Raimond LaBrier

***source Illinois Historical Collections


[K. MSS. ---- A. D. S.]

A Messieurs Les Capitaines et officers de Milices Commandants La ville des KasKasKias au Pais des Illinois Par ordre de Monsieur George Rogers Clark Ecuyer Colonel Commandant Les forces des Etats unis de L'Amerique &c &c &c Messieurs:

Raymond Labriere agissant et faisant au nom de Dam Veuve


To the Captains and Officers of the Militia, commanding the village of Kaskaskia in the country of the Illinois by order of George Rogers Clark, Colonel Commanding the foreces of the United States of America etc. etc. etc. Gentlemen:

Raymond Labriere, representing and acting in the name of the

This petition is interesting because it offers some proof, not conclusive, that Clark did not erect in 1778, a court at Kaskaskia, similar to that at Cahokia. See Ill. Hist Collections ii, pp.xivi., and 4.


Antoine Continault sa Belle mere, habitante demeurante a la Prairie Durocher a L/honneur de vous exposer disant Que le sieur Lionnais faisant fonction de scribe chez le sieur Barbeau Capitaine de Milice Et Commandant Ledit Lieu de la Prairie du Rocher &c, Est venu trouv�r Le matin que mon Beaupere Etoit sur les planches, La ditte veuve chez elle, lui disant qu'il Etoit necessair� que la ditte veuve presenta requ�te a Mr. Le Colonel [MS. torn] clark Ecuyer Commandant &c [MS. torn] lui faire s�aviur le mort de son feu mary Et Pour faire Elire un tuteur a ses Engans mineurs a quoi La ditte Dam lui repondit ingenuement Qu'elle n'Entendoit rien aux affaires, mais Qu'elle ne vouloit pas faire faire de requ�te Pour cette Effet et qu'il importoit peu � Monsieur Le Colonel d�tre instruit de la mort de son dit mary Cela n'a pas Emp�ch� que le dit sieur Lionnais a faire une chose don't elle ne l'avoit pas pri� et En son nom il ne peut y avoir que des motifs D'interests qu'il y ait Engag� soit pour lui o� Pour quelques autres. Le Lendemain au matin Ledit Sr Lionnais Entra chez la [MS. torn] Portant la requ�te qu'il [MS. torn] presenta pour la signer ce


Widow of Antoine Cottinault, his mother-in-law, a resident citizen of Prairie du Rocher, has the honor to inform you that M. Lionnais, acting in the capacity of scribe at the house of M. Barbeau, captain of militia and commanding the said place of Prairie du Rocher etc., came, the morning that my father-in-law had passed away, to see the aforesaid widow in her own house, and said to her that it was necessary that she should present a petition to Colonel [George Rogers] Clark Esquire Commandant etc., to inform him of the death of her late husband, and to have a guardian chosen for the minor children, to which the said lady replied to him frankly that she understood nothing about business, that she did not wish to have made a petition to that effect, and that it little concerned the colonel to be informed of the death of her said husband. That did not prevent the said M. Lionnais from making a petition; and the aforesaid widow, not being able to understand the reasons that impelled the afore-mentioned Lionnais to do something that she had not asked him to do and in her name, [thought that] there could only be interested motives that enlisted him in it, whether it be for himself of for others. On the morning of the following day the



Qu'elle [MS. torn] faire, cela n'a pas Empech� que cette m�me requ�te, sans �tre sign�e de la ditte veuve, n'ait �t� present�e En son nom a Mr. Le Colonel Qui y mit son apoint�, par lequel il permettoit � la ditte veuve de faire Elire un subrog� tuteur a ses mineurs et de faire proceder a Liventaire, Croyant dans le moment qu'il En Etoit requis Par la ditte veuve ne pensant pas que l'on surprenoit sa justice, Equit� et m�me sa religion que l'on agissoit que pour des vu�s d'interests. Le dit suppliant vous fait remarquer messiurs que le dit sieur Barbeau En sa qualit� de Juge de la prairie du Rocher [P]eut forcer la ditte [MS. torn] Elire un tuteur a ses Engans [MS. torn] Ditte veuve ne peut sainement proceder a aucun arrangement d'ici a un Longtems Premierement La Crainte et la timidit� ou Est La Colonie En g�n�ral par rapporte aux sauvages qui pourroit arriver dans Quelque Endroit de cette m�me Colonie qui y rassesoit les B�tes a Cornes qui Est la raison Pourquoy le suppliant ne veut pas ramasser celles qui appartiennent a sa ditte Belle-mere.


aforesaid Lionnais entered [the house of the said widow], carrying the petition which he had made and presented it to her for her signature, to which she [would not consent]. That did not prevent this same petition, without the signature of the aforesaid widow, from being presented in her name to Colonel Clark, who put thereon his approval 1 by which he permitted the aforesaid widow, from being presented in her name to Colonel Clark, who put thereon his approval1 by which he permitted the aforesaid widow to have a surrogate guardian chosen for her minor children and to proceed with the inventory, because he believed at the moment that the petition was made by the aforesaid widow, and he did not think that anyone was abusing his justice, equity, and even his religion, or prosecuting the affair only for his own interest. The herein aforementioned suppliant brings to your attention, gentlemen, that the aforementioned Barbeau, in capacity of judge of the Prairie du Rocher, can force the said [widow to have] elected a guardian for her minor children [and that] the said widow can not safely go forward with any arrangement for some time to come: Firstly, the dread and fear of the colony in general on account of the savages who may come into any part of this same colony and kill the cattle, is the reason that the suppliant does not wish to assemble the cattle that belong to his aforementioned mother-in-law.

