexander Park is looming up. It is 40x100 feet, and when completed, will be as fine as any in the State. Your correspondent is reliably informed that the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway will run excursion trains twice a week at least, and it is thought the Missouri Pacific will follow suit.
     A pitiable sight was to be seen on our streets Tuesday. A man of very little brains brought his 5-year-old son to town and they got on a "high lonesome" together, the little one having taken his share of whisky, and cursing and using the most profane language. It was bad enough to see the father intoxicated, but to see a little fellow who could hardly talk plain walk reeling and staggering and cursing under the influence of liquor, was a sight that did not excite the admiration of the lookers-on in the father's behalf.
     Another mill occurred Tuesday night between two of the boys. Damages slight.
     It is rumored that the Farmers alliance, the Grange and the Knights of Labor will open a store in the north end to take the place of the defunct Grange store.
     Will Alexander, of Dallas, was in the city Friday last.
     F. L. Crush is building a home west of W. L. Hunter's residence.
     The measles is still all the go, but are of a very mild type.
     The band is making arrangements to go to Wolf City next week.

- March 17, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Thought He Could Escape a Mob by
Committing Suicide.

     DUCK CREEK, March 21.--This afternoon about 2 o'clock, while an engine was standing on the side track here, an Englishman calling himself John King, came up and said he was accused of committing a crime at McKinney, and that a mob was after him. He requested the engineer to move his engine a little so he could kill himself, but not being accommodated, he stepped back a few paces and butted his head against the driver hard enough to shake the whole engine. After repeated blows on that side, he went to the other side, probably in search of a softer place, and commenced hammering his head against the driver on that side. Just then, Watchman Cook came up, and after a desperate struggle, succeeded in stopping him, but not until the hair was all off and the top of his head was a mass of bruised flesh and blood. Both drivers of the engine have a bloody spot as large as a soup plate on them. King was taken in charge by a deputy sheriff and taken to Dallas. He had to be given an opiate before he could be managed.
      The wheat in this section is in fine condition, and this, together with the large acreage planted this season, seems to insure a very large crop.

- March 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
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[No Heading]

     John King, was brought to the city last night by Deputy Sheriff Boyd, charged with insanity. The last strange freak of King was to attempt to butt an engine off the track at the Duck Creek railroad station. His head was badly hurt.

- March 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
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John King

     Was brought to Dallas Sunday evening by Deputy Sheriff Boyd on the charge of insanity. Mr. Sprague testified that the first time he saw King was Saturday last at Duck Creek. King imagined a mob was after him to kill him; and bruised his head seriously against an engine. He was adjudged insane to-day.

- March 22, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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Embree Echoes.

     Will Harper is wrestling with the measles.
     Mrs. David Irvine died on Thursday the 17th inst.
     Judge Bert and lady, of Dallas, were visiting last week.
     Miss Philipson, of Wylie, was in the city Friday last, returning Saturday.
     C. E. Coburne, the popular young civil engineer on the Missouri Pacific is back again.
     Chas. Robertson, formerly with the Missouri Pacific civil engineering party, has returned.
     The youngest child of Geo. Wallace died last week, of a complication of measles and other troubles.
     The stock of the Grange store has been taken charge of by Hunter & Co. and moved into their store.
     "Buckskin Joe" was in our city last week trying to induce our people to emigrate to the Oklahoma district.
     Minter & Co. have moved their stock of groceries into Hanaley's building, making an exclusive dry goods house.
     The new two-story building in the North End which is to be used as a public hall, and, in which our new paper is to begin its existence, is nearly completed.
     It is a settled fact that we are to have another paper. All arrangements have been made and it will come out in a few weeks. Your correspondent is glad to note we have something now that has long been desired and will fill a great vacancy.
     The first day of May is to be a gala day for Embree. The fine 50x125 pavilion in the park will be completed and the Santa Fe is to run its first excursion on that day from Dallas and Honey Grove to this place. It is to be hoped that the Missouri Pacific Rail way will do the same.
     Your correspondent learns the following particulars of the disastrous fire at Wylie Friday night, from an eye-witness: Three houses were burned. The fire was caused by the explosion of a large patent "non-explosive" lamp, warranted fire-proof and free from bad habits, in Messrs. Howell Cleveland's store. Burning oil was scattered in every direction over the house, and in a few moments the interior was a mass of flames, Mr. Cleveland barely escaping hatless. The stock consisted of general merchandise, and with the house, was valued at $9000. The stock was insured for $4000 and the house for $800. They had only been doing business a few weeks. The saloon belonging to McCullaugh & Neilon was the next to burn. The entire stock was saved, but the building was a complete loss. Loss $500, no insurance. This firm had only been doing business for a week. The photograph gallery across the street, belonging to C. P. Williford, was the next to burn, which was a complete loss. Loss $150, no insurance. For a while, it seemed certain that the whole town would burn, and a time or two, several buildings were abandoned. Many caught, but the flames were extinguished. One house a quarter of a mile distant took fire. The loss is a severe one for the town.

- March 24, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Dallas Public Roads.

   Embree, March 25.-Public roads in this neighborhood are rapidly becoming a source of pleasure to travel on. The system inaugurated by the commissioner's court and watched and pressed by Judge Bower and each commissioner will soon place Dallas county far in the lead of other counties as to roads.

- March 25, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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Embree Echoes.

     The weather is beginning to look serious.
     Rev. John Wright, of Rockwall, was in town Tuesday.
     Mrs. Rowland Cayton is to build in North Embree soon.
     Our postmaster, J. D. Robinson, has a fine girl at his house.
     Tom Hays, of Mexia, has opened his new blacksmith shop.
     W. A. Tinsley is making quite a large addition to his residence.
     Fine veins of water are found at a short depth in the North End.
     The two railroads are selling tickets to Dallas now at the same price.
     Dr. R. E. Summers is to erect a business house in the North End soon.
     The youngest child of J. H. Coil, near Pleasant Valley, died Sunday night.
     Miss Oma McCullough will build a residence in North Embree at an early day.
     Matt Groves, son of G. W. Groves, died Monday night of measles, aged 21 years.
     S. Brandenberg has commenced a two-story business house in North Embree 24 x 50.
     The Mo. Pacific trains this week have been crowded with excursionists to the Dallas races.
     It is said that Sam Hawley is to occupy Sam Parker's building in North Embree as a drug store.
     The Duck Creek News is to come out this week--that is, if it don't rain. We await its debut with bated breath.
     The youngest child of James A. Foster, living three miles south of this place, died last Monday evening.
     Ed Curry was arrested here Monday evening on a charge of carrying concealed weapons by Deputy Sheriff Boyd. He was put under a $200 bond.
     Haig Moss, of the Shiloh community, is erecting a business house in North Embree. It is not known what it will be used for, but we think it is a fine opening for another newspaper.
     Your correspondent had the name of the new literary society down wrong last week. It is the "Embree-Williamain." It met Tuesday night and had a very enjoyable time.
     Sim Bethel's youngest child died Sunday night. A surgical operation had been performed on it a short time ago and was thought to be improving when it took a sudden change with the above result.
     The citizens of Embree are standing in breathless silence awaiting the birth of the new paper, which comes here to "fill a long-felt want," as well as express the "will and voice of the people."
     The large barn and stable of John Davis, a few miles south of Embree, was burned Saturday night about 8 o'clock. 500 bushels of corn, a lot of oats, harness, etc., and a horse were consumed. The family were just sitting down to supper when the fire was discovered. The cause of the fire, which originated in the loft, is unknown. He had failed to renew his insurance, which was out only a month or two ago. Loss between $1200 and $1500.
     A gloom was cast over the town Thursday by the death of Mrs. Lizzie Ryan, the estimable wife of Dr. J. V. Ryan. She was a most excellent lady, popular with all who know her, and her death has caused profound sorrow. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Blalock, of Plano. The concourse from Embree who followed her remains to the grave was the largest ever witnessed in this place and the number added at Plano, whither she was buried, comprised to make one of the largest funerals in Plano for years, and which shows with what universal sorrow her death was received.

- April 7, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Duck Creek Dots.

