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Atlas Project Main Page
My name is Miriam (Robbins) Midkiff and this is The Atlas Project, my personal genealogical and historical research project which is focused on the individuals of Atlas Township, Genesee County, Michigan, a place where several of my ancestors pioneered and settled.
The focus of this project is to provide a starting point for those researching their own Atlas Township ancestors; a repository of biographies, records and databases pertaining to the township; and an avenue for researchers and family historians to compile and compare their research, as well as assist others in their own.
If you have information, research, photos, biographies, or GedCom files of your own that you would like to share here, please contact me.
If you would like to search this site for a name, please go to my Home page, AnceStories. In the left-hand column are two ways to search for your ancestors: the Atlas GEDCOM Database (link also below), and a Free Find Search, which searches this entire Atlas website.
If you don't find what you're looking for, please e-mail me. I have a lot of data that has not yet made its way into this site or to my database.
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© Miriam Midkiff, 2003 - 2006