with permission of Jonathan McColl -
The following list is a summary of the estate papers of James Grant of Grant which are available for viewing at the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh. This list should be helpful to people resarching ancestors in the parishes of Urquhart and Glenmoriston.
REF # DESCRIPTION FROM TO 36.1 Writs - Inventory 1491 . 36.2 Rentals - Urquhart et al 1760 1790 38.1 Management of farms & woods. - notes 1600 1696 39.2 Rentals - Grant Estates 1691 1749 39.2 Tacks - Register of - 3 vols 1620 . 41.1 Discharges 1600 1680 41.1 Estate Papers 1626 1768 43.4 Tacks on Grant Estates 1640 . 43.5 Rentals of Urquhart 1768 1790 44.6 Miscellaneous papers 1701 1800 45.1 Labourer's Journal 1675 1800 45.3 Grant correspondence 1664 1746 46.5 Rebellion 1745 - List of Urquhart men 1715 1745 48.2 Correspondence 1600 1764 67.1 Rentals - Grant Estates 1749 1769 67.2 Tacks & Discharges 1719 1791 67.3 Estate A/cs 1616 . 67.4 A/cs of James Grant 1500 . 68.6 Rentals - Urquhart 1636 1749 68.6 Urquhart Barony Court Minutes 1640 . 70.0 Discharges 1611 1799 77.0 Discharges 1611 1799 110.0 Estate A/cs Urquhart Rentals - 8 bundles 1620 1757 111.0 Estate A/cs Urquhart Rentals - 8 bundles 1620 1757 112.0 Estate A/cs Urquhart Rentals - 8 bundles 1623 1757 149.0 Tacks & Wadsets &c 1792 1808 158.0 Rentals - Urquhart 1750 1774 158.3 Rentals - Urquhart 1752 1774 200.0 Field sketches by Peter Mav 1648 1770 214.4 Tenants - List of Urquahart 1616 1616 214.5 Rents & Customs of Urquhart 1665 1774 221.1 Rentals of Urquhart 1715 1745 242.0 Factory A/cs Urquhart et al 1640 1777 244.0 Factory A/cs Urquhart et al 1640 1783 247.0 Rental & Rental books - Urquhart et al 1724 1789 432.0 Estate papers - re: tenants 1616 1807 449.2 Estate papers - Urquhart rentals 1640 1796 458.5 Rentals - Abstract of lands 1747 1777 505.1 Tacks & Wadsets & c 1770 1811 524.2 Tacks 1671 1783 533.0 Tacks & Petitions re: tenants 1791 1799 534.0 Rentals of Urquhart 1763 1785 538.0 Rentals of Urquhart 1767 1791 538.1 Rental of Urquhart 1746 1791 1736.0 Contents & valuation of Urquhart 1500 1808 1889.0 Rentals - Urquhart 1770 1770 1891.0 Rentals - Urquhart 1773 1814