Special to the Herald.
     For six weeks, Duck Creek has enjoyed a genuine boom.
     Mr. Flood, a substantial farmer, is erecting a neat residence and already owns a business house here.
     Sam Parker, of Saxse, has just finished two business houses and Haden Moss, one on Commerce street.
     To-day a firm from Gainesville is prospecting, and will doubtless open up a general stock of merchandise soon.
     A literary society consisting of ladies and gentlemen who have the ability to make it interesting, meets every Tuesday night at James' Hall.
     Rev. Oscar Key, of Seagoville, has purchased a lot and will erect a fine house beginning the latter part of this week. Prof. Bryant is having a neat cottage built in Duck Creek, which will soon be ready for occupancy.
     Mr. J. M. James has built a large two-story building, in the lower part of which, the Duck Creek News is published, and above are held the town meetings, lodges, public worship, etc. Scarcely a day passes but the foundation is laid for a new business house.
     The Duck Creek News is out and she's "a daisy" too. Those who oppose "the will and voice of the people" can now catch their breath. We could support another paper in Duck Creek, as suggested by your correspondent, but don't wish to do so. The one we have is taking the day and suits us well enough. Everybody takes the News and sends two or three copies to his friends.
     Your Embree correspondent is "a daisy," as none but such could discover the necessity of writing up the improvements going on in Duck Creek and credit them to North Embree. Every house built, and every improvement mentioned as being in North Embree is in Duck Creek by a large majority. In fact, but for the boom in Duck Creek, your correspondent would have no material for epistolary exercises. Embree is so small a point that its North and South are too close together to worry about which side of town you are in.
     Prohibition seems to be popular. Dr. Young lectured Sunday night to a large audience at the Baptist Church and raised about $47 for the prohibition campaign. S

- April 13, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -


     The Duck Creek News, a neat 6 column weekly, made its appearance last week. A "long-felt want" has at last been filled by this paper," which is to express "the will and voice of the people." We wish it success.
     A couple of bold bad men from Rose Hill, created a breeze of excitement, Saturday, by galloping through the city, whooping and firing pistols. Deputy sheriffs Ramsey and Boyd made chase when an exciting race took place, resulting in the rounding-up of fugitives about four miles from the city. They tried very hard to escape, but it was of no avail, and they were duly tried, and fines assessed as elsewhere. Cause, too much Dallas bug-juice.
     D. W. Hansley, of Hansley, was in town Saturday.
     T. W. McDavid and W. D. Wade, of Rockwall, were in attendance at the justice court Saturday.
     Moss Maroney, Minyard, Geo. Miller and Capt. Lemmons, of Dallas, attended the justice court Saturday.
     Dr. Young, the distinguished temperance lecturer, occupied the pulpit at the Methodist Church Sunday morning. Also at the Baptist Church Sunday night, at which place an immense crowd congregated to hear him.
   In the justice court, Saturday, T. W. McDavid obtained judgment against J. F. O'Connor et al, for $130.70. Case was appealed. Several other cases were brought up and continued. N. J. Golden, of Rose Hill, was fined $25 and costs for carrying a pistol, and his partner,    John Stone, was fined $1 and trimmings for loud and boisterous language.
     For Prohibition!
     Another literary society was organized in North Embree Saturday night.
     The handsome residence of J. Beaver is assuming magnificent proportions.
     The large and commodious Pierce Hotel will be in operations in a few weeks. We understand a transfer line will run to both depots.
     The H
ERALD should publish the Richardson correspondent's photograph.
     Miss Maude Fletcher of Dallas, was visiting her mother last week.
     Embree has two millinery establishments.
     J. Rowland Day is back from Austin and has resumed his post at the head of the Enterprise.
     Sam Hawley has opened a neat stock of drugs in north Embree.
     It is rumored that the Missouri Pacific will change the name of their station to Embree.
     Sunday night, the pasture fence of Capt. W.W. Sebastian was cut in several places. The Capt. does not know who done it nor their motive in so doing.
     Misses Fannie Malersh and Fannie Collom, of Dallas, were visiting Miss Willie Gillespie this week.
     The parents of Mrs. S. Pipes, have been visiting her this week.

- April 14, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

Embree Echoes.

Special to the Herald.

     Miss Jennie McTurk has returned to her home in Oregon.
     Miss Kate Fletcher, of Dallas, is visiting friends in the city.
     J. K. Lawton is to go to Chili, South America, in a month or two.
     Free lots to any one who will build thereon, for a limited time only.
     Jas. Norton and Miss Ida Landermilk were united in marriage Monday night.
     Lee Payne, of Ferris, and Miss Chilton, of this city, eloped to Dallas where the matrimonial knot was tied.
     A glorious rain fell Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday, making everybody happy. It is the first good rain of any consequence for a year or two.
     The handsome pavilion in Alexander park is completed and the Baptist Sunday schools of Dallas will come Saturday and take charge. The most complete arrangements are being made to make this occasion one of the events of the season. Excursion rates will be given on and after that day continuously The Methodist schools will come out Saturday, the 14.
     Quite a sensation was caused last week by the mysterious action of a spring where old Duck Creek stood. A party who went after a bucket full of water, and after returning home with it, found that he had a green liquid totally different from natural water, and refused to use it. Another party, who had not noticed the new order of things, took a drink, and was shortly after seized with nausea and sickness. It is said that something was put in, poisoning the water, which looks very probable, but perhaps will never be known.

- May 4, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o



Additional City News.

Sunday School Picnic.

     The four Sunday schools -- First Baptist, East Dallas, North Dallas and South Dallas -- will go to Embree to-morrow on an excursion train, accompanied by their friends, and will be met at the park in Embree by several Sunday schools from the country around and the people of that neighborhood generally. The train leaves the Santa Fe depot in the morning at 8 o'clock; will stop in South Dallas and East Dallas for passengers, and will return in time for all to get home before dark. A brass band has been engaged to go along, and the Embree park is provided with the conveniences of a pavilion, plenty of good water, swings and croquet sets. The committees say: "Get your luncher ready and come with us." Fare 65¢, round trip; children 30¢; those under 5 go free.

- May 6, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 6, col. 1.
- o o o -

Sunday School Picnic Saturday.

     Last Saturday, eight coaches on an excursion train of the G. C. & S. F. were crowded with members of the Baptist Sunday Schools of Dallas, who were bound on a picnic excursion to Embree. At Embree, they were heartily welcomed to the lovely Embree park by a number of citizens of the neighborhood. An eloquent address of welcome was delivered by Mr. J. S. Strother, which was gracefully responded to by Rev. Dr. Hanks. Embree park seemed to have been intended by nature for picnic occasions. It is one of the most beautiful parks in Texas.
     At the proper hour, dinner was spread and done justice to by the crowd. The H
ERALD reporter is indebted to the family of Mr. Sam Clevenger, of Embree, for one of the best dinners ever served at a picnic.
     Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion and the hour of returning came only too soon.

- May 9, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

The Mammoth Picnic.

     Comes the cry from all quarters, "we are going to the grand union picnic of the Methodist Sabbath schools next Saturday." The South Dallas, Sand Hill Methodist Episcopal Church South Sunday school, sends greetings and says it wishes to be enrolled in the grand army of children to march on the beautiful suburban retreat of Embree next Saturday, and enjoy its hospitality. These schools have extended a hearty invitation to the schools of Embree and vicinity, and to the towns along the R. R., beyond Embree to participate with them in these delightful festivities on that day. Oh! the precious and well filled baskets on that occasion, and what a consumption of them. Ye reporter must desist.

- May 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Embree Echoes.

Special to the Herald.

     Miss Maude Fletcher was among the charming young ladies from Dallas at the picnic.
     The excursion and picnic Saturday was a grand success.
     Saturday the 14th the Methodist schools will come out and will undoubtedly have an immense time.
     We have been blessed with fine rains and everybody is happy.
     T. C. Elkins was made the father of twins -- bouncing girls -- last week.
     Rev. "Weeping Joe" Harding held services in Alexander park Sunday and also at the Baptist church this week.
     This place is death on Postoffice Inspectors.
     R. C. Wyatt is having a handsome addition put to his house.
     S. A. Allen has had his residence much improved by an addition and fence.
     F. L. Bryant's residence is nearing completion.
     Postoffice Inspector Williams was in the city Friday and Saturday for the purpose of adjusting the postoffice trouble here.

- May 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

The Big Picnic.

     The mammoth picnic Saturday at Embree, in which five Sunday schools were represented and which took eleven coaches to transport the crowd, was one of the pleasantest and most successful affairs of the kind ever given. There was no accident and everything worked as smoothly as clock work. The management deserve thanks for the success that attended their efforts to please everybody.
     Embree Park is eighteen miles from Dallas, and is a beautiful spot. Dr. Embree, for whom the town and park were named, deserved the highest praise for the interest he has taken to beautify this park and make it so pleasant and attractive. It will certainly become a very popular resort for picnics and public gatherings.

- May 16, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Embree Echoes.

     Miss Willie Gillespie returned to her home in Dallas this week.
     Miss Milam, of Dallas, was at the picnic Saturday.
     Rev. W. F. Clark has gone on a trip to his old home in Arkansas where he will remain a week or so.
     Dr. C. C. Gillespie is to deliver a temperance lecture Friday night.
     S. L. Pearce is building a meat market.
     A. E. Ryan is to commence a new business house this week.
     J. T. Beaver will build a residence soon.
     Your reporter was pleased to note the presence of Miss Maude Fletcher, of Dallas, at the picnic Saturday.
     Some of the boys woefully "full" one night last week.
     We would inform the Richardson correspondent that the picnic was held at [the] place designated as Embree, and not Duck Creek, as stated by him.
     The Forney Register sits down very hard on our Duck Creek News, and we also notice that the Wylie Herald slings a good deal of slang at it. What's the matter? Must have trod on the wrong cat's tail.
     Miss Susie McCullough was out from Dallas Saturday.
     L. S. Reed, the Missouri Pacific station agent, has been transferred elsewhere. Mr. ----- Brashear takes his place.
     The opportunity of securing a free lot will soon be lost, as the time is nearly out. A residence or business lot free to any one who will put a house on it!
     The business houses in North Embree are nearing completion.
     Almost every business house was decorated with a beautiful flag Saturday and stores were closed from 11 to 3 in honor of the excursionists.
     Slight rain Monday.
     The Methodist Sunday School picnic and excursion to this place from Dallas, Saturday, was another grand success. Two trains came out on the Santa Fe, at 9 and 2:30 respectively. The Embree Cornet Band and home Sunday School met the excursionists at the depot and escorted them to the park. After the band played "The Grand Entry March," Col. J.S. Strother delivered an address of welcome which was responded to by Mr. Porter. Everything passed off lovely. A number of prominent men were present but space forbids mention.

