Charles Jewel Duncan by Betty Ruth Duncan Pace Washington Parish

The story below was written by Charles Jewel Duncan and contributed by his sister, Betty Ruth Duncan Pace. She also contributed the genealogy for Mary Ann "Polly" Knight and Walter J. Duncan s family which can be found at the end of the story.

Charles and Betty Ruth s parents were Isaac Newton Duncan and his wife Leoda Crain. Isaac was the youngest son of Mary Ann "Polly" Knight and John Walton Duncan.

Mary Ann "Polly" Knight was the daughter of William Knight and his first wife Mary Ann Jenkins. William Knight was the son of Charles and Susannah Knight.

Charles Knight was the first Knight of Washington Parish, Louisiana. He was born in Virginia and lived in Bulloch County, Georgia before coming to Washington Parish around 1810.




A story of the hardships of Isaac Newton and Leoda Crain Duncan in making a living and rearing a family during the 1900s.

This is an appropriate title, I think, and I will try to recall some of the things that happened at each place we lived, and I'll try, to the best of my recollection, to tell where each of the children were born and the year.

Isaac Newton Duncan and Leoda Crain were married on February 9,1909. Dad's family consisted of 10 boys and 3 girls and 2 grandsons whom they raised. However, at the time of Mom and Dad's marriage, many of his brothers and sisters were already married and had families of their own he being the youngest of the family.

Mom was living with Aunt Emily Branch since her daddy, Elias Crain, had died before she was old enough to remember. Her mother had married again to Elias Martin, who was a widower divorced with children, too. Uncle Oliver Martin, his son, had married Aunt Lillie, my mother's sister. I remember us children trying to figure out what relation everybody was to the other.

After Mom and Dad were married, they stayed with his family, but I don't know for how long. They lived on Cousin Bob Duncan's place at the time.

Grandpa Duncan had homesteaded a place between Sheridan and Franklinton, Louisiana in the 1800's. One of the older boys, Uncle John, I think, had moved over to Mississippi at Maxie, and Grandpa's health had gotten bad, so Uncle John talked them into moving to Maxie.

I don't know how long they lived over there, but Grandpa died and was buried at Maxie, Mississippi. He was an old Confederate Soldier and I remember the government gave him a tombstone in 1938 or 1939, and we carried it over to Maxie and erected it. Uncle Jim, Uncle Luke, Aunt Fanny, Aunt Sally, Mom, Dad, and I went to erect the tombstone. We had a hard time finding the cemetery and then finding the grave.

I don't know where Mom and Dad moved the first time, but they did live near Columbia, Mississippi in 1910 in the Goss Community on a Mr. Brook's place. Dad farmed there in 1910 and I was born there on November 7,1910. There had been a child born in December, 1909, but it was premature and died at birth. I remember Mom and Dad talking about a Manson Brooks, one of Mr. Brook's sons.

My earliest recollection is living on a Mr. Scarborough's place at Angie, Louisiana, and he had a son named Dewey. I remember Pearl, the baby that was born after me, must have been about 1911 or 1912, for he was over a year old when he died. Then we lived on a Mr. Seals' place near Angie, close to Uncle Dave Duncan's place. It was there I was crawling around on the floor and stuck a splinter in my foot and took blood poison and erysipelas in my foot and leg, and old Dr. McNeese operated on my foot, and I still have the scar. From there, we must have moved back to Cousin Bob's place on the hill north of the little creek. It was there that Pauline was born. An old colored woman, Aunt Clory, was the granny-woman that delivered her. That was in 1914. That was the year I saw my first automobile. Cousin Bob bought a 1914 Ford T-Model. Ed, Cousin Bob's son, was a pretty good size boy and learning to drive and got in the ditch in front of our house. They got some rails off the old rail fence and pried the car out. I watched and was amazed as any 4 year old boy would be at seeing his first car.

Dad was working in the woods cutting timber logs. There was a logging camp called Stewart's Camp and it was on some land west of the Sam McKenzie place. I think one of the Turnage boys owns the land now. There was a school at this camp and that is where I started to school.

We moved over to the old round-top house where Jessie McKenzie later owned and lived. From there, we moved to a little house back near the swamp on this same place east of the round- top house. This old place was known as the Colonel Hobgood place since it was once owned by Colonel Hobgood, Cousin Bob's father-in-law. But it was owned by Cousin Bob Duncan at this time. Mom and Dad had a colored girl that stayed with us there. Her name was Little Dora, and there was a Big Dora, too, living on Cousin Bob's place.

From there we moved across the creek east of the old Hobgood place and homesteaded a place. I don't know how many acres there were, but it was pretty land. It was north of the old Ball place. They built a small house on it and began clearing the land. I remember a big hole in the ground for us to get water from, and I remember holding one end of a cross-cut saw while Dad did most of the sawing. I must have been about 6 years old. All the neighbors and friends came in and they gave a Log Rolling, clearing the land. I guess they cleared about 20 acres. About this time World War I was about to break out. So Dad didn't want to leave us out there-Mom with 2 small children. So we moved to Uncle Oliver Martin's place for a little while until Dad could get a job in Bogalusa. He got a job at the railroad shops and we moved in with Dad's family. Uncle Luke and Uncle Tom were still at home, and also Carlos, Uncle John's son. We stayed there for a short time and moved to a house in Keystown. That was a place between Adamstown and the Terrace where Aunt Mary Williams lived.

