Kevin's Cemetery Pictures
Before you view any of the cemetery pictures on this website you need to turn off the automatic image resizing option for your browser. If you do not do so your browser will resize (make smaller) the images to fit in the viewable portion of your browser. This will make most of the older stones nearly impossible to read. Instructions on how to do this are here:
Browser OptionsAt this time I only have pictures from Harrison, Daviess, Grundy, and Mercer counties in Missouri. I will add pictures, usually 1,000 to 2,000 new ones, after every trip to Missouri. Right now Harrison County is my priority. I overflow into the neighboring counties looking for my own ancestors or at the request of people like you. Eventually I hope to have all cemeteries in Harrison County, northern Daviess County, western Grundy and Mercer counties, eastern Gentry and Worth counties, and southern Ringold and Decatur counties in Iowa all available at this site.
An important note about the pictures:
I have not modified these pictures at all except to rotate them to their correct positions and add my "Taken by:" line. Other then that they are still the way they came out of the camera. I have not tried to modify the Contrast, Brightness, Gamma, etc. settings at all (unless they are my ancestors). Before you email me that you can not read the pictures try adjusting them using a graphics program. One trick I have learned is to turn them into a "negative". That sometimes does wonders. If you still can not read them email me and I will see what I can do. If all else fails I will retake them.One other thing. I would like to thank the people, especially Betsy, at for giving me the space and access to do this. We were going to try and implement them into the ~moharris page (Harrison County, Missouri, Rootsweb) but I knew it was really going to swamp Barbra, the site volunteer. It would also split the pictures into 8 different places (8 different counties). This way they will all be in one place and I can do the "time-consuming" work myself. A BIG THANKS TO ROOTSWEB.
Enjoy my site. If I can help you with any questions about any pictures posted here please email me.
Last Updated: January 26, 2004