- May 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

Duck Creek Dots.

     Your Richardson correspondent was right, the picnic was at Duck Creek.
     The new co-operative store was opened up on Thursday by Mr. T.F. Nash, business manager. The stock-holders are composed of members of the Grange, Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor.
     Within the past ten weeks, 28 business houses and residences have been added to Duck Creek. We are beginning to assume the proportions of a city.
     The Duck Creek News is rapidly gaining in public favor. Already, its circulation is equal to that of ordinary local papers, and it is increasing daily. The people all like it.
     Mr. Redman, a prominent farmer, is erecting a business house on Commerce street.
     Duck Creek lots are too valuable to give away, but they are being sold as fast as the deeds can be made. They are selling at very reasonable figures.
     Mr. S. Brandenburg has just completed a handsome business house, which is probably the best in town. We understand it will be used for a dry good store.
     The farmers are all very busy with their cotton, corn and wheat, all of which are doing finely. The crow never flew over a finer country than that which surrounds Duck Creek.
     Messrs. Moore & Harbison have just completed their business house on Commerce street, and will occupy it next week.
     Rev. G. O. Key, of Seagoville, is erecting a handsome residence in Duck Creek.
     Mr. Wilson will soon begin the erection of a residence here.
     The Pacific Drug store will next week move into the new building just completed by Dr. Summers.
     Duck Creek will have a cotton yard next fall. The Farmers Alliance have already taken the proper steps to secure it, and Mr. Tinsley has donated the land.
     Any person wishing to locate in a lively, growing, thrifty young town will do well to come to Duck Creek before going elsewhere. We are strictly on a boom out here.

- May 23, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -


     Lewis Longmire, a young man who, during the winter, was deputy sheriff and waited upon the county court, is now confined to his room at his home in Duck Creek. He is gradually sinking with that fatal disease, consumption.

- May 25, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -

Embree Echoes.

Special to the Herald.
     Harvesting has commenced in earnest.
     The Santa Fe gives excursion rates to this place every Sunday, besides on special occasions.
     Some person entered the residence of Charles Kennon Sunday evening for the purpose of robbery, but did not secure much.
     Sunday morning a party of eight or ten couples came down from Farmersville and held a picnic in Alexander Park, returning in the evening.
     Fred Notzli is building a 16x44 business house, which will be finished in the most thorough style. It will be occupied by Mrs. McSpadden as a millinery establishment.
     The Mikado Club, of Dallas, came out to Embree Thursday and spent the day dancing and picnicking at Alexander Park. This place is rapidly coming into popularity as a summer resort.

- May 30, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

Duck Creek Dots.

Special to the Herald.
UCK CREEK, June 1, [1887.]

     Duck Creek's prosperity continues unabated, and her citizens feel proud of her future prospects. Several drummers have been in our midst recently, and sold our merchants good bills. They all speak in flattering terms of our town.
     The Farmers Alliance and Grangers Cotton Yard in Duck Creek will be a big thing for the town this fall. The farmers will sell their cotton for the cash right here, and will, of course, spend a good deal of cash with our merchants.
     Crop prospects are fine. The recent rains have delayed wheat harvest, but have caused corn, cotton and oats to grow at an unprecedented rate. Wheat is good, and corn will be the best ever made in this county, so say many farmers.
     Rev. W. F. Clark, pastor of the Duck Creek M. E. Church, returned Saturday from a visit to Arkansas, accompanied by his wife.
     Prof. W. H. Long is teaching a class in penmanship in Duck Creek.
     Curfman, Williams & Clark, last week, opened up a dry goods house, next door to the News office.
     Mr. J. V. Floyd has also opened up a stock of dry goods on Commerce street.
     A saddle and harness maker is in town prospecting, and will likely open up business here.
     Our two railroads seem to be doing a good business.
     The prohibition question is freely discussed here. Judge R. E. Burke will address the prohibition club at Duck Creek hall next Friday night. An anti speaker will also be on hand, we understand.
     The H
ERALD is very popular in Duck Creek, and our people are glad that we have at least one daily paper that is not afraid to come out on the right side of the great question of prohibition.
     Duck Creek polls about 300 votes and will roll up a good majority for the amendment.
     Several new residences and business houses are in course of erection in South Duck Creek.
     Your Richardson correspondent pays us quite a compliment, in saying we have a nice little town. If he will call around next fall, we will show him a nice big town.
     The Howard Oil Company will soon begin the erection of their large cotton seed warehouse near the Missouri Pacific depot.
     The Waters' Pierce Oil Company have an oil warehouse here, and last week received a car load of oil. Duck Creek can furnish oil for the surrounding counties at wholesale.

- June 2, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     ....during the week ending June 11, 1887.

     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe R.R. Co., to T. Zaut, lot in Embree, $400.

- June 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
- o o o -

Embree Echoes.
[Portions of margin are torn, affecting text]

Special to the Herald.

     Miss Susie McCullough, of Dallas, [visited?] Embree this week.
     Miss Minnie Nicks is visiting her s[ister?], Mrs. F.L. Bryan, this week.
     Some "kids" emptied kerosene oil [in] Williams & Curfman's well, rendering it useless.
     C. H. Crush, who has charge of the hardware house formerly encouraged by N. Thorpe, has put down platform scales.
     Dr. J. V. Ryan has opened a branch drug store at Wylie, with Sara Hawley and Chas. Crossman, both of this place, in charge.
     A grand prohibition rally at Alexander Park some time soon is spoken of.
     One or two knock-downs of late; no one seriously damaged.
     Judge R.E. Burke delivered a prohibition speech at James Hall Friday night to a crowded house. It was a fine effort, evidently carefully prepared, and the judge was frequently applauded. Several antis "turned over," your correspondent being personally acquainted with them. We hope to hear the judge again.
     The colored brethren will hold high carnival at White Rock bridge, on the Greenville road, on Emancipation day.
     Emanuel Clark has been employed in the dry goods department of Williams and Curfman, in North Embree.
     Mr. Guinn, brother of J.D. Guinn, [em]ployed at the roller mills, arrived last week from Pennsylvania, and will take his brother's place at the mills for a short time.
     Oh, for another postoffice inspector to do up!
     Several Embreeites attended the school exercises at Plano.
     G. L. Pearce has sold his hotel to Dr. K. H. Embree, and the latter has sold his farm to Mr. Pearce.
     The Embree-Williomian Club gave a kind of pound supper, ball, jubilee or something, at the park Tuesday night. A grand time is reported.
     Saturday was a busy day, and more boys than usual were "full."
     Prof. G. W. Crossman has opened a commercial school in Ryan's Hall, teaching book-keeping, type writing, etc.
     Chas. Crossman was down from Wylie to see his girl last Sunday.
     The Embree Cornet band play some pretty good music now, and are ready to play for picnics, etc. Address the secretary for terms. They will serenade the town next week we are informed.
     A. J. Beaver has moved into his handsome new residence.
     The Duck Creek correspondent thinks the report in South Duck Creek does an injury in speaking of North Embree.
     Rain Sunday evening.
     Barney Silvestian and Miss Jennie Talley, having been erroneously reported married several times, concluded to make reports true and were wedded Sunday the 29 at Rockwall.
     Prof. W.W. Shepherd opened school Monday.
     An election was held Saturday to elect school trustees, resulting in the election of Geo. W. James, John T. James and Henderson Coyl[e], the old board.
     T. T. Haley, our new saddle and harness maker, is doing a good business.
     Several of the Embreeites will attend the jubilee at Paris.
     Several new dwellings are going up, but they are too numerous to mention. Embree is destined to become a fine town some of these days. If the H
ERALD man will allow us to use his new word, we will modestly remark that Embree is razooping with a wonderful razoop.
     The Richardson correspondent says that "if Embree and Duck Creek would unite, it would soon be as fine a town as Richardson." May the good Lord deliver us.
     T. T. Haley is building a saddlery shop on Hunter street.
     The early train on the Santa Fe is a great convenience.
     Miss Oma McCullough has opened a school in James' hall.

- June 17, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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To Incorporate.

     Citizens of the thriving city of Embree have petitioned the county court for an election for the purpose of incorporating, which has been ordered for July 2. It seems that a portion of the territory claimed by "Duck Creek" is included, in consequence of which that whole end of the town is in an uproar. Duck Creek is willing to be included entirely if they will call it Duck Creek, or if they will move the Embree post office down there, they will agree to the name of Embree, and thus the matter stands with Embree firm and determined, while Duck Creek seems to be weakening,

- June 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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     Mrs. Henry Waller is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. E. Fletcher, at Embree.

- June 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Mysteriously Disappeared.