Then we moved into one of Uncle Frank Breland's houses which is now the west end of Ontario Avenue, I believe. It was here that Lots was born and Dad was reclassified. This meant he did not have to go into the service. The war was over in 1918, and I think it was in the fall of that year that we moved to Angie on John Singley's place. He was Uncle Dave Duncan's son-in-law; he married Olivia.

We made a crop on John's place that year, and that was the year the great flu epidemic broke out and killed so many people both the boys in the Army camps and civilians as well. We all had it, and Dad almost died. He and John had been burning coal in the woods. I know you've heard how they used to burn coal and ship it out on the railroad. That was one of the ways to make a living in those days. When we all got well and had gathered the crop, dad started driving a 4-up mule team for Mr. Charlie Pope. We moved to a camp that Mr. Pope had set up between Varnado and Angie west of that road somewhere in the Miley community. We lived in some camp cars and the other men lived in tents and Mom cooked for them.

We then moved to an old double-pen log house that belonged to one of the Mileys. We stayed there a short time, and Dad rented the Oscar Temple place. Oscar had rented a place from a Mr. Vamado (Dave). I believe he was a merchant in Franklinton. We farmed there that year. I think this must have been in 1919. Then we moved into a house of Uncle Monroe Knight's. This wasn't far from the Temple place. I remember Pauline and I walked to Pine to school. We hadn't been to school since we left Bogalusa. We lived here a few months and then moved to a Turpentine Camp (they called it). The camp was located where Red Bateman lived on the Sheridan to Bogalusa highway. It was a camp where they hauled the turpentine they drained from the pine timber by scraping on each side of the tree and putting containers to catch the turpentine. When they were full, they poured the turpentine into big wooden barrels, loaded them on wagons pulled by mule teams and hauled them to the distillery where the caps and barrels were steamed out and cleaned. This camp was called #5 Camp, and it was at this camp that Lots took sick with dysentery and died in a short time. She was around 2 years old.

We moved soon after to #3 Logging Camp. It was about 10 miles out of Bogalusa, back in the pasture on the south side of the Franklinton road near Betsy's Creek. Dad cut logs for a while and filed saws. Then he bought a big gray horse. The horse had been a Calvary horse in the army and weighed about 1200 lbs. Papa started putting engine wood on the tracks for the old shop engines to burn. He also made 2-sided cross ties for the spurs they laid out through the woods for the logging operations. It was in this camp that Horace was born, August 20,1920. Well, we lived there until I think it was the spring of 1922, and moved to the old Charlie Crain place in the Grain's Creek community. He had been dead several years, but he was the father of Cousin Houston Crain, Oilie Crain, Ethel Tynes, and Ida Crain.

We lived on this old place 2 years. It was owned by Uncle Ward Carnegie's son Lucious, who lived in Texas. He had paid over $2,000. for it and he sold it during the depression for $900. The crop years were bad those two years. It was here that Christine was born on December 14, 1922. In the fall of 1923, we moved back to a logging camp. This one was located near old Central Church and the old John Martin place east of Pine. I remember Christine was a pretty good sized baby and walking when she fell against an old red-hot tin heater and burned her face badly. She still had the scar when she died.

Well, Dad worked on through the winter of 1923. But then he got the farming fever again. So he went up to Dexter and rented a place from Mr. Danny Pittman, a very fine man. You remember he had two boys. Henry and Joe.

Well, we worked hard and made a pretty good crop that year, but only broke about even, I guess. Most people back in those times working were lucky to come out of debt at the end of the crop year. Anyway, when we got the crop gathered, some contract logging jobs were going on down around Uncle Oliver Martin's old place. So Papa went down and started sawing logs, and we moved into the little house that Pauline and Bill bought from Uncle Oliver, and it was there that Horace had pneumonia.

Our next move was to Uncle Ward Carnegie's old place, or sometimes called the Old Payne Place. We farmed there in 1923. This is the place where Waver was born on April 18. We had been going to school at Old Grain's Creek School since we had moved from the Danny Pittman's place. Uncle Ward had moved down to Lucious' place. We farmed the 1925 year on the Ward Carnegie's place. Dad had bought us a little mare from Cousin Bob Duncan and a buggy from Luther Carnegie, so we drove her to school. Dad worked in the woods cutting logs, and I did most of the farming. Dad had bought us an old 1923 Model T Ford the year we worked the Pittman place.

