- (
- (?)(46) (H-O L. Phelps)(2) (W-O A W Mullins)(1) (W-O A. F. Foreman)(1) (W-O A. Phelps)(1) (W-O Alpin)(1) (W-O B De Bayeux)(1) (W-O B Styrbionson)(1) (W-O B. Griffith)(1) (W-O C B Mullins)(1) (W-O C. Binder)(1) (W-O C. Mullins)(1) (W-O C. W. Wade)(5) (W-O Constantine I)(1) (W-O D. C. Mullins Sr)(1) (W-O D. Ellis)(1) (W-O De Braose)(1) (W-O De Mortimer)(1) (W-O Donald II Dasachtach)(1) (W-O E G Hognasson)(1) (W-O E. Wilks)(1) (W-O Eochaid III)(1) (W-O F Karasson)(1) (W-O F. Ballard)(1) (W-O F. Swartz)(1) (W-O Findon)(1) (W-O Fornjotur)(1) (W-O G. C. Wade)(1) (W-O G. Maris)(1) (W-O G. W. Ball)(1) (W-O Gorr Thorrasson)(1) (W-O H Gorrsson)(2) (W-O H Rea)(1) (W-O H Scrope)(2) (W-O H Sveidasson)(1) (W-O H. Binder)(1) (W-O H. Collier)(1) (W-O H. E. Apfel)(1) (W-O H. Lamb)(1) (W-O J Cumbo)(1) (W-O J Jeanes)(1) (W-O J Wilks)(1) (W-O J. A. Otwell Jr)(2) (W-O J. B. Bond Sr.)(2) (W-O J. De Vaux)(1) (W-O J. Fowler)(1) (W-O J. Frostasson)(1) (W-O J. H. Ballard)(1) (W-O J. J. Griffith)(1) (W-O J. Lindley)(1) (W-O J. McElory)(1) (W-O J. Osburne)(1) (W-O J. Rhodes)(1) (W-O J. Robey II)(2) (W-O J. Saint Hilary)(1) (W-O J. Turpin)(1) (W-O J. Wilks)(1) (W-O J. Winn)(1) (W-O K. Fornjotsson)(1) (W-O Kenneth I "Macalpin)(1) (W-O Kenneth II )(1) (W-O M Duncan)(1) (W-O M Mackenneth)(1) (W-O M. Mullins)(1) (W-O M. R. Foreman)(1) (W-O Malcolm I)(1) (W-O N Seward)(1) (W-O N. Bond)(1) (W-O O Fitzrichard Scrope)(1) (W-O O. Ealdorman)(1) (W-O O. Gudrodsson)(1) (W-O Oslac)(1) (W-O P De Roet)(1) (W-O P. Noe)(1) (W-O R Brune)(1) (W-O R De Toeni)(2) (W-O R Olafsson)(1) (W-O R Scrope)(1) (W-O R. Farland)(1) (W-O R. Jones)(1) (W-O R. Maris)(1) (W-O R. Masters)(1) (W-O R. Parke)(1) (W-O S Heytsson)(1) (W-O S Scrope)(1) (W-O S Svidrasson)(1) (W-O S. I. Smith)(1) (W-O S. Jokullsson)(1) (W-O S. Maggart)(1) (W-O S. Small)(1) (W-O Senlis Hubert)(1) (W-O T Snaersson)(1) (W-O T. Hollowell)(1) (W-O T. Phillips)(1) (W-O Urgust, King Of The Picts)(1) (W-O W Scrope)(2) (W-O W. Bartley)(1) (W-O W. Bundy)(1) (W-O W. Christopher)(1) (W-O W. J. Sartin)(1) (W-O W. McElory)(1) (W-O W. Reed)(1) (W-O W. Roby)(1) (W-O W. Via)(1) (W-O W. Wilkins)(1)
- A
- Abraham(2) Acker(2) Adams(9) Addington(1) Alexander(5) Alford(4) Algitha(1) Allen(7) Allison(4) Allsup(2) Alspach(1) Ambrose(1) Anderson(1) Andrews(3) Anjou(4) Anneken(2) Apfel(4) Aquitaine(2) Aragbon(2) Arbothnot(1) Arbuthnot(2) Archdeacon(2) Archer(59) Armstrong(4) Arvin(3) Aslinger(8) Athelstan(2) Atholl(1) Atwood(2) Audley(3) Audrey(2) Aulman(2) Avesnes(12)
- B
