Ezekiel Smith1
b. August 28, 1712
- Father*: William Smith1 b. September 16, 1680
- Mother*: Hannah Frame1 b. January 12, 1676/77
- Relationship: 2nd cousin 7 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Ezekiel Smith was born on August 28, 1712 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.1
- He was the son of William Smith and Hannah Frame.1
- Last Edited: 1 Dec 2016
- "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FZ39-TNL : 4 December 2014), Ezekiel Smith, 28 Aug 1712; citing HAVERHILL,ESSEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 14,767.
Gladys Smith
b. June 11, 1889
- Father*: Steven S. Smith1 b. 1866
- Mother*: Edith E. Woodbury1 b. 1872
- Relationship: 4th cousin 1 time removed of Steven George Levine
- Charts: Abraham Colby Descendants
- Gladys Smith was born on June 11, 1889 in Woodstock, Grafton County, New Hampshire.1
- She was the daughter of Steven S. Smith and Edith E. Woodbury.1
- Last Edited: 24 Aug 2016
- "New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FL59-HHQ : 12 December 2014), Smith, 11 Jun 1889; citing Woodstock, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, Concord; FHL microfilm 1,001,042.
Hannah Smith1
b. September 22, 1710
- Father*: William Smith1 b. September 16, 1680
- Mother*: Hannah Frame1 b. January 12, 1676/77
- Relationship: 2nd cousin 7 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Hannah Smith was born on September 22, 1710 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.1
- She was the daughter of William Smith and Hannah Frame.1
- Last Edited: 1 Dec 2016
- "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FZS1-Z68 : 4 December 2014), Hannah Smith, 22 Sep 1710; citing HAVERHILL,ESSEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 14,767.
Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth1
b. December 4, 1673, d. 1735
- Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth was born on December 4, 1673, son of Ensign Henry and Elizabeth (Cooper) Smith.1
- Henry married Rebecca Wood, daughter of Samuel Wood and Rebecca Morton, on November 5, 1709, as his second wife.2
- Henry died in 1735.2
- Last Edited: 31 Aug 2016
Family: Rebecca Wood b. April 9, 1682
- Rebecca Smith2 b. September 18, 1710
- Henry Smith2 b. July 20, 1712
- Samuel Smith2 b. December 23, 1714
- John Smith2 b. April 16, 1717
- Elizabeth Smith2 b. March 8, 1718/19
- Ancestral Records and Portraits, Vol. 2, , at https://books.google.com/books?id=Pox2AAAAMAAJ . New York: Grafton Press, (1910) , pp. 617-8.
- Nora Bethel Wood and Elijah Francis Atwood, Henry Wood of Middleborough, Mass., , at https://books.google.com/books?id=lQRgAAAAMAAJ . Medford, N.Y.: D.W. Rudgers, (1997) , p. 11.
Henry Smith1
b. July 20, 1712
- Father*: Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth1 b. December 4, 1673, d. 1735
- Mother*: Rebecca Wood1 b. April 9, 1682
- Relationship: 2nd cousin 7 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Henry Smith was born on July 20, 1712.1
- He was the son of Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth and Rebecca Wood.1
- Last Edited: 31 Aug 2016
- Nora Bethel Wood and Elijah Francis Atwood, Henry Wood of Middleborough, Mass., , at https://books.google.com/books?id=lQRgAAAAMAAJ . Medford, N.Y.: D.W. Rudgers, (1997) , p. 11.
James Smith1
b. July 26, 1768
- Father*: Timothy Smith1 b. August 24, 1731
- Mother*: Lydia Colby1 b. June 26, 1735
- Relationship: 1st cousin 6 times removed of Steven George Levine
- James Smith was born on July 26, 1768 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.1
- He was the son of Timothy Smith and Lydia Colby.1
- Last Edited: 17 Jan 2016
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass: Topsfield Historical Society, (1911) , Vol. 1, p. 279.
