
Marleta Childs
P. O. Box 6825
LUBBOCK, TX 79493-6825
[email protected]

     This week we have news from the Shelby County, Texas, community of Fellowship. The information appears in the 29 April 1936 issue of the Center Daily News, published in Center, Texas. (Surnames are capitalized for emphasis. Some punctuation may be changed for clarity.)

     29 April 1936, page 2 – “Mr. and Mrs. Roger ELLIS and Miss Bernice ANDERSON of Bronson were guests Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. E. B. ANDERSON. They also visited the Baptist Sunday School and Mr. Ellis gave a very inspirational talk to the Sunday School....

     The community was saddened over the sudden death of Mr. Marshall PIGG, aged citizen, on last Friday morning at 10:30. He was a farmer on the Will DICKERSON farm and had lived in the community a few years. Interment was in the Sardis cemetery....

     Mrs. Less GLAZE’s home was thrown open to about 35 ladies Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Levon IRISH. Many beautiful gifts were received by Mrs. Irish. Ones present from Center were
Mesdames R. K. CARTWRIGHT, Bob and William IRISH;
Misses Evelyn and Eva Lois IRISH from Joaquin;
[and] Mesdames Jay LANE and F. E. CARROLL.

Mrs. Glaze was assisted in hostess duties by
Mesdames Lillie SWAN; Anne IRISH; Maurice STRICKLAND, and her daughter, Mrs. Clara MILLER;
and Miss Venice GLAZE."
     (Editor’s note: Since there is no punctuation in the item after the word “daughter,” it is not clear to whom “her daughter” refers. Since Clara GLAZE married Huie MILLER in Shelby County in 1926, it probably means Mrs. Glaze’s daughter.)

     "Miss Ella Mae OWENS of S. F. A., Nacogdoches, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Alice OWENS.”
     (Editor’s note: S. F. A. refers to the then college (now a university) of Stephen F. Austin in the city of Nacogdoches.)

     “Miss Justine BURGESS is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. John W. E. TAYLOR of Jackson, and helping care for her. Mrs. Taylor’s condition is not improving very fast and she is still in bed.

     Mrs. Jim MARTIN is reported resting better at the Tri-State [Hospital] in Shreveport [Louisiana] and will come home this week. Mrs. Martin has suffered for several weeks....

     Mr. and Mrs. Artis TILLERY of Houston spent last Tuesday night with their (sic) parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim SWAN.

     Mr. and Mrs. C. A. STRONG and daughter, Miss Lois, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lovick IRISH.

     Several from this community went to Ashton Sunday afternoon and heard Frank Allen COOK preach. Frank Allen, as we call him, is making a wonderful boy preacher...The Ashton community voted to have him preach for them every 4th Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

     Mr. and Mrs. A. P. SWAN were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arvon WILLIAMS.

     Mr. and Mrs. Levon IRISH and children and Mrs. L. H. GLAZE visited Fern JERNIGAN of near (sic) Tenaha Sunday afternoon.

     Through an error of the press last week the names of Minnie Jean MILLER and Lynton Bert IRISH were mixed up as being on the honor roll of the entire school year. It read Minnie IRISH.”


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