page 104 Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff, 1684 INDEX OF PLACES. Achengaily, 46 Balgrecy, 37 Barnearny, 25 Achenmalge, 10 Balgregan, 59 Barnegory, 23 Achie, 19 Balkellie, 31 Barnen, 49 Achmantle, 19 Ballachrea, 26 Barneosse, 29 Achnacht, 35 Ballaird, 27 Barnharrow, 26 Achneill, 36, 38 Ballcarrie, 11 Barnsallie, 11 Achnes, 31 Ballgoun, 22, 32 Barnshalloch, 59 Achnottoroch, 37 Balimainoch, 24 Barnshanen, 13 Aies, 18 Ballnell, 12 Barnulto, 15 Aird, 16 Ballscallock, 21 Barquhinnie, 28 Airies, 20 Balmeg, 71 Barquhinnie, Little, 28 Airies Over, 24 Balmurrie, 13 Barquhinnie's land, 28 Airies Little, Thirdpart, 31 Balnab, 19, 67 Barrackan, 51 Airies Little, 31 Balsallach, 50 Barrawer, 51 Airies Little, Mill of, 31 Balseir, 56 Barskeoch, 26, 49 Airlies, 27 Balsmiths, 68 Barsollis, 16 Alderickinair, 24 Balteir, 54 Bartrostan, 51 Aldwrick, Nether, 24 Baltersan, 50 Barvanick, 9 Altocry, 45 Balwhirrie, 37 Barvennan, 51 Altoun, Meikle, 34 Balzett, Litle, 17 Barverinoch, 8 Altoun, Little, 34 Balzett, Meikle, 17 Barwharran, 51 Anabagleish, 11 Barr, 44 Barwhill, 23 Aplebie, 8 Barr, Over, 52 Baryerroch, 28 Arbrick, 7 Barr, Nether, 50 Belcar, 17 Ardachy, 26 Barbawhannie, 49 Bellfairne, 30 Arduall, High, 21 Barbea, 25 Beoch, 18 Arduall Laigh, 21 Barbeth, 37 Birvaghly, 24 Arduall Milne, 59 Barcarhan, 46 Blackcraig, 40 Arduall, 4o, 6o Barcloy, 42 Blackquarters, 52 Arichasson, 30 Bardrohwood, Barronie Blair, 56, 58 Ariuilland, 47 of, 39 Blairbuiss, 43 Arnamord, Laigh, 24 Barekirk, 49 Blairbuy, 9 Arnamord, High,24 Barfod, 26 Blairmaukin, 28 Arnguilshie, 30 Bargallie, 42 Blairshinnoch, 30 Arow, 7 Barglasse, 28 Blednock, Grainge of, 51 Arroh, 42 Bargrenan, 42 Boghous, 45 Arsick, 7 Barhaple, 25 Bonne, 54 Artfeid, 12 Barhoish, 25, 42 Borgan, 43 Auchinclay, 58 Barhoish, Myln of, 25 Borland, 16, 20, 23, 30, 42 Auchenlick, 39 Barkocart, Mickle, 12 Boyoch, 48 Auchintibert, 61 Barlauchlie, 51 Breheid, 39 Auchinvain, 18 Barledzew, 57 Brigtoune, 43 Auchleach, 59 Barlee, 11 Broadfield, 71 Auchleand, 72 Barlennen, 25 Brocloch, 18, 41 Auchleoch, 21 Barleurs, 13 Broughtoune, Wall, 66 Auchtifie, 22 Barmeall, 9 Broughtoune, Skeoch, 66 Bailliewhirr, 66 Barmore, 25, 59 Buchan, 39 Balcraig, 9 Barmullin, 56 Buchan, Forist of, 39 Balcray, 68 Barnaight, 26 Burgescroft, 36 Balcrosh, 54 Barnbarroch's land, 27 Burnmark, 24 Baldone, 29 Barncahle, 41 Buyoch, 68 page 105 Index of Places. Cairletone, 8 Colman, 16 Dalhappoch, 18 Cairn, 18 Colmick, 15 Dallash, 39 Cairncroft, 19 Colreoch, Little, 15 Dalmanoch, 18 Cairnesdalash, 42 Colreoch, Meikle, 15 Dalnigape, 12 Cairnfield, 31 Coltran's, Patrick, land, 27 Dargall, 43 Cairnpot, 54 