- Baechlein(1) Bagwell(1) Baker(7) Ball(18) Ballanger(12) Ballard(52) Ballenger(36) Ballinger(2) Ballinger, Ballanger(1) Ballinger(13) Barbara(1) Barbu'(2) Barker(2) Barksdale(1) Barney(1) Barrett(8) Barron(3) Barthel(1) Bartlett(2) Bartley(2) Basset(2) Bates(10) Batson(4) Bayeux(1) Beard(1) Beatenbo(8) Beauchamp(65) Beaufort(21) Bechlerin(1) Beckusen(5) Beenye(2) Belk(2) Bell(7) Bender(3) Bennett(8) Benningfield(1) Benthall(1) Bergland(1) Berkeley(12) Berry(1) Berthwaite(1) Bigod(1) Biller(1) Binder(10) Black(1) Blackburn(1) Blanchan(3) Boatright(2) Boatwright(3) Bobby(2) Bodine(3) Bogue(5) Bohun(1) Bolding(3) Bolles(1) Bond(156) Bone(1) Bortz(6) Bosome(1) Botelar(1) Bowers(23) Bowyer(1) Boyeyn (Bullyn)(1) Boyeyn ;[Earl Of Wiltshire](1) Boyeyn(4) Bozell(1) Bozom(2) Bozon Or Bozume(1) Brace(2) Bradford(12) Braose(14) Bray(17) Brendle(1) Brennan(3) Bretagne(4) Brewster(1) Brian(1) Broad(1) Brooking(1) Brooks(2) Brosche'(2) Brotherton(1) Brown(11) Browning(13) Brownlow(2) Brune(3) Bruno(1) Brunswick(6) Bryen(3) Bryson(1) Buffington(1) Bullin(1) Bundy(10) Burgess(2) Burke(6) Burton(2) Butler(1) Byrd(2) Bächlin(3)
- C
- Cain(17) Calloway(1) Calvert(1) Calvin(1) Cameron(2) Campbell(16) Cannon(1) Cape(1) Capet(2) Capps(1) Carey (Cary)(4) Carey(11) Carpenter(2) Carr(9) Carroll(2) Carter(3) Cary or Carry(1) Cary(32) Case(1) Cash(1) Castile and Lbeon(1) Chamblee(1) Chapman(8) Charles(3) Chastain(19) Cheek(1) Chenault(2) Christopher(37) Chute(4) Clagett(1) Clapp(1) Clare(14) Clark(6) Clayton(5) Cleare(1) CleareClare(1) Clemons(1) Clifford(9) Clifton(3) Cloar(1) Cloppet(1) Coffin(1) Coggin(1) Collier(8) Colquitt(10) Compton(1) Conally(1) Connally(2) Conolly(17) Conoly(6) Cooke(1) Coonrod(3) Cooper(1) Copeland(4) Coppin(1) Corder(5) Corlis(1) Cotching(1) Cottin(1) Courtenay(4) Courtney(1) Covington(1) Cox(4) Coxe(1) Cranshaw(1) Crawford(2) Creas(2) Crepon(1) Crider(2) Crocheron(4) Cromer(15) Croninger(10) Crook(6) Crow(5) Croy(1) Crutcher(2) Cull(1) Cumbo(9) Custer(1) Cuthbert(1)
- D
- D'Albisse(1) Dacre(1) Dagsburg(1) Darnall(57) Darnell(7) Dasachtach(2) Daughetee(2) Daughhetee(17) Daughhette(7) Daughter(2) Dauity(4) Davidson(1) Davies(1) Davis(8) De Maupin(1) Dean(1) Deichman(1) Delp(6) Dongart(2) Dorton(1) Dove(3) Draper(9) Dubois(7) Dudley(2) Duncan(4) Durborough(2) Durham(3) Dye(36)
- E
- Eakins(2) Ealdorman(1) Easley(14) Eden(2) Edgiva(2) Edith(2) Edmund(2) Edwards(1) Egbert(3) Egisheim(1) Elfthryth(1) Ellis(56) Ellison(1) Empress(1) England(111) Ennes(1) Ennis(1) Eugene(1) Eustice(1) Evans(1) Everett(2) Ewell(24) Eysteinsdatter(2) Eysteinsson Earl Of More And R(1) Eysteinsson Earl Of More And Romsdal(2) Eysteinsson(2)
- F