John Smith1
b. April 16, 1717
- Father*: Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth1 b. December 4, 1673, d. 1735
- Mother*: Rebecca Wood1 b. April 9, 1682
- Relationship: 2nd cousin 7 times removed of Steven George Levine
- John Smith was born on April 16, 1717.1
- He was the son of Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth and Rebecca Wood.1
- Last Edited: 29 Aug 2016
- Nora Bethel Wood and Elijah Francis Atwood, Henry Wood of Middleborough, Mass., , at https://books.google.com/books?id=lQRgAAAAMAAJ . Medford, N.Y.: D.W. Rudgers, (1997) , p. 11.
John Smith Quartermaster1
b. perhaps about 1605, d. September 17, 1676
- Relationship: 8th great-grandfather of Steven George Levine
- Reference: 1698
- John Smith Quartermaster was born perhaps about 1605.
- John married Mary Ryder, as his first wife.1
- John died on September 17, 1676.1
- Last Edited: 26 Nov 2015
Family: Mary Ryder b. perhaps about 1607
- Mary Smith+1 b. July 20, 1630, d. July 29, 1703
- J. M. Pelton, Genealogy of the Pelton family in America, , at https://archive.org/details/genealogyofpelto00pelt . Albany, N. Y.: Joel Munsell's Sons, (1892) , p. 32.
Josephine A. Smith1
b. about 1863
- Reference: 0096deas2
- Josephine A. Smith was born about 1863 in Westbrook, Cumberland County, Maine.1
- She married Clark B. Woodward, son of John Woodward Jr. and Sarah Elizabeth Bunker, on April 8, 1896 in Wilmot, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, as his second wife. He was a farmer in Wilmot. She lived in Waltham, Mass. They were married by George B. Tewksbury.1
- Last Edited: 30 Nov 2012
- "New Hampshire, Marriage Records, 1637-1947," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FLXK-PDM : accessed 30 Nov 2012), Clark B. Woodward and Josephine A. Smith and null, 1896.
Lucy Smith
b. December 11, 1788, d. August 15, 1832
- Father*: Asher Smith1 b. 1757, d. January 26, 1838
- Mother*: Sarah (?)2 b. 1757, d. December 21, 1839
- Relationship: 3rd great-grandmother of Steven George Levine
- Reference: 0051
- Lucy Smith was born on December 11, 1788.2
- She was the daughter of Asher Smith and Sarah (?)1,2
- Lucy married Augustus Roys, son of James Roys and Olive Hinman, on November 9, 1813.3
- Lucy died on August 15, 1832 at age 43, with the dropsy.2
- She and Augustus Roys were buried in South Cemetery, Norfolk, Connecticut.4
- Last Edited: 23 Sep 2015
Family: Augustus Roys b. December 28, 1790, d. October 3, 1842
- Harlow Roys+ b. 1814/15, d. July 22, 1882
- Randolph Roys2 b. 1817/18, d. August 5, 1822
- Erastus Roys b. perhaps about 1820, d. before 1870
- Caroline Roys+ b. 1821/22
- Lucy Maria Roys+ b. June 9, 1824, d. February 6, 1913
- Clarissa Eliza Roys+ b. about October 28, 1828, d. May 2, 1885
- I have no proof of this relationship. Augustus Roys was in partnership with Augustus Smith, who was the son of Asher Smith. Asher Smith's gravestone is directly behind the stones of Augustus and Lucy Roys. Asher, probably born 1757, according to his tombstone, would be a reasonable age to be the father of Lucy.
- Tombstone at South Norfolk Cemetery, Norfolk Conn.
- Alvin Lee Rhods, The Royce Family in America, , at https://books.google.com/books?id=e-5OAAAAMAAJ . Madison, AL: (2005) , p. 223.
- The Charles R. Hale Collection, Hale Collection of Connecticut Cemetery Inscriptions, Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut State Library,.