The phrase means that he entered the petition on the docket and permitted action to be taken.



Secondement Le dit sieur Cottinault Beau Pere du dit suppliant ayant Cre� beaucoup [MS. torn] il n'a pas Laiss� d'argent fait [MS. torn] les acquitter[?] et ne pouvant le faire Qu En vendent quelqu'Effet comme boissons et autres choses semblables troisi�ment une Quantit� de Cuire qui sont dans le tems sils Etoient remu�s qui Deviendroient En pure perte pour les Cr�anciers et pour les mineurs s'ils venoient a �tre derange C'est pour ce Consideres Messieurs qu'ils vous Plaisent ordonner et permettre audit suppliant De faire travailler a la tanerie de feu son Beaupere pour pouvoir satisfaire ses Deptes, lui accorder un temps suffisamment Long Et que la Colonie soye tranquille Pour que sa ditte Belle Mere puisse prendre [les] arrangemens avec ses heriteurs et que [MS. torn] sera nomm� pour tuteur a ses [mineurs] qu'elle m�me La direction des Biens et Corps lui appartenants de Droits de Deffendre audit Sr. Barbau de ne La troubler En aucune fa�on dans la paisible possession de ses Biens Jusqu'a ce que Mr. Le Colonel soit de sa Compagne se reser[ant] le suppliant de lui faire Connoitre ses Droits, de lui permettre En outre de rasmasser Les


Secondly, the aforesaid Cottinault, father-in-law of the said suppliant, contracted many [debts for which he] has left no money; and it is impossible to pay them except by selling some goods such as beverages and other similar things.

Thirdly, there is a quantity of hides which are in such a condition [that] if they should be moved and disturbed they would become a complete loss to the creditors and the minor heirs. For these considerations, gentleman, [the suppliant petitions] that it may please you to order and permit him to start up the tannery of his late father-in-law, in order to satisfy his debts, and to allow him a sufficiently long time; and [he hopes] that the colony may be quiet so that the aforementioned mother-in-law may be able to make a settlement with the heirs; and [he petitions] that the aforesaid widow be named as the guardian of her children, that she likewise be given the direction of the goods and chattels, belonging to her by right; [and that you] prohibit the said Barbau from troubling her, in any way, in the peaceable possession of her goods; until such time as M. the Colonel may return from his campaign, the suppliant reserving for himself the right to make known to him his claims; also that you permit him to assemble the debts of his



Deptes de feu son Beaupere pour payer la o� il Est du Ce Faissant le supplient ne cessera de faire les voeux les plus ardens pour votre sant� et prosperit� lequel a Declar� ne scavoir sign� a fait sa marque ordinaire

KasKasKias le 18me fevier 1779.

Raimund X L [MS. torn]

Nous Capitaines et officiers de Milices Commandants La ville des KasKasKaskias et ses dependances au pais des Illinois En vertu des pouvoirs qui nous a �t� donn� par Monsieur George Rogers Clark Ecuyer Colonel &c Vus par nous dits soussign�s L Expos� En la pesente requ�te cy dessus et des autres Parts nous permettons a la veuve de feu antoine Cottinault de Jouir et faire travailler ses Biens de quelque nature qu'ils puissent �tre sans que qui que [ce] soit puisse La troubler dans sa paisible possession Jusqu'a Larriv�e de Monsieur le Colonel o� de quelqu'autres commandant la s�ituation de la Colonie Presente ne permettant pas qu'elle fasse inventaire actuellement. Vu


late father-in-law in order to pay there where it is due. This being done, the suppliant will never cease to make the most ardent prayers for your health and prosperity. The same has declared that he does not know how to sign and has made his customary mark.

Kaskaskia February 18, 1779

Raymond X LaBriere

We, the captains and officers of militia, commanding the village of Kaskaskia and its dependenceies in the country of the Illinois, by virtue of the powers that have been given us by M. George Rogers Clark, Colonel, etc.: we, the undersigned, having examined the representation of the present petition, written above and on the other page, permit the widow of the late Antoine Cottinault to enjoy, and make use of, her goods whatsoever they may be without the interference of anyone, whoever he may be, in the possession thereof until the arrival of the colonel or of any other persons in chare of the present colony. We do not permit her to make an inventory at present, inasmuch as some debts, active and

queles deptes actives et passives de sa communaut� ne [MS. torn] Sont connues.

KasKasKias le 18eme 1778 [sic]

[One name torn out]
Charles Danis Rich. Winston
Charles De Lelisle Charbonneaux
faisant pour Mr. Plasy Greffier
[MS. torn] Expedition
(Li)vr�e a Mr. Labriere


passive, of the community formed with her late husband are not yet known.

Kaskaskia February 18, 1779

Rich Winston.
Charles Danis
Charles De Lisle
acting for M. Plasy

Engrossed copy delivered to M. Labriere

[Endorsed:] Petition of M. Labriere against M. Barbau

**Raimond LaBriere/Labruyere/LaBrier is my 3rd G/Grandfather. --- John I. LaBrier

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