of the purveyance of the Hundreds of Evingar, Chutely, Kingsclere, Pastroe and Overtonn
made in the year 1575
transcribed by Walter Money F.S.A - Newbury, 1901
(Thanks to Robert Legg for this contribution)

The tithings of the Hundred of Kingsclere were:

The original manuscript of the purveyance was found by Walter Money in the library of Whitchurch parish church. The following is a transcription of the landholdings in the hundred of Kingsclere by tythings, but does not include Money's notes to the entries. The spelling, as printed, has been copied, and references to pages in the printed edition are given in square brackets.
Purveyance was the crown's right to provisions from subjects, Corruption by officials (purveyors) who collected these provisions was a constant medieval and early modern grievance. Elizabeth I's government negotiated local agreements ('compositions'), and that is what we have in this document. The actual tally of wheat, lambs, chickens etc. has not been copied here, but may be consulted in copies of the book in Basingstoke and Andover libraries. Money's introduction, together with the documents setting up the composition, are well worth studying, but it is hoped that this transcription may be of use to family historians. [55]

The hundred of KINGSCLERE, 1575.
A perfect booke of all the landes as well arable as pastures, meadows, woodes and waste grounds, with the goodness of the same, as well as in whose handes and occupacion the same is, within the hundred of Kingsclere, vewed scene and numbred by estimacon; the xxvth of April, 1575; as ffoloweth: by certeine inhabitants there, whose names or heer under written; at the comandment of the Justices of the Peace of our Soueraigne Lady the Queenes matie within her graces' county of Southn. And furthermore how mutch, and upon whome, the whole sume and Rate of wheate, Sturtes, Lambes and Poultrye, thereby may best be leauyed for purvision of the Queenes Maties. most honourable householde, at sutch time as the same shalbe requested.

The ffarme of Earlstone by estimacon, of errable land in the ffieldes 120 ac. of pasture ground, 60 ac. of meadow ground, 35 acs. of wood ground, 50 ac.
Edward Withers, of errable land in the fieldes, xx ac. of pasture ground, ij acs. of meadow ground, v. ac. [56]
James Mason, of errable land in the fieldes viij ac., of pasture ground iiij ac., of meadow ground j ac.
George Mason, of arrable land in the fieldes xiiij ac., of pasture ground xv ac., of meadow ground v ac., of woods iij ac.
John Leggatt, of pasture ground v ac., of meadow 2 ac.
John Palmer, of errable landes in the fieldes viij ac., of pasture grounde vj ac., of meadow ground ij ac.
William Withers, of errable landes in the fieldes xiiij ac., of pasture ground xv ac., of meadow ground iiij ac., of woodes iiij ac.
Margaret Withers, of arrable landes in the ffieldes xxx ac., of pasture ground xxx ac., of meadow ground viij ac., of woods v ac.
James Hunte for Gudgins, of errable land in the ffildes xxx ac., of pasture ground xl ac., of meadow ground xij ac., of wood ground xviij ac.
Edmond Cooke, in Nockhouse, of errable and pature lx ac., of meadow ground viij ac.
Suma totall within Earlstone of errable, pasture,, meadow, and woode, 644 ac.
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John Hardinge, of errable lands in the ffieldes viij ac., of pasture ground xviij ac., of medow ground vj ac., of woodes ij. ac.
John Millett, of errable land in the ffieldes v ac., of pasture ground x ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood ij ac.
John Knowle, of errable land in the ffieldes x ac., of pasture ground viij ac., of wood j ac.
Alice Nutt, of errable land in the ffieldes viij ac, of pasture ground xij ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Thomas Smith, of pasture ground and arrable xx ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Richard Rowland of errable landes in the field v ac., of pasture ground vj ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
Thomas Mason, of Collett's; of errable land in the fieldes x ac., of pasture ground viij ac., of medow, ground ij ac.
Edmund Mason, of errable landes in the ffieldes iij ac., of pasture ground v ac., of medow ground j ac., of wood j ac.
Henry Boyer, of errable land in the fieldes x ac., of pasture ,ground xiiij ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood j ac.
John Mason, of errable land in the ffieldes xvij ac., of pasture ground xix ac., of medowe ground j ac., of wood ij ac.