Lucy Smith1
b. perhaps about 1621, d. November 4, 1687
- Relationship: 8th great-grandmother of Steven George Levine
- Lucy Smith was born perhaps about 1621.1
- Lucy married Thomas Gardner, son of Thomas Gardner, on July 4, 1641.1
- Lucy died on November 4, 1687.1
- Last Edited: 8 Aug 2016
Family: Thomas Gardner b. perhaps about 1619, d. July 15, 1689
- Andrew Gardner+1 b. March 5, 1642, d. 1690
- Thomas Gardner+1 b. May 25, 1645
- Abigail Gardner1 b. February 15, 1646, d. August, 1649
- Mary Gardner+1 b. April 9, 1648
- Peter Gardner1 b. December 8, 1650
- Abigail Gardner+1 b. December 6, 1652, d. March 15, 1735
- Lucy Gardner+1 b. February 11, 1655
- Joanna Gardner+1 b. January 25, 1656/57
- Joshua Gardner+1 b. May 8, 1659
- Caleb Gardner1 b. April 13, 1662
- James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary or The first Settlers of New England showing Three Generations or Those who came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, (1862) , vol. 2, p. 231.
Mary Smith1
b. July 20, 1630, d. July 29, 1703
- Father*: John Smith Quartermaster1 b. perhaps about 1605, d. September 17, 1676
- Mother*: Mary Ryder1 b. perhaps about 1607
- Relationship: 7th great-grandmother of Steven George Levine
- Reference: 0849
- Mary Smith was born on July 20, 1630 in Foxteth Park, Lancashire, England.1
- She was the daughter of John Smith Quartermaster and Mary Ryder.1
- Mary married Nathaniel Glover in 1652.2
- Mary married Gov. Thomas Hinckley, son of Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole, on March 16, 1660 as his second wife, and her second husband.3
- Mary died on July 29, 1703 at age 73.3
- She was buried in Barnstable, Massachusetts.3
- Last Edited: 26 Nov 2015
Family 1: Nathaniel Glover b. about 1631, d. May 21, 1657
- Capt. Nathaniel Glover+4 b. perhaps about 1653
- John Glover4 b. 1655, d. August 25, 1690
- Ann Glover+3 b. 1656
Family 2: Gov. Thomas Hinckley b. 1618, d. April 25, 1705
- Admire Hinckley3 b. January 28, 1660/61, d. February 16, 1660/61
- Ebenezer Hinckley3 b. February 22, 1661, d. about March 8, 1661
- Mary Hinckley+3 b. July 31, 1662
- Experience Hinckley3 b. February 28, 1664, d. after July 27, 1688
- John Hinckley Jr.+3 b. June 9, 1667, d. 1708
- Abigail Hinckley+3 b. April 8, 1669, d. December 14, 1725
- Thankful Hinckley+3 b. August 20, 1671, d. September 27, 1706
- Ebenezer Hinckley+3 b. September 23, 1673, d. October 17, 1721
- Reliance Hinckley+3 b. December 15, 1675, d. May 24, 1759
- J. M. Pelton, Genealogy of the Pelton family in America, , at https://archive.org/details/genealogyofpelto00pelt . Albany, N. Y.: Joel Munsell's Sons, (1892) , p. 32.
- Winfield S. Downs, "Henry Glover, A Biography", Americana (American Historical Magazine) Vol. 15 (1921): p. 186.
- Amos Otis, Genealogical Notes of Barnstable Families, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., (2007) , Vol. 2, pp. 33-37.
- James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary or The first Settlers of New England showing Three Generations or Those who came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, (1862) , vol. 2, p. 261.
Mary Smith of Charlestown1
b. perhaps about 1685
- Relationship: 7th great-grandmother of Steven George Levine
- Reference: 1001
- Mary Smith of Charlestown was born perhaps about 1685.