Coltran's, Provest, land, Dargouls, 11 Caldeens, 43 27 Darnow, 26, 42 Caldones, 58 Commris, 12 Dereagill, 27 Capinoch, 28 Corfin, 54 Dereagill's land, 27 Cardorcan, 43 Corgie, 33 Dindinnie, 36 Cardrain, 34 Corholloch, 44 Dinduffe, 37 Cardryn, 34 Cornmill, 17 Dinvin, 53 Carendoun, 9 Corochtrie, 33, 39, 41 Dirloskin, 24 Carndirnry, 42 Corwar, 39, 55 Dirnark, 24 Carngarm, 35 Cotland, 70 Dirnen, 11 Carngarroch, 34 Cotreoch, 67 Dirrie, 45 Carmweill, 6o Cragoch, 37, 53 Dirskilipen, 11 Carn Yerran, 18 Craichdou, 8 Dirvearde, 11 Carsdonean, 42 Craichmoore, Easter, 36 Dorongrandou, 43 Carsemenoch, 40 Craichmoore, Wester, 36 Dougarie, 13 Carsnaa, 40 Craig, 14, 24, 65 Doulach, 20 Carsrigging, 24 Graigbuie, 53 Dowish Mill, 66 Cascreuch, 13 Craigcaffie, 17 Drangour, 12 Casduchan, 45 Craigcaffie's land, 17 Drinlawantie, 43 Casgowen, 71 Craigdow, 23 Drumabrennen, 26 Caslae, 72 Craigencally, 40 Drumaloch, 24 Casnestock, 50 Craigencorah, 54 Drumastoune, 67 Castle, Little, 48 Craiglaw, 26 Drumbowy, 26 Castle, Mickle, 48 Craiglaw, Barrony of, 25 Drumdie, 47 Castle Kennedie, 17 Craiglemyne, 8 Drumdoeck, 16 Castle Stewart, Croo- Graigmore, 54 Drumeen, 13 houses of, 49 Craignew, 41 Drummfad, 58 Castle Stewart, The Mains, 49 Craignien, 42 Drumjargen, 28 Caumfoord, 30 Craigniviek, 11 Drumjoan, 42 Challache, 14, 36, 49 Craigoch, 12 Drumlanwhiny, 39 Challcarroch, 47 Craigvirnoch, 12 Drummore, 33 Challeckrmund, 10 Craloch, 46, 54 Drummorell, 67 Challochblewan, 7 Creich, 56 Drummuckloch, 43 Chang, 45 Creichan, 34 Drummuckloch, Park of, 18 Chippermore, 46 Croch, 18 Drummury, 25 Clachchan, 13 Crosbie, 50 Drumodie, 9 Cladahouse, 18 Croshery, 23 Drumpaile, 12 Claire, The, 50 Crugletoun, 54 Drumranaght, 41 Clanrie, 19 Cruives, 27 Drumscog, 47 Clantibuis, 45 Culbea, 31 Drumwhirry, 25 Clashant, 58 Culbrattin, 49 Duchrie, 15 Clauchrie, 43, 71 Culdirrie, 55 Dueltoune, 57 Claughen, High, 22 Culfassen, 10 Dunbar's, Sir David Claughen, Laigh, 22 Culgarie, 30 land, 29 Claymodie, 7 Culgroat, 57 Dunbee, 15 Clenrie, High, 19 Culkea, 57 Dunkittrick, 40 Clenrie, Laigh, 19 Cullach, 49 Dunnance, 68 Clon, 45 Culmalzow, 27 Danraggitt, Little, 14 Clonard, 33 Culmore, 58 Danraggitt, Mickle, 14 Clonard, Milne, 33 Culnoge, 57 Clouch, 56 Culscaddane, 55 Eggerness, 55 Cloon, 52 Cults, 54 Eldrick, 32, 57 Clutog, 28 Culvennan's land, 26 Eldrick, Mickle, 52 Colgrange, 15 Curfaklah, 42 Eldrick, Little, 52 Colhorn, 15 Cutcloy, 67 Elliwhillet, 47 page 106 Index of Places Enoch, 53 Glenkitter, 12 Killfeader, 12 Ersick, Mill, 65 Glenlarge, 43 Killfillen, 11 Ersick, Nether, 65 Glenlukcock, 48 Killhocodaill, Litle, 24 Eskennhan, 39 Glenmailoh, 43 Killhocodaill, Meikle, 24 Glenrassie, 