Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1862-1880 (incomplete)
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(Updated July 3, 2002)




    It is at all times a most painful duty to record the death of a friend, endeared to us by all the hallowed ties of long and intimate associations, but under present circumstances, so peculiarly distressing, our sorrowing becomes the gall and bitterness of anguish. Our long known and well tried friend, Wm. A. Gold, has passed away from among us, the shadow of the black wing of death has passed over his house and the portals of eternity have closed both behind him and his youngest child -- little CLARENCE, within the brief space of forty-eight hours. Maj. Gold was born the son a reputable lawyer, in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1820, but upon his arrival at man's estate, sought a home in Galveston, in this State; after several years' residence at that place, he removed to this, where a long and successful business career attests the character of his qualifications and the high estimate in which he was held by the citizens of this portion of the State. Several successive billious attacks this summer had enfeebled his general system, when about the first of this month (Sept.) the fatigue and uneasiness arising from the illness of his child from home (at Capt. Wigginton's) prostrated him under a malignant attack of Billious Congestive Fever, which closed his earthly career on the 6th inst., and on the 8th poor little Clarence joined him in the spirit land. Thus by one fell stroke his bereaved widow had lost al[sic] but one child. Her parents being residents of Baltimore, she is even denied the consolation and sympathy of those best calculated to bestow it. "let the spirit return to the God who gave it, and the dust to the earth whence it came."
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 1862.
Galveston News will please copy.

- September 27, 1862, Dallas Herald, p. 2.
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     On Saturday, September 21st 1867, after a short illness, of Billious Fever, at his late residence, on Mountain Creek, Dallas county, PLEASANT R. SNOW, in the 58th year of his age. The deceased came to this State, in 1846, and settled in Jefferson, where he resided several years, and removed to this county, whre he has been a suseful and enterprising citizen. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.
     At the residence of her husband, in this county, on Sunday Oct. 6th, 1867, after a lingering illness of Consumption, Mrs. A
RMILDA A. WEST, wife of GEO. R. WEST, Esq., aged 38 years. The deceased was a native of Kentucky, subsequently removed to Missouri, and from that State to Texas, in 1853, and has resided in this county since that time.

- October 12, 1867, Dallas Herald, p. 2, col. 6.
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     An elderly gentleman by the name of Dr. A. Gounah from Pilot Point, near Sherman, Texas, met with a serious accident at North Springfield on Sunday evening last.  He arrived on the evening train from Seneca, and while taking his supper the bell rang, and he and other passengers rushed out, thinking the train was leaving, seizing hold of the railing on the car platform, he stepped up with his right foot, and in attempting to raise his left foot, it was caught under the wheels and crushed, and under which, too, his body would have been drawn, had he not clung to the railing of the platform, with a desparate grip. In this position, he was carried forty feet, when he was sized by an engineer, by name of J. M. Richardson, and wrenched from his agonizing and perilous position. He was taken up into a comfortable room in the Ozark House, and amputation was performed at the ankle by Drs. Robberson, Ross and Hansford.   He is now doing well and is kindly ministered unto; by A. O. Fairchild, and other brethren of the "Mystic Tie," who supply as far as is possible the attentions and sympathy of his distant home.

     Dr. Gounah is a very intelligent gentleman, and not without honor in his own State, which recently appointed him to make a Geological surveyof Texas, and he was on his way to Washington, to make arrangements for that important work when he met with the sad accident related.  He had in his possession, quite a large sum of money, which has been prudently cared for, and deposited in the bank.  The Dr. bears his affliction with fortitude, and even cheerfulness.  We trust he will soon be able to return to his family which has as yet not been startle by the unwelcome news in store for them.

- April 27, 1871, Missouri Patriot, p. 2?
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Death of Dr. Adolphe Gounah.

     The Sherman Courier of last Saturday learns that Dr. A. Gounah, of Pilot Point, Denton county, died at Springfield, Mo., recently, from the effects of a wound received in attempting to get on a railroad car wwhile in motion. The Doctor was formerly and for a number of years a resident of this city, and will be well remembered by all our old citizens."

- May 20, 1871, Dallas Weekly Herald, page 2, col. 5.
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His Father Was An Actor and
Sleeps in the Old Cemetery.

