Distribution of Orme surname
Distribution of Orme surname
in England and Wales in 1881 census

Here are some maps and tables derived from the 1881 census records for England and Wales.

During the 19th century, there was a massive exodus from rural areas to the cities. This lead to a relatively high population in the growth cities such as London, Manchester, Birmingham etc. As a consequence, counties such as Middlesex, Lancashire, Surrey and Warwickshire often have a higher population of most surnames than the counties which are the ancestral homes of the surnames. Often, the net effect is to make it hard to see where any surname originated from.

To adjust for this, I have created two mathematically generated indexes which attempt to adjust for the skewing effect produced by the growth of the cities. The first index is called the Relative Person Density Index (RPDI) and shows the proportion of people in a county who have a surname relative to the same proportion nationwide. The second index, the Relative Area Density Index, shows how many people have that surname per unit area relative to the national figure. Both indexes run from 0 to 100.

It is fairly clear that the Orme heartlands centre in Derbyshire with larger than expected populations in the nearby counties of Cheshire, Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire and Lancashire. It seems to me that the vast majority of Ormes in the South-East of England are there as a result of migration during the industrial revolution or before.
Population by
By population (RPDI) By area (RADI) Table of 1881 data