49 Killimuck, 26 Fell, The, 26 Glenridder, 48 Killingin, 32 Fintilloch, Nether, 48 Glenshaloh, 43 Killintrae, 46 Fintilloch, Midle, 48 Glenstocketell, Easter, 36 Killmafadden, 13 Fintilloch, Upper, 48 Glenstocketell, Wester, 37 Killmarnoch, 20 Float, 60 Glentirru, 19 Killumpha, 32 Foordsouth, 11 Glentriploch, 45 Kilmenoch, 16 Fourtepennyland, 28 Glenturke, 72 Kilmirren, 16 Fourpound, 24 Glenvernock, 49 Kilstay, 32 Freugh, 59 Glenvogie, 49 Kilstore, 56 Fyve shilling land, 21 Glenwhillie, 13 Kiltarzin, 26 Glenyerraw, 41 Kilvainine, 71 Galdenoch, 12 Glitten, 12 Kilvainine, Miln, 71 Galdenoch, Meikle, 38 Glougston, Myln of, 23 Kircrocbit, 59 Galdenoch, Litle, 38 Grange Gordon's land 30 Kirhable, 49 Galdenoch, High, 59 Grainge on Cree, 50 Kirkbroijne, 27 Galdenoch, Laigh, 59 Gredock, 40 Kirkbryd, 21 Garachtrie, 33 Grenane, 10, 13 Kirkcala, 48 Garchereuch, 48 Grenane, High, 32 Kirkcastle, 39 Garcherie, 38 Grenane, Laigh, 32 Kirkchrist, 11, 51 Garerie, 9 Kirkcolm (Kurckeume), 19 Gargary, 25 Harren Chappell, 67 Kirkinner, Kirkland of, 30 Garrhrew, 47 Hearihemen, 14 Kirkinner, Manse of, 30 Garrvellan, 12 Hervin, 20 Kirkland, 23, 25, 37, 54, Garss, 12 Hills, 8 72 Garthland, 58 Hills, Little, 29 Kirkmabreck, 59 Garthlerie, 17 Holme, 43 Kirkmadryn, 61 Garwachie, 48 Kirkmagill, 57 Gasse, 23 Inch, 56 Kirktoune, 14 Genoche, 14 Inch, Kirkland of, 17 Kirlachlen, 61 Genoche, Little, 16 Inchbread, 19 Kirrikennan, 39 Gerlis, 43 Ingelstoune, 55 Kirrimore, 39, 52 Gerlis, Barronrie of, 42 Innermessen, 17 Kirrireoch, 39 Gillespie, 10 Inshanks, 24, 35 Kirriwachop, 27 (Gillespie), 14 Isle, 67 Kirvisil, 50 Glaicke, 38, 42 Knock, 11, 38 Glasnick, Over, 52 Kailennes, 34 Knockan, 30 Glasnick, Nether, 52 Kairn, 33 Knockbreck, 20, 43, 49 Glassoch, 48 Kairn, South, 20 Knockcoyd, 22 Glaston {Glasserton}, 8 Kairn, North, 20 Knockefrick, 30 Glaston, Kirkland of, 8 Kairnbrock, 20 Knocken Cur, 30 Glenairn, 12 Kairnbuy, 22 Knockglasse, 54 Glenamor, 41 Kairngarroch, 61 Knockincrosh, 58 Glencard, Six merkland Kairnroue, 22 Knockivar, 13 of, 42 Keavens, 54 Knocknem, 22, 38 Glenchalmer, 12 Kenmure, 25 Knockreavie, 25 Glengeordie, 14 Kiddisdaill, 7 Knocktim, 22 Glengruboh, 42 Kilbilland, 55 Knockvil, 49 Glengyr, 20 Kilbrid, 32 Kults, 16 Glengyr, Littill, 20 Kilcaldie, Park of, 17 Glenhappell, 16 Kildonnan, 34, 59 Lagan, 8, 39, 41 Glenhappell, Litle, 49 Kilkerrock, 39 Lagbees, 43 Glenhappell, Nether, 49 Killaddam, 23 Laigh Meikle, 18 Glenhead, 38, 39 Killantringan, 53 Laigh, Litle, 18 Glenhoise, 39 Killdarroch, 26, 28 Lairdshipe, 11 Glenhoule, 13 Killeaster, 60 Lalsharoch, 22 page 107 Index of Places. Lamahan, 43 Mondork, Over, 23 Sandmiln, 17, 58 Langarne, 