Thomas Mason, of Aynoldes, of errable land in the ffieldes xxxvj ac., of pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground j ac.
Walter Salter, of errable land in the fieldes v ac., of pasture ground xij ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Cambers of errable land in the fieldes xxviij ac., of pasture ground xlvj ac., of wood ground xx ac.
John Josye, of errable land in the fieldes xv. ac., of pasture and medow j ac.
Robert Mason, of errable land in the fieldes xv ac., of wood ground j ac.
William Martine, of errable land in the fieldes v ac., and of Sandleford land v ac.*
William Sanders, of errable land in the ffieldes xiiij ac., of pasture ground iij ac.
John Wallis, of errable land in the fieldes xv ac. of pasture and medow ground vj ac.
Stephen Dancastle, of errable land in the ffieldes xvij ac., of pasture and medow ground j ac.
John Turton, of errable land in the ffieldes xv ac.
Richard King, of errable land in the ffleldes xv ac.
Richard Wallis, of errable land in the ffieldes xv ac., of pasture and medow ij ac.
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Nicholas Knight, for Holdip hill, of errable in the fieldes iij ac., of pasture ground xxvj ac., of medow ground v ac.
Walter Knight of errable in the ffieldes xiiij ac., of medow vj ac., of pasture ground xxvj ac., of woodes iiij ac.
Nicholas Wigmore, of errable land in the ffieldes xvij ac., of pasture ground xxxij ac., of medow v ac., of wood iiij ac.
John Reynoldes, of errable land in the ffieldes j ac., of pasture ground xiiij ac., of medow ground v ac.
Walter Spencer, of pasture ground x ac., and medow iij ac.
John Louelocke of pasture ground xv ac. and medow iij c.
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The ffarme of Edmonstrop, of pasture and errable land 130 ac., of medow ground v ac., of wood ground viij ac.
Richard Wayte, of pasture and errable land vij ac., of medow j ac.
Thomas Wayte, of Westlandes, of pasture and errable land xx ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground xx ac.
Waiter Mace, of pasture and errable land xxviij ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
John Batcheler, of pasture and errable land v. ac.
Ingram Batcheler, for East Croftes, of pasture and errable land xx ac., of medow iij ac.
Henry Wither, for Strottons, of pasture ground xx ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
John Lawrence, for Scrouchis and burne land, of pasture and errable xx ac., of wood ground x ac.
Margaret Butler, of pasture and errable land viij ac.
John Chamberleine, for Pitchorne of pasture and errable land xxvj ac., of wood ground ij ac., of medow ground iij ac. [59]
Nicholas Millett, for Pitchorne of pasture and errable land x ac., of wood ground ij ac.
James Hunte, for Apshanger, of errable landes in the ffieldes 80 ac., of pasture ground viij ac.
Robert Mason, for Cooke's land, of errable, pasture ground iij ac., of medow ground ij ac.
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the Inne called the Crowne in the occupacon of Nicholas Clapham, of errable land in the ffieldes xx ac.
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Nicholas Knight for ij Copihouldes in the same tything of arable and pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground j a.
James Hunte, for Gillman's, of errableand patae xvj ac., of medow ground iiij ac.
Thomas Edwardes, of errable and pasture ground viij ac.
Richard Webb, for Knowle-hill ffarme of errable land in the ffieldes xl ac., of pasture ground l ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood ground vij ac.
Richard Webbe, for the ground called pastor's lands vj ac.
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the ffarme called Haniton Launces, in the handes of Henry Kingsmill, Esq., of errable land in thecomon fieldes lxx ac., of errable and pasture ground together in severall 120 ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground 80 ac.
John Tyler, otherwise called Fletcher, of errable land in. the ffieldes xxx ac., of pasture ground xxx ac., of medow ground vij ac.
Peter Thorne, for Haningtone, errable land x ac.
Edward Brewer, for Bonfieldes, errable land v ac.
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Richard Aylife for the ffarme of Ewhurste, of -errable land lxxx ac., of pasture ground lxxx ac., of medow ground viij ac; of wood ground xl ac.