     Hon. Charles F. Crisp of Georgia, is regarded as one of the brightest men in public life and is a formidable candidate for speaker of the Fifty-second congress. The distinguished statesman has many admirers in Dallas, who are not aware that his father died in this city eighteen years ago and was buried in the old cemetery on Akard street. It is a fact, nevertheless.
     Charles F. Crisp is of English birth, and his parents were footlight favorites in the old country and this, years and years ago. His father was a tragedian of note in the zenith of his prosperity; his mother was a capable actress and his sister was a sparkling soubrette. The family settled in one of the interior parishes of Louisiana back in the '60's and the old couple abandoned the stage for a while and conducted a hotel.
     From "Richard III" to Boniface in a country tavern was a big jump. Life grew irksome to the old man and he longed to again trod the boards and receive the plaudits of the multitudes and the admiring gods in the gallery.
     The hotel was abandoned, a company was organized and the stars were Mr. and Mrs. Crisp and their accomplished daughter, who had been married and had separated from her husband. Eighteen years ago [ca. 1872] this winter, lovers of Shakespearean plays witnessed the performances given by the Crisp combination in Dallas, for the last time. The old man was taken sick, and, after lingering awhile, passed away at the old Crutchfield house, in this city. He was buried in the Akard street cemetery, and Hon. Charles Fred Tucker, then a young lawyer who had a slight acquaintance with the family in Louisiana, acted as one of the pall-bearers.
     Charles F. Crisp was then a young lawyer, just entering upon a promising career in Georgia, and the old tragedian and members of his family often referred to him with pride.

- November 15, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 2, col. 1
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The Father of Hon. Charles F.
Crisp and Where His
Dust Reposes.

     More than a year ago, in a short talk with Hon. Charles F. Tucker, the TIMES-HERALD published an interesting story on the life of Crisp, the actor, who died in this city in 1875, and was buried in the old city cemetery. At the time, an investigation was made in the "silent city of the dead," but not a stone or a slab could be found to indicate the spot where beneath the green turf rested one who had trod the stage of life and had given his interpretations of the immortal creations of the "Bard of Avon," for Crisp was an actor of no mean repute and was widely known throughout the south in ante-bellum days. He passed away not unwept or unhonored, but no man knoweth where his body lieth to-day. His son, Hon. Charles F. Crisp, is one of the foremost men in the nation, a prominent candidate for the speakership and admittedly one of the ablest leaders of the Democratic party. Referring to the matter to-day, Judge Tucker said to a TIMES-HERALD reporter:
     "The elder Crisp died at the old Crutchfield house in this city in 1875, and I officiated as one of the pall-bearers at his funeral. He was a fine old fellow in his life time, but adversity came with advancing years and he made his final exit from the stage of life in this city, as stated in the T
IMES-HERALD a year ago. I had formed his acquaintance in New Iberia parish, Louisiana, several years prior to his death. He was conducting a hotel at the time. Two of his daughters traveled with his troupe when on the road and took part in the performance. One appeared on the bills as 'Our Jessie;' the name of the other was Cecilia. I never met Congressman Crisp, but often heard the old man speak of a son in Georgia who was a young lawyer, just entering upon his career."

- December 4, 1891, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 5.
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THOMAS-At the San Jacinto hotel in this city, January 1, 1875, at 9:30 P. M., H. K. Thomas, a native of England, formerly of Boston, Massachusetts, agent Texas and Pacific railway, aged about thirty years.

- January 2, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Funeral of Mr. H. K. Thomas.

     The funeral of Mr. H. K. Thomas, late local agent of the Texas and Pacific railway, will take place this morning from the San Jacinto hotel, the Right Rev. Bishop Garrett officiating, and the Masonic fraternity in charge of the remains.

- January 3, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
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     The members of Tannehill Lodge No. 52, and Dallas Lodge No. 412, are requested to meet this (Sunday) morning at nine o'clock, sharp, for the purpose of attending the burial of our deceased brother, H. K. Thomas.
E. G. B
W. C. C

- January 3, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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     FLOYD--At her residence, seven miles north of this city, on Friday, January 1, 1875, at eight o'clock, P. M., Mrs. Susan Floyd, wife of John D. Floyd.
     Mrs. Floyd was born in Union county, Kentucky, in 1826, and with her husband, removed to this State and county some 23 years ago.
     By her death, her husband has lost a faithful and true wife, and her children, a most devoted mother. To them, her death is indeed an irreparable loss. For them in their distress, we bespeak the hearty sympathy of their numerous friends, and pray that God, in his infinite compassion and love toward his afflicted creatures, may comfort their disconsolate hearts and enable them to bear, with Christian fortitude, this, their first great bereavement. W. T. M.
[Bonham, Gainesville, and Kentucky papers please copy.]