13 Montkibbort, 26 Seuchan, 16 Larbrecks, Meikle, 37 Moss, The, 72 Severall, Laigh, 18 Larbrecks, Little, 37 Muglock, 33 Severall, High, 18 Larg, Barronrie of, 40, Muile, 25, 35 Shanaton, 26 42, 43, 44 Munkhill, 71 Shanaton, Mark of, 26 Larg, Litell, 19 Muirreith (Munreith), Shanknock, 26 Larg, Meikle, 19 Milton of, 9 Sheddock, 68 Larg, Miln of, 19 Multnok, 34 Shinenous, 11 Lefnoll, 18 Munondowy, 24 Sidriddihill, 36 Lidsdaill, Large, 36 My, Laigh, 58 Skeat, 29, 45 Littlepark, 42 My, High, 58 Skeglae, 8 Lochans, 15 Myroch, 32 Skellerie, 29 Lochcraigoch, 23 Skeoch, 67 Lochend, 16 Ochiltree, 48 Sleyhubbard, 28 Lochnaw, 38 Ochorck, 59, 60 Sloak, 35 Lochroule Airilig, Barrony Ochrocher, 17 Sorbie, Kirkland of, 56 of, 24 Ochtrilure, High, 15 Spitlecroft, 58 Lochroule ", Mains, of, 25, Ochtrilure, Laigh, 15 Spittall, Port of, 61 Lochroule ", Fell of, 25 Olbrack, 66 Stelloch, 9 Loggan, 31 Orchartoune, 55 Stewarton, 29 Longcastle, Kirkland of, Outoune, Chappell, 66 Stinnocks, 65 30 Outoune, Gallows, 66 Stranbee, 39 Losset, 21 Outoune, Burges, 67 Stranmaddie, 40 Lybreck, 29 Outoune, Corwar, 67 Stranrawer, Park of, 35 Stroan, 39 Machremore, 10, 40 Palgouen, 39 Machremore, Barronrie of, 40 Palmallat, 54 Tanargie, 41 Maclurge Park, 40 Panterbouy, 41 Tanrywer, 42 Maes, 37 Parke, 41 Tarbilly, Miln of, 32 Maharr, 16 Path, 42 Tarnottrie, 40 Mains, 65 Penighame, Borland of, 51 Tarregan, 43 Malmain, 58 Penighame, Clauchan of, 51 Thrive, 51 Marchar, 22 Penkill, 55 Tibbert, 54 Mardow, 12 Pharochbee, 43 Tinilaggie, 24 Marke, 11, 16, 38, 42, 71 Phisgill, 7 Toars, 14 Marke, High, 18 Pigmenoch, Mikle, 53 Tonderghie, 68 Marke, Laigh, 18 Pigmenoch, Litle, 53 Torhouse, 71 Marke, Litle, 36 Place, 39 Torhouskie, 71 Marke, Meikle, 36 Polbea, 24 Torress, Barony of, 43 Marke, Half, 24 Pollurrian, 18 Torwhniok, 41 Marke, Haill, 24 Polwhilly, 50 Toung, Litle, 17 Marke, Two, 57 Porslogan, 37 Toungs, 16 Marke, Thrie, 57 Portincally, High, 21 Markbain, 26 Portincally, Laig, 21 Ughtrimaken, 53 Markclach, 12 Portincorkrie, 35 Ulary, Cass in the, 50 Markland, 12, 48 Portlung, 17 Urle, 24 Maryport, 34 Portnessock, 2 Urle, Barony of, 24 Maxwell's, Sir William, Portrie, Mil of, 53 lands, 30, 44 Portyerrock, 65 Wakemill, 17 Meol, 61 Poultoun, 55 Weirstoune, 37 Meroch, 53 Prestorie, 67 Whytcrook, 14 Miln, The, 42, 48, 72 Pultaduy, 13 Whytthills, 56 Milnetoun, 22, 29, 37 Whytthills, Milne of, 56 Miltonish, 12 Ravinston, 9 Whitlayes, 15 Minugoff, Toun of, 40 Ring, 24 Wig, Castell, 66 Miniwiek, 43 Ringenie, 60 Wig, Broad, 66 Mochrum, Lands of the Risk, Barronrie of, 39 Wood, The, 71 Laird of, 46 Rispine, Park, 65 Mondork, Nether, 23 Ruchan, 8 Yetton, 55