- Fadburn(1) Fair'(1) Falaise(5) Farless(1) Farmer(1) Faucett(11) Faughn(1) Felps(5) Ferguson(2) Ferrers(8) Ferrieres(2) Fillips(1) Finnell(1) Fionn(1) Fischer(1) Fitzalan(10) Fitzgeoffrey(6) Fitzgilbert(2) Fitzhugh(10) Fitzjohn(4) Fitzpiers(3) Fitzsiward(1) Flaherty(1) Flanders AND Hainault(1) Flanders(5) Flandres(2) Fleet(2) Floyd(1) Foley(1) Foreman(87) Fornjotsson King In Kvenland(2) Fornjotsson(3) Fortescue(1) Foster(11) Fowler(5) France(23) Franklin(1) Fredrick(3) Fredricks(4) Frostasson(1) Fulfford(10) Fuller(1) Fultz(1) Fuston(2)
- G
- Gainai(2) Galbert(1) Gardner(1) Garland(1) Garvin(13) Geneva & Faucigny(1) George(1) Gepa(1) Gerhard(1) Gibbons(1) Gilbs(1) Gilliland(2) Gillispie(2) Gilman(1) Girvett(1) Gish(4) Gleiberg(1) Glick(1) Glines(1) Gloucester(1) Glover(2) Goforth(1) Golden(1) Good(7) Goodlette(3) Goodnight(12) Goodpasture(1) Gordon(8) Gore(1) Gorrsson(4) Gough(10) Green(10) Gregory(5) Griffin(6) Griffith(106) Gudrodsson King Of Jutland And Vestfold(2) Gudrodsson King Of Jutland And(1)
- H
- Hadley(30) Hague(3) Hail(14) Hainault(2) Hale(13) Haley(14) Halfdansson(2) Hall(5) Halle(1) Hallowell(2) Hamm(2) Hammer(1) Hanchford Or Hanksford(1) Hanly(1) Hannah(1) Hanson(1) Hardin(1) Harding(3) Harris(4) Hartley(8) Hatch(1) Hawkins(4) Hayden(1) Hayter(2) Hazelwood(1) Hearn(7) Hearne(27) Heasley(1) Hedgspetch(1) Heed(2) Henchman(1) Henderson(2) Hendreckson(3) Hendricks(10) Henrietta(2) Henson(1) Henthorn(15) Herndon(2) Heron(1) Herring(4) Herron(1) Hersen(1) Hersent(5) Hewlett(1) Heytsson(1) Heyward(1) Hildebrand(4) Hildegard(1) Hill(8) Hilly(6) Hockett(6) Hodges(2) Hoffs(3) Hognasson(1) Hogwood(10) Holand(1) Holbrook(1) Holland(8) Hollis(2) Hollowell(13) Holway(2) Holwey(1) Hopkins(17) Horner(4) Horton(3) Hotrum(1) Howard(15) Hrolfsdatter Countess Of More(1) Hubbard(4) Hubert(2) Huey(4) Huff(1) Huffman(4) Huggins(1) Hughs(1) Hulsey(19) Hungerford(2) Hunt(5) Hurley(1) Hutton(1) Hutzel(1)
- I
- Inman(1) Ivarsson(2) Ives(5)
- J
- James(25) Jameson(1) Jans(1) Jarman(1) Jarnigan(1) Jeanes Sandford Jones(1) Jeanes(1) Jeffries(1) Jensen(17) Joire(2) Jokulsson King In Kvenland(2) Jones(28) Jordan(6) Judkins(1)
- K
- Karasson King In Kvenland(1) Karasson(1) Karr(1) Karry(7) Kee(1) Keehn(1) Keffer(2) Keiser(1) Kennon(1) Kent, Essex And Sussex(1) Keran(2) Kerbs(1) Kerr(1) Ketcherside(18) Kettering(3) Kimbro(1) King(1) Kirk(4) Kirkpatrick(6) Kirtpatrick(1) Knee(47) Knight(4) Komar(1) Krebs(4) Krick(1) Krieger(2) Kruger(1) Kvenland(1)
- L
- L.rogers(1) Lamb(14) Lamson(1) Landers(1) Lane(3) Lankford(1) Lannon(1) Larchevasque(1) Larson(1) Latham(7) Lawson(3) Le Maupin(5) Le Scrope(4) Leedom(1) Leftwish(2) Lening(2) Lewis(3) Lieupo(3) Lightfoot(2) Lindley(31) Lisle(4) Lofton(1) Long(1) Losh(1) Lowery(35) Loyd(5) Luckett(1) Lund(1) Lutegareshale(6) Luxembourg(5) Luxemburg(1) Lyle(2) Lyon(2)