Ridiard Ayliffe for ffinley, of pasture and errable ground xl ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground xx ac.
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the ffarme of Wollferton in the handes of Thomas Gardner, of errable land 180 ac., of pasture ground lx ac., of medow ground x ac., of wood ground lv ac.
Robert Heron for the parsonage of Wolferton, of gleebe land in the comon fieldes xxvj ac., of pasture and errable inclosed liiij ac., of wood ground iij ac., the tythes of the parsonage of Wollferton.
John Butler, of errable land in the comon fieldes xxxvj ac., of pasture ground lvj ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood ground xvj ac.
Hugh Keene, of errable land in the ffieldes xxxv ac., of pasture ground xxxij, ac., of medow ground iij ac.
Alexander Smith, of errable land in the fieldes vj ac., of pasture ground xviij ac.
Robert Gedge, of errable land in the fieldes xij ac., of pasture ground xj ac., of medow ground j ac., of wood ground vj ac.
Lawrence Still, of errable land in the fieldes 98 ac., of pasture ground xviij ac., of medow ground j ac.
John Humber, of errable land in file ffieldes xviij ac., of pasture ground xxiiij ac., of medow ground iij ac.
Margaret Buttler, of -pasture and errable ground xlviij ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Thomas Meye of pasture and errable land xxij ac. of medow ground j ac., of wood ground j ac.
William Spencer, of pasture and errable ground within this tythynge, but v ac. and his howse atandeth upon Wollferton.
William Silvester; of errable land in the ffieldes x ac., of pasture and errable ground xviij ac., of medow j ac.
Thomas Prior, of errable land in the ffieldes viij ac., of pasture ground iiij ac.
John Humber, tayler, of errable land in the ffieldes viij ac.
George Hunte, of errable lande in the ffieldes vij ac., of pasture ground iij ac.
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the ffarme called Sandford in the handes of Isabell Hunte, of errable land in the comon ffieldes l ac., of pasture ground and errable inclosed 160 ac., of medow ground xxx ac., of wood ground lxxx ac.
John Mason, of errable land in the ffieldes xx ac., of pasture ground xxx ac., of medow ground viij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
Hugh Isarne, of errable and pasture ground ix ac., of medow xx ac.
Ingram Willmot, of errable and pasture ground xv ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground j ac.
James fforde, of errable land in the ffieldes x ac., of -pature ground viij ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground j ac.
Thomas Earlye, of errable and pasture ground viii ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground ij ad.
Thomas Hogge, of errable land in the ffieldes iij ac., of pasture ground xxv ac., of medow ground j ac. of wood ground ij ac.
Nidiolas ffikus, of errable land in the ffieldes iiij ac., of pasture ground xxv ac., of medow ground j ac., of wood ground j ac.
Thomas Weste, of pasture ground and errable viij ac., of medow ground iij ac.
John Apleton, of pasture and errable ground xij ac
JamesHunt for Galis, of errable and pasture ground v ac.
William Spackman, for Galis, of errable and pasture ground x ac.
Edward Aberry, of errable and pasture ground x ac.
Robert Purdue, of errable and -pasture ground xv ac., of medow ground ij ac.
William Osmonde, of errable and pasture ground xv ac., of medow ground j ac.
Anne ffrowde, of errable land in the ffeildes iiij ac., of pasture and errable land inclosed xxx ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground j ac.
Thomas Dyer, of errable land in the ffieldes iij ac., pasture and errable land inclosed xl ac,. of meadow ground ij ac., of wood ground j ac.
William Dyer for Burchett, of pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground iiij ac.
William Dyer for Swaynes, of pasture ground vj ac., of medow ground j ac.
William Dyer for Longes meade ij ac., of errable land vj ac.
William Ilslye, of errable and pasture ground vj ac.
Thomas Parr, of errabIe and pasture ground vij ac.
John Cursell, of errable and pasture ground v ac.
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the ffarme of ffrowbery in the occupacon of James Hunte, of errable land in the ffieldes lx ac., of errable pasture ground lxxxv ac., of medow ground xv ac., of wood ground xxxiiij ac.
John Camber, of errable land in the ffieldes ij ac., of pasture ground xx ac., of medow ground j ac.