- Mary married John Prentice, son of Henry Prentice and Mary Gove, on January 5, 1704/5 in Church of Christ, Cambridge, Massachusetts. They were married by Wm Brattle.2
- Last Edited: 31 Jul 2016
Family: John Prentice b. March 6, 1683
- Mary Prentice1 b. October 8, 1705
- John Prentice1 b. July 18, 1708
- Henry Prentice 3d+1 b. April 4, 1711, d. between December 2, 1784 and 1797
- Susannah Prentice1 b. October 20, 1713
- Abigail Prentice1 b. May 24, 1716
- Ishmael Prentice1 b. September 11, 1718
- Smith Prentice1 b. September 11, 1718
- Lydia Prentice1 b. March 16, 1721/22
- Reuben Prentice1 b. June 14, 1726
- Tabitha Prentice+1 b. October 8, 1728
- Charles James Fox Binney, The History and Genealogy of the Prentice, Or Prentiss Family, in New England, Etc., from 1631 to 1883, , at http://books.google.com/books?id=0EJfQJUmarMC . Boston: Published by the editor, (1883) , p. 9-10.
- Stephen Paschall Sharples, Records of The Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830, Boston: Eben Putnam, (1906) , p. 71.
Priscilla Smith1
b. January 2, 1736/37, d. December 7, 1792
- Priscilla Smith was baptized on January 2, 1736/37 in Topsfield, Massachusetts.1
- Priscilla married Jacob Kimball, son of Jacob Kimball and Sarah Hale, on July 15, 1756, as his first wife.1
- Priscilla died on December 7, 1792 at age 55.1
- Last Edited: 5 Dec 2016
Family: Jacob Kimball b. March 5, 1731, d. November 8, 1810
- Benjamin Kimball2 b. January 23, 1757, d. August 19, 1776
- Mehetabel Kimball3 b. December 3, 1758, d. November 16, 1790
- Jacob Kimball3 b. February 22, 1761, d. July 24, 1826
- Priscilla Kimball3 b. March 13, 1763, d. September 2, 1792
- Anna Kimball2 b. June 2, 1765
- Lucy Kimball+3 b. September 6, 1767, d. September 29, 1790
- Lydia Kimball3 b. January 28, 1770, d. April 24, 1795
- David Kimball4 b. April 26, 1772, d. November 20, 1796
- Samuel Kimball3 b. March 5, 1775, d. August 29, 1776
- Benjamin Kimball2 b. February 9, 1778, d. August 19, 1817
- Walter Goodwin Davis and Gary Boyd Roberts, Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966): Neal-Wright, , at https://books.google.com/books?id=329GAAAAMAAJ . Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., (1996) , p. 337.
- Vital Records of Topsfield Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass.: Topsfield Historical Society, (1903) , p. 63.
- Vital Records of Topsfield Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass.: Topsfield Historical Society, (1903) , p. 64.
- Walter Goodwin Davis and Gary Boyd Roberts, Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966): Neal-Wright, , at https://books.google.com/books?id=329GAAAAMAAJ . Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., (1996) , p. 338.
Rebecca Smith1
b. September 18, 1710
- Father*: Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth1 b. December 4, 1673, d. 1735
- Mother*: Rebecca Wood1 b. April 9, 1682
- Relationship: 2nd cousin 7 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Rebecca Smith was born on September 18, 1710.1
- She was the daughter of Deacon Henry Smith of Rehoboth and Rebecca Wood.1
- Last Edited: 31 Aug 2016
- Nora Bethel Wood and Elijah Francis Atwood, Henry Wood of Middleborough, Mass., , at https://books.google.com/books?id=lQRgAAAAMAAJ . Medford, N.Y.: D.W. Rudgers, (1997) , p. 11.