After we worked Uncle Ward's old place in 1925, we moved to Cousin Hubert Duncan's place after we laid the crop by. We cut engine wood and put by the tracks for the engines, for by this time the logging was about to play out. After we gathered the crop, we moved back to Bogalusa in the old Ritchie house behind where Poster's Service Station used to be on Sunset Drive. Dad and I worked at the furniture factory for awhile. Then we both went to work in the Paper Mill. We moved down there in the fall of 1926 and stayed there till 1929, but in the meantime, we moved a few more times. Betty Ruth was born in Bogalusa on June 26,1927. We moved from the Ritchie place I mentioned before to a house between Roster's Service Station and the curve. And from there we moved to a boarding house on Columbia Road where Mom planned on running a boarding house, but this wasn't to be. Most of us got down with measles. I was off from work for 2 weeks. So we moved again down on Long Avenue in one of old Rose's houses. She and her husband were Sicilian peddlers. We stayed there for about a week when an old lady who lived down the street came up to pay a visit and told Mom and Dad that she had a much nicer house that she would rent us cheaper than the one we were in. The old lady's name was Croche. Well, we hadn't been there long when I took the mumps and was off another 2 weeks. Well, I was making 25 cents per hour and Dad was making 30 cents per hour, but the rent and the groceries still had to be paid and about the time we got straightened out again we decided we needed a new car. So we traded our old one in and were waiting for delivery of the new one when the Wall Street Crash came, or as some called it the Panic of 1929. Half the men in the Paper Mill lost their jobs including Dad and myself.

Then in the spring of 1929, we moved to the Ollie Magee place at Dexter. In the fall, I started back to school but went only a couple of months for Dad went to Bogalusa and got another car, a 1927 Chevrolet. I went back down there and went to work in the Paper Mill and paid

notes on that car. I stayed with Aunt Fannie Johnson (dad's sister) while I worked there. Meanwhile, dad and the rest of the family finished gathering the crop and moved back down on Cousin Bob's place and helped him run a Tie Mill. My job played out at the Paper Mill, and I, too, came back out there and worked at the Tie Mill until we got a job planting pine trees down in the company pasture. We hauled some of the other men to work and made a little extra. Then we moved to Aussie Singleton's place and farmed in 1930. We still owed some on the car, so Dad borrowed the money to pay it off from Cousin Garland Duncan, and we moved down to the old round-top house on the state line and farmed there in 1930,1931,1932,1933, and 1934. In the meantime, I started back to school and finished high school at Dexter in 1933. We bought the old place on Copper's Ford Road (now known as Duncan Road) and took in about 20 acres in 1934. We also built the house (or Dad and Walter Payne did while we gathered the crop). We moved in and Huey was born there on September 8,1936. So he was the only one of the children who was bom on the old place the first place the Newton Duncan family had owned.

Well, that's the story and I hope the information which I have written here will help in many ways to show our children, and our grandchildren, the typical way most poor people lived back in those times. When we get too old to work today, we can be taken care of by our government something the people didn't have back in those days, except War Veterans and War Widows. Of course, we, the taxpayers, are paying for all the benefits that we enjoy today, but back in the old days many old people and also young children died without ever seeing a doctor.

We have so much to be thankful for today. And I sometimes think that our younger people

don't appreciate the good life we have in this country, and not many feel as patriotic as we should. I hope all this changes and that there will be as much change for the betterment of our children, and theirs, as has come about since my earliest memories of the hard times, as well as the good time.

For to all of us a little rain must fall, and let us live our lives each day as if it may be the last; Thanking God each day for all his bountiful blessings.

For as the pen of time writes on, and having writ, we cannot change one word of it.

As I remember a verse in the Old Literature and Life

Gather your flowers while you may,

For time is swiftly flying,

These same flowers that bloom today,

Tomorrow will be dying.

"Polly" Mary Ann Knight m "Walt" Walton J. Duncan

Mary Anne (Polly) Knight - (born May 30, 1849 - died Feb. 20, 1923) married John Walton Duncan. Mary is buried in Nobles Cemetery. John Walton died August 8, 1905 in Maxie, MS. of kidney and bladder trouble. He is buried in the Griffin Cemetery in Maxie, MS. Census records show this couple lived in St. Tammany Parish in 1880.

Polly and Walt Duncan children s were "Bill" William L., Ben, Mary Jane, John Walton, Drucella C., "Abe" Martin Albert, Dave, Fannie Victoria, "Jake" Jacob, "Jim" James Felix, "Luke" Lucious Esco, "Tom" Thomas, and Isaac Newton.

A. "Bill William L. Duncan m Virginia Lott

1. Johnny Duncan m Roberta Stogner

a."Brock" William Steven Duncan m Roby Lee Duncan

b.Vergie Duncan m 1st Benny Pickard 2nd Leo Evans

bl. Maurice Bernard Pickard

b2. Barbara Ann Pickard m Charles Pittman

b3. Gail Pickard

c. Betty Jean Duncan m James Wells

c1. Dianna Wells m Jerry Dunlap

c2. Kenneth Edward Wells

c3. Carolyn Wells

d. J. D. Duncan m Helen Crockett

dl. Connie Louise Duncan

d2. John Louis Duncan

d3. Linda Raye Duncan

2. Gertrude Duncan

a.Ernestine Duncan m Will Blackledge married 2nd ____Henley.