- January 3, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 5.
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Burial of H. K. Thomas, Esq., Late
Local Agent of the Texas and
Pacific Railway.


Impressive Services by Right Rev.
Bishop Garrett and the Ma-
sonic Fraternity.


"Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes."

A General Tribute of Respect.

     The remains of H. K. Thomas, Esq., late local agent of the Texas and Pacific railway, were yesterday borne to to the grave, followed by the largest procession of friends probably ever seen here before.
     At an early hour, the San Jacinto hotel was crowded with a large number of our principal citizens, and the evidences of sympathy, respect and regret were universal. The body, in a handsome coffin, laid in the ladies' parlor, in which had assembled the principal Texas and Pacific railway officials, friens of the deceased and a number of ladies.
     About half past ten, the Right Rev. Bishop Garrett, of north Texas, enterd the parlor in his robes and took up his posititon at the head of the coffin. This was the first time the bishop had officiated in any way here, having arrived only a few days before. The solemn and impressive service of the Protestant Episcopal church was read by him with a degree of feeling and effect that made a deep and favorable impression. His manner was simple, earnest and eloquent, his delivery graceful and exceedingly dignified, his voice rich, sympathetic and higly cultivated. There can be no question than he is a divine of great power, learning and ability, and a gentleman of high culture and refinement.
     The services ended, Tannehill lodge No. 52 F. and A. M., of the Masonic fraternity, took charge of the remains, an opportunity was given the friends of the deceased to take a last look at the dead, and the body was borne down stairs by the Masonic pall bearers, Colonel E. C. McLure, senin warden, Jules E. Schneider, of the firm of Shneider & Davis, Alex. Sanger, of Sanger Bros., Joseph Friend, Esq., Joseph Lohnstein, Esq. T. J. Keeton, city assessor and collector, W. C. Connor, Esq., W. M. Dallas lodge, and Edward Lehman, followed by Colonel George Noble, general superintendent of the Texas and Pacific railway, Colonel J. M. Eddy, formerly assistant superintendent of the California and Texas construction company, Colonel Volney Hall, local treasurer of the Texas and Pacific railway, George H. Crain, Edq., master of transportation Texas and Pacific railway, R. E. Montgomery, right-of-way agent Texas and Pacific railway, J. M. Brown, Esq., agent of the construction department Texas and Pacfic railway, Messrs. Whiteman, Closkey, Johnson, of the local Texas and Pacific office, Charles Babcock, Esq., general passenger agent Vandalie route, Captain Shock, general passenger agent of the Memphis and Charleston railway, H. K. Wheelock, Esq., general ticket agent Houston and Texas Central railway, and a large number of leading citizens.
     The procession was then formed and proceeded to the Masonic cemetery, where, upon halting, the Masonic frathernity opened ranks, faced inwards, and the body was borne by the pall bearers between the two ranks of the fraternity and deposited in the grave.
     The beautiful and time-honored Masonic ritual for the burial of the dead was then read very impressively and in an admirable manner by E. G. Bower, Esq., Knight Templar and recorder, a hymn was sung and the grave closed over all that was mortal of H. K. Thomas.
     It cannot but be a source of gratification to the many friends of the deceased to have witnessed so general a tribute to his memory and worth on the part of the entire community. There was every respect shown and the most heartfelt regret expressed. Mr. Thomas is a loss not only to the company in whose service he had achieved so enviable a reputation as an efficient officer, but to his legion of friends to whom, by his courteous bearing, honorable character and plesant social qualities, he had endeared himself. To the business community, with whom his official dealing were so constant and satisfactory, his loss will be equally great. By his kindly manner and accommodating intercouse he had won the confidence and respect of all who had business to transact with him. He was by far the ablest local railway agent any road has ever had here and it will be a very difficult matter for the company to find a gentleman who will give equal satisfaction.
     Peace to his ashes. "After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." It will be a consolation to his friends elsewhere and his relations in a distant land to know that all that kind friends and medical skill could no to soothe his dying pillow was done, and that at last, when death claimed him, he was buried with the honor and respect due him by a large concourse of sorrowing and afflicted friends, universally regretted.