     Mr. G.W. Morrison, of Morris, came to Dallas a few days ago in search of his brother, Henry Morrison. He says that he was in Dallas and mysteriously disappeared on the 8th of June. He had an Elgin watch and $80 in money, and it is his opinion from what he has learned since he came here, that there has been foul play, and he fears that his brother has been put out of the way. The fact that he was here on the 8th and easily accounted for up to that day, and all trace of him after that time, looks very suspicious.
     His descriptions is as follows: Black hair and dark eyes, black mustache, 5 feet 10 inches high; 25 years old, scar over left eye.

- June 23, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
- o o o -

Local Items of Interest.

     Henry Morrison, who left Embree prior to the 8th day of June, and who has not been heard from since then, came to Dallas to buy a stock of drugs. If the gentleman does not turn up soon on his own motion, it is pretty evident that he has been fouly dealt with.

- June 24, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
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Grand Picnic at Duck Creek.

   To-morrow there will be a grand Knights of Labor, Farmers Alliance and Grange picnic at Duck Creek, the junction of the Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe railroads. An excursion train will leave the T. & P. depot about 7 o'clock, returning in the evening. The fare for the round trip will be 40 cents. Everybody is invited to attend. Prominent speakers will address the people on the principles of the different orders. An abundance of dinner will be provided for all who may attend.

- July 6, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
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Picnicing To-Day.

     The Farmers' Alliance and Knights of Labor are having a grand picnic at Duck Creek to-day. An excursion train left this morning for the picnic. There was not a very large number who embraced the opportunity to picnic. The boys say it was too close upon the heels of Fourth of July.

- July 7, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 3, col. 1.
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     W. Fielding, Embree....morning arrival at the St. James [Hotel].

- July 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 4, col. 2.
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Habeas Corpus Case.

     Judge Hurt was to hear a habeas corpus case this morning of William Fagle, charged with an assault to outrage the person of Mrs. E. Moore, of Embree, but the judge did not put in an appearance, and the witnesses in the case were instructed to appear in court to-morrow at 12 o'clock. The readers will remember this case, an account of which, was given about four weeks ago (issue apparently not on film....not found)

- July 25, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald , p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -

Habeas Corpus Case.

     Judge Hurt was to hear a habeas corpus case this morning of William Fagle, charged with an assault to outrage the person of Mrs. E. Moore, of Embree, but the judge did not put in appearance, and the witnesses in the case were instructed to appear in court to-morrow at 12 o'clock. The readers will remember this case, an account of which was given about four weeks ago.

- July 25, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -

Dallas County Official Vote.

Embree.....................................................110 128
Duck Creek...............................................110 128

[Note: the above-cited election concerned the statewide prohibition resolution--the Anti-Prohibitionists carrying the election.]

- August 5, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Noon edition), p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     Mr. Robert M. Hodges, of Embree, and Miss Mamie McCullough of this city, were married at Floyd Street Methodist church last night.

- August 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -

Personally Responsible.

Duck Creek News.

   The editor of this paper is personally responsible for what appears in its editorial columns. The man who thinks he can dictate what we shall or shall not say is the worst mistaken individual that we know of.

- August 18, 1887, Dallas Morning News, p. 4, col. 6.
- o o o -

The First Bale at Duck Creek.

Duck Creek, Tex., Aug. 18. -- The first bale of cotton was bought here to-day by W.A. Tinsley. The price paid was 10 cents per pound and $15 premium. It was raised by John Dudley, in this neighborhood.

- August 19, 1887, Dallas Morning News, p. 6, col. 2.
- o o o -


     POLITICS seem to be opening up this (next) year. The Duck Creek News gives away its contemporary in this style:
     They do say that Editor Knox, of the Mesquiter, has an idea of running for the legislature next year. We suppose Mr. Knox thinks he is entitled to the place, by virtue of being editor of the Mesquiter. Mr. Nash was once its editor, and went to the legislature.     Mr. Kimbrough was editor, and went to the "law factory," and Knox very likely believes in the "eternal fitness of things) and will try to follow the example of his industrious predecessors, and ride into legislative halls on the editorial tripod. Well, it's a free country.
     Newspaper men, no doubt, think they had just as well go to the legislature and make good laws at once, as to undertake to take the law-makers into the right way.

- August 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, (Evening edition), p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     A gentleman just in, says: "the Duck Creek and Embree pickets were stationed close enough to hear each other talking last night; yet no hostilities happened."

- August 24, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -

Applies for Bail.

     William Fogle was before Judge Hurt this afternoon under a writ of habeas corpus, charged with rape, committed on Mrs. L. E. Moore, of Duck Creek. The evidence is unfit for publication. The court fixed the bond of defendant at $250, which he gave at once. J. B. Fogle, T. W. Miller and T. M. Morris are his sureties. Accused has lain in jail two months and is suffering with rheumatism on a serious charge which turns out to amount to very little.

- August 25, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

Next Friday.

   Judge Rainey, of Waxahachie, will hear motions to dissolve all the injunctions in the Duck Creek and Embree contests next Friday. His decision will settle the matter, one way or the other, and both sides will doubtless be satisfied.

- August 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Evening edition), p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     NASH of Duck Creek is an enterprising merchant, and Duck Creek is fortunate in having him, while the farmers of northeast Dallas county are to be congratulated on having a Duck Creek. The fall business was started off lively there yesterday by the sale through the Alliance and Grange yards of thirty-two bales of cotton, to the highest bidder, Nash & Tinsley bidding it in at 8.42.

- September 2, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Noon edition), p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

[Editorial page]

     The Duck Creek News which is printed within a stone's throw of the Embree Enterprise, enters a denial of warlike demonstrations between the twin towns in this way:
     To read the Dallas papers, one would suppose that the citizens of the two towns were "laying" for each other with shotguns and stuffed clubs. This is quite a mistaken idea. We all speak kindly to one another as we pass, and visit each other's towns most every day. While there are no great gobs of harmony and brotherly love rolling around between the two towns, we are a peaceable set, and our Dallas contemporaries will be disappointed if they expect to have any blood-shed or actual warfare to chronicle from our town with two names.

- September 2, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Noon edition), p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

[Editorial page]

The Duck Creek News says:
     Dallas and East Dallas are courting and there is a likelihood of a wedding in the near future. Can't we have a double wedding, and all answer to the same ceremony?
     Duck Creek and Embree could easily unite their fortunes, but for the fact that each wants to wear the pants. Neither is willing to stay at home and keep house.

- September 2, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald (Noon edition), p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

[Editorial Page]

The Embree Enterprise claims to be on a sure foundation with the merchants to back it.

- September 10, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
-o o o -


     We suppose, from the long silence of our Embree correspondent, that he has been slain or badly wounded by some Duck Creeker.

- September 13, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Hersld, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -




A Question of Growing Interest.

     Yesterday, Judge Aldridge rendered a decision in the Duck Creek-Embree controversy, in which he held that the injunction restraining Embree from holding an election was without authority and illegal; that the courts had no power to interfere with elections or the exercise of elective franchise in any way, and he dismissed the parties arraigned for contempt in holding said election in face of the injunction in view of this late decision, the HERALD thinks it questionable if Judge Aldridge would grant an injunction restraining the city from holding the election ordered for December 2, should it be sued for.

- November 22, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -


     What has become of the Embree and Duck Creek case? Has grim-visaged war smoothed his wrinkled front and agreed to crawl off and die?

- September 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
-o o o -

Police Court.

       J. F. Jenks, colored ex-hack driver, was up for theft. The circumstances are about this shape: R. B. Marshall of Embree, got too much anti-pro abroad. Friday night, and early Saturday morning called on Jenks to escort him to the Santa Fe depot. Jenks did so, and for his service, so alleged, relieved Marshall of $18 in cash and his silver watch.

- September 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
- o o o -

[Editorial Page]

     A FEW weeks ago, Duck Creek started off "brash," sweeping everything before it in the rush for cotton. Now the Mesquite Mesquiter brags at the expense of Duck Creek, after this style:
     A New Hope farmer took cotton to Duck Creek to sell one day this week, but they didn't have money enough to buy it, or didn't offer enough, or something. Anyhow, he hauled it back and brought it to Mesquite, where he sold it at the top of the market. All roads lead to Mesquite.

- September 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

[Editorial page]

     The Embree Enterprise makes a suggestion which is a new and good idea. It is hoped that we can get up a mammoth excursion from here to the Fair at Dallas. Let everybody take a well-filled basket and have dinner on the grounds.

- October 1, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
-o o o -

District Court Proceedings.
Special venires ordered for five murder cases.

     The afternoon has been occupied in hearing a motion to dissolve the injunctino of a few months ago restraining Embree from voting on the question of incorporation. Judge Burke is counsel for J. T. Merschew who represents Embree and the opposition is represented by J. Robertson and others, with Fitzhugh and Mozercraft, as counsel.

- October 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -


     J. T. Mewshaw, Embree, registered at the St. George this morning.

- October 11, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -

Official Count.

   The election returns of local option in the third precinct of Dallas county, which includes Duck Creek and Embree, were canvassed by the county commissioners' court yesterday, and the result showed a majority of 7 for prohibition. The county by voting precincts stood as follows: Pleasant Valley, for 54, against 18; Rose Hill for 8, against 37; Duck Creek, for 77, against 66. This would make a majority of 18 for prohibition, but the county commissioners threw out 69 cast for local option and 58 against it, the law requiring that the tickets shall read for or against prohibition.