- M
- MacKenneth King Of Scotland(1) MacKenneth(2) Maggart(7) Mandeville(8) Manley(5) Mann(1) Manssen(4) Margaret(1) Margery(1) Maris(88) Marlin(1) Martin(14) Maskall(1) Masters(9) Mathews(42) Mathias(2) Matthe(1) Matthew(2) Matthews(42) Mauduit(1) Maupin(24) Maves(1) Mays(1) McAfee(7) McCartney(13) McClure(2) McCormick(3) McCoy(2) McDaniel(3) McDaniell(1) McDonald(27) McDuff(1) McElory(11) McFarland(3) McGee(1) McGhee(2) McGunnigle(1) McKale(1) McMillan(3) McQuay(1) McQueen(1) Mealey(3) Meddor(1) Meissen(1) Merchant(1) Mercia(1) Meschines(2) Metcalf(1) Metz(2) Meyers(3) Milbourne(1) Milhouser(3) Miller(14) Mills(4) Milton(1) Minsey(2) Moon(28) Moore(2) Moray(1) More(5) Morgan(15) Mormaer(2) Morrison(2) Morrow(1) Morse(4) Mortimer(8) Moses(3) Moyers(2) Mullins(207) Murrell(1) Musslewhite(2) Myers(1)
- N
- Nancy(1) Nash(4) Navarre(1) Neill(1) Nelson(18) Neville(21) Nevins(1) Newby(3) Newkirk(13) Newsham(1) Newsom(1) Newton(1) Nicely(1) Nicholas(4) Nichols(1) Nicholson(2) Nickols(2) Noe(18) Nordgau(1) Normandie(12) Normandy(13) Norris(3) Northumbia(1)
- O
- O'Brian(1) O'Dean(1) O'Leary(1) O'Neal(1) Odell(1) Olafsson(2) Old(2) Orchard(2) Osburne(3) Oslac(3) Otwell(46) Overman(13) Overstreet(3) Owen(1) Owens(7)
- P
- Packer(1) Page(1) Pangle(2) Paris(1) Parisho(5) Parke(3) Parker / Packer(1) Parker(2) Parks(4) Patterson(2) Payne(2) Payton(1) Peacable'(1) Pearce(1) Pearish(11) Pearson(14) Peden(2) Peeler(2) Peincourt(1) Peirce(1) Percy(25) Perisho(2) Perkins(2) Perry(1) Peterson(1) Petry(1) Phelps(19) Phillips(41) Pierson(1) Pilgrim(3) Pilon(2) Pipkin(2) Pirkle(2) Pirtle(9) Pitchford(1) Pitzer(2) Poindexter(1) Pole(1) Pollock(1) Polly(2) Pope(1) Porterfield(19) Potter(1) Potts(6) Powell(1) Powers(2) Poynings(3) Poytress(1) Preston(3) Prewitt(1) Price(4) Pritchett(1) Proctor(1) Provence & Forcalquier(2) Provence(6) Pruett(6) Pypard(1)
- Q
- Quinn(2)
- R
- Ragsdale(1) Ramey(2) Ramsey(1) Randolf(1) Randolph(2) Ray(1) Rea(51) Reade(1) Reagan(5) Redburh(2) Redwile(1) Redwile, Redwine(1) Redwine(26) Redwine, Reitweil, Redwile, Riethweil, Rothweil, Rheitwile(1) Redwine(6) Reed(36) Reeves(2) Rehkop(2) Reitweil, Reitweil, Redwile, Reithweil, Rothweil, Rheitwile, Reedwine(1) Revelle(1) Reynolls(1) Rhinehart(2) Rhodes(9) Rice(2) Richards(2) Richison(1) Riddle(1) Riedweilens, Riedweilin, Redwile, Reithweil, Rothweil, Rhotwein(1) Riedweilin(1) Riedweyl(2) Riedweyler(1) Riethweil(10) Riethweyl(2) Rietweil, Reidweyl, Riethweil(1) Rietweyl(6) Riggs(2) Rinker(2) Roach(9) Roberts(9) Robertson(2) Robey(9) Robillard(1) Robinson(15) Roby(7) Rochester(2) Roet(3) Rogers(11) Rognvaldsdatter Countess Of Oppland(1) Rognvaldsson Earl Of More(1) Rognvaldsson(4) Roles(1) Roller(1) Ros or Rosse(1) Ros(5) Rose(2) Ross(1) Rosse(2) Rotenberry(2) Roth(2) Rousey(2) Rowzey(2) Royall(3) Roys(1) Royston(1) Rucker(1) Russell(1)
