In Dr. William Mackay's Urquhart and Glenmoriston (1893) a short account is given of the Settlement in Nova Scotia. Dr. Mackay had written to Rev. D.B. Blair and Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair and from the information supplied by them this account was compiled. The manuscripts had been in the possession of Dr. Mackay's grandson, the late Mr. I.R. Mackay. Photocopies of which have been given to the Angus L. MacDonald Library, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish.
Here is a list of natives of Urquhart and Glenmoriston who crossed the Atlantic to Nova Scotia, namely Pictou, East River (An Abhainn Mhor), Blue Mountain (A' Bheinne Ghorm) and Springville (Bail' an Fhuarain).
Donald Cameron - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou, N.S.
in 1784 - He was a soldier in the 3rd Company of the 2nd
Battalion of the 84th Regiment. He had two sons in the army, Samuel was
a Light Horseman and Duncan was a drummer.
Samuel Cameron - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou, N.S.
in 1784 - He settled at Bridgeville, and was also in the
84th. He was a brother of Donald.
Archibald Campbell - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1801
- He settled near Sunny Brae.
Donald Campbell - From Glen Urquahart to Urquhart, N.S. in 1820
- Donald was born in 1790 and in 1808 he married Ann MacMillan.
Their children were Peter, Mary, William and Jessy (all born in Scotland)
and Ann, Marjory, Catherine, Donlad, Duncan and John (born in N.S.).
Donald died on December 6, 1878.
James Campbell - From Glen Urquhart - settled
near Springville.
John Campbell - From Glen Urquhart - He settled
near Springville. He was blind and did not marry.
John Campbell - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou in 1818 - (son
of James and Elizabeth) - John was born on July 22, 1790. He was
14 years with Peter Grant of Red Castle, an officer in the army.
He was a tailor by trade. He was a corporal in the 2nd Battalion
of th 93rd Regiment. He settled between Bridgeville and Sunny Brae.
He married Janet Fraser (dau. of Archibald) - she died July 30, 1829.
His second marriage was to Isabell McDonald, by whom he had a son John
who married Margaret Fraser.
Alexander Chisholm - to Pictou, N.S. after 1818 - He
married Christy McIntosh (dau. of Robert).
James Chisholm - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou, N.S.
in 1801 - James was a blacksmith and settled at Sunny Brae.
John Chisholm - to Moose River in 1821 - John
was married to Jane Grant and their family consisted of Alexander, Helen,
Margaret, Kenneth, Sweeny, Isabella, Elizabeth, Roderick, John, and Jane.
William Cumming - From Inverness to Blanchard Road in 1802 -
was married to Catherine Fraser and had a large family.
John Forbes - From Strath Glass to Pictou, N.S. - (son
of Donald and Mary Grant)
Archibald Fraser - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1818
- He settled near Sunny Brae. He had one son, John,
who was married to Janet McKenzie of Achatemraig. He had three daughters,
Janet, Margaret and Catherine.
Duncan Fraser - From Glen Urquhart to Kerrowgarr -
Thomas Fraser - to Blue Mountain in 1818 - He
was married to Ann Fraser.
William Fraser - to Blanchard Road - He was married
to Emilia Fraser. They had a large family, many of whom emigrated to the
states of Wisconsin and Michigan. He died in April 1873 and she died
on February 26. 1872.
Peter Grant - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou, N.S.
in 1784 - He was married to Janet McIntosh (sister of Robert).
They settled at Bridgeville.
John Grant - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou, N.S.
in 1801 - He was married to Margaret McIntosh (sister of
Robert). Their family consisted of Robert, Finlay, William, Peter,
John and Catherine. They settled at Sunny Brae.
Donald Kennedy - to East River, Pictou, N.S. in 1802 - He
settled at Sunny Brae and married to a McKenzie.
Alexander MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in
1802 - (son of John McDonald) He was
married to Isabell McIntosh.
Alexander MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in
1801 - (son of Alexander and Margaret)
He settled at Sunny Brae. His son Duncan was a
merchant at Springville.
Donald MacDonald - to Pictou, N.S. in 1801 - (brother
of Alexander) He also settled at Sunny Brae.
Donald MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Kerrowgair, N.S. in
1803 - (brother of John)
Donald MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1840
- He settled at Garden of Eden, near Blue Mountain, but died
at East River.
Duncan MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1801
- Along with his son John they settled at Sunny Brae.
Finlay McDonald - From Urquhart to McLellan's Mountain, N.S.
in 1801 - Finlay was married to Ann McMillan in Urquhart
in 1785. They have five children - John, Ann, Donald, Christian and
Duncan. (ref: Barnie Cowan)
Gilbert MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1821
- Gilbert was a blacksmith. His son Donald (born in
1816) came with him. Gilbert married Mary McDonald.
Hugh MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in
1784 - He was a son of Iain Mac Eoghainn, Oig.
He settled at Bridgeville and was in the army.
James MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1784
- (brother to Hugh). The Hon. James MacDonald, Chief
Justice of N.S. was his grandson. He settled at Bridgeville.
John MacDonald - to East River, Pictou, N.S. in 1784 (with
sons Duncan, Hugh and James)
John MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1801
- He was married to Elizabeth Grant and they settled above
Sunny Brae.
John MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Kerrowgair, N.S. in 1803.
of Donald)
William MacDonald - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1818
- He lived near Springville and was a tailor.
John MacDougall - to Blue Mountain, N.S. in June1828 -
John was born on March 15, 1805, the youngest of 10 children - 4 brothers
and 5 sisters - he married Jessy (daughter of Roderick MacDougall
and Christy MacMillan). All their children died in infancy except Roderick
(merchant and Justice of the Peace) and Euphemia. Jessy died on March 22,
1843. John's second marriage was to Janet MacLennan in 1845. John
MacDougall died on July 1, 1873. She survived him for a little more than
5 years when she died on August 22, 1878.
John MacDougall - Died in Scotland - His widow
Janet (McGregor) and children Ewen, Betsy, Alexander, William and Ann came
to Pictou, N.S. in 1803 and settled near Sunny Brae.
Roderick MacDougall - to Pictou, N.S. in 1824 - he
was married to Christy MacMillan and they had six sons - John, Duncan,
Alexander, Dugald, Donald, Roderick and three daughters - Isabella, Mary
and Jessy.
Angus MacPhee - From Glen Urquahrt to Pictou, N.S. in 1801 -
He was married to Christy Thomson (dau. of John) and they settled above
Sunny Brae.
Patrick MacKay - From Achmonie - to Pictou, N.S. in 1770 (he
returned to Scotland where he died)
William McKay - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1818 -
settled at Big Cove, Merigomish. McKay's wife was a MacDonald (sister
of William).
Robert MacIntosh - From Glen Urquhart to East River, Pictou,
N.S. in 1801 - Robert had a large family consisting of John,
William, Finlay, Alexander, Christian, Elizabeth and Jessy. They
settled at Sunny Brae.
Duncan MacMillan - to Pictou, N.S. after 1840 - (Son
of Duncan) He bought a farm at Bridgeville.
Finlay MacMillan - to New Glasgow, Pictou, N.S. in 1784 - He
was married to Mary McDougall, they had two sons William and John.
John MacMillan - to Churchville, N.S. in 1801 (son
of Finlay) - He was a blacksmith and married Catherine Campbell (sister
to John).
William MacMillan - to Pictou, N.S. in 1818 -
He married Penuel MacDougall (the sister of John)..they lived at South
River, Antigonish. After his death, his widow with the youngest son
Alpine moved to Illinois, but his eldest son Donald remained in N.S.
William MacMillan - to Pictou, N.S. abt. 1890
Donald Munro - to Pictou, N.S. after 1818
John Munro - to Urquhart, N.S. in 1818 - He was
married to Rebecca Cumming. Their children were Donald, Mary, Jane,
Anne and John, and two other daughters - one married to Maxwell and the
other to William Cameron, Merigomish.
Alexander Ross - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1818
- (brother of William) He settled near Sunny Brae, and was
a gardener.
William Ross - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1818
(the son of John Ross) a tailor who married Christy Grant (dau. of Peter
Grant and Janet McIntosh). Their family consisted of Donald, Alexander,
Mary, Jessy, William, Christy and Peter. The first four came out from Glenurquhart
and the latter three were born at Blue Mountain. William Ross Sr.
died on Dec. 7, 1868 at nearly 80 yrs. of age.
Hector Thomson - (brother of John) Settled
near Halifax. He had two sons, Donald and Simon. Simon settled
on East River and was married to Margaret Fraser (dau. of Archibald).
John Thomson - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. in 1801 -
was then an old man. He settled above Sunny Brae. Alexander
his son who came with him was married to Bella McIntosh in Scotland.
Alexander Urquhart - to Pictou, N.S. abt. 1890 - (brother
of William) settled at East River.
Gregor Urquhart - Gregor was a son of Capt. Urquhart.
The captain was married twice. By his first wife he had Gregor and
a daughter. Gregor became quite deranged and was sent to the Asylum
in Halifax where he died.
James Urquhart - to Pictou, N.S. in 1801 - settled
near Springville.
James Urquhart - to Pictou, N.S. abt. 1890
William Urquhart - From Glen Urquhart to Pictou, N.S. abt. 1890(returned
to Glen-Urquhart and acquired the Lewiston Brewery)
Pictou settlement now contains about seventy flourishing families of Urquhart descent, who all still speak Gaelic, and worship in that language in the churches of Blue Mountain and Springville. To the Rev. D. B. Blair, for many years minister of Blue Mountain, and the Rev. A. MacLean Sinclair, lately minister of Springville, and now of Belfast, Prince Edward Island, the Author is indebted for much of the information contain in this notice. (W. MacKay - 1893)