- October 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
- o o o -

West Dallas Dots.

     Prof. Slidell, of Duck Creek, was a guest of the correspondent Sunday.

- October 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Apportionment of School Fund
For This Scholastic Year.

     District No. 2. -- Duck Creek, school No. 1, $292.50; School No. 2, $234.00; School No. 3, $180.00
     District 11 -- Duck Creek, School No. 1, $355.50; School NO. 2. (colored), $211.50
     District No. 12 -- Duck Creek, School No. 1, $819.00; School No. 2, $180.00; School No. 3 (colored), $22.50.

- October 17, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -


Injunction Dissolved, and Appeal Taken.

     The case of Duck Creek vs. Embree (through representative citizens) in which the district court was prayed to dissolve the injunction granted a few weeks ago restraining Embree from incorporating, was continued this morning, and resulted in the dissolution of the injunction. That would have left Embree free to go ahead with its election on the question of incorporation, but for the power of appeal, which was taken advantage of by the Duck Creek parties. Fitzhugh & Wozencraft, attorneys for Duck Creek representatives, gave notice of appeal; and the appeal bond was fixed at $2000. So, Embree will have to wear short dresses for a while longer.
     During the interim between the injunction and the dissolution, several efforts have been made to compromise the differences between the two towns. Embree proposed to unite under the name of Union City, but the postoffice to remain where it is, near the Embree business centre. Duck Creek amended this with the agreement to accept Union City as a name, provided the postoffice should be moved at their expense to a point midway between the business parts of the two towns. This amendment was not accepted by Embree; and the matter now goes to the supreme court.

- October 17, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 1.
- o o o -

The Great Fair


Thousands Throng to the Grounds

     A special premium was given for the best general display in this class, and awarded to Miss Mary E. Swope, of Embree. Her display was delicious and, at the same time, beautiful and showed the highest attainment in the culinary art.

- October 28, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 2-4.
- o o o -


     Dr. J. C. Ryan and Mr. J. Brown, Embree, were in town yesterday.

- November 8, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o --

Embree Halted Again.

     The people of Dallas and readers of Dallas papers are familiar with the effort of Embree to incorporate and its failure because of the injunction sued out by Duck Creek, which was only dissolved a short while ago, and opposed by Duck Creek. Yesterday was again appointed by Embree as the day to vote on incorporation; but Duck Creek was on hand again suing a writ of posse restraining Embree from holding the election before the decision of the supreme court. So, Embree will again serve a term at waiting.

- November 12, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Duck Creek vs. Embree.

     The cause above styled is a familiar one to all the people of Dallas county. Embree, tired of being blocked at every turn towards incorporation by injunctions, etc., prompted by Duck Creek, determined Saturday to vote on incorporation in the face of Judge Aldrige's order restraining them from doing so. Now, to-day, comes J. T. Mewshaw of Duck Creek and makes affidavit against the representatives of Embree, J. V. Ryan, J. D. Robinson, W. L. Hunter, G. E. Wallace, Sam Pipes and R. B. Marshall, charging them with contempt of court, in holding the election Saturday in disobedience to the injunction of District Judge Aldrige restraining them from holding said election. The action of Judge Aldrige will now be watched with much interest.

- November 14, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

District Court.

     In the Duck Creek Embree case, writs of attachment have been issued against all the parties who held the injunction order of the court in contempt. Judge Aldrige will hear the case next Friday.

- November 15, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
- o o o -


Diagram of the Newly Incorporated Embree.

     A way back in the history of Dallas county, before the era of Santa Fes, Mo-Pac's and railroad Embrees, there was a good old fashioned village by the uphonious name of Duck Creek; on the creek by that name. But the Santa Fe came along, passing a mile from the old town, and the new town of Embree was built. Then, later on, the Missouri Pacific built that way, and Duck Creek spread herself out to a depot on the Missouri Pacific, and soon old Duck Creek was deserted by the new; but the rivalry and unneighborly feeling which had existed between Embree and old Duck Creek, was continued between the new rival railroad towns. The HERALD has kept its readers well posted on the efforts of Embree to get an election on incorporation and the success of Duck Creek in defeating by legal means said desired incorporation. But on Saturday, Embree disobeyed the injunction of the district court, restraining them from holding an election while the case was in the supreme court, and the town was voted to be incorporated. Duck Creek then came up through representatives and made affidavit against the representatives of Embree and Judge Aldridge issued warrants for their arrest. All the particulars of the contest have been published; and the HERALD to-day published from official papers in the suit, a diagram of Embree as incorporated Saturday, and shows the two railroads, and old and new Duck Creek, as well as the location of some of the objectors to incorporation, who were left outside.
     Duck Creek's proposition to remove the postoffice from Mershaw street to a point midway between the two towns, and adopt a new name or retain the name of Embree, was very fair. The population of the two rivals is about equal.

- November 16, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1.
- o o o -


     The Duck-Creek Embree case was taken up at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

- November 18, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     J. D. Robinson and wife to Mrs. M. B. Rogers, 2 acres of the W. Bassett survey, $1,500.
     W. B. Rogers, executor, to J. D. Robinson, lot 6, block 15, and lots 13, 14 and 15, block 13, Embree, $1,500.
     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company, to Mrs. M. B. Rogers, lot 2, block 13, Embree, $1.
     Same grantor to Sallie C. Cook, lot 1, block 24, Embree, $1.
     Same grantor to R. C. Ricks, lot 30, block 16, Embree, $1.
Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company, to Robert McKinney, lot 15, block 20, Embree, $1.

- November 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -


Another Chapter of the Em-
bree Duck Creek War.

     As noted by the HERALD last evening, the trial of the Embree election mangers for contempt of court in holding the incorporation election contrary to the injunction of the court, began in the afternoon.
     Judge Burke, attorney for Embree, responded at length, claiming substantially that the defendants had the highest regard for the court, and had not intended to show any disrespect for it. He claimed that the first writ of injunction granted by Hon. Geo. A. McCall stayed the election then about to take place, and that on trial the first of this term of the district court that injunction was dissolved, the court holding that the injunction had been illegally made; that order and consequent proceedings being illegal, so must all the proceedings thereto be null and void; that their election was held on an order of the County Judge issued Oct. 28, for Nov. 12; that if the injunction proceedings were illegal, how could they by guilty of contempt in their case?
     Capt. Wozencraft, representing plaintiff, replied; and counsel on both sides read decisions bearing on the case.
     Judge Aldridge dismissed the case against Mr. J. E. Erwin, but announced that in the cases of Dr. J. B. Ryan, W. L. Hunter, J. D. Robinson, G. E. Wallace and S. L. Pipes, he would give his decision next Monday at 2 o'clock. In the meantime, he turned the defendants over to the surveillance of a deputy sheriff.

- November 19, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 1, col. 1-2.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     Judge Aldridge's Duck Creek-Embree decision smacks of local self-government and will be generally approved regardless of prejudices in the case.

- November 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
- o o o -

Finale of Duck Creek-Embree.

     Judge Aldridge, this afternoon, rendered his decision in the celebrated Duck Creek-Embree case which was taken under advisement last Friday.
     After a short rehearsal of the facts and circumstances connected with the case, the Judge briefly summed up his decision as follows:
     He said that if Judge McCall, who granted the injunction restraining the holding of the election, had jurisdiction in the matter at issue, the parties were guilty of the charge of contempt, and that the question of jurisdiction hinged upon three points.
     First--There is no appeal from the county judge's decision to order an election. That with him rests the sole responsibility of investigating and seeing that the law has been fully complied with in petitioning an election, and after his decision has been rendered and an order for the election issued, the district court can have no power over the subject matter involved.
     Second--In this case, the appeal bond had been filed and approved, which act invested the supreme court with power to act and took from the court all jurisdiction.
     Third--The vote in holding an election is a political question and not one for the courts to interfere with. That when people assemble to vote, nobody's rights are invaded, and that the question of whether or not the people shall vote is not a question for the courts. That the exercise of authority in this direction by the courts would be dangerous, and for the reasons given, the respondents were discharged.

- November 21, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     J. D. Robinson and wife to the Sanger Brothers, 100 acres, 10 1/2 miles northeast of the city, $4,000.

- November 30, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     G. W. James and wife to H. K. Harris, 17 26/100 [acres] thirteen miles northeast of the city, $1,232.

- December 3, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. M. Foreman to Mrs. Gertrude Netzer, Lot 3, Block 16, Embree, "love and affection for her as my mother-in-law."

- December 7, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Tinsley and wife to Means & Caldwell, Lots 13 & 14, Block 17, Tinsley's addition to Embree, $50.
     R. B. Marshall to L. M. Fluke [Flook], Lot 10, Block 15, Embree, $525.

- December 13, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

    The matter of electing a congressman next year seems already to be enlisting interest from all quarters of the district. The Kaufman Sun very kindly mentions the name of Senator J. O. Terrell, and then complains that Gibbs, Robertson, Crawford and Nash of this county still keep an optic in that direction. The Sun says that either of the gentlemen would "give his chances of a crown in heaven for the privilege of filling or rattling in Wellborn's seat," and that there are others here wanting to be governor, supreme judge, etc.," altogether marring the harmony which should prevail in this county. The Duck Creek News promptly speaks up for its townsman and declares Nash would have nothing less than the governship. If any one is authorized to speak for the others he has not yet made himself heard.