b.Eunice Duncan m James Cooper

3. "W.R." Penn Duncan m Rosa Lott

a. Donna Duncan m Delos Seal

a1. Betty Lou Seal

a2. Linda Seal

a3. Rosalee seal

a4. Ethel Seal

a5. Margaret Seal

a6. Jeanette Seal

b. Beda Duncan

4. Wiley Esco Duncan m Maggie Harvey

a. Veda Inez Duncan m Dan O'Donald

al. Patricia O'Donald

a2. Margaret O'Donald m Larry Seymour

a3.Kelly O'Donald

b. Edward Duncan

c. Arvil Hennis Duncan ml

cl. Jerry Duncan m Gay Rheam

c2. Gayleen Duncan

c3. Douglas Duncan

d. Murphy Dee Duncan m Olive Nolen

dl. Shelia Duncan

e. Bobby Glide Duncan m Peggy Elaine

el. Robbie Duncan

e2. Randy Duncan

e3. Terry Duncan

3. "W.R." Penn Duncan m Rosa Lott

a. Donna Duncan m Delos Seal

al. Betty Lou Seal

a2. Linda Seal

a3. Rosalee seal

a4. Ethel Seal

a5. Margaret Seal

a6. Jeanette Seal

b. Beda Duncan

4. Wiley Esco Duncan m Maggie Harvey

a. Veda Inez Duncan m Dan O'Donald

al. Patricia O'Donald

a2. Margaret O'Donald m Larry Seymour

a3.Kelly O'Donald

b. Edward Duncan

c. Arvil Hennis Duncan ml

cl. Jerry Duncan m Gay Rheam

c2. Gayleen Duncan

c3. Douglas Duncan

d. Murphy Dee Duncan m Olive Nolen

dl. Shelia Duncan

e. Bobby Glide Duncan m Peggy Elaine

el. Robbie Duncan

e2. Randy Duncan

e3. Terry Duncan

e4. Barry Duncan

e5. Peny Duncan

f. Gene Autry Duncan m Juanita Henderson

fl. Gene Autry Duncan,Jr.

f2. Keith Duncan

g. Harvey William Duncan m Jeannie Bradshaw

gl. Dana Duncan

g2. Barbara Duncan


5. Benjamin Curtis Duncan m Martha Clarabelle Carter


6. Dewitt Duncan m Viola Sauls

a.Arthur Duncan ml Faye Rayburn, m2 Patricia Mohnon

al Pat Duncan

a2 Arthur Duncan

a3 Beulah Duncan

a4 Janette Duncan

a5 Bill Duncan

a6 Evan Duncan

a7 Sybil Duncan

a8 O.D. Duncan

a9 Ronald Duncan

al0 Richard Duncan

a11 Janice Duncan

a12 Virginia Duncan

7. Hettie Josephine Duncan ml H. Lee Garner, m2 Warren Hill

a.Junior Lee Garner m Mary Marie Hammonds

al Danny Wayne Garner

a2 Jimmy Dale Garner

a3 Sandra Lee Garner

a4 Connie Garner

a5 Marie Garner

a6 Anna Jean Garner

a7 Paul Warren Garner

a8 Joe Dee Garner

8. "T.C." Thomas Cally Duncan ml Mable Evans, m2

a.Emery Duncan

b. Louis Cally Duncan ml Betty Avery, m2 Lula Bell Henley

bl Michael Duncan

b2 Steven Duncan

b3 Craig Duncan

b4 Russell Duncan

b5 Roy Duncan

b6 Larry Duncan

c. Shirley Jean Duncan m Melvin Netterville

cl Darrel Andrew Netterville - Twin

c2 Dewayne Andrew Netterville- Twin

d.Thomas Roy Duncan

e. Kenneth Walton Duncan

f. Melvin James Duncan

g. Glen Duncan - Twin

h. Gary Duncan - Twin

9. Austin Edward Duncan m Hilda Keen

a.Edward Pierce Duncan m Virginia Hamilton

al Kristina Duncan

a2 Edward P. Duncan

a.Imogene Janice Duncan ml Lee Erwin, m2 Paul Boone

bl Freddie Erwin

b2 Sharon Jean Erwin

b3 Paula Gayle Boone

b4 Deonne Lynn Boone

a.Ester June Duncan m Ray Branch

c1 Randy Branch

c2 Susan Branch

c3 Ronald Branch

d.Austin Jerry Duncan m Brenda Kennedy

dl Brenda Lee Duncan

d2 Jerry Glenn Duncan m Hines

d3 James Darin Duncan

d4 Jeffery Wade Duncan

e.Mary Helen Duncan

10. Eula Mae Duncan ml Charles Kennedy, m2 Talton Eugene Holland,

m3 Oliver E. Penton

a. Geneive Charlene Kennedy ml John F. Cooper, m2 Nolan Joseph Ramagos

al Jacqueline Deanne Cooper m John Louis Morgan

a2 Linda Kaye Cooper

B. Ben Duncan

C. Mary Jane Duncan m Carter Williams

D. John Walton Duncan m ___Talley

1. Robert Oscar Duncan (child was adopted by grandparents,

John & Mary Talley at age 14 months)

NOTE: This adoption is recorded in the Franklinton Courthouse along with land records. It was recorded in 1898  Robert O. Versus John W. Duncan, book 2, page 282  Adoption of Robert O. Duncan - The records did not tell why the father allowed the adoption, but there must have been a very good reason. The mother was not mentioned in the courthouse records. Perhaps the mother of the child died?? The child was adopted by his mother s parents, and the father stipulated in the adoption that he expected the grandparents to provide the necessities for his child. Many people had it very hard back then, and life was a struggle. I am sure the father was doing what he thought was best for his child.