Richard Knight, gent, of errable land in the ffieldes xx ac., of pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground x ac., of wood ij ac.
George Hunte, of errable land in the ffieldes xxxv ac., of pasture ground l ac., of medow ground v ac., of wood ij ac.
Henry Smith, of errable land in the ffieldes xij ac., of pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground x ac., of wood ground ij ac.
Henry Smith, of Chappell lande, errable in the ffieldes, 18 ac., of pasture ground x ac., of medow ground j ac.
William Spackman, of errable land vj ac., of pasture ground x ac.
Richard Wrenne, of errable land in the ffieldes x ac., of pasture ground ix ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Walter Prior, of errable land in the ffieldes iij ac., of pasture iij ac.
The land of William Deane, of errable pasture ground v ac.
Thomas Apulton, of errable pasture ground x ac.
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the farme called Canon Courte, of errable land in the ffieldes 140 ac., of errable and pasture upon the downes 400 ac., of pasture ground beneath the hill v ac., of medow ground vij ac., of wood ground x ac.
Peter ffawkner, gent, of errable land in the ffieldes 120 ac., of pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground xvj ac., of wood ground vij ac.
John Hinwood, of errable land in the ffieldes 1 ac., of pasture ground lx ac., whereof xv of them are houlden of the said Peter ffawkner, of medow ground iij ac., of wood ground xiiij ac.
William Spencer, of errable lande in the ffieldes xl ac., of pasture ground xviij ac., of medow ground ij ac.
John Attfield, of errable pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Elizabeth Atfield, of errable pasture ground xx ac., of meadow ground ij ac., of wood ground v. ac.
Edmond Sherland, of Atfieldes land, of errable pasture ground v ac., of medow ground j ac.
Richard Wayte, of Atfieldes land, of errable pasture ground iiij ac., of medow ground j ac.
Thomas Spencer, of Atfieldes land, of errable land in the ffieldes xv ac., of medow ground j ac.
Nicholas Knight, for the Swan, of errable pasture in the ffeildes lxx ac., whereof in the handes. of Tristram Spackman xv ac., and in the handes of Ingram Wrenn, of the same land v ac.
Stephen Knight for his ffreeland, of errable pasture in the ffieldes xij ac.
Simon Holdip, of errable pasture in the ffieldes xx ac.; whereof in the handes of his mother, the third pte., and for wheeler's land, of pasture ground iiij ac.
Robert Warham,: for his copyhould in the towne, of errable lands in the ffieldes xv. ac.
Robert Warhoan for his howse, of errable pasture ground xv ac.
William Golding, of errable land in the ffieldes viij ac.
Thomas Edwardes, of errable and pasture ground vi ac.
John Howse, of arable land in the ffieldes vj ac.
Robert Cooper, of errable land in the ffieldes xij ac.
James Holdip, of errable land in the ffieldes vj ac.
Peter Hunte, of errable land in the ffieldes xx ac.
Walter Dicker, of arable pasture ground xv ac.
ffurthe ffieldes in the handes of John Bye, gent., of errable pasture ground xx ac., of medow ground ij ac.
John Earlye, for the house holden of Peter ffawkner at Kitt's Court, of errable pasture ground v ac.
Walter Willmott, of errable pasture ground iiij ac.
Nicholas Wigmore, for his hould of errable pasture xvj ac.
Nicholas Wigmore, for Redeons land, of errable pasture ground xx ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground xxx ac.
William Longe, of errable pasture ground iiij ac., of medow ground j ac.
John Strike, of errable pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Robert Bachelor, of errable pasture ground xxxv ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground iij ac.
William Wyatt, of errable pasture ground xij ac., of medow ground j ac., of wood ground j ac.
Richard Collman, of errable pasture ground iiij ac.
William Hinde, junr., of errable pasture ground ij ac.
Thomas Hawkins, of errable pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground vj ac., of wood ground j ac.
John Hunte, for Newlandes, of errable pasture ground lx ac., of meadow ground xj. ac.
John Hide, for Tucker's hill, of errable pasture ground xl ac., of wood ground iij ac.
William Hinde, senr., of errable pasture ground iiij ac.
