
Marleta Childs
P. O. Box 6825
LUBBOCK, TX 79493-6825
[email protected]

     Now we furnish selected data from the 16 September 1936 issue of the Shelby County newspaper, the Center Daily News, published in Center, Texas. (Surnames are capitalized for emphasis. Some punctuation may be changed for clarity.)

     The items below are found in the “Society” column edited by Miss Jennie IVEY.

Zone Meeting

     “A meeting consisting of Zones 1 and 2 was held in the Center Methodist Church...Sept. 15, with seventy-five out of town guests present. The meeting was called to order at ten a. m. with Rev. Earl HOGGARD leading the devotional....A vocal selection by Mrs. PHELPS with Mrs. BURNETT at the organ delighted the audience.

     Mrs. MUSSELWHITE of Lufkin, District Secretary, gave a report of what our district is doing in comparison with others. In the afternoon, an Institute was held by Mrs. MUSSELWHITE....”

Womans Missionary Society

     “The Methodist Womans Missionary Society met in regular session...September 14, with the president, Mrs. C. B. WALLACE, in the chair. The meeting opened with...singing...followed by a prayer by Miss Melissa MENEFEE.

     After a short business session, the program was given over to Mrs. R. W. SCURLOCK, who led the lesson....She was assisted [by] Mesdames Tom BAKER, Bridges HARRIS, and Guy COWSER.

     Next Monday will begin the Mission Study...with Mrs. E. J. McLEROY as teacher.”

Young People Meeting

     “The young people of the Methodist Church held their regular meeting Monday evening in the home of Miss Iva Nell CONWAY....After a pleasant social hour,...refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. H. CONWAY.”

Miscellaneous Items

     “Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WANNAMAKER of Nacogdoches visited Mrs. John G. KIDD in Center, Sunday. Mrs. Kidd returned with them for a short visit.

     Dr. J. H. WINDHAM of Shelbyville is visiting in Nacogdoches today.

     Mrs. R. O. LOVELADY of Patroon was a visitor in Center, Tuesday.”
     (Editor’s note: Patroon is a community in Shelby County.)

     “Duke TAYLOR, Jr., and Miss Bill RUSHING left today for Austin where they will enter University. Mr. O. J. RUSHING [will] accompany them.

     Mrs. Neal ROGERS and little daughter, Dollie Sue, visited Mrs. P. D. JONES the past weekend.

     Mrs. J. W. STRODE of Appleby is spending the winter with her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. A. KING. While here, she will take in sewing and will be glad to have anyone interested, call on her at Mrs. King’s shop.”
     (Editor’s note: Appleby is in neighboring Nacogdoches County.)

     “Mr. and Mrs. G. L. PARMER are in Dallas today, buying merchandise for their store.

     Mrs. Mollie PARKER and Mrs. John PARRISH of Tenaha were shopping in Center, Tuesday.

     Mrs. H. SIMON of Merryville, La., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. SIMON.”

(To be continued)

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