E. Drucella C. Duncan m William Stevenson Hines

1. Cynthia Hines m Henry Reynolds

a. Mamie Reynolds m Bennett Lowery

b. William Reynolds m Era Jean McMillion

c. Rosette Reynolds ml Luke Reid, m2 Dunaway

cl Baby Dunaway

d. Baby Reynolds

2. "Sweet" Falonia Hines m Buddy McCain

a.Robert McCain

b. Pearlie McCain m Dan Seals

bl Doris Seals

b2 Lovie Seals

b3 Barbara Seals

b4 Almon Dan Seal

b5 Wilie Eugene Seal

c. Lovie McCain ml Pittman, m2 Alcus "Doc" Warner

cl James Alcus Warner m Elfie Diann Pace


3. Mary Rozell Hines m Hayden T. Ashley

a.Eula Ashley m James Lupo

b.Lena Mae Ashley

c.Elizabeth Ashley

d.Hayden T. Ashley

4. William Henry Hines m Ethel Farve

a. Myrtle Hines m Anthony Henry Fedle

b. Oliver Perry Hines m Dorothy Jean Varnado

c. Opal Lucille Hines m John R. Farthing

cl Theresa Marie Farthing

d.Willie J. Hines, Sr. m Annette Crain

d1 Willie J. Hines, Jr.

d2 William Jeffery Hines

d3 Annette Sharon Hines

e. Vonzel Hines m Robert Evans II

el Robert Evans III

f. Yvonne Hines m Leroy Castilow

fl Cheryl Lynn Hines

f2 Timothy Leroy Hines

5. Emily Cordelia Hines m Charles Jones

a. Laura Ruth Jones m Henry Dillon

6. Josephine Hines m Warren Wheat

a.Lavell Wheat m Paul Cook

b.Mildred Wheat m LaPool O'Quinn

c.Murphy J. Wheat m Mary Elizabeth Barlow

d.J. Warren Wheat m Norman Creel

dl Jeffery Brian Creel

7. Dixie Hines

 8. Twin - died young

9. Twin - died young

 10. Walter Hines

 11. Berkley Hines

12. Sally Ophalia Hines m Henry Boyd Mitchell

a. H. Boyd Mitchell, Jr. m Margie Raybum


F. "Ab" Martin Albert Duncan ml Vanda Holmes, m2 Marie Carter

(NOTE: Marie was granddaughter of Martin Penn Duncan)

1. Alton Duncan

2. Alma Duncan m Pat Hill

3. Addis Duncan m Ashley Henderson

4. "Monk" Walter L. Duncan m Elma Bass

5. Maude Duncan m Ben Morrell

6. "Toxie" LaDell Duncan m James Keen

a.Marie Elaine Keen m David Cantu

al David Collins Cantu

a2 Lisa LaDell Cantu

a3 Debbie Suzanne Cantu

7. Roxie Duncan m Marlene Dykes

a. Margaret Ann Duncan m Dan Bordie


b. Ronald Wayne Duncan

1.c. Gwendolyn Duncan

d. Donna Sue Duncan

e. Eddie Duncan

8. Hopson Albert Duncan ml Dorothy Brown, m2 Nancy Dedrick

a.Rena Marie Duncan

b.Hopson Albert Duncan, Jr.

c. Angela Kay Duncan

9. Mary Lou Duncan


10. Ruth Lee Duncan m Wesley Jones


G. Dave Duncan m Ophelia Quave

1. Olivia Duncan ml John Singley, m2 Willie McNeese

a.William Albert Singley ml Doll Hicks, m2 Mary Christine Hicks

b. Willie Dee Singley m Evie Kennedy

bl Mary Margaret Singley m Richard Williams

b2 "J.E." John Edward Singley m Joyce Faye Dillon

b3 Willie Faye Singley ml Brenda Ard, m2

c. Polly Olivia Singley m Talmadge Seals

cl Vemon Seals

c2 Alvin Seals m Lynn Scardino

c3 Earl Seals ml , m2 Annette

c4 James Seals m

c5 Lloyd Ray Seals m

c6 Wilson Seals m Valarie Stogner

c7 Juanita Seals m "Butch" Stringer

d. Estelle Singley m Clyde Woodward

dl Clyde Woodward, Jr. m Tommie Jo Ellzey

e. Hester Singley m Thomas Earl Beasley, Sr.

el Thomas E. Beasley, Jr.