Michael Allen, of errable pasture ground v ac.
Thomas Meye, of errable pasture ground xvj ac.
Thomas Gardner, for Somerhurat, of errable pasture ground xl ac., of medow ground iiij ac., of wood ground ij ac., whereof in the handes of John Willis xij ac.
John Willis, for the howse of Henry Smithe at the townes ende, of errable pasture in the ffieldes vj ac., of medow ground j ac.
Ingram Bachelor, of errable pasture ground xx ac., of medowe ground iiij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
William Meryett holdeth of George Hunte, of errable pasture vj ac., of errable pasture in the fieldes vj ac.
George Hunte, for Rydings, of errable pasture ground xiiij ac., of medow ground j ac., of wood ground ij ac.
Robert Mason, for Starkers, of errable pasture ground 1 ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground vj ac.
Anthony Currant, of errable pasture ground v ac.
John Stacye, of errable pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood; ground j ac.
Thomas Batchelor, of errable pasture ground xxx ac., of medow ground iiij ac., of wood ground j ac.
Nicholas ffrowde, of errable pasture ground xxx ac., of medow ground iij ac.
Thomas Legatt, of errable pasture ground iiij ac., of medow ground j ac.
John Wayte, of errable pasture ground viij ac., of medow ground j ac.
Thomas Wayte, of errable pasture ground xx ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Edward Aberye for Rydings, of errable pasture ground xij ac., of medow ground ij ac.
Ingram Wrenne for Lydnolls, of errable pasture ground iiij ac., of medow ground j ac. Stanton hould in the occupacon of Stephen Knight, of errable pasture in the fieldes ix ac., of errable pasture ground vj ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Rauenings, of errable pasture in the ffieldes ix ac.
James Knight for Stantons ground of errable land in the ffieldes iiij ac., of errable pasture ground v ac., of medow ground j ac.
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the ffarme of Okelye in the occupacon of William Hellyer; of errable pasture in the ffieldes 160 ac., of wood ground lxxx ac.
John Knight of errablelaud in the ffieldes 1 ac., of errable pasture ground lx ac., of medow ground ij ac., of wood ground ij ac.
John Knight, of Tydgrove, of errable pasture ground lx ac.
John Knight for Wackeridge, of errable pasture ground xx ac.
William Smithe, of errable pasture in the ffieldes lx ac., of errable pasture ground xxvij ac., of wood ground x ac.
Stonye Hall, of errable pasture in the ffieldes xxx ac., of errable pasture ground xiiij ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Bollsoms: in the occupacon of Thomas Wareham, of errable pasture ground 160 ac., of wood ground vj ac.
Pytt ground in the occupacon of Richard Ailiffe, of errable pasture lx ac., of wood ground iij ac.
Pytt ground in the occupacon of John Butler, of errable pasture ground lx ac., of wood ground vj ac.
Spillman's ground in the handes of Payse, of errable pasture ground xviij ac., of wood ground iiij ac.
William Soper, of errable pasture in the ffieldes lx ac., of errable pasture ground lx ac., of wood ground iiij ac., of medow ground iiij ac.
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The parsonage of Kingsclere in the occupacon of Stephen Knight, of errable land in the ffieldes xl., of errable pasture ground ij ac., of medow ground iij ac., of wood ground v ac.
The tything of he Parsonage of KINGSCLERE.
William Hunte, of errable pasture in all places of the ffieldes xxx ac., of pasture ground xxxv ac., of mead ground v ac., of wood ground iiij ac.
John Bacheler, of Pleastrow, of errable pasture ground, v ac.
Tristam Coxheade, of errable pasture in the ffieldes iij ac., of medow ground iij ac:
Thomas Pettye, of errable pasture in the ffieldes xij ac., of errable pasture ground ij ac.
John chamberlain, of errablelaud in the ffieldes viij ac.
Peeter Knight of errable land in the ffieldes xv ac.
Henry Smythe, for the land in the ocoupation of John Hinwood, of errable land in the ffieldes vj ac., of errable pasture ground ij ac.
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Suma of Acres within the manor of Kingsclere by estimation at the tyme of the composition: of errble in the ffieldes, errable pasture, psture, meadowe, and woodes: totall.