- December 13, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -


   THE postoffice at Embree was changed in name to Garland, and in location to a point midway between the twin town of Duck Creek-Embree. But the Embree Enterprise seems not so well pleased with this compromise by the government as does the Duck Creek News. The Enterprise says Garland don't go down that way; evidently thinks the garland is not composed of genuine olive branches.

- December 20, 1887, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. J. Keller to T. C. Haley, Lot 1, Block 3, Embree, $25.

- December 23, 1887, The Dallas Morning News, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Linsey and wife to W. Redman, Lot 10, Block 17, Duck Creek, $30.

- December 24, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     K. H. Embree to J. T. Bever [Beaver] & Co., his interest in the lower room of a building known as the Knights of Honor & Odd Fellows Hall, Duck Creek, $700.
     J. T. Bever [Beaver] and wife to Blankenship & Blake, the last mentioned property, $1,000.

- December 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 1.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

      J. T. W. T. Beaver to Blankenship and Black do.,Lot 8, block 10, Embree, $100.
Same parties, Lots 14 and 15, bolock 19, Embree, $700..
      J. T. Beaver & Co., to Nicholas F. Pace, a $25 interst in Lot 17, Block 15, and the upper story of the business house on said lot, the vendor's interest being an eighth of the lot, [Embree], $25.

- December 27, 1887, Dallas Daily Times Herald
- o o o -

Real Estate

List of Transfers Made Up to the Latest Hour To-day.

     W. M. Hedges and wife to G. W. James, 2 1/2 acres on Duck creek, 16 miles northeast of courthouse, $120.
     S. W. Alexander to G. W. James, a lot in Duck Creek, $50.

- May 9, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
- o o o -

Democratic Primaries.
The County at Large.

     Embree--G. W. Crossman, delegate, Cleveland
and Kimbrough indorse.
     Garland-- M. M. Clark, J. M. James, H. K. Harris,
Volney Caldwell and W. M. Martin, delegates.

- May 14, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate.

     W. A. Tinsley and wife to T. F. Graham, a lot in Duck Creek, $80.

- May 15, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
- o o o -


    The first dissatisfaction that has been heard in regard to the course of Judge Abbott comes in this shape from the Embree Enterprise:
    Joe Abbott may have made a good speech on the tariff, but since, over his own signature, he admits having been one-sided and partial in the matter of moving the postoffice at Embree, he is not the kind of representative the people want, and consequently he will hear from them next November.
    As this is not the last that will be heard from the Embree paper and the Embree people on this point, and, therefore, the public should be made acquainted with the circumstances under which he was derelict in his duty as congressman, and wherein he committed such a wrong as entitles him to defeat. Two railroads crossed each other at or near the old village of Duck Creek. Each built a depot, not at the crossing, but within half a mile of each other. The roads had lands given them and each desire to build a town. With the railroads were owners of real estate who were equally anxious that their real estate should be enhanced in value. The main point was to secure the postoffice for one of these two places, because it was considered that whichever secured the office would have the biggest boom as the coming city. Abbott was called on to settle this matter. Postoffice agents came down from Washington and looked into it. Influences of all kinds were brought to bear by both sides on the postoffice authorities and finally the matter was adjusted by Duck Creek, or Garland, securing the prize. This was the sum and substance of Abbott's offending. If he had been so fortunate as to have two postoffices at his disposal he would without doubt have given one to Duck Creek and the other to Embree, but he was poor in postoffices and did his best--that is, by trying to harmonize and create a new office called Garland, which he believed would be convenient to both neighborhoods. It was an awful crime and Embree proposes to hurl him from office for it. Had he given the office to Embree, Duck Creek would have done the hurling. His abilities are not considered. His work is not thought of. Were he a Webster or Clay it makes no difference to Embree. He did not do to suit the Embree people in the matter of the postoffice, and overboard he must go. No one desires to enter into a dispute as to whether or not the Embree folks have reason to be angry, but the public generally will take some hand in this matter of throwing him out, by neck and heels, because of this small local row. There are matters of much more national gravity than the Garland postoffice affair. The questions are simply is Judge Abbott capacitated to respectably represent the 6th congressional district in these matters? Has he shown intelligence and diligence and honestly as a congressman? These questions are answered by the further and broad one. "Show the contrary and out he goes." In the convention called to select a candidate his name will be presented. And it will be asked if he is competent and qualified, and if any Democrat has reasons why he should not be returned. Doubtless Embree will be there--perhaps other localities with postoffice troubles will have representatives on the floor and they will arise and say. "True he is an honest man. True he is diligent man. True he is an intelligent man. He is sound on the tariff and in thorough accord with the principles of our party, and he wouldn't give us a postoffice and this disqualifies him as a proper representative in congress from this district." And then the convention will arise and crack the vaulted heavens with its peal of laughter. The district does not propose to select its congressman with reference to his position on the Duck Creek-Embree-Garland postoffice.

- June 1, 1888, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -


   The Embree Enterprise addresses a half-column editorial to the TIMES-HERALD in defense of their denunciation of Congressman Abbott for the removal of the postoffice in Embree to the Duck Creek side of the town, and the change of name to Garland. From the editorial we excerpt:
   Our people have lost their property, as lots made vacant by the removal of the postoffice and subsequent moving of business houses to the location of the office will testify. This could have been easily avoided, too, by simply locating the office between the two business centres and but two or three blocks from where it now stands.
   The T
IMES-HERALD well remembers the efforts of Duck Creek to compromise their differences with Embree, and one of the propositions was to put the office at a point midway between the two towns and allowing the name of Embree to continue. This was indignantly rejected by Embree, and now she loses all. Government is for the greatest good to the greatest number. This principle was observed in the removal of the postoffice to where the people wanted it.

- June 16, 1888, The Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

[No Heading]

     To the Embree-Enterprise: Keep cool and do not get down to your undershirt so early in the season. There is plenty of time to strip between this and November. And, if you are determined to whip somebody, whip the editor of the Garland News: the Times-Herald men have long since passed the fighting stage.

- June 30, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 2.
- o o o -

Local Notes and Views

    The primary election at Embree was quite lively, resulting in a bolt by the Garland element. The Embree element elected G. W. Crossman county delegate, instructing him for Furman. The Garland element was sold for Abbott

- July 24, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     S. A. Allen and wife to Geo. W. James, 100 x 200 feet on the Dallas & Greenville public road, on the W. Bassell survey, $10.
     G. E. Wallace and wife to George W. James, a lot in the last described locality, $25.
     J. W. Ryan to George W. James, a lot in the same locality, $20.

- October 27, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfer.

     William A. Linsley and wife to J. M. James, a lot in the town of Embree, $50.
     Same grantors to J. M. James, a lot in Duck Creek (town), $60.

- November 5, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -


J. D. Robinson Assigns and Several
Attachments Are Run.

    J. D. Robinson, a Garland merchant, made an assignment Saturday, with Kenneth Foree assignee. The following appear in the schedule of preferred creditors:
    Robert Murphy, notes, $500; National Exchange Bank, $850; M. B. Rogers, $4500; Blankenship & Blake Company, $642.50; Dallas Grocery Company, $52.09; Armstrong & Co., a note for $472.24, and an open account for $596.76; Buford, Porter & Co., $486.27; T. Billington, $57; Babcock, Foote & Brown, $39.40; L. Phillipson, $33; Sanger Bros., $92.15; Taylor Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, $37.37; Waters-Pierce Oil Company, $14.99; Empire Mills, $126.75. Total $8501.52.
   The assets are given at $9500, as follows: Stock of dry goods, etc., $4500; notes and accounts, $5000.
   The following named firms have filed attachment proceedings against Robinson:
Blankenship & Blake, $1071.29; Buford, Porter & Co., $486.27; Armstrong & Co., $1147.

- November 12, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

    J. D. Robinson and wife to J. W. Reeder, et als, lots 13, 14 and 15, block 13, in the town of Embree, [$]104.

- November 16, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     J. C. Ervin and wife to Crossman & Hall, lot 1, block 9, Embree, $1508.

- November 24, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

    W. J. Keller to R. A. Crossman, lot 2 in block 3, Keller's addition to the town of Embree, $25.

- December 1, 1888, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Tinsley and wife to T. S. Lankford, a lot in Embree, $80.
     T. S. Lankford and wife to D. A. McCullum, a lot in Tinsley's addition to Embree, $750.

- January 12, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -



What is Going On In and Around
the City.

      J. T. Beaver & Co. of Garland, today, filed a deed trust making R. C. Wyatt trustee and conveying to him their stock of general merchandise and fixtures as well as a lot in the town of Embree to secure M. D. Wells & Co., of Chicago in the sum of $1552.15.

- July 30, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1.
- o o o -

Local Notes.

     Mr. Robert M. Hodges, of Embree, and Miss Mamie McCullough of this city, were married at Floyd Street Methodist church last night.

- August 11, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Tinsley and wife to S. J. McClain, lots 8 & 9, block 19, and lot 1, block 12, Duck Creek, $120.

- August 23, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     Robert C. McKinney to W. C. Galloway, Lot 15, Block 20, in Embree, Dallas County, $100.