e2 Robert Beasley

2. Leon Duncan ml Mae Kennedy, m2 Agnes Penton

a. Oneitha Duncan m Jerry Johnson

3. Elizabeth Duncan m Thomas Lowery

a.Thomas Lavern Lowery m Hazel Little

b.John Shirley Lowery m Bertie Mae Stringer

bl Rachel Lowery

b2 Dianne Lowery m John Fortenberry

b3 James Lowery

c. Murphy L. Lowery m Jonita Turnage

cl Roger Dell Lowery

c2 Rickey Lowery

d. Melvin Ray Lowery m Iris Stringer

dl Mike Lowery

d2 Ronnell Lowery

d3 Donnell Lowery

d4 Melvin Ray Lowery

e. Emily Inez Lowery m Henry Jones

el Charlotte Jones m George Jackson

e2 Clifford Jones m Charlotte Kennedy

e3 Everette Jones m Pam Sorrells

e4 Evelyn Jones

e5 William Jones

e6 Reginia Jones

f. Robert Kelly Lowery m Bonnie Sorrell

g. Dorothy Annette Lowery m Jewel Lang

4. Griffen Duncan

5. Ephrom Duncan m Gertrude Howard

a. Ephriam Marvin Duncan m Youla Moran

They had 6 children

b. Edward Morris Duncan m 2

c. Ethel Margie Duncan m Irwin Lauey 4

d. Edwin Marsel Duncan m Jessie Baizar 2

e. Edgar Marull Duncan m Younga 2

f. Elizabeth Marilee Duncan m Curtis Shashwell 3

g. Eddie Marant Duncan m Francis Kuhn 2

h. Elvin Marion Duncan m Gail Regan

6. Pecola Duncan m Oscar Harrell

a. J. C. Harrell

b.Charles Harrell m Eula Mae Harper

bl Connie Harrell

7. Viola Duncan m Eli S. Knight

8. Vella Duncan m Press Stogner

a.J. P. Stogner m Margie Butler

al David Lynn Stogner

a2 Mary J. Stogner

a3 Rhonda J. Stogner

a4 Patsy Stogner

b. Felder Stogner m Arithinene Mullens

bl Lloyd Ray Stogner

b2 Kenneth Wayne Stogner

b3 Gilford Stogner

b4 Byron Stogner m Theresa Kennedy

b5 Myron Stogner

c. James Stogner m Euleen Erwin

cl Brenda Diane Stogner m Gene Magee

c2 James M. Stogner

c3 Lynn Scott Stogner

c4 Sandra Marie Stogner

d. Alton Stogner m Willa Dean Vince

dl Toxie Jefferson Stogner

d2 Nancy Marie Stogner m Jerry Thomas

e. Eddie Ray Stogner m William Tate Reagan

el Peggy Sue Reagan

e2 Wallace Reagan

e3 Norma Ruth Reagan

f. Clyde Stogner m Jeanette Oxford

fl Julia Ellen Stogner

f2 Lesa Lynn Stogner

9. Rodrick Duncan m Daisy Wheat

a. Roy Duncan m Linda

al Elizabeth Duncan

b. Mildred Duncan m Lester Mitchell

bl Cindy Mitchell

10. Toy Duncan m Hamp Lott

a. Melvin James Lott m Evelyn Quave

al Alice Faye Lott

a2 Juanita Lott

a3 Patricia Ann Lott

a4 Diane Lott

11. Seggie Duncan

H. Fannie Victoria Duncan m Boston J. Johnson

1. Robie Johnson m Bertha V. Powe

a.Jewel Johnson m Ina Mae Cutrer

b.Richard Johnson m Tommie Faye Parrette

bl Richard Johnson II

b2 Janice Johnson

b3 Cathy Johnson

b4 April Johnson

c. Geneva Johnson m Tommy Felts

cl Melonie Felts

d. Josephine Johnson m W. 0. Ingram

dl William Ingram

d2 Donald Ingram

e. Elizabeth Johnson m Dorris Hausley

el Patricia Hausley

e2 Bruce Hausley

2. Bertha Johnson m Ira Knight

a. Margie Knight m Leon Smith

al Kenneth Smith

a2 Kal Smith


b. Marvin Knight m Betty

c.Mildred Knight m Dr. Dan

d. Millard Knight m Mae

3. Beatrice Johnson m Claude Bankston

a.Willard Bankston

b. Claude Bankston, Jr.

4. Ola Mae Johnson ml Harry Brown, m2 Eimo

a.Elaine Brown

Elain Brown Swenson married Al Cordilla and they had 3 children:
1. Donna Victora (named after Fannie Victoria) married Michael R Thiel
a. Michael A. Thiel
a1.Michael Thiel, Jr.
b. Michelle Thiel Schellinger
b1. Sydney Victora Schellinger
b2. Cole Joseph Schellinger
c. Melanie Thiel Saunee

2. Kathy Maerose (named after Ola Mae Johnson) married Frank Whorton
a. Joseph Whorton
b. Jeffery Whorton

3. John Cordilla married Lisa<
a. Autumn Price
a1. Robert Elane Price


I. "Jake" Jacob Duncan

"Jim" James Felix Duncan

K. "Luke" Lucious Esco Duncan m Mary Elizabeth Rester

1. Jessie Merle Duncan m Houston Sheridan

a.Houston Hulon Sheridan m Sandra Kaye Gates

a1 Shannon Dewayne Sheridan

a2 Stephen Darren Sheridan

b. Margie Merle Sheridan m George Dunaway

bl Lori Denise Dunaway

b2 Dana Marie Dunaway


L. "Tom" Thomas Duncan

M. ISAAC NEWTON DUNCAN m Leoda MinnieBell Crain

s/o Walton J. "Walt" Duncan (1839-Feb 20, 1923 in Maxie, Ms  buried in Griffith Graveyard) "A Minister of the Gospel"