- S
- Sabran(1) Safley(1) Saint Hilary (Hilaire)(2) Saint Hilary(1) Sampler(1) Samples(1) Sanders(18) Sandford(1) Sandy(8) Sanford(1) Sapp(1) Sarah(1) Sartain(91) Savoie(1) Savoy Chablais Aosta(1) Savoy(2) Sayton(1) Schooley(1) Scotland(34) Scott(9) Scroope (Le Scrope)(1) Scrope(98) Seaton(1) Seleen(1) Sellers(20) Sewell(1) Seyler(1) Shadburn(2) Sharpe(1) Shipley(2) Shockey(2) Short(1) Shoup(1) Simpson(2) Simson(1) Skelton(3) Skidmore(2) Skinner(1) Skrabanek(5) Slinkard(2) Small(132) Smart(48) Smith(60) Snaersdotter(1) Snaersson King In Kvenland(2) Snead(1) Snoddy(1) Snodgrass(76) Sparkman(2) Sparks(1) Spell(5) Spencer(9) Spidman(1) Spoon(1) Spreen(2) Spriggs(2) Spurlock(3) St Clair(9) Stafford(12) Staley(1) Stanfield(1) Stanley(1) Stapleton(2) Stark(1) Starkey(5) Stclair(1) Steed(2) Steinmetz(2) Stephens(2) Stewart(48) Stifelmeyer(1) Stillwort(1) Stinson(1) Stone(7) Storey(1) Straughan(1) Strawel(2) Strawn(5) Strickland(23) Stubblefield(1) Styrbionson(1) Sullivan(9) Sullivant(3) Sumner(7) Sundfors(1) Sveidasson(1) Svidrasson(1) Swabia(1) Swaine(1) Swartz(3) Swift(1) Symons(5)
- T
- Taffner(21) Taillefer(5) Talbot(1) Tally(1) Tappana(3) Tatman(1) Taylor(3) Tedwell(1) Teral(1) Terrill(1) Thaxton(1) Thomas(2) Thomasin(1) Thompson(7) Thornhill(1) Thorrasson(4) Thorton(2) Thrasher(1) Thullesen(2) Thurman(6) Tidwell(1) Timmons(4) Tinsley(2) Tiptoft(3) Tisdale(1) Todd(1) Toeni(4) Tonee (Toeni)(2) Toulouse(1) Towers(1) Townsend(1) Trevett(2) Trussel(1) Tunbridge (Clare)(1) Turnbeaugh(9) Turnbow(1) Turner(3) Turpin(14)
- U
- Urgust(2)
- V
- Va Haverbeke(2) Valois(5) Van Haverbeke(1) Van Valkenburg(1) Vanmeter(5) Vanmeteren(8) Vantrease(3) Varner(1) Vaughn(3) Vaux(4) Veatch(7) Veitch(1) Vere(13) Vermillion(1) Vernon(4) Via(4)
- W
- Wade(74) Waleries(1) Walker(8) Wallace(3) Walsh(6) Walter ?(1) Warren(2) Washburn(1) Watkins(3) Watmoughe(2) Watson(2) Wattmer(3) Waugh(1) Webster(1) Welch(1) Wells(8) Wessex(4) Westbrook(2) Whinrey(2) White(2) Whiteley(2) Whitfield(2) Whitlatch(1) Whitney(7) Whittenberg(16) Whittenburg(3) Whitworth(1) Wilbourn(3) Wilcox(2) Wilkes(24) Wilkins(7) Wilkinson(4) Wilks(70) Willets(2) Williams(51) Willoughby(1) Wills(25) Willy(5) Wilson(4) Wingate(1) Winn(6) Winterton(2) Womack(14) Wood(2) Woodard(3) Woodruff(3) Woods(3) Woodsmith(1) Woody(2) Wooten(2) Worthy(1) Wright(1) Wyatt(2) Wyche(2) Wynn(3) Wynne(13) Wythe(5)
- Y
- Yancey(2) Young(1)
- Z
- Zimmerman(3)