- January 5, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4
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     Mrs. Thomas Kennedy died at the International hotel on Sunday morning.
     In the case of Love Gilleland, charged with the murder of Mr. Stephens, a special venire has been issued returnable on the second day of the third week of this term of the criminal court of this city, also in the case of James Crutchfield (negro) charged with the murder of Winston Fisher, a special venire has been issued returnable Wednesday, the second week.

- January 6, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
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In Memoriam.

     A bud, a full blown rose, it has withered and is a thing of the past. So it is with you, kind friend, dear brother.
     But yesterday, you were in the midst of life, a glorious future before you, surrounded by those who were proud to feel the grasp of your hand and to be regarded as your friend, and to-day, alas, you are cold in death and but earth of earth.
     But, there is something that is left behind when the dark valley is entered that survives the grave, that the grim messenger, Death, cannot rob us of and that fits us for the celestial lodge above, and that is the good name we have built for ourselves by our thoughts, words and actions while laboring in this vale of tears.
     And, as we stand gathered around all that is left us of our brother, H. K. Thomas, we can well say, a good man, a faithful friend and a true Mason, is, this day, gathered to his fathers.
     We bow in humble submission to the will of the architect of the universe and ask for consolation, in this, our sad bereavement.
     Let a page be set aside in the book of minutes of Tannehill Lodge No. 52, A. F. and A. M., in memory of our deceased brother, and let us, in our hearts, cherish his memory.
                 E. C. McL
URE, Dallas Lodge 412,
                 J. R. F
REUND, Cosmos Lodge 282,
                 H. D. D
ONALD, Tannehill Lodge 52.

- January 15, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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     An old man named Wall was found dead in his tent in east Dallas, Sunday morning last. There was some suspicion of foul play, but the coroner's jury returned a verdict of death from exposure.
     An old man Holback, well known to the old settlers of Denton county, was found dead on the prairie, near Clear creek, frozen stiff, last week. The Monitor says that Holback was the first white man that ever settled in Denton county.
    The trial of J. P. Horbach, for the killing of H. K. Thomas, is set for today. Yesterday, the case before the court was the state vs. Low Gilliland, for murder, and we were informed that the case of Gilliland would be postponed until next term, on account of the absence of important witnesses.

- January 20, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, page 4
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A Sad Bereavement.

     We learned with regret, yesterday, of the death of little Georgie Swink, the son of our esteemed fellow-citizen, G. M. Swink, Esq., a lad whose many admirable qualities of character and intellect endeared him to all of his friends, and gave promise of future usefulness and success, had he reached manhood. We beg to extend to the afflicted parents and sorrowing relatives, our most sincere sympathy in this terrible shock to a most united and affectionate circle.

- January 29, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 3-4.
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     Dallas paid one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents for burying paupers in December.

- January 31, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
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Interments in the City from January
1st to February 1st.

     January 1st, H. R. [H. K.] Thomas, from a pistol shot.
     January 3d, Infant of J. B. Royal, aged three hours.
     January 3d, Katie P. Hunter, aged eight months; ulceration of bowels.
     January 3d, Annie B. Randall, aged two years.
     January 3d, Mrs. Kennady.
     January 4th, Anastasia Marnell, aged twenty-seven years.
     January 6th, Lydia A. Loggins, aged four years; pneumonia.
     January 14th, Mrs. Emma Kline, aged thirty three years.
     January 15th, Mrs. Elizabeth Lovella, aged twenty-three years; diphtheria.
     January 17th, F. A. Jackson, aged five years; dysentery.
     January 17th, Edward Wall, aged sixty-three years.
     January 17th, Jesse Moon, aged thirty-five years; bronchitis and consumption.
     January 21st, infant of F. A. Stewart; still born.
     January 22d, infant of James Loggins; premature birth.
     January 24th, Mrs. S. B. Kirk; consumption.
     January 24th, Wm. S. Tuttle, aged twenty-four years.
     January 28th, George Swink. [no further info]
     January 30th, W. B. Whiteman, aged sixteen months.
     January 30[th], Willie Judson, aged five years.

- February 6, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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     We deeply regret to notice the death of young Charlie Patterson, oldest son of our old and esteemed fellow citizen, Judge James M. Patterson, which said event occurred yesterday morning about 9 o'clock, after a brief illness. Charlie was a native of our city, a little over twenty-two years old, and was loved by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. The writer of this has known him well during the whole of his brief life, and can testify to his amiability of character and correct deportment. His afflicted family have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends, among whom are numbered all the old residents of our city.