- December 20, 1889, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
- o o o -


     Jessie A. Moore to William A. Moore, 320 acres of land on Duck creek, 13 miles northeast of the court house in the city of Dallas, $64.

- January 9, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1 col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     Blankenship & Blake to H. W. Beauchamp, part of lot 1, block 9, Embree, $2,500.

- February 22, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 1-2.
- o o o -


     T. W. Rugle and wife to B. J. Rugle, 85 acres on Duck Creek, $1585.

- April 5, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2. col. 1.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, to J. T. Beaver, lot in Embree, $30.
     G. W. Beaver and wife to F. M. Haywood, two lots in Embree, $750.
     J. T. and W. T. Beaver to G. W. Beaver, two lots in Embree, $625.

- July 25, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     H. B. Yeager, to K. A. Embree, part of the J. Crumbacker survey, $700.

- September 3, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Tinsley and L. M. Tinsley to L. S. Langford, Lot 8, block 13, Duck Creek, $30.

- December 2, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transactions.

     W. T. Jacks and wife to L. M. T. Flook, lot in Embree, $30.

- December 3, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
- o o o -

Real Esate Transfers.

     W. T. Jackson & wife to J. V. Ryan, a lot in Embree, $200.
     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe to H. G. & W. Harrington, a lot in Embree, $1.
    H. G. & W. P. Harrington to J. T. Brown & Co., a lot in Embree, $297.
    J. T. & W. T. Beavers to A. J. Beavers, a lot in Garland, $300.

- March 12, 1891, Dallas Morning News, p. 8, col. 2.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

    Curfman & Clark, et al, to H. N. Scott, lots in Embree, $180.

- March 15, 1891, Dallas Morning News, p. 11, col. 6.
- o o o -

Real Estate Transfers.

     C. D. Crossman and wife to Sam C. Hall, lot 1, block 9, Embree, $300.
     Santa Fe railroad to J. A. Pickle, lot 18, block 18, Embree, $75.

- May 19, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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Caught in a Store at Garland.

Special to the Times-Herald.
ARLAND, May 23.-About 11 o'clocl last night, while G. W. Crossman, of the firm of Crossman & Co., was passing their store, he detected a burglar prowling around on the inside. It took but three seconds to secure the assistance of G. O. Surber and the city marshal with a couple of guns. In the meantime, the caged bird attempted to fly through the window, but as he struck the ground and started to run, a shot from a young cannon in the hands of Geo. Surber, followed quickly by three others, brought him to a halt. He plead that he was just hunting something to eat. He was searched and locked up. In his preliminary trial, he stated that there were two others with him, but that they fled at the report of the gun. He gives his name as James Stephens and claims to hail from St. Louis. He will be taken to the county jail this afternoon.

- May 23, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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Bountiful Crops--Good Rains--
Local Notes.

Special to the Times-Herald.
ARLAND, Tex., June 23.--A fine rain fell here last night, which was very beneficial, and especially to corn.
   There is considerable excitement here over the Kansas City Sun which contained a write-up of Garland last week. Fifty dollars reward is offered for the correspondent's name, and if he is found out, he will doubtless suffer the fate of the correspondents at other places.
   Mr. J. C. Jacobs has gone to Hot Springs for the benefit of his health, which has been very poor for the past year.
   The old settlers of this part of the country met and organized a pioneer association last Saturday. J. T. Corcoran was elected president and S. F. Nash, secretary. There were about 20 present. Their regular meetings will be held the first Saturday in June every year. They extended an invitation to the county association to meet at this place next year.
     Prof. Bishop of Farmers' Branch, one of the conductors of the summer normal school to be held here, was in town Monday looking after the interest of the same. The school will open Wednesday, July 1, and continue for one month.
   Mr. Hogan Wordsworth, of the Mesquite neighborhood, died last Friday, at the age of 84 years.
   Mr. Tom Fisher, commissioner of precinct 1, was in town last week.
   There was preaching at the Christian Church yesterday by the "boy preacher," and also at the college by Rev. Reynolds. Good attendance at both places.
   Hon. Thomas F. Nash and Rev. G. O. Key attended the Cedar Hill picnic Saturday and both made speeches, Mr. D. O. Murphree and family also attended.
   J. M. Watson and Miss Mary Lou McCullough visited Forney yesterday.
   Mr. Lockhart, of the Pittsburg Gazette, was in town a few hours Saturday.
   The health of the town is very good at present.
   Editor Cullom returned from Abilene Saturday well pleased with his visit.

- June 23, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     Mrs. M. B. Rodgers to Miss Ivy Fletcher, real estate in Embree, $100.

- November 3, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 2.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     C. G. Kay and wife to James Copp, lot in Embree, Dallas county, $150.

- November 27, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     W. A. Linsley & wife to J. T. Smith, lots in Duck Creek, $150.

- April 7, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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[No Heading]

     J. W. Bishop has been elected principal of the Garland college and withdraws from the race for county superintendent of schools.

- June 18, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     C. G. Gauldin and wife to S. H. Bell, part of block 1, Tinsley's addition to Embree, $75.

- July 8, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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The First Bale.

     T. G. Cherry, of Garland, marketed Dallas county's first bale of cotton at that place yesterday. It classed strict middling and brought 7 cents a pound. A premium of $28 was given him by the merchants of that city.

- August 19, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     G. C. & S. F. R'y to G. W. Crossman, lots 4 and 5 in block 19 in the town of Embree; $80.

- September 26, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 5.
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City Notes.

   The stores of Sam Hall and R. E. Sumner at Garland, were burglarized Saturday night. Hall lost $500 worth of jewelry and Sumner places his loss at $700.

- October 17, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 3.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     J. C. Wood and wife to V. B. Henderson, lots 1 and 2, block 13, Embree, $3350.

- June 3, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 2.
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     Willie Ryan and husband to B. W. Pickett, lot 9, block 11, town of Embree, $300.
     Sallie Z. Piper to A. E. Ryan, lots in Embree, $500.

- August 21, 1893, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 4.
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Added February 17, 2004:
Real Estate Transfers.

The following real estate transfers were recorded to-day:

     Wm. A. Tinsley and wife to J. A. Allen, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 5, in the town of Duck Creek, $150.

- May 9, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1.
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Trust Deeds.

     Mrs. M. S. Miller to Southern Home Building & Association, June 21, 1894, lot 3, block 4, of Embree, $500.

- June 22, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 2.
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     Sam C. Hall and wife to John Long, November 28, 1892 [1893?], part of lots 1 and 2, block 2, of Embree, $200.
     John B. Long and wife to John I. Jones, December 23, 1893, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Embree, and two acres out of A. Keen's survey, $475.
     Sam C. Hall to John B. Long, December 23, 1893, two acres out of A. Keen's survey, $75.


     Sam C. Hall to John H. Long, January 15, 1894, lots 1 and 2, block 2 of Embree, $-----.

- July 27, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 3, col. 3.
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Added March 9, 2004:

     C. McMillan to K. H. Embree, Nov. 16, 1894, lot 7, block 15, of Embree, $2500.

- November 19, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Added March 9, 2004:

     Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railway Company to D. F. Roberts, October 19, 1891, lots 3 and 4, block 13, Embree, $75.
     C. A. Weaver to D. F. Roberts, September 5, 1890, part of lots 1 and 2, block 2, of Embree.

- November 26, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4-5.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     William Tinsley and wife, to H. N. Scott, Lots 4,5 & 6, block 18, Town of Duck Creek, $80.

- December 25, 1894, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 5.
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Added March 19, 2004:

     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railway to R. C. Wyatt, March 14, 1887, lot 9, block 10, of Embree, $1.

- January 9, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
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Added April 10, 2004:

     Joseph Hawkins to William Redman, October 23, 1894, lots 15 and 16, block 17, Duck Creek, $300[?]/$800[?].

- February 28, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 1-2.
- o o o -

Added April 17, 2004:

     M. G. Williams to J. W. Reeder, January 17, 1895, part of Atterbery survey on Duck creek, $20.
     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railroad to A. J. Austin, October 7, 1891, lot 5, block 14 of Embree, $36.


     Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad to A. J. Austin, April 25, 1894, lot 5, block 14 of Embree.
     Mark Ellison & Co. to J. T. Talley, March 8, 1895, lot 5, block 14 of Embree.
     J. T. Talley to W. A. Halford, March 8, 1895, lot 5, block 14 of Embree.

- March 26, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4-5.
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Added May 6, 2004:

     T. H. Thorp and wife to J. H. Talley, August 22, 1894, lot 3, block 2, Kellers addition to Embree, $400.

- April 22, 1895, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 3-4.
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Realty transactions filed at the close of the office Saturday:

     S. E. Scott to H. Harbison, et al., part of lot 1, block 1, and lot 3[?], block 15, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 13 of Tinsley's addition to town of Embree, now Garland; $385.
     S. A. Allen to W. J. Halsell one-third of lots 4, 5 and 6, block 3, of town of Embree, now Garland; $335.
     Horace H. Thomas to Cumberland Presbyterian church, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 13, in town of Embree; $135.

- April 18, 1897, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 6-7.
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Realty transaction recorded to date:

     Robert Murphy and wife to Sim Bethel, lot in Wyatt's addition to the town of Embree, $88.55.

