Obituaries, Dallas County, Texas, 1884 (incomplete)
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(Updated August 12, 2002)



His Case Stricken from the
Docket To-Day.


     In January, 1884, in a shooting scrape in front of the St. George Hotel on Main street, "Little Red" was killed and Bob Perkins crippled for life. Bob Land, the well-known hackman, was arrested for the shooting. The victims were hackmen, and at that time, there was a great deal of rivalry among the Jehues of this city, and they occasionally attempted [to] "smother" drivers from abroad who pitched their tents here. Bob was released, his bond being place at $5000. From time to time, the case has been continued, until this morning, it was dismissed from the docket to the great delight of the accused, who is regarded as one of the most reticent chaps in the city. Perkins is in Montana or Idaho, and the witnesses are dead and scattered the world over.

- November 10, 1890, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 6, col. 4.
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     The jury in the Hunnicut murder case this morning returned a verdict of not guilty under the instructions of the court. It will be remembered that Hunnicutt killed one F. E. Umphress on June 16th, 1884. This is the third trial of the case. On the first trial, his penalty was assessed at life imprisonment, which was reversed and remanded on appeal. The second trial resulted in a verdict of guilty, with 20 years imprisonment. Col. Williams was disqualified to prosecute in the case, he having been employed to defend before his election to office. The court appointed Maj. Kearby to represent the state.

- May 27, 1892, Dallas Daily Times Herald, p. 1, col. 4.
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The Mysterious Deaths of
Philip Faulstich and
Fanny Nanny

Dallas Daily Herald
Thursday, September 28, 1884


A Fort Worth Special's Additional Light
On The Dallas Tragedy

Who Miss Fannie Nanny Was

     Fort Worth, Sept 27 - Special - Miss Fannie Nanny was the only sister of W. H. Nanny, of this city, who owns several houses and is half owner in the White Elephant building. Miss Fannie came from Medon, Tennessee, and was supposed at the time of her death to be in Bardstown, Kentucky, at school. Several months ago she was on a visit to her brother here and made many friends. She was universally esteemed and was her brother's idol, who spared no expense in giving her an education. The young lady's tragic death is universally regretted, while Mr. Nanny has the sympathy of all.

The Dallas Daily Herald
Thursday, September 28, 1884 (Reprint)

The Weekly Dallas Herald
Thursday, October 2, 1884 (Reprint)


A Young German Supposed To Be
An Officer Of The Army
And A Young Lady Of Fort Worth

The Victims - Possibly Murder - Etc.

     A tragedy, one of bloody, sensational kind, startled the city last evening about 4 o'clock. The news rapidly spread through town that murder and suicide had done its awful work out on Nussbaumer's branch, and hither the morbidly curious began to repair. A youth and a maiden, locked in lovers last embrace in death was the sad story that reached the ears of the street. A HERALD reporter was early on the scene and though accustomed to heartrendering sights, scarcely ever had witnessed such a scene.

     In a clump of bushes, known sometimes as "the island" on the branch, some five or six hundred yards to the north of the terminus of the San Jacinto street railway, the ghastly spectacle of a youth and maiden cold in death presented itself. A curious crowd had gathered around the spot and horror and conjecture were the uppermost impressions on the assembled crowd. A girl some eighteen years old, fair, and comely, with blonde hair and eyes and fair complexion, neatly dressed, a trim figure, a mild pleasant countenance and every indication of some culture and refinement, was prostate and wellering in her own blood. By her side, close and clinging was a youth of some twenty years, strongly German in appearance, neatly dressed, pale and still in death, a .32 caliber Hopkins and Allen pistol in his grasp, and the clotted blood disfiguring his face, matting his hair, and disguising his identity.

     It was a sad picture. It was one of life's horrible realities, and the only clue to the identity of the parties, or the cause of their awful fate, was the following note in a scratch book in the young man's pocket: "We could not be united in life, we will be united in death, anyhow. [signed] Philip Faulstich - Fanny Nanny."

     Shortly the coroner arrived and the following jury was selected and sworn: A. Woods, J. F. Thomas, C. H. Cooper, T. E. Seals, S. P. Johnson and George H. McKenzie. The jury proceeded to view the remains and search them. Nothing satisfactory was learned. The girl had no articles upon her person. She was dressed in a neat, stylish cut plain dress, had on a little blue velvet bonnet, a large blue veil nearby, while a pretty pearl breast-pin fastened her collar. The young man had two or three pocket books on his person. His watch had stopped at ten minutes to 2 o'clock. Two locks of hair corresponding to that of both the girl and boy were found tied to the watch.

     The girl was shot just behind the left ear and back of the temple. Evidently the young man had killed her and then suicided. She was nicely laid out, seemingly having been arranged by her slayer before he turned the deadly weapon upon himself. The pistol had but two empty cartridges in it. The first cartridge had two indentions, indicating that it had missed fired at first. Then the other one was fired and the soul of the girl sped to its Maker. Everything shows that then Faulstich arranged her clothing and the position of her body and lying beside her deliberately turned the other cartridge against his own temple. The shot that killed him went in the right temple and lodged in his brain.