- February 19, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4, col. 1.
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    That Dallas is as healthy a locality as can be found within the limits of the State of Texas, is well known to her own citizens. Strangers, however, may form unjust conceptions on this head. To all such, THE HERALD refers the following statistics taken from the record of the city physician:
    Frank Duerr, aged 30 years; died August 5th of poison.
    Thomas Tuggle, aged 2 years, died August 8th of congestion of the brain.
    Fudoline Dudly, died August 5th of poison.
    Susan McAfee, aged 8 years, died August 4th, 1875, of meningitis.
    Infant son of Mr. Cotch, died August 12, 1875, premature birth.
    G. W. Horn, aged 25 years, died August 14th, 1875; consumption.
    Charlie Stillman, aged 4 years, died August 21st, 1875, of congestion of the bowels.
    These figures will compare favorably with the death rates of any city in the United States when the calculation is made on a basis of comparative population.

- September 5, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4.
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     It is with pain that the HERALD chronicles the death of Mr. Tobias B. Borst, a worthy and useful citizen of Dallas. The deceased was born in the State of New York on the 18th of April, 1833, and was consequently in his forty-third year. He died at ten minutes past four o'clock yesterday morning, of heart disease, from the effects of which he had been confined to his bed, more or less, for nearly three weeks. At the time of his death, the decased was in the employ of Leonard Brothers in the capacity of architect.
     He was well known in our community generally, and leaves behind a host of friends, who mourn his loss. His physician expressed astonishment that, laboring under the disease with which he was afflicted, he was able to keep up so long.

- September 5, 1875, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 4.
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Four Mounted Men Hound, Kill and
Flee With the Body of
Their Victim.

     We are indebted to Dr. Willemet for the following particulars of a dreadful murder. The Doctor's daughter, a grown young lady, has been recently visiting the family of Mr. Samson, who resides on the Preston road, some sixteen miles from Dallas, and it was during this visit that she witnessed the affair we are about to relate. Last Thursday morning, a wagon containing a man, his wife and his brother-in-law, halted in front of Mr. Sansom's (sic) residence evidently for the purpose of resting their tired team.
     They had barely time to unharness their horses, when four mounted men, all heavily armed, were seen rapifly approaching. The husband was no sooner made aware of their near approach than he at once jumped from the wagon and ran into the woods, which lined the other side of the road. His movements did not escape the vigilance of the approaching party, and the moment they caught sight of him, they increased their speed and soon dashed into the woods near the place he had disappeared.
     The wife appeared to recognize the murderers, for she shrieked aloud several times that they would kill her husband. All was quiet and silent until at the expiration of about two hours, several shots were heard, fired in rapid succession. Shortly afterward, the pursuers returned, bearing the dead body of their victim with them, shot through the heart.
     The trunks and other valuables belonging to the murdered man were now unloaded from the wagon and left in Mr. Samson's yard, the brother-in-law was handcuffed and chained and, in company with the distracted wife and the dead body of her husband, forced to get into the wagon, which was driven off in the direction from which it came.
     Miss Willemet immediately came to the city and informed her father of the circumstance, and he notified Sheriff Barkley, who has sent a deputy sheriff to investigate the matter.
     The whole affair is most horrible, and is, as yet, wrapped in almost impenetrable mystery, and is likely to remain so unless the deputy is successful in his efforts to unfathom it.


     In yesterday morning's HERALD, there appeared an article with the above heading which contained the particulars of a supposed murder near Mr. Samson's place, some twelve miles from the city, on the Preston road. We learn now from Sheriff Barkley, who has investigated the affair, the real truth of the matter. For some time past, a man named Hampton, assisted by his brother, both residents of Collin county, have been extensively engaged in stealing sheep and cattle from the farmers of that section of the country. The thieves, finding that their robberies had been at last traced conclusively to them, suddenly left the county with the intention of hunting a secure hiding place in Dallas. They were pursued, however, by four deputy sheriffs, who finally came in sight of them in front of Mr. Samson's residence. As related in our previous article, Hampton took to the woods, hotly pursued by the officers.  The chase was close and exciting, the pursuers several times coming so near to the thief that they were enabled to fire upon him, a compliment which he returned four times, fortunately, however, without injuring any of the party.
     Finally, they hunted him so closely that he was compelled to enter an open field, and while crossing it, he was seen to drop to the ground. The pursuers soon reached the spot and, to their surprise, found him lying perfectly motionless, and to all appearance, lifeless. An examination proved that the man was dead, caused probably by overexertion or heart disease. His body was carried back to the wagon and the whole party, including the brother and wife, returned to Collin county.

