My Military Ancestors
and Relatives
This page honors my ancestors and their brothers and sons who served in America's military throughout her history. Below is a list of wars, conflicts and peacetime eras in which these brave men served (dates are given for years in which the United States participated). Ranks are listed, if known.
My direct ancestors have been noted with an asterisk (*). All other men are brothers and sons of direct ancestors. If I have an AnceStory or other biographical information about an individual on this website, his name is hyperlinked. Information in database format can be found on all the individuals listed below by doing a search on my WorldConnect database.
The Colonial &
Indian Wars
(17th and 18th
*Samuel Strong, I
The American Revolution
(1776 - 1783)
*Elisha Dickinson
*Capt. Israel Lewis, II
Lt. Col. David Strong
*Joel Strong
*Pvt. Josiah Strong, II
*Pvt. Jacob Fredenburgh
*Capt. Peter Westbrook
*Benjamin Willis, I
*Pvt. Daniel Zwears,
(one of Ethan Allen's Green Mountain
Pvt. Jacob Zwiers, I
Pvt. Peter Zwiers
The War of 1812
(1812 - 1814)
*Pvt. Phillip Dickinson
*Pvt. Joseph P. Massey
Pvt. Stephen Van Rennselaer York
(pressed [forcibly drafted] into the 3rd Regiment, Lincoln Militia in Ontario,
Canada; escaped to New York, and enlisted with Captain Justus P. Spencer's Company
of the New York
militia, Colonel Steven's Regiment of the New York Infantry)
*Pvt. Jeremiah F.
York, I
(pressed [forcibly drafted] into the 3rd Regiment, Lincoln Militia in Ontario,
Canada; escaped to New York, and enlisted with Captain Justus P. Spencer's Company
of the New York
militia, Colonel Steven's Regiment of the New York Infantry)
Mexican War
Josiah Robbins
(he also served in the Civil War)
The Civil War
a.k.a. The War
of Southern Independence
(1861 - 1864)
Angelo M.
Pennsylvania Rifles ["Bucktails"], Co. I)
Pvt. Willard
(23rd Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. K)
William Lewis Crothers
(23rd Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. K)
(44th Regiment, Indiana
Volunteers, Co. F)
Sgt. Philip Reuben Dickinson
(10th Michigan
Cavalry, Co. A)
1st Lt. Wallace W.
(3rd Michigan
Cavalry, Co. K,
& 10th Michigan Cavalry, Co. A)
Pvt. William Dickinson
(41st Regiment, Ohio
Volunteers, Co. K)
Cpl. Abram Fredenburg
(50th Regiment, New
York Engineers, Co. A)
Pvt. Benjamin Franklin Fredenburg
(7th Michigan
Cavalry, Co. E;
Died in Andersonville Prisoner of War Camp)
(33rd Regiment, New
York Volunteers, Co. I
& 50th Regiment, New York Engineers, Co. L)
Pvt. Levi
L. Higby
(6th Regiment,
Michigan Heavy Artillery, Co. G;
died in New Orleans, Louisiana)
2nd Lt. Merrick Jackson
(46th Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, Co. H)
Henry Kimball
(27th Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. D)
Pvt. David P. Kimball
(27th Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. D)
Pvt. William R. Kimball
(13th Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. A)
W. Lewis, I
Regiment, New
York Volunteers, Co. A)
Daniel J. MacArthur (McArthur)
(Berdan's 1st
Regiment, United States Sharp Shooters, Co. I [Michigan])
Pvt. William Lee
(27th Regiment,
Michigan Volunteers, Co. I;
died in Washington,
buried in Arlington National Cemetery)
Uzza Benson Robbins
(211th Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers, Co. G)
*Charles H. Robbins
Pennsylvania Rifles ["Bucktails"], Co. I;
later transferred to the
190th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers;
also served in the Minnesota militia during
Josiah Robbins
(114th Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers, which was consolidated into the
58th Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers [he served in Co. E];
dispatched for a time with the 7th Massachusetts
also served in the Mexican War)
Pvt. Charles H. Rockwell
(137th Regiment, New
York Volunteers, Co. G)
Rufus Rockwell, III
Ambrose Strong, Musician
Regiment, New York Volunteers, Co. G;
died at Stevenson, Alabama)
Pvt. George Washington Strong
(137th Regiment, New York Volunteers, Co. G;
died at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania)
Pvt. George W. Vreeland
(20th Michigan
Infantry, Co. H)
Cpl. Ethan Allen Westbrook
(13th Michigan
Infantry, Co. E)
- American War
(1899 - 1902)
Wilkinson, II
(35th Regiment, U.S.
Volunteer Infantry, Co. C)
World War I
(1914 - 1918)
Stanley Roy Concidine
John G. Holst
(served in France)
Lloyd R. Robbins
(served in France in the 32nd "Red Arrow" Division in a machine gun
regiment - either the 119th, 120th or 121st Regiment)
Bryan Robbins
(Co. I, 339th Michigan Infantry, 85th
"Polar Bear" Division, American Expeditionary Force, U.S. Army;
served mostly in Russia)
World War II
(1941 - 1945)
Peacetime Service
H. Robbins
(served in the
Minnesota militia; he also served
during the Civil War)
William Valk
(served in the U.S. Army, prior to WW2)
created: 7 October 2003
updated: 20 Aug 2004
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