Rebecca P. Smith
b. perhaps about 1842, d. February 6, 1904
- Charts: Abraham Colby Descendants
- Rebecca P. Smith was born perhaps about 1842 in Waltham, Hancock County, Maine.1
- Rebecca married Arthur E. Colby, son of Eli Colby Jr. and Lorinda Giles.2
- The census of 1880 shows: Arthur E. Colby, a watchman; and Rebecca P. Colby listed with Willis H. Colby, Lewellyn A. Colby and Annie P. Colby
living at Boston, Massachusetts.3 - Rebecca died on February 6, 1904 in Lynn, Massachusetts.4
- Last Edited: 4 Nov 2016
Family: Arthur E. Colby b. April 16, 1850
- Lewellyn A. Colby3 b. 1871/72
- Willis H. Colby3 b. March 7, 1874
- Anna Pauline Colby3 b. May 15, 1878, d. April 3, 1920
- "Maine Vital Records, 1670-1921", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VZQ8-9D2 : 27 December 2014), Hamilton and Colby, 1898.
- "Massachusetts State Vital Records, 1841-1920," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:23TV-XWJ : 4 December 2014), Annie Hamilton, 03 Apr 1920; citing Death, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States, certificate number 27, page 376, State Archives, Boston.
- 1880 United States. Census Office. 10th census, 1880 federal population census, Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Service, ([19--]) , FHL Film 1254557 National Archives Film T9-0557 Page 32C.
- COLBY FAMILY & OTHERS, at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~colby/colbyfam
Ruth Smith
b. December 16, 1918, d. September 14, 2000
- Charts: Abraham Colby Descendants
- Reference: 0028acabs
- Ruth Smith was born on December 16, 1918 in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, the daughter of Q. and Delia (Isaac) Smith.1
- Ruth married Sidney Robert Colvin, son of Sidney Orville Colvin and Pearl N. Colby, on February 10, 1940 in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.2
- Ruth married in 1989 in Lansing, Leavenworth County, Kansas, Rillis Russell.1
- Ruth Smith was a member and Deaconess of the Lansing First Baptist Church. She was also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star of Topeka, Kansas.1
- Ruth died on September 14, 2000 in Colonial Manor Nursing Facility, Lansing, Leavenworth County, Kansas, at age 81 In addition to the two Colvin children, she was survived by two stepchildren, Loren Russell , Juanita Skaggs, both of Lansing.1
- She was buried in Mount Muncie Cemetery, Lansing, Leavenworth County, Kansas.1
- Last Edited: 9 Nov 2012
Family: Sidney Robert Colvin b. January 31, 1912, d. March 30, 1982
- Sharon Kay Colvin3 b. June 24, 1947
- Robert Lee Colvin+1 b. March 8, 1953
- RUTH COLVIN - RUSSELL, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo., September 17, 2000, Page B6.
- Sara Murphy, "Gilbert Colby," e-mail message from e-mail address to Steven G. Levine, 3/17/2002 6:17:21 PM.
- MyLife.com, Inc, at http://www.mylife.com
Samuel Smith1
b. August 16, 1758, d. January 27, 1759
- Father*: Timothy Smith1 b. August 24, 1731
- Mother*: Lydia Colby1 b. June 26, 1735
- Relationship: 1st cousin 6 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Samuel Smith was born on August 16, 1758 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.1
- He was the son of Timothy Smith and Lydia Colby.1
- Samuel died on January 27, 1759 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.2
- Last Edited: 17 Jan 2016
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass: Topsfield Historical Society, (1911) , Vol. 1, p. 280.
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass: Topsfield Historical Society, (1911) , Vol. 2, p. 474.
Samuel Smith1
b. December 31, 1759
- Father*: Timothy Smith1 b. August 24, 1731
- Mother*: Lydia Colby1 b. June 26, 1735
- Relationship: 1st cousin 6 times removed of Steven George Levine
- Samuel Smith was born on December 31, 1759 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.1
- He was the son of Timothy Smith and Lydia Colby.1
- Last Edited: 17 Jan 2016
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Topsfield, Mass: Topsfield Historical Society, (1911) , Vol. 1, p. 280.