- April 27, 1897, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 5, col. 4.
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Sudden Death at Garland.

   News reached the city today of the sudden death of "Uncle Ben" Davis, which is reported to have occurred at his home near Garland yesterday afternoon. Mr. Davis was in his orchard when stricken with heart disease and died almost instantly. Mr. Davis was one of the best known residents of the Garland neighborhood and was respected by all who knew him. He was one of the early settlers of the Duck creek neighborhood.

- August 19, 1903, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 7, col. 6.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     T. M. and Clara B. Wilson to C. C. Bradley, lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, block 17, Embree town, $445.
     William A. and L. M. Tinsley to T. M. Wilson, lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, block 17, Duck Creek town, $150.

- September 20, 1904, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 4.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     Iva Fletcher to S. E. Scott, L. F. Barry, William McDonald, J. N. Nickens and John T. Jones, board of trustees of Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Garland, lots 12 and 13, block 13, Embree town, $70.

- September 24, 1904, Dallas Morning News, p. 12, col. 5.
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Real Estate Transfers.

     R. F. and S. C. Little to T. G. Duckworth, 10 acres of the John Little survey, 12 miles northeast from Dallas, on Duck Creek, $450.
     J. G. and Mittie Wiliams to H. H. Coomer, in block 1, Duck Creek town, on Blue street and Harbison street, 105 feet each, $800.

- October 8, 1904, Dallas Morning News, p. 14, col. 6.
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     H. B. Hicks and wife to T. M. Raney, lots 1 and 4, block 31, Embree; $800.

- October 6, 1911, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 9, col. 3-4.
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     T. E. Bradley to W. W. Gully, lots 5 and 6, block 30, Embree, Tex., $750.

- August 8, 1914, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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Garland Born
of Bitter Fight
of Early Days


Duck Creek and Embree
Had Acrimonious
Feud in '80s.


Old-Timers Scarce

Few of Pioneer Doctors
and Lawyers Left
in Dallas.



     "I have witnessed the entire development of all this part of the country," said Dr. K. H. Embree, 932 North Winnetka avenue. "I began the practice of medicine at Celina, Tenn., but soon thereafter came to Texas, arriving at Sherman in February, 1873. My mother, who preceded me, had settled at Kentuckytown, Collin County. She wrote me that Dr. Head, the leading physician there, had died, leaving an extensive practice, and that by coming at once I might get some of it. On the trip, I found the country covered with snow all the way from Nashville to Red River. I came by trail as far as Sherman, and there took the stage for Kentuckytown.
   "But, I arrived at Kentuckytown too late. Three doctors had got there ahead of me, crowding me out. I decided to visit relatives in the Duck Creek community in Dallas County, and then go back to Tennessee. The outcome of that visit was that I became a resident of Dallas County.
   The first store at Duck Creek was opened soon after I arrived there, but the name of the merchant has slipped my memory. In no long time, the store passed into the hands of Judge W. M. Alexander, who was afterward a prominent lawyer of Dallas, and who died at Los Angeles. Later, I became s silent partner in the establishment. Judge Alexander, bestirring himself, got Duck Creek made a postoffice, and I was made postmaster. The next year, we bought the Clark stock of bankrupt goods in Dallas, in a building on the north side of Elm street, opposite Sanger Bros. Judge Alexander came to Dallas to run the store, while I took charge of our business at Duck Creek.

Duck Creek in Early Days.
     "We bought cotton at Duck Creek. Sometimes we had as many as 500 bales in the compress at the same time. Business grew until we were carrying a $10,000 stock of goods. Other business houses opened at Duck Creek, and the place looked so much like a rising town by the time the Santa Fe reached it, that in order to hasten developments, I established a newspaper, the Weekly Rustler. On a trip East, I met J. Roland Day, a brilliant orator and newspaper man, who had stumped West Virginia for Grover Cleveland, but who had failed to get any of the spoils due the victors. He was run down in health and finances, and was glad to come to Texas and go to work on the Rustler. He easily made the Rustler the best weekly in the country. He helped elect Judge Thomas F. Nash to the Legislature from Dallas County, and was rewarded with a clerkship in the House. He went from Austin to Galveston, where he opened a school of elocution, and a few years later, died in New Orleans. All the old-timers knew J. Roland Day.
   "In the '80's, farmers got all the way from 7¢ to 10¢ for cotton. Ten cents was the top price, and farmers made money, for the cost of production was low. Raw land was to be had for $20 and acre or less, and nobody paid farm hands more than $10 or $15 a month. But, the great drawback was the scarcity of money and the high rate of interest. The early settlers were all poor, and the only money to be had was at the banks, and the banks made no long loans, such as farmers wanted. Nor could you buy land on long time. The conditions compelled newcomers to become renters until they could make money enough to buy land of their own. Many who began as tenants in time became substantial farmers in the county. The rate of interest was all the way from 12 to 18 per cent a year.

Paid 18 Per Cent.
     "When I first went to Duck Creek, I borrowed $200 at 18 per cent. I kept the money four years and paid $152 interest. The man from whom I borrowed it wanted compound interest, but as the note stipulated for nothing of the kind, I refused to pay it, and, as the Legislature had just passed what was called the usury law limiting the legal rate to 12 per cent, the man did not press his claim. Before that law was enacted, any rate to which a man had bound himself was legal, and, I think, held collectible by the courts.
   "When the Santa Fe made Duck Creek a station, it got the name of the postoffice changed to Embree. A few months later, the Katy, building out that way, crossed the Santa Fe half a mile north of town, and there started a town, calling it Duck Creek, the name we had abandoned.
   "Then began a fight for business. Judge Nash, who had been appointed manager of the Farmers' Co-operative Store at Duck Creek, took the lead on the side of that town. At the solicitation of friends, I opened a store at Duck Creek and placed it in the hands of a manager. What worried the Duck Creek men was that the postoffice was at Embree. Judge Nash started a newspaper at Duck Creek, the Duck Creek News, and placed it in the hands of John H. Cullom, now District Court Clerk of Dallas County. Embree was represented by my newspaper, the name of which I had changed to the Embree Enterprise, and which was under the management of George Crossman.

Contest is Acrimonious.
     "The contest reached such a pitch of animosity that the cooler heads saw that something would have to be done to avert bloodshed. It was Judge Nash who saw a way to settle the trouble. He had been a power in the convention that nominated Joe Abbott of Hillsboro for Congress, and had thereby made a friend of Judge Abbott. He suggested that the two towns ask Judge Abbott to arbitrate their quarrel. Both agreed. It is a fact that some pieces of mail intended for Embree had gone to Emory, in Rains County, and some Emory mail had strayed into the Embree postoffice. From this, it was clear to Judge Abbott that the name of the postoffice should be changed. It was further clear that the good people of Duck Creek ought not to be made to walk any farther than the equally good people of Embree for their mail. In other words, the postoffice should be midway between the two communities. And, in order to leave neither of the towns anything to crow over, it would be well to select a new name for the postoffice, and the first name that occurred to him was that of Attorney General Garland. The business men of the warring towns moved their establishments to the new town site, forgot the past, and can now show one of the best towns in the country. I suspended my newspaper, leaving the field to John H. Cullom, who thereafter called his paper, the Garland News, and made it a credit to the town. I traded my old Washington hand press to Col. Colp for half a block in the town of Iowa Park, which he was then booming. Later, I traded the lots in Iowa Park for a house and lot in Garland.

Few Old-Timers Left.
     "I knew all the physicians in Dallas. I was an honorary member of their local organization, and attended their weekly meetings. Dr. Graham is the only one of them now living, and he has been out of the practice for many years. The same may be said of the lawyers. I think Judge Robert B. Seay and Judge Charles F. Clint, alone, are left of all those who were here in the early '80s. The early-day merchants have also passed away. As far as I know, Leon Kahn is the only one of them who still goes to his place of business. I have kept up pretty well with the growth of the city. The streets and buildings are familiar enough, but as for the people on the streets, I might as well be in Constantinople.
   "I retired from the practice of medicine in 1897, on account of failing health, and have since spent the summers with my daughter, Mrs. S. E. Hughes, on a ranch at Narra Viso, three miles south of Tucumcari, N. M., and the winters in Dallas. I come back to Dallas in November and stay till June 1.
   "Dallas has grown so far beyond my expectations, that I long ago ceased to make any predictions regarding it. It was plain to me as far back as 1873, that it would be something of a city after my time. But, I suppose I was not more lacking in foresight than others of that time. I think the city has doubled in every way within the last twenty years. Even Garland is a little city, and the face of the surrounding country has changed. the timber has been cleared, the fences, except those inclosing pastures, have been removed, and paved highways have taken the place of muddy or dusty roads. And the farmers and their families who once rode in covered wagons now, dressed up, spin around in automobiles, and seem to be in a kind of paradise.
   "I can not see into the future, but it seems to me the young men of this day are not looking ahead, but are too much devoted to having a good time now. The young men among the early settlers were driven by circumstances to the soil. They made little, it is true, but they were so far in the wilderness that they had no temptations or opportunities to spend what they did make, and so invested it in land, which in time made them rich or well off. Now there is no limit to the amount a young man may spend and still fall far short of enjoying all the pleasures of life."

- April 25, 1926, Dallas Morning News, Sec. 4, p. 6.
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