- October 16, 1875, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 3, col. 2.
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His Supposed Murderers Caught - West Pollard
and Adam Thompson, the Mob?

     [film is too dark to decipher, but article is in reference to the murder of Schumacher/Shumacher in Dallas?..apparently committed by West Pollard and Adam Thompson]....some weeks ago, out on the Cleburne road...Schumacker's blood calls out for vengeance.  No man's life is safe with these black desperadoes at large.

- July 22, 1876, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 3
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Unparalleled Heat - The Thermometer
Ranges from 108 to 114 in the


The Disease from a Medical Stand-point
Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and
Prevention - More than Half of All
Cases Fatal - Three Deaths.

     Sunday, July 30, 1876, will be long remembered as the hottest day ever known in Dallas, and for the first time in its history, a number of fatal cases of sunstroke took place. From eleven to four o'clock the mercury began to mount higher and higher until it reached, at one time, 114 degrees in the shade!  The oldest inhabitant does not remember to have ever experienced such weather.
     In addition to several cases which were fatal, many occurred in which the extreme heat entirely prostrated and exhausted persons.
     Among the deaths, thus far, are Mr. David L. Williams, a clerk of the Crutchfield House, who was found unconscious in his room and died about seven o'clock.
     Nat. Hogan, said to be from Vermont, but recently employed in the Planters' House in St. Louis.  He was taken ill in the morning and died in the afternoon about four o'clock.
     James Burke, a day laborer, with a family dependent upon him, who was in the employ of Mr. R. L. James, and lived in camp near where the Central switch crosses the ravine near the Lonergan?/Louergan? foundry, was found dead by his daughter who went to wake him up.
     A man by the name of George O'Brien, forty-five years of age, was found in an insensible condition near a boiler, not far from Parker's mill, and was sufficiently restored to be carried to the City Hospital.  He was shot in the head during the war, and his skull is supposed to have been fractured.

August 5, 1876, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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A Shock.

     Yesterday morning, a man, who lives in Scyene, came to this town, leaving his wife at home in good health. While here, he went into the Texas Exchange, on Elm street, and was talking to some parties, when a messenger came up and informed him that his wife was dead. He had left her but a few hours before. Soon after his departure, she took a congestive chill, and died. He immediately started for his home, with a heavy heart.

- July 7, 1877, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 2, col. 7.
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     Our readers will remember the attempt made by a Mr. Weil to commit suicide, in the synagogue, by cutting his throat. He had been janitor of the building. He got well, however, and went to New Orleans. Word has been received here that he died in that city last Friday. He was a mason, and at one time, a steamboatman on the Mississippi.

- July 7, 1877, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 3, col. 4.
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     The funeral of Mrs. Paulina Williams took place last evening at 2 o'clock, p. m., from the residence of Rev. W. G. Veal, 43 Emma street. Rev. H. A. Bourland of the M. E. Church, South, preached the funeral sermon. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
     The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Emma Duncan, wife of S. W. S. Duncan, were held at her late residence, 1,111 Elm street, yesterday at 4:30 p. m. The remains were followed to the cemetery by a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends.

- March 12, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Detective Duncan Dying.

     Last night about 11 o'clock as Jack Duncan was walking down South Main street, with officer Ed. Cornwall, when a few doors east of the HERALD office, he dropped suddenly to the sidewalk, having an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs, throwing up considerable blood.
     He was placed in a hack and drive to the residence of his father, on Elm street, corner of Harwood street, where he was attended by Drs. Lea Graham, Allen, Sutton and Thruston. He continued to throw up blood and his breathing was labored. The physicians, after consulting, came to the conclusion that it was the bullet that he had received some two years since, and that it had come in contact with the right-lung and his larynx being obstructed by coagulated blood, they deemed it best to perform the tracheotomical operation.
     Drs. Leake and Graham, assisted by the other physicians, performed the operation of cutting into this organ, when a silver tube was inserted and the wound stitched up again. At 2 o'clock, he was not expected to live, the case being considered a hopeless one.

- March 24, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Detective Duncan's Condition.

     Detective Duncan, who had a hemorrhage Tuesday night, mention of which was made in yesterday's HERALD, was resting easy at a late hour last night, though his condition is very precarious. His physicians are in constant attendance on him. Yesterday, he was visited by a number of friends and during the day, talked, though very little, calling for what he wished and referring to his condition several times.

