Buckingham Estates Addition, Dallas County, Texas

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Buckingham Estates Addition

Estates Addition
Will Open Sunday
North of Dallas

     F. M. Love has announced the opening Sunday by Love, Costa & Willingham, owners and developers of Buckingham Estates Addition. The addition contains 163 acres and is subdivided in seventy-six acreage tracts, ranging from three-fourths to one, two and three-acre estates. The property fronts on Abrams Road, south of Richardson, and five miles north of the Dallas city limits.
     Water, gas and lights are being installed and all streets are in. The location was selected because of its accessibility to schools, stores, churches, theater, bank and dependable transportation.
     "This addition will have, when all the utilities are installed, a land value in excess of $150,000," Love said. When all estates are improved with our minimum building restriction requirements, its value will be in excess of $750,000, land and buildings.
     "We are in position through our affiliate -- Southern Trust & Mortgage Company -- to give excellent service in financing their homes, on conventional FHA or GI long-time low-rate home loans. Also, we will give personal assistance in planning and building these homes, where such service is desired."

- November 25, 1945, The Dallas Morning News,
Sec. IV, p. 14, col. 8.
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