     The untold tale, the sad history of the two young and misguided hearts was read only that far in their cold embrace in a violent death. Diligent enquiry failed to learn of them further. No such names appear in the dictionary. Many affirmed that both faces were familiar to them but could not be definitely located.

     And so, two lifeless bodies in a clump of trees upon the outskirts of the city, victims of lust or emotional insanity, young and fair, and for whom life might have retained some of its choicest blessings, are found cold and clotted in their own blood. This is all. Were they strangers? If so, where is their home or parents? So tragic a death alone and among strangers, so mysterious a sequel to some pathetic tale of young love is inexplicably perplexing and sad.

     The streets were aroused and intently curious. The affair was so bloody, so pathetic, so wrapped in mystery, that speculation and enquiry were rife. It was an unusual piece of news for our city. Many rumors and stories were of course started, but none of them seemed to fit the case. One of the most authentic is that of a commercial tourist, who saw a couple answering to such a description come up to the city Friday evening on the Central train.

     From the appearance of the bodies when discovered at 4 o'clock, it looked as if they had been dead three or four hours. The facts, so far as they have been discovered relative to the shocking affair, are given in the subjoined report of the finding of the coroner's jury. The bodies were taken in charge by Undertaker Smith and are still held by him.


     Mr. J. H. Slaughter, proprietor of the American House, came in at a late hour last evening and said that both parties had been boarding at his house for weeks. Mr. Faulstich, he says, was a German officer on a years furlough, and had come to Dallas from South Texas about five weeks since. He had promptly paid Mr. Slaughter until about two weeks since, when he stopped and was consequently that far behind when the suicide occurred. Some time ago, he had written home, telling his people of his infatuation, and also stated that a cloud rested upon his inamoreta's character. In an unguarded moment it was said that she had been betrayed.

     His family in Germany refused to acceed to his wishes and positively objected to the proposed and desired marriage. His time of leave was up the 5th of October and he became in the view of these facts, very despondent. A day or two ago a quarrel occurred between them.

     "Miss Nanny" is Miss Nanney, it seems, from Mr. Slaughter's account. He says she is the sister of W. H. Nanney of the White Elephant of Fort Worth, who was telegraphed last evening. This branch of the Nanney family of Tennessee is eminently rich and respectful and the girl, Slaughter says, has evidently not seen a hard days work in her life. She was a modest, attractive girl, so Slaughter says, and during her long residences with him (since the 17th of May last) had endeared herself to all about the house. Her board was regularly paid by her Fort Worth brother. As soon as Faulstich came to the American House, he fell desperately in love with Miss Fannie. Whether he killed her as an act of murder or whether his particular German philosophy put up a double suicide will always remain a profound secret.


     Inquest held on the bodies of a lady and gentleman found dead on Town Branch, above Ross Avenue, on the 27th of September, 1884: H. H. Bailey being sworn says: "That today about 2 o'clock, I left home with Mr. Hightower, and soon after we left our horses, we heard two shots fired and pretty soon another, and we walked on down the creek hunting grapes and we came on the bodies, the lady lay on her back, dead, and the gentleman on her right, on his left side, dead. I saw the parties examined and I recognize the pistol present as the one found on him by the officers, it was empty with two shells yet in the cylinder. I noticed a bullet hole in the right side of the head and in front of the temple of the gentleman. I did not examine the wound in the lady's head."

     W. M. Hightower being examined says: "That I was with Mr. Bailey today hunting grapes and we found the bodies mentioned by Mr. Bailey, the gentleman seemed to be about 18 or 20 years old and the lady seemed near the same age; the gentleman was light complected with auburn or red hair and would weigh about 135 or 140 pounds and was about 5 feet 8 inches in height; the lady was about 16 or 18 years old with light complexion and light or light brown hair, she had a bullet hole in the head and above the left ear. There was in the pocket of the gentleman the following memorandum: We could not be united in life, but we will be united in death, anyhow. Dallas, Sept. 28, 1884 [signed] Philip Faulstich - Fanny Nanny,. I do not know nor never saw either of the parties before to my knowledge. The gentleman had on his a nickel watch and chain, that had stopped at 10 minutes to 2 o'clock.


Dallas Mercury
Friday, October 3, 1884
A Horrible Tragedy

     On Saturday afternoon last, while walking in the northeastern suburbs of the city, on Nusbaumer's branch, Messrs. H. H. Bailey and William Hightower found the dead bodies of a young man and a young woman stiff and stark in death. Investigation by a coroner's jury developed the facts that the young woman was a Miss Fanny Nanny, sister of Mr. W. H. Nanny, part owner of the White Elephant, of Fort Worth, aged from 16 to 18 years, and the young man was Philip Faulstich, supposed to be an ex-officer of the German navy, aged about 20, both of whom had been boarding at the American House, on upper Main street, for some time.