- March 25, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 4, col. 3.
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Objects of Charity.

     Mr. T. W. Young died on Wednesday night at his home on Olive street, of inflammation of the bowels. He leaves a wife and seven children who are worthy objects of the charity of citizens. It is trusted, that at this time of plenty, they will not be suffered to want for bread.

- March 26, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col. 3.
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Mr. P. T. Frichot Takes His Own Life
by Shooting Himself in the Head
-The Letter he Left and Testi-
mony of Witnesses.


     Yesterday morning, about a quarter to 6 o'clock, P. T. Frichot, a well-to-do Frenchman, committed suicide at Michel's brickyard, by shooting himself in the head with a pocket pistol. The ball entered the left temple, and passing through the brain, penetrated the skull on the opposite side, producing instant death. He had been despondent for some time on account of the death of his brother, D. C. Frichot, which occurred some eighteen months since. Making his will in favor of Earnest Frichot, a favorite grandchild, he sailed for his former home in France, and returned a few weeks since to find that his grandson had died from lockjaw. Ever since, he has been unusually despondent, brooding over it until his mind became impaired, when he ended his existence by taking his own life.
     Justice Peak empaneled a jury of inquest and the following witnesses were examined:
     Testimony heard by a coroner's jury on the 27th day of March, 1880; over the body of P. T. Frichot.
     Charles Capy being duly sworn, testified:
A few moments before 6 o'clock this morning, I was aroused by John Ford, who said that Mr. Frichot had killed himself at the brick-yard and brought me a letter he found on his person (witness here read the letter, which was in French), the contents of which read about as follows: "Come to Michel's brick yard, where I have killed myself. You will find everything on me necessary to bury me. Take an express wagon and to go Mr. Linskie's and procure a plain coffin. Tell him to dig a grave and send you a plain hearse to carry me to the grave. I wish to stay where I am until I am buried. I wish to be buried to-day, and I want only four of my friends, C. Capy, F. Michel, A. Christian and J. Nussbaumer, to accompany me to my grave. All the expenses will be paid out of the money Mrs. Christian has of mine, which she will give you. She also has a bundle of letters which I want you to deliver to their address. You will give the pistol to your son and George Christian when you deliver the letter addressed therein. If there is not enough money with Mrs. Christian, Mr. Nussbaumer will pay the rest. The balance of my clothes, shoes, etc., I give to Henry Smith, colored. After my burial, you will deliver the letters left by me to their addresses." I know the letter to be in the handwriting of Mr. Frichot, deceased. He was much trouble since the death of his grand-child about two months ago. He was at my house yesterday and seemed to be in good spirits. He was a widower and about sixty years of age. He has been a resident of Dallas county since 1855.
     John Ford sworn, testified: I came to brickyard about 12 o'clock and found deceased there; he stayed there all night; saw him about day; he was sitting on a wheelbarrow about half asleep; heard the report of a pistol about fifteen minutes afterwards; went around to where deceased was lying and found him dead, but the muscles were still twitching; shot in the right temple with a small pistol ball; I saw his coat and boots lying near him; the letter was about half drawn out of his overcoat pocket, and I pulled it out, and seeing that it was addressed to Mr. Capy, I took it up to Mr. Capy; he spoke to me this morning about three o'clock; he seemed to be in his right mind, but was uneasy; he would sit on the wheelbarrow with his head on his hand and never move.
     Samuel Hanna, sworn, testified: I slept at the brickyard and got up at a quarter past twelve o'clock; he seemed to be much troubled and walked around talking to himself; about daylight, he went down to the shed where he was found dead.
     After hearing the testimony, the jury returned the verdict that the deceased came to his death by a pistol shot fired by his own hand.

- March 28, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 6.
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     Alex Peterson, a colored boy who had lingered since Christmas with Typhoid fever, died Sunday evening and was buried at the expense of the city.
     A young man by the name of Cantly, from Denton county, died at a boarding house in East Dallas Sunday, after two days illness.

- March 30, 1880, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 8, col 1.
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City Dots.

     Arthur C. Hilton, a patient at the city hospital, died yesterday from exposure and typho-malarial fever.  He came here some two weeks ago from Longview and was taken to the hospital Wednesday, but he was too far gone to be resuscitated.

- July 17, 1880, Dallas Daily Herald, p. 5, col. 3.
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