[S82] Cecilia Daley, "Cecilia Daley E-Mail," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (unknown address) to Ken Mullins. Hereinafter cited as "Cecilia Daley E-Mail."
[S87] Marti & Bob Cuneo, "Marti & Bob Cuneo E-mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 24 Sep 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Marti & Bob Cuneo E-mail."
[S89] Rickey Henry, "Rickey Henry e-mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins. Hereinafter cited as "Rickey Henry e-mail."
[S120] Richard Archer, "Richard Archer, E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 28 Sep 00. Hereinafter cited as "Richard Archer, E-Mail."
[S169] Larry Blackman, "E-mail from Larry Blackman e-mail address," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 30 Jul 2002. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail from Larry Blackman."
[S170] Jean Griesan, "E-Mail from Jean Griesan," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 11 Aug 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Jean Griesan."
[S173] Ronda Husley, "E-mail from Ronda Husley," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 27 Oct 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Ronda Husley."
[S200] Joe B Sissom, "Joe B Sissom E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (3500 Gentry Rd, Irving TX 75062, 650-9026) to Ken Mullins, 19 Feb 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Joe B Sissom E-Mail."
[S203] Maris Genealogy Home Page by Raymond L. Maris, online www.gendex.com/users/RayMaris/maris/maris.htm. Hereinafter cited as Maris Genealogy Home Page.
[S204] Linda Ali, "Linda Ali E-mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, March 13, 1998. Hereinafter cited as "Linda Ali E-mail."
[S205] Sandi Pope, "Sandi Pope E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, Sunday, January 05, 2003 5:11 PM. Hereinafter cited as "Sandi Pope E-Mail."
[S212] Richard Welch, "Richard Welch E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, Thursday, August 14, 2003 7:50 AM. Hereinafter cited as "Richard Welch E-Mail."
[S215] Linda King, "Linda King E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 15 Aug 2003. Hereinafter cited as "Linda King E-Mail."
[S216] Chad Walker, "Chad Walker E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, February 22, 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Chad Walker E-Mail."
[S218] Cornelius Carroll The Mullins Families of East Kentucky and Southwest Virginia, 1, 2 (3 Clark Branch, Harold, KY 41635: Cornelius Carroll, 2000). Hereinafter cited as Mullins Families of East KY and SW VA.
[S222] Dave Nelson, "Dave Nelson E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (1500 Lynn Drive, Boulder City, NV 89005) to Ken Mullins, 7 apr 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Dave Nelson E-Mail."
[S230] Mullins, the French Huguenot Colonial Virginia Family, online http://www.earlyfamilies.com/Pages/…. Hereinafter cited as Mullins, the French Huguenot Colonial Virginia Family.
[S232] Angie Laughlin-Taylor, "Angie Laughlin-Taylor E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 6 Jun 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Angie Laughlin-Taylor E-Mail."
[S233] Anita Schultz-Peters, "Anita Schultz-Peters E-Mail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 19 Aug 2004. Hereinafter cited as "Anita Schultz-Peters E-Mail."
[S235] "GenSmarts Estimate GenSmarts is a trademark of Underwood Innovations,", GenSmarts (unknown author address), to unknown recipient (unknown recipient address); unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GenSmarts."
[S238] Nancy Ellis, "Ellis Family - DAR Rejected Mary Kate Fagan Cook's Papers," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken, 15 Apr 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Nancy Ellis."
[S242] State record Database: unknown subject, by unknown photographer; unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/GenealogyMWeb/…; unknown file name.
[S271] David Matthews, "David Matthews eMail," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Ken Mullins, 8 Jun 2009. Hereinafter cited as "David Matthews eMail."
[S273] Richard Earl Henthorn, "eMail from Richard Henthorn," e-mail message from e-mail address (924 Norwalk Drive, Nashville, TN 37214) to Ken Mullins, 28 Jan 2010. Hereinafter cited as "eMail from Richard Henthorn."