& Mary Ann "Polly" Knight (May 30, 1849-Feb 20, 1923)  their 13th and last child

b 22 Dec 1888 d 22 Dec 1956 Bur Grain's Creek Cem

m 21 Feb 1909 Leoda MinnieBell Crain b 9 July 1890 d 17 Mar 1968 Bur Cr Creek Cem

d/o Elias Grain (1866-1894) & Susan Hines Crain (1864-1946)

Ml John Duncan (Stillborn Dec 1909) Bur Loyd Hobgood Cem Tylertown, MS

M2 Charles Jewel Duncan b 7 Nov 1910

d/4 Oct 1978 Bur Old Sarepta Baptist Church Cem Sarepta, LA

m 14 Feb 1940, Elfi Martens b 21 Oct 1912


M2a John Newton Duncan b&d 10 Aug 1950 Bur Minden, LA Cem

M2b Edward Earl "Eddie" Duncan

M2c Rosemary Duncan m 12 Jun 1969 Edgar Calvin Norton

M2c-l Elfi

M2c-2 Glenda

M3 Walter Pearl Duncan b 1912 d at 5 months Bur in ? Cem Angie, LA

M4 Julia Pauline Duncan b 30 Oct 1914

m(l) 22 Sept 1932 Hezzie "Bill" Crain b 4 Jul 1912 d 21 Apr 1950 Bur War Crain Cem s/o Otis " Dock" Crain ( -1928); Reecie Stubbs Crain ( -1961) M4a Kenneth Newton Crain m 7 Jun 1958 Kathleen Willis M4a-l Stephen Kenneth Crain m 11 Nov 1984 Yvette Rojas M4a-l 1 M4a-2 Paula Kaye Crain m Pascal Majoria div

M4a-21 Lindsey Kathleen Majoria M4a-3 Brian Keith Crain

b 22 Apr 1963 d 9 Nov 1991 Bur War Crain Cem

M4b Ava Nell Crain

m(l) Bill Barnett div

m(2) 6 May 1965 Zack Smith div

M4b-l Ava Yolanda Smith

m(l) Larry Glen Erwin div

s/o James Glyn Erwin( 1941- )& Marcelle Thomas ( )

M4f Royce Bernard Grain

m( 1) Gloria Dean Leonard div

m(2) 12 Jul 1968 Betty Jean Riley div

M4f-l Christopher Bernard Crain m 19 Sept 1991 April Duncan b (Thomas Cally "TC" Duncan's granddaughter)

NOTE: TC was the 8th child of William L. "Bill" Duncan (1866-1929). Bill was the 1st child of Walt & Polly Duncan and a brother to the 13th child, Isaac Newton Duncan (1888-1956).

M4f-l 1 Bradley Royce Crain

M4f-12 Lenora Elizabeth Crain M4f-2 Kevin Crain m May 1996 Nikki

m(3) Mary Joy Leet d/o Julain Leet &Mary Jo Leet

M4f-2 Brandon Royce Crain

M4g Bobby Jewel Crain

m(l) 18 Dec 1970 Janice Elaine Varnado div d/o Rayford C. Varnado (1922-1954) & Mildred Goings Vamado(1924-1987) M4g-lShem Lynn Crain m 11 Mar 1989 Darin Edward Warren s/o Edward Warren & Patricia Ann Thomas Warren M4g-l 1 Haylie Marie Warren M4g-12 Joshua Darin Warren M4g-13 Lane Michael Warren NOTE: Twins married twins

M4g-2 Michael Shonn Crain m 22 Jun 1991 Karin Ann Warren d/o Edward Warren & Patricia Ann Thomas Warren M4g-21

m(2) Ann Louise Goynes

M4g-3 Christopher Eric Crain

m(2) 28 Oct 1972 Haverd Kennedy b 8 Apr 1913 d 23 Oct 1985 Bur Grain Cem

MS Lois Duncan  b Nov 1917 d Nov 1919 Bur McGehee Cem Bogalusa. LA

M6 Horace Elmo Duncan b Bogalusa, LA

m 9 Mar 1946 Hilda Adilea Pittman b Amite, LA d/o Dallas Pittman (1888-1932) & Bessie Jenkins Pittman (1897-1936)

M6a Elizabeth Ann Duncan bTyiertown, MS m 26 May 1967 Linus L.Magee s/o Latimore Magee & Hilda Sheridan Magee

M6a-l Daphne Camille Magee b Franklinton, LA m 2 Jun 1990 Timothy Lawrence Phelps

M6a-l 1 Jacob Lawrence Phelps b Covington, LA M6a-12 JordanTimothy Phelps b Covington, LA

M6a-2 Linus Kyle Magee b Franklinton, LA m

M6b Debra Lee Duncan b Tylertown, MS

m Aug 1971 Leiand F. Lee s/o Felder Lee & Gladys Dinkens Lee

M6b-l Angela Diane Lee b 9 Apr 1972 Hammond, LA

M6b-l 1 Jeffrey Logan Lee b Hammond, LA M6b-2 Bradford Ryan Lee b Franklinton, LA M6b-3 Clinton Duncan Lee b Hammond, LA