     The young woman was shot through the head, ball entering above the left ear, and the young man's hand clasped a revolver which had done the work in her case and then been turned to his own head, sending a ball into it, which lodged against the skin on the opposite side. The mystery attending the tragedy may never be entirely cleared up, but the supposition is, that Miss Nanny has been deceived and wronged, and that a confession to Faulstich of her situation suggested the idea that they should end their miserable lives together.

     But little is known of the circumstances connected with Faulstich's short life, but from what he said of himself to others it is gathered that he had been engaged to a young lady in Frankfort-on-the-Main and the match was opposed by a threat of disinheritance on the part of his father. Resigning his commission, he came to this country and had sent money to his affianced to come hither, but received letters from his brother and cousin, stating that she was of bad character, and upon her arrival at Schulenburg, in this State, where he then was, he refused to marry her.

     Meeting Miss Nanny here, he had become enamored of her, and the supposition, which seems to be most natural, is that, upon comparing their troubles, they concluded to end them together. Mr. Nanny came over on Sunday, and his sister was buried that evening in Trinity Cemetery. Faulstich's body was kept until Monday morning, when it was laid away in the same cemetery.   We the jury after hearing the evidence, and of the opinion that the deceased, Fannie Nanny, came to her death from the effects of a pistol shot in the hands of Philip Faulstich, and that afterwards shot himself.

Submitted by M C Toyer

A Fatal Fall.

     Yesterday afternoon, a young man named H. Daugherty, about 18 years old, who resides on Highland street, while gathering pecans on White Rock creek, fell from a distance of thirty feet and struck on a limb, sustaining injuries which resulted in his death three hours afterwards. He leaves a mother and a little brother and sister, who were dependent upon him for a support.

- October 16, 1884, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 6.
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"One More Unfortunate."

     A woman, giving her name to a man near Long's Lake as Julia Haney, was found last evening between 3 and 4 o'clock by Undertaker Smith perfectly dead with a wound in the upper portion of the pit of the stomach. Mr. Smith was informed of the fact of her death by a negro who had discovered her propped up in a sitting position on the bluff just above the Park spring, and she had been dead only a short time. She was about 25 years of age apparently, wore plain clothes and had on a plain sunbonnet. She had received the hospitality of the man referred to as living on the hillside about the lake, who had told her in the morning that she must go somewhere else. She left, expressing an intent to destroy herself, but he thought no more of it until the report came of the finding of her body, which is now at undertaker Smith's and will be buried at public expense. An inquest will be held. She was from the Indian Territory.

- October 23, 1884, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 4.
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On the Death of Col. Swindells

     ...of Austin, came to Dallas in 1852[?], when he was but a young man of about 23 years.  When he became connected with Mr. Lattimer in the publishing of the Dallas Herald....moved to Austin about 6 years ago, where he had since been a clerk in the various departments.

- October 30, 1884, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 3.
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     The people of Dallas, and especially so, those of long residence, will read with sincere sorrow the announcement of the death of MR. JOHN W. SWINDELLS at his home in Austin night before last. When good men die, their friends sorrow. But, in a new country when a man dies, who has been not only a long resident, but the whole time honorably and usefully connected with its growth, its reverses and its prosperity--over maintaining unsullied the attributes of a true and a pure manhood--the whole people mourn.
     To Dallas, J
OHN W. SWINDELLS was endeared by those, and those other social ties which bind heart to heart. Incapable of duplicity or malice, his heart pulsating in kindness to all his fellows, his nature and daily walk for nearly a third of a century in this town won and retained the confidence, respect and affection of this people, and they will remain as monuments to his worth in each breast so long as his compeers remain.
R. SWINDELLS was born in the north, but partly raised in Norfolk, Virginia. He was a thorough, practical printer, and came to this frontier village in 1852-3, and became associated with the lamented LATIMER in the publication of the Dallas HERALD, then but about three years old. On the death of his senior, he became the publisher and editor of the paper, and so remained, with occasional association with others, until some few years ago. In that relation, his labor and influence was ever on the side of private, public and political virtue. Long the only paper in a large area of the state, he made the HERALD a welcome guest at every virtuous fireside. Its guiding star was the public good. Conservative by nature, his kindness of heart--his tender regard for the feelings of others--sometimes bordered on timidity, but his devotion to truth and right ever stood forth as a polar star in guiding his conduct. Ere long resident ere, he married a daughter of the worth old pioneer, THOMAS F. CRUTCHFIELD, now long deceased, and reared several children to comfort and bless him and his surviving widow. Feeble health and pecuniary reverses some four or five years ago, caused his removal to Austin, where he has since been connected with the departments of the government in clerical capacities. The immediate cause of his death, as stated in the dispatches, was a surgical operation, but exactly wheat, we are unadvised.
     The H
ERALD, at this late hour, can only make this brief announcement, to be supplemented by a more extended notice hereafter.
     A number of old citizens, as elsewhere shown, request a meeting of his old friends to the city hall at 3 p. m., to-day, to take appropriate action on the occasion.

- October 30, 1884, Dallas Weekly Herald, p. 4, col. 4.
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