M6c Janet Sue Duncan b Tyiertown, MS

m 10 July 1976 Odis Reed Riley, Jr. s/o Odis Reed Riley, Sr. (1927-1996) & Marjorie Young Riley

M6c-l Tiffany Michelle Riley b Franklinton, LA

M6c-2 Beth LeAnne Riley b Bogalusa, LA M6c-3 Melissa Lynn Riley b Bogalusa, LA

M7 Leoda Christine Duncan b 14 Dec 1922 d 11 May 1968 Bur Grain's Creek Cem. m 28 Sept 1940 Houston Earl Stafford b 25 Feb 1922 d 17 Oct 1990 Bur StPBhan-Cem. s/o Alton Stafford & Violettie Thomas Stafford

M7a Ronald Houston Stafford b Bogalusa, LA m 15 Aug 1964 Consuelo Lea "Connie" Casarez d/o

M7a-l Nichelle Donet Stafford b Bogalusa, LA

M7a-2 Stephanie Stafford

M7b Linda Earl Stafford b Bogalusa, LA

m(l) 19 Oct 1966 Hubert Ray Talley div

M7b-l Blake Christopher Talley


m(2) Mike Walker b div s/o


MS Waver Nell Duncan b 18 Apr 1925 d 7 Sept 1996 Bur Grain's Creek Cem.

m(l) 26 Aug 1943 Robert Lavell James b 2 Jul 1920 d Bur Grain's Creek s/o Chester James & Leia McKenzie James

M8a Randell Lavell James b Bogalusa, LA

m(l) Stephanie Louise Griffith div d/o E. L. Griffith & Elgie Varnado Griffith

M8a-l Randell Scott James b 1969 Bogalusa, LA

M8a-l 1

M8a-2 Damell James b. Bogalusa, LA m

M8a-3 Rochelle James b Bogalusa, LA Twins m

m(2) Rebecca Sones b div d/o Woodrow Sones; Hilda Tynes Sones

m(3) Barbara Bufkin b d Oct 19 d/o John Bufkin, Sr.;

M8a-3 Jessica James b

m(4) Mary div m(2) Jack Mitchell div

m(3) Robert Lavell James (remarried)

M8b Donna Christine James b 30 Aug 1959 Bogalusa, LA

d 18 Oct 1990 Bur Grain's Creek Cem m(l) Benny Kennedy div s/o Milton Kennedy & Masel Sorrell Kennedy

m(2) Jessie Bums div s/o Mary Margaret Bums

M8b-l Carley James b

M8b-2 Gretta Voekel b (Father is Brian Voekel)

M9 Betty Ruth Duncan b Bogalusa, LA

m 16 Dec 1944 Winfred "Dutch" Pace b Bogalusa, LA s/o Davis Pace (1897-1967) & Vergie Breland Pace (1901-1977)

M9a Joan Ladell Pace b Bogalusa, LA

m 15 Aug 1964 Jay Gould "JB" Kennedy b Angie, LA

s/o Henry A. Kennedy (1890-1975) & Eunice Pope Kennedy (1902-1973)

M9a-l Juanette Ladell Kennedy b Bogalusa, LA

m 19 Mar 1984 Bryan David Thomas b

s/o Dannie Thomas (19 )& Leadette Crain Thomas (19 ) M9a-l 1 Megan Ladell Thomas b Bogalusa, LA M9a-12 Leslie Danielle Thomas b Bogalusa, LA

M9a-2 Jacqueline Lynell Kennedy b Culpeper, VA m 14 Jan 1995 Donald Edwin Williams b s/o Billy H. Williams & Virginia Shotts Williams M9b-l Andrew Jay Williams b Baton Rouge, LA

M9a-3 Jeffery Kennnedy b 23 Nov 1970 Bogalusa, LA d 23 Nov 1970 New Orleans, LA Bur Seal Cem Stateline

M9a-4 Justin Ben Kennedy b Bogalusa, LA m(l) 13 Jan 1996 Rita Ann Stogner b div d/o Paul Stogner & Mary Lee Alford Stogner

M9b Elfie Diann Pace b Tylertown, MS. m 7 Sept 1965 James Alcus Wamer s/o Alcus "Doc" Warner (1910-1977) & Lovie McCain Warner (1914-1963)

M9b-l Kimberly Diann Wamer b Bogalusa, LA m 4 Dec 1993 James Ronald Parker II s/o James Ronald Parker & Claudia Walz Parker M9b-2 Jason Todd Wamer b Bogalusa, LA

M9c Judy Carol Pace b 11 May 1949 New Orleans, LA

d 14 May 1949 New Orleans, LA Bur Breland Cem Pine

M9d Michael Winfred Pace b Tyiertown, MS m 14 Sept 1973 Irish Faye Seals div d/o Marcus Seals & Bernice Melton Seals M9d-l Mickey Dutch Pace b Bogalusa, LA

M9d-2 Marci Diann Pace b Bogalusa, LA

M10 Huey Pierce Duncan m Belvery White d/o Clyde White and __Barrett M10a Walter Craig Duncan b 11 Apr 1963 d 25 Apr 1972 Bur Cr Creek Cem

Ml Ob David Newton Duncan m